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Daily Write Thread
I made this thread for myself, however, you can still use it. This is where I'm gonna put all my random ideas for stories and write them down.

Essentially, my wish is to fill this thread with a bunch of excerpts from different story ideas I have in one place.

I may even post my planning of stories and other random ideas for how to improve my writing process.

So feel free to share you own excerpts of stories, writing advice, or general ideas for stories here if you feel like, otherwise I'll fill this hopefully with my own stuff.
61 replies and 88 files omitted.
Btw, I'm just brainstorming and writing out scenes here and there. Don't think too much about it. I'm just Nigeling here for my own sake, to see what I can come up with. The questions in these posts are mainly asked to myself.
Curious that you're wont to refer to basic/standard creative processes as "Nigeling". Brainstorming, Story-boarding, etc would have been as applicable and more credible
Madoka ran fast with Kyoko on her, riding piggyback style. She ran along the edge of the lake, nearing the speed of cheetah. People either jumped out of the way but most didn't. The fact that girl ran in that high speed meant they couldn't really grasp what they were seeing fast enough to dodge out of the way. Instead it was up to Madoka to use her Ukaku ghoul agility to move out of the way of the incoming obstacles.

She took a turn and sprinted into an area for outdoor dining. There were a few people eating lunch there that immediately noticed her sprinting in with incredible speed. She tipped off Kyoko's unconscious body onto an empty table. Kyoko had large gashes over her body and her clothes were soaked in blood.

Madoka inhale to the point that her chest expands like a bag-pipe before bringing her mouth next to Kyoko's. She released it all into Kyoko's waiting maw. Once she was done, she moved so she sat on her knees next to her body. She began to hum along to the song "Stayin' Alive" as she pumped Kyoko's chest along to the rhythm of that song, like she learned during her time as school nurse help.

This action did not go unnoticed by her surrounding. Some gasp, some stood up and walked over, and others just froze still not really believing this was happening. One of the people that walked up to her, was a man and other was a woman.

"Have you called, 119?" he asked before he, even had run up to her table.

Madoka thought about it for a moment but decided that there was no way to reject their help without looking suspicous. Of course, she could say that she already had called the that emergency line but then again, maybe medical help could be received if they didn't know that both her and Kyoko were ghouls. The CCG was already on her tail, what did she have to lose? Then again, perhaps if the man described their looks then the emergency line would probably be able to cross reference their appearance with the fugitives the CCG were currently chasing. Just be telling them the location would be enough for them to assume that this incident had something to do with the ghoul hunt in the area. However, it was also possible that that information hadn't reach them yet since it was still fresh out from the oven.

"No, called them!" she said back without losing focus on the melody of Stayin' Alive.

The woman that had ran up to her walked up close and scanned Kyoko's body quickly with her eyes.

"I'm a nurse. I can take over when if need be, you're doing fine honey. What happened?" asked the woman.

Again, Madoka didn't know what to tell the woman. She couldn't really tell her what happened but if this woman truly was a nurse, she wanted to utilize her knowledge to save Kyoko. She would tell her just enough for her to help her but no more than that.

"She's been slashed. And lost a lot of blood. I can't feel her pulse," Madoka said and took a deep breath ready to inflate Kyoko's lungs again.

>Curious that you're wont to refer to basic/standard creative processes as "Nigeling".
I think I just worried that someone might feel, idk. But it is as you say and further more, I this thread is kinda for brainstorming and meandering texts.
I think I just didn't want to act like Nigel did but I think the difference here is that, this is a thread dedicated specifically for this purpose. I think I was also trying to be a bit self-deprecating, kinda of. It's hard knowing exactly why I do things.
She sat on her rump on the ledge along her feet, which caused her legs to fold to such a degree that it looked beyond uncomfortable. She moved the red candy orb of her lollipop from her left cheek to the other with her tongue. The gust of wind made her curly ginger, neck-length hair wave tiredly in the air. She looked down the chasm that lay between buildings with unimpressed half-lidded eyes.

The full moon illuminated the many clouds drifting passed it. This caused the rooftops during this evening to, sometimes light up in silver-blue light before suddenly being plunged in darkness were the street lights and the lights exiting homes through windows suddenly made themselves known yet again.

