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General Political Blabbery
There are a number of different threads about specific happenings, or about specific concepts, but we don't have one about general political blabbing. Taking those comments that always seem to get deleted off of the mainstream sites, and keeping the dot-connecting here.

Therefore, I'm starting this thread to collect these general ideas that don't really have a place elsewhere. Just like :starlight-glimmer-leader:

I think that this could serve as a great way to work out the kinks of some ideas to further develop them, or to suggest relevant books or essays to read to get further understanding of the ideas.

The world's pretty complicated, and bouncing ideas off of each other widens our range of references.

Out-of-thread resources I expect to relate to are links to posts in some of the happening threads, if relevant examples can be seen, links to resources mentioned in the /mlpolit/, and the more general subject-focused threads.

I'm sure we've got plenty of ideas that aren't applicable to established threads that aren't necessarily worth their own thread, so let's start gathering some thoughts!
Ngl, I always liked the "Not Thread-worthy News" threads
Complaints about Capitalism
There seems to be a dramatic uptick in recent times of people arguing that "if we can produce all the resources needed to feed and house the world, then that should just automatically go to people. This whole "market" thing we're doing only has a negative effect where people are stripped of what they would otherwise have".

It makes sense that this would be upsetting. I think that this is effectively motivated by trying to apply small family dynamics to the world economy and all industries, and seeing any deviation from that ideal model as being of harm rather than the production itself only happening because of at least some of this organizational system.

Some Thoughts On the "Capitalism is bad" Idea :apogee:

The production capacity and technology exists to serve the current population, but motivating the economy to produce requires incentive.

There is also the risk of r-selected population literally just costing too much in resources for the K-selected populations as they use the temporary food aid to multiply their numbers instead of use the reprieve to learn about how to do farming for themselves. Giving free food and medical aid to the third world has only increased the number of hungry mouths to feed. We literally can't afford to continue to feed, medicate, and subsidize them anymore, so the upcoming decades will likely be very unhappy.

There needs to be some sort of limits on excesses at both the top of the scale as well as at the bottom of the scale, else the best systems we've made so far result in reliably unhappy outcomes when the vital forces of the economy have become too ossified. The problem is that the evil people know that it takes around three generations plus of evil behaviour before their short term exploitative decisions have enough horrible effects across the economy that organized opposition starts to spontaneously erupt in the unknowingly captive population.

In other words, True Free Market Capitalism, which has controls such that it doesn't become Crony Capitalism, or Corporatism, is the worst system, except for all the other ones we've tried.
379750 379865
I'm just getting a little bit sick of my YouTube comments ending up down the Memory Hole so often. I also want to experiment a bit with the formatting features we have in our posts.
This is a really unsympathetic argument, just saying
>This is a really unsympathetic argument, just saying
I am building partial views of the situation such that it is easy to promote interaction with the ideas to fill in the gaps. The goal is to promote people chewing on ideas and working through information, not to throw splatpost that are detailed manifestos.
Everyone will always vote in favor of things being easier
One of the inherent weaknesses of being a mammal. The drive to conserve energy is deeply embedded.
379755 379756
Yes, but to whom the drive to conserve energy favors has a big impact. As humans and indeed as extant we could be said to have a greater purpose than animal mundanity.
Conjecture. Butargue against the soverignty of the individual if you dare.
I'm not arguing against that. I'm arguing that when there is relevant levels of gravity on a planet, expect that few organisms will prefer to use flight for their mobility.

The trends will direct most of a person's drive. I want to work hard now so I can relax and have a good time later. I want to rotate through an array of activities that build up and invest in something, because I can ultimately be more internally content if I do so.

I think that one of the benefits of encoding a government's rules into law is that we should have a better idea of what "the government" can and can't be responsible for. There would be much less demand for welfare programs of various kinds if the economy was functioning more smoothly.
379757 379862 380142
Thinking about financial history, what was the level of international trade while the USD was still gold-backed? And what are the odds that currency was being inflated right before this?

The idea I'm trying to link to now is that once elements of an economy get unbalanced, such that it is reasonable to have laws against it, that the other parts of the economy will become bend out of whack such that the drive towards or away from certain behaviours start to shut down.

Too many unreasonable regulations for small businesses to keep up? That secures a trend towards larger businesses becoming something closer and closer to a monopoly. This makes smaller businesses have a harder time competing than they should, as market cap goes to the bigger businesses.

I'm pretty sure there are supposed to be rules against monopolies that have too much power.

There's a weird and very hard to find balance between regulation and growth. Some ways are definitely worse than others.
Shoot, forgot to add this.

>Why You are Poor & Don’t Have a House
>Lotus Eaters Daily
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03QmFpdRIiQ - 17:38

This seems to be a pretty good partial summary of one line of the economics of the situation. A lot of people are getting very demoralized and losing hope, economically, and this seems to relate to larger scale trends.

