Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread.
What are the bump limits for each board?
>>4126The default reply limit is set to 350. The /mlpol/ reply limit is 700, and the /vx/ reply limit is 450
what's the current maximum that the catalog can hold?
>>4128The /mlpol/ board is set to 15 threads per page, and a limit of 12 pages. Every other board is also set to 15 threads per page, but with a sitewide page limit that is
much higher: 1500 pages
Something of a **newfag** question, but what's this weird shit with links? I went to share a link that was posted here somewhere else by copying the link and it added some intro to it,directly posting to show it: thing, what is that?
If you're intending to block referrals and that's what it is supposed to do, since this is vichan it should work just like on 8chan: put a wordfilter in board settings on the colon.
Wordfilter : to :
Since the markup on this vichan seems to be different from the version of vichan 8chan uses I'm not 100% if it will work right in this software, but the italicization would be enough to make links unclickable and thus force the referral-less copying and pasting method to open a link.
>>4136Yes, the was there to hide the http referrer so site you are visiting wouldn't know that you visited them from here. We have switched to using the HTML5 attribute noreferrer as it now has 94.42% support rate among all users (98.14% among desktop) and should give same functionality without the use of 3rd party site. We will keep looking at solutions making it safe and comfy for users to use the site.
Did the Yang Gang thread get bumplocked?
>>4591It's not bumping, even though I just posted to it.
>>4591>>4592If it
was bumplocked, I'm sure it had nothing to do with it being bombarded with shitty memes that eliminated legitimate discussion, or the recent influx of Yang memes invading other threads
>>4593Hmmmm, maybe I'll make another thread for Yang memes then. Not today though.
What happened this morning around 7AM Eastern Time that went off line?
Did my "Post In This Thread Every Time You Visit /qa/" thread get deleted?
>>4767I'll take that as a yes..
I checked the board and saw it was gone. Did it break any rules?
>>4768Probably not, but /qa/ is not a shitposting board. There was no question, nor issue to address/inquire about.
>>4769It was meant to promote board activity; like the similar threads on the other slower boards.
I'll just word it more carefully next time.
>>4771>>4769Alright. I remade it; this time with a clear topic in mind.
It can at least be said to be more on topic then the dragonmaud corndog thread.
>>4773>Content-promotion thread gets deleted without apparent reason>both corndog threads, catbane emoji post, and various duplicates of "Can I have a discord link?" stay where they areWhat gives?
>>4778>Post in this thread every time you visitis not a content-promotion thread. Also, corndogs r serious bizness
>>4780The underlying point of the thread was to encourage users to post to /qa/ more often, which is good for the board and the community as a whole.
And it was definitely more productive than the catbane post.
>>4782So it
wasn't a 'post ITT every time' thread? Cuz it said 'post ITT every time'
>>4783No, it was indeed a post itt thread, like the ones on /cyb/ and /sp/ that were meant to spur board activity.
>>4784/qa/ was never intended to be an active board. It is here so that anons who have issues that need to brought up to staff and moderators can do so. If you have an issue with participation and content, take it up on the mainboard with the posters.
>>4785>/qa/ was never intended to be an active boardThat's actually news to me.
>>4768>>4766>>4771>>4778>>4786Alright, I will address this directly with a capcoded post, so that hopefully there can be an official summation of the issue. While I seriously doubt this reply will be accepted as satisfying, nevertheless this will (hopefully) be the final word on this that comes from me.
First off, I would like to say that I am
not the mod who deleted the thread the first time, nor did I delete the second thread, nor am I the poster in
>>4766 >>4769 and so forth. When the thread was deleted, the staff member in question noted that he deleted the thread on the staff discord. I asked why the thread was deleted. I did not get a reply then, but I have today, and I sympathize with his reasoning.
/sp/ is a designated shitposting board, /a/ I don't really care about, and I am not sure about /cyb/. Those are content boards. Their purpose is so that people have content they want to see, and so a "post in this thread each time you visit" kind of makes sense as it encourages posting. /qa/ is not a content board. It is not a shitposting board. It is not an entertainment board. It has a very narrow purpose, and that is to be a conduit between the staff and the userbase to report concerns, to ask questions about the site, and to ask questions about technical issues. It is not a board for fun posting. It does not exist to amass posts. It is not a board where "activity" is desired in the way in which it is desired on the main board, /sp/ and so on. It does not matter if this is a slow or "dead" board, because it was not intend to be posted on unless there was a need. Posting on this board is desired if and only if there is an actual purpose to the posting that relates to the purpose of the board. That is, post only if you have an issue, if there is something about the site you really want to know, if you have a suggestion to improve the site, or something along those lines. Posting just to increase the number of posts reduces the functionality of this board by cluttering it, and shows a contempt for the actual purpose of outreach to solve problems.
It's like calling tech support or the IT department just to chitchat or bullshit. That is not what IT is there for, they are not there to be friends, please hangup and leave the lines open for people who actually have problems that need to be addressed. If you want to bullshit with coworkers, bullshit with your actual coworkers.
And for all of that, I sympathized with you and would not have deleted the thread myself, hence why I asked the staff member who deleted it why they deleted it. I was sympathetic, until your blatant act of disrespect and contempt by remaking the exact same thread after being told it was deleted because it was off-topic. What the actual fuck anon? For some reason, you pretended like you were going to remake the thread so it would comply with the board's topic, but instead you made exactly the same thread with the same title and OP image, just reordering the wording of the one sentence of text in the body of the post. And you did all of that almost immediately after it was confirmed that it was deleted by a member of staff for being off topic. Jesus Anon, I was on the fence about whether your thread should have been allowed, but then you had to childishly and impetuously defy the staff in a "you can't tell me what to do!" stunt. No, I don't think the staff member did the right thing in not capcoding in the reply despite obviously claiming to be staff, and I thought more elaboration in the reply was merited. But damn, you were right onto "fuck the rules, I do what I want" before I could even drive home from work and buying a pizza. That pissed me off, and I did not care before.
And now let me address the Corndog thread. Did you notice the thread was dated to
2 years ago? That thread was made two years ago, back when May had a real majority in the House of Commons, seven months before the last Jedi was released. I have lived in 4 different cities in two states for 10+ weeks at each location, and am now living in a 5th city, since that thread was last posted in. The last post in that thread was made before I ever came onto mlpol staff. It was made almost a year before the staff member who deleted your thread came onto staff. My point is, that thread is
fucking old and a lot of shit has changed since then, and it is not clear that it would be given the same pass today as it was way back when it was posted. Besides the age, there are two reasons that thread is less obnoxious as a shit post than the "post in this thread every time you visit" thread. First, that thread was a self aware parody of how the /qa/ board of 4chan, which, like this board, was intended as a means of communication with the community, was taken over by a bunch of entitled squatters who made vapid and inane posts. Second, that thread didn't encourage
daily shitposting in it, which would keep it at the top of the page and slowly undermine the purpose of the board.
The fact that you had to find threads that were two years old in order to have examples of shitposting kind of proves that shitposting on /qa/ has been rare, and far more an exception than the norm.
Don't act entitled to shitpost. We understand wanting to post fun things, but acting like an entitled dick about it, and childishly remaking the exact same thread immediately after you are told it was deleted for being off-topic while also lying about changing it to make it topical, just alienates any sympathy we would have for your position.
>>4790>remaking the exact same thread after being told it was deleted because it was off-topicI specifically made sure to change the wording of the thread to ensure it included a definitive issue about the board and opened a topic for conversation. After it was deleted a second time, this time with a ghost of an explation, I did not see it fit to make it again. Since the thread was deleted without the staff in question saying why it was deleted or what particular rule it broke, I, who had no real information from my standpoint, I figured the thread would be compliant with the rules if I changed the wording to make it more appropriate, but that was later revealed to not be the case.
As for the intent of the thread, it was just a casual attempt to increase user participation on the board, since the similar threads on /cyb/, /sp/, and /a/ seemed to bolster posting on those boards in the slightest bit. Since it worked on the other threads, I thought it would do the same here, since community participation is actually a topic I consider to really be important. If such a thread is against restrictions, then I'm glad to comply.
>>4790>First, that thread was a self aware parody of how the /qa/ board of 4chan, which, like this board, was intended as a means of communication with the community, was taken over by a bunch of entitled squatters who made vapid and inane posts.I feel like addressing this part, just because it leaves a bad taste in my mouth..
First of all, 4cuck's /qa/ board was
hardly ever intended to be a meta board, despite its name. It was reborn from the ashes of /q/ as Moot's parting "gift" to the site he abandoned. It didn't turn to shit because it was "taken over" by /jp/sies; it was left to rot and fester by mods who didn't care about the community, let alone their opinions. The "questions and answers" rebranding felt more like a sarcastic remark, because 4chan's /qa/ was filled with Anon's asking questions, and never,
ever receiving answers; and occasionally a place where Hiroshimoot tested his site codes.
/qa/ was a garbage dump of a hidden board where Anons were commonly left to scream at a virtual wall until they got tired and gave up. Only the angriest shitposters ever gave it a chance, thinking if they screamed, and that's how this community was first reformed after the original /mlpol/ board froze.
I remember visiting 4chan's /qa/ for two consecutive days only twice in the past decade. The first time was when /pol/'s /rwss/ thread was shoahed, causing a horde of angry /pol/acks to flood in with complaints about compromises in moderation (which persisted long enough for one of the mods to get fired). The second time was when /mlpol/ was shut down, and all of us who knew and loved the board flooded in and demanded change, too angry to care that our pleas were falling on death ears. Both of times, I remember being greeted by the "locals": those scriptfagging, botspamming, corndog-worshipping troglodytes who squatted there like gypsies because none of the dozen weeb-shitposting boards on 4chan were specific enough to suit their autistic habits, acting liked they owned the board because they alone used it for
anything but meta; those were the entitled faggots who acted like they were the "real" 4chan, responding with rude and irrationally hostile remarks to anyone who came there with a real issue, with repeated comments like "delet /pol/" or "go back there".
Now, I get it if it's desirable to mitigate shitposting on what is supposed to be a serious meta board, but to compare what was an honest attempt to increase user activity to those prickly, entitled, moeblob-spamming weebs we all came together loathing feels a bit misguided. Nobody here thinks how those cave-NEETs behaved was ever acceptable, or that shitposting all over the meta board would ever be okay; I just thought the site could possibly benefit from /qa/ showing up on the overboard maybe once every few days, and that was the end of it.
Awhile ago on 8ch someone made a post describing a level system in psychology. It was a scale of 4 or 5 where 1 is typical normies and NPCs 2 is mental illness and I can't remember the others. Does anyone know what I might be talking about?
>>4850Yeah, it's psychology.
You can explain the actions of others based on an already stabilished model.
[1d20 = 2]>>4893Either type Dice xdy in the Email field, where x is the number of dice you want to roll and y is the number of sides to each dice, or type [xdy] in the comment.
For example:
[1d20 = 12]
>>4894Thanks friend!
[14d88 = 442]
I think I missed reading the reason for my warning. It was because it was spoiler, right? That's the only thing I can come up with that makes sense. It didn't think about that because I basically don't care about the current show but I can accept that.
But it was for that reason, right? I just wanna know.
>>4896Assuming you did the Pinkie Pie
does a thing with another pony thread, yes. That's precisely why. I know plenty of you faggots have watched the leaked episodes, but some of us haven't and rather enjoy experiencing the new episodes - especially with the series concluding - during the premiere along with anons. This is not a staff/site policy, its a matter of decorum. If you want to press the issue, I'll happily address it the next time the series is coming to an end and faggots want to spoil it for everyone.
>>4898No, as I said, that's fine. I just didn't think about the possiblity that it would spoiled people since I don't longer sees it as canon.
1. will ever have a /meta/ board or is /qa/ meant to serve that purpose?
2. what are the chances we can get a /co/ board for discussing western 2D since we have an /a/ board for discussing eastern 2D?
3. if we ever get a /tv/ then how would we resolve whether cartoons belong in /co/ or /tv/ ?
4. will we ever get a /draw/ specifically for drawthreads/requests?
5. can we get a /tg/ board where we talk about how to adapt ponies into various systems like GURPS or D20?
[1d20+5 = 15]>>49001. Yes, /qa/ is the meta board.
5. /vx/ is the board for that. It’s not expressly in the name, but it’s a /v/ board, /x/ board, and /tg/ board all in one. Also there’s a dice function site-wide allowing anons to roll values.
There’s two methods. In the email field type “dice xdy (with any modifiers). The second is in the comment section in []’s type xdy, again with modifiers. The red result is the e-mail field, and both rolls are 1d20+5.
[1d20+5 = 19]
[1d20+5 = 9]>>4901As you can see the email field doesn’t add the modifier so much as indicate it (it’s a 15), and over time it’s been observed that the email field dice are (((stingy))). Enjoy!
>>4902Oh yeah, and don’t forget to remove the email field on your next post
I was checking out and "Rules for Users" and there are 11 rules numbered from 3 to 13...
Where exactly are rules 1 and 2?
>>4911Rules 1 and 2
were just as with 4chan.
Do not talk about, and
do not talk about, /mlpol/. Since going off-site however, rules 1 and 2 have been stricken, as our method and mode of operation must necessarily change in order to ensure a future for white ponies. Hence, it is no longer a rule to not talk about /mlpol/. It is assumed that users won't be retarded about it - discretion is always a plus - but attracting users to the site necessitates mentioning it.
I run an imageboard myself (vichan rather than NPF) and it's got that multiupload bug where if you upload a .jpg and then other formats it generates a thumbnail for the other formats but doesn't add them to /src/, have you guys ever run into this problem and if so how did you fix it? I've seen it on a couple other sites besides mine as well.
>>4917Nevermind, figured it out, it was caused by the default exif stripping option, using exiftool instead fixes it
It has been a dramatic decline in participation. Where the fags went, Discord?
>>4926I was away for personal reasons but indeed things look pretty slow, what happened?
Why does the notices bit under the reply box never get updated? We've gotten a few new boards since then (if you count /cyb/ being reinstated), and I feel like it's a good way to keep the community informed about changes to the site.
I was OP for thread, but deleted it after the stream to prevent replies as there was already a discussion thread.
>>4126How do you get a thread stickied?