She brought down her hands to the ledge she sat on and put the palms on it and then let the fingers grip it over its edge. She flexed her arms and made then static like steel beams before leaning forward on them. She then lifted her legs and crotch up slowly. Her legs traveled around three quarters of a circle about her body and then she stood their on a skyscrapers ledge on her hands with her body arched like 'C' and legs pointing forward like a scorpion tail.

Her face grimaced as she pushed off even further, turning her body almost into an 'O' as she stretched out her crocodile-back-like abs. With closed eyes, she opened her mouth into silent 'arghh' as she felt the invisible man with rough, plate-sized hands grab her stomach muscles like dough for bread before pulling it apart.

Being tired of being here for no reason she let her lower body, that now was her upper body if you think about it, slowly guide her over the ledge with its body weight. She tipped over and fell feet first.

The sound of wind rushing passed her hit her ears. Her two layers of skirts, the outer-one was red and rigid in its shape, while the white skirt underneath was could be squashed into a ball in ones hands, both inverted themselves and flew up around her stomach. The white shirt she wore had instantly, upon feeling the rush of wind, climbed up to her armpits and the small hole that was her belly button was on full display.
Qrow closed the door behind him after he left Ruby's room. While not happy and despite everything that happened at Beacon, he was glad, even if it was bit selfish, that at least everyone he knew and cared out made it out okay. Well, Yang lost her arm but she lived, unlike many others.

Qrow scratched his stubble before dragging a hand through his short black hair and then proceeding to scratch his neck instead.

Though he realized in his bleak musings, that he wasn't being honest with himself. He had essentially sprinted through Vale in search of Ruby and in the end carried her out from a half-ruined tower. Only when he and Ruby had arrived home in Patch and it was clear the attack was over, had he started breath again and let his posture fall back into its normal slouched mode.

He fingered his metallic container in his inner pocket briefly but stopped. He made sure to walk down the squared stairway and getting some distance between him and Ruby. She didn't like that he drank so much and he didn't want to drink around her either. Part of it was because he felt shame for over his over-consumption but most of it was a fear, that while drunk his tongue would slip and he devolved secrets that he buried deeper than any of the state-secrets he sworn to never speak of.

After getting down to the next floor, he pulled up his container. Right as he was taking his victory swig, however, someone spoke.

"Heh, at least some things never change," said a familiar and friendly voice.

A blonde man with a bright smile and rough knuckles entered through an adjacent doorway. Qrow sliently chuckled at the man's comment.

He was about to continue his swig to give him some time to come up with a comeback, yeah, that was totally the reason. However, he was interrupted by the blonde man pulling him into bearhug.

It was awkward. They had been friend for almost twenty years, yet they had never hugged. Qrow didn't know what to do. But the earnestly of the hug he was receiving made him slowly embrace the man back. But why?

After a while Qrow broke off the hug.

"Okay, okay. Tai, what brought this on, you never this... Uh... It's almost like I was close to die or something. Is this your way of saying I got no skills as a Huntsman?" Qrow said with as much of a playful tone in his voice he could muster. He hated receiving affection from people, especially from Tai.

Tai smiled, took some steps up the stairs, turned around, and leaned his back onto the railing.

Qrow saw something then, something that always made his blood freeze, his friend's never ending, beaming smile falter. Qrow's eyes grew as he saw something he never seen on the man who carried his heart on his sleeves, attempting at trying to fake a smile. It came off as a strained grimace.

Tai most have seen on Qrow's face that his attempts were failing him so Tai stopped trying. The cheerful energy that was there from a moment ago, was gone. Instead there was some kind of mix between frustration and pity on his face if Qrow could read him right.

Tai crossed his arms.

A sad smile of mirth came to Tai before he spoke, "You know, I'm getting scared your gonna adopt my Ruby with all these father-daughter bonding conversation you to get up to."

Qrow felt arctic waters being pump into his heart at that sentence but he manged to smile and look Tai in the eyes.

"Yeah, well when you have taught a kid everything she knows about fighting, then it's only natural that..." Qrow said but trailed off.

It was Tai's look that made him stop. It looked... Knowing.

Qrow cursed himself for stopping so he quickly picked it up again.

"That you get attached to the little squirt. Heh heh, you know." Qrow finished and looked away as he stabilized his mood with a drink.

He feared the worst. He fear what Tai's next words were gonna be but what he hadn't realized was that nothing was way more horrific than something. Qrow held his gaze forward, since they both stood and leaned against the stairs' railing, looking forward was not at Tai, who stood up a few steps to his left.

