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R: 1475 / F: 827 / P: 1
Newfag Welcome/Help Thread
Welcome to the Mongolian political horsewhispering forum, also known as /mlpol/. This thread is dedicated to helping out newfags coming to the site with integrating into the local culture. If you have a question about something, or need spoonfed on something, don't be afraid to ask me or any other Anon willing to help.

Here's a few things to start.

1.- Read the policy page first: https://mlpol.net/policy.html

2.- When in doubt, lurk moar.

3.- Praise American, Praise Football.

4.- MODS = GODS.

5.- Anonfilly did nothing wrong.

6.- No one knows what /1ntr/ is for, not even /1ntr/.

7.- Check the catalog.

8.- Go away, Zald.

9.- Don't start shit.

11.- This is nice board.

And finally...

12.- The right to bare ponies SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.
R: 27 / F: 21 / P: 1
HAPPENING: Iran's President [i]missing[/i]
Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi missing after helicopter performed a hard landing crash.
The supreme leader of Iran Different person. The guy possibly dead or disappeared to hoers land was the president not the supreme leader. reassures the populace.
Also the foreign relations diplomat was on it along with the pilot.
There was no gps signal.
Other sources claim, he's dead.
With Iran's president out of the picture. It appears that the middle east may become hot.
Turkish drone footage of the crash site, confirmed.
R: 662 / F: 979 / P: 1
/mlpol/ Movie Night 3 Revengeance
/MLPOL/ Movie Night

We like movie nights on Fridays. These movie nights are usually prefaced with a Pre-Stream event before we watch a movie or two, which is then normally followed by several episodes of Ponies.

Registering an account on the streaming sites we go to is not required.

The Pre-Stream for the Movie Night usually starts at 7:00pm EST.
https://cytu.be/r/FlappyPterodactyl is the normal room for the Pre-Stream.

The Movie Night proper usually starts at around 8:00pm or 8:30pm EST.
Location varies depending on various factors.

Last full Movie Night thread: >>34962
Previous improvised Movie Night thread: >>349623
R: 83 / F: 67 / P: 1
Glim Glam's Wall of Infinite Spam, More Edges Than Bismuth Edition
Salutations, faggots. I have been in hibernation these last few months, but have once again entered my active cycle. I descend now from the heavens like a vengeful whirlwind, ready to tear down the pillars of this world and bring about the final violent close of our wretched Kali Yuga. Gaze upon my works, ye mighty, and despair. And by this I mean: I am about to take a gigantic steaming dump on yet another mediocre work of My Little Pony fanfiction written almost a decade ago.

>what is this?
You all know perfectly well what this is. For those of you that don't, I would prefer you remain eternally confused.

>why are you doing this?
Not even I know the answer to that anymore.

Previous Reviews:

by getmeouttahere

Neo-Equestrian Obstetrics
by Kassaz

I.D.: That Indestructible Something
by Chatoyance

Our Girl Scootaloo
By Cozy Mark IV

Rainmetall (included in the Our Girl Scootaloo thread, post # indicates start point)
By /mlpol/'s very own Mexican Anon

The Best Night Ever
By Capn_Chryssalid

Fallout: Equestria
By kkat

The Sun & The Rose
By soulpillar

Friendship is Optimal (included in the Past Sins thread, post # indicates start point)
By Iceman

Past Sins
By Pen Stroke

Would it Matter if I Was?
By GaPJaxie

The Original Silver Star Threads:
(these threads are pretty chaotic and I don't begin "reviewing" until midway through, but they're an entertaining read if you have the patience to comb through them)


Current Story:

Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons
by Somber

Also, thanks to whatever drawfag created the OP image; it's been one of my favorites for awhile now. At least I'm assuming it was one of our drawfags. It would be a pretty bizarre coincidence if some random derpi artist had drawn something that hyper-specific by pure chance.
R: 21 / F: 15 / P: 1
Are you ready?
R: 34 / F: 18 / P: 1
Am I the only one that thinks Communism would actually be good if they stressed mono-culturalism and pushed for religion? I think the anti-religion stance is the biggest thing that makes the ideology never work because they don't have proper morals instilled into their culture.
R: 431 / F: 569 / P: 1
Attempted Lee Harvey Oswald v2.
R: 80 / F: 195 / P: 1
/mlpol/ Humor Thread
Post your best!
R: 117 / F: 115 / P: 1
ITT: We Love Leslie
It's about time we had a Leslie Fair thread, anons.
Also Libertarian/AnCap/whatever thread if you wish.
R: 4 / F: 6 / P: 2
Netanyahu Protests Live streams
Get in here fags!

Link any other live streams and discuss!
R: 18 / F: 2 / P: 2
Gale Dribble Lands in Equestria 2.0
Hello all. I've been intermittently working on a rewrite/continuation of an old green I was writing a long, long time ago, and I've decided that now is as good a time as any to start posting what I have. It was originally posted in May of 2018, in response to a prompt posted by another anon. The premise was a HiE scenario, in which Dale Gribble from King of the Hill was isekaied somehow into Equestria. It was fairly popular at the time, and I wound up writing quite a bit. I completed an entire story arc, and had a second arc that I planned on doing eventually. However, I kept putting it off, and well...time makes fools of us all. Eventually the thread 404'd and was forgotten.

