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R: 62 / F: 26 / P: 1
Can't Post?
email us at [email protected]
R: 136 / F: 34 / P: 1
Bugs you found, and changes I made
Bugs you found, and changes I made

Just thought I'd create this thread where you can post any bugs or problems with the site you encounter. And also for me to post any big changes I made.
R: 9 / F: 8 / P: 1
Comfy basedjak thread ITT
R: 112 / F: 51 / P: 1
How do we answer the Facebook question?
On April 1st of 2017, this glorious shitpost of a board was born. /mlpol/ became a renaissance for the oldfag cultures of both /mlp/ and /pol/ while creating its own explosion of new content, the two communities of tenacious autists finding a chaotic symbiosis: /mlp/ content drove away the """based""" redditors that had infested /pol/ since 2016 calling anyone they didn't agree with a "shill" and were impossible to hold a conversation with; and /pol/ content drove away the derpibooru/Twitter tourists that constantly shit-up the place with their blatant disregard for 4chan culture and basic chansite etiquette, while pretending native users weren't really true members of the fandom.
In our solidarity, the Anons of /mlpol/ have found salvation from the hordes of redditors, shills, bots and booru tourists. We've persisted for 6 years since then, satisfied with having a small community with quality discourse and memes, and for a while, it's been great.


In the past couple years, we've seen infiltration by something much, much worse than redditors or booru tourists: Facebook posters. It started slow, just around the time the pandemic era mixup hit, begining as a small trickle before devolving into a cataclysmic torrent of unrelenting boomer-tier spam. A look at any of the threads on the board reveals their pestilent posting style, always the same meme-spam and antagonistic shit flinging when their abhorrent posts are scrutinized in any critical way. It suffocates quality discussion and drives away users. Perhaps some of us noticed early on, but didn't say anything because we wanted more users and hope they would assimilate over time (that's why we deleted rules #1 and #2), but they didn't!
The problem has gotten too noxious to ignore any longer, so that raises a series of questions:
How did they get here?
Is /mlpol/'s resistance to offboard shitposters not as we thought it was?
How much of our board's culture has been damaged by this?
How can we fix what is broken?

And most importantly

R: 10 / F: 5 / P: 1
Final Solution To The Flag Problem
It's no secret that the small size of this board makes it so that some posters from certain countries may not get to experience a desirable degree of anonymity for being identified by their flags. This problem has intimidated certain non-American posters, including artists and other horse-famous content creators who only came to talk about ponies from being able to post freely. The "don't show my flag" option was implemented years back, but it tends to look out of place, and is inconvenient to use because the poster has to opt into the usage of it in every post, prompting posters to forget between posts and expose their flags.
As a more refined solution, I propose adding an optional "Equestria Flag". It would work essentially like a 4/pol/ memeflag, except with less autism because there would only be one option and the flag makes no statements other than that the poster is a fan of FiM. The flag could be used by posters from rare countries who don't want their usage of this board traced back to them, or by posters who are posting about ponies and don't care to make any political statements on a particular day. More importantly, once a user makes the decision to turn the flag on, the flag would remain there until they turn it off (or their posting password changes, idk), sparing them the hassle of trying
In addition, the idea has been floated around to make it so that OPs could make all flags hidden for non-political threads, like we did with poster IDs. If the above idea is accepted, perhaps that could be implemented by giving OPs the option to make all flags in the threads Equestria flags.

Could this be done? Is it a decent idea? Any thoughts on the matter?
I've been thinking of reccomending this for a while, and I hope it would make it more comfortable for some of our non-American lurkers to post more freely. I think the ability to hide flags is pretty important for the wellbeing of this site, so I hope this is a good idea.
R: 8 / F: 2 / P: 1
Purchasing ads on 4chan
This site is slowly dying and needs more anons. If we don't do something soon this site will have no posters left. I propose mods buy ads on 4/pol/ and 4/mlp/ to bring in some new anons. This site really is something special and I would hate to see it die.
R: 175 / F: 96 / P: 1
Suggested Rule Addition: Lurk Moar Fagget
Staff and Jannies and Administrators have had their hands tied in a measure of good faith, and so when the users see what is wrong in their hearts they speak out.
By the rules the community crafted to ensure our everything didn't become a shithole, they cover most of the known issues.
But not all, and that is where tension occurs.
As many considered age old shitposting tactics, which usually do work with correcting hostile behavior to the whole of /mlpol/.
Until it doesn't.
We don't yet have rules which directly address that kind of bullshit so the staff and go staff and know the community is behind them in support.

I'm proposing a new rule the Faggot Clause. Maybe Lurk moar fagget.
Proportional banning/tempban/kick/shitposty-retaliation/unusual-punishment for faggotry.
We all know what it is, because we've experienced this with long time users that degrade the whole experience for everyone. It boils down to they don't lurk as in there is no assimilation to our imageboard culture.
If they've successfully lurked and listened to suggestions they wouldn't be faggots.

It's gatekeeping to prevent the values of the imageboard from being taken over.

Rabid individualism without teamwork doesn't work. And lecherous collectivism with no individual also can't work.
/mlpol/ is a slice of something magical, politics and ponies and anons shitposting, talking and having a grand time without bots, shills, crazy SJW types, dindus, spam, /ptg or hyper cancer nu-fags.
Suggestions and community support is required if you too want something like this.
R: 6 / F: 3 / P: 1
Crystal Heart War?
Does anybody remember a fanfic about Flurry Heart and Anon versus All of Equestria because the leaders are possessed by a black insect in the ear and Anon needs to go over the sea to kill the insect leader once and for all?
R: 579 / F: 150 / P: 1
Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread.

