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Welcome to /ub/ - Überhengst
German for "over stallion," and a reference to Nietzsche's "Übermensch," /üb/ - Überhengst is about bettering yourself physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. It is about self-improvement, constructive self-reflection, and seeking advice from others. You may discuss here those personal hobbies through which you develop your creative energies, and the efforts you take to improve your talents, artistic and otherwise. And of course, this is a board for fitness and literature, as they are parts of the backbone of physical and mental wellness. This is also a board where we may discuss Western culture - history, literature, architecture, and philosophy - as when imbibed, culture improves the mind and spirit, sharpening mental faculties, and providing a greater connection to those around you and to civilizations millennia old.

As this is a self-improvement board, discussions of personal problems should be constructive. No wallowing in self-pity. We are here to become better, and while seeking company in misery may be a helpful part of the process, the process does not end there.


Pagan Faggotry Thread
8323 8324
Theres a bible thread, there should be a Pagan/Norse thread.

If decoded in a particular way (read: correct) the Bible and the Norse/Pagan tradition have an astonishing amount of parallel/in-common. But this thread isn't about appealing to Christendom, it is about embracing the warrior spirit of our proud white traditions and heritage!
Odin does not respect the man who kneels, Odin honors the man who stands resolute in the face of Gods.
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Not sure if I'd count as a pagan exactly, but I find the Evolian/Nietzschean side of right-wing metaphysics tends to resonate better with me than the Jeebus stuff, and I have some occult type interests.
At the end of the day "Pagan" amounts to polythiesm versus monotheism. Jung's work on the universal unconscious seems to support polytheism, while the appeal of monotheism is,... appreciable. While likely to get shit on for saying so, there is no "correct" answer, it comes down to (you) and what (you) are willing to accept, entertain, and likewise bring to manifestation, under whichever 'umbrella'.

Paganism tends to support the idea that there are a multitude of authorities to whom one can appeal, whereas Abrahamism asserts that there's only one authority (and perhaps a multitude of delegates, but that's more the catholic side of things). Fun fact, catholicism is Paganism in Abrahamic clothes Xp
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Quote: Christianity proceeded to destroy heathen altars out of fanatical intolerance.
Destroying alters of lesser beings impacts those lesser beings.
Doing so disrupts the agenda of all lesser beings, that agenda is hostile to all people.
Breaking the chains of bondage is kind of the point.
The most impotent one to break is the one in people. Forceful eviction from the image of God allows for choice without external factors making choices near unfeasible.
Doing the impossible, breaking new ground, living to the fullest.
Making friends and family where by the standards of others could only be enemies.
Fighting on a front of love for one another.
I will say the faggot kind of tolerance and actively rolling over and shutting down of so called Christians is part of why the modern political landscape is so fucked. Not just the jewery, but also a subversion of Christ communities. Turned into mega-slop dispensers.
Fanatical intolerance can't stand up well. Look at the backstabbing culture of the SJW.
Thats what all major religious bodies of "centralized authority" operate; there isn't one form of power that corrupts and another form of power that doesn't.
What Christianity is experiencing now is what paganism and other traditions have been forced to experience. I don't disagree with your discontent, and I'm not celebrating that Christianity is next on the chopping block, I AM saying that my ancestors had a similar conversation with yours (in a philosophical sense). Not trying to drum up old feelings, but on a bloodline level "Yes, I know JUST what you're going through."

Cool Story Bread
Everybody has a story to tell, oftentimes unbelievable or unconfirmable. Weird things, awesome things, incredible things. Maybe it was an encounter with a majestic wild animal, or perhaps a hilarious set of circumstances that led to one of the most amazingly backward day.

ITT we tell those stories; the awe inspiring, the laghable and the wonderful, the ones we will never forget even if they only amount to 'that one time'.