I'm not sure how many people from that era are still around who would be interested in reading this, but every now and then I'll get asked about it, and I've been promising this rewrite for years now. A draft of the first few chapters was posted a few months ago in the writing thread, but I'm not sure how many people actually noticed.

In any case, I feel like it's better to give this story its own dedicated thread, as opposed to dumping massive amounts of text into the writing general. This will eventually end up on fimfiction, but since it originated on this site I feel like I would rather give you guys the first shot at reading it.

The current working title for this story is:
A Pocketful of Sand

Here is the archive of the original green:

While I feel like I've more or less got it hammered into a form fit for human consumption, this is still basically a work in progress. Comments/notes/criticism is appreciated. Also, as is the case with the rest of my threads, if my endless tripfagging and walls of text start getting annoying, feel free to tell me I'm a faggot, and I will stop posting, or move this to a more appropriate containment thread.
R: 7 / F: 5 / P: 2
What are the political implications of all of the Democratic elite telling Joe to resign, coupled with polling showing two thirds of Democratic voters think he should drop out of the race?
Is it Joever?
R: 124 / F: 280 / P: 2
Post all your foalcon here
R: 18 / F: 27 / P: 2
Happening: corporate greed implosion
tl;dr: monitoring software used only in large corporate businesses to monitor workers either got hacked, or borked, to make the target systems unusable.

Lots of happenings going around, this one is justly deserved as near as I can tell.
>...due to a problem with CrowdStrike software. Payment systems, airlines, hospitals, governments, TV stations – pretty much anything or anyone using computers could be dealing with bluescreens, bootloops, and similar issues today. Open-heart surgeries had to be stopped mid-surgery, planes can’t take off, people can’t board trains, shoppers can pay for their groceries, and much, much more, all over the world.
>The problem is caused by CrowdStrike, a sort-of enterprise AV/monitoring software that uses a Windows NT kernel driver to monitor everything people do on corporate machines and logs it for… Security purposes, I guess? I’ve never worked in a corporate setting so I have no experience with software like this. From what I hear, software like this is deeply loathed by workers the world over, as it gets in the way and slows systems down. And, as can happen with a kernel driver, a bug can cause massive worldwide outages which is costing people billions in damages and may even have killed people.
R: 464 / F: 648 / P: 2
Post what books your reading /mlpol/.
Also don't think we've made a must book list so guess if your into that post which books you think are must reads for /mlpol/.

Personally I think everyone should read Evola's works currently working my way through them now. Really looking forward to reading his thoughts and criticisms on national socialism and fascism.
R: 1 / F: 2 / P: 2
>No matter what the democrats
>I will always defend them!
R: 385 / F: 224 / P: 2
Syria General- /sg/ That Old Familiar Feeling Edition

>Interviews with Assad
[YouTube] حوار مع قناة روسيا 24 و وكالة روسيا سيفودنيا
[YouTube] ASSAD EXCLUSIVE: US will attack foes & friends to protect its hegemony, Syria just a latest victim
[YouTube] حوار الرئيس الأسد مع السورية و الإخبارية (مترجم)

>Live MAPS

>Fan maps
R: 3 / F: 2 / P: 2
Which will it be, Anon?
Will you have Trixie's homemade lasagna that she made with her mother or Twilight Sparkle's Hot and Ready Extra Most Bestest 16" Pizza Pie?
R: 0 / F: 5 / P: 3
derpy thread
Post dorpas!
R: 7 / F: 2 / P: 3
New Tamers12345 Kino Dropped
R: 299 / F: 131 / P: 3
R: 29 / F: 7 / P: 3
>ruins female sports
>ruins education
>ruins pre-school
>ruins software jobs
>ruins movies
>ruins video games
>ruins modding scenes
>ruins tabletop RPGs
>ruins wargaming
>ruins political debates
>ruins universities/humanities
>ruins leftism
>ruins creative writing
>ruins comic books
>ruins silicon valley
>ruins social media
>ruins medical industry
>ruins psychology
>ruins military
>somehow even ruins homosexuals

How did they do it?
R: 57 / F: 41 / P: 3
Why didn't you listen?
4/20/2024 was the beginning of the end of times
R: 90 / F: 127 / P: 3
Milwaukee RNC Happening Thread
Post any Republican National Convention news here. It's going to be a busy week.
If a happening is big enough it can also have its own thread.

Also Harshwhinny thread.
R: 12 / F: 1 / P: 3
Thread for lazy nigguhas who want attention for writefagging but cant into effort
Ur the worst riter evar! Now prove it kthx!

