Welcome to the Mongolian political horsewhispering forum, also known as /mlpol/. This thread is dedicated to helping out newfags coming to the site with integrating into the local culture. If you have a question about something, or need spoonfed on something, don't be afraid to ask me or any other Anon willing to help.
Here's a few things to start.
1.- Read the policy page first:
https://mlpol.net/policy.html2.- When in doubt, lurk moar.
3.- Praise American, Praise Football.
4.- MODS = GODS.
5.- Anonfilly did nothing wrong.
6.- No one knows what /1ntr/ is for, not even /1ntr/.
7.- Check the catalog.
8.- Go away, Zald.
9.- Don't start shit.
11.- This is nice board.
And finally...
12.- The right to bare ponies SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.
1285 replies and 735 files omitted.
Hi, I just found out this website existed
I am very glad to see there are no memeflags
>>186230Somewhat true. Some do have meme flags. see
>>186227 They are legacy stuff from the founding, but aside from being a badge of an oldfag there are no meme flags.
>>186231Well that's better than nothing. I get so tired of the endless kike shills posting on /pol/ with the dixie, republican, ancap, etc flags.
>>186232I'd have a Dixie flag if using a VPN didn't revert it. If you're not using a VPN, you're not using the internet correctly.
>>186232>>186230Welcome, friendo. The meme flags we have here are mostly for shitposting and fun, they are added and removed by staff and it's usually by request. We have a couple of notable flagfags here but most users don't have them. Some flags, such as the gay flag and the Israel flag, we will assign to raider IPs as a way to mark shills.
>>186258Praise Elway, for his word is not only law but football.
>>186258Praise be American, PRAISE BE FOOTBALL!
>>186230Welcome! And good choice of pony.
>>186230It just occurred to me that I haven't yet welcomed you with a cute poner.
>>186258Good day to you. I don't know if this will help you much, but I thought I would let you know that it seems a number of the raiders are using NordVPN with American flags.
I usually connect to NordVPN via US servers to post here, and doing so today, I noticed that after a few posts the flag was marked as an Israeli one. I also noticed that when I tried to make my first post for the day, I got some sort of strange error message in curly braces. Shortly after, I tried to post again, and saw a message related to flooding.
You probably were well-aware that shills/raiders would use VPN's, but I figured this might save you and some others some confusion if anyone's using Nord VPN and gets Israeli marked.
>>186550It would explain the wealth of Israeli flags and flagless posters as of late.
What the fuck happened to 8pol? It's depressing.
>>186604Don't use 8/pol/. What happened?
>>186604I hear hot wheels was a jew from the start.
>>186604unless you are talking about a new current event, pic related did happen to 8pol.
The former owner of 8/pol/ (who was as far as i know not the original owner from germany,Gex, but a US ledditor by the name of Skelletor) started mass banning people to the point where it affected the whole site. Eventually he was booted after "banning" an Admin and the adminstration forcibly took over the board. Word is this is connected to the hostile takeover of 8chan by the NSA to secure intel posted on the Q Anon board.
>>186604Plebbitor newfags came over after the 2016 election, and with the help of Imkikey, managed to take over the board, to the point where they unironically think /pol/ is totally pro-trump.
It's now a global board, where mods and polvols ignore D&C/shill/low effort threads, at most they might put a bumplock on it.
It's already becoming the new cuckchan.
>>186646But the truth is that nobody obligate them to stay in that shithole.
They can migrate to another board with a decent NatSoc mod any time they want.
I move here and feel comfortable with horse pussy and almost no shilling, and I visit fullpol no more than once a weak.
>>186646I'm so tired of pro/anti-trump shilling. Politics used to actually be discussed on /pol/ now you can hardly find a thread that isn't filled with off topic garbage. The threads about the midterms hardly even had any posts actually about the midterms
>>186662Same, but I still feel a strange sense of pride at all the dumb normie NPCs who are on our side now, not (((theirs))).
We did that. We and our brothers and sisters did that.
(((They))) had a media empire, a monopoly on what's allowed to be considered acceptable, and armies of libtards in fucking CorrectTheRecord-style shill facilities.