Is there something like 4chanx available for the site?
Or just an option for slightly larger text might be nice. Zooming in isn't quite the same.
Why is there a captcha now?
>>5206If there's one, it's because of spambots.
>>5206>>5207Yes, there have been several spambots that have targeted the site recently. It's a temporary measure, and should be removed soon
Why was my thread deleted. Nothing in it was against the rules and this is an imageboard we are SUPPOSED to be dicks to each other!
>>5209Also the other guy started it.
>>5209/mlpol/ is a board of frenship. The thread was not deleted, only moved
>>5209The thread was not deleted; it was moved to the /sp/ board, evidently because the thread topicality did/does not match with the /mlpol/ board, thus making the /sp/ board - with no real rules of topicality requirements - a more appropriate venue.
>>5212>>5211Alrighty then.
>>5209>>5210>>5213/sp/ has rules closer to old /b/, so in general if you have a thread you want to start that doesn't pertain to ponies or politics it's better to post it there.
>>5209>this is an imageboard we are SUPPOSED to be dicks to each other!Wut?
Does this site have an exif data stripper?
is there a way to get around two equal signs turning text red?
>>5224Yes exif data is removed from images and other files as good as possible. As per the About section of Options "Metadata in files are removed using custom code and TagLib with ExifTool as fallback. * There is no way to guarante that all metadata will be completely removed from a file."
>>5225I will look into a way to make Base64 strings/urls not turn into header, or a fallback that works as a workaround. As of now sadly there is no good workaround (that won't break links.
One way you can do it is to add a empty bold or spoiler etc. in between the equal signs =[ b ][ /b ]= (without spaces) and you can make them that way Base64=
= Base64=
>>5226>based admin actually responds with an answer to my questionthanks. I'm starting to like it here
Someone is necroing old threads on /mlpol/ and I am not sure why. Looks like a slide attempt.
>>5228Yeah, I just came home and the catalog is a mess.
>>5228It was not a slide attempt, it was a newfag who didnt know that all ips are encrypted on mlpol, such that not even staff can determine a user's info. Its an understandable concern, but it has been addressed. At least, the necrobumping has, I neglected to mention the encryption. I hadn't made that connection at that point.
A bit of bad form, but nothing warranting deletions or anything.
I just read that there's a weekly Friday movie night, with MLP episodes afterwards. I would like to tune in to this.
What are the details I need to know to get in to the stream and group chat?
>>5269The current medium for movies is, although Kast is being looked into as an alternative platform.
>>>/mlpol/265636 →
>>5273>although Kast is being looked into as an alternative platform.Nope for us.
Politically, Kast is full zog company, see pic 1.
Additionally, that company wants total control over the user's browser by forcing to use exclusively Microsoft and Google browsers. See pic 2.
>>5269Stream is every Friday at 6:30 PST, I post the link along with what movies we watch in the thread that
>>5273 links to.
>>5274The deeper I've looked into Kast the less confidence I have that it will be viable for us, plus I couldn't get it to work with my streaming software. So for the foreseeable future we'll continue using Bitwave.
>>4126Can the staff delete ALL my posts if i request it?
>>5301The short answer is yes, though 'why' is a definite consideration as to whether that request is obliged
>>5302I can't delete older posts of mine so i would rather have every post deleted and thread throughout every board, if you would do that for me then thanks.
>Why?I have my reasons, one of which is that my time here was well spent although i think it's time to pack up my bags and leave along with my posts.
I might return at some point but i don't want to leave my mark upon the site while i ponder my decisions.
>>5303>I have my reasons>along with my postsWith all due respect, requests of that sort (vague and unsubstantiated) have been declined in past. It will be discussed tho
>>5305>It will be discussed thoWell, what do you want to know?
>>5305It's more along the lines of how i sort of doxed myself with posting about real ponies.
>>5306I'll give you an example:
Some time ago an artfag who had posted several works requested their removal, as he wanted no further connection to the site (this was in the early part of the derpi debacle iirc). He was declined.
Again no offense, but maintaining pw's is the user's responsibility and even if the pw is retained, threads cant be deleted except by staff to preserve any/all replies to the thread.
The internet is forever fren
>>5307Would you be able to locate those posts and report them?
>>5309The posts in the paranormal thread and the get it off your chest thread, they are the most revealing.
>>5310Specifically the ones on /vx/ and /üb/, the ones on the other boards aren't really important.
>>5310>>5311It's far easier to delete all posts than it is to identify and delete specific posts (especially without knowing what you feel is self doxxing), unless you're willing to report the posts in question
>>5315Well, after reviewing the posts in question, the images and videos can be easily removed without compromising the integrity of the discussions. Would that be sufficient?
I never noticed the spoiler at the bottom of one of the /ub/ posts. I got unironically choked up, no homo <3
>>5318>Would that be sufficient?Yes, it would.
No homo.
>>5320Thank you anon.
Thought Antifa was gonna catch me fucking ponies once and for all.
>>5321YW, it's what we're here for
>>5323You deserve a medal.
Why is there no dedicated pone discussion board? I understnad the point of mlpol but I dont really see the bandwagon effect of getting pony lovers on board without a place they can go to keep their generals in easy reach. I like the idea of pone discussion happening in pol but gore, political horror, and etc dont really mesh well with comfey equestrian fantasy >green
>>5325>Why is there no dedicated pone discussion board?Answer: --->
>I understnad the point of mlpol
>>5325Hello newfren. The answers you seek are prominently displayed on the policy page at the top
>>5326So basically fuck anyone that likes ponies and creates oc.
why are you guys like this?
>>5327If you're talking about /pol/ generals that's understandable, but not only is what I'm talking about a whole different board, the purpose of the generals makes sense, it's there to create small communities who will act as audiances for the posting of >green., and a repository for previous green that can be easily shared for new users. I think generals are kind of shit, but without them you don't get this kind of regular content, not ever.
Without this drip feed of OC, /mlp/ would have died years ago.
>>5328>fuck anyone that likes ponies and creates ocEasy there tiger, that's not what anon said. Its Hearth's Warming, so I'll spoonfeed.
A separate /pone/ board would be redundant. The first (third) rule addresses the permissibility of greens, oc, etc in letter and in spirit. If anons want ponies without any politics, /mlp/ is still a thing, as well as plenty of other boards and sites.
But /mlp/ went off the rails long ago, and rules 9/11 (inside jeorb!) address that too, specifically targeting the redundant nature of /mlp/. The desire of those who came from 4chan - not exclusively those who founded and developed /mlpol/ - was to eliminate or restrict that redundancy as much as equinely possible. In fact, theres an argument to be made that the overwhelming majority of 4chan (across the boards) is redundant; if one wants redundancy those places still exist too.
/mlpol/ is not those places. This isnt to say that none of /mlpol/ is redundant, but a decided effort is made to minimize its redundancy.
Ponies and politics is a very niche interest group that isnt for everyone. Everyone is welcome (barring anons who behave unacceptably), but not everyone wants to be here and the site is specifically not trying to cater to everyone, and (no offense) especially not those who want to change the board/culture/spiritwithout grasping it first and participating participating in and around second.
That last statement is not a quip, it's to address the fact that plenty of anons over the past few years have attempted those things; it's not an insinuation that that's what you're doing.
>>5325The /mlpol/ board is slow enough that any general is not likely to fall off the board, and will remain in the first few pages provided there is at least some activity in the thread/general. We've hosted Anonfilly for three years now, and have had OC production threads and many pony threads before. We still do. /mlpol/ is for ponies and politics both. If you happen to be a fan of one but not the other, make a thread for what you
are interested in.
>pone discussion doesn't go well with gore and political horrorYou could just as easily say "my thread doesn't go well next to inflation threads/slave pony general/whatever other thread coexists in the /mlp/ catalog that I don't like." It's rather silly to complain about the existence of other threads in the catalog you will never read, because you weren't going to click on them anyways. Furthermore, we don't have gore on /mlpol/, and if any exists it's in tiny corners.
>>5331>>5329I typed out a bunch of shit but I deleted most of it because I just cant fucking understand this on a conceptual level, even if it makes sense. You guys are just genuinely okay with 4chan as it is and dont care or want to provide any kind of alternative to it... To me this whole topic was brought up because 4chan has gotten horrible, and 8chan was executed. this board isnt part of so its afaik the only place where a viable mlp alternative could exist. But if I'm reading you right you guys are completely fine with the absolutelly pozzed way mlp is and choose not to offer any service that would potentially overlap it....
>>5332>okay with 4chan as it isHell nah, we didnt leave JUST cuz 4/mlpol/ was kill
>dont care or want to provide an alternativeUh, you're looking at it
>4chan has gotten horribleNo contest
Anon, what we are offering here
is an /mlp/ (and /pol/)alternative but with good reason,
all of /mlp/ is not desired. There is a line, and while I certainly dont speak for everyone, we feel that /mlp/ crossed it long ago. There are a number of (((agendas))) that are quite permissible to promote on /mlp/, for starters (trannies, gays, etc). It isnt that no one is allowed to be trans or gay on /mlpol/, but the normalization and promotion of those agendas will be thoroughly btfo if they arise. Those are only two examples.
Though it wasnt referenced, there are plenty of elements of /pol/ that will not be tolerated on /mlpol/. The key concept of 'alternative' is that it
isnt the same, nor is trying to be. There are elements of both, but there is also a very necessary filtering of the elements of both which - your words, not mine - caused 4chan to become horrible even before their mods became adversarial and shills of every variety were granted largesse.
IF there were to be a /pone/ board, it would come of necessity and mass demand, because the resources already available had proven insufficient.
4/mlpol/ was a beautiful thing and it taught many invaluable lessons about friendship. A separate /pone/ board would do a disservice to that legacy.
You're effectively saying "Yeah, ponies and politics are alright, but wouldnt it be great if it was JUST ponies (and thereby JUST politics)?"
If that were to occur (and if I were in Vegas, that's not where my money would be), it's a very long way off at best.
>>5332I fail to understand what you want on a "pony discussion only board" that is impossible on a "pony and political discussion board." In what way is /mlpol/, and specifically the board /mlpol/, too much like 4chan's /mlp/?
>>5333>Anonfilly>Not tranny relatedIs this a shit post?
>your words not mineNo those are your words. I don't see any problem with free speech. I consider it a severe problem to quash dissenting opinions. The reason 4chan is so fucked is because they have been bought by the deep state and actively use moderation to silence the websites natural immune system.
>You are basically saying that Two can play at this false dichotemy. You are effectively saying /mlpol/ has no appeal if both /pol/ and /mlp/ exist separately.
The idea is not a dedicated pone board, but a dedicated green board. I'd appreciate it if you didn't swerve on what I'm even suggesting and bringing up this shit.
>>5334The other person was suggesting that you don't want any boards that would overlap with mlp. You didn't seem to be disagreeing.
As for what it can do that mlpol doesn't do; I already said as much, capture the remaining mlp audience. Most are quite tired of mods and jewish bullshit, they just want high post counts and to use it as a refuge from black pills. Nevermind the general rule. If you two purposely can't understand that, or can and just don't want to, I won't further push. I never expected to get my way as is.
>>5335>>5335>You didn't seem to be disagreeing.>You twoFrankly, I am not reading the other poster's posts. His words are his own, and my words are my own. I am not working in concert or against his words. I do not know what he tells you, and I am not here to back or oppose his words.
>>5335If you want dedicated green threads you can do it! I know you can. It can be right here on /mlpol/ it doesn't require a whole 'nother board. The boards already here capture a wide array of interests. Dedicated greentext is a nice thing,
We have writefag threads, on multiple parts here. If you think it can be done then do it. The Rust Shackleford thread green is great.
I'm not seeing that necessity. There exists filtering amd what have you here. Nearly all posts aren't nigger tier. Expending outside of one's comfort zone is good in the right places.
You know who makes greens (You) do. I've seen it with my own eyes. A subpar doughy thread without the heart and soul of Anons simply won't last. /mlp/ have been going through a routine it's a familiar one, but that isn't needed here. If anyone has a damn good post it'll be seen by everyone and as a pinnacle of content.
/mlpol/ has both and are not mutually exclusive, and is better from this synthesis. Two seemingly polar sides from a far away perspective, but the common ground is so near and dear and so similar are the core both complement the other.
>>AnonfillyThen you haven't delved deep enough into the threads. Into the psyche of what it means.
Merry Christmas, and a Happy Hearths Warming. You can always be the change you want to see, so make the best of what you wish to see.
>>5336thats fair. I thought it strange to see responses in an official capacity as it is and I know it can be a tricky balance.
>>5337>if you wantYou're now transcending to deliberately missing the point.
Again, this is to capture a type of user who isnt interested posting on /mlpol/ but is interested in getting away from 4chan.
>Then you haven't delved deep enough into the threads. Into the psyche of what it means.I was a regular before they where shoaed. I know how both the people in the thread acted and the board as a whole did. It and tf are the tranny laughing stock of the board.
>You can always be the change you want to seeCompeting against this site isn't something I am interested in doing but it's always an option I know. maybe when I know about more about server hosting and have some cashflow. /mlp/ needs a home away from the (((mods))). weather you like or not, care or not, its never going to be directly mixed with political news. That is a based idea but it does not appeal to every horsefucker.
>>5338Hard times make strange bedfellows. This is my second post in relation to this discussion.
>Competing against this site isn't something I am interested in doingI'm saying post the /mlp/ part of /mlpol/ here.
4chan is by all means technically not dead, and there is still the apolitical here. All I am saying is make a thread on /mlpol/ the board and that's all.
>4chan refugees and the 'nonexistent' alternativeThat's what /mlpol/ is, transcending the trappings of moot and gook moot and the murky depths.
>I was a regular before they where shoaed. I know how both the people in the thread acted and the board as a whole did. It and tf are the tranny laughing stock of the board. All I know is /mlpol/ Anonfilly, and the archived greens right here.
For general 4chan users this has the boards to handle nearly every topic. The demand for a /po/ origami can be squished with /mlpol/'s /a/, maybe /vx/ and music can be analyzed posted in /üb/ or /mlpol/, /vx/, even /cyb/ if applicable.
I'm not seeing the issue. If politics is the issue then the whole point is for discussion and points to be made. If someone doesn't even want to confront that then so be it, but it'll be there for those that take notice.