Of course, there's a world and a half of discussion to be had on economics, and I've still got a couple books to read before I can talk about this authoritatively. I'm just crudely sketching out ideas in a basic way, and trying to look through overall mechanics. I expect to be wrong and corrected at least a few times in this thread.
Look into distributism. The idea is to spread productive assets as widely as possible to prevent the concentration of economic power.
I restrain myself from even posting youtube comments. They are so massively censored that often all that remains is just post after post of gushing appreciation from a channel's fans.
>Oh, Streamer4523 your streams are so insightful and helpful. Thanks for the video.
>Wow I never would have expected to see that on a stream. You are the best, keep it up!
>etc etc
I have the idea that Western countries in the last decade have not intended to import producers via migration, but consumers. The brown hordes are here to consume, and that makes sense in economic theory is the idea.
Somehow all that capital which keeps the US stock market going up despite insane p/e ratios and the bond market afloat is being converted to money in someone's pocket and they need all these extra consumers to validate the transactions.
I was thinking about it in terms of them being something akin to debt batteries. They fuel the economy by taking on debt.
This seems like it would be a deliberate act of final destruction while also squeezing just a bit more value out of the population that has outlived it's usefulness. Assuming it takes more than fifteen years to recover such that we can find the ones responsible, the next generation will likely be unwilling to further exert themselves.
380137 380138
Regarding Google Bragging about Replacing Creators with AI:

Youtube CEO Makes INSANE Comments & BRAGS About Replacing Creators With AI In ABSURD Interview
The Quartering

This is about

And then, with the internet net neutrality being shut down, and all telecommunications being under the control of this totalitarian central interest group with observation and behavior prediction/ modification tools as yet undreamed, and AI tools to mimic human presence, we now enter a new age of corporatization of the internet, which has been a steadily ongoing process.

Commercial / Control applications, since the end stage of controlling a person's ecosystem of information largely amounts to controlling them. The relative few who act and think in ways that break the conditioning, or fail to follow along with the conditioning enthusiastially enough, will very easily be noticed by the observation tech.
I want to just unplug entirely and focus on other stuff, but I feel compelled to try to at least somewhat follow along with this circus.

It's aggravating and frankly rather distressing to a probably unhealthy degree.

I hope I'm full of crap.
Shit, forgot the image.
>currency was being inflated right before this
Before Nixon ended the convertibility of dollars to gold by foreign governments in 1971, the dollar was being inflated especially to pay for the Vietnam war. Foreign governments knew and there was a run on the dollar so Nixon ended convertibility.
The days of gold backed currency had lots of problems with bank runs and financial crises. The Great Depression especially was a product of gold backed currency. Now if there is danger of bank failure the government will seize the bank right away, often on Friday, and make deposits available the next Monday. If enough bank failures loom it is generally believed that the government will print enough money to cover withdrawals, so bank runs do not occur. They can do this because they do not have to worry about redeeming dollars for gold.
Example story:
I remember during the trucker's protests in Canda that people were withdrawing their money from the banks, first because of fear that the government would seize their deposits or because they were mad, then because people feared a bank run because others were withdrawing.
I remember reading the banks were reassuring people that no matter what they would have enough money to pay their withdrawals. Such a statement from a bank indicates stress on the bank. Its bad for business but in the end they could go to the government for more paper, or really digital nowadays, money.
With a gold standard people would demand their deposits in gold from the bank, and if it was a general panic the government would not have enough gold to cover withdrawals. Then there would be great weeping and gnashing of teeth for a long while. This happened in the Great Depession. Banks closed and people lost their savings, businesses could not pay employees and suppliers bevause their draft accounts were gone, no one could get credit because there was no bank to loan it.
There is a classic book by Walter Bagehot called Lombard Street about the London moneylending business and the perennial bank runs and failures of credit back in the day. Crashes, Manias, and Panics is a popular book today about financial crises. The Great Depression: A Diary is a goid one too. All three of these books are good reading in economics and all narrative and no math or theory.

>theory...once elements of an economy get unbalanced...
Sounds like something solid but I can't grasp it. Any economic ideas need example stories, its the known duty of the writers to provide them. So do you have an example story?
>debt batteries
Kek. Like the native citizens are all discharged after years of abuse. Nice metaphor.

Yes stay with it please. Anons need you, it just wouldn't be the same without you.

Music and art are needed now. People say STEM but the world is way past the point of technological salvation. Its down to saving humanity now, both an individual's humanity and that of society. People need dreams, and pain relief, continuity of big ideas and social cohesion, connection with fellow humans. Things that aren't easily transmitted through words.
Plato's ideal republic would keep music in the same tradition through generations, because when the popular music fundamentally changes the society will be altered along with it.
My violin keeps me sane and out of the trap of stress or depression driven consumption. Violins have been around for almost 500 years, they are the very embodiment of white civilization since the middle ages. There is a mountain of music of all sorts for it, like centuries of feelings and history and often people going through vicious times like the world today. I just started last summer, am teaching myself, and often I can't put the thing down until very late at night.
Meme images were a huge artistic hit. How they made people feel connection and relief and transmitted ideas.

This civilization is on the way to a crash. AI content? I swear a large part of the population will spend all their time reading AI stories, watching AI movies, and consuming AI music. It will go great with the pills and the goyslop.
The world is running out of energy. Peak oil is real. 85 million barrels per day consumed and this does not include natural gas and coal for heating and electricity. Resources get harder to find every year and they are running out. There is not anywhere near enough uranium to replace fossil fuels either.
AI content is just another way of leaving people behind, a voluntary culling suicide. They feel the despair and cannot overcome it. This is what is happening to the cities. The more dense the more energy they need or they succumb first to depression then to crime and filth.

Do you have art or music to turn to?
Not Op, but check this out