What are the bump limits for each board?
R: 2 / F: 2 / P: 1
Soyjak Raid 2/22/24
Well, that was a fun little raid; haven't had one of those in awhile. Took all of sixty seconds to clean up. Apologies to anyone whose use of the site was disrupted for a couple of minutes.
R: 16 / F: 10 / P: 2
4chan's /qa/ is officially dead
Press S to spit on their graves.

Also 2017 /qa/ nostalgia thread.
R: 3 / F: 3 / P: 2
WebP Files?
Any chance we could have WebP files on this site?
I'm not super fond of them, but I find a lot of memes in that format that I'd like to post here.
R: 39 / F: 23 / P: 2
/sp/ content and site-wide rules
What are the rules for /sp/?
>inb4 no rules at all
More specifically, what site-wide rules do or do not apply to /sp/? There are obvious answers for rules that should apply sitewide, such as rules #3, #12, and #13, but do the other rules for mlpol.net apply to /sp/ as well? Such as writs against generals, eceleb threads, and blacked spam? Is /sp/ a "random" board in the way that it covers any topics that don't refer to the other boards, or is it a "random" board where the rules of mlpol.nst don't apply?

/sp/ has for the longest time been /mlpol/'s equivalent to /b/, and since it's creation I've grown used to seeing the catalog full of spam and shitposts, mimicking the sportschan board it's named after, as an equipment to /b/. For a while, /sp/ was treated like /trash/, with "shitpost" threads from /mlpol/ being moved there, but that fell out of fashion over time.

As for the mystery of the universe: what is Football?
R: 7 / F: 1 / P: 2
Why am I having an existential crisis why do we experience this existence ?
R: 13 / F: 6 / P: 2
Reporting System
How does the reporting system work?
When a post is reported, how many staff are notified?
Is it only the staff that addresses the report that sees it, or do all staff see them?
How often are reports checked?
How many staff are responsible for responding to reports?
R: 344 / F: 117 / P: 2
Questions and Anonswers
For calm interpersonal discussions and questions and answers.
Also didn't deserve their own thread, but is geared for community engagements.
Also for community input and other things that happen to not be a question or an answer.
R: 88 / F: 13 / P: 2
Bump Limits
Has anyone else had the feeling like the bump limits on this site are too high? They're much higher than those of other sites like /pol/ and /mlp/. On /mlpol/ threads stay up for years at a time, and I feel like it's broken the spirit of our old "no generals" policy. Maybe it would be healthier for discussion to have lower bump limits and simply have Anons make new threads when old ones hit their limit, to prevent stagnation.
I think they've been extended twice before since the start of this site on request by some Anons who were in certain long-standing threads, but i feel like that might have been detrimental in the long term.
R: 3 / F: 1 / P: 2
Salutations, malefactors
Greetings. /qa/ probably isn't the right board to post this on, but I'm at the end of my rope here.

I adopted an imageboard last year after the Admin decided he was done with the internet in general. I've moderated the board since 2016 and it has over 10 years of history. It's a small site, but it means the world to me and a few other guys on the internet who don't have many other places to go.

I am completely unqualified to do the technical duties of an Admin however. The board runs some version of NPFChan which was installed as an upgrade to Vichan. I've tried setting up a local install of either one but the process escapes me. Configuring databases? No idea what that means or even how to go about learning it. I'm not going to say the instructions are vague, because really the whole process of getting a board package online would be trivial to anyone with a hobbyist understanding of system administration. But that's not me, and I have no idea where to even start.

So I ask, can anyone recommend some basic instructional guides, books, videos or whatever, that will give me the knowledge to at least competently migrate the entirety of the site to a new host? The board is falling apart at the seams due to AWS not permitting us to upgrade our disk size (Fuck AWS in general; learning webdev is hard enough without AWS's pajeet approach to hosting), and we're facing waves of gorespam at the hands of some guy with unlimited VPNs. Even our captcha implementation is disfunctional. Why? I don't know, and I don't know how to know.

If there is no hope for my dumb ass to figure things out, are there at least some trustworthy developers anyone here knows who I may be able to pay to look in to things? I'm not asking for new features, I just want the built-in spam protection to function as it should. I've been contacted by others and have sought help before, but every time it ends up being some depressed man in a dress who wants full access to the site so he can nuke it in the name of homosexualism or something.

I want a Trixie plush.
R: 196 / F: 57 / P: 2
User Policy Rule #8: No Generals
In this thread, we discuss the future of the "no generals" rule. Whether that be to remove it, re-confirm it, reform it, or clarify it, or decide how it should be enforced.
The No Generals rule is one of the oldest rules on our site, but it's also the least consistently enforced. Very many exceptions to the rule exist on /mlpol/, both explict and de facto. Some Anons have wondered if the no generals rule might be outdated or obsolete, while others have stated that it should be enforced more consistently; some Anons have called for clarity for what constitutes a "general" and why they should be disallowed on this site.

Share your thoughts:
Do you like the current rule? Are you just indifferent to it? Do you think it should be changed? Do you think it's fine as is? Do you want to see it enforced more consistently? Is the rule helpful to our site? Could it be detrimental? Just what is a general? Are generals a bad thing? Do generals diminish content creation, or promote it? What do you think about the current existing generals? Etc.
R: 44 / F: 9 / P: 2
/mlk/ Interest?
What level of interest is there for a weapons and firearms focused board? A /mlk/, if you will.

