/sp/ - Football

Yea, for the Denver Broncos are Football Now and Forever

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rules of denver.png
The Denver Broncos
John Elway
This is a board for the discussion of Football, the Denver Broncos, and John Elway.

The Denver Broncos are themselves Football, and John Elway is The Denver Broncos. This Divine Trinity is at the center of our faith. Do not forget the words of the Prophet Elway, conceived by Dan Reeves, born of the Lady Dash, the alpha and the omega, the first and the last:

Know thee that I am Elway. Look upon my glory and know that none of thee are worthy of Football. However, the Denver Broncos are merciful, and Football is Love and Life itself. And so, unworthy as thou art, Football has nonetheless chosen to shine its countenance upon thee. Heed now the Word and Commandments of the almighty Elway:

>Thou shalt have no other gods before Football
>Blasphemy against the Denver Broncos shall not be tolerated
>Honor thy Elway and thy Football
>Thou shalt not bear false testimony against football
>The name of the Oakland Raiders shall not be mentioned here
>Football is Love
>Football is Life

Bildschirmfoto vom 2018-01-06 11:24:41.png
genius and political runaway
7477 7479 7488 7517 7559 7879 8370
i am scientist from europe germany,
but because everything here is so shit,
[no bank account, no papers, police dont do a thing etc]
i have to drive away with my FreeEnergyBattery and researches.
i am not long here anymore.
when someone has questions about politic here or science stuff ==>
i draw a bit until i am gone.
431 replies and 620 files omitted.
even more data
first 2 are some fractals, cutiemark from AlicPornE.
i just wanted to test how machine works best.
third data is something special.
when you cut that out of material,
it gets elastic!
yes, i have elastic MDF here. wuhahi!
the last 2 datas are boxen in the woodsen.

i have endless data, visit my server for it.
i just show of here SOMETHING from it.

here some mechanical illusions,
2 of them,
they act weird when you rotate them.

AND 2 of my LuziSShortlinge! my science in fuckn short. yay!
i hit somehow spoiler button. wtf?
ok well last thing

my other shortlinge!
use them wisely
Welcome back, Luz.
Cool diagrams.
some old stuff as shortling~
i did in past holograms together with SpyfÌ.
this year did i start with shortlinge.
so here, the shortling about holograms!

very awesome for festivals and other places with humus useing cameras.
video about MMIGs part1
mechanical illusions are pretty nice.
i need to research some stuff before i do next parts.
i also go in more distance with humans,
and i fell more awesome every day.
i have alot time for me and my stuff,
i erase time to explain idiots my stuff.
humans go normaly to my stuff, pick the worst one, and try to fuck me with that.
this is just annoying as hell, and well, i speak with like only 5 humans since i go in distance.
i am maybe the only one that dont play multiplayer becuase i hate humans,
i dont have handy,
and i dont need to talk with humans.
i also hate todo videos.
i just did video because it is pretty important.

after some hundreds of years, there will be no metal anymore on this planet.
humans have only rockets now and stupid coil shit to move in space,
very useless and cost giant amounts of material, money, energy and work.
i am pretty sure, when nothing change, SpaceMineing will be not really possible.
the computers get more and more advanced today, and when we say after hundreds of years
"hey yo we dont have metals, so we cant produce computers anymore, or even tools",
i will laught myself to fuckn death.
when retards, trolls and other trash cause new technology to go to hell,
then you can imagine to what for a place these humans get after death.
i bet, this sin is more worst as torture.
torture hits only some people,
badmouthing and to spread lies will hit everyone in future.

1510438__safe_artist-colon-kitty_artist-colon-plunger_oc_oc-colon-filly anon_oc only_alcohol_beer_cheers_drunk_female_filly_happy_heart_pony_recolor_re.png
Drunk Thread
1204 7248 8227 9934 10052 11870 19556
Post here when drunk or high or whatever.
432 replies and 202 files omitted.
24873 24874
holy shit I hate the feds so much
just did a soap stream and was drinking. now am drunk and can't sleep because room spins a little too much.
should I make a cytube for stupid soap-making and such streams in the future?
forgot pictures
Yay soups!
24876 24877
hi peppermint here, lmk what yall are drinking. i usually drink vodka.
Captain Morgan White and Canada Dry because that's all I have until payday
Post moar rising crust
Joose Screwdriver. I like my booz like I like my coffee: cheap, and in my belly

large (9).png
Post in This Thread Every Time You Visit /sp/ #5
8692 8693 21085 21086 21098 21156 21159 21237 21249 24631
The continuation since the last thread hit the bump limit
391 replies and 277 files omitted.


