She slide across the floor. Ribbons of flames made spiraled around her. The floor burnt and got scorched into black sooth. She kicked the rifle up mid-drift and from there transitioned back up on two legs. She spun on her heel, caught the gun coming down, and took a shooting position with one knee to the floor.
Dan Vs. Transcript, The Gym Part 2 kinda of. The transcript won't be perfect. I will just write one simple sentence to describe what I'm seeing and then that's it. This is more to get practice in on writing.
"Soo hungry," Dan said while immobile on his rug.
Dan crawls across his room.
"Yello? This is Dan," Dan says over the phone as he holds on to a cardboard box as if was a buoy in storm.
So I'm skipping a bit here and I will shamelessly do so because I'm trying to figure out what is wrong with me.
Dan is on his knees and reach out into the air with his fist to do his signature yell only to have his shoulder give off a loud crack.
Dan whimpers out, "Gyyyymmmm..." in the voice of a mouse.
"I'll be right back," says Chris.
Chad does a bunch of hand gestures as he speaks.
"Okay, sea-dog but we're on the clock bro," says Chad.
"Roger dodger." Chris shoots him a finger-gun.
"Chris! I need-- Wait, go back a second. 'Roger dodger?'" Dan asks.
"No way. The gym is great. It's helping me become more healthier, more athletic, and if I say so myself, more attractive to my lady."
"Ugh, gross."
"I have a newfound confidence and energy."
"You are dead to me. Enjoy you're increased muscle mass defector."
"Hey, bro let's make another training appointment, I got a tuesday, wednesday six am dude."
"I hardly ever stay up that late anymore."
Mr. Mumbles stretches out and Dan reprimands her, "No stretching. That's what
they want you to do."
A canvas in-cased in glass read: "HAPPINESS IS A WARM SUN, SO JOG ALREADY FATTY!"
Mister Mumbles tail was wash-grey with a white top.
"Dragon stance! Let me go. I will bite. Har har!"
"We haven't been robbed Chris. Chad sent over a list of things you can't eat while your on his progam," Elise says while she hands over sheet of paper to Chris.
"Chad would never do that to me. Bu-- This is a list of everything good in my life."
"Is it." Elise looks at him wtih subdued anger.
"Elise, I just want a hoogie, or a burger, maybe both."
"I have something way better than a burger mister. Here have some wheat grass???"
Elise hands Chris a large glass of green goo with blades of grass in it. Chris swigs it down while dramatic music plays in the background.
"I love you. Even though you feed me that."
"What do you want, Jockstrap?"
"I'm eating food that food eats."
"Tyrants. That's no way to live."
There's a sign in the gym that reads, "Push harder, you wuss!"
"Uhh, I'm actually out... Uhh... Shopping for... Smaller pants in anticipation of my slimmed down physic."
"Why does it sound like you're eating a cookie?"
Whatever Dan is on, I want some. Hehe.^^
"And you're talking simultaneously, which is creeping me out big time."
"See Elise, I told you he'd come."
"So that's why I never got a six-pack, I'm not a robot."
"You. Back to you're station meat-battery."
"If I don't regret how it went down with grandma, then I don't see what I will regret about you."
Chris pedals hard and soon Dan is holding a hyper-charged handle which he attaches to his robo-version that short-circuit from it in an instant.
"Fine. Just me and Chad then," Dan says and fishes up a cube of the previous android, Chad.
"Is our government secretly being run by half-human, half-animal hybrids? What do you think?"
"Half-human would be an improvement."
"Hey, I don't make the rules. Blame the DMV."
"Grr. Ddddddddddd! Mmmmmmmmmmm! Vvvvvvvvv!"
"Pfft. An authentic creeping death touch requires at least three fingers." Elise
"Drop the ball-and-chain and grab your keys. We're going." -dan
"I could demonstrate." -Elise
"It's just that when my best friend and my wife don't get along it puts me in the middle." Chris
"Then pick a side already!" -Dan
"I choose Elise." -Dan
Dan punches Chris in the gut.
"Who gave you a vote?" -Dan
"Dan you can't just cut in line and steal from the dead for that matter."
"I got something," says Chris as he hands the receptionist Dan's mug-shot.
"Next of kin, hmm, Mister comma Mumbles. My mother's maiden name. How would I know that?"
So there's this tug of war between learning "boring" and just getting some sketches done with no pressure of expectations on it. If it's too boring and painful, I wont do it. And if it's too easy, I do it but I don't learn much(or anything?). Hmm...
I need to split done hard/boring/painful but helpful drills into smaller chunks. I want to start using [] brackets for placeholders in my writing adn build structure form it.
1 week projects can be start whenever in the week.
But perhaps I should get comfortable with just writing a by the one minute method each day to begin with before moving on to make more healthy choices.
So another question is what are the fundamentals of creating stories? Is it ideas? The point of intrest? Hmm...
Both writing adn drawing starts in the head, in my imagination.
Water is healing = the most important nutrient of them all.
Fire is destroying = reduces everything to nothing/ash/smallest building blocks?