Also, is there any interest for other topics like history?

The pony-only board idea ended up at 50% in favor and 50% against, so that is another idea which may be brought back.
R: 2 / F: 1 / P: 3
Requesting database dump
Context: https://help.imgur.com/hc/en-us/articles/14415587638029/

Imgur is going to start deleting all files uploaded anonymously and everything containing NSFW content (likely determined by using AI).

As part of an ongoing archival effort I would like to request an SQL dump of all the (publicly accessible) site data that contains the phrase "*imgur*".
R: 35 / F: 17 / P: 3
Shackles: The Unchained
Post here to reply to locked threads without bumping them.
R: 45 / F: 23 / P: 3
Can you delete my threads?
Can you delete the threads I created to talk about myself, my feelings, my interests, my projects, and how my life is going from this site?
R: 3 / F: 1 / P: 3
/1ntr/ theme
An error happens when you go from [insert board with yotsuba default] to /1ntr/ that changes the board default theme on /1ntr/ from Muon to yotsuba. You can fix the error by going to themes and switching around the 1ntr default until it is muon, but it should be muon automatically.
R: 5 / F: 3 / P: 3
I'm going to make my own imageboard from scratch with current memes like react and websockets and stuff.

Except that it won't be an imageboard clone. I want it to be its own thing. I don't want boards, i want tags instead and the user should filter by those, like the boroos do. Also i want to be multilingual.

Just saying.
R: 55 / F: 18 / P: 3
How Could I Go About Resurrecting /RWSS/ On This Board?
I started a thread back in the first week, but it got wiped out in a weeb raid, and the /go/ thread only saved a quarter of it.
To be honest, that thread didn't actually shut down any deathtraps, and I feel like it was largely due my lack of proactive leadership... It did showcase a willingness of the community to start the project up again though, and three splendid OCs were drawn.
I was a fairly active participant in the original /rwss/ threads last December, but my participation was mostly limited to safety-code discussion and pointing out possible fire hazards in screenshots that other Anons posted. I didn't make any of the threads, and I'm now at a loss as for how I could get the leads to resurrect the project.
The 8/chins/ board may have been forgotten (partly due to safety-inspectors taking a three-week winter vacation right after we got shoahed), but I deeply believe that the /rwss/ community is out there and willing to save again. Heck, even #rwss on twitter (originally created by education specialists to combat gender-inequality in sub-Saharan Africa) is still being tormented by daily shitposts.
Is there any way that I could reach-out the old /rwss/ veterans and/or restart the project myself here? I really do believe in the memes, but I don't know where to start..
R: 205 / F: 51 / P: 3



Events indicated by Lotus (Admin) in >>5498 and >>5500

What the heck is going on here?
What led to this decision, and how was it decided? What does this entail for the future of mlpol.net?
And, most importantly, why was the board never informed of this? If the change occurred last year, that should have been plenty of time for an announcement. When were you planning to tell us about this? The site's policy page says that Atlas is the owner of mlpol.net, but apparently that hasn't been the case for a long time now.
>2. Staff will maintain a level of transparency with the community
I thought this was supposed to be what distinguished us from 4cuck. Does this policy not matter anymore either? There was a time when this community held half a dozen strawpolls just to decide whether or not gay clop should be censored, and now site leadership is changing without announcement?!
What is happening to /mlpol/? What else has been going on behind all of our backs, and why aren't you telling us about it?

Where is Atlas? He's been silent for some time, but I thought he was just being lazy/disinterested, because he was always pretty chill about how he handled the site. He stopped doing Tea With Atlas a long time ago (i think the last one was around this time last year), so the site hasn't directly heard from him for a while. Never did he indicate that he would cease to be the owner of mlpol.net. This is totally unprecendented.
R: 10 / F: 6 / P: 3
How to deal with bullies ?
They are bullying me at school for 5 years,Somebody tell me what to do, I'm done with this shit.
R: 1 / F: 2 / P: 3
Please open-source ASPNetChan, we need more non-PHP imageboard engines.
R: 115 / F: 40 / P: 3
Generals on /1ntr/
So... have we just decided that /1ntr/ is for generals now?
R: 0 / F: 1 / P: 4
Can /mlpol/ get a thumbnail for .swf files like /1ntr/?
R: 61 / F: 11 / P: 4
Proposal: Split-Up /vx/
/vx/ has been one of more freuently used boards for along time now. The board throws a wide net, attmpting to formally encompass the topics of /v/ and /x/, and informally encompass the concepts and topics of /tg/, /qst/, and arguably /vint/. While the board has seen lots of use in its days, its wide range of topics might also be to its detriment.
For starters, the concept of /vx/ began a continuation of the theme of the April 2017 prank of combined boards being ironically better than their respective parent boards. /vx/ was proposed in response to demand for players who wanted a place to discuss video games and other players who wanted a place to talk about supernatual things, as a means of giving a space for both. The thing is, while ll of the other boards were based on wordplays or jokes on behalf of the 4cuck staff, /vx/ was just kind of based on wanting to fill two niches with just one board. That was fine, as the /v/ and the /x/ posters didn't really get in eachothers way or argue, but they also didn't really interact in any notable way even f they did overlap. Many of th posters appear to stick to their handful of generals. There haven't been any memes that have emerged based on th concept of the usion of /v/ and /x/, or even /tg/ and /x/, as it appears that the concept of mixing fantasy game magic with actual magic isn't as adhesive as originally intended.