Plus there is one thing 4chan doesn't have.
/sp/ praise Football.
>>5335>anonfilly is tranny related>pic relatedPlease, point to me where in the anonfilly material (here) there's a tranny-promotion agenda. Go ahead, I'll wait.
>no those are your wordsGaslighting. Go back and see who said it first. I said off the rails, you're welcome to argue that point but now you're being either deliberately or subconsciously disingenuous.
>You are effectively saying /mlpol/ has no appeal if both /pol/ and /mlp/ exist separatelyNot at all. I'm saying if /mlp/ and /pol/ exist separately, its NOT /mlpol/. If you want them separate, theres always 4chan and other sites.
>a dedicated green boardOh, cuz that's not asinine at all
>>5337This dude gets it
>>5338>nuh uh, I saw stuff on 4chanTHIS ISNT 4CHAN
I've been monitoring /filly/ since they migrated. Whether the fillies are trannies or not, they're not pushing an agenda. Unless you want to insinuate that it's a tranny htp (that's human to pony, since you seem a bit slow) agenda, which is absurd on its face.
>it does not appeal to every horsefuckerBingo
>>5339>I'm saying post the /mlp/ part of /mlpol/ here.That is indeed the problem, you are saying but you aren't listening.
>that's what mlpol isIt isn't, by vote of the majority of mlp not being here.
>All I know is the stuff of anon filly right hereThe opening thread talks about wishing to be the little filly, ie the old wishing to be the little girl. It's not exactly cryptic. No one there is dumb enough to shill for actually trans right bullshit, but there is a difference between not being a political demagogue and being a healthy heterosexual male with a firm identity.
>if politics is the issue then they should just argue Why would they argue? they would just continue to live happily in their concentration camp on mlp. no matter how you may wish it was different, these people are not soldiers. they can lend us aid, and we can shelter them in return from tyranny, but what they want is something you/this board is refusing to sell them, and so far the only one who is doing so, 4chan, is deliberately taking advantage of that monopoly.
You may refuse to on any grounds you like, but the issue is not with me, I am not "refusing to see the light", you are refusing to cast it on a whole group of people who are in darkness. If you can be satisfied with that then be my guess, but don't look at me as if me posting some green will magically make political threads appeal to the vast majority of users.
>>5341>point me in the direction of the propaganda.Nice goalpost moving. define what you even mean by propaganda, because it's obvious to every casual observer without a hint of an agenda and dog in the fight would find a lot in common with people fantasizing about being a sexed up 9-12 year old filly with trannies. If you want to split hairs around this definition like a jew you wont find a partner in me. Name your requirements blatantly. I'll wait.
>not at allyes that is exactly what you bring up every single time.
>You can always use the other sitesYou are literally arguing at this point against admitting you don't want to offer any overlaping service to these boards and then blatantly admitting that is your desired intention not to do so.
Sorry but this is the final straw. I wish this board had Id's but even without them I will do my best not to read any more jewish tripe from your posting. It should be obvious to anyone that your only goal in this topic is to get into an entirely unessiary shit fit because admitting to the no frills truth hurts your ego. You cant bare to admit it from a position of openness and integrity so you hide behind the tactics of a jew after I had laid down my arms and just asked my piece openly in the first place. Go fuck yourself.
>>5343How many times are you gonna deliberately (this many times it cant be unintentional) misquote, misinterpret, or gaslight posters?
I hope the fact that you mention moving goalposts isnt lost on anyone. You obviously have an axe to grind, and your posting history suggests that you're either a newfag or using a VPN. In either case you really need to lurk moar if you think that what the majority of 4/mlp/ wants/thinks about /mlpol/ counts for shit.
No one is stopping anyone from posting greens except for the posters themselves. No, we're not making a board exclusively for greens. Deal with it.
You're entitled to whatever delusions you're interested in entertaining, but the evidence is overwhelming in spite of your refusal to acknowledge and admit it, and psychological transference will do you no good in the long run.
>this is the final strawCry more you turbo giga nigger faggot.
>>5343What is the whole point of this then?
That I in my generous glorious self shall enlighten those poor deluded fools or something by force? People don't like being directly herded.I'm saying as a product and service /mlpol/ has everything. I'm also saying that they don't want a tatse of /mlpol/ because it has features to weed out malicious posts.
/mlpol/ has conducted fishing expeditions, advertising campaigns if you will. 80% of 4chan /mlp/ didn't want that and are still content with that is there right now.
As a product they find the featuress of /mlpol/ distasteful, it narrows down personality types and other factors. /mlpol/ is self enhancing.
If they wanted just 4chan but without the administration abuse that's fine, but those that left have. To various chans.
4chan is getting an influx of 'free' advertising from the general populace. The quality and userbase is shifting like demographics and importing from shit holes.
A big broadcasted image board that is set up to be an 'alternative' or successor to 4chan have met ends.
>these people are not soldiers. they can lend us aid, and we can shelter them in return from tyranny,>lend us aidHow so? In what way? If they wanted to enter they could freely, even at personal expense to the admin team here.
>No one is stopping anyone from posting greens except for the posters themselves.^^^
Have a poner.
>>5344>I'm accusing you of what I am actually doingHeres a run down of how this conversation could have gone faggot.
>>5332>I typed out a bunch of shit but I deleted most of it because I just cant fucking understand this on a conceptual level, even if it makes sense. You guys are just genuinely okay with 4chan as it is and dont care or want to provide any kind of alternative to it... To me this whole topic was brought up because 4chan has gotten horrible, and 8chan was executed. this board isnt part of so its afaik the only place where a viable mlp alternative could exist. But if I'm reading you right you guys are completely fine with the absolutelly pozzed way mlp is and choose not to offer any service that would potentially overlap it....>>5344>Yeah faggot, we don't care. if they want to stay on 4chucks thats their own problem not ours. >glimmerniggerselfboop.jpgthe fact that this wasnt your collective simple reply, let alone something more polite given the fact I was taking pains to, but a bunch of contrived bullshit about how /mlpol/ really could serve the purpose of attracting posters that really obviously aren't attracted to it, is all the evidence anyone with a brain in their skull needs to realize you're the one full of shit here, not me. Your house, your rules, you don't need to justify anything, but for the past what I dunno, 5 reply chains, all I've gotten was a sea of posturijng when any of you could have just said
>no.>m-muh vpnIt honestly severely disappoints me that you think I do this. On an administrative level, seeing you work to purge this place of javascript for people who want it that way, I'd expect better than this kind of bullshit. But then hey, you have a pinned thread telling people to install unsecure web browsers. Maybe I am giving you too much credit, but I wanted to believe you where smarter than this.
>>5346>It honestly severely disappoints meThanks for the compliment. You're clearly laboring under some major delusions, but by all means continue illustrating them. Shadenfreude has its merits.
>>5347>I'm just going to keep being a faggot anyway.K
>Previously, ITT>>5325>>5328>>5332>>5338>>5343>>5346>>5348Who's the goalpost-moving, propaganda having, disingenuous, unnecessary shit-fit starting faggot? It's not a 2-letter word, it's actually a 3-letter word that appears next to all these posts, but only the person can see them.
>>5349You seem confused
>>5346for how to have a productive and short conversation.
>>5347>>5341>>5339>>5337>>5335>>5333if you want to talk in circles
Wtf is even happening in here?
>>5351A newfag is being a newfag, and getting thoroughly demolished for his attempts to backpedal. He asked a question, didnt like or agree with the answer, tried gaslighting and manipulation, got btfo, and now hes trying to tell how the conversation 'should' have gone (cuz he's in that position, doncha know).
You make an interesting point though, this has gotten way out of hand. This fag has gotten his answer, so that should be that.
He thinks all the posts he linked were mine. Hes half rightIf you're reading this newfag, you really ought to start a thread since continuing here would serve to derail this thread into a discussion thread, which it's not intended to beBut srsly, lurk moar
>>5352Thanks for the explanation!
Sooooo in short the guy was asking for a only pony board right? Even though you can simply just make a pony thread on /mlpol/. Sure its mix with politics but individual threads dont have to be. Dont know whats so hard to understand about that.
>>5352>backpeddleliterally delusional, no backpeddling was done by anyone other than you fags. All I did was ask a simple question, see
>>5346 once more for how it could have been answered.
>>5354The goal of it is to capture the rest of the mlp audiance who would actually be bothered. Inbetween sucking copious ammounts of dick though, ninja already said no.
>>5355I think the fear is that creating a /pone/ board will spread out the users and end up with two really slow boards. /overboard/ can probably alleviate this a bit, but /mlpol/ don't have the biggest userbase and creating a /pone/ board might be a gamble that could end up in even slower participation if it don't pan out.
>>5349But you got one thing right. This discussion is over.
Make a thread. This is for meta questions
that dont deserve their own thread.
>>5325>>5354>there no dedicated pone discussion boardBut there is! On /mlpol/, both /pol/
and /mlp/ are on topic. Creating more boards would divide the community and no one wants Reddit or 4cuck here. Imo, /mlpol/ acts as kind of filter that keeps jews and Reddit/4cuck out.
Was thinking of making a fully encompassing Fit thread on ub and a table top thread on vx is that a good idea? I dont see any right now but i might have just not seen it.
Which mod gets all the mares?
What kind of hardware does mlpol run on?
>>5472Is it theoretically possible to plug an old smartphone in to a charger and use that to host a website?
Using things like the carrier's internet connection and the phones internal memory, I imagine it would be able to host an imageboard. Not one with a lot of traffic, I'm sure.
That might be a stupid tech question, but in my defense, it's past 3am.
>>5473Technically yes. Theoretically doing it is the thing though.
That can be done with any hardware with an internet connection and somewhere to store data, and a degree of cpu/ram to handle the server side software of things.
There are also mesh networks and other stuff too.
If they see large data being passed through that is too big to be movies or porn cutting the connection outright would be cheaper for them. It's sending AND recieving, issue is the wide array of connections going to it as a hub of sorts.
What if there were two spoiler tags, one for jokey ironic spoilers that don't actually spoil aything and one for genuine spoilers related to books/shows/movies/whatever? Ironic Spoilers could be a light greyish colour to distinguish it from real black spoilers. Right now when you see a post with a spoiler tag you never know if it will say something funny or a genuine spoiler.
>>5907Then anons would use them interchangeably and you would be back to square one. Context is usually how you can pick out what is spoilers for something or if you ought not reveal what is hidden.
>>5908You're right.
Come to think of it, what if you could spoiler-tag text with any colour you want? Then pixel art could be drawn in coloured spoilered text blocks.
>>5909>its not actually broken, so theres no real fixing it, and trying to would only increase the problem>I know, let's do way more of that, so it can be even MORE of a problem!>Nigel
Would a toggleble semi persistant quickreply (or thread creation) be secure?
Because I'm too much of a fuck up right now I burned another hour's worth over thinking putting super sexy and hoers pussy, and then accidentally'ed the whole thread post.
>>5910Multicoloured spoiler text blocks could be used however anyone wants without any unified standard of colour coding like "pink spoilers means joke spoilers and black spoilers means real ones". As long as there's no option to make spoilered text blend into the default post background any colour is good. Nice bright colours would be best for pixel art.
>>staffCan you add a colour code function to make text cycle loopingly through all the different colours of the rainbow at max saturation, so someone could write something in colour-changing text that's like a rainbow gaming keyboard's colour changing letters?
>>6178We've been working on a text color cycle, so yes. That is probably going to be added to the code soon
>>6178>Can you add a colour code function to make text cycle loopingly through all the different coloursFunctionality added
>>6180 →
Are randomly generated salts used in the hashing of passwords, and if that is not the case, would that be something that could please be retroactively or non-retroactively introduced to the shadow file, assuming there is one of those?
>>6181Based Pupper. i like the New Colors. Would it be possible to be able to Embed links?
>>6220Not a mod or anything, but I can say that you can't retroactively salt hashes
>>6223Good catch, I didn't think of that one until after I had already posted it.
>>6220I assume you talk about the passwords used to create posts. As for now the password used to create posts are not hashed or salted (identical to how it was in vichan/NPFChan). But I can always look into changing that to the code.
One of the cons to doing it this way is that it will make it hard for us to protect against posts being deleted by others, by manually changing them in the database, if people accidentally post screenshots of the password used to make posts (only happened once so far). It would prevent me from changing a specific password and instead I would have to do it for all posts by IP. And the password is not something super critical security issue as it is only used by users if they want to delete the post they made.
But there are some pros to this too so I will do some pondering and discuss with other staffs on what they feel is best.
So summed up the disadvantage if hashing and seeding is that:
* hard to change a single password if accidentally posted screenshot of it
But the advantage hashing and seeding is that:
* If database is leaked no one can delete posts using the password seen in the leak
But I will do some thinking and see if there is a middle way of only doing hashing which would protect against leak and also make it possible to change single passwords (hash).
>>6226>I assume you talk about the passwords used to create posts.Yes, that's what I meant to say.
I would certainly not like to speak out of turn, and will respect any decisions made by staff, however if I may I'd like to make a brief case for salting and hashing passwords that the moderation team may use as a reference of the opinion of an anon within in the community during their deliberations.
The reason the topic of salted hashes has been brought up was due mainly to the effect, should the password file wind up in the wrong hands, not be able to ID a poster based upon their password; for those maybe not as well versed in how salts or hashing works, basically, as the original password is passed through a hash function, come out as what looks like gibberish on the other side, and any change whatsoever in the original password, be it as small as a single flipped bit, will completely change the outcome of the string on the other side of the hash, effectively scrambling the passwords such that they're not able to be compared to other posts to find someone that's been presumably using the same password to post across the site, and if they were hashed an attacker with the password file would also not be able to go and launch an attack and delete a lot of posts from all kinds of anons all at once, just for an added layer of security practice.
As for deletion of posts with a leaked password, I myself am of the opinion that I don't really mind altogether too much if someone deletes a post of mine should a password be accidentally leaked; it'd be a sacrifice that I think could be worthy, for the added bit of security as a whole.
>>6227>due mainly to the effect ... not be able to ID a poster based upon their passwordof not being able to ID
Well, if the porn thread won't appall the normies, this will do.
