Welcome to the Mongolian political horsewhispering forum, also known as /mlpol/. This thread is dedicated to helping out newfags coming to the site with integrating into the local culture. If you have a question about something, or need spoonfed on something, don't be afraid to ask me or any other Anon willing to help.
Here's a few things to start.
1.- Read the policy page first:
https://mlpol.net/policy.html2.- When in doubt, lurk moar.
3.- Praise American, Praise Football.
4.- MODS = GODS.
5.- Anonfilly did nothing wrong.
6.- No one knows what /1ntr/ is for, not even /1ntr/.
7.- Check the catalog.
8.- Go away, Zald.
9.- Don't start shit.
11.- This is nice board.
And finally...
12.- The right to bare ponies SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.
1290 replies and 692 files omitted.
>>317430>rebbit spacingTrue.
>>317419Here's a frienly politcal pone newfrein
>The article focuses on the results of a study of the predictability of urban travel patterns worldwide using a new visitation law. Topics discussed include the potential of the results to improve models of disease spread and city planning, discovery of an inverse square relation between the number of people in an urban location and the distance they traveled to reach the location, and tendency of urban dwellers to optimize their day according to lead author Markus Schlãpfer.Math Transit.
ISSN 00368733
Scientific American. Oct2021, Vol. 325 Issue 4, p16-18. 3p.
https://science.slashdot.org/story/21/09/14/2235254/simple-mathematical-law-predicts-movement-in-cities-around-the-world>Except that it's not new.<also these tthings are very intersting and useful if you apply them in different ways, and outside of different contexts.https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/2.7/tool-reference/business-analyst/understanding-huff-model.htm>I read about Reilly's theory of retail gravitation in the 70's, and have used it (combined with A*) for modelling my fantasy world's trading routes for years and years. Reilly's theory is an inverse square law too.
If they've refined, i particular, how to measure the draw of an area and the best way to measure distance (time, effort, etc.) then great, but this is not "super striking".https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A*_search_algorithmhttps://www.siue.edu/~bzhou/class/business_geography/markets/Reilly.htmlhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reilly%27s_law_of_retail_gravitationhttp://modelingcommons.org/browse/one_model/4126#model_tabs_browse_info>Why post this here?Cities are optimized to remove aberrant behavior by it's physical structure. As in due to continual data testing and implementation the physical is imparting mental effects one of such things is optimization. The spiritual effects are pretty telling.
Anyway the point being is expanding these search parameters one could model behaviors and actions with a high degree of success.
>original point was haha look at the NPCs in the city>then it's taking a step back and looking to see how useful all this stuff could be>by applying actual human values to this one could emulate a person with enough values and full context for what being actually means>why stop there, we can keep going to use this to predict any set of values to see where people go and what they'll buy>but wait any value/action can also be substituted for buying in which case having an accurate understanding of the person in question means predicting future events is possible, now the question is predicting multiple predictions and how those intertwine>that too can be summed into a non-human entity to predict with great accuracy>and this can keep going, but wait a minute this could also occur backwards to get a glimpse of the past>Billy Mays here, but wait there's more<Horse Pussy<Welcome to /mlpol/
I found Sneed's horse based cousin
Yeah. Cancer as hell now. Now be nice on /pol/ or else.
>>320704>/pol/>do not attack other users
>>320704>>320713>lol its only a 1 day ban, why are you crying<4 months earlier>>>/qa/5921 →
>>320714Everyone who has been here from day one knows we care about each other. In fact one point they had a suicidal help thingy if you were that way. Opposed to telling a Pfizer shill to kill himself and shove his clot shot up his ass on niggertits aka 4chan.
>>320733Yeah that was years ago, and Atlas (the person responsible for the wellness check) is long gone. Lots has changed over time, in spite of efforts to whitewash and pretend everything is the same.
>>320753niggeetits is cancer right now. Horse pussy is the cure. Go flood /pol/ with horse pussy.