Shortly after it was created, /vx/ was coneptually expanded to include all gaming discussion, including /tg/ discussion and /qst/ style pbp roleplay threads. Those are certainly topics that this site benefits from, as all pony altchans have roleplay boards, and roleplay is banned on /mlp/ while ponies are banned everywhere else on 4chan. The roleplay threads take up the overwhelming majority of the boards posts per day, with discarded threads taking the lion's share of the board's catalog. You could even say traditional games and roleplay is the unofficial main topic of /vx/, despite it not being represented in the board's name. /vx/ certainly has a great volume rp posts, but general roleplay discussion has suffered, in part due to being suffocated by the board's other topics: it doesn't help ease of casual rp discussion when you have to first specify that you're talking about fantasy magic over actual magic, and roleplaying games instead of video games. The threads on the board that are aimed towards /tg/-style discussion don't get very many replies. The flags and IDs don't really contribute to those aspects either.
That aside, roleplay definitely has the potential to be a big thing on this site, and I'm certain that we could do better. All the other pony altchans have prolific roleplay boards, and I'm certain /pol/acks have their on unique roleplay ideas too.
Meta-wise, /vx/ is formally-blue (now red) board where posts have both flags and image IDs, similar to /mlpol/. That coflicts with the concept though, because neither /v/ nor /x/ had those components, neither are they necessary for discussion on either board.
Obviously, the inclusion of flags is a nod to /vint/, our sister board. /vint/ was one of the other April 1st 2017 board that everyone liked, being another board that several Anons demanded to have reinstated on 4chins to no avail. "She" was featured in the /mlpol/-tan comic that many of us bonded over in the /qa/ wars as they spilled into [s4s], having met /mlpol/-tan in the darkness of the deleted zone where they encountered the ravenous /z/. The flags were added to sate Anons who wanted to bring /vint/ back, although the board hasn't really satisfied the feel or appearance of the old /vint/, especially since neither /vint/ nor any of the boards it was effectively combined with featured image IDs.

Now, don't get me wrong, /vx/ is my secon favorite board after /mlpol/. I just really think this site could do
>"So what do you propose, faggot?"
I propose that /vx/, with due anticipation and announcement, should be archived in place of other board(s) that better accomodate its many topics. The boards would be separate and based on ideas that mesh together or have cultural sigificance, such as:
>/vint/ ("international vidya"): our sister board which was in high demand for ressurrecion. It already has its wn memes, and even a cute board-tan. Bringing /vint/ back would satisfy the needfor a place to discuss video games (and random pajeeting), while reaffirming this site's committment to 2017 nostalgia. The board should feature flags, but not poster IDs, in spirit of our sister board.
>/kx/ (maybe "weaponized autism"): A dangerously-based idea that was proposed as an alternative to /vx/ as early as 2017. /kx/ would be a radical and mystic hive of schizoposting, and an original hybrid board that 4chins jannies weren't brave enough to create. It would satisfy the want for /x/-tier supernatural discussion and conspiracy theories, while also providing space for this board's currently-untapped potential for gunposting and prepping. The /x/ side of /vx/ wouldn't really suffer at all from being divorced from the /tg/ and /v/ elements, and the big-schizo energy from the /k/ element of the board could serve as a huge bullet-shaped viagra to supercharge the board's discussion and create its own culture. /kx/ would have neither post IDs nor flags, as anonyity is important to it.

>/hp/ (maybe "Horseplay"?): A roleplay board that the bathhouse threads could migrate to and make their own without smothering video games discussion. A roleplay board serves to benefit a community such as ours as it facilitates creation if OCs and other content, which is why other pony altchans give them their own boards. It could also be the place for /tg/ disussion, or CYOAs. /hp/ would have neither flags nor post IDs, as none of its elements (/mlp/, /tg/, or /qst/) have them.

These are ideas I've considered for a while. I wouldn't expect them to be implemented immeditely, but perhaps you guys might take some time to warm up to the idea for the future?
R: 17 / F: 1 / P: 4
Hiding poster IDs and flags
When you choose to hide poster IDs, does it also hide all flags? Pardon my asking here, but it seemed less obnoxious than making a test thread. I wanted to know because I had an idea to make a thread in which hiding flags would have been preferable.
R: 3 / F: 1 / P: 4
Why does /vx/ have flags and IDs?
It's about time we have a conversation about this. /vx/ has both flags and IDs, when none of its named elements, /v/ or /x/, or any of its unnamed elements, /tg/ or /qst/, have them.
The obvious answer is a mild reference to our sister board, /vint/, but even /vint/ never had poster IDs. In addition, /vx/ doesn't really serve the role of /int/ in our community.
R: 109 / F: 29 / P: 4
/qa/ Discussions
Why is it that when site aspects are changed quitely with little-to-no user input there's rarely any controversy, but when a user makes a thread here to voice legitimate concerns and hear the site's opinions or start conversations about potential changes a bunch of users are suddenly on edge about "subversion"?
Legit quastion. We weren't always like this; we used to talk about the present state and future of the site casually without this level of paranoia. How can we fix the increasingly hostile atmosphere on this board?
R: 284 / F: 136 / P: 4
Could /mlpol/ Benefit From A Blue Pony Board?
Could /mlpol/ Benefit From A Blue Pony Board?
Posters in this community have brought of various ways to make the site more attractive to horsefuckers and content creators. One reccomended idea has been to introduce a blue board for pony content.
Is this idea worth trying?
What could the benefits be?