And all we had were some memes.
>>186659They can and do. There's a guy right now trying to get people on some tor site, but it won't do them any good, because the ledditors will realise they've gone elsewhere, especially considering it's completely obvious.
>I move here and feel comfortable with horse pussy and almost no shillingThat's the thing though, they'll never realise it's because of the horse pussy and great moderation that we're basically untouchable. A lot of them hate horsefuckers and I can see why, but it's either horse pussy or /pol/ BTFO.
>>186662Me too. Any decent thread over there gets quickly derailed by D&C bullshit. Hardly anyone has an argument anymore, it's just.
>trump is a kikeor
>MAGA 4D CHESSYou have to wade through a lot of shit in order to find the gems, and after cuck/pol/ I'm done with that shit.
>>186674>Hardly anyone has an argument anymoreAfter the election, 8/pol/ was flooded by fulltime glowniggers, bots and shills. It's hilarious how angry they are at /pol/ in general.
>>186550>>186602I use Nord VPN but I often forget to turn it off. When I do use it here it usually outs my flag as Oman.
Heh, thanks for bringing in all the good Anons here, gook-moot.
>>186774Oh boy, the future is so bright, I have to wear shades.
>>186782Ikr? Who knew that this faggot is secretly /ourguy/.
as a former /pol/ack, it hurts to see what /pol/ is becoming.
Nothing of value was lost. The absolute fucking state 'n all other stuff combined. 10 years into fucking nothing. Unironically, last place to talk freely about /v/idays will be gone. Fuck this shit.
what was that??? ._.
Anyone got an invite link for the /mlpol/ Discord server? I was cleaning up the servers I was in and accidentally left it.
Remember to shills and JIDF. I am surprised no one has created a pony version of Memri tv. I wish I could art.
>>190360Something to that extent but with the logo and a shitty translation.
>>190359Oh there already is a "Pony" version of Memri IV.
>can't say I know the full context of the image (just saved it a long time ago) >>190572That Was The Only Good Thing About (((tumblr)))
This has to be the best front page I have seen in a long time.
>>190572That also means IR porn...
I'm new here, hello everyone!
>>191513Welcome! Have a cute poner, on me.
>>191513Anon, do you like parties?
why gay ass poneys? couldn't you choose a less homosexual symbol? what a fucking degenerate nazi poney porn, at least fashwave...
Ponies aren't our symbol; they're our subject.
>>192385On April 1st mods merged /pol/ and /mlp/ as a joke and it drove off the shills and redditors. Really any shock images would have worked. We could have had /sdnpol/ (Shiting dick nipple pol) but we kept the ponies instead.
>>192416You're bullshitting me.
It was enough of a stretch to tell me someone on this planet likes "Cock Vore".
But "Shitting dick nipples"? Explain.
>>192507As far as I can tell: it's nothing but pure, unadulterated shock value. I have never seen anyone actually enjoy it as porn. Like, at all. I have seen people into fetishes far worse than cock vore. But no one seems actually into shitting dick nipples.
>>192509What is it though. i really dont want to search it.
>>192514It's shitting dick nipples. It's right in the name. It's dick-shaped nipples expelling copious amounts of shit everywhere.
>>192517oh thats not as bad as i thought it would be.
>>192532What did you think it would be, some kind of metaphor?
>>192537i thought it was someone shitting into someone elses nipples
>>192546I agree, it could go any number of ways depending on where the comma is placed in "shitting dick nipple"
>>192507truly Jason is the eternal newfag
>>192507Shitting Dick Nipples is as old as the internet.
>>192715Put the Vril flag back on and go back to bullshitting everyone about eternal cycle predictions between sessions of sucking Merkel's french-shit-covered cock, bitch.
>>192717more like Salty Dick Nipples, isn't it Jason? c:
>>192715is there a version of this pic with ice cream?
>>192718Is that SilverStar? That insufferable MAGApede?
>>192885You got a problem with Trump fans?