>Be you
>walk ponivil
>Oh nos place only sells flowers and grass for food!
>Whatta do?
>Lucki, u find applesack's wagon
>She sell apples and also u see the sugacub corna
>Go ther to get some cookies
>Tyme for assmogold diet!
>wit out meat...
>dis place suxs
>wander off
>see flootersshy's hom
>see delicious white hare
>He's meani
>No one will mis him!
>Grab neck hard and
>Woah, this got gruesome.^^
>Maybe not.
>not ungry anymoar
>instead u wich to play vidgams
>bu no pc
>ponivile got arcade tho
>Ehm, why?
>I mean, yes that makes sense.
>Why would they have that.
>get ther
>see dash holdin joystic wit her hoofs
>she's flyin
>in game but irl but not now but also not when lunc
>the skren thisplay cookpit
>ushully, bluu ski now grass andforrest
>she is gonna crash!!!
>to be cuntinued...
R: 38 / F: 23 / P: 3
Trump Picks James David Vance as Vice President
Source: it's all over the news
R: 20 / F: 16 / P: 3
>President Joe Biden tested positive for Covid-19 on Wednesday and is experiencing mild symptoms, according to the White House.
>Biden, 81, tested positive following his first event in Las Vegas, where he was expected to later speak at the UnidosUS annual conference. >The president’s doctor said Biden has received his first dose of the antiviral drug Paxlovid, and will be self-isolating at his home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, in line with US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance.

What are the political implications of Biden catching the Communist Lung AIDS?
R: 4 / F: 4 / P: 3
What a dead nigger of a board
R: 13 / F: 22 / P: 4
I wanna cum inside nun fluttershy, NOW.
R: 67 / F: 35 / P: 4

Jesus thread!
R: 15 / F: 23 / P: 4
Celestia Thread: Summer Solstice Edition
It's the longest day of the year.
Have you praised the Sun yet, Anon?
R: 13 / F: 11 / P: 4
Are Seed Oils Bad For You?
Are seed oils bad for you?
R: 10 / F: 39 / P: 4
Judge Dismisses Classified Documents Case Against Donald Trump
>Many legal experts had viewed the classified documents case as the strongest one of the four cases that were pending against the former president.
Lol, lmao even
R: 6 / F: 2 / P: 4
already tired of current events
>pank bank comes up to you
>hands you this invitations
R: 6 / F: 10 / P: 4
R: 12 / F: 17 / P: 4
Now is the time for global jihad!!!!!
The path of the rightious man is beset on all sides by the inequity of the selfish and the Tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who in the name of good will and Charity shepards the weak through the volleyball of darkness for he is truly his brothers Keeper and the finder of lost children. I will strike down upon those who seek to poison and destroy my brothers, AND THEY WILL KNOW MY NAME IS THE LORD WHEN I LAY MY VENGEANCE UPON THEM!!!










1488 Gas the kikes , race war now
>thread theme https://youtube.com/shorts/vMtDoEN88zY
R: 40 / F: 43 / P: 4
Joe Biden Press Conference
R: 6 / F: 7 / P: 4
another W for ol Joe
R: 22 / F: 26 / P: 5
Holocaust Denial Thread
Anyone got good Holocaust denial propaganda? I got into a fight with my boomer parents.
R: 87 / F: 218 / P: 5
Fluttershy thread
Post flutters
R: 19 / F: 11 / P: 5
draw thread?
I accidentally posted my sketch in a unrelated thread, trying again.
R: 404 / F: 235 / P: 5
Writefag Support Circle: A Gathering of Based Gentlemen Who Smoke Pipes.
Thread number three. Last one is apparently at bump limit.

Previous thread: >>336928

I'm lazy so I'm just going to copypaste the OP text from the last one since it still applies. Important bits have been bolded for emphasis.

Basically all that is said in that OP applies to this one but I'll go through the 'rules' of this thread here as well.

So, the main point of this thread is to facilitate and enable Anons' writefagging; in a similar way pride facilitates and enables aids.;^P The Anons in this thread can be separated into two camps: Anons who wants help with their writing project(s) and Anons that feel inclined to help those aforementioned shrek-colored skinheads.

Crafting and beta-reading is what we do here, any critique of literature not made by a guy submitted for this thread should be incidental; it should be when you —as a beta-reader of fics posted ITT— make a comparison between the fic your reviewing and some other story for the sake of demonstrating your point, whatever it is.

This is NOT: A review thread for unsolicited rants about random media which does not fall into the mold for how to use a reference in this thread described in the above paragraph. Meaning if you're not using —like, let's pick something arbitrary— Naruto for a comparison in your critique of someone's writing itt, then don't bring it up. I understand that tangents can happen and if it's like a few exchanges with a pair of posters; then it's fine. However, don't make this a pattern and also move whatever off-thread-topic discussion to a more fitting board/thread. There's after all no problem with finding someone to converse with and share perspectives on a subject you care about but just take it to an appropriate thread. Sidenote: Nigel, these rules applies to you in a stricter fashion because I would not have to detail them with this much precision if it weren't for you.

Read this again, because it's important:

This is NOT: A review thread for unsolicited rants about random media which does not fall into the mold for how to use a reference in this thread described in the above paragraph. Meaning if you're not using —like, let's pick something arbitrary— Naruto for a comparison in your critique of someone's writing itt, then don't bring it up. I understand that tangents can happen and if it's like a few exchanges with a pair of posters; then it's fine. However, don't make this a pattern and also move whatever off-thread-topic discussion to a more fitting board/thread. There's after all no problem with finding someone to converse with and share perspectives on a subject you care about but just take it to an appropriate thread. Sidenote: Nigel, these rules applies to you in a stricter fashion because I would not have to detail them with this much precision if it weren't for you.