Express your thoughts.
Continued from the discussion in the Roe v Wade Thread >>>/mlpol/344423
R: 4 / F: 1 / P: 4
Oekaki Issues
A lot of the features of the oekaki seem to not be functional anymore.
The "Undo" button doesn't work at all.
It seems to no longer be possible to drag and expand the edge of the canvas to enlarge the pic image.
It also seems to no longer be possible to hotlink/paste an image from another source into the oekaki to trace over anymore.
I think the color select function might not be working either, but idk.
Can these be fixed? They all worked a few years ago. With these issues, drawings like pic-related aren't currently possible.

Also general discussion about the site's oekaki.
R: 9 / F: 9 / P: 4
Audio source?
I downloaded this file almost a year ago - I believe from here - and I want to know; where does the audio used in this video come from? Not the music, but the guy talking shit about niggers who can't use command line.
R: 15 / F: 10 / P: 4
Aryanne Eating Corndog.
R: 133 / F: 38 / P: 4
The rewrite of the code
It is I, Pupper, and I am doing a complete rewrite of the code, and wanted to get some input from you dear Anons on what wishes you have. My hope is to make the site more robust and userfriendly, and succeed on both these goals (or at leas not make it worse).

But before I get too far into the new code I thought I'd open up for input on features and improvements you want to see. It is still early in development and it is therefor still easy to change things before I weer of into a wrong direction and paint me into a corner. I am not planning on changing the overall look or function of the site just improving on what we have.

If you got any ideas, suggestions, grievances or fun jokes I am happy to hear them all. Developing something without knowing what you guys want can easily end in sorrow, so I want to avoid that with this preemptive strike asking for what you want to see.

I am looking forward to your input and I will note it all down (in this thread) and us it as help when developing the new code. I am not sure when the new code will be complete so I can sadly not make any promises in that regard, but I can promise I have begun with the rewrite.

- Pupper
R: 7 / F: 3 / P: 5
Ban Evasion/ Proxies
I hate GR.15 and I want to post Aryanne propaganda on retard chan. what is the most convenient way to ban evade?
R: 12 / F: 2 / P: 5
Posting failed: thread is archived
Why does this happen? I've been trying to post to some threads on the catalog, but couldn't. The threads were cataloged, so they shouldn't be archived.
Or is it that archived threads appear on the catalog on some boards?
R: 23 / F: 14 / P: 5
Modified Clover
I have modified version 3.0.0 to include support for mlpol.


I would like feed back on it, it also supports 4chan.

Let me know of any errors.
R: 11 / F: 3 / P: 5
/mlpol/ Embeded Links
/mlpol/ embeds links for youtube and twitter, which is quite convenient for browsing political threads.
Does it embed other links as well? If so, what sites does it embed?
R: 5 / F: 2 / P: 5
What exactly is the purpose of the >>>/Test/ board, and what are the rules for posting there? Obviously, it's for testing site functions and posts, but is anything else allowed there?
Being the equivalent to a hidden board, maybe it could serve a similar role as 4chan's trash. I'd much rather have garbage threads moved there than polluting /sp/.
R: 2 / F: 2 / P: 5
Video Thumbnails
When you post a video webm, sometimes the thumbnail displays at a point within the middle of the video, instead of the beginning of the video. This is somewhat annoying, because it means that the thumbnail spoils punchlines and developments that ideally should be seen in order for the joke to work.

Is there any way to fix this?
R: 5 / F: 1 / P: 5
can I get a /mlpol/ discord invite? thanks
R: 13 / F: 4 / P: 5
Aryanne Discord Nuke
As you all know by now, the Aryanne Thread Discord has been nuked, and all members of that server had their accounts disabled.
From what I understand, the /mlpol/ staff communicate largely through discord. I made my account more than three years ago for the purpose of communicating with the staff.
Have any members of the staff had their staffing accounts disabled?
Does the /mlpol/ have any contingiency of communication in case discord becomes unreliable?
R: 12 / F: 4 / P: 5
Policy Page: Ownership Failsafes
The site's policy page used to say that if Atlas left the site, Pupper would assume ownership of the board.
Now that Atlas has retired and Pupper is the site's owner, who would be the site's owner if Pupper left or was otherwise incapacitated?
R: 3 / F: 1 / P: 5
Based FanFics
Where in the NWO and we need some entertainment what your favourite fanfic read

Bad Mondays

Great fanfic, Enjoyed ever second
R: 26 / F: 39 / P: 6
> be me
> 2016 fag
> found 8/pol/
> completely skipped over plebbit & cuckchan
> found 8/pol/ via news article
> didn't even realize Plebbit and cuckchan existed until after 8/pol/
> avoided those two (until Aug 2019) because of 8/pol/ indoctrination
> hanging out
> rough crowd, but fun
> Holy_Fuck_Hitler_was_right.png
> 2017
> become linuxfag
> mlpol.net
> Horse Pussy
> fapped a few times
> tried to fit in but stayed with 8/pol/
> never migrated here but visited every once in a while
> Aug 2019
> Pig Farm shut down
> alternative hangouts
> plebbit account
> cuckchan
> tried redpilling on cuckchan, etc
> found 16, ZeroNet, nein, etc...
> meh not as fun
> too slow
> been wandering around trying to be with my peeps
> scattered to the wind
> sad.webp
> miss those guys
> 8cunt/pnd/
> pfft no
> 2 years later (now)
> still wandering around
> haven't found a home
> not the greatest writer or conveyor of ideas
> just want to hang out
> insecure
> never fit in properly, especially irl
R: 4 / F: 2 / P: 6
Looks like the ziggers at soyjak party are planning to spam on the weekend. Will any mods online then?
R: 11 / F: 8 / P: 6
What Are The Rules (pt 2)
Keep at it. It totally wont blow up in your face
R: 185 / F: 47 / P: 6
/mlpol/ Policy Page and FAQ Discussion
With the revelations in these past couple days, it's become quite clear that the current /mlpol/ policy page is out of date and misleading, even intentionally so.
The most misleading statements is in the FAQ:
>What staff has administrative access to the server, and why?
>Atlas: super sexy owner of mlpol.net former /pol/lack, access because yes
This statement is untrue and misleading. Atlas is not the owner of /mlpol/ and has not been for some time now. This really should have been announced prior to the happening, but that's a separate discussion.