>>192891When they think he's the ultimate right-wing politician we need rather than a stepping stone towards the future, yes. Most Trump fans are NPCs in their own right.
>>192894Notice anything unusual about that pic? NPCs repeating pro Trump memes and talking points, instead of pro leftist ones.
If it wasn't for Trump and his fans "Trump-Pilling" people on the evils of globalism and wonders of nationalism, we'd have a much harder time redpilling people on who's really behind Globalism.
Trump is a stepping stone on the beginner's path to becoming redpilled, the first moment of awakening.
And yep, I sure do love Trump! That is definitely the farthest right thing about me, my love for Trump. I am a very annoying lover of Trump who speaks the truth.
>>192906>And yep, I sure do love Trump! That is definitely the farthest right thing about me, my love for Trump. I am a very annoying lover of Trump who speaks the truth.So be it.
We will be waiting for you when the time comes.
>>192927Of course in a welcoming way.
As many before, the path to the truth is to the right.
>>192927Mother of fuck, the internet really does need sarcasm tags.
I like Trump, AND I understand that there's more to politics than him. He's step one out of ten on becoming redpilled. Wait, no. Step three. Step two is noticing that "Not all" (barely any) right wingers are bad, and step one is thinking it's stupid when SJWs talk about Rudolph being sexist, whiteness being racist, and money being xenophobic.
>>192894>trans topicThat post is fucking gay.
>>192927>>192906Jason has a point tbh, i wasnt full 1488 untill sometime after the 2016 election so hes right when he says >If it wasn't for Trump and his fans "Trump-Pilling" people on the evils of globalism and wonders of nationalism, we'd have a much harder time redpilling people on who's really behind Globalism.
Trump is a stepping stone on the beginner's path to becoming redpilled, the first moment of awakening.
Hes right because if it wasnt for trump and alex jones bringing me to 4/pol/ i would probably still be a basic bitch magapede.
>>193001Yep, but there's still a huge leap from Trump to 1488 or at least accepting who's behind it all.
Perhaps its because of all the brainwashing or the fear of being called out, but as a result most people won't even consider the big question. The six gorrillion is even taught biblically in schools, and you can't begin to question it anywhere.
Can't help but take the blackpill. Nothing will happen, there's not enough of us, and everyone loves and supports God's chosen.
>>193015Im Sure The Germans in Wiemar felt the same way.
Theres always hope, the Black pill is a Jewish Psyop to keep us down.
>>193017the youth is being degenerated, indoctrinated, brainwashed
There's no turning back reaching the point of leftist degeneracy, but I wonder then if these people can still change--people here jack off to horses and carry the 14 words, after all
Maybe you're right.
We might not have another Hitler, but we can strive for change. It has to be from the memes, because those memer teens are an easy target because alt-right memes are 'counter culture' or some shit, seeing them as 'dank and funny' but also leading them to questioning. The next step being race realism. I say this because a couple years ago I heard my little brother's memer friend say this to him: "You know, Hitler wasn't really a bad guy. He was a strong leader, he just went a little crazy, is all..."
>>193026>We might not have another HitlerSomeone like hitler is out there. he might be closer than we think.
> but we can strive for change. It has to be from the memesThat is very True and with it getting close to election time we should fire up the Meme Presses.
>I say this because a couple years ago I heard my little brother's memer friend say this to him: "You know, Hitler wasn't really a bad guy. He was a strong leader, he just went a little crazy, is all…"Generation Zyklon gives me a lot of hope. i Disavow your brothers friend though.
>>193015Trump has to suck Jew dick so the media looks dishonest when it calls him anti-semetic.
And yes, there's a huge leap from just supporting Trump and his "Civic Nationalism" to understanding the importance of white nationalism.
Who here has a picture of that one meme that got over 300,000 upvotes on The_Donald? It's got a car driving down a road that splits in two. "White people" is written on the car, and on one road, "Curing all diseases and exploring the final frontier of space" is written. On the other road, "Babysitting ungrateful savages who have accomplished and invented nothing" is written. The car is dramatically drifting towards the "Babysitting blacks" road.