In the end Qrow slowly turned his head towards Tai. It took him so much willpower that you'd think his head was plodding through snow.

Tai's face was neutral. Or, it rather it seemed blanked but on closer inspection, it held subtle clues of the two emotions anger and pity. It seemed like they fluctuated in real-time over his face. There was also that knowing look, that forced an almost airless, gasp out of Qrow.

Qrow wanted to say something to change the topic. To turn around and leave this place. Curiosity stayed him though. Had Tai really figured it out? Now, or had always known?

But time dragged on. And the two just stared in each others eyes. Qrow began to tremble. And his gaze eventually flicker off Tai to the ground.

Tai knew.

Qrow grabbed the railing to support his weight like a walking stick as he felt weakness like poison seep into his knees. With his head hanging and his gaze on his feet, he stated in weak voice, "You know."

"Know? Know what Qrow? Is there something I should know? Should Ruby know it as well?" Tai asked.
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Revenant grabbed one of Scarlet's horns and shook her around as if she weigh nothing. Scarlet screamed in fear and pain.

This put Lumi in stupor. Seeing both Jade and Jin down and their best fighter Scarlet overpowered.

Scarlet's red aura lit up around her body like skin tight transparent suit of neon red light. Revenant took her bare and free hand and pinches the aura. She pulled and string of red light followed.

She rotated Scarlet's head so that she looked straight at Revenant's right hand. Scarlet looked at the strange red string that came from her in puzzlement. Usually, aura wasn't so malleable.

Then Revenant snapped her fingers and the thread in it at the same time and like a fuse, the aura dispersed along the string till it reached Scarlet's body, were her entire body's aura exploded into pieces that fade into nothing.

Scarlet's head fell forward as she lost consciousness. Revenant let go of her and she uncermoniously fell to the floor.

Fear had stunned her before and this act push her over the top. Lumi screamed, a high-pitched desperate screech. She fumbled as she tried to set the scabbard piece of Corcea Mors with the hand-sword into the long sword build. It finally set as she lifted it up in front of her toward Revenant.

She cursed herself for trembling. What would her father or mother say if they saw her now? She was the heiress of heroes and yet, she couldn't stop shaking.

No. Her friends depended on her. She wouldn't fail her family's legacy either. She'd save them. She would.

She gathered her confidence and lifted her, now fierce gaze towards Revenant, only for another shook wave of fear being sent through her body.

Revenant gave her, her entire attention. The empty knight helmet's eye holes bore into her with their darkness.

"Corcea Mors," the voice that come from the tall armored grim-knight sounded weirdly weak but at the same time powerful, or like weak and strained voice speaking through a megaphone.

Lumi froze and her eyes widen.

"H-how-" she began but was interrupted as Revenant continued.

"How did you come by that sword?"

"No. How do you know of this sword?!" Lumi yelled back in fear.

Was Revenant and old enemy of her father? What was going on?

"..." Revenant said nothing but then took a delibrate step forward, over the body of Scarlet, towards Lumi.

"You have blonde hair," Revenant spoke again and took another step forward.

"You... You know of fa-Jaune Arc?" Lumi asked and inhaled through her teeth.

Suddenly, Revanant took huge strides in a quick walk towards Lumi. Lumi held her sword forward and Revenant drew to a stop so the tip of the sword came next to her chest. Revenant seem to inspect it the sword pointing at her closer. She even brought up her hand as if she were to touch it.

Lumi jerked the blade at the hand and Revenant pulled away.

"Stay back!" Lumi shouted and after brief pause. "And leave this place."

Revenant held her own sword out and to the side, seemingly to show it off to Lumi.

"Can you see it?" Revenant then move her sword next to the other.

Lumi backed a step only to make sure that Revenant would stab her with sudden launch at her. Revenant read her movements and turned the blade across hers so she no longer could do it without telegraphing it clearly.

The crossed blades shimmered off the artificial lights from strong lamps in the roof of the hanger. The swords were so similar, yet different. both had gold and brown leather for handles and silvery like blade. However, Corcea Mors had more straight and sharp edges to it while Revenant's blade had a smooth curve to it. It almost looked like a thin paddle as it's edge dove, rose, and dove again. The blade also was also clearly broken up into smaller shards along it's length. It kinda resembled a telescope that could fold in on itself.

"This is Excalibur. It was made by the same smith as Corcea Mors. They were done in a package deal," Revenant said.

Lumi was stunned. She didn't know what to make of the woman's words.