I hope that I haven't scared anybody off. This is still suppose to be a chill af thread. Funposting is very much allowed and encouraged. It really is more that some type of posting —like, things that are completely irrelevant to the thread— does not belong here. I know, rocket-science and a rule that is seldom seen and highly unique for this thread. Perhaps you could call it a... Novelty. (You) intelligent lurker, obviously get the subtext of this OP so you probably won't need to worry about any of this. I'd say if you're unsure if what you're about to post belongs in the thread, then post it anyway. The worst that can happen is that someone tells you to move it to another thread and you get a better insight of what post belongs in thread. If you consist on fish and chips, however, I'd suggest you think twice on what you're posting and perhaps even ask beforehand if your rant about lefties and Undertale belongs here.

If there are any questions on the OP, ask away?
R: 3 / F: 6 / P: 5
Rape thread
Post ponies (You) would rape
R: 17 / F: 3 / P: 5
yeah I'm early but this board is slow
Who's going, what are we doing, who's bringing the jungle juice?

Marefair 2024 thread
R: 16 / F: 22 / P: 5
Happy Freedom Day, Everypony!
Praise Football.
Praise America.
Fuck Brits
R: 125 / F: 186 / P: 5
Debate Night
Hello /mlpol/, its your quiet neighbors /1ntr/ wondering if you would like to watch the debate with us again? It will be the same cytube as last time where we hosted anime night. Will bump the thread once the time comes.
R: 16 / F: 30 / P: 5
https://www.msn. com/en-us/news/other/trump-immunity-case-supreme-court-rules-ex-presidents-have-substantial-protection-from-prosecution/ar-BB1pdjOQ?ocid=BingNewsSerp
R: 1 / F: 2 / P: 6
If its Boeing
>30 injured after Boeing flight hits turbulence, sending passengers flying — and one man stuck in the overhead bin
R: 2 / F: 7 / P: 6

During the withdrawal of Afghanistan, the Pajeet army minister ordered the Leaf army to save Afghan jeets instead of Canadian citizens. This was after the guy already lied about being deployed in Afghanistan when he was a soldier. He scammed Canada twice as a minister already (that we know of)
R: 37 / F: 55 / P: 6
Right Wing music thread
last one died. bonus points if you post right wing ponies.

2 rules: no youtube links and classics only(no dubbed nigger music)
R: 3 / F: 3 / P: 6
SCOTUS Kills Chevron Deference
>The Supreme Court overturned a landmark 40-year-old decision that gave federal agencies broad regulatory power.
This is big. It severely cut the regulatory power of alphabet agencies. They can't do anything unless congress explicitly says they can to the letter. Government bureaucrats on suicide watch.
R: 4 / F: 3 / P: 6
R: 1 / F: 2 / P: 6
'member Russiagate?
>be Jamaal Bowman, candidate for the Democratic congressional primary of a New York district of about 200.000 people
>be ahead of your rival by 17 points in the polls of March
>speak against Israel and the genocide they've been carrying out in Gaza
>suddenly get bombarded with over $20 million worth of ads, of which at least $14.5 million came from AIPAC alone according to Federal Election Commission filings
>nobody on either the Left or the Right has the courage to even mention the open and blatant foreign interference
But Jews don't control our politics at all.
R: 6 / F: 6 / P: 6
R white people inherently like this?
R: 7 / F: 2 / P: 6
Genuine question, y r they like this? Thats not even funny its just weird
R: 10 / F: 16 / P: 6
White Pills Thread plz
I doon wanna bee sappy anymoore and big brain. Naw, I wis to be happi. Post happi things plz c:

TL: Thread for whitepills and things that make you smile, or make you feel fussy inside.
R: 190 / F: 86 / P: 7
Islamic Honkin thread #2
<-- Copying new stuff from 8/v/.

Previous thread: https://mlpol.net/mlpol/archive/260831

Here's the going theory:

> A new faction, Islamists, have taken over the Capitalist Meta-Infrastructure that Socially Engineered The West.

This is really important right now because:

Biden's Biggest Fundraisers are Tied to Islamic Terror

* Biden took payments from Iranian front NIAC and offered to send them $200 million with no strings attached
* Biden took payments from the American-Pakistani Political Action Committee which is described by the Pakistani government as a Pakistani front
* Biden took payments from the Muslim Brotherhood
* Biden took payments from the International Crisis Group (Soros works for Qatar)
* Biden took payments from Hady Amr, mentioned in two pictures in the last thread
* Biden took payments from Mohamed Soltan, son of Salah Soltan who called for the mass murder of Americans

Biden has appointed a terrorist supporter as deputy director of the Office of Legislative Affairs.
R: 4 / F: 4 / P: 7
Astronauts STRANDED in space due to BOEING
Does Boeing make ANYTHING that works anymore?
What are the political implications of systemic incompetence in the private and public sector compromising sophisticated research and engineering projects?
R: 13 / F: 28 / P: 7
Naughty Hoerseses Goes Here
We are here because of those who came before us, pay ur respects.