>be me, 25 m
>working a seasonal job by the coast
>new to area, dont know anyone from Adam
>horribly anti-social, don't play well with others
>local bar does a jazz improv night
>played trumpet for ~10 years, but havent played for 4,...
>Fuck it there'll be booz
>bar has a stage, for hosting
>buncha dudes up on the stage, several drum kits with the stage lights glinting off 'em
>reminds me of 'the days' so I take a seat by the edge of the stage cuz theres already a dozen plus here
>pull out my trumpet Nickel-plated Jupiter Professional with a custom gold-plated, 3a(size), Megatone mouthpiece (shit was baller)
>spend a good hour, just listening to different jams, warming up in between
>go to play a couple times, get nervous, talk myself out of it
>still, the music is awesome, and if youve never, improv music is a special kind of magic
>night is winding down, some people start packing up some of their stuff
>never really examined anyone in detail, wouldnt have even known what was about to happen, still can't believe it TBH
>Guy in the back, clearly one of the first to arrive says "We havent heard from him yet"
>"Play something"
<Uh,... uhhh,...
>"Pick a key and just play us something, just relax"
<Uhh,... well its a B-flat trumpet so what works for you
>Major or minor?
<Uhhh,... A-minor for Bb trumpet? I swear to god dont say it
>"When you're ready

>start in with a simple haunting-sort of casual noir-esque melody
>dude in the back picks right up with a very light guitar accent
>bass enters, then drums
>and thats about when you lose focus
>when you're given a solo like that, cuz thats what that was, you end up 'saying something' with the music
>oftentimes something you needed to say, and just as often, you didn't know you needed to

>you've already established to the group the sort of melody style
>hey know what to expect
>so you just say what it is you gotta say
>as you keep saying you build momentum, you express more
>probably one of my best solos
>wish I had a recording

>audience and band all clap
>people compliment, especially the other musicians
>firm but non aggressive clap comes down on my shoulder
>guy from the back had walked up, facing the same direction, leans in and says
>that was a really nice solo, kid I may be embellishing the 'kid', been a while

>two days later
>be talking to the bar owner, place is empty
>"So what did you think about the other night"
<It was awesome. I dont have alot of improv experience, I'm used to rehearsals and strict adherence to the page
>"Can you keep a secret"
<Uh, I think so, I dont know anyone to tell
>"You know who that guy who played background guitar for you?"
<He didn't introduce himself, no
>"You didn't recognize him?"
<Wasnt paying attention tbh
>"Don't tell anybody. He doesnt want to be noticed, he doesnt even like to talk to people, and he doesnt get to do this often. He just wants to come for the music
>If you come again, you play along too and dont say anything or you're banned for life, understand?"
>I nod
>"That was Eric Clapton.
>He lives about 40 miles from here, only comes out every so often cuz fans and tourists start showing up when he comes regularly."

Never saw the guy again to confirm, can't imagine the benefit to the bartender lying, but that was the time I may have jammed with Eric Clapton.
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More addendums to the "Final day against Steve"
Part of what made it so cool for me AND Steve is he doesnt play often anymore cuz hes older. But he has heaps of experience, but sadly no one usually asks for input or advice.
Similar story for me, years of experience and strategy. But NORMALLY the team tactics amount tl lime I said, pairs and threes huddling amongst themselves, talking amongst themselves, and then going off and doing noob shit.
Not us. We had a team huddle before every field. We showed them how to properly hold the markers for consistency and accuracy. We taught them how to properly target opponents, how to cover moving lanes, how to occupy and utilize bunkers beyond "the thing stopping the 'bullets' from killing me", which bunkers are the most significant and how to utilize their specific attributes,... and most importantly,...
"Alright, I'm not telling anyone what to do. But what I plan to do is this,... and if you guys are with me, here are the key points to occupy, and how I will help you advance."

Alot of skill was passed on that day ^_^
At the beginning of the day newbs were shouting nonsense like "theres a guy over there!" and uselessly pointing and NOT shooting, to simple commands like "Snake Hot On Me" (I'm taking fire from a specific bunker) and taking cover. Or instead of "Hey get that guy over there, I wanna go to that bunker there!" To "Cover the Dorito, I want the titties" (give me cover fire on a specific bunker, so I can move to the double-spool). And instead of turning and shooting a couple shots and then looking around for something else to shoot at, they respond "Copy" and start shooting the triangle bunker until homie has the titties in hand.

It was kinda like a private Master-Class, and the younger kids really liked an excuse to ironically shout "Titties" ^_^
The reason - beyond basic personal satisfaction AND team fun and excitement - was this enabled me and Steve to get creative. We would fall back, flank, and advance to provide support for whoever was calling for help, which led to their team calling for help. Players didnt get eliminated quickly, but everyone was actively involved, like a chess piece where every piece moves but none of the pieces get taken. Eventually what ended up happening is either Steve or I would get taken out (usually by newbs, cuz we were only in tourney mode on eachother) and then the remaining captain would fall back and direct their team to victory. We were all frens that day, and our bitches were all excited, bragging about cool stuff that happened.