"They were forged in Haven?" she asked and looked up at the significantly taller woman.

"Yes. Nicolas Arc sent a request for them to be made as birthday presents for his... Twins." Revenant reached for her helmet and pulled it off.

Goldie locks sprawled down onto Revenant's black armor. A beautiful, if a bit aged, blonde woman's face was revealed behind the helmet. A shining blue eye, typical of the arc family, looked at Lumi, while the other eye was monstrous. In fact, the woman's right side of her face was covered in black grim goo with sharp spikes protruding out from it. A red eye, like that of a fly, popped out from the goo in place of her right eye.

"Lumi, I am you're aunt."

Lumi gasped.

Dun dun dun!
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The spring of the platform was released and sent Jun flying through the air. She flipped violently through the air. However, unlike the other students, she neither expressed any of their emotions like anger, cockiness, fear, thrill or as in Pyrrha's case stoic determination; no, she simply wore a deadpanned expression -- nor did she try to take control over her trajectory; she simply rag dolled whichever way she was being catapulted.

She could hear someone shout from the cliff. Perhaps they saw how she flew and though that she'd gone unconscious.

She closed her eyes since the ever changing scenery from clear blue skies and lush forest and snowy mountain range caused in the horizon caused by her endless spinning in the air, made her dizzy. She reach out with her aura.

There was nothing of note. Most students were simply busy with their landing strategy. Whomever, shouted at the cliff, she could no longer follow up on since the distance was too great for her yet to cover with her senses.

She sense she had started to descend rather than ascend but she didn't need magic for that. It felt as if a giant stood underneath her and blew at her like he were trying to put out a candle. Her hair encapsulated her head and whipped her face on repeat. She heard the sound of bike tire being filled in her ear.

Then suddenly she felt something. An attack? But it had no malicious intent, in fact it's intent seemed benign but it was still an attack. Huh?

She reinforced her aura and just in time as something point just rocket into her chest, sending her flying off course of her original trajectory.

After some more but uneventful falling, she finally hit the ground, or more like skipped along it. Her aura took a massive hit as her head dug up a small ditch before she bounced and proceeded to slide along the grass. Her torso hit a tree and sent her wheeling along her sliding path. She was like malfunctioning lawnmower; breaking down the vegetation instead of cutting it along the path she went. Eventually, her twisted body came to a stop.

She lay there for a moment. While aura did protect and heal its user, it wasn't impenetrable. She could feel her body ache, especially her head. She felt as if her head was made of lead and it was a black box with code only a machine could decipher.
So what's interesting about Ruby being a vampire? What's interesting about vampires in the first place? I guess, is the concept that you have to hurt others to survive, or hurt others not to hurt yourself. Kill or be killed. But there are many interesting points to vampire lore that one can extrapolate upon. For example, they are immortal and immortality in itself and be the focus point of our story. We after all decide what we should focus on.

Let's focus on the killing others or hurting others to survive or not to hurt oneself. Ruby a girl who dreamt of being a heroine her whole life and helping people is kinda forced to take up the mantle of villain as a vampire. This inner conflict can be interesting to focus on.

There's always the element of having a loved one on the other side of the conflict. Yang is Ruby's sister and she will be forced by the laws of society to oppose her feeding.

What's interesting about this point though? I guess, it's again the inner conflict of what they want and what is right, though in this case it becomes more what they want and what the law and society expects them to do. What if I made Yang into a vampire "hater", that would fuel the contrasting emotions in her inner conflict, however, this could easily become contrived as in, not only were Ruby kidnapped but Yang also had to deal with bad vampires on the side. This problem could be dealt with somewhat by having them happen simultaneously. But then you'd think Yang would consider the possibility that Ruby was made into a vampire. However however, maybe it's rare for this to happen in the first place? So that's not where her mind goes?
>act like Nigel did
While I will maintain that he did non-sequitur topic drops in threads he fancied, I think those thoughts weren't always bad just unwarranted for the thread in question. I also think that the only reason I specify this is because I miss the guy. :c I think about what I could have done better.
>miss the guy
He was here like 2 weeks ago, u didnt notice? He stops by semi frequently he's just alot harder to notice (to his credit)
Ah, now when you mention it. Maybe that thread with the new year's plans.

To be honest, I might just be emotional. I'm certain that I have been (at times) unfair towards him but I also know that I have been (at times) correct too. We are not that different me and him and I feel like we could have been friends if I was different.