It is not acceptable to leave misleading information about the boards page, because it makes adequate transparency and community input impossible, so it really needs to be fixed as soon as reasonably possible. However, changing it is a very serious issue that warrants community discussion on the matter, so let's talk about what the policy board says, what anyone thinks it should say, and how it should be stated.

For starters, the topic above also relates to the staff rules, particularly rules #2:
>2. Staff will maintain a level of transparency with the community
This rule seemed clear enough when it was written, but now it seems as though it lacks specificity and is open to very liberal interpretation. The definition of transparency is easy enough to understand, but the wording "a level of transparency" is evidently vaguer than it seemed. According to recent revelations, informing the community about a change in ownership was not considered to be within that level of transparency, and leaving blatantly untrue statements on the policy page was deemed to be acceptable under said policy.

So the questions are is:
>What exactly is the staff's standard of transparency in regards to what the board deserves to know?
>What kinds of information are considered to be open to the community?
>How is the standard of transparency maintained and enforced, and what is the decision making process for revealing something or leaving it secret?
>What members of staff are responsible/accountable for making sure that the operations and issues concerning /mlpol/'s structure and community are disclosed to the public?
>On what basis is the community able to confidently trust that the staff is being honest and transparent with them, and how are users able to confirm this other than taking the policy page at face value?
>Does the /mlpol/ staff consider it necessary to inform the community about big changes in staffing, policy, ownership of the board or operations before they occur, or only after the matter?
>In the event that it occurs, do the staff have any policies concerning "sensitive" information deemed too risky to expose? (perhaps things such as personal information and doxxable data)

In addition, rule #2 outlines committments to the community made by the staff, but reveal very, very little about how the staff make decisions amongst themselves, how the staff is managed, and most importantly, how the staff policies are enforced. The Staff policy does mention some things thing in regards to rules are enforced and says in four places that staff found to break the rules face "punitive measures" up to immediate dismissal. Now, several of those lines are as-written described as zero-tolerance policies, but that is also questionable, because although rule #1 #3 and #4 serious and clear enough to call for those measures, rule #2 is, apparently, vague enough to be open to interpretation and has even be observably broken and disregarded either through premeditated intent or negligence before. Earlier discussions brought up the issue that zero tolerance policies might put persons on the defensive and potentially harm transparency. There are surely degrees of accountability between doing nothing and outright expulsion, but those degrees are not defined anywhere.

So, questions arise from that:
>How exactly does the /mlpol/ staff discipline itself?
>Are there degrees by which staff consider and account for alleged misconduct?
>Who is/are the final arbiter(s) for considering if/when actions by the staff violate the letter or spirit of the rules?
>How can the users of the board confidently trust that staff are accountable for inappropriate behavior?
>How do the staff con

The complications with rule #2 also proppose issues with rule #3:
>3. Staff will take all community suggestions into account
>As this is a community site and not a top-down dictatorship like some other sites user input is very important
Rule #3 is in essence contingent on the proper application of rule #2, because transparency is necessary for healthy site user input, and site user input is indeed very, very, very important because it distinguishes /mlpol/ from other chans where talking this stuff on /qa/ for weeks on end doesn't actually produce any long-term results. The community cannot voice it's opinions on matters if they are not punctually made aware of them, let alone if the policy page misleads them.
So, questions arise from that:
>Aside from merely using the board, how are the staff able to ensure that their decisions represent the will of the community?
>How, and through what mediums, does the staff make sure that community considerations are taken into account and fascilitate user input?
>On what matters is community consideration deemed to be necessary in decision making?
>How often does the staff seek out direct user input on matters of any kind?
R: 7 / F: 6 / P: 6
Ninjas has got to go, boys. No more half measures. It's time to show some follow through. I hate to be the one to have to say this, but it's been time.

Pic unrelated.
R: 119 / F: 7 / P: 6
How do red text?
R: 7 / F: 2 / P: 6
Thread IDs
Have you ever used the Search Function to search for a thread, only to find that its title is a word used so frequently on this website that finding the thread you're after becomes harder than it should be?

If each Thread was given a Thread ID, you could Search for that ID.

It would be like a Post ID, but just for the first post made in every thread.

What do you think?
R: 8 / F: 1 / P: 6
Poster IDs on /qa/

Just wanted to inform that we've turned on IDs on /qa/ for new threads going forward. It might remove some of the potential thread derailment and confusion we've seen. Reason ID was turned off on /qa/ initially, when it was created back in the day, was due to a limitation in the old code.
R: 1 / F: 2 / P: 6
I wish to propose a truce between mlpol and soyjak party. If the two sites keep retaliating upon one another each time the other gets raided, there will be no end to it. Neither side will win, it’s just endless offtopic spam. Please consider.
R: 6 / F: 7 / P: 6
What Are The Rules?
After a very thorough perusal of the rules, I find no entries for 'Attacking Users', nor 'Thread Derailing'.
What does Attacking Users mean, and under what rule(s) is that an enforceable (let alone bannable) rule. Likewise for Thread Derailing.
This wouldnt be a big issue (simple, kick them and be done), except that staff has reported as being aware of the situation and neither reversed the ban nor has taken any action with regard to the staff member who placed the ban.