>>174798Yeah I'm new here. I hope I can say what I want like I used to be able to do on a certain other chan before all the 'trans' faggot degenerate nigger assholes took it over. Here: I'll say this:
Yes, I know this is incredibly old but I don't give a fuck! This is fine by me. At least I can post here and not be hassled by some idiot "trans" faggot janitor sick motherfucker on a power trip just because it got to be an almost-mod on 4chan, which is nothing but all faggots and assholes now. I'm sorry to see this chan hasn't taken off the way it should have but that's okay. At least I can have this to myself for a while until the sick, degenerate nigger faggot assholes find it and ruin it just like they ruin everything and I can finally say this, again:
Potential banner if you guys like it
What the fuck happened to the archives, how am I supposed to search for anything like desu. clicking on archive is just an old catalog of autism but no search? what is this shit it used to be functional
>>322099>digging the archiveBoring.
>>322099Click the "Search" option on the top left next to the "Home" button. That will let you key term search the archives and active threads. There is also a button on each board to access that board's archive, just two buttons over from the "catalog" button.
4chan is a fucking shithole. Most threads are banned in my country. And I can't use TOR to post there because captchas are unsolvable, which beats the whole point of anonymity in a furst place.
Fuck 4chan.
>>322159>pony creator OCInkscape or Ponyscape, download it and take a screenshot of a FIM character. Trace over it and you've got a show-accurate OC without any of the imperfections added by the pony creator.
Inkscape/Ponyscape makes this so easy, I'm amazed professional bronies are able to make money from vector art.
>>322234What do you mean threads are banned?
>>322507My bad. What I meant is boards, not threads. Like /pol/ for example. Can't even make a single post there while bots make thousands of them.
>>322234Russia bro. I did a virtual VR google maps tour of Kaliningrad and my dick got to hard from the women there. How can I obtain Russian cutie?
>>323114There are posters on the russian streets labeled as "отдых" with a number attached. Call it and your problems will be resolved.
(fucking simp)
>>323114>my dick got to hard from the women there.KYS cuck.
>>323176Sorry our street whores are marked by having no teeth and smoking meth.
>>323177>>even bigger glowier brain>female enslavement under fascist masculinist state that doesn't let women read or write or have any job besides enslaved housewife without rights, maid, berry picker on a farm, or breeding tool for Life Camps where the best semen is artificially inseminated into whores with good genes to produce top-tier kids adopted by top-tier families, so the best a woman can look forward to is a man adopting her out of the camps like a man getting a dog from the pound
/mlpol/ you niggers make me regret throwing away my derpy figurine. I thought the pony shit was just a phase but now I'm nostalgic for them.
>>323420giddy up is a good song
Man, can I just say, I don't like this new generation of pone just on the face of it. Am I old? Is this what getting old is?
>>324940I Thought the G5 Movie was Good. A Lot Better than the Later seasons of G4 imo, Pipp is the best
>>324940>Is this what getting old is?Not at all. It is because (we) know the new show cannot match the old one, neither on storyline nor Friendship.
>>320714Well...that was kinda pathetic...it's honestly on par with ben shapiro refusing to debate Fuentes over "he killed me in GTA", "oh no, he's crazy he might doxx me!".
Am sorry for him if he actually felt scared, like, i don't enjoy lolcowing actually ill ppl but...what a bitch...
>>324946G5 is Better than the latter half of G4 bud.
>>325732Yes, but all that proves is how low the bar is set at this point.
>>325876I wonder who got her.
>>326003IIRC it was a loving family with multiple children.
>>326029Yeah, she's off to a nice home. Good for her.
Happy Thanksgiving everypone! Hope you didnt spill 10lbs of almost-demi-glace all over yourself like I did! Post ITT if youre lonely!
>>326683Happy Thanksgiving Anon
Happy Thanks Giving!
Sous vide Turkey (170°F) over night and finish in the oven for a perfect Turkey.
>>326703based sous vide fren, I did an 11 hour venison haunch roast
Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving.
>2 week ban for shitting on trannies
fuck 4cuck and fuck their psychotic janitors. This shit is ridiculous.
Ever thought about a "If these early-FIM episodes were made during the later seasons" thread?
>>326889Sounds interesting.
Go ahead and make one.
Go Denver Broncos, beat the Chefs.. I mean Chiefs.
Where can I find images of the cute, Christmas themed translucent mares that appear in the background? The kind looking anonfilly warms my heart everytime I see her.
If I drawfag some cute Christmasy pone art in time for Christmas, could it get added to the rotation? I plan to either way.
>>328753Cute, Merry Christmas Pupper
>>328754I can definitely add som Christmas ponies to the random rotation if you make. Will be fun to have more ponies there.
>>328755Merry Christmas to you too.