One thing about this field is the staging/parking area. All around the perimeter of the lot were cable spool tables, waist high. Anyone can use em, but only 4 olayers can fit a full set of gear without scratching, knocking off, or upseting one or more of the others. Those tables are designed for smaller groups.

But next to the pro shop is a GIANT spool thats about 4.5' tall, and its about 12' in diameter. To use that table, you have to bring a high stool, and there are plenty of stools fro players who have brought them. That table is where the OGs sit, cuz we're all just friends who like shooting at eachother.

By the end of the day, none of the newbs were at the kiddie tables. ^_^
Business Dog
Well, I like the fact that you're getting me to think about genuine events that made me smile, because I don't really (want to) remember those anymore. Will keep reviving those jaded old RAM cells and see what comes out.
I can however align my life's past events and see how they helped me discover and accept Jesus Christ's cost/work-free invitation to sup with me and live in His Kingdom for eternity, which makes going through them all more than worthwhile. It doesn't make me "smile", but I am filled with unmatched appreciation and gladness at the free gift given to me, and the patience and grace extended to me.

It's always a bit "tragic" when impressive skills such as yours end up being left behind in a previous chapter of ones' life, but they can also get built upon and evolve in some way in the next chapter.
Does music and outdoors team fitness still matter to you, or are other things now challenging you in a constructive way?

Okay, maybe I've got 1 "heartwarming" story so far:
I'm a farm-dog, and own chickens - people tend to think that chickens are just stupid, and sometimes that's true, but there can be a "depth" to animals that one won't spot with casual or arrogant observation.

One of the farm chickens ended up getting bad cuts on her feet and legs for some reason, and instead of just going on as normal, or becoming sicker and sicker, she escaped the large area set apart for the chickens (this would not have caused the injury) and walked all the way to my bedroom window and started complaining loudly and persistently - calling me outside. When I went out to see what was going on, she walked up to me closely and just stood and complained in a distressed way.
I noticed the injury, gave her a warm waist-high bath in Betadine, lightly dressed the wound and put her in a large cage in my bedroom with warming light, food and water for a few days.
When she got better, she went back to the chicken-area and was quite happy.
A few months later, chicks had hatched and several hens were out with their chicks scratching in the dirt, pecking feed and doing the usual happy-chicken-stuff.
Every time I entered the chicken area, the mother hens led their chicks away or just ignored me, but bedroom-chicken always greeted me and called her chicks over to meet me, allow me to touch them, and then they'd start doing happy-chicken-stuff right next to my legs until I'd leave.
(Pic probably mostly unrelated.)

Why the reminder/urgency for not doxxing oneself?
>I like the fact that you're getting me to think about genuine events that made me smile, because I don't really (want to) remember those anymore
This sentence was a journey
>music and outdoor team fitness
Music when it strikes me, been railing Bury the Light recently. And if by outdoor team fitness yiu mean "managing a 7 acre with cats and dogs and chickens (we're getting ducks and geese in the spring :3).
And yes, animal intelligence is vastly underrated. My cats comprehend simple phrases, and detect when the phrase is varied.
>inside chickens
Okay, people been sleeping on this for too long. I know you know, but inside chickens is in fact, a thing. Ffs, we eat what comes from their ass. Keep em happy! Let em inside!
Of course, when they were chicks I would take turns holding them and warming them with my hands and breath,... theres ways to get them to bond better. ^_^
>why the emphasis on not doxxing
Cuz it's my thread, and I would head off any casting of aspersions
Today's story is a recent one involving a trip to the grocery store.
For perspective, I usually look to be quite the sight; I have an old, stained, mechanic's jumpsuit, my hair/facial is only recently trimmed for HarmonyCon, I keep it otherwise unkempt (and it is rapidly returning to it's ordinary state of disarray because of liberal use of a beanie, and a refusal to shower more often than every couple weeks.
Simply out, my appearance and demeanor in society is a carefully structured statement of:
>Go away. I don't want to talk to you, I DON'T want you to talk to me, I am deliberately as unapproachable and unsightly as possible, please just let me get my things and I will be on my way; avoidance of eye-contact, resting bitch-face, the works.