Idk, what to think about my actions in the past, if I was a bully or if I was justified or something in between. However, I know I feel guilt over it.
Yeah, hes like a cousin you dont always see and you dont always get along with, but as you get older you appreciate that they were there, and you become more glad and welcoming when they are. ^_^
8120 8121
And I will now admit, he DOES live rent free in my head, where he has a cozy place and understanding neighbors
>where he has a cozy place and understanding neighbors
*Grins and chuckles* ^^
8122 8123
Thank you for listening to me. I feel somewhat better now.

I can't change the past but I'll try to do better next time.
Hey now, glad (you)'re here too <3
>I'll try to do better next time
I deal with someone who does the impossible and is more autistic than me. ^^
Aww, thank (you) <3 Whoever u r. ^^
Please, youre either being facetious or you dont know that you know
...Ninjas... Hopefully that was correct and I didn't embarrass myself. ^^
Well, I have actually been meaning to talk to you. You know back when we shared mail addresses? I stopped using that mail address because my computer actually broke and the password I had for the mail was on it.

I felt awkward about talking about it on the site. I did try to to like subtly hint at it a times, iirc. I guess I felt it was a sekret. ^^

I should probably tell mekiko this too since I talked to him on it too.

So it wasn't you, it was me. ^^
Don't sweat it, I completely missed the cues (although I've only been around for a couple months, after about a year and a half hiatus). I'm the red-maned furfaggot on discord
8131 8135
>Don't sweat it
Phew. ^^

Sadly, I'm too based to use Discord so I don't actually know what you're talking about. ^^

But do you remember that dnd campaign thread on /vx/? The pcs were suppose to be level 25. I briefly role played an illusionist mare. There was a ninja cow in that camp. It was you who created that pony pub thread, right? And the current version has a cow-esque drawing in it's op second image. Is that your oc? You have had that for a long time. I mean, I have pony oc that's still in the archives of my head that I made more than decade ago. It's like my Silver Star. Funnily enough her name is actually, by pure coincidence, Fair Star and she has grey fur. She's also a unicorn. Who knows martial arts. ^^
Actually, know that I think about it. The illusionist mare was based on my oc if not straight up was my oc. Heh.
Yes, on all counts. She was originally (cheekily) entirely humanoid at that point, but later on it occurred to me that pure minotaur traits would be more dominant than split dwarven/elven traits, so she is more of a cow (with favorable modifiers to the genetics and mane/pelt colors).
And then a furry showed up in my feed suggesting I could make a suit and THAT was history,...
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Hmm, I don't about cows man. I even grew up on a farm. So I have spent my youth with them. Horses are more appealing. I mean cows are friendly but they look somewhat... Uhh, goofy. Horses are more regal. ^^
Arizona is a cutie tho.
>cows are goofy looking
Thats one ofmy favorite things about them honestly, beyond that theyre tasty
Honorary /mlp/, 10/10 would boop
This is for Downpour of Fire thread:

You thought this thread wasn't gonna get updated didn't you? Me as well.


Sunset shouted back, [color #]"Hey! Dad! We're in here!"[/color]

Sunset lead the others out of their ruined home.

Twilight clung but also supported her mother who was still a bit weak from surviving a burning building. Yeah. Velvet looked around her beautiful kitchen with a sort of forlorn look but it was also then the tears began to pour out from her eyes like waterfalls. Sunset had a weird feeling about this whole thing. She felt anger. She didn't see this a natural disaster that accidentally befell them, like the others ultimately saw it. She pinned the blame on the dragon. He did this! And... While she knew her threats were meaningless, she wanted... No, he would pay! Surely, she could carry out such a promise, with her weird powers?

Exactly when they exited their burnt home, man with well combed hair ran straight into them. Sunset hesitated for a second and that's all it took for the man tip over his wife and daughter.

"You're alive!" he shouted seemingly oblivious to the fact that they lay on the ground beneath him after he essentially tackled them.

At first it seem as if Velvet was upset over being tackled and while she groaned, her tears flowed even faster.


This is some random fantasy I had:

Jun let her wound patch themselves up before she stood up; her yellow aura, a body-slim field of energy in the color of her soul: yellow, lit up around her and the scratches, bruises, and bleeding were all healed up as if they were dirt being washed away by hot water. She heard a loud pop sound as she felt shoulder return to it's normal position.