Does anyone here have the "Ponk copypasta" that takes the "Pomf pomf" song and changes the lyrics to be about Pinkie Pie?
If I post a mega file that contains a PDF for content that may or may not be pirated, does that cause any problems for the board?
how do we get rid of the flat earthers? I'd rather our community not be associated with their ilk, especially since we're supposed to be a place for intelligent discussion. Also, why are they suddenly showing up on our site? Are (((they))) trying to discredit us by pairing us up with a group of retards that (((they))) already control as a form of advanced shilling, or is it just a wandering group of parasites trying to enact mental dysgenics against us to fuel their """"""""""movement""""""""""?
>>6307It wouldn't be nearly as annoying if they stayed in one thread.
Other than that, just make new threads to slide them. Nobody has made an Afghanistan thread so far.
>>6308thread has been made, by the way
Would Luna's period be on the Full Moon, or the New Moon?
Is Saint Valentine based or cringe? I hear he was made a saint for advocating for keeping the Christian institution of marriage alive in the roman empire.
Can you add the ability to auto-hide all posts from a chosen ID in the Archives?
I noticed the "Add Filter" option doesn't show up in archived threads.
Why doesn't posting .webp images work?
Could every thread made by me just get nuked on /ub/? I know it's difficult to show my IP matching certain posts when I've been damn near all over the state of North Carolina. Frustratingly, I can't even delete my most recent post, even with the password; it just 404s. It has a contact email, and I was intentionally going to baleet it today.
I don't want to be a part of the board, or this site, anymore. It's not that I'm scared some kike or commie will find me, or of any kind of real life consequences. I just give up on everything. Every topic from every thread. Every discussion, every pointless argument I've wasted my effort in losing in disgrace. It's all so tiresome. I am days from drowning in my debt fully, and a week from getting my payday, and I just want to walk away from it all. The last five years was a mistake. If I can't get my fellow autist boyfriend to meet me in the middle and help me out, I'm going to die in this cold. I'd rather have never had any footprint to begin with.
>>6354Don't lose hope, anon. You'll pull through this
I'll expand my request to every post I've made sitewide (primarily on /ub/, /mlpol/ and the Anonfilly Thread) that talks about California and NC. It's a long control-F for you guys to delete, but at least it would make me feel a little more secure in my insignificance.
>>6354>>6356> I'm going to die in this cold. Alright you fuck, explain what you need and where. And when
The ride doesn't end.
>>6357I don't know. I've got three layers of thick blankets, long johns and an insulated jacket. They don't help. I got a fulltime and part time job, neither will pay me a red cent until at least next Friday. Even with this work, my wages don't total more than triple of what average rent is here, so I'm not likely to be accepted on my own. I had my car refueled a few days ago by him, so I don't need gas. What I need, nobody here can give me even if they were willing. I need a rental that either costs under $700 or accepts people who make 2k a month or less.
I'm tired of venting because it accomplishes nothing and only worsens my mood. I'm tired of being around other failures because they can't provide anything in the way of help. I'm tired of this belief system I hold because it makes me feel deep shame for the lows I've sunk to. I'm tired of sobriety because it leaves me alone in my car with my thoughts and the cold.
If you are near Fayetteville, NC and willing to risk your anonymity, you could meet me and buy me a drink at Jumpers on S. Reilly. Otherwise, just leave me be. I'll be gone before you know it anyway.
>>6358Are you able to last at least one or two nights or more?
The situation for me is going to make meeting hard I'm at least two hours away with great road conditions.
>>6359I won't rush you. Second job has me working late nights for a while, and I don't have a schedule written out yet. Plus, I have a week before my first paycheck from the main job comes. I don't know if I'll make it all that long, but we'll see. Hit me at the email on the nomad thread on /ub/ before mods delete it, maybe we can talk at length.
>>6358I'd recommend a sleeping bag and candles. Preferably a heating element such as an electric blanket or space heater.
While burning candles in a small confined area is bad if you are going to freeze to death it'll save your life.
Meals are important right now you are the only thing heating up a cold metal box.
Wool works wonders.
Alcohol makes you open up your blood vessels meaing you'll feel warmer, but you're expending more heat.
Also emails have been sent.
Other thing is to ensure the space you are in retains the heat.
You can burn crisco/vegtable shortning. Remember fire is dangerous.
Also sealed hot water can make a difference.
>This is the thousand year old ancient camping secret to stay warm: Sleep in a sleeping bag that is inside of a bigger sleeping bag and you will be warm like the proverbial bug in the proverbial rug. If that isn't enough, slide a few aluminum survival blankets in between the two. In the morning you will be like the steamed clam (or poached scallop, depending). Skip all the flame game torch scorchery, or is that scorch torchery?
Does anybody have the Ponytariat doxxes on hand? I've been out of the loop on site activity for a few months and I heard you all did some hilarious shit to them. Feel free to share the stories as well, but the main things I'm looking for are the doxxes.
>>6365>I heard you all did/mlpol/ did nothing wrong.
>>6366Nah it was fucking based.
>>6354>>6356If a mod/admin won't do this or simply can't do it, I understand. This last few days,
especially thanks to a night at Jumpers with a certain anon, things are at least tolerable enough. And I was being rash in wanting to erase my footprint on this site. Like it or not, I'm a fixture here, so I shouldn't be a bitch about it...the ride truly never ends.
>>6385Its probably a mix of won't and can't. I mean, for a savvy developer (all other criticisms aside, Pupper IS that) nothing is technically impossible. I mean there might be a way, depending on how many IPs you used and how many post-deletion PWs youve racked up but what you requested would be prohibitively labor intensive and really not serving any purpose other than satisfying you at a down moment.
No offense, but thats really not part of the underlying purpose of the site.
For one, that would remove threads and posts in discussions which would likely fracture and render difficult any later readings of what threads remained. No offense, but 'your feels' do not justify destroying site content.
For two, the only time I can recall staff requestedly removing content is when it accidentally contained doxx or illegal materal; and when I say that, there was an artfag once who requested all his posts/OC be wiped cuz reasons, and the general reception was 'sorry u feel that way but no, lul'. Hope you feel better though
>the ride truly never ends/)
>>6386It's alright. No offense taken. I know I've been a dramafag, bordering on sadcow, ever since I started using this site. I guess I felt guilty over the years for providing so little insight or entertainment in exchange for dumping blogposts and drama on people. Not even just here, but Discord, Ponytown, 4mulp, guys aren't paid enough to be my therapist, so I'll do my best not to burden you with it from now on. Pic related to that though.
Egh. Anyway, I understand I can't just banish the past. It just means that I have to make something good of it or let it fade into obscurity.
>how many IPs you usedUhhhhh. Let's see. Dad's, grandpa's, mom's, two different phone plans, a broadband plan, at least three dozen separate public wifi sources, my current workplace...all spread out over CA, OR, and NC from 2017 to today. Plus I've phoneposted, laptop-posted, and desktop-posted. So. Yeah. It would be a really convoluted hunt to find every post mentioning homeless life or life in Cali/NC.
Thanks again for responding, Ninjas.
>>6386>Still namefagging like his name carries weight or is relevant
>>6388>cant be arsed to answer a goddamn question, but gets mad when someone else does itI gotta differentiate myself from (you)
>>6390It's relevant to his knowledge of the site and its inner workings. I know namefagging is gayer than me, but it has its place. Calm down.
>>6391(oops, meant to reply to >6388. But I think I'll rob him of his ( You ) anyway.)
Is there a way to have an audio cue when a thread you have open gets replied to? I like to keep threads in the background while fullscreen gaming and it's good to know when to check them.
>>6440Yeah. Cytube has that feature and is pretty handy while watching Movie Night.
Hello everypony.
I was tempted to make a thread, but it doesn't seem worth it for just this so here goes:
It seems like newfags today either don't know or don't bother to archive things and use proper tech, so here's a quick summary on how to post content and link to external sources:
>News articles>
Using archives prevents click or ad revenue, as well as tracking, the second is a bigger concern since most people use ad-blockers.
Alternatively, screenshot the page and post the entire article as a picture, or better yet, copy and paste it when possible.
>Youtube videos is a front-end that allows you to watch youtube videos wthout the extra bullshit, has a list of mirrors which you can pick from.
The advantages are that you aren't being tracked by google since the invidous server grabs and serves the video for you. You can download the videos and it is a better interface in general.
Alternatively, upload videos to or bitchute (bitchute censors some videos as it considers hate speech laws and incitement to hatred, etc.)
You can easily download videos from a multitude of webpages with youtube-dl, a command line utility. Same can be done for pictures with gallery-dl.
>>6466>It seems like newfags today either don't know or don't bother to archive things and use proper techThe reason for that is not to use the kike's websites. To archive a webpage means to link an anon's IP with the archive website. Think about it, if anon has to post an address in /mlpol/ together with the recently archived one, then there is a trace to follow to dox that anon. TOR is fine for to use a couple of times, but not all the time; VPNs are a joke owned by the enemy. So, posting the screenshot is the safest and cleanest way, be for the poster anon as for the reader anons.
>>6467>posting the screenshot is the safest and cleanest wayAgreed.
Stupid question, I have some categories for meme categorization by topics, what do you think?
neanderthal hypothesis
anon posts
national socialism
great reset
botting/shilling/spamming (JIDF agents spamming talking points and others)
occupy wall street
climate change
anti-whiteness or crt
gun rights
I am tempted to combine homo and tranny topics into an LGBT topic, but it seems like they're better off separate.
>>6468>I am tempted to combine homo and tranny topics into an LGBT topicHomo/tranny belongs to the "homosexuality" topic as it refers to a mental illness or aberration.
LGBT belongs to the "cultural marxism" topic as it refers to degeneracy used for political motives.
Checking to see if I can link to >>>/test/ from the main board.
>>6513Huh, I guess that doesn't work.
>>6514its like this
>>> /Test/(post number)
Dont include the parenthesis
>>>/Test/1981 →
>>6525Oh, it was the capital T that threw me off.
It’s pointless drama that really has no business being out in the open, not even on test, which is semi public and frequented. In a regular Chan it would slide off the board, and there is no point in keeping an open record of it permanently. That isn’t the purpose of that board.
That thread was there less than an hour ago.
>>6528Glad I saved it then
I deleted that post voluntarily, fyi
>>6528I wouldn't say a thread having "no purpose" is necessarily cause for deletion if it doesn't break any rules, tbh.
>>6530Go ahead and keep it if you are nostalgic. I’m hardly going to upset at that choice.
>>6531Thank you
>>6532The reason is “personal drama out in the open,” which we’ve deleted a very large number of posts for
The various Nigel dramas, if that wasn’t obvious>>6532
>That isn’t the purpose of that board.
Tbh, I was actually about to make a thead about the purpose of /test/, becuse I had a thought that it has the means to function as /mlpol/'s equivalent to /trash/, for garbage that is best left off of the overboard. Things not jus for testing, but also maybe guro/fetish threads (not endorsing, but they should have a place on what i technically a porn site), or flaming.
>>6533I don't think that's against any of the rules, but whatever.
>>6533>The reason is “personal drama out in the open,”Is /test/ really considered to be 'out in the open'? I think anon made the thread there for that reason. The thread stayed up for a whole week without issue.
>>6539Dont attempt to comprehend my motives, Im fine that its gone
>>6534Also, I like the sound of this, mlpol's trash
Why is there a ponerpics link in the top, when theres no link to mlpol on ponerpics?
Is there any reason why the archives aren't searchable like the currently active threads? There's a couple of threads I'd like to find, but I think I might be skipping past them in the archives.
I'm also wondering if it's possible to have a thread from the archive brought back and stickied. I'm specifically looking at the MLP Fanwork Preservation Thread here
>>6694"Whatever you are trying to find"
Try that in jewgle without these "", works almost every time, try typing down small fragments of posts you remember about those threads.
that's how i knew KnY didn't had a thread before
What engine this uses? Is it opensource?
Where can I post soyjaks?
Why do people have pony faces by their name on /mlp/?
I tried asking and my thread got deleted? How do you get a face? Do you pick which one you get?
>>7217On a blank post field, press :
Go on, try it, see what happens
Not sure if this will work right, the menu doesnt come up in the name field, but let's find out!
Nope, didnt work. Could have something to do with site features, either for here or there, but guaranteed that uas something to do with it
/mlpol/ Store.
The clothing section is not working properly.
>>7273I think the store has been fucked for years.
>>7273The new store was set up through cafepress and unfortunately they flagged almost all of our designs. It looks like all of the shirt designs were finally nixed, so the "clothing" section is just a dead link now. The Broncos copypasta mug is also kill, sadly. Like most modern online services cafepress's moderation process is a nonsensical black box, and they don't give you any real clarification as to why things are flagged, you just get a vague generalized warning about violating their content policy.
I was more or less expecting this to happen with a couple of our products. The mug with Peyton Manning's forehead on it was made from a (presumably) copyrighted photograph, so that one was predictably flagged. The rest of the deletions, though, made absolutely no sense. For instance, the T-shirt with the vaporwave Aryanne on it was deleted, but the mug with the exact same design was not. Another shirt, that was literally just the word "Milpool" hand-drawn by me in MS-Paint, got taken down for reasons I can't even fathom. Nothing in the store had any swastikas or anything overtly fashy on them, so it can't have had anything to do with that. Ironically the design I was the most worried about getting flagged, the steel liquor flask with the black sun on it, was left alone.
Anyway, tl;dr I could try to fight it out with their "content usage team," but I suspect it wouldn't accomplish much and would probably be more trouble than it's worth. My guess is that this stuff isn't even being looked at by a human, it's probably just some image-recognition algorithm that autoflags things. If I opened a complaint ticket it would probably result in our store being scrutinized by a human, which could lead to it getting deleted entirely.
If you have any specific designs you want to try to put on a shirt, feel free to reply with an image and I can make a store item out of it. Just buy it quickly, though, since there is a high likelihood it will get flagged and deleted.
>>7275I think is a sure bet to believe that hostile lurkers send mails to (((cafepress))).