To my surprise, the young 6 year old in the cart in front of us (one of my brothers was there) says "Hey. Hey" and starts waving to get my attention. This is curious to me, because why are you got getting the memo? I cast a glance at the boy's mortified mother that conveys "Are you okay with this? I certainly am not" before putting on a pleasant face and saying "Yes?"
The boy points to a display that's selling coiled up tubes of vanilla wafers wrapped in chocolate. The boy says "The sign says you should buy it." I look over "It does,..." trying to suggest to the boy that he was being very silly and a bit rude" and he WAVES ME OVER, and says "You gotta do it then! Go buy it!" I reply "Thank you for the notification."
The mother has now had enough of it.
Here's the heartwarming part.
She says, in a tone of voice that gave me chills, to the degree that my brother and I avert our eyes, knowing what is likely to go down:
"If you don't knock it off right now, the only choices you will make for the rest of the night is whether I take my belt off right now, or your father takes his belt off when we get back to the truck."

I love conservative families

Cook your food
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One problem plaguing a lot of people these days, especially burgers like myself, is that many people eat out at restaurants too much instead of preparing home cooked meals. Eating out is frequently both more expensive and less healthy for you than a home cooked meal. Furthermore, many people live with a limited library of meals that they know how to prepare and don't realize the culinary possibilities that are right in front of them.

The purpose of this thread is to try to break that habit of eating out and to make cooking at home become the norm in our lives. Please share meal ideas and how to prepare them here. All meals are welcome, although preferably we should post meals that are easy to prepare so that novice cooks will not be intimidated by the prospect of preparing them for themselves. Even simple sandwiches are fair game. Sometimes that may mean cutting corners with pre-made mixes instead of preparing everything from scratch.

Remember that the goal isn't necessarily to post the most inexpensive meals or the healthiest meals, although those meals are certainly very welcome. The goal is to encourage people to dust off their kitchen appliances and flex their atrophied cooking muscles. I realize that this opens the door to culinary nightmares like /tg/'s infamous meat-bread, but so be it. Let's get cooking!
509 replies and 311 files omitted.
This is also why I dont fuck with bread. Fucking percentages and ratios? If I cant adjust with a pinch of salt, sorry no
Slavery is based on nurition.png
An interesting view on food.
The trick to getting 'fermentation' on ground beef is the lactobascillus. The easiest way is to get one of those fermented Leche drinks that mexicans love so much.

Let the meat soak, and then let it re-dry on a cooling rack. It will be fine, it only takes 2-3 days, not near enough for the meat to spoil
Something I did, a neighbor has a bunch of prickly pear cactus on his front lawn and they were all fruiting. I asked him and he let me pick em and I used them for Kompot and Prickly Pear jelly. It was so good, honestly the two are super easy to make with most fruits and I highly recommend it sometime!
Oh something else for everyone that can help with your onions and giving you a growable harvest of em in the future.

If you get grocery store onions and youre gonna cook them, only use the bottom 3/4ths of it and make sure you leave the last 1/4th have the little bits of roots on the top.

If you remove the outer husk and soak it roots down in water until you start to see shoots, you can plant them as some free onion starters and reuse them!
There needs to be an ESRB-type organization in charge of spice-level certification. Sometimes you get something labelled 'spic' and it just tastes like there was once spice involved in the process. Then you get other shit that melts your goddamn face off, and that's coming from a self-described spice lord who eats habaneros like candy.
I'm just saying, scoville units don't work as a standard unless everyone is advertizing it, but if you've every tried all the different ramen and "maybe korean, but also ramen" types, you may know what I'm talking about. It could actually work, in the same way Dave Portnoy did his thing with "one bite" pizza reviews.

Bible Study Thread
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IIT we discuss and study the Bible. I will be using the King James Version and will take the stance of a fundamental literalist, which is a bit redundant, but these days there exist many that claim to be fundamental but reject the literal interpretation of Scripture when they encounter something they don't agree or understand. I am not a Bible scholar, I'm not a pastor, I don't currently attend any denomination's church service. I'm just an anon that really like to study the Bible. Feel free to argue with me, I could be completely wrong and I hope to learn more about the Bible along the way.