I dont mean to jump to conclusions, but it SEEMS like staff has finally decided to abandon the pretense of having any tangible or actionable policy, and is simply doing whatever the fuck they want.
R: 4 / F: 3 / P: 7
Join us!
4chan doing event
while Globohomo trying to appropriate entire month for own propaganda
let's take entire summer for tomboys



R: 5 / F: 1 / P: 7
Could you reverse the flaga back to the famfamfam version.
I can understand wanting higher quality looking flags but the ones you're using look ugly.
R: 174 / F: 41 / P: 7
I've been a proud member of this community for nearly four years, but I've come to realize that I know next to nothing about how the site is run, or who really runs it.
Let's have a general topic thread about this:
How many active mods are there on the /mlpol/ staff?
Who has administrative access to the /mlpol/ server? (the policy page is outdated; it mentions Fallenpinapple, and nobody has heard from him in years)
How exactly does /mlpol/ vet its staff members, and what process did the current staff go through to get there?
What powers and privileges to /mlpol/ staffers have over the workings of the site?
R: 0 / F: 2 / P: 7
Happy Birthday everyponer.
The management forgot to make the proper bread, so here it goes.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY everyponer and associated faggots!!!
R: 8 / F: 1 / P: 7
mlpstream down
Is there someplace else an anon can get those sweet, sweet pones? Is it down for good? Been at least a day or two.
R: 9 / F: 4 / P: 7
Why was the "Promised Neverland" thread deleted?

I was really careful not to dance around with piss-a-gate, do you guys truly did not get the irony?, i just don't wanted to get the board involved in the controversy surrounding said "gate", it's too dangerous, that's why i called it a proposterous conspiracy theory.

Anyways, feed me on why was that deleted, but THAT thread with the cheese-sandwitch pic was allowed for around a month?
R: 2 / F: 1 / P: 7
Any dual-hemisphere owner knows the threads aren't gone, but I'm glad they got their dopamine and screenshots to post to their discord friends. In the future considering the recent failraid "oh wow we bumped threads off the list haha what an accomplishment" will there be any investigation into a global throttle for creating new threads? Their goal seems to be removing all the existing threads off the last page, but considering the database probably isn't being consolidated and cleaned on the hourly, they've accomplished nothing but making a little work for you. Perhaps a throttling system which would detect too many threads being created per hour, and prevent creating new threads until an admin toggles it back off? Or even adding a feature that retains old threads for 24 hours after they would have been removed due to inactivity, even if there's too many new threads, so that an admin can go in and remove any raid attempts after the instigators get bored instead of needing to flip a flag in the database by hand to restore them? Thoughts?
R: 24 / F: 5 / P: 7
Did a little update to the code.

Hopefully it fixed some errors here and there, but mostly I hope I didn't add any bugs.
Search is now available. It is in rudimentary form as of now, but should be functional.