>>328756Great Job on the Ponies on the Bottom Right of the Screen BTW
>>328756Drew this, I think it would look good in the corner
>>329018Added to the random rotation. Thanks for drawing.
So people were talking about Russia the other day what was that all about?
>>295125I posted this a little over a year by now. Wow lads... one year in the fandom! I love you all! Thank you for taking me in when I was just a newfag, mlpol /)
>>329547Happy to hear that you felt welcome and stuck around.
Hope it will be many more happy years to come.
>>329391That sounds like a topic for a thread, Anon.
>>329547remember your here forever
Happy new year from a russian, everyone. Been a lurker for two years. I'm looking forward to what the third one will bring. Stay awesome, /mlpol/
>>329789Happy New Year Russian Anon.
Waiting for the New Year to start here so I can join you in the future with you. Hope for many happy years to come.
>>329789Happy New Year and glad to have you around.
https://youtu.be/AViXtmDGaw4Anyone else need their mind reset back to where it was before all this insanity that has gone down in the last 5 years
Jannies and mods are deleteing /mlpol/ threads on 4chins
>>331453Giddy Up horsefuckers!
>>331453Too bad, I do post to those every now and then.
>>331454>>331455Seriously guys, what happened? Did your balls drop off?
>>331690Post that Luna Pepe. I wanna save it.
>>331693reverse image search and the thing triggered the Lee bot to start it's normal shitposting cycle.
>>331697Stupid Lee bot.
Idk why GR15 even still exists; the fandom isn't nearly as obnoxious as it used to be. They didn't do the same for /vt/.
>>331699Probably because pony is straighter than anime trap femboy bullshit.
Is there a discord again? I remember being on one back in 2017
>>336031Theres been several. The first one got coopted by gays and eventually re-annexed after the gays fucked off. The second one became the de-facto mlpol discord
cuz Nigel wasnt allowed and served as a bunker for pretty much all of the off-board mlpol culture (this was the one Anon28 owned, and AngryMob took ownership of). The third was the 'official' discord, that became a shitposting/fishfucking discord. Pretty sure most of those got axed in the anti-nazi sweep of discord.
The only mlpol discords I can speak to now are the Tea Time discord, and the RPG discord.
>>336032I wanna join one. What happened to that German guy with a bunch of old WW2 guns and that crazy dude who hallucinated his parents in yarmulkes and was in a mental hospital?
>>336033>what happened toFucked if I know, I left all the discords prior to the discord purge, Im just answering the questions I have answers to.
Also, I neglected two: there is(was?) the mlpol 4cc discord for the divegrass team management and development, and the mlp cytube discord for weekly streams (effectively dead since g4 ended).
>>336031Discord is the big gay. I know there used to be a mumble server. Do we still have a mumble?
Should we have a /i/ Raids and Invasions board? I know some old fucking 36+ers will say fuck you raid fag. But I am sick of what is happening to our internet. I hate the no fun sign on the front fucking lawn and it needs to be trashed. What happened to closing pools to aids? what happened to the keks and Lulz as we used to call keks?
>what happened to the keks and Lulz as we used to call keks?
It's harder to pull off fun time raids now, since sites upped security out of the ass and free VPN and proxy lists are range banned. Even the paid VPN services are range banned as well.
Harder to pull off, also glow niggers.
Guys it's fucking hopeless. Reddit is the mods
>>343184No there are other bans that are fuck up in this thread like racism and trolling in /pol/ that are posted.
>>343184>troll postAbsurd, that's an inspirational post.
>>343184>retrospectIts cuz its /biz/, thats OT bs. Decent for /adv/ or /pol/sig/, but not /biz/
>>343250Dont cry to me, Im just explaining the decision
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfkdhbI-qBA"If you're horny let's do it
Ride it, my pony
My saddle's waiting
Come and jump on it
If you're horny let's do it
Ride it, my pony
My saddle's waiting
Come and jump on it "
>>174845their leaders scary dont go there
>>345354What are you niggers on about?
>>345547cute horse quotes
Could you please post the Flashwave background image? I inspected the element but the link redirects to a blank page.
>>345759Here is the background image (it is transparent on black background color.
You guys ever lose something for no good reason? It's a dumb thing, but years ago I failed to archive my favorite podcast, and now it's completely shoahed as far as I can tell. I'll never hear the likes of it again.