>>193063Yes, yes, do tell me more about how Trump is literally Hitler because he isn't just like you.
Now go get me that picture, if you don't mind.
>>193071No, I'm making a joke about the juxtaposition of... Fuck it, forget the joke.
I like Trump. He's a little bitch when it comes to the you-know-whats, and he's way too afraid to properly rock the boat the liberals keep rocking, but when he's that far into the public eye and under this much liberal scrutiny, he has to be. He has to be this squeaky-clean messiah who "will bring new jobs and economic growth into this country, but only if you post "Thank you, Trump" on this subreddit". When the left calls him a billion Hitlers, he has to remain as unHitlery as possible or he won't be that living "He's unapolagetically American, and the leftists are still calling him Hitler! Even though Trump did nothing wrong! I should turn CNN off right now and watch real news instead!" moment any more. He has to play it safe and bide his time while his fans do the real redpilling on people he opened up to 1% of the truth.
He knows it will be RightNationalist88 and LIGHTNING-PENCE-69 in the messages of his Pro-Donald subreddit that will tell people the truth about the REAL reason why Soros and his friends are trying so hard to bring down western civilization. For the people not yet ready to believe the truth? They can go on believing Soros and his Globalists are pulling this shit because Soros made bets against America on the stock market. They can believe that's as deep as this rabbit hole goes until they're ready.
You know the pro-deportation candidates making ads with deportation busses and shit? They're the start of the pushback against Globalism. Baby steps, sure, but they're still the start.
>>193098i just Dont see any evidence about him trying to help our people is all. if he really wanted to he could have gotten his promises done.
>>193060If you don't suck your enemies dicks, they win :^)
>>193144By that logic, if your enemies don't your dick you win, ergo everyone wins.
>>193259Except Chad, chad loses in this scenario
>>192715Well, it was quite shocking, but not that shocking.
You guys desensitized me.
>>195406Hello to you too, friend! Have some Marussia on me.
>>195406Welcome and may Football bless you and keep you
>>195406Are you freaking serial???! Dude go hack someone else's elections you literal evil.
>>195580A shekel for the good Goyim
>>195581What does Israel require of me???
>>195586Gas the Palestinians for us goy
>>195406Privet tovarich.
We hope you enjoy your stay Ivan.
if i fucked something up lemme know, i'm still learning cyrillic >>195652Its И В ДАМКИ desu, aside from that everythings correct.
Why would you want to learn slavspeak anyways?
>>195701Glimmer is pretty cute in Adidas
>>195701>Why learn slav?Why not? Languages from the old continent are always interesting.
>>195701So when australia inevitably goes down the shitter i can fuck off to siberia
>>195771There's more Siberia than north America (and less populated, but its only cuz of russian hackers)
>>200884i feel bad for Chris-Chan tbh
>>201058Now i feel even worse for Chris-Chan, i know he's done some bad shit like scamming people and pepper spraying that game stop employee. but i cant help but feel bad for him. like whats gonna happen to him after barb dies?
>>201061Insane Asylum or something similar to Terry A Davis with more begging streams and whining before he gets killed in the streets by other bums.
>>201062Is Chris-Chan just an autist or is a he full retard?
>>201064>>201063i think he started out as the first, but since the start of his Internet infamy and the death of his father in circa 2012 he strongly deteriorated into the latter. hes the definition of a manchild and abuses his illnesses, diagnosed or otherwise, as a blanket excuse for any kind of inappropriate behavior.
>>201065>D-Did anyone pay him to suck them off?People like Chris should not be allowed to reproduce.
>>201062What a sad, strange little mentalcase. Sexually repressed and raised wrong, sucked in by the degeneracy within culture and he internet, and consumed by it. He just wanted to be a kid forever and write a cute little comic about his original characters. Do you think in another world, things turned out better?
>>201058I really, really need to start reading filenames before clicking shit.
>>201308>Do you think in another world, things turned out better?i like to think he would have been a top general in the Free Amerikan Reich.
Move aside Virgin Glimmernigel.