>>7277It's quite possible, but if that were the case I would have expected the black sun flask to have been the first thing to go since it's the most obviously questionable thing in the store. The apparently random flagging suggests an algorithm being triggered. Either way, though, the end result is the same: I can put designs up, but there's no guarantee they'll stay up. Going forward, I think I might just make product announcements on the board somewhere 24 hours before something is added, along with a set time when the design will be live. That way, anyone who wants one can grab it quickly before it gets noticed.
>>7278>I would have expected the black sun flask to have been the first thing to go>algorithm being triggeredNah, it looks like affirmative action niggers blocking the merchandise just in case. I doubt they know about the Black Sun, for then it may look like a fancy design.
Would the horse admin mind if I re-open some of the not wanted threads in /mlpol/, in /1ntr/?
>>7293I mean, I would create brand new threads that will be the continuation of the resented ones.
>>7293What do you mean by not wanted threads?
>>7297Imo, I didn't have any issue with that thread, although you could argue it's more /qa/ material. I think it's fine.
>>7293Bad idea, imo. Moving them there doesn't improve them.
>>7293>>7297As a low energy user they are wanted. As an Anon of multiple boards it's needed of the current political shitstorms (light but constant sprinkling).
The problem is two fold.
Generating content and shitposting is effort, same with the political threads.
>Facebook memesAre a mitigated cancer however they also produce useful functions in aggregate political meme sociology.
Also is that politically the situation is spicy. When is just a matter of when the shoe drops. Keeping up on lots of everything to see where, why, how, when, what and who.
B)Factors in the past.
-Why is the Pony Content so slow and low at times?
Retreading ground is fun at times.
Various pony content explored in other places (such as more specialized places for either roleplay, or speed of shitposting or being unbanned sort of)
The show having been done in season two made it to where it lays now. So offical content is kind of checked out. G5 is... personally not my cup of bleach.
Horsshitstorms and Ponydrama is low at this point, still occurring but concerns fags, and the usual things that just happen around the world.
Verity, Marenhiet, booru drama, text storage emergency, ect.
Things are... calmer because they resolved.
For politics there's the goings on, range of replies and shit.
Also people change over time, circumstances change, responsibilities, undertakings, assorted bullshit, or anything really.
The other thing is that particularly off shill behavior is... just doesn't happen as the endless tide of shit.
Where as ponies also are a staple of meme communication.
So the solution is.
New content, or old content, or content, or include a pony everytime you post somewhere.

>>7301>As a low energy user they are wanted.Thanks anon. Collecting material and "dumping" it here takes hours, glad someponer appreciate it. That said, posting again in /mlpol/ has lost most of his magic as a hostile environment has grown there, so migrating to /1ntr/ looks like a viable option not constrained for specific material or quality.
>>7301Imo, the threads would be significantly improved if they were just made with poster IDs; political discussion really drops without them (pony discussion improves though).
>>7302Thank you. Your dedication is admirable. You're appreciated.
>>7302>posting again in /mlpol/ has lost most of his magic as a hostile environment has grown there, so migrating to /1ntr/ looks like a viable optionIt could be argued that there isn't a huge difference between board communities here. We're quite a small site, and the overboard means that most posters will see posts from all boards.
Do as you wish though.
>>7293Why /1ntr/ in particular?
>>7307Nopony uses it and it's ripe for colonization I guess.
>>7308>Nopony uses itI guess that's true.
/sp/ is an option too.
Would it be okay to start an /o/ general somewhere like /sp/?
>>7373There are no rules against it, except for the "No Generals" rule that jannies don't feel like enforcing. I say go for it.
>>7374The no generals thing is why I'm asking. /pol/ content is inherently part of the board, but maybe unrelated /o/tist shit wouldn't get a pass.
I'd like to have their approval before making one.
Kikes and leftoid bugmen hate that we have mobility, so maybe the thread could generate some good /pol/ content as well that might not readily fit into some of the more on-topic threads.
>>7373>>7375Sure, go ahead. Both /sp/ or main board /mlpol/ is good. Dealers choice.
WTF. Where all anons did go?
>>7470>Where all anons did go?<Where did all anons go?Are you a spig or something?
>>7471You must be the britcuck obsessed with grammar.
>>7472GG's a mutt. The fuck are you talking about?
Salutations, faggot-nerds.
Could I hypothetically make an engine powered powered by my cum?
After years of training, I've gotten to where I can cum up to an ounce and a half, possibly even more than two ounces if I'm masturbating to livestock. I can do this about three times a day before getting diminishing returns.
But what could I do with all that cum?
I just washed my cum sock and it felt so wasteful. Surely I could've found a way to harness the chemical energy of my semen. It would be totally green and renewable, ofc.
How do I make a cum-powered engine (that isn't your mum)?
>>7475Your dreams lie beyond this world. When your dead, you sure can live happily with your cum-engine.
>>7475Fuck off Luciferino
>>7476>yourPost hand with timestamp.
Or "Mano".
However the fuck you call it.
>>7477>Post hand with timestamp.>Or "Mano".I can't understand o_0 What do you mean?
Seems like I over did it. What gives?
So, have you guys thought about implementing a captcha to stop ad bots and cp spam?
>>7480We do have a system that can be activated with solve a captcha once a day. However, it isn't popular when activated. Each time we have when hit with a bot we are asked why it was in place. It is for more emergency use seeing as it discourages the users. I don't blame them for this as I even have been annoyed when it is on, and I forget to solve it when trying to post.
As for alternative methods, unfortunately there isn't a way we currently have to intercept the posting. A bot can alter a single character in our current filtering system to clear a post as it is meant to stop copypasta spam. The act of the bot posting unique urls each time means we don't have this as an option. We also can't ban image because they also have a pool of images that apply the unique url onto the image, making it unique.
The best option seems to be users reporting posts and we will delete them as they come up, especially since the post rate is relatively low. If you think we should change our policy towards captcha on more often, we can certainly discuss it though.
>>7482What if all mew IPs had to solve a captcha once to earn the right to post images?
>>7482I don't really mind having to solve captchas, but I can understand why other anons might be annoyed by it.
I know being anti-censorship is one of the site's core tenets, and I'm gonna come across as a whiny faggot, but I don't think I'll come here much more due to the constant pedo threads/foalcon. So disregard me and call me a dumb faggot if you must. I understand.
Thanks for the hard work you guys have put into the site over the years.
>>7484U nigey?
Either way. That's a shame man. Just hide and ignore. You're letting them win if you bail out.
>>7484But the pedoposters are jewish shills here to demoralize us. They are spamming with the same shit.
Given that the board is now so slow and hemorrhaging the last standing users non-stop, would the management reconsider its policy of hindering /pol/ posting for not having poster IDs and, according to it, the absurd labeling of "boomer" posting?
>>7491First off, it is Christmas time. People are off on holiday. Things always pick back up later.
Second off, I already told you that you need to offer some dialogue and argue why. We only removed the threads on /1ntr/, never discouraged posting on /mlpol/ as that was the users, and I told you to post with more effort than a screenshot and copy paste.
You have always been free to post threads and you have the full control option to post a thread with no IDs.
>>7492>What do you mean this isn't my faceberg frontpage?
>>7493>faceberg frontpageNot completely sure what you mean but I have an idea.
>>7491>labeling of "boomer" posting?It is what it is.
>>7494Even ur meme senses are boom boom tier
>>7495>lying like a fucking commieYour verbal diarrhea reminds me of absurdities of globohomo:
- a man dressed like a woman is a woman
- the rightful owners of the land are called insurrectionists
- mathematics is racist
... and on and on
Place your bets on how long it takes him to start talking to himself
>>7498Literally paco-tier. At least he's not fucking up pony threads as well.
Why can't we all just get along?
>>7497>call someone's threads mediocre>hurr durr you support globohomo and troons!Lmao, you humor me with your nonsense.
>>7502You're obviously a secret troon from bunkerchan trying to destroy /mlpol/ by killing the stream of content.
Take this vid since I don't have a reaction image for you, faggot.
>>7503>if you don't like my shitty threads that only appeared in 2019 you're a troon!Keep telling yourself that, bud.
>>7501There's probably like two posters and fasces online right now. The fuck are you even on about?
>>7501It is not me who begun the quarrel.
I was just an regular poner posting without any issue until a couple of retards complained because my posting was going up too much on the /overboard/ and naturally their threads were going down. So, these coneheads recruited the management to interfere.
The root of the issue is so silly as pure jealousy because of their threads not getting the traction they think they deserve.
>>7501We are a chansite. Shitflinging is natural.
>>7506How has the management interfered? Your threads were removed from /1ntr/ because they were off topic.
>>7503You are a faggot and you should KYS.
Even water bottles wasn't as annoying and retarded as this.
>>7504>>7505See! The bunker trannies can't help but oust themselves. We get it: you want to kill the site by forcing anons out of making content.
>>7506They're asshurt because they'd rather have a dead site than ignore your boomer memes. It just hurts their asses so much.
>>7509Cool story, namefag.
Lotus and pooper are such a painfully obvious samefag
>>7506You are so full of shit. The management has not "interfered" in any way beyond basic enforcement of the site's rules. It's you who couldn't handle the bants because the idea that people might not want the site to be covered in threads of random Facebook pasta with you replying to yourself, shutting off poster IDs for no reason other than to sock puppet your own shitty opinions, and no coherent conversations. You were told to fuck off by posters; the management did nothing to stop you.
>>7510>anyone who doesn't agree with me is a bunker trannyGet better material.
>>7510>They're asshurt because they'd rather have a dead site than ignore your boomer memes. It just hurts their asses so much.The problem is that the management is in agreement with them.
That is bad as impartiality is gone.
>>7514What has the management done?
>>7498Too late, bets closed
>>7513>random Facebook pasta>another lieIn jew stream media my posting, and sources, wouldn't last 5 minutes, plus a permanent ban.
>>7512I value your contributions. They're better than nothing, even if they are boomer memes.
Otherwise we have a fanfiction thread going nowhere, a severely autistic British gentleman, a hysterical spic, and a random retard spewing shit everywhere. The absolute state of /mlpol/.
>>7513Take your HRT, bottle runner.
>>7517What bullshit. I see my boomer relatives post that tier of stuff on Whatsapp all the time.
>>7518Keep projecting, faggot.
>>7513>with you replying to yourselfI missed that.
That never happened. Correction, I replied to myself like 3 years ago when /leftypol/ initiated a thread here, and never again.
>>7519>Whatsapp all the time.It is my fault that of /pol/ going mainstream?
You suck so much ass. You didn't even figured it was Carlos until I namefag
>>7520>I'm a fag and you called me a fag!Damn, bro. You got me. I'm such a tranny that I hate content being posted here.
Try again.
>>7518>if they are boomer memesThe fuck they are not.
>>7524It was you who brought troons into this.
I didn't even know bunkerchan still existed. I thought they collapsed from internal drama (commies always do).
>>7525It's okay, anon. I still appreciate you despite your boomer-tier memes.
>>7523>¡Me! ¡El Goblino!I could tell when you mentioned Bottles. You can totally fuck him, bro. I can get you into my ranch, but you gotta pay.
>>7526Sorry, I meant *Dick Sword troon*.
I love seeing random arguments on /qa/ every so often, but this is definitely not worth a spergout. /1ntr/ is its own thing, it's like going to the equivalent of an injun reservation and holding a retard rally there.
Well, well, well.
I am happy that this board is going back to normal.
>>7528Yeah, not dumping unwanted generals there isn't that much to ask.
>>7528>/1ntr/ is its own thingHow so?
It was a dead board for years and was popping up mostly because I posted in the Caturday thread.
Another ram ranch serf has slipped out.
We'll see if the hidden flag doesn't trip you off like it has since 2019.
>>7532Only homosexuals have cats.
>>7533Bro, I photoshopped your daddy into gay porn so hard that he allegedly left the site.
>>7532The users can post to it at their own speed. It is not for dumping /pol/ generals.
Heck, generals aren't even supposed to be anywhere on this site. If the management were as draconian as you imply they'd be removed entirely, but they haven't been, so quit seething.
>>7534Hey, I was the one who trashed his NORDcisim thread. You were just slightly more autistic.
>>7534>Only homosexuals have cats.It is the Caturday thread, not my home faggot.
>>7536>Hey, I was the one who trashed his NORDcisim thread.Why do you hate your dad so much?
>>7537Okay, but I think you should get checked for toxoplasmosis.
>>7535>so quit seething.Okay.
Atleast you don't have a pic to work with
>>7540At least no one else posted pics of themselves on a chan site while being a fag.
I'm proud of you guys.
>>7534>Ban me nigga!That was pretty dumb ngl
I just complained about some low quality boomer threads, but idk wtf some of this obscure interpersonal drama is. I've been here since April 2017, but idk who these people even are.
>>7543>You are NOT, paying attention
>>7543>I just complained about some low quality boomer threadsYou just might ignore them faggot.
>>7543>I just complained about some low quality boomer threads,Take in count that threads are not meant to please you or meet your personal standards, and might be wise if you predicate with the example and pad those "low quality threads with the content you consider adequate, otherwise you are full of shit.
>>7542Dude, this site let's people keep foalcon/Loli up and my shit was deleted for posting an edited image he uploaded of himself. Didn't get banned, so whatever. Was still the hardest I've laughed in years.
>>7543Go back to twitter or wherever, faggot. You also had the option just ignore them. The site is so slow anyway that you could readily visit a specific board to find whatever you want.
I made fun of the boomer memes, but I never wanted them banned altogether.
>>7546>>7547>>7548I haven't been complaining all the time, mostly just in threads where it's brought up, like this one. I usually just ignore the shitty threads; they've been here for a while now.
>>7548It was pretty funny. But I mean, it gets a bit depressing after a while.
Has anyone here ever visited a bullshit church full of unchristian nonsense like tarot cards and phony psychics?
I entered one once and it made me think "All of these motherfuckers need Jesus".
The old hag on stage pretending to be psychic pointed to me and said "Your mom loves you!"
"No," I told her.
"Your mom loves you and is bad at showing it!"
"My mom abandoned us when I was two," I lied just to see what this psychic would say. "Dad died when I was six and my grandfather raised me alone."
I'm terrible at lying. The nervous laughter kicked in and I said I'm not used to crowds looking at me.
The fucking "psychic" starts making up vague stories that probably happened to anyone raised by a granddad, but my grandfather died a long time ago and we didn't live together and none of the stories she made up are true.