I will post below my first study topic and what I have researched about it. Hopefully it will be interesting and somewhat engaging.
595 replies and 219 files omitted.
>Your other thread
Yes, nothing fucking came of it, in spite of all the prevalent "fuck abrahamism" which I would normally be in support of, except apparently paganism is only cool when "(you)" are available to shitpost about it? Not a good look tbh.
8328 8329 8330
Having said that I think you're perspective(s) >>8324
>>8326 has value and I wouldn't mind hearing more about it, and probably OP and others as well Maybe, like I don't know.^^. I think we need to step away from tribalism and be united as frens in our whiteness and face this incredibly hard questions of the mystery of existence itself by an open-mind and open-heart.

Though, perhaps not in this thread since it's kinda dedicated, and perhaps not in yours either, unless you want that I guess, since it's also dedicated but a new thread about comparing the pros and cons of the different religions in question along.

Just my two cents. I don't think you're breaking any rules, as far as I know of by bringing it up here either. Just if there's a big debate here, it kinda puts the focus on this debate rather than "ITT we discuss and study the bible."
>I think we need to step away from tribalism
Not implying you're being tribalistic right now. This is just my general disposition for this subject matter.
>annex your thread for a better discussion
As said recently, where do you think we are? Thats exactly what we do
And yes, there's plenty to criticize paganism about. That's kind of the rub, there's no tradition that has clean hands, and it's murky to try and find one's way without direct guidance - which is an issue in it's own right - but yes, we absolutely should get to that
I think a theology and comparative religion thread would be nice. I attempted to spur discussion in the paganism thread, but to no avail.
New thread or no, what topics would you prefer to discuss?
>I attempted to spur discussion in the paganism thread, but to no avail.
No wonder why. Paganism is dead in the West.

Daily Write Thread
I made this thread for myself, however, you can still use it. This is where I'm gonna put all my random ideas for stories and write them down.

Essentially, my wish is to fill this thread with a bunch of excerpts from different story ideas I have in one place.

I may even post my planning of stories and other random ideas for how to improve my writing process.

So feel free to share you own excerpts of stories, writing advice, or general ideas for stories here if you feel like, otherwise I'll fill this hopefully with my own stuff.
109 replies and 119 files omitted.
This is just me practicing writing with different methods. It's not worth reading.
Did you just apologize for posting?
>errant pimp-hand wavers in the background
<errant pimp-hand wavers in the background
I don't get it. ^^


Based on attached image:

The garden was gorgeous. From the height, she stood one she could see how smoothly it spread out below her. The spite it all being laid out on a uneven slope, you could never tell; The grass was cut so smoothly it could belong on a golf pitch. The two slithering cobblestone roads had also perfect curves. Between them a bulbous mass of brushes and flowers in different colors from green leaves to red flower, purple tulips, and white tiny flowers on brushes sat. Yet despite this mass of vegetation width and seize someone clearly walked into this mass to polish it's roundness since not a single limb of the plants strayed out-of-line.

Despite it being autumn, the garden still held beautiful colors, maybe even due to this fact. The trees both the large one in the horizon and the small nearby held colors of green and yellow. Two nearby trees f the pine-family that belong to the garden were cut like jalapenos on pizza.

While the air was cold this far north, it was also fresh and crisp and filled with oxygen. A distant bird yelled not chirped. The small birds that chirp had mostly left.

In a small moment she saw a squirrel dart across the roads and disappear into the thick vibrant dark-greens of a nearby tree.


'Darn cat', you though. 'You should had stop her from getting it.'

Your little girl presented it with white flowers that glowed in the moonlight. The full-moon hung in the cautiously clouded sky which didn't deny the stars from shining through. This was all framed in by the tall tree-crowns. The air had weird mystical taste to it tonight. The flowers were connected to a long stem.

Your little girl's were eyes shut but blue mascara on and lips full with a dull color. Dark teal stone hung from her pierced knife-ears. Her red-brown hair split evenly down and seemed to have gone long before someone had cut it off roughly with a knife, now it didn't even reach past her shoulder. She wore a black dress that clung to her shoulders to stay up as its neck-hole was so wide. Her build from as far as you could see was petite and thin. She also had black leggings.