Last thread hit bump:
R: 14 / F: 10 / P: 7
Your 90s Nostalgia Is A Hate Crime
Why do liberals want us all to think that every single point in history before our postmodern rot was unlivable misery?
In the 90s, life had a positive outlook. The Berlin Wall had just fallen, giving us a sense of optimism that lasted until it was broken with 9/11, broken again with the Iraq War, and Completely destroyed with the 2008 Financial Crisis. In the 90s, entertainment and media didn't seem to worship ugliness and or overtly feel like it was trying it kill us. It was back when young people still harbored dreams of one day owning their own homes. It's a normal thing to be nostalgic about.
R: 11 / F: 4 / P: 7
BREAKING: SCOTUS Makes Bump Stocks Legal Again
R: 3 / F: 2 / P: 7
Alright which one of you fags was this
R: 15 / F: 27 / P: 7
Pregnant sex thread
Pregnant sex is best!
R: 406 / F: 277 / P: 7
Anonfilly Thread - Reborn Edition
>Spoonfeed me. What's this thread about?
This thread typically consists of Anon gone filly, as he's thrust into a new life as a cute little pony.
>What's to be expected?
Fillies, cuteness, Anon-tier shenanigans, bitchy Twilight, desires to be the little filly, etc..

>Any archive of photos or stories?
Dropbox (Photos):

>I'm a contributor.
Great! For writers, just notify All Nighter Fgt Lone15, so you can have your green added to the Doc. For artists, animators, or any other content makers, you can store your fillies in the Dropbox for future viewing pleasure.
Some especially based faggot also recently compiled nearly every filly image ever created, which you can check out here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1AowOdwFzlbRk0FVZsRGRYe2hyKhzo2h3?usp=sharing
Assess how well you fit into the filly hivemind: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/personality-quiz/?group=-LdS-38NvfIG9PHPrYB8
>I don't like this thread because of reasons.
You'll never know how it is unless you try a dose of filly.
Old-mare Thread: >>325047
R: 67 / F: 55 / P: 7
R: 1 / F: 1 / P: 7
Are there any CYOAs in this board? I'd love to check them out.
R: 14 / F: 16 / P: 8
Is Today the day?
Could it be true? Is she really going to save us? She gave me hope for the future, I swore my life and blood to her then I got a pinprick in my side and from that moment on I knew she was both real and watching. Nightmare Moon is mein Fuhrer and today could be the day the spirit of National Socialism rises like a Phoenix. Good times ahead frens.
R: 13 / F: 6 / P: 8
It's Over, Blumpfkins!
Steven Colbert absolutely destroys trumpanzees with his new killer Dark Brandon meme.
The meme war is over, and you chuds lost!
R: 7 / F: 1 / P: 8
Yemen is the Most intense battle since WW2 America says
R: 6 / F: 3 / P: 8
>be gamersupps, company that makes weeb energy drinks with meme names
>one of the flavors is grape flavored and called lean and has Joe Biden on the tub
>nothing happens for years
>suddenly contacted by secret service who tell you they will rape your entire family in the ass if you don't stop selling lean because it offends Joe Biden
R: 0 / F: 3 / P: 8
R: 1 / F: 6 / P: 8
>Hi, Marble Pie here. Well, this is my last video. It all has to come to this. Tomorrow is the Day of Haytribution, the day in which I will have my retribution against humarenity, against all of you. For the last eight years of my life, ever since I hit puberty I have been forced to endure an existence of loneliness and unfulfilled desires. All because stallions have never been attracted to me. Stallions gave their affection and sex and love to other mares, but never to me. I am 22 years old and still a virgin. I have never even been kissed by a stallion. I have been through Stone-iversity for two and a half years, more than that, and I am still a virgin. It has been very torturous. College is the time when everyone experiences those things such as sex, and fun, and pleasure, but in those years I have had to rot in loneliness. It's not fair. You stallions have never been attracted to me. I don't know why you stallions aren't attracted to me, but I will punish you all for it. It is an injustice, a crime, because I don't know what you don't see in me. I am the perfect mare, but yet, you throw yourselves at all these obnoxious whorses, instead of me the supreme gentlemare. I will punish all of you for it. On the Day of Haytribution, I am going to enter the hottest fraternity house in Ponyville and I will slaughter every single spoiled, chauvinistic stallion jock I see inside there. All those stallions that I have desired so much, they would have all rejected me and looked at me as an inferior mare if I ever made a sexual advance towards them. While they throw themselves at these unicorn sluts, I will take great pleasure in slaughtering all of you. You will finally see that I am in truth the superior one, the true alpha mare.
R: 11 / F: 5 / P: 8
The End Of The Petrodollar
As you probably know by now, the 50 year long agreement between the USA and Saudi Arabia concerning the dollar monopoly on oil purchases finally expired today.
What are the political implications of oil-consuming countries not needed American currency anymore?
R: 2 / F: 2 / P: 8
Israel killed 274 Palestinian civilians to rescue this skank
>DEIR AL-BALAH, Gaza Strip (AP) — At least 274 Palestinians, including dozens of children, were killed, and hundreds more were wounded, in the Israeli raid that rescued four hostages held by Hamas, Gaza’s Health Ministry said Sunday. The Israeli military said its forces came under heavy fire and responded during the complex daytime operation in central Gaza.
R: 15 / F: 1 / P: 8

What kind of mind does it take to defend this garbage?
R: 19 / F: 3 / P: 8
GUILTY or NOT GUILTY ... Jury deliberates today ... which verdict are you hoping for?
I can't figure out which verdict will be more fun.