I roll with it until she decides to move on and continue emotionally manipulating other fifty-something boomers who COULD have made themselves a godless support group for people still not over their dead grandmas but no, they'd rather gather in this fake church so an old hag can fuck their psychological wounds back open.
What is this a role call?
Anyway, when's the estimated time for the Equestria portal?
>>7549If so, then why is there this pushback against boomer anon from what appears to be the community? Again, it's easy enough to ignore or ridicule, yet policy seems to have been hastily influenced. There are way worse things than boomer memes and gay porn edits of images users upload of themselves, if you want to go down that road. The double standard doesn't make much sense.
>>7550Thanks, but I think you'd be depressed regardless. Still, I'll see about getting you access to water bottles in exchange for more pone and less eqg.
>>7552Yes, it's a role call. No, you will never be a fully.
>>7553>If so, then why is there this pushback against boomer anon from what appears to be the community? It is not the community, but a couple of vocal anons. Take in count that boomer anon is also the community.
See the reason:
>>7506>The root of the issue is so silly as pure jealousy because of their threads not getting the traction they think they deserve.
>>7553U were still off-topic tho
>>7554>>7555It's okay, Anon. I still appreciate your efforts and I was never opposed to them aside from making fun your boomer memes. I'm sure you're a cool guy. It would be nice if you put more effort into it, though.
>>7556Not as off-topic as the lost and drunk Spaniards that made you by fucking monkeys.
My bullying of Niggas resulted in joy for you all and a better site overall. I stand by it, especially before him persistently namefagging and shitting up every other thread. Sorry, he's probably not your biological father. Keep looking.
There was definitely a double standard when it came to rules being applied. I'm not particularly bothered by it, but it is relevant to this discussion.
Boomer anon has been abused and I will simp for him.
>>7558>I still appreciate your efforts and I was never opposed to them aside from making fun your boomer memes.Thanks poner.
>>7558Niggas was going nuts. But I don't think there was any double standard. They definately jumped in out of pity tho.
Still, boomer anon deserved the rope long ago. And no simping will save him.
>>7560>I don't think there was any double standard. They definately jumped in out of pity tho.You realize the irony in that statement, right? Niggas gets ridiculed and mods step in, but everything else is a free for all. I'm not trying to shit on staff and I'm not particularly bothered by it from a personal standpoint, but it's definitely relevant.
Why does boomer anon get treated differently? I understand that the constant barrage of boomer memes can be a bit much, but has he violated any rules?
In a way, it's like comparing apples to oranges: Niggas starts shit and had shit thrown back at him - mods intervene. Boomer anon posts threads and gets shit on by the site after a few fags whine about it. Definitely not the same in the minor details, but some consistency would be nice.
Honestly, I'd get it if Pupper and the staff just outright said "lol fuck you" since it's his site. Otherwise, I don't get it.
>>7558>JoyWhat brings me joy is not having him around, and you posting his face along with engaging him kind of put me in the worst spot possible of having to side with him and the consequences of keep him around longer. You just had to push it and have him encouraged to stay. Please stick to the tried and true method of ignoring and sometimes rule 10 to get an annoying poster to stop.
If anyone was to post your face, it would be met with the same actions. You are otherwise free to make whatever comments about him because heaven knows he will do the same to you. Retard thought it was great to abuse the report function to let off steam all the time.
>>7562The staff has tried to be completely neutral on this issue. I have been the only one to directly act on it because of the users that asked for action. I simply asked boomer poster to please argue for what he was doing so I could better assess the situation. I don’t really understand the train of logic that led to the move to /1ntr/, but I didn’t do anything about it until there was significant complaints against it. The oddity of the whole situation is another reason we didn’t want to act much on it because taking the wrong stance, as you can see, will end in much controversy. Sometimes you have to sit back and see how things unfold a bit because smacking down everyone’s ideas is not fun.
If you ever have a problem with the direction staff takes things in, all it takes is some dialogue because I was looking for any reason to hear him out and I was given nothing. So to best handle the situation, I left the posts up but locked the thread so if anyone wanted to save anything or demand it be migrated, it could be done. Anon seemed to not take that well and up and left for a time. I then deleted the threads because they don’t really belong there and we’re always allowed on /mlpol/.
The only indication they weren’t welcome there was from the users that wanted more mlp. I won’t lie and say I am a fan of low effort posting Facebook memes, but it is allowed. Hence my comments about putting more effort so we don’t have a general people bitch about. You can post Facebook memes in brand new threads by simply adding your thoughts to the thread instead of someone else’s you copy/pasted. It just takes a couple minutes of thought and people will not have a problem with it anymore, providing actual opportunities to engage users. Bonus points for bot posting fucking Facebook shit too.
I hope this answers some questions. Let me know if I need to clarify anything else.
>>7553>why is there this pushback against boomer anon from what appears to be the community?Because other Anons don't like it either. Even you call those posts boomer tier.
If Anons didn't value quality over quantity, there would be no reason to use this site over 4chan.
>>7564Idk though. I mostly stopped complaining about that stuff months ago. I really don't give a fuck anymore.
I'll still gladly chime in if he's gonna whine about "management intervention" though.
>>7563>>7564I understand. I was mostly just playing devil's advocate and having fun shitposting. I am now bored and tired. Will cease my faggotry.
>>7558>My bullying of Niggas resulted in joy for you all and a better site overall.I disagree. That drama was unsightly and quite frankly annoying. Just because someone is an annoying shitposter doesn't mean it needs to be reciprocated or antagonized. Countershitposting is still shitposting.
This is supposed to be an anonymous board, but die to our small user pool it's all too easy for retards to stir up drama with one another behind the veil.
>persistently namefagging and shitting up every other threadOn that, at least, we agree. He was shitting up a lot of my own threads too, especially the ones on /qa/ when I wanted to open a casual conversation about some site issues worth talking about and he derailed it with drama that put everyone on edge.
>>7562>but everything else is a free for all.They did the same with Nigel tho. Which was also justified, given niggas was following him around the entire site.
>I'm not particularly bothered by it from a personal standpointKek
You were compelled to stay past 2 a.m. tho
>>7566At least you've learn to pull the brakes now. Wish I could say the same about the sociopathic carpenter and his british femboy.
I have a big fresh cache of memes (around 50). Given that there has been some difficulties with meme posters, how many I would be allowed to post without to trigger a retaliatory ban?
>>7571There is no such thing as a retaliatory ban for posting. If you expect to post that many images, you should post them on topic and with content to back up the images. For example, look at all the images in this thread. this thread. see no complaints about this posting style. You can also make threads dedicated to encouraging others to post alongside yourself with all of your collected images.
This is self-explanatory. If you do go around dumping files haphazardly, you will not be banned for this action alone. What will likely happen is us asking you to stop autistically grabbing everything you possess and slapping it wherever you feel like. Thus, it is in all of our best interests that you use common sense and restraint when posting large quantities of images.
>>7572>For example, look at all the images in this thread.> ...........Those threads are made by writefags for writefags. A deluge of typing only suitable for autistic literacy. Sorry but that is beyond my abilities. Collecting material and post, dump, spam, fill, pad, the related threads is my autistic ability.
>>7572>What will likely happen is us asking you to stop autistically grabbing everything you possess and slapping it wherever you feel like.In all fairness, there was times when I made 25/30 posts a day and posted only ~20% of everything I have that day. So, I had some restrain indeed to not overwhelm writefags.
>>7573I'm going to explain it in a way retards can understand, and hopefully then you'll understand as well.
>Appulhors greentextc>Applehoers.gifOkay so far so good.
>Corona newses>PoneSickSippingSoup.wavLet's keep going.
>Writefag thread>T O P I C A L P I C T U R E.pngLast one.
>PushUp Thread>WorkingoutPone.mp4You post STUFFS that fit into the category. It's puting the square peg into the square hole.
If you have a star shapped peg but you can't find somewhere where it fits, you make a thread that has a star shapped hole.
Then you put it in Twilight Sparkle's Star Hole.
It's storting but more fun.
This also applies for news articles, pictures and other media.
I'm just an asshole, but whole dumps irregardless of anything else may be insensitive and the stuff has less positive impact.
You could go more esoteric and have it be one level of abstraction away from on topic, or more, but then it may seem less on topic.
This is advice from an anon who shitposts.
Faceberg Boomer memes are tactically speaking less on topic because they are less enjoyable. Some may even say anti-enjoyable.
Let's put it another way.
If it enhances the area around it like for example white people then post it.
If it degrades the surroundings to a ghetto of crime and niggery reconsider.
>>7575>and hopefully then you'll understand as wellIf I understand it well, you want some context added to the pic, not to mention to make fit in the right proper bread.
I'm working on it. If I fail let me know.
>>7571>some difficulties with meme postersWhat are you talking about?
>>7573>by writefags for writefagsThey were made by writefags for everyone
>>7571Post it as a zip file
I would like to post a thread about the Crowder/Shapiro shitshow.
There are a few doubts about where to do it.
The fags are e-celebs but the theme is Conservative Inc. and the jews.
So, where it should be posted? In /sp/ or /mlpol/?
>>7585Should be fine on either board. There are political topics brought up to allow for discussion. The point of rule 8 is to not glorify a celebrity as the rule clarifies that the topics covered are fine. A pure feud between the two that is not over political differences might be better suited for /sp/. If there is a political point that has caused a fallout or controversy, then /mlpol/ will work. I haven't followed this story to know the context of what you are referring to as a shitshow.
>>7585The Shapiro Shitshow is inherently political because the Jew offered Crowder a deal with the jewish devil and Crowder said no.
They're not butthurt at each other over sports opinions or any petty youtube drama.
Crowder said no to handing over everything he's built for cash and giving the jew control over how conservative he and his audience can be. Everyone's got opinions on this but nobody can deny what a blatant fraud Jewden Peterstein became after he signed up to suck israel's cock while bashing Mudbombs and Christians in equal measure.
>>7589I'm gathering material to post it. It will take a while.
>>7590Good luck with the thread.
how get rancid cum stink out fleshlite?
>>7593Boil water. Let it cool until it is somewhat hot. Use it and a rag to clean it well. If it smells vile, you're eating something wrong or you're taking too long to clean it.
It looks like the spammer took the weekend off.
More pone is needed.
Post hoers faggots.
>>7644 → Why is this thread locked? I have stuff to say about it.
>Tbh, if the guy wants his posts removed for the sake of privacy, it's not a completely unfair request.>Can't mods view posts that came from the same hashed IP? Doing that a couple times shouldn't be that difficult.
>>7708I might make a separate thread to reply to these posts in a usable format.
>>7708>>7708Your questions have been answered in our previous answers to the deletion request
>>7695 → >>7696 →. We’re willing to delete personally identifiable information. We’re not willing to delete multiple entire threads containing hundreds and even thousands of posts by many people on the pure allegation that there’s totally some identifiable information in there somewhere trust-me-bro-but-I-don’t-trust-you-enough-to-tell-you where-it-is. The request for deletion has to be more specific, and narrowly tailored.
We’re not deleting a minor book’s worth of posts and we are not going to read a minor book’s worth of posts to find deletion worthy material.
>>7711>not willing to delete multiple entire threadsWhy though? The threads themselves are already in the archive, and most of them were nothing special, except maybe just some cringey shitflinging; I was there for a most of them. I doubt that anyone would miss them. Nobody is going to read them unless it's to make a kiwi farms article or something. Overall, an OP should have some degree agency in deleting their own threads, but he's just unable to do so because his password has since changed.
>delete personally identifiable information>request for deletion has to be more specific, and narrowly tailoredWouldn't that just make it more tedious? It should be easier to just Control+F the threads that came from the same IP in a certain time periods. It could be over in a few minutes.
>>7711>We’re not deleting a minor book’s worth of postsThat would be a minor book that nobody would ever read in the first place. I can't imagine anybody ever digging any of Nigel's shitty threads out of the archives with good intentions for him.
>not going to read a minor book’s worth of posts to find deletion worthy material.So just search the threads made by him (idk if this is done by IP hash or by post password) and then delete them all at once without reading them. Hardly any of the threads were /go/ material. It's a thing he would do himself if he still had the passwords. You could just think of it as assisting a site user to recover their password, in a way.
I just don't get what the point is for keeping the old threads. If the process of removing them is too difficult, then that's a fair point, but I don't see this logic of needing to keeping the threads on principle or whatever: it's basically just old garbage.
>>7713Why not delete entire threads? First of all, these are not in the archive. They are active on the boards and have been posted in as recently as a week or so ago.
But let me answer your question directly: when you post in a public forum for all of the public to see, and then people respond to that, and then you reply, others reply, and find goes on - what you’ve said is no longer yours alone. You have forfeited, by the act of knowingly posting publicly, by the act of others replying, by the act of continuing to post public ally over a period of, in this case, three years… any kind of right to privacy. It’s no longer yours. It doesn’t belong to you any more. It belongs to the great mass of human discourse and culture now. It’s a part of that collective mass now - not yours. I could imagine exceptions like if you
just posted it less than 24 hours ago, or if it’s been more than 10 years since you last posted, or if no one replied. But this isn’t that.
Chans do have passwords to delete posts. But those passwords change pretty quickly. Because you’re not meant to be able to delete your posts forever.
And let me ask you this: if I post something, then you reply to me… and this goes on for a while with both of us speaking, do I then have a right to remove your replies to me without your consent or even consultation, just because I regret my earlier posts? Because that’s what’s being asked here.
>editing posts versus deleting themI think this would be a worthy discussion to have… if any posts containing such information had ever been reported. Instead, we only have the OP of a thread.
Again, Elway has already answered these questions in detail in
>>7696 →
>>7717>They are active on the boards and have been posted in as recently as a week or so ago.Ah, I was mistaken then. That puts things in perspective. That actually changes my opinion a bit here.
>It doesn’t belong to you any more.It's a fair point, although we wouldn't even be having this discussion if he hadn't lost the passwords to delete said threads: an ability that OPs have by default, and I don't think there's any real statute of limitations on that except for how long one keeps the password (which he has of course lost, and thus lost the ability). Someone else deleting a thread isn't that different from him deleting them himself.
I guess he shouldn't have lost the passwords, but threads on this board then to stay up for weeks and it's very easy to close a tab or change IPs to lose that password.