That darn cat, with it's several feet long trailing smoke body and visible bones through that you saw through it's smokey but transparent skin, well transparent enough to see the bones but not passed that. Its white skull sniffed the flowers it was presented with as it wiggled its necromatic black fog ears quaintly.

You had enough. 'Ungrateful cat!'

You place your bony paws on your master and pant appealingly like a good dog.
From dream I had tonight:

David and me were on camp and we were to compete and we climbed up into a tree house and then walked down and a lady who worked their said we were too slow. Then we were suppose to wrestle as some sort of tie-breaker and we did, I lost. Then my mom came and took us for a car ride. Then we were in aweird car where my mom sat in the middle front seat which had the wheel, actually there were two wheels and I didn't like her driving cause she was driving 40 km/h on a gravel road with a lot of gravel and I thought that felt fast or wahtever though I did comment on that fact that it shouldn't feel that fast and that even if you hit someone they would be hit by the car.

Anyway tehn we saw a purple worm the right a black guy inventedt he funky flow and er listen to his album or whatever nad david took the wheel and I said that's good since he's a better driver.

Anyway, the worm, that worm showed up again. And suddenly the road started to get covered with these patches of white tendons and pink flesh that were these worms fault and suddenly this escalted and the whole ground was covered in this fleshy tissue and we got scared so we decided to get to the next place of the camp via the free way and get off this small road. Suddenly, I was ejected or rather I appeared alone on this flesh cover road nad landsacpe alone. Then the dream cut and I took the body of my friend david and now he was alone in the car and a viceover explained how the alien parastic worms took over nad killed 80% or ate, and now either humans lived in the north or lived inservitude of hte worms. Anyway, David drives 100 mile and reaches this cold north and there's a bunch of snowy landsacpe and stuff and he arrives at a small cottage or wahtever that he lives in it.


Anyway, he lives theresuddenly the ground isn't covered in snow anymore but itss still a cold climate or wahtever. He walks over to his neighbers to say hi and there's a like a woman and her children there. He well liked bye the children and the woman but the woman wanna keep quiet since the man of the house is jealus or suspcious of David and fears that he might tkae his wife or something even though he has done nothing so. The wife likes him though sine he is s good with the chilrden and takes time to listen to the children. It alsmo seems that the fatehr is depressed as he is sleeping upstairs.
Anyway, that isn't all thhat important since David steps back out nad goes back to his cottage nad finds me there with my chilrden and David pulls a gun on me wonderign how I survived the worms. I greet him long time not see or soemthign and he says something I appearently said that "if I ever survive a zombie apocalypse like a tv show then you know im'..." and hten he says that i'm either a worm slave or a worm-man. Then David runs to the house of hte family but tells them to not let him in since they don't know if he isinfect so it could be atrick even though he knows he's not infect so I don't know why he would be...^^
That's were the dream ends.
Crosslegged Girl (2).png
Practice Run -- Chapter 1 -- This is Trash

Description: She's summon as a demon to serve a vile unicorn.
Declaimer: This is your only warning! Stay clear of this fic. It's garbage. I have a long time now struggled to write and finish stories. I can sometimes in a blue moon make things that I'm satisfied with, like the other story I have on my profile: That is story you should read if your interested in my more normal work. This on the other hand is less for your enjoyment and more for my own improvement. This "story" is just a challenge to myself to keep at a story and keep the red thread of it till it's end. I'll try to write at least 1k words for each chapter and maybe end around 50k words. This is all written by the seat of my pants, meaning it will be quite meandering. For a writer like me who needs time to set-up, this leads to writing that can be described thusly: Generic and boring. But I'm repeating myself, I'm writing this for my own sake.

She felt hot, as if her body was on fire. She grabbed her shoulders, grimaced, and kept her eyes shut. Then they fluttered open.

Above her a pony in midnight blue coat stood. It was a mare. She wore the top-half of a skull as a hat and her black mane popped out in pigtails down either sides of her head. She looked down at her with her cold purple eyes.

She felt herself being squeeze tighter and tighter and peered down. An ethereal chain in black and purple had ensnared her torso.

She didn't recognize her body but then again she found herself not recognizing who she was either. She put those thoughts out of her mind as her gaze wandered back up to the mare before her. The links of the chains traveled up to the glowing nose of the skull, which upon closer inspect, she realized had a horn sticking out through it. The mare was a mythical creature, a unicorn.

