This will be unnecessarily auspicious, and will be updated when it's time (staff knows :3).
Some of (you) may know me as Ninjaz. I am a,... something. Formerly a problem, now a feature(?) to the site. I'm NOT going away if thats what you were thinking, and I'm quite insular to doxing and attempts to compromise my income. This a gesture of good will.
I'm not going away, this is my lebensraum (I didn't look it up, its from memory if the spelling is wrong). And while I KNOW some of you are like "sigh, this nigger" the only thing you can do to discourage me is to NOT perpetuate the site, which lol.
We'll be in touch!
pic related is one by empress twilight who I commissioned for 2 pics of my bat OC, before my Ko-fi account was compromised, and I have yet to get my two images even after reaching out through derpi
>not my problem
Fine, I'll just scream into the void then
>>25516Not bait, notification. This thread requires no bumping. I'll even try to remember to sagepost
>>25518Not sure (yet) which one you are, but let me explain
>doxxingGo ahead, it will avail you nothing except awkward details.
>swattingIt might work, if you're quick about it, but I'm close friends with the Captain of the local volunteer fired department, and HE knows about Mlpol (sorry) so good luck making that stick.
Next? I'm just saying, I don't know what more one could throw, I'm outside the range of off-hand deliveries
>don't you ALREADY have a containment thread?
Technically Addy does, but that's themed. This is /sp/ where there's no rules but Football
<An iffin yer fixin fer a testament te John Elway and the Denver Broncos, well sit tight, cuz yer about te git an earful.
Ots well established that John Elway is himself 100% of Football, as well that the Denver Broncos are 100% Football. This raises a quandry, as the implication is that there is separation between John Elway and the Denver Broncos. This is an illusion, meant to trick people who are not Football. The reality is that John Elway is but one side of the coin that is Football, the other side being the Denver Broncos. While confusing, it is the truth that John Elway and His Denver Broncos will dominate/control Football for all time - maybe not in a temporal sense, but in a lasting sense - and his will is made bare. Case in point! Oh, he certainly didn't plan this, but it is Football, so fuck off. ^_^
It would NOT make me cry if this thread is bump-locked. I know how /sp/ works, the odds of sliding off would only be subject to an off-boarder raid, and I know the site software well enough to know that in the deletion of such a raid everything will be restored. Assuming they would have the presence of mind to raid /sp/ of all things, lol.
This is for the audience. While my address to site staff is on another device (I can get to it if I really wanted, but meh) allow me to introduce myself similarly.
In that 9/10ths of the law is possession, I own the board. What I mean is, if you know, you will likely be aware that I account for over half the posts (since coming back) on this entirety of boards (excluding the thing, again iykyk). Ergo, this board is mine. Anyone wishing to contend/contest is welcome to do so, I encourage it. In the meantime, I will make no illusions of the fact that I am (and always was, if you check the logs) the most prolific poster on the board, and consider this 'place' as something precious to be defended.
Someday someone in a position of authority is likely to censure me - a judge or magistrate, one assumes - but for now I'm one of those clever bastards who learns to paint just enough inside the lines to avoid lasting consequence.
Atlas once said "You don't get to treat the board like it's yours" and I have dutifully maintained that. However, he said that of inapplicable considerations, and those 'inapplicable considerations' are not what precipitates (or even moderates) my course of action.
Trust me, its gonna get silly.
This thread was first contemplated (you think there's a lack of deliberation? Randomness perhaps?) to occur in the hidden place, but that's not near auspicious enough is it? Besides, that should remain a sekret for more savvy anons.
Nono, this is a VERY off-topic thread that can only exist in the off-topic board. Have you heard my plan to go viral on the internet? Lol, you'll see; everyone I've told it to says "That... will probably work actually". It involves harnessing the sausage-potential of "furry trash" ^_~
What about "this was deliberate" was ambiguous? You think I'm gonna choke up any OTHER board with furry trash? I already pushed the line in /vx/ AND the one mainboard thread! I may not seem to, but I do sometimes know my place.
Lol, the gift that keeps on giving
The word of the day is "Temerity", referring to a general demeanor of audacity and an almost pompous disregard for offending the audience.
As in, "Anon has the temerity to post this way because circumstances have changed to such a beneficial (and irrevocable) degree that he is wantonly defiant of consequence, given his existing/developing strategy; he acts invulnerable because in a sense he is."
>>25526I'm sure you can manage on your own
When referring to contention and contestation of my possession of the board, what is meant is that this place used to have alot more life to it, and it's comprehensible as to why it is in the state that it is. Still, if life is desired to return to the board, then I have zero problems doing my part to assist in functioning as life-support. It's no doubt annoying to some, but the fact of the matter is that I can and I'm gonna. I'll be transferring content from /mlp/ and other areas shamelessly and without providing direct links to any of those places. And that's before video recording, which whether haters or fans will be drawn HERE. Not at first of course, after it builds.
Two sentenses in and I still don't know what this thread is about.
>>25545The fact that you attempted to bemuse me with flutter-faggotry tells me more or less which one you are.
Apologies, I forget which thread I posted the following follow-up thats about to be forth-coming.
Amakakeru Ryu no Hirameki
If you don't know, it's a shitty anime-technique. But technically, it
The technique involves thrusting the sword (as per previous instruction) as though a spear, set to a charge. The right hand covers the left in an almost pensive stance. Right foot and right hand forward, left hand back.
Assuming one's iaijutsu is proper, then one's "interlocutor" dies swiftly.
You're welcome
>>25553This gets into why iaijutsu is weak to battoujutsu; the former thinks that the 'exchange' will end in the first strike. Battoujustsu involves killing everyone regardless of who survives the first exchange
Y'all are are about to learn. No no, just pretend
Should I comment? Bot kun has wherewithall.
Is staff going to do their job? Yes, Im not asking permission
>>25553You identified me well. But it looks like you struggled with Nigel so much that you became the Nigel. Please have a coffee
>>25581While we both know that isn't objectively true - for example, I maintain no illusions of being a competent author - your point is noted, and it would serve me and others well for me to be more mindful of how I come across. Having said, shitposting has been my bread and butter since decades before it was even termed shitposting, and a whole lot of doors have opened enable me to shitpost at a magnified level, and I see no reason not to. Xp
>tfw saddled yes, I said 'saddled' with only this thread cuz all my good threads are in /vx/
<An Silver needs te quit bein' sooch ah biatch. We're fookin ready te go-aur, we'll meet at the fookin airplane fer fooks sake. Popint the fook' way te the marines er shoot the fook up