>>381933>Some sort of systematic hunting and extermination of this worldwide doomsday cult will need to happen....How could we potentially hold these people and their various minions, to account for their historical and ongoing crimes against humanity?
The scope of the problem is international. Their nature and pattern of infiltration is such that any major international policing organization that would be formed to arrest them would almost immediately be replaced with their assets. International jurisdiction confusion would make things difficult, too.
From a naïve point of view, I'd prefer to have one of the existing international police organizations arrest the top people, the families, and the various levels of organizers and minions and true believers and mercenaries all, and lock them in prisons for the rest of their days. I want their assets to be seized and used to repair the damage that their generations of running the world into the ground for their personal benefit has caused.
This reminds me of some of the complications of dealing with organized crime rings, or the mobs of various countries. Modeling them like influence networks allows us to see past some of the normal barriers that stops us from understanding their limits and scope. They, themselves, are bigger, and stranger than any existing enforcement organization that I can readily imagine. They have enough information knowledge and influence to prevent at least most organized opposition efforts from forming or operating.
The best I can see right now is for them to take over the world, run it completely into the ground in a potential risk of a human extinction event, and then try to make sure the core group of psychopaths at the top who seed themselves with the tech and resources don't have time to establish a strong foothold again in the next civilizational cycle. The psychological control, philosophical sabotage, imported demographic conflicts, techno-feudalistic information war, and anything else they've done to ensure their supremacy over humanity as a whole, just seems like too much to overcome.
We've got to clearly articulate a force who's very nature is as various layers of diffuse influence and economic networks. We've got to do this in a way that can be understood by incurious useful idiots who have been emotionally programmed to viciously reject anything that hints at this information. This, knowing that most people are literally too stupid to assemble an idea or create a model that is complex enough to describe the situation. Knowing that just about every word we say and write is being scanned for keywords and whatever the fuck AI scanning tools for "tone" they've got running now. We've got to deal with a subverted civilization on every level, with a shattered family, legal structure, enforcement structure, most food and drink being poisoned in some way relative to generations past.
Then, once we are able to convince people that there is an actual problem that these individual news events are all describing, we have to figure out what to do about it.
Whatever we do or say, I think that it's important to consciously develop and be aware of how things fit into a larger/deeper philosophy.