>>7967Have you seen these new Sven memes? These are some seriously spicy memes.
>>7970Anyway, I went ahead and deleted the three posts you requested, but I still think you're making a mountain out of a molehill with this stuff. For one thing, your anecdote was as dense and impossible to follow as most of your posts. For another, there wasn't really anything in there that struck me as all that revealing. All I took away from it was that you have an ex-girlfriend who liked to draw edgy fan-comics. Whatever though; they're gone now, so you can rest easy I guess.
Going forward, if you're concerned about your various arch-enemies uncovering your secret identity, and your friends and family getting caught in the cross-fire, probably the best course of action would be to:
A) stop posting sensitive information, and
B) stop making yourself such a target in the first place.
For one thing, I think you vastly overestimate how interested anyone would actually be in tracking you down irl and hassling you. I can assure you that this Discord-based conspiracy against you that you keep going on about is 100% in your head. There is absolutely zero evidence that anyone is coordinating off-site to screw with you. Nobody would even need to coordinate off-site if they wanted to. What is actually happening is that you keep making a gigantic ass of yourself all over the site, and people here keep egging you on and messing with you because it's funny. That is literally all that's going on. It only seems like a conspiracy to you because you are either unwilling or incapable of seeing the abnormality in your own behavior.
All of the drama surrounding you that has occurred on this site was caused directly by you. When you're not prominently word-vomiting your autism all over the place, nobody thinks about you or cares what you're doing. However, every few months you flare up like a case of herpes, make a dumb post like
>>>/mlpol/358186 → or a dumb thread like
>>>/mlpol/356155 → . People get annoyed and start arguing with you, or they just start bantzing on you for laughs, and it escalates from there. I will freely admit that I dunk on you all the time, with or without my various tripcodes and capcodes.
This place is like a small town. Everyone knows everyone, and usually there's not a whole lot going on. So when the village idiot wanders into the town square and starts ranting at the top of his lungs about something completely stupid, egging him on and screwing with him becomes a source of entertainment for everyone else. That was your glimmernigger conspiracy, that was your arch-nemesis HC Legend
I'm still mildly curious if this guy is/was even a real person, and that's your Discord conspiracy. It's also any other conspiracies that you might dream up in the future.
Look man, I'm not a completely terrible person, and I can generally sympathize with a guy who's getting bullied. But the guy who not only asks for it but keeps lining up to get seconds is hard to feel sorry for. The dweeby-looking guy who's just trying to quietly live his life while people tape kick-me signs to his back? That guy I feel sorry for. That's not you, though. You're basically a guy who tapes a kick-me sign to his own back, and then marches up and down the cafeteria screaming "I AM A GIGANTIC FAGGOT, PLEASE KICK ME!" at the top of his lungs. Then, when people finally start kicking you, you begin shrieking and acting like a victim. That one guy who always calls you "Niggel" is almost as autistic and unintelligible as you yourself, but I can honestly see how he formed the impression that you are a kike, or a crypto-kike, or whatever he calls you. Because you exhibit some damn Jewy behavior sometimes.
Anyway, that's all I've got. I'm not sure if we're at the beginning or the end of the current cycle of Nigel-herpes, but either way, I figured I'd give you my two cents as usual. Do with it what you will.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_hK-KC7C_g [Embed]