A glow from below her caught her eyes and she looked down. She sat in the center of a glowing circle with triangle in it's middle. Glowing glyphs and other symbols were drawn in the frame.

She glance behind her. It was a starry night sky above so it calmed her but the moon was terrifying. It was red and black, some spots were glowing red others were muted black. A nearby river held glowing and bobbing lanterns and above the close-by forest rose a the snowy tops of a pointy mountain.

"Hey, demon. Pay attention," said a female voice.

Her face whirled back in place and saw that it had been the unicorn that had spoken. At the same time the glow from the magic circle below her vanned and eventually vanished, leaving behind only lines of black sooth in it's place.

"Me?" she asked.

"Yes, you." A few black links disappear in puffs of smoke as she is pulled closer and tighter by the chain. "Do you see anybody else here?"

"I'm a... Demon?" She asked and looked down on her pure white limbs.

She had a human body. A girl's body. Beyond pale legs, arms, and hands, even if they were bond by purple glowing phantasmal chains. She wore a thin-fabric black dress but her feet were bare. Her hair was blood-red. Her head felt weirdly, heavy.

She meet the pony's eyes again, and asked, "I'm I not just human?"

The pony did a quick scrunch of her muzzle before taking a step forward, and giving something above your head a knock.

Clonk donk.

You felt a force outside of you shake your head till the point that your view vibrated before your eyes. You turned your eyes upwards to the limit and saw curved, pointy, black tips just above you. You could feel them then, your giant horns that sat one each side of your head.

As you limbs were bond you could sadly not reach out and touch them though you wanted to.
>slaps away the disclaimer
I think I can tell you her name, if you're interested, but thats not a good idea.
Take my energy anon, you can do this ^_^

Neuro-Linguistic Programming
8179 8184
Imagine >pic related exploding, blood and viscera splaying outward chaotically, on the walls and (you)rself.

Thats a simple and MOST basic demonstration of neuro-linguistic programming. Its everywhere, most especially in Hollywood/media.
Probably a throwaway thread, but intended to incite discussion/comments and otherwise provide useful resources.

They been trying to tell u what to think since yo grandaddy.
And now they have AI

Theyve prolly had AI before, if not but as beta testers. But even before AI, there were think-tanks, focus groups, marketing teams, and stupid amounts of money
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ITT we discuss the imperitive nature of Neuro Linguistic Programming (and other related forms) and it's significance to society.

The proliferation of smartphones and devices has enabled people to provide themselves with constant input. People are being programmed every waking moment by the content they consume. Content creators are often knowingly producing content intended to force their audience to entertain ridiculous notions.

Look at Dragonage: Vanguard. Yeah, everyone clowns on it, but theyre missing important aspects. While its hilarious that it failed, DA:V offers a point of insight.
If you've watched or decide to, of the ridiculous exchanges "taking a Baarv" is hands down the cringiestha, thats how you best the word filter and not just because of shit writing. You're watching a master-class in globo-homo conditioning. As we speak, liberal school teachers are planning to literally bring their trans friends in for "special" class segments going over what it means to be trans, with stupid "respect/abasement" gestures just like that. The point of DA:V was to precondition people, so that when those teachers do, the child could connect it to "that game from before". It was intended to plant the seed for the next generation, same as Concord.

Have y'all seen the skibidi Fortnite shit?
One wonders in what ways skibidi toilet affects the brain.
So what IS neuro-linguistic programming?
At it's most theoretical level, it's the idea that we are affected by whatever stimuli we experience. At a supplemental level, it's the idea that the stories, themes, and concepts we consume (particularly the habitual ones) will be brought toward a degree of parallel manifestion.
But at its most specific and personal level, the idea is this.
If you are not actively programming yourself: healthy habits, positive/affirming content, and a reduction (elimination is impossible) in maleficent content, then you MAY be subject to someone ELSE'S efforts to program YOU.
Yes, humans are basic at some levels, and this is one of them.

Do you think the schoolchildren 'encouraged' to do "If I was an LGBTQWTF, which one would I pick?" exercises in class aren't being programmed? Im not saying is brainwashing (though ...) but it definitely has an effect.
This might not seem a relevant issue to the casual consumer, but let me put it a different way. The spoilered image is very enticing until you notice something or else it becomes more enticing, wherr I don't know what to say except no
In that we are training algorythms and content providers to train US with their content, it becomes increasingly important to be disciplined in the content we consume.