Then she stood up. She patted off the dirt on her sick black cloak as much as she could. She check so her sword was still in it's scabbard. She felt Excalibur's handle on her smooth little hand palm.

Then her gaze wander across the spear. The one that had hit her with full speed in the fall. It was stuck into the grass a bit further away from where she had crashed.

She absentmindedly move over to it and inspected it. It felt familiar or at least the color scheme, no it was probably just her imagination. Regardless, she'd wait for it's owner to arrive? But this spear was their arm and now they had no weapon in the middle of a grim-infested forest. Yeah, she had to find them

But where had the spear come from? She looked around. Trees, bushes, trees, grass, trees, and boulders. Yeah, she didn't know squat. And setting off in a random direction, just hoping to encounter the owner didn't feel like a smart idea. She just might as well walk away from them for all she knew. Yes, this was entirely her fault and shouldn't really be this hard. But yeah, what can you do?

She sat down cross-legged and shut her eyes. She steadied her breathing while adjusting her posture. She sent her awareness out with the magic of the world. Searching for anyone nearby.

Nothing. Grim. More Grim. Nothing. A person. Woman. Light but hard armor. Confident. Determined. But aware of the danger she is in. Powerful but not in the ways of magic. She prods the woman and the woman seems just annoyed by a sudden ghost ache she can't place but that she thinks nothing of, instead of realizing someone is aware of her.

"I sense you," you whisper.

The woman stops and looks around.

"Come here." You project your presence with magic. Causing all things living and dead to be drawn to you. She will be here soon.

>beyond that theyre tasty
"Hey, master. Do you want a bath, some dinner, or parhaps... Me."
"Why did you offer the same thing twice?"
>Honorary /mlp/, 10/10 would boop
Indeed. ^^
Typing Test Score.png
Okay, this might be interesting.
Shitpost before you walk...

Futas aren't born as ordinary girls at first but when they reach puberty, then suddenly they gain something: A package.


Pyrrha saw her javelin lodged into the ground. She ran up to it, pulled it out, transformed it into it's blade form, and sheathed it. Then she looked up.

The forest eased up here and small meadows of grass rose between the dotted out straggler trees. However, that fell into the background as her focused shifted to the many heaps of uprooted moss and grass, along with their roots and the dirt that clung to them across her. It look like something between a plow and warthog had gone berserk down a path here. The line of damage ended in patch dark ground with folded up grass rug next to it. As she got closer, the size and form of the patch reminded her of a small human body.

Did that girl crash here? she thought. An image of the blonde girl dressed in a black cloak came to her mind.

Pyrrha had appreciated that she'd interrupted Weiss as the girl had offered to team-up solely for Pyrrha's reputation. What she hadn't expected, however, was that the interruption would cause Pyrrha to but change her mind on Weiss'es character as an networking elitist to a girl seeking out her own path. In strange way, she felt that Weiss felt more, well, normal for a lack of a better word and the girl.

Who refers to themselves as inferior? she thought.

If this was her crash/landing site, then the girl had to be nearby. So where was she?

Pyrrha's gaze darted around in search for the girl.

She moved her gloved hands to the sides of her mouth before calling out, "H-hello?"

Maybe it wasn't smart to make noise with Grim nearby but Pyrrha felt more worried for the girl. She could
be alone, perhaps injured or at least low on aura after what Pyrrha assumed was a failed attempt of a landing strategy. Pyrrha felt sure she could fight off any Grim who'd be drawn out.



"Tsk," Jun clicked her tongue. She bent her lips into her mouth and pulled her lips into a thin line as she drew them apart. Both her eyebrows weighed heavily on her.

Why? she thought. Why is she still here? Doesn't she realize that if our gazes met we're partners for the next... Well, until the Vytal Festival.

Her eyebrows jumped up.

Maybe she doesn't. Okay, then.

Jun stood up and in doing so moved out of the cover a nearby bush provided her.
I have a fimfiction account now.
>literally and unironically Sven
<Shutup, Ah been cutting onions
>lurk increases by 80%
>Shutup, Ah been cutting onions
>lurk increases by 80%
Aww, ty <3


Miss Nonny
Chapter 1 -- Disillusionment with Reality

Blood burst forth, as if squirted out from a whale's back, into the air before pitter-pattering back onto the stone plateau it had come from. More blood followed and soon the circular plateau was a fountain fit for the deepest bowels of hell. Yet, clean of flesh it looked less ominous and more...