>>348129Bad sectors and hard drive failure are common causes.
>>348137It always amazes me how it was so good, and heard by so many, and yet none of us who listened backed it up. Or at least if anyone did they're not hosting it anywhere.
I keep seeing that this is where /fascist/ migrated to but that can't be right
>>353223>/fascist/Not here, sorry.
>>353223zzzchan (dot) xyz
>>353223I recall inviting them once.
Welcome. Make yourself at home.
>>353225Yeah, but that's a lot quieter than the old one.
>>353228Thanks. I'm not a fan of the MLP stuff but at least its active here.
>>336032As odd as it sounds I didn't end up getting purged I must have left everything in time. I have been enjoying retirement though and hope you horsefuckers are doing well.
>>353309Glad you are doing well, and happy you are enjoying retirement.
New plush just arrived, lads.
An Israeli recon plane. Serious if you can't notice it then you might not belong here.
>>353397>>353820Different poster, but I just got a plush too. I posted this in the fumo thread on 1ntr.
>>356581Also this was so obviously a CIA plant. Kek, not sending their best as always.
>>356581Seeing the occasional stray leftoid trying to meme in the comments section is pretty pathetic. They all have the exact same way of communicating and don't seem to have a single original thought between them. It's all just pretentious twitter snark and misappropriated right wing memes.
I genuinely believe they'd be completely insolvent it they didn't have the support of influential NGO's, all of big tech, and the passive support of governments.
>>360704OH good I'm back.
>>360706Sorry for crossfire anon. Trigger finger a bit twitchy at this spam speed.
> testing
< and here
fuck niggers, fuck kikes and fuck (4cuck) jannies
don't mind me just trying something more
Is this link approved by the horsefuckers? Or it is an opportunistic honeypot?
Is there really no FOSS alternative to Discord? Furry trannies run the company.
>>365722>Discord? Furry trannies run the company.This.
Add to that huge red flag the attempt to gather assorted anons to watch movies...
>>365502 → and
>>365714 →
>>365724Yeah it's blindingly clear that the guy/s who made those two threads didn't give a solitary shit about existing movie nights or social events of any sort, they just wanted to scalp people from this site. Went in to ask why they didn't even try to be a bit like "one of the guys" before posting, got no answer, then left.
>>365722There is a lot of FOSS. You just need to look around.
IRC, Matrix for text
Mumble for VoIP
>>365722>>365721>>365724I'm not going to join the dicksword server. But come on guys. If you care so much about privacy, that's okay. But don't discourage other anons who might want to join.
I honestly think this paranoid attitude is more damaging to the site than anything else.
>>365760>just relax, everything is fineNo offense intended but you're dumb as fuck by thinking we are THAT dumb as fuck.
Geez, boomer really has niggertier reading comprehension.
>notice the "/s" ya dumb cunt
This site has had parallel discord communities since its conception. All of the mods do all of their communications on discord,: it's a little late to be paranoid of it.
>>365772Wait a minute. Are those external movies /mlpol/'s staff approved? Kinda weird that those posts are still up and weren't deleted as spam.
>>365777I don't think making additional movie night groups is against the rules. No reason to delete them.
>>365775>This site has had parallel discord communities since its conception. All of the mods do all of their communications on discordWhich is beyond stupid, considering there's plenty of alternatives.
>it's a little late to be paranoid of it.Maybe, for those poor retards who used discord in the first place.
>>365781What do you suppose the mods use instead? It might warrant a /qa/ thread.
>>361944This is the first time I use so-vits-svc AI voices. is not perfect but thanks for the song Anon lmao.
YEEEE HAW, Just got done Buck breakin' an' the first thing the darn knee grow just wouldn't stop sayin' some of the darndest things.
>Be me, professional and recreational Buck Breaker.
>I've been around for the turn of the century, ya'll should already know of traditional buck breaking techniques, but some automatons work mighty fine.
>It's inspection day and this queer buck get's all fussy.
>Ya'll know the type, they say anything just to get more attention.
>"Masssah, muh peckah jus gawhn."
>"Yess'm gawn like corn on cornhole day massah."
>If'n you know a buck gettin' 'em to realize the pecker is in them pants ya'll've lost the game.
>See an automaton keeps a buck from getting any corn hair idea for foolery.
>Can't use 'em for everythin' else they get uppity and forgettin' what breakin' is like.