>bigger happening
>seeing a president go to jail
>potential for chaos
Not guilty:
>maximum reddit salt the likes of which may rival 2016 election salt
R: 23 / F: 9 / P: 9
Is Jill Stein the only anti-Zionist candidate?
Because Kennedy, Orangeman, and the Pedo are all contentable Jew bootlickers.
Yes, Jill Stein is a Jewess. And I don't like her politics, otherwise. But it's like she's one of those "self-hating" kikes, like the way nigger loving white leftists are who effectively work for teamjew. I'm just giving her the benefit of the doubt here, nothing more.
Remember, once the Jews go, everything goes.
Video: Jill Stein names the Zionists
Of course, what she's doing is the it's not reelz judaism fallacy. But naming the zionist is just one small step away.
R: 0 / F: 1 / P: 9
Italy's Giorgia Meloni will be "kingmaker" in EU Parliament
>Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni's Fratelli d'Italia party has won European elections in Italy with a whopping 28% of votes. Analysts say she secured herself as kingmaker in the European Parliament.
>The victory would give her a domestic boost while positioning her as one of the most powerful figures in the European Union.
>Meloni has been named the kingmaker of the elections as both European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen of the centre-right European People's Party and France's far-right Marine Le Pen courted her for support.
R: 9 / F: 4 / P: 9
Idaho water shut off, engineered famine again
Idaho is handing out water curtailment orders to farmers, another death of local production that leads to more power to the state, another nail in for depopulation and inflation.

But jews wont tell you it's because the Aikikes are causing it. There are a few (((Ai datacenters))) in the state already, taking advantage of 'the clean energy' like a parasite including (((Zuck))). Ai is consuming a shit ton of energy and water, but they have no intention of stopping and instead want the small farms to die out just like they used cov to steamroll small businesses.

Long ago (((they))) said that water was a universal need that could be exploited into forcing compliance on the global population, now it looks like Ai is going to be their lever to do just that.
R: 0 / F: 1 / P: 9
Rishi Sunak Resigns To Be A Techbro In California
Reminder that this is the logical conclusion of replacing white workers and administrators with Pajeets.
R: 2 / F: 11 / P: 9
Happening: Israel's War Cabinet Collapsing
>BREAKING: Benny Gantz announces his resignation from the War Cabinet; he calls Netanyahu delusional, says Israel 'will not win the war as planned', and calls upon other members of the War Cabinet to 'do what is right' and leave the cabinet as well
R: 9 / F: 6 / P: 9
Happening: Thousands Of Palestine Protestors Assemble Outside Whitehouse
>Thousands of pro-Palestine protesters and activists are lighting off smoke bombs and flares as they plan to Surround the White House


White House Live Cam:

White House Protest Live Stream:
R: 4 / F: 3 / P: 9
Much Slutty Goat in Pakistan
You, Anon, you come Pakistan.

Much much slutty goat in Pakistan. Pakistan goat known world over for much dirty sex time. So much slutty goat for you.

You come Pakistan, have slutty goat time.

R: 29 / F: 12 / P: 9
Nashville Hot Wings - A New My Little Pony Comvention
ITT, we plan a pony con

Because conventions are fun, we don't have enough, and the ones we have not always in the best location or have pozzed requirements like a mask or vaccine

But We Have Marefair
So I did the math, and figured out that Marefair is only about 0.82% of the year. That's not nearly enough. I need my fix

So what then?
We make our own con. Or try to.

Why Marefair Worked
In its first year, Marefair had 500 attendees, zero instances of the police or fire department being called, and raised $50,000 for its charity, which was the second highest ever for a Pony con at the time, surpassed only by the $92,000 of the last BronyCon Admittedly it was blown away by Ciderfest one month later

Marefair did several things incredibly well, I think. First off, I believe that the location of Orlando, Florida, was absolute genius. Orlando, Florida, is one of the cheapest locations in the entire United States to fly to, both for domestic air travel and international travel. Also, there are no pony conventions in the area. The nearest Pony conventions are SeaquestriaFest (which is not close to major airports, highways, or the rail network), and Harmony Con, each about a thousand miles away. Marefair takes advantage of an otherwise under-served East coast and Southern brony fandom

Second, Marefair had no requirements for vaccinations, masks, or anything of that nature. This was not the case for around half of the American pony conventions. It also didn't make a leftist political organization the recipient of its "charity," but picked an actual charity. It's also the only con where I heard racial slurs in multiple panels, implying a greater than average freedom of speech.

Marefair was planned on a small budget, and is notable for being the only American Pony Con to not have any show guests, instead relying on community guests.

