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Here's a thread to act as sort of a hub for the Canadian political scene, otherwise known as "Please God please just let it stop, we keep thinking it can't get worse but then these doped-up foreigners sit in a big wooden room and invent ways to make it worse than we ever thought imaginable"

Elections are coming up. Quick rundown:

The Green party is only sticking around the talk bad about the Orange party.
The Orange Party is no longer giving their votes to the
Red Party.
The Red Party is once again more blue than the
Blue Party.
The Blue Party has had more members switch over to the
Purple Party.
The Purple Party keeps asking me for

I'll keep tabs on habbenings and try to explain them cohesively. Feel free to contribute. Please don't laugh at us because our PM made sex with goats legal merely because Allah wills it.
Is one to interpret that we're free to laugh as long as it isn't
>because our PM made sex with goats legal merely because Allah wills it
>The Green party is only sticking around the talk bad about the Orange party.
The Green Party has been opposing land development on established greenbelts, uranium mining, and anything that ups industrial production anywhere on the globe. NDP's Jagmeet wants to expand metropolitan areas in to these greenbelts to house more immigrants, wants to export uranium "to our allies", and has been very open about going tow war with the enemy of the month (which would inevitably get the gears of industry turning)

>The Orange Party is no longer giving their votes to the Red Party.
Simple, the Red Liberals would have lost the previous 2 elections if this "democratic" system of parties being able to trade votes like baseball cards didn't exist. Both the NDP and Liberals have lost to the CPC since 2016 but through the power of friendship have combined their votes under the Liberal banner, bringing the reds up to a majority. Jagmeet said he's not doing this anymore. While funny on the surface, it likely means the Reds will be giving THEIR votes to the orange NDPs, which would suck balls.

>The Red Party is once again more blue than the Blue Party.
The Liberals and the Conservative Party of Canada have operated on strikingly similar values since Harper's second term. The only time this changes is during election season when Trudeau and the Liberals decide to suddenly adopt more conservative values. Simple common sense stuff such as limiting the number of young uneducated Pakistani men who can apply for a tourist work visa. It has happened again with Trudeau doubling down on his proposal to suspend foreigners from buying Canadian land and reducing the third world import quota. Until the Conservatives match these policies, the liberals are more conservative than the conservatives.

>The Blue Party has had more members switch over to the Purple Party.
Because of the indistinguishably similar Liberal and CPC party policies, Conservative runners are joining the Peoples' party Of Canada, which was a splinter party formed by those who were kicked out of the Conservative party for suggesting such heinous things such as "children shouldn't be given sex-reassignment surgery" and "Maybe less than 2,000,000 immigrants a year would be better for our housing situation".

>The Purple Party keeps asking me for money.
Anyone registered with the PPC gets these emails like 3 times a month during election season

>Is one to interpret that we're free to laugh as long as it isn't
Yes. We are all dying up here but we hope that we can bring a smile to your face in doing so.
File (hide): AE3A1B8CA63F1F4D403D8C9E9D238C69-14395888.mp4 (13.7 MB, Resolution:1280x720 Length:00:01:18, SvHz7xv3lD-S0UCS.mp4) [play once] [loop]
And for today's stupid drama we have Jagmeet getting all surfer-bro on some hecklers who dared to tango with the turban. They flopped embarrassingly, but the video still serves the notion that no lefty candidate can be anywhere in public without constant scorn from passers by.
>fuck me - no fuck you bloody bitch fuck
crumpit bastard? what did he say?