>Down right up there with sliced bread.
>This here one is simple, it's like apple pie if'n ya'll made it with plastic and metal.
>So instead've doing anythin' a green breaker would try or the tried and true, ya'll set that pie down and say it's in there.
>Now a buck that's this far will fold, 'less he's one of those kinds.
>They say this just about every time.
>"Massah. Who'd put mah peckah in piah? How's it gone git back?"
>They'll get around to what they have to do to get that missin' pecker back.
"Ya'll just got to put it on your head."
>Confused and delirious from questionin' they do so.
>Like WD-40 an' elbow grease they try to pick up the bolted down automaton pie.
>If'n ya'll set it up right it'll break 'em.
>See they have to check if'n their pecker is really gone cause they can't pick up the pie.
>What they wear stops that kind of knowin' by touch.
>The fool of a buck can't back out.
>Known as a peckerless buck who gave up or a liar.
>Some bucks just expect a breaking for every thing.
>Some queer ones seek it out.
>A Buck Breaker stays ahead on breaking bucks before they even know it.
>Ya'll might be thinkin' that can't possibly work on bucks.
>I was sceptical at first too, then those queer foolish bucks just stopped doing queer fool things.
>Now if'n it's a innadark in disguise they'll make a run for it.
>Broke them too.
>Just have to keep up the pressure.
>>369512Buck Breakin' meme is gay af. Nu-polack queerness is what killed the neo-reactionary wave.
Now have some Twilight Mei's cuz they share a Japanese VA.
>>370706Buck Breaking is a /tv/ meme.
>double dates with her hubs & #hotboyfriend
What did she mean by this?
>>370708Tara's getting schlonged
>>370708Serious, boring answer? She is married and another VA she is friends with is in a committed relationship. Since they all get along and enjoy each other's company, the four of them go on ootings together, a practice colloquially known as "double dating."
Shitposty meme answer: an average Wednesday for Tara Strong involves getting spitroasted between two giant niggers while her spic VA friend pegs her husband in the cuck shed. If you subscribe to her OnlyFans you can watch the whole thing.
>>372061>Aryanne was made in 2017Why do all the normies think this? All it takes is a search for images earlier than 2017 with Aryanne.
>>372061And... we aren't really the focus. Not that I am shocked, but I was hoping for a short mention.
>>372061>New video on us!Fasces kicking the polacks to the curb had the effect of denying ammo to the video creator. Then Buttercup Dew took most of that slanderous hit piece. I'm sending Butter an email right away.
>>372061I love how having the same political views as most people 25 years ago makes us alt right LOL yesterday's regular guy is today's alt right extremist
>>372062The funniest part in this instance is that, when saying as such, he showed the page about Aryanne on the Know Your Meme page. Thing is, if you go there, this is written out in plain text under the "Origin" section:
>The first image of Aryanne[4] to be uploaded to MLP image hosting site Derpibooru was submitted on February 14th, 2014, created by the artist randy.Mind you, the page hasn't been updated in over 4 years, so it's not like it was edited in the making of the video or something.
My guess is that the creator got this claim from Turkey Tom's video, of which he is clearly aware of, as he uses a clip from it.
Where'd the horsepussy thread go?
>>374776That's every thread
>>374777Trips confirm
But unironically, every thread is a horsepussy thread. That's the point of this site. Post horse pussy in every thread; it doesn't matter if you have nothing to say on the topic.
>>374777Check. Trips of truth.
add this banner. it took 3 hours to make in gimp
>>375690Nice! I like it. I will forever feel bad for our beloved Marbles.
Haven't you figured out that the 'ebin shitposter' motif is a cope?
why is this the best remaining pol board X_)
>>377537It's the only board my wife approves of
>>377549S-tier answer anon
>>377537Niggers are afraid of the supernatural
https://youtu.be/o47lBplLcrg?si=ZeRMQqDcoFgPNv1m>discord was in love with Celestia, thats why he tried to get her attention as he doNgl, decent headcanon
Yep, I'm gonna.
Beefilly was a sweetheart. This world doesn't deserve people like him. Always did he buzz. I will miss his buzzing.
>>380764Kudos to you spambot, this song slaps so much harder now
>>381058This is the thread's 1488th post
>>381098Ah, but yours is the 1488th reply Xp
Thanks for pointing that out tho ^_^