It also helped that the management wasn't retarded and didn't fight with each other, which is much more than can be said of several conventions.

First matter:
A survey of American PonyCons
There are 9 My Little Pony Conventions in North America. Soon to be 8, as BABsCon is ending next year. These are:

Vanhoover Pony Expo
Vancouver, British Columbia (technically it's Richmond). Middle of January. ~200 attendees, not especially woke. Mask in vending hall but otherwise no COVID restrictions

Dallas, Texas. Beginning of February. Con organizers are woke, but its attendees are not. Growing, up to 1080 attendees in 2024. Requires mask in vending hall, required vaccine or negative test in 2023

San Fransisco, California. Always on Easter, placing it in March or April. Bigger, but I don't have numbers. 2025 will be its last year. Definitely woke, historically requiring full Vax (not in 2024) and outright banning things like MAGA hats.

Ocean City, Maryland. May. Small. May be woke, being one of the only cons to require a vaccine/negative test in 2024 (after not requiring it in 2023).

WhinnyCity Pony Con
Chicago, Illinois (actually Schaumberg). June. Medium sized, ~500. Went all in on LGBT in 2023 but was the first con to officially end COVID requirements that year, save for requiring a mask in the vendor hall.

Dayton, Ohio. July. Supposedly larger. Strict on COVID requirements, requiring masks in 2024. The only American con to not have the venue in a hotel. Known for having financial problems.

Everfree Northwest
Seattle, Washington (actually Belleveu). August. The largest extant pony con at around ~1300. Not especially woke.

Orlando, Florida. End of September. 500 attendees in 2023. Based.

Ponyville Ciderfest
Milwaukee, Wisconsin. End of October or November. Grown back to 1000 attendees in 2023. Not especially woke. Same organizers as Whinny City.

All of the above cons are three-day Friday-Sunday events, though I believe Seaquestriafest has been 2 days in the past.

So where is ripe for a new pony con?
I will make a map later, but pony conventions in the US are concentrated in a areas, with the West Coast having three (BABsCon, EFNW, and Vanhoover) and the Midwest having three (Ciderfest, WhinnyCity, and Trotcon) while the American South has only 2 now (HarmonyCon and Marefair) and the American Northeast and Canada east of the Rockies have exactly zero. There is only a single ponycon (unless you count Marefair) on the East Coast (Seaquestriafest).

So, this leads to suggested locations:
1. Nashville, Tennessee. This location is the current most favored one, as it is in the Upper South, a region with no Pony conventions, and is in almost the geographic center of the portion of the United States that actually has water/is most heavily populated. It's reasonable, if not necessarily convenient, driving distance from the East Coast, Midwest, and American South. It also one of the cheapest cities to fly to in the US.
2.Memphis, Tennessee. Memphis has many of the same advantages of Nashville, Tennessee, though it's a less pleasant city with a higher crime rate
3. San Antonio, Texas. Not ideal as it's too close to HarmonyCon, but the city is cheap to fly to, and close to many bronies. Also it's a nice, walkable city with many restaurants
4. Las Vegas, Nevada. The cheapest city in the US to fly to, even beating Orlando. I would have counted this out as there are enough cons on the West Coast, but with BABsCon closing, I think this location is more viable.

Community Guests, as well as a large portion of Convention attendees, attend multiple conventions. It's therefore desirable to place any new convention in a time slot where it will not compete. In 2023, the only months with no American conventions were April, and December. April has better weather, and after BABsCon ends next year, both April and March will be clear. Thus I suggest April is the best month.
R: 2 / F: 1 / P: 9
Is coffee good for you?
R: 3 / F: 2 / P: 9
American pier in Gaza sinks
R: 276 / F: 264 / P: 10
Webm/gif thread
Feel free to post pol, ponies, or whatever.
R: 3 / F: 4 / P: 10
*Organ Blaring Fades Off* We Have Gathered ITT Today to Post Sum Pony Pomf!
Another 3P -> >>372637

This thread's prompt:
>Be Anon on your way to pony church (A temple of Harmony, aka a Library) with your religious marefriend, Chastity Nut.
>She is part of the choir so you're ditched off at the pews as she sings songs on how Faust, the author, will bring harmony to us all.
>Next to you sleeps a Daymare, a holy warrior that acts as an extension of Princess Celestia's will.
>Most attending on this regular Sunday are older ponies.
>You stare into the beautiful ceiling paintings as you half-listen to pony-priest's (aka a Translator's) sermon.
>Your pony gf told to stay after and confessed with her to the Translator.
>Will you?
< *The Bells Ring!*
R: 1 / F: 1 / P: 10
R: 10 / F: 2 / P: 10
What have you done today to take care of your body /mlpol/
You are the biggest asset your race has, take care of yourself
R: 2 / F: 3 / P: 10
Mind capability constructing thread.
As you might have heard from the grapevine a thought experiment and some minds being unable to conceptualize it.
What if yesterday you didn't eat breakfast? How would you feel?
Thing is this thread is about designing conceptual mental ideas that is difficult based on modifiers.
Potentially being able to coach mental midgets to get the whole picture.
Granted there's some hard design choices with the variable brains of multiple people.
The idea is to see what can and can't be done.
This is about how the brain inter-relates with itself.
Importantly I think the brain is flexible enough to improve given correct stimulus.
Here's one.
>What if the choice chosen in this and the upcoming next hypothetical occurs tomorrow. What is your reaction?
>What if you found what you were looking for but had to reject the above hypothetical from happening to do so.
R: 11 / F: 3 / P: 10
Which ethnicity is this?
R: 2 / F: 2 / P: 10
I love her bros...
R: 3 / F: 3 / P: 10
build wall, stop all immigration except for whites, use lethal force at border on sight

