>>380310>>380311There are a few reasons for this, most of them having nothing to do with competence.
Management in general is lazy, and always has been. Since the 1970s they've delegated hiring, firing, and discipline to Shaneequa in HR, and since the 1990s they've delegated training the new hires to the IT department and delegated scheduling to software. (What do they actually do all day? Flirt awkwardly with secretaries half their ages half the morning, fart around on Facebook for a few hours, then knock off at one o'clock for an "urgent meeting" at the golf course, mostly).
And, especially for any kind of white collar job, Shaneequa does not understand the big words in the job description, dass technical boo-sheet, niggas doan do maff, gnome sayin? Shaneequa has an IQ of 80. She does know how to press Ctrl-F and find the word "Bachelor's" when she reads resumes, though, and has gotten her technique down under two seconds per resume, Ctrl-F, see if it's there, hit "delete" if it isn't. She often, though not always, checks to see whether the name at the top is "George," "Keywanda," or "Shitavius." One of those three categories gets shitcanned without further reading, and I'm sure you can guess which one.
The sad thing is, once a pajeet gets into a department management position, he will, for a time, do more actual work than the huh-WITE! guy he replaced. He'll read those resumes himself--so that he can look at the name at the top and only hire other jeets. He'll also put personal effort into seeking out pretexts for getting rid of everyone in his department who isn't a fellow member of the Curry Mafia, and if no such pretext exists, Pajeet is perfectly happy to make something up. Then when everyone who knew where the on switch is has departed, the business crashes and burns. This is called "bad luck." And don't worry about the managers who hired Pajeet in the first place. They get their golden parachutes and get to fail upward and may land in the C-suite of the next business that hires them.
Pajeet has an IQ of 80 and the "code" he produces is all random stuff copied and pasted from Stack Exchange. In addition to poor hygiene, Pajeet also has sticky fingers, and when it was learned that Gypsies are genetically Indian, no one was surprised. Pajeet will steal and resell anything around the office that isn't bolted down. Pajeet will sell everything from unattended laptop computers to office supplies to all of your passwords and sensitive data, that last one being why the domain of "cybersecurity" had to be created in the first place. This is but one of Pajeet's many charming habits, along with leering at and groping female staff and standing atop the toilet seat and spraying his feces all over the floor and walls. Pajeet is equally a millstone around the neck of any organization that hires him for a blue collar job, driving the company truck with his turban covering his eyes and wrapping it around a bridge abutment at a buck twenty on the freeway. However, Pajeet works for less than a citizen will, and so (((the shareholders))) love him.
This is but one aspect of the fact that wherever Pajeet goes outside India, he always engages in open, brazen, shameless ethnic gangsterism against the people of his host country. Pajeets are basically Jews without the self-control or the capacity for crypsis, and minus about thirty IQ points. Pajeet is a plague and I live for the day when H1B visas are terminated, work visas are outlawed, and all the Pajeets get rounded up and put on slow boats back to their shit-encrusted subcontinent.