Feel free to let me know if you encounter any bugs and I will try to look into them.
R: 26 / F: 18 / P: 7
>get banned from /pol/ and /bant/ (IP range ban)
>member that time the boards got merged as a joke
>member there were talks to continue this board off-site, maybe on 8chan
>decide to google /mlpol/
>find out this site exists
Holy shit. You red-pilled horse fuckers actually did it. And the site is still alive. I have so many questions.
Do you actually use this as a substitute to 4/pol/? Do you still visit there? You don't seem to have many shill posts. Do they actually not come here, or do those posts get deleted? Do you like frogs?
I guess I'll stop there. Still in shock.
R: 1 / F: 1 / P: 7
R: 10 / F: 2 / P: 8
This is what get when I click on OP's number to see the thread in its entirety. This has never happened before but it's very inconvenient, because there's practically two days of material inaccessible.
R: 5 / F: 11 / P: 8
if i pay like 30 bucks can i see the source code to this shitty outdated pile of shit imageboard?
R: 17 / F: 6 / P: 8
Store Broken?
I was just checking out the site store and it appeared to load graphics for a second before coming up with a blank white screen. I'm using brave, and so as expected chrome also did not work. Loading the page in IE didn't work either, though so I suspect others may be having this issue.
R: 14 / F: 3 / P: 8
Word Filters
Could we get more word filters on this site? They really made 4chan fun in the past especially on /b/ and we could use them to fuck with raiders. My suggestions:
Chud > Chad
Chudster > Chadster
C H U D > C H A D
Black people > niggers
Transfolks/trans folks > trannies
POC > darkies
Gay people > faggots
LGBTQ > faggot brigade
Communism > planned starvation
Marx > hungry Santa
Marxism > gimme free shit
R: 5 / F: 2 / P: 8
Spoiler shortcut broken
Shift + s no longer spoilers highlighted text, what happened?
R: 4 / F: 2 / P: 8
Bug found
The New Code thread is archived, so I post it here.
Green text is not showing up, partially.
R: 2 / F: 1 / P: 8
I understand having a large magnifying glass around at all times can be a bit of a fire hazard, but could we bring back the search function for the catalog? It makes finding threads so much easier.
R: 6 / F: 6 / P: 8
retards over at https://soyjak.party/raid/res/365.html#365
are planning to raid the site.
R: 1 / F: 1 / P: 8
could use an inv to the discord ty all the threads w invs are old with expired links
R: 0 / F: 1 / P: 8
More threads per page?
Could 7 more threads be displayed per page?
If the answer's no that's fine
pic unrelated I thought it was funny
R: 20 / F: 12 / P: 9
YT Videos
im not sure if this is the right place to ask but, whats the best way to Download YT videos? i want to save some before (((They))) shoah all wrong think.
>pony unrelated
R: 0 / F: 3 / P: 9
Register with Brave so you can accept BAT crypto, fellas. It'll probably stay close to worthless forever for a variety of reasons (it's been bouncing between $.20 and $.30 for like 2 years now) but it's (somewhat) better than nothing, low-effort fundraising. Plus, you really never know, right?
R: 12 / F: 2 / P: 9
Staff Applications and Related Discussions
Does /mlpol/ still accept janitor applications at this time or anytime within the foreseeable future?
If so, where would one go to apply?
R: 2 / F: 1 / P: 9
Hey, is there any particular reason why zalgo isn't allowed on site anymore? I remember being able to use it before the code change, but it gave me a message saying it isn't allowed now. This is a slight bit annoying considering I was using zalgo for effect in a green, so if this could be changed or at least explained, that would be greatly appreciated.
R: 6 / F: 2 / P: 9
Did /mlpol/ die again?
It was offline as hour ago, what happened? Also post in this thread if the site goes offline again to make use out of the thread.
R: 1 / F: 1 / P: 9
Hi anons, where can i pick up some sick 3D /mlpol/ models to play around with?
R: 0 / F: 1 / P: 9
Rothschild Leak
I made a post about the Rothschild email leak and it seems to have been deleted. Is that a forbidden topic here or was it deleted because the thread was of low quality? Also I am getting an error when I try to see the ban list.
R: 0 / F: 1 / P: 9
hi are you gonna let ppl run the code for the new board on thier own site?
R: 1 / F: 2 / P: 9
No /tech/ or /g/?
Any /tech/-like board? Where do I ask technology related questions?
R: 2 / F: 1 / P: 9
Clickable "Auto-Refresh" thing at the top of pages?
The bottom of every thread has a clickable "Auto-Refresh" thing you can click to turn auto-refreshing off. Could one of those be added to the top of threads, too?

Pic unrelated
R: 2 / F: 1 / P: 10
Removing posts and artwork

For a while now, artworks that I've done and commissioned have been posted on here as part of the OAT.

If possible, I would like to have those artworks, as well as lines of text that include the name Scylla or Kelpie, removed for here.

Would just like to have those off of here for personal reasons is all.
R: 95 / F: 13 / P: 10
Strange question,
Is there a way a dice rolling thing could be implemented?
Something like
And it would give you 2 random numbers of 1-6?
I think this could help us maybe play risk, even with the slower activity
and I mean we could do on board rpgs but i mean
R: 13 / F: 2 / P: 10
New Board Idea: /arm/
Intentional slow board idea:


It's a slow board that serves as a shared armoury of redpilling images!

The board's full of threads, and each thread has its own theme like "Jews", "Blacks", "WW2 history and the Holocaust Lie", "British history", "American history", etc.
The images posted in these threads are redpilling images, memes, and infographics.
Discussion on how to make better redpilling memes for those specific topics go in their specific thread.

It's like a porn board except you post redpilling images instead of cocks. You can also request redpilling images on specific topics if a thread for that doesn't exist.
R: 2 / F: 1 / P: 10
Does fallenPineapple still work on NPFchan? There hasn't been an update in 6 months.
R: 3 / F: 1 / P: 10
YouTube Immigrants?
Suppose the COPPA changes and enforcement got too out-of-hand for YouTube bronies and they all had to come here, as the MLP community only had to move farther underground than it already is. How welcome would the ex-YouTubers be here?
R: 9 / F: 6 / P: 10
Code tags
Code tags don't seem to be enabled on /mlpol/, or the other boards. Is it possible to enable them, and if not, how come?
>inb4 security issues with code tags
R: 0 / F: 1 / P: 10
New Site Help
Hello fellas. I've begun hosting a small imageboard for a community of frens and their personal FBI agents as of a few months ago, and I was wondering if I could commission the mlpol devs for help. The site is functional and running on a vichan fork, but there are unfortunately several fairly important issues that need to be sorted out and they're well above my extremely limited experience (which includes using HTML to customize my Myspace page and helping my mommy make a facebook account).

I guess I'd also appreciate any written suggestions about how to correct these issues as an alternative if anyone thinks they have an idea or familiarity of what might be going on-and can articulate possible solutions in a way a grug can understand. Thanks for your consideration!

R: 4 / F: 1 / P: 10
where to post /tg/ related stuff
I am interested in doing stuff like GURPS or Nightbane conversions for ponies, and then coming up with rules on how the will have sex with each other. I'm not sure what board is appropriate for that. What are chances of a sub-board for it? Also when do we get 5 files per post like 8chan had?
R: 29 / F: 28 / P: 10
Custom 404 page....
Just a little thought that we might get some great OC from our talented drawfags and photoshoppers for a custom 404 page. It won't be seen as often, but it is nice to have a custom landing page for 404 errors.
R: 0 / F: 1 / P: 10
During my trip to Fort Worth, I saw a Ford Mustang with a "New Lunar Republic" bumper sticker. Does the term have any connotations outside of the fandom?