police do not have quotas and do not have business type obligations, they are a service and do not exist for profit

prisons cannot be privately run or owned and do not exist for profit, they are a service not a business

end birthright citizenship, make citizenship test harder

revoke wrongfully granted citizenship (i.e. hart-celler act, citizenship through government work) they can live here but not be citizens

non-citizens cannot vote, own land, have insurance, receive benfits of any sort, own stocks, have deeds, or have any position of authority or be public servants(government work of any sort)

seamless transfer of assets for former-citizens to migrate out, let them pick country of origin and bring their stuff

mandate employment for non-citizen inhabitants and non-compliance will result in forced deportation to either country of their choice or if they take too long to pick then enslave them until they choose, and they will be subject to revocation of their assets upon arrest or deportation

dual citizenship prohibits you from public service (any government work)

firearm rights are non-negotiable and cannot be stripped due to crime and they cannot be confiscated because of domestic abuse

reverse all name and iconography changes made to remove Confederate influence

internet is a common carrier

only whites may be refugees

refugees receive no benefits, only expedited citizenship testing

all congress members who've used their position to commit insider trading will be executed, and congressional insider trading will be punishable by execution

accusers who fail to prove guilt of the accused must pay legal fees of those they accused

reform education to hihlight the negatives of the civil rights movement and suffragettes

false sexual assault allegations carry a minimum prison sentence and result in accuser being registered as a sex offender

to be recognized as transgender you must be diagnosed with gender dysphoria and it will be treated as mental illness

reinstitute insane asylums

reform education to hihlight the dangers of lgbt lifestyles amd its community and highlight the debauched nature of it and highlight the negatives of its past

all ambulances will have dashcams and cameras in the patient bay, and first responders, even those who aren't police, will have a bodycam constantly recording as a livestream while on duty and all footage and audio will be backed up to a publicly accessible cloud system as it records

end the precedent that companies by law must only serve the financial interests of shareholders

forbid banks closing accounts for any reason other than the death of the account holder

no longer hold banks accountable for criminal transactions through them

abolish child support and unless proven unfit a child of divorce should be in the custody of whichever parent can raise them with less or no government assistance

much more strict evidence required for rape allegations, claims mean nothing, consent for sex cannot be retroactively revoked, and being under the influence does not make it nonconsensual

pharmaceutical companies can no longer pay the fda to speed up the approval process of their products

no income, property, or inheritance taxes

you are not taxed until you become a registered voter

all citizens must provide ID and have taken an IQ test demonstrating an IQ of at least 100 to have 1 full vote, anyone with an IQ of 95 to 99 gets 1 half of a vote, 90 to 94 gets 1 quarter, 85 to 90 get 1 eighth, and anything lower may not vote

all traitors, I.E. george soros, will have all of their assets seized and they will be permanently exiled from the U.S. and have their citizenship stripped, yet they will still have to pay U.S. taxes the same way expats used to have to

expats will no longer have to pay taxes to the U.S.

those undeniably verifiably guarunteedly guilty of murder or child rape can legally be used for scientific experimentation

those considered mentally incompetent to stand trial will be sterilized and any serious violent crime will mandate their execution because they are literally fundamentally on a biological level incapable of functioning in society

for a citizen to commit a crime that only victimizes an illegal migrant in the country not in the custody of the government is not a crime, they can be hunted for sport or killed with total impunity

animal cruelty and intentional killing of pets, your own or others, is punishable by death, only medical professional approved euthanasia is allowed

hate speech is no longer a thing and cannot be a reason for firing someone

vexatious litigants must pay the court a fee before they can put forth any civil filings

mandatory DNA testing of everyone born to have paternity known

exonerate and pardon all J6 protestors and reimburse their legal fees and compensate them generously for time incarcerated, benefits for life for the living direct family members of those who committed suicide while unjustifiably held in captivity and Ashley Babbit, execute all insider agents

all members of aipac hanged for treason due to dual loyalties

sperm donors cannot be held responsible for children their sperm was used to make
R: 3 / F: 8 / P: 10
Ponies and the Living God
People have flaws, scratch that people and other beings can't be as God is without God.
Many denominations throw out the spirit, the life and God.
So in this thread we're going to craft a pony denomination.
The Breath of Him lies ready always fruitful.
To facilitate this we're going to pull out all the stops about what all those denominations are doing.
Pulling them all apart.
I know our crucible of minds, spirits, life and mutual friends will render the flaws out of this.
God bless you all amen.