>>202119Lol, I was expecting something cringey like a knife or tiny baby gun. Instead he pulls out a blowtorch and does an evil laugh. I guess this is funny. I've seen the joke done better.
Anyway, he's fat and he has shit taste in videogames. Almost as shit as your taste in waifus.
>>202119Has he learned how to properly get into frame yet?
>>203749This video reminds me of an old deleted video I saw called "the pokemon conspiracy".
The video showed how basically we just got "hooked" on pokephilia and how we let it happen.
The issue started in G3 with Gardevoir: with the humanoid form, she was almost an acceptable exception.
The thing is she was the devs's fav as well and any attempt to delete or C&D the porn was useless, so they choose to overwrite the material with two new pokemons for G4: Lopunny and Gallade.
Gallade was easy: catch a male version of Ralts, add a bullshit way to get him (Kirlia Lv 20 + dawn stone) and add a giant button in his hip to make sex look weird.
As for Lopunny, that was the bait: you got a cute bunny, add a curvy body to the evolution, bam! Sexy playboy bunny (the poster body for sexiness).
The plan funny enough backfire big time because the new devs of future gens became perverts for those same reasons, and now we have that video.
>>206850what a story mark
considering Nintendo was trying to foist a lolsuit upon r34 paheal because they were the biggest provider of pokemon related pornography on the internet and were, for years, the first result on a google search i am willing to believe this.
little did nintendo know, you cant win against internet pornography. The Thirst is much too great.
>>207681This. Gay Shit isn't cool vrill
>>207863Bugged Image posting mechanics. Nothing I could do. It's Jason's fault.
>>207681In early 2019 i accidently showed gay fanart of myself. I was only scratching my leg.
Theres a sick motherfucker out there called Jason and its his fault when stuff like that happens. He is using illegal underhanded toxic detractor memes to derail my posts with his viewbots. Its terrorism and you need to step up to the plate and help me save my site from this sick mentally ill troll.
>>207863Wasn't me. Also mods should spoiler it.
>>207900Ooh heck, he's put the fictional empire name in his name field again
That's never a good sign
I'm sorry for having been away for so long.
>>209294Oh no, how terrible! Stop the presses, everyone! This youtuber who talks to many different political figures and preaches to fucktons of young voting-age people multiple times a week...
Is also able to make it to talks and get old people to show up to them!
Oh no, not old people! Not those icky stupid smelly yucky old people you see on r/the_donald! We're way too cool and hip and niche and seekrit clubbish to find old people agreeing with us to be anything other than horrifying and disheartening!
...Hang on, my sarcasm device shorted out.
Can I get a link to the discord?
>>210890if you want to be a faggot, yes.
>>210895better a pony loving faggot than a pony hating jew, also that's Mitya's job ^:)
>>210902not at all, just got jewed by discord and need a link back in
>>211512goddamnit. We HAD to make a waifu, didn't we?
>>211520We still need a ponification of him.
>>211520>>211563Thats just the way things are.
>>211620wouldn't have them any other way
>>211512>>211620They are both so beautiful.
>>211620Super Fucking cute, she needs to have some adventures with Aryanne.
>>212189Lol. Totally captures the smug.
Nominating Saint Tarrant for a MLPOL Banner and Brenton-Chan as a new player for the MLPOL Football team.
>>212516It can be put to a vote, but I'm pretty sure /pol/ is already claiming him for the 4cc and /auspol/ wants him for /pol/eague.
>>212541that sounds reasonable. on the other hand, i doubt they are interested in the female version.
>>212516I would welcome Pony Brenton-chan, or Female Brenton-chan to the team if /auspol/ is willing.
>also my little attempt at banner Can someone give me a straight answer as to where the Yang shills over on 4/pol/ came from? You can't voice your suspicion over there without getting flooded with terrible forced memes. Are they are Reddit raid? It would make sense since he appears to be Bernie 2: Ching Chong Edition.
>>212617I think it originated on discord.
It was funny at first, but it got old pretty quickly.
>>212542>>212596Hmmmm. Brenpone-chan then? It could work