But (you) already know that, because you like mares. ^_~
Pic 2 is an eyebleach apology for pic 1
Mental programming through repetition? Isnt that how wetware systems learn things, through being given the same stimulus over and over again until connections are formed

Can you give us a like.... more tangible application that could be seen using AI against people
Every time I see the silhouette of this image, my brain clips to pic related
I am now sorry for having posted the image, cuz that image is disturbing

8260 8261
COVID tests that people are shoving up their noses have micro beads of super absorbent polymers. So if you're blowing white snot it's because someone has smoked the drugs around you that cause you to expel the beads through your perivascular system. This was someone's idea of a sick joke because people who test for illness are "babies".
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Relax and think about the implications. No matter what anybody thinks or do, what happened is the direct result of a fluoridated/stupidized global population and coming to that realization is a massive black pill. Even (you) are willing to forget the crimes and move over, then, I rest my case.
>to absolutely no one's surprise, the fake and gay nothing-burger thread in fact, to this day remains simultaneously - you guessed it - both fake AND gay
So start shooting. Be the change you want to see in the world.
8270 8273
That's psychotic and illegal, fren.
So true, king
How do you want people to be "punished" then?
What's your point? Are you trying to accomplish?

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Why live /mlpol/? the jews have total control. i don't want to live on this planet anymore. i'm tired,So tired.
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I hate that media like this can still move me, but I love you for posting it, and if you AREN'T OP then I hope you can share with them my admiration.
Ffs, I waited an hour and watching it again still makes me cry like a bitch
Im very glad you all like it, i put a lot of heart into it.
I am OP yes.
I made a Alternate Version of it as well.
7633 8225
Oh I can't believe I missed this.
The definitive edition! Very beautiful and touching video, thank you for making it!
Man, I miss Ricky. I love you man. Peace where-ever you go
I miss Ricky too, it was my pleasure to make it
As far as whitepills go, I think that we can take some heart that there seems to be some sort of momentum FINALLY building towards the ideas of mass deportation. The full scale needed isn't being talked about, but we've got to start somewhere.

Many places around the world have a more sane government style.
Look at Poland and Hungary, for actually enforcing their borders. Then there's Argentina who got a leader who is actually cutting down on some of the government nonsense that has cancerously grown in most modern countries. Trump got in, with what seems to be a genuinely too big to rig voter turnout and a full political mandate for the conservatives across all major sectors of the US government, and there is political discussion of major reforms that do stand a reasonable chance of improving people's living standards. In Canada, they're going to be voting out the Liberal party and replacing it with a conservative party that is speaking some actual sense with intent to majorly reform the government and start on mass deporting the indians (dot) that are overstaying their visas. I hear that Germany has some sort of "let's not commit civilization-scale-suicide" political party that is getting a lot of traction.

There are clear sanity candidates fighting and gathering organized support all across the Western world.

The tide is turning.

The masses, of course, are usually only able to articulate things within a narrow overton window in public, but basic knowledge of the economic structure of things is known and it's starting to be discussed "openly" in the generalist alternative media channels on the internet on YouTube.
man. free my nigga ricky man... he did nothing wrong
miss you, bud!

Did you know?
6761 6773 8212 8215
If the nuts you busted to Rainbow Dash from MLPFIM'S premiere were inside a woman, you'd have at least one child aged at least ten by now.
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lyra - pffft.jpg
I do know this and I have actually thought about it a lot in my days. But life doesn't always turn out the way we want. We just gotta do what we can.
>You retarded faggots ruin this site
C'mon, this site was ruined by faggots like you censuring new posters cos' "we want quality". Odd thing though, self-called oldfags won't shitpost at all and the end result is a dead board.
Calling you a retarded faggot is not "censorship". That's not what the word means, and misusing it as a buzzword doesn't help your case. If you want a hugbox where nobody criticizes you, go to Tumblr.
>new posters
Lurk moar
The dating market is somehow even more fucked than the divorce rates and consequences.

The traditional life of working a job, raising a family, and owning a home has been made unattainable and horrendously unrealistic for the overwhelming majority of people.
Women hate me though is the problem

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