>>310004Good news, everyone! I was browsing the Fan Site Alternative thread on the other imageboard site, and someone brought out the most recent torrent that they put out.
It's Pony Music Archive 21.03.
There's the Phone quality, High quality, and Raw quality torrent. The High quality torrent looks like it's 156.57 GiB, and I haven't checked on the other ones yet.
https://u.smutty.horse/maxqnsnthdh.7z>>310008Beats the hell out of me.
The site shutdown is talked about in some threads around May 15th, with the site posting the notice maybe a little over 15 days ago, based on other threads across the internet.
I do know that there was at least a small attempt to start a wave of takedown requests targeting the altboorus that didn't seem to go anywhere. Maybe something like that targeted the music archive.
I have one music archive from what seems to be August 2012. From what I can tell, I downloaded it or unzipped it around December 2012 or December 2013. Obviously, this one will be wildly out of date. I can't seem to find any information I can use to find an up to date version. This version is about 34 gigs, and includesaround 5000 songs.
I also have the Pony.FM music archive from September 2018. It's 89 gigs and has about 31,355 files in it. I see a bunch of .opus files in it. I tried doing a more detailed scan of it, but the program I was using froze.
So, there's a gap in the thread for a current music archive that will still be updated. The Pony.FM one might still be getting some updates, and any new archive can probably start from the Pony Music Archive 21.03 files to get a running start.
>>309495Thanks for listing that archive site. I'd downloaded from it back around 2014 or 2013, but forgot about it. There was also a remastered version of The Standard Model.
https://qrates.com/projects/21895-the-standard-model It's being printed to Vinyl. I should be getting my copy eventually.