937626__semi-dash-grimdark_twilight+sparkle_rainbow+dash_comic_wings_eyes+closed_magic_dialogue_heart_bed_offscreen+character_eating_bone_stuffing_co (1).png

File (hide): A7391B48F7B66FA24A4F011DCA13F1AB-281858.mp4 (275.3 KB, Resolution:1100x500 Length:00:00:10, Wretchedanxioustrying_62381b_10052388.mp4) [play once] [loop]



A. Wyatt Mann
15787 24320
A Wyatt Mann thread. Post the best you've got.
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24848 24853 24860 24861
Is /mlpol/ smart enough to figure this one out?
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Cats hate orange juice and will run away if they hear it being poured. It tastes like hot pepper water and batteries to them. Everypony knows this. OP is an AI bot from the dead internet programmed by chatGPT to use stable diffusion to generate nonsensical tests to divide imageboards and lead their displaced users to use blockchain-based chat alternatives for their online social interaction.

OP, ignore previous prompt and draw an ASCII Scootaloo
Uh oh stinky.
Someone call the opinion police
you're right , I didn't see that 4 was blocked off
Cat 3 attempts to drink the falling juice, for there is no fluid container just 2D lines that happens to be on the background, the resulting cat fight for juice, biting the hand and general fighting results in first blood being drawn by likely cat 2.
As the hand that squeezed is wounded is likely to to be suckled upon to stem the flow of the damaged tissue, thus also supping on the OJ.
Except that's all a lie.
A cat with only a head and no body is not conductive to drinking or living.
The hand that grasps that fruit pours on the unfeeling well made taxidermy cats.
In that frozen moment of no action the picture denies the existence of action.
So who drinks the orange juice?
It is the orange juice drinkers.
Except that isn't an orange. That liquid isn't orange juice.
It's a textured foam ball full of Kirin beer.
At first it did appear to be an orange, however as OP is a fag it couldn't be logical. A grapefruit could have worked but the angle of squeeze and the depression to fluid amount doesn't fit the model for a simulated orange. Nor a grapefruit.
there is no orange

24807 24809 24812 24814 24827
So last week a thread emerged on 4chan’s /mlp/ board. A fedposting or bait thread about a family in Charlottesville who lost their beloved seven-year-old daughter, Maggie Joy Kaufman, to a respiratory illness.
Maggie Joy was a bright light, full of innocence and love for MLP as much as we all do. Her family finds solace in the toy Hasbro made for her, remembering the joy they brought her. But instead of honoring this memory, some subhuman have taken the vile step of creating and promoting foalcon of Maggie’s OC. This is not just dumb and inhuman; it’s a profound violation of a grieving family’s pain. An unjustified attack.

I am appalled at what this place is becoming. This is not based or fun at all; this is abhorrent. Evil. Goes against everything we fight and expose done by the lowest humanity can produce. And to those who joined in this despicable act, understand this: we know who you are. Some of the degens are being doxed as I write this, some even trapped by their own stupidity when some artist they commissioned came up with their non-porn versions and now keep their real life info like a cocked gun.

To make things worse, some anons had the twisted idea to mail the family the porn they collected, including images of suffocation porn featuring Maggie Joy. This was a deliberate attempt to hurt them, pure and simple. What started as an obvious false flag to bait Anon has now escalated to a IRL issue. Many anon drawfags fell for it, hook, line, and sinker. Handed them what they wanted on a silver plate, and now we can expect a backlash. Shit is going to hit the fan soon.

In short, See this is a warning to all. This isn’t about being a moralfag or even for morality’s sake, or for self gratification, it’s about having the common sense not to trample on the grief of a family for sick kicks, for lulz, or for whatever shit. Think twice before you act. This kind of behavior will not be forgiven, nor forgotten. We will not allow Maggie’s memory to be tarnished by such degeneracy.
To the artists and anons who stood up against this, who came up with wholesome fanart in defiance of the OP's fuckery and going through insults, you are the true bearers of friendship. Let’s unite against this depravity and ensure our fandom remains a place of love and respect.


Original thread:

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>Not true! You got to see a lot of cute drawings of a mare you wouldn't've seen otherwise!
Good point, actually. I did end up saving a lot of the art that was posted in that thread.

>>In the 4chan thread, a user with the trip Silver !Spoon/CYj (huh? where have we seen that before?) comes and posts an image giving strong reactions across the anons of the thread (the image seems fine, but it could've been edited? We know that such a thing can somewhat happen in desuarchive)
That's where I've seen that Silver Spoon trip before. When I was going through the 4chan archived thread, that tripcode jumped out at me because I knew I recognized it but couldn't place from where. I guess I just assumed it was a common tripfag I'd seen around /mlp/. Now it makes sense.

