The thread says to post every time I visit ub.
I wish I could go back in time and convince Hitler to rename Auschwitz to Auschfahrt because then "Hitler gassed the jews in ass-fart" would be funnier than "Hitler gassed the jews in ass-wits".
>>6086I wish I could go back in time to convince Hitler to gas them for real.
>>6102I wish I could go back in time and convince Hadrian to finish the fucking job.
I am in pain why does everything have to be this way?
Oh God why does it have to be this way?
Nothing that used to help, helps anymore. i feel so frustrated i feel like i could explode. Why the fuck did i have to be born in the worst time to be White ever?
Anytime i think about how women have always treated me(and how they respond to depressed men in general) I want to punch a wall until my hand is broken, only the pain soothes anymore.
>>6649Turn towards your friend, brother and savior who never lets you down or deserts you.
Jesus Christ.
>>6649You say it’s the worst time to be white, but I don’t think that’s true. Right now, there are three continents that are predominantly European white, and so is a large portion of South America. But in the past, there was only the one continent, and often not all of that. Around1250, North African moors controlled almost all of Spain making it as far north as France. The Mongols controlled or burned almost half the continent, making it as far west as Poland and Silesia. The Turks would later invade and take over much of the continent. The city of Budapest, Hungary was burned fi the ground by the Mongols. For over a century, it was under Turkish rule. And of course much later it was under the rule of communists who sent in tanks when they tried to become too free. Now, it’s a rightwing white ethnostate. Likewise, in the 15 and 1600’s, entire villages in Italy, Malta, Spain, and I believe as far north as Ireland were captured and enslaved by Barbary pirates. Even as late as the early 1800s, European sailors in the Mediterranean would be captured and enslaved by Islamic Barbary pirates. And all of this is besides the fact that diseases were rampant, life expectancy was short, famine was common, and numerous other problems that made individual life much worse.
The solution to caring too much about negative stories in politics is usually to focus on your personal situation. Get another hobby. Study history, engage in literary criticism, play video games. And as always, spend time with friends, especially IRL. Go to school or embark on a career path.
Of course women don’t want to hear about depression. Women naturally subconsciously see themselves as dependents who must rely on the community and especially men to survive. They need strength in a man. They want a strong will, and a stoic expression that rarely expresses emotions. They do not want sadness of weakness. They subconsciously see this as jeopardizing their own chances of survival and so they hate it. Don’t express negative emotions to women and don’t confide in them.
>>6649>Mp4s were Downloaded without soundI had to fix them here they are now.
>>6650That's the Only reason i'm still alive.
>>6651>You say it’s the worst time to be white, but I don’t think that’s true. It is.
>Right now, there are three continents that are predominantly European white, And Right now all of them are being flooded with shitskins
>large portion of South America. Argentina and Chile maybe, and southern brazil, but they aren't fully White though.
>But in the past, there was only the one continent, and often not all of that. Around1250, North African moors controlled almost all of Spain making it as far north as France. The Mongols controlled or burned almost half the continent, making it as far west as Poland and Silesia. The Turks would later invade and take over much of the continent. The city of Budapest, Hungary was burned fi the ground by the Mongols. For over a century, it was under Turkish rule. And of course much later it was under the rule of communists who sent in tanks when they tried to become too free. I'd trade positions in any of those times in a heartbeat.
>Now, it’s a rightwing white ethnostate. >Poland>WhiteMemes aside most polish are cripplingly depressed from what i hear, i'lll post an example of your typical polack
>Likewise, in the 15 and 1600’s, entire villages in Italy, Malta, Spain, and I believe as far north as Ireland were captured and enslaved by Barbary pirates. Even as late as the early 1800s, European sailors in the Mediterranean would be captured and enslaved by Islamic Barbary pirates. And now the barbary pirates are replacing the Europeans in Europe and Raping Women and slaughtering while nothing is being done. in the past if something like that happened, the arab would be burned alive so yes the past is infinitely better than now , not to mention that a medieval peasant had a better life than 90% of wage slaves existing today, plus you were almost guaranteed a wife back then
>>6651This is literally the best advice I've ever seen anyone give anyone on this site. Screencapping this.
Mediocrity is a Mental Illness.
How the hell do other people 'just enjoy life?'
>>6696A low intelligence and a lack of autism.
>>6697This, however i lack Autism myself and am not very happy.
>>6696I Had a Crush on The Green M&M when i was a kid. Probably fitting that im here with you degenerates now.
>>6703Speak for yourself. I see a board full of pony stallions working on improving themselves, their lives and the world around them.
>>6777How the fuck do you release all of you muscle tension?
Wanna stop male loneliness?
Tell them the truth rather than lies. For the most part, we have generations of fatherless boys who cannot find ways to turn to men.
Either sex, or religion, or drugs, they try to navigate an extremely hostile environment and it’s no wonder they escape to things like that.
No one asks the question what are these men escaping from?
>>7051I listen to the one on the right more
>>6779An array of basic exercises.
To get big and buff, you want heavy exercise with low repetitions.
For endurance, you do low to mild amounts of weights and many repetitions.
To "release muscle tension", the goal is to stimulate the various muscles. Overworking one side of your muscles and underworking the other side can create an imbalance, with can cause soreness and unnecessary tension. This can gradually cause problems down the line.
Just do basic exercises in both directions with no weight, or very light weight. You're not tryint to tire yourself out, you're basically reminding your body that it's various parts are still supposed to move.
It's not super athletic, but it's low strain on the body, and surprisingly helpful for preventing other problems.
Squats or leg stretches when flossing your teeth, standing arm stretches when you're sitting at a computer desk for a while. Repeatedly raising your arms to joint flexibility.
Just move in a repeated way that targets your joints and ability to move your limbs. Remind your lesser used muscles that they exist. Just stimulate, don't overstrain. Building the habit is more important than perfecting the exercise itself.
<The unbridled autism of this one
The draw-cut! Yes, the one Kenshin is known for. The only difference between Battoujutsu and Iaijutsu is that the former is a style intended to be fought with after the draw-cut, whereas iaijutsu is more of a philosophical pursuit of the 'instant' during the embracing of violence that ends everything decisively.
In any case, the draw-cut is performed by holding the sheath just past the knob that the cordage is attached to. Extend the sword to it's maximum range and place the right hand at the tsuba; wrap the thumb and forefinger around the tsuka (grip).
Do not pull the sword out with the right hand, instead draw the saya (sheath) back with your left hand, spinning into a cut as soon as the saya clears the tip of the sword.
This isn't a fancy "cutting whole-ass chunks of wood off" sorta technique like's it's portrayed; its a quick-shot to the throat for the unwary opponent. Ben'kyoo shimasu (study faggot)
i like raceist horsefuckers,
and i love this side.