>But those passwords change pretty quickly. Because you’re not meant to be able to delete your posts forever.I really don't think this is by-design, but you could consider it a consequence that posters have to deal with. He should have thought before he posted.
>if I post something, then you reply to me… and this goes on for a while with both of us speaking, do I then have a right to remove your replies to me without your consent or even consultation, just because I regret my earlier posts?Lotus... I'm not sure how you want me to reply to this, but I know you've done exactly that several times before in the past. It wasn't cool at the time, but maybe it shows that sometimes things are nuanced. It's not really relevant to the principle of it, but I hope you can understand Nigel's perspective here.
Maybe I'm being overly sympathetic to Nigel here, but I can sympathize with a person having posted cringe to a site for years and simply wanting to be forgotten when he left it. I had my own problems with DeviantArt and boorus and other stuff in the past, so I can see where he's coming from.
However, now that it comes to my attention that all of the threads are still active, and not in the archives, I can't confidently say there's no harm in removing them because posters might still want to reply to them. I, for one, wouldn't miss those threads, but I cannot speak for the board, so idk.
That's just my two cents on the matter. Do as you will.
>>7708>>7709I've posted an answer to your question in the thread you made.
>>7719 →>>7713>The threads themselves are already in the archiveThis is actually not accurate. All four threads were in the catalog. One of them had hit bump limit, but since /ub/ is a relatively slow board it hadn't fallen out of the catalog. Despite the thread being several hundred posts past bump limit, the user in question was still replying to it as recently as last week. We're not talking about archived threads, we're talking about basically active threads that have hundreds of posts in them. I know this misunderstanding has already been cleared up, but I just want to clarify it again for emphasis.
>I doubt that anyone would miss them.This is probably true tbh.
>Overall, an OP should have some degree agency in deleting their own threads, but he's just unable to do so because his password has since changed.Ordinarily I'd agree, and if this were any other user making a similar request we'd likely just honor it. You have to understand though that this guy is a special case, and by "special" I do in fact mean short-bus special.
The amount of drama and bullshit generated on this site by this one guy has just been unreal. Even if you've been following the drama closely, you still have no idea just how bad things really are. Have you ever seen that old 4chan screencap of moot complaining about Australians, talking about how he wishes he could just rangeban the entire continent because 90% of the shitposts come from there? That's basically Nigel. Nigel is the entire continent of Australia distilled into the personality of one human being.
Even that may be giving him too much credit. Aussies on 4chan can at least be funny. Nigel is occasionally good for laughs, but he's never been funny on his own.I'm fairly certain we've had actual user attrition due to Nigel's nonsense. I know for a fact we've had actual staff attrition over it. Staff have quit over disagreements on how to handle this one poster's endless autism constantly flaring up. I personally have invested more time than I'd care to admit into arguing with him, giving him advice, trying to help him with his stupid god-awful writing projects, trying to explain to him why he comes across as so obnoxious to people and what he could do to improve...literally nothing ever sinks in.
>Wouldn't that just make it more tedious? It should be easier to just Control+F the threads that came from the same IP in a certain time periods. It could be over in a few minutes.Again, if this were any other user we were talking about I'd agree with you here. However, with Nigel, it's just never going to be over. He's never going to fix himself and he's never going to go away. If we delete his threads he'll just be back in another week or two posting the same kind of garbage. There's nothing to be gained from acceding to his demands, and his demands are unreasonable for reasons that I and Lotus have already detailed.
Anyway, as an aside I went ahead and unpinned the threads from /ub/ since that was probably overkill done in a fit of anger. They'll fall off the catalog in their own due time if no one replies. Beyond that, Nigel is on his own.
Are any of the admins/mods globohomo assets? I remember Ninjas mentioning that a mod was an attorney (presumably Elway) and I know that Canuck honeypots are pretty common, if 420chan and others can be used as examples. Is 'Pupper' an RCMP asset?
This place seems really fishy asking for my upcoming KF thread.
>>7764>my upcoming KF threadWhat is that?
>>7764>Are any of the admins/mods globohomo assets?If we said no, would you believe us?
>>7764Testing apparent unban, or failure of ban to apply to current phone.
Yes, one of staff is a prosecuting attorney. Fun fact, he's the reason the site is insular against legal issues. He's still a bag of dicks tho.
To my knowledge, no one of staff is a globohomo.
Can criticize all of staff (not that anyone cares) but to my recollection, Elway has never misrepresented himself.
>Hurr, ur just namefaggingTry me. I'll be happy to vpn-unleash Thez just to prove a point. That goes for staff as well.
>>7767Glad to have you around Mr.
>>7767Dude, are you still mad about the gay porn shoops? I need a job and I live less than an hour away from you. I can't go back to The Cheesecake Factory after the things I've done.
Let's bury the hatchet. Let me into Ram Ranch.
>>7769I wasn't mad to begin with, I think it made (you) look foolish instead of me
>>7768No u fren
4cc Babies start today, I think MLP is playing, but I'm not certain. I'd bake, but working
I would like to post the following picrel to remind all those whiny niggers that complaining while posting nothing is the ultimate faggotry.
Just saying.
Pupper Woff can you add a toggle in the options menu that disables out going links?
Or an out going message page confirming that a link is clicked.
Thanks for listening.
>>7785I will add that. Might take a little while as I am traveling at the moment. But I will see what I can do from here if I find time.
>>7786Thank you. No worries however long it takes works I don't mind this being a backburner project.
Months or years is alright with me.
>>7787Should not take that long. But might be a month or two until I get time to add it (but I will see if I get to do it earlier).
I miss the meme spamming.
>>7867Nobody else does. Did you know that?
>>7868Kinda, I had some feedback before.
>>7868Ok, I go to study C meantime.
>>7869Most anons probably wouldn't care if you chose higher quality content instead of spamming recycled faceboomer memes. Otherwise, it shits up the site and makes it a pain in the ass to find decent kahntent. May as well hang out with the bots, feds, and discord trannies on 4cuck at that point.
Just some constructive criticism, Anon.
Can we range ban Vietnam? That's where all the CP spam is coming from.
While we are at it could we also range ban Israel?
>>7957You know what proxies and VPNs are. Right?
>>7957Pupper can give you a better and more technical answer, but my understanding is that because we hash user IPs we are unable to rangeban. If we stopped hashing IPs we would be able to cut down on the spam, but it would also mean that there would be a record of every user's posts that could be correlated to a real IP and potentially expose the user, in the event that the site was ever compromised or the Feds demanded our logs, or something like that. Basically it's a tradeoff between convenience and security.
>>7959I'm a mod on another board and we get the same spam as any other of similar size and software, and as far as I can tell there's no consistent pattern in the IPs that post short women pix. The third world countries from which this spam comes that didn't get real internet going until recently don't have large sequential ranges for their ISPs, but rather a scatter of random leftover IPs. The only thing all the IPs do have in common though is what
>>7958 suggests; our lookup system says the IPs that post the pizza are all registered in a VPN database. So even if rangebans were possible, it wouldn't do much to quell the spam.
>>7960>>7959Imo, the only way to control CP spam is to fill gaps in active moderation, either by appointing more mods or by having the existing mods divide their workloads/hours more efficiently. There is quite visibly a "graveyard shift" in the late evening and early morning where CP lingers for hours because mods are asleep; if there were at least mod active at that time every night it wouldn't stay up.
Short question.
The post
>>>/sp/21367 → might actually belong to the Garbage Can thread at
>>>/mlpol/362938 → but given that that thread is not wanted, then I didn't bump it and posted at /sp/ instead.
So, is that fine?
>>7964/sp/ is a shitpost board. It doesn't matter what gets posted there.
Gentlecolts, I was thinking about how much energy you engaged to oppose me yesterday, pretty impressive indeed. So I'll retreat for a while to give (you) some breathing room and time to temper your animosity.
>>7979Kindly don't pretend to act retarded or illiterate.
>>7980I knew it that my intentions would be misconstrued!
Well, be well and calm down, in the end, everypony has the right to shitpost, remember that.
>>7981Execution could use work. /mlpol/ is a high quality site.
The intentions to increase post count via adversarial techniques isn't sustainable.
Riveting engagement using observations, shitposts, humor and questions do work.
And this is like the friendly mono-'ethnic' horspainter enthusiast neighborhood of chat sites, high quality no redditards or shills or jdf in sight amidst a people would engage intellectually with intellectual posts.
>>7982>The intentions to increase post count via adversarial techniques isn't sustainable.Yes, it works pretty well for a while, but I see the exhaustion.
>>7979>I'll retread for a while>>7981>two hours laterWelcome back
>>7985You have to admit that was funny.
>>7979Stop making these announcements every time you leave to touch grass.
If you're gonna make this thread about your ego too, then let's rename it to /FTDDTOT/.
>>7785Working on the link disabling in JS (or rather turn links to clickable links).
Going to need some extra work to get Media embedding working in conjunction as I for some reason were transforming links to clickable when generating the pages and not using JS (I probably had some reasoning behind it when I did it). So I am changing how it is done on backend and moving the link generation to frontend.
But just wanted to give update that it should be done in not too long, I just have to do some testing and hopefully not too many areas will be affected by moving link transforming to frontend (javascript).
>>8019Super, thanks Pupper.
using No JS by only using the backend sounds like a feature for older browsers... As in positively ancient or esoteric ones.
So, are y'all gonna ban/404-prompt me - again - if I start arguing that horsefuckers are de-facto furries?
Like last time?
>>8268Hi Ninjas.
That would be low-key bait, but I don't think it's against the rules.
>>8268Maybe phrase the OP as a question, so that it opens the floor to debate.
And if you think it's too shitposty from /mlpol/, /sp/ should be fair game. They let the resident boomer post his general threads there.
>>8270It WAS /sp/,....
>tips fedora
>>8268>So, are y'all gonna ban/404-prompt me - againHeh, no wonder this site is dead. If the dissenters are gagged and banished... /s
BTW, this is not an endorsement of furries or their degeneracy.
>>8272In fairness, it (the ban/404) was evidently temporary. Additionally, as assholes are concerned I AM exceptional, both historically (wrt site) and generally. While not excusable, the decision was understandable.
Why spamming /sp/ is allowed with threads that are clearly posted to cause disruption? Is board sabotage funny perhaps?
Another question. Is the responsible already banned? I don't see the management taking action at all, the threads are still up, like they were posted by it.
>>8277I’m assuming you’re talking about the guy posting all the Hi Anon threads.
If he were doing the same thing on the main board the threads would be deleted. /sp/ is generally a looser board more conducive to funposting. Also, the only active threads there at present are a random meme dump thread, a random link dump thread, and a mildly entertaining troll thread about whether or not horsefuckers are furries. No huge loss if any of that junk gets bumped out of the catalog.
> Is the responsible already banned?No.
>>8278>I’m assuming you’re talking about the guy posting all the Hi Anon threads.Yes.
>Is the responsible already banned?>No.The responsible by posting simultaneous multiple threads obviously looks to mess the catalog up. That is not fun posting, but it has a clear malicious intent. He did it before at /mlpol/ and after killing that board is doing it now at /sp/ where most of the action is happening.
>>8279> The responsible by posting simultaneous multiple threads obviously looks to mess the catalog up.Again, there’s not much going on there that he can mess up. /sp/ is basically this site’s /b/, it’s designed to be anarchic and all threads should be viewed as temporary.
> He did it before at /mlpol/ and after killing that board is doing it now at /sp/ where most of the action is happeningIt happened once before on /mlpol/ to my recollection. As I explained, on that board the quality control is tighter, so the threads he posted were either deleted or moved. It did not “kill the board” or even have much of an effect; the issue was dealt with and that was that.
> That is not fun posting, but it has a clear malicious intent.I can’t speak as to the user’s intent, but I can confirm he is a regular site user and not an invader causing trouble. Again, since this behavior took place on /sp/, it’s not really breaking any rules or causing serious trouble, so I see no reason for staff action here.
>>8277>Why spamming /sp/ is allowed"Spam" threads like HI ANON have been native /sp/ content since its conception. It's only in recent years that it's become full of e-celeb threads, generals and other dubiously policy-legal threads.
>>8279>obviously looks to mess the catalog upNow the catalog has ponies on it. Instead of completely-dead non-pony threads. An improvement, imo.
>killing that boardAs if, lmao.
>where most of the action is happeningOnly like two or three posters even post to the random generals that take up /sp/'s front page. It is not most of the site's content.
>>8280>Again, there’s not much going on there that he can mess up. /sp/ is basically this site’s /b/,Lotus still banned me for trolling.
>>8283I'm not behind the hi anon threads btw. I simply trolled around in the furry thread and that got me banned.
>>8279>looks to mess the catalog upOn what basis do you say this? How is the catalog worse than it was before?
>>8283>banned for trollingIf he's anything like fasces...
>>8282>"Spam" threads like HI ANON have been native /sp/ content since its conception.<He doesnt know Hi Anon threads were censured>It is not most of the site's contentBy post count? Not counting Lotus' pony dating sim, that is
>>8286Worse is a matter of perspective. You dont want mine.
>>8287<He also doesnt knowNot the thread for it.
Serious question; I wont claim the furry thread isnt deaigned to rustle jimmies, but the YT spam is lgbt-tier obfuscation. I assume cuz "its /sp/" that its 'acceptable', and if so fine. Is there a line on /sp/, and if so, where is that line? (illegal contrnt, obvs not acceptable)
>>8288><He doesnt know Hi Anon threads were censuredNo?
I was there the whole time. When were the censored?
>By post count?By users.
Post count alone doesn't make it the majority of most of it is one guy.
>You dont want mineTry me.
>>8288The question of what is or isn't allowed on /sp/ sounds like it could be it's own thread.
>>8288>I wont claim the furry thread isnt deaigned to rustle jimmiesFlooding /sp/, possibly to slide a thread you don't like is one thing. Banning an user because he trolled you is another. I remember you got a lot of shit for abusing your authority as a mod.
Thats it from me ITT, head to the pony pub if u wanna hear. Not trying to derail, and not trying to make it about me.
Srsly just trying to avoid getting banned - again - for trolling about ponies being furries which they are btw
Why is the maximum threads per hour so low, but the bump limits so high?