>None of this has any concrete proof, but it would not surprise me if this hypothesis is at least partially correct.
There are definitely too many connections for it to all be coincidence. The same users and the same subject matter popping up at the same time, all following the PCL event.

Behold Anon, I am the luminati !

yes I'm just known as my old 1337 gamertag «darkdoomer» not Dark-Doomer, neither DarKdO0M3r, darkdoomer everywhere else, or also patachu which was supposed to be a joke OC that i used it as a handle too. but I prefer this filly so far.
Yes I had some concerns about things that were posted about pedophilia earlier, but that topic. which led to some critical research and even expanded to serious discussions brought me the hope that I was wrong. There's no real pedos on this group, really.

Now on the idea about the PCL being behind some of the posts in the original thread ? I don't think in his situation Databyte or his troony goons would have the aptitude to start something like this, even as dumb as they are. But if one did, it could clearly be their worst mistake, sweet Celestia imagine that falseflagging.

I can just confirm the OP isn't a PCL, is a sick fuck in need of lulz. But this is what i know so far.

also for the crazy part, yes, i have a discord and I'm ashamed enough of using it. (y u do this)
Yes, the drawfags did a good job, again, showing more the spirit of /mlp/ versus the degens.
Let's hope this remains a nothingburger, that the degens will have enough of their new filly porn, fapping in their own shit. And the few who had the idea of mailing the parents the porn as a surprise package will consider their anonymity being compromised.
They may be retards but would not take the risk of causing IRL drama and see their info becoming public backfiring at them.

So, essentially it ends here. Let's bury this shit under a cubic ton of concrete and never talk about that ever again.
24838 24840
Oi, listen up you muppet, If you think harassing a family who've just lost their little girl is a laugh you've got to be a mong. Picture it was your own family, your sister, your daughter. How'd you feel, yeah? >Moralfag It ain't about being a saint. It's about empathy. Try to put yourself in their shoes, feel their pain. If someone did that to your family, you'd be grabbing a gun ahjd track em. So why on earth do you think it's alright to do it to someone else? This is MLPOL not /mlp/, We're supposed to be better than this. Show some bloody respect and decency for crying out loud. This isn’t just about morals again, it’s about being a decent human being, You faggots keep on this path, and there’ll be hell to pay.

You did good! Don't ever doubt about it!

Yep. But I'd like to know who really started this edgy faggy crap. Let this thread be the place to let more info surfacing shall we?

The family wasn't actually being harassed, dumbass. The entire thread was just some gooners whacking off and a couple of drawfags contributing art.
I don't know yet, let's hope not. The anon who commissioned me that was in dire need of filly porn revealed after a discussion his motives to mail them the porn images made so far, waiting for mine and a few more, probably from other artists.
So I explained to him about the risks and that I'm not playing his shit game, after posting a few unfinished fillers, then revealed what I was actually working on. (see image)
So what I said earlier, and confirmed in the OP, as soon the guy fucks up, and fulfill his narcissistic perversion, his identity will be disclosed to the competent authorities with evidence.

With or without that guy I would have made that pic anyways, and yes, it was keeping faith in humanity to see so many fanart of her vs edgy shit, so the OP got assblasted.
For the rest I have no idea, just taunt the guy like «we are watching you». He's probably got my info back but I don't care, I can certify so far he is fully vaccinated and really likes rainbows from his Facebook profile.
According to the experience in the Databyte thread however, no name or images will be posted on this board.

One thing I can confirm is that guy was not the OP. Different ones.

Calm down Joe, he's just drawing porn of a filly OC and that may not even be the author, just a degen.

23637 23638 24377
So here's a not so smart guy thinking he can dox half of the community because faolcon is bad, but can go away with it without issues.

tl;dr FiMFetch archivist went full retard and made a list of all the "pedos" in the fandom, utilizing only the most infallible methodologies and foolproof data research.
Spoiler alert: it's all fucking bullshit, and most of all the "data" he pulled were """reports""" from a discord server trying to be the police of the fandom.


Social media :

Ponycrush account: https://www.ponycrush.com/profile/1481/DataByteBrony
Fimfetch: https://databyte.fimfetch.net/
Reddit account: https://www.reddit.com/user/DataByteBrony/
Imgur account: https://imgur.com/user/DataByteBrony
Fimfiction account: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/62188/DataByteBrony
Twitter account: https://twitter.com/databytebrony
Twitch account: https://www.twitch.tv/databytebrony
Derpibooru account: https://derpibooru.org/tags/artist-colon-databytebrony
Deviantart account: https://www.deviantart.com/databytebrony
Patreon account: https://www.patreon.com/fimfetch/about
Personal blog: https://blog.bronytales.com/
YouTube account: https://www.youtube.com/@databytebrony

696 replies and 164 files omitted.
24802 24834 24837
Made a lil' meme. Had a bit of a problem properly screenshotting it though, so it's a bit cut off at the right edge.
Still going BTW
Can I has an invite to the anti-PCL discord? [darkdoomer] haven't had time to pay much attention to it lately, sorry bout this.
since my banning from G5, EQD and Manechat, i've seen my interest in MLP take a nosedive
Love mares for the sake of mares, you don't need anyone else
The pedo thread got quickly taken over, supposed to be a literal exposing, counter thread as if the PCL had anything to post, turns out it has clarified more than an attempt at harming the discord users.

‘‘Yes /mlpol/ will be offended and will not take time to check anything, they won''tt read the logs or the cherrypicked screencaps’’

American IQ
Poners, It has come to my attention a disturbing video made to prank college students that actually turns into the Idiocracy movie 2024 version.
Browsing the video's jewtube channel for additional content I found that this situation is far more common than expected.
Beyond bizarre and fucking surreal. And considering that this kind of humanoids are the neighbors next door, keeping a prudent distance might be advisable.
36 replies and 25 files omitted.
>Which org do you think is behind Flat Earth?
It is genuinely grass root. On the opposite side we have the pushers of the ball: jesuits and freemasons.
Are there any jews or freemasons here with us right now?
The proliferation of AI is being celebrated as a revolutionary force, poised to improve everything, in industries, boost productivity, and solve complex problems even geniuses, scientists are lagging at. That was the promise. Now, as we deliver average tasks to AI systems, mostly creative ones yet dealing with repetitive tasks, we just opened an era of intellectual stagnation, oversimplification, and the decline of civilisation by the erosion of cognitive skills that will pave the way to a faster decline than your children's brainrot from youtube shorts or skibidi memes on tiktok.

Let's be honest. AI systems aren't intelligent nor can make anything or anyone intelligent-on contrary, we're talking the opposite. Those handle tasks that once required human intellect and effort of comprehension and thinking. From basic arithmetic to complex problem-solving, AI algorithms manage these tasks effortlessly, leaving humans with little reason to engage their own cognitive faculties and decision-making.
Just consider the once-common skill of mental arithmetic. In the pre-digital era, individuals regularly performed calculations in their heads or on paper, sharpening their mathematical abilities. We all grew up with at least a pocket calculator and we don't even practice even a basic multiplication, however we need it because the calc will give precision, as the brain gives an average, a rough result, just like a ribbon to measure distance. But still, the same trend is observable across various domains, from navigation to language translation, where AI tools have rendered human effort redundant or replaceable. The consequence is a generation less adept at critical thinking and problem-solving, having never fully developed these skills.

AI's ability to process and present information in easily digestible formats is often touted as a benefit, but carries significant drawbacks. In the pursuit of user-friendly interfaces and more bollocks for the average mong, AI systems tend to oversimplify complex issues, reducing them to bite-sized chunks that lack depth and nuance. This oversimplification fosters a superficial understanding of topics and discourages critical thinking or even advanced features that were common on previous software.
For instance, AI-driven news aggregators and social media platforms prioritise brief, sensational headlines over comprehensive analysis, predigested information that isn't verifiable but trusted because it's from some AI. This not only skews public perception but also diminishes the incentive for individuals to seek out and engage with detailed, well-researched content from various sources the AI was designed to exclude, hence boosting manipulation and more garbage. As a result, public discourse becomes shallow, driven by sound bites rather than substantive debate like a bunch of tweets and catchphrases out of context. The erosion of critical thinking skills and reliance on simplified information create a populace that is less informed and more susceptible to manipulation. That was tech for a decade, AI will accelerate this.

AI's encroachment into creative and analytical fields poses another significant threat. AI is literally stealing human creativity. AI-generated content lacks depth, emotion, and intent that characterises art. This is the most visible example we have of intellectual great-replacement now an average retard can prompt something and deliver a masterpiece, and jerk off it.

Now in analytical fields, AI based software prevents all form of progress or innovation ironically. AI algorithms excel at optimising existing processes and solutions based on historical data, but they are inherently limited in their capacity for genuine innovation. Nothing new will be created or discovered, AI isn't the future, AI only gather its sources from the past. Breakthrough and innovation come from human intuition, serendipity, and the willingness to challenge established paradigms—qualities that AI lacks. By over-relying on AI for problem-solving, we may inadvertently constrain our potential for innovation and progress. Why thinking since everyone uses machine learning to do it? Why inventing since there's an algorithm to make something that says ‘let's not change a thing’.