>>8296Spam protection measure. A bot can't be set up to post thousands of threads that we would have to combat as it keeps posting.
>>8297I remember those days.
Hasn't been relevant in a long time though.
>>8298It apparently is if you are hitting the limit and people are complaining. Just spread out your posts a bit and it won't be hit.
>>8288>Where is the line drawn?Honestly, it's all pretty fuzzy as to where the line is drawn.
In general, on /mlpol/ the standard is intent. Is a post, or series of posts, intended to disrupt? Autism is generally allowed, although when it gets to the point that it completely derails threads and is intolerable, it isn't.
On /sp/, we're more lenient in general. It's more of a question of what is tolerable. The "hi anon" threads, the "bronies are furry" crap, and the youtube links are all questionable.
It isn't a settled question.
>>8296Well anon if you look through your ghost threads you've been spamming you'll see there's practically no posts in them.
>>8302This. Deadass, no cap, fr fr
>>8292I responded to this post, but it was deleted and I was warned.
>>8292Oh, you mean trying to get Nigel - my legit FRIEND - to stop shitting up the board with his sperging? Yes, I used mod powers to try and get him to post acceptably
>>8300I have to wonder is there a rule that prohibits trolling in /sp/
>>8308There is no such rule, iirc.
>>8304At least you got warned. Lotus kicked me out without any notice. I guess he must be getting desperate.
>>8310>LotusAnd what about the nigger spamming Hi Anon threads?
>>8309And yet, if you happen to rub that guy the wrong way, he'll swing the hammer ban in no time. No matter if its /sp/ we're talking about.
>>8311If it doesn't offend him personally, he won't move a finger.
Okay Ninjas, you've finally gotten what you wanted.
I know I live rent free in your head, and to you I'm the author of all bad things that happen to you, or something, but for the record: Fasces wanted to ban you from nearly the beginning, Elway wanted to ban you since last night, I was the last "yes" vote with Pupper not saying anything on the matter. Elway made the ban.
>>8308>Samefags 3 different posts, posts multiple unequivocal bait posts against site users generally, and has a consistently hostile attitude throughout
>>8314>but why are you so mean?!Is that the best you've got? In fucking /sp/?
>>8304And what was this even about, dude?
What even got you so paranoid? Lotus?
>>8315>Nothing I do is wrong so long as its /sp/I don't care to argue with you. Boom Boom has been banned for less in /sp/.
>>8316We've been over this drama many times over the past 5 years, and we're not doing it anymore, which is what I said to Ninjas.
I'm not relitigating ancient shit.
If there's any confusion; Ninjas was banned for using the report system to make threats to staff, and for posting his furry troll thread in /mlpol/.
The Hi Anon thread have served their purpose. Enough of them have been posted, and we may start trimming a few of them should Elway deem it so
>>8317Nope, that was spam mostly. And he was warned. Speaking of which, time to keep the same energy with our current spammer. Don't you think?
Should we also ban the YouTube link spammer? Booms was banned for less. Oh, that's right, he's Elway I think. Better forget about that.
>>8319>Speaking of which, time to keep the same energy with our current spammer. Don't you think?Hell yeah. Hi Anon nigger must be dealt with.
>>8321Who decides what's too spicy for /sp/ anyways. As long as it is perfectly legal. It can't be how butthurt any given mod is.
Rent. Free.
>>8322>Who decides what's too spicyIt is not about spicy at all. It is about delivered sabotage.
>>8321Come and get me, fag
>>8324Some day you'll pay.
>>8325~Ooh, that sounds spooky
>>8323Whatever the case, everyone should be judged the same way.
>More Hi Anon threads
Alright, time to cull the herd. The Aryanne thread is cute, so I'm deleting the griffin instead
>hi anon threads verboten
>generals and e-celeb threads get to stay
We live in a society.
>>8330You are being deceitful.
>>8330>hi anon threads verbotenThat's a lie. There are enough of those threads, and more of them are clogging the board. The poster knows that and doublesdown instead of stop for common sense's sake.
Welcum to your grave staff of Thoma. You will not be missed.
>rent free
Fifth time you use the same cope. In any case, the month-long ban says I got real pissed.
>>8330Part of the art of shitposting involves knowing when it's time to stop.
>>8333>clogging the boardClogging the board from what? Dead threads that have been on the catalog for 4+ years?
>>8335got you* real pissed
>>8336>implying the ride ever ends
>>8339>implying the ride ever endsIt is actually (you) who wants to end the ride for everypony else with those threads.
>>8340What about posting threads ends the ride?
>>8339Like, I get it, but 49 threads out of a 100-thread catalog is enough.
>>8341Those Hi Anon threads are not for fun, but to suppress and send to archive other threads.
>>8343All of the threads that slid hadn't been posted to for literal years.
>>8344Perhaps, and yet they enriched the catalog with assorted themes. Hi Anon threads don't do that.
>>8339Just throwing this out there, if you want to screw with boom-boom without disrupting the rest of the site, you can always just dump the Hi Anon posts directly into his containment threads until they hit bump limit.
>>8346>you can always just dump the Hi Anon posts directly into his containment threads until they hit bump limit.
>>8342Flip flopping as per the course lol.
>>8347They are just jealous of your numerous contributions.
>>8349I know. They are 120% reactive and 0% proactive.
They cannot stomach anypony rising above.
I find it humorous that the two spam posters are fighting over the right to spam in only the way each sees fit.
>>8345>they enriched the catalog with assorted themesSo dead threads are to be kept around just for show?
I didn't see you bumping any of the dead threads when the hi Anon threads were being posted.
>>8347oh come off it, we all know why the Hi Anon threads piss you off so much.
>>8351>two spam postersSlander is not welcome. My posting is not spam.
>>8355>general dumps where virtually no conversation is had is not spam
>>8355You both are literally identifying each other as spam. It isn't coincidence my friend. You are different forms of the same problem. You both need to post what you want and damn anyone that says to compromise the style. You are literally the same.
>>8357>You are literally the same.
>>8356>general dumps where virtually no conversationAnd why is that. So you would blame the poster instead of the readers?
>>8359>blaming the readersYou are free to reply to each of those HI ANON threads if you wish
>>8360>comparing news to identical 0 effort threadsReally?
>>8361>""""news""">implyingThere is a reason why hardly anyone ever replies to the links in those generals.
>>8359>>8360In both of your cases, both of your posting styles are suitable in moderation, which is the main contention. Why this is a problem for you both, I have no idea.
News threads are nice when you don't desire to make generals on the site where the only discussion goes into three or four threads where one poster dominates, actively squashing debate because OP knows best.
Hi Anon is cute, but for fuck sake, you can't have a million of them and get replies on any significant portion of them. Tone it down.
>>8358>>8359The problem is that your excessive autism prevents you from evaluating reader interest. You post content that nobody is engaging with because they're not interested, and instead of tailoring your content to make it better, you double down and insist that everyone else is somehow at fault for not being interested.
If you ever run out of Facebook memes, you could always get a UK proxy and start ranting about Naruto.
>>8362>""""news"""Yup, they were and are literal news.
>>8365>If you ever run out of Facebook memesMore slander. My memes are /pol/ tier faggot.
>>8366The reason why nobody replies to those posts is because the conversation is not worth having.
A bunch of one-off posts in a single thread whom nobody replies to is by volume the same as a bunch of individual threads with no replies.
At least the HI ANON threads have ponies in them.
>>8367nu-/pol/ tier maybe.
>>8367Lmao, no they aren't.
>>8368>The reason why nobody replies to those posts is because the conversation is not worth having.Fine. I moved to /sp/. Now leave me alone.
>>8367>>8370>responding twice to make it look like more than one person agrees with youkek, another classic. I also like the way you keep replying to your own posts in your "news" thread to simulate engagement.
>>8372>I moved to /sp/.And I posted HI ANON threads on /sp/.
>>8373>kek, another classic.It is in your mind I'm afraid.
>>8375Nah, I saw it too. It's pretty transparent.
>>8376>It's pretty transparent.For you might be because you see a reflection of your wickery. For me nothing funny has been made.
Again, I have no idea why the two of you are opposing each other so fiercely. You are two sides of the same coin and you should try to actually team up and learn from each other to make good posts on the site.
>>8379>you should try to actually team up and learn from each other
>>8380Why is that a bad idea?
>>8381I'm the victim here. I don't suffer from Stockholm Syndrome and I won't cooperate with my oppressor.
>>8383I and my threads are under attack. And it is not the other way around.
>>8377>a reflection of your wickery
>>8382>I'm the victim hereBlow it out your ass.
>>8384So? You just post more in your thread and it bumps to the top. You have the copy/paste speed to do it too, I have seen your work.
>>8384All of your threads are at the top of the catalog.
>>8384Your threads are under attack because they suck, and you are under attack because you keep acting like a little bitch. Welcome to the internet, retard.
>>8390>Your threads are under attack because they suckYour opinion.
>>8392Yeah. Him saying you suck is an opinion, just like you saying you don't. If you actually worked alongside the site instead of against it, you would be a lot happier and get opinions saying you aren't that bad.
>>8393>If you actually worked alongside the site instead of against it, you would be a lot happier and get opinions saying you aren't that bad.Unacceptable.
>>8392Mine and just about everyone else's. Notice how nobody is defending you? Notice how almost nobody replies to your threads except you? Seriously, you should just get yourself a UK flag and start posting angry rants about games you don't like, it's the only way to make yourself appear less ridiculous.
>>8395My posting won't adapt to cater some faggots. It is what it is.
I only use top-quality, high-resolution image macros in my HI ANON threads, an assortment of both niche And popular mares, and make sure not to use redundant images too often. I do not appreciate being compared to the slew of sewage that I'd the resident boomer's Facebook feed.
>>8397>people will never understand the subtle nuances in the crude finger-paintings I make with my own poop>I will keep making my poop-paintings to show the phillistines what true art really is
>>8404I'm done for tonight.
What the fuck.
>>8357>You both are literally identifying each other as spam. It isn't coincidence my friend. You are different forms of the same problem. You both need to post what you want and damn anyone that says to compromise the style. You are literally the same.What Anon said.
>>8372>>8374... I don't get it.
I don't understand.
This... whole website is one website.
Fuck it.
>>8379Here's your good idea (You)
>>8408Sarcasm doesn't translate well through typing.
Wait, is TOR banned now? I've seen onion posters here.
>>8317>Boom Boom has been banned for less in /sp/.What was he banned for?
These were deleted?
>>8416>>8317This screencap really does seem to imply that the post was made to /sp/: you can tell by the post number.
Idk if "go rogue" really counts as a threat either. Anons here say worse all of the time; in Minecraft, of course.
>>8421I forgot the image.
Notice how the post number is 22799: that thread was made to /sp/, not /mlpol/.
There's a lot of annoying messages here, and I'm not fond of the topic, but idk what the rule violation is. It's normal to make a new thread once an old one hits bump limit, although he seems to have been mistaken for why the thread slid.
When was this change made? I saw a TOR poster just last month.
Will whoever's deleting the posts answer my question about TOR?
How long is TOR going to be banned?
I didn't ask you, tbh.
Oi, jannies.
If you have time to delete posts, you have time to answer my questions.
>>8418Sadly TOR posting had to temporary be blocked due to some persistent banevading via TOR. Hopefully we can turn it on again soon.
>>8432We block entire browsers to stop one shitposter? Isn't that a bit excessive? We have native posters who use TOR. How long is this going to last?
>>8434>>8432Evidently, blocking TOR doesn't even actually stop the poster you're trying to stop, so there's no point in blocking it.
>>8418TOR was disabled this morning as it was being used for ban evasion, and simultaneously a presumably unrelated samefagging incident with VPNs was occurring.
>>8420Ban evader posts are deleted.
>>8423>>8421Okay? It looked like /mlpol/ when I saw it. It was deleted, presumably by a different moderator, before he was banned. I do not know how many threads like that he made and if it’s the only one.
>go rogue He made multiple threats in reports, and “go rogue” was not one of them. I am not going to go through the reports and publicly disclose them.
In any event, Ninjas more than earned his ban.
>>8433It is similar to when we had to stop persistent CP being posted via Tor. Tor has it's positive and negative sides. One of the dowsides with Tor is that many uses that network in nefarious intents which affects all Tor users.
>>8438A CP scourge makes it seem like the appropriate response, but blocking it to stop a shitposter ban evader feels like scorched earth, tbh. Just my opinion though.
See, all this is evidence that blocking TOR has not fixed the problem here.
>>8437>I am not going to go through the reports and publicly disclose them.You could just describe them if you want. What kind of threats were they?
>>8437>simultaneously a presumably unrelated samefagging incident with VPNs was occurringThat's odd. What threads were they in?
What was the samefagging incident related to?
If TOR is blocked, what other alt networks are allowed?
It has come to my attention that several of the above questions are tangential and disruptive to the conversation. I will later make separate threads, grouped by topic, to continue discussion on these matters elsewhere.
>>8443Wtf, what did the furry do? It seems pretty serious.
I'm seeing some complaints about JT links.
Can I post a jewtube link in /mlpol/ without Fasces banning me?
>>8453Threats, allegedly. Idk what they were though.
Hello everypony. I'm back after being banished.
May I start again my activities without (((somepony))) kvetching?
>>8726Can you just not be around here anymore? You always come here, post like shit, then cry out as you strike everyone that criticizes you. Everyone would be happier, including yourself. If you are compelled to be here, you have to follow the rules. If this is beyond your capacity, you will run into the exact same outcome.
Everyone has tried to negotiate with you, repeatedly. It went nowhere by your own fault alone. You have refused to talk on board, on Teatime, with mods, with users, with everyone. You aren't on thin ice anymore. You are in the water. Are you going to tread carefully or plunge?
>>8727>You aren't on thin ice anymore. You are in the water. Are you going to tread carefully or plunge?>threatsUnacceptable.
>>8728Cool. I don't give a shit about what you find acceptable. The choice remains.
God fucking damnit, the boomer is back. One fucking day after his ban expired.
I was about to drink to his departure.
>>8728>Unacceptable.You don't have to accept it: you're free to leave.
>>8726>May I start again my activitiesYou mean your endless stream of shitfiller that nopony asked for?