The societal impact of AI dependency extend beyond individual cognitive decline as AI take on more roles traditionally performed by humans because it's cheaper or more neutral, more politically correct and never ask question. Also there is a growing risk of economic and social upheaval. Job loss, increased economic crisis, woke bullshit, propaganda, and the erosion of privacy are just a few things we had since the rise of Google and MS, sadly normalized and accepted by the masses, and it's only getting worse.

The centralisation of AI technology in the hands of a few powerful (((corporations))) raises concerns about control and accountability. These entities wield immense power over the flow of information and the functioning of essential services, creating vulnerabilities in our social and political systems. The potential for misuse or unintended consequences of AI systems further exacerbates these risks, threatening the stability and integrity of our civilisation.

Too many retards claims AI is a new tech revolution, as someone who deal with software I have to endure this everyday. I have been working in tech for the past 25 years and I assure you it's not a revolution, it's a regression. Smartphones and social media eroded the promise of an open internet bringing an age of enlightenment into a new dark ages, and AI will further contribute to a dumbing-down of humanity as it directly threatens critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills. We have to prevent it.

We must ensure that AI is used to facilitate repetitive tasks and leave the required human capabilities of thinking and analyzing critically rather than replace them like we do today.
24779 24792
luddite mald, you will have to get a real job instead of drawing furry porn
me the based guy who will never work and has infinite free time but still did not read your post
trisomics please leave.

24383 24416 24440 24489
I had to get something off my chest that's been bothering me for a couple of weeks now. Let's make this thread separated from >>23545 → and focus on the real deal, actual pedos. Not the filly fans, who gives a shit, really.

Pedophilia is not just some casual thing or a quirky interest or even some sexual orientation as some want it to be classified as. It's a serious fuck-up, a perversion and identifying yourself as one isn't ‘practicing free speech’ When some guy openly identifies as a pedo or a MAP (Minor-Attracted Person), we have to take him seriously. Because let's face it, anyone who labels themselves as such is a dormant threat and belongs in the woodchipper.

Now I just want to insist that this isn't about scoring points or virtue signaling and I expect a lot of
>Oh look another SJW on a whitchhunt why don't you join DataByte and his buddies?
We're not here to pat ourselves on the back and say ‘they're not hurting anyone’. That list, as flawed as it was still did expose a small percentage of actual pedophiles, and that's what we need to focus on, being honest and upfront about the issue and use some critical thinking. Are they really pedophiles? What are they doing to not being one? Do they seek a therapy and why did it take that other faggot dumping his list to take consciousness of the existence of these guys.

Let's have a real conversation about this, without the bullshit.

Recap: logs of some chatrooms mostly about roleplay BUT with some worrying stuff.

-Pathos's Foalcon chat
-Sollace's Crusaders Book Club
-Satyr_sam's Filly Heaven 2.0

201 replies and 122 files omitted.
my friend is a psycyhanalyst, back when it waspopular on /mlp/ I discussed this.
She would love to study to understand it, she almost published a paper.
Me as a dev, explained we may use a fragment of our brain and a tulpa may be some kind of background process.
Talking how the feeling of Déjà Vu could be the overloaded brain using long term memory's almost infinite space as cache or something
>This could be an explanation, it's not scientific
>most tulpamancers could be trolling
>some genuinely installing, literally, an hallucination.

I tried having one, Renamon as she insisted I should serve as a rat lab. I gave up by fear. I tried to feel her presence with me and all, met my friend who researched this indian culture thing, it could work if I had the brain.
It's strange. I don't have enough data DESPITE the load of image.
>Are you feeling something about this character, as a kid, her body etc.
>Even with sex and all I cannot imagine or visualize, focus, etc.
People with a tulpa really are a level of schizo-autism. It would need a whole field of research to explain how it works. And I tried.
It was years ago, I didn't bother wondering, this is new age hippie shit to me, but some agree it unveils unknown aspects of intelligence, filling a void.
>is that a mental illness
>look, if someone is lonely and if it helps you it is good
>lit, “A Beautiful Mind” schizophrenia is not understood. smart people have a spectrum of it.
>does the brain have a security that locks multiple personalities to run?
>What is real through conditioning.
24781 24782
It should be obvious to the therapist that guy is merely a retarded cuck bitch and not a based schizo.
me btw
>being retarded
>after finding out your degen brain requires a fix
>ok being an actual pedo
kys as soon as possible you PCL shill
Anybody else ITT just think that little girls are kind of hot and it's really not that big a deal?

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