The influx of blood stopped as a small circular pool had formed on the white stone plateau. The blood was still, not a ripple.

In the center of the pool a chalk-white noodle-esque thing wormed up and breached the surface, like a blade a grass climbing out of the ground. It wriggled around. White branches of these wriggling things sprouted from the first one. They curled in and over each other, forming braids. As the days passed, the yarn of noddles took the shape human, laying on its side in the fetal position. As the days passed, the blood was was sucked up by the form. Its white color replaced by a stark red one. But was it really blood? No.

As the red-liquid had been drained from the pool and into the form, the pure red body horror morphed further. Green skin enveloped the form. Soon black hair grow out and far on it's head. For it had a head now. It was a human female. The woman was short with wide hips but somewhat undernourished. No fat but also no muscles, skinny limbs, toned stomach but no abs.

She snored.

The question was if Equestria was ready for a being of pure spaghetti (and tomato-sauce).


Anon's back hurt. He was laying on something really hard. And on top of that, he trembled as he froze. Though her refused to open his eyes for something so minor. Instead he reached out for his blanket in his groggy and not fully awake state-of-mind.

His hand fumbled around grabbing only empty air.

Fuck, why is the bed so hard, he thought as he moved around trying to find a soft spot.

"Ow!" he said and groaned as his elbow hit the stone surface he laid on.

On some level, he though his voice sounded weird but he dismissed it as he sat up and caressed his sore elbow.

As lowered himself back down again, it hurt but he was so tired that he just tried to roll over on his side to deal with it.

As he moved about trying to find a comfortable lying position, a subdued light bothered his eyes. He wondered for a moment if he hadn't closed the curtains to his window before going to bed, then he blinked a few times before opening them fully.

What greeted him was the moon, but not through a window as he had somewhat expected, instead it hung high in the sky, above him. Around the moon he could see stars. They in turn were framed in by the nearby black silhouettes of the leaf covered branches of the treetops.

He was stunned for a moment before a gentle breeze caressed his cheek. Then he jumped up.

His head spun one way and then the other. Where was he?


The creature had a drill for a mouth and beak. A hermit-crab shell that spun with a muscle the pulled it counter at a certain point and then relaxed until it pulled again, inscreasin it speed.
In RWBY's first season there's a scene involving Weiss, Pyrrha, and Jaune. But if we were to replace Jaune with our Jun. This is how I imagine that scene would play out.
Key points: -----------------

Let's just get in those thousand words and move on for today [I'm starting up a routine of writing 1k words (not necessarily good words, just words to practice writing) daily.]. I'm in too much pain to be writing from inspiration even though I'd say it's better.


"So I was thinking maybe we could be on the same team together?" said the short girl with snow-white hair in a ponytail.

"Well that sounds grand," said the amazonian, tall red-head.


"Wait, aren't you Weiss Schnee?" piqued a voice up and caused the pair to turn to the source.

Behind them a hay-blonde girl cloaked in black. The hilt of a sword peeked over her shoulder.

The girl with white hair lit up and beam with pride.

"That I am," she said with satisfied smirk. "Who might you be?"

[One of my strengths as a writer is that I keep questioning things and ponder who characters would act and what make sense. Another is that I problematize everything, which makes for more complex stories once I have managed to wriggle myself through the maze of problems I see before myself, however this can also feel very discouraging when one only sees issues and questions in one's writing. ]

[So since this is more about getting a specific amount of words in per day. Let's just get that done and not think to much if it makes any sense, which means I'll relay on cliche to fill out my writing from now on. ]

"I'm Artia. Artia Pendragon," said the blonde woman and fired off a volley from her finger guns.

It seems one of the shots hit the bull's eye of the ginger's heart as she swooned with one hand to her forehead. She fell into the locker behind her and used it for support.

And it made sense, the blonde girl was so cool that if this was earth she'd fix global warming all on her own. Is global warming really a thing? If trees needs carbondioxid to photosyntize wouldn't that mean that more carbs would just make their be more oxygen in the air? I genuinely don't know but I do know that I don't trust authoritize. It's to a point where I would genuinely start smoking to see if it's actually not straight up healthy for you. But this isn't really writing a story, this is just blabbering so let's get back to it.

Artia then pulled her sword and slashed at Weiss. Why? IDK. Anyway, Weiss pulls out her rapier in the nick of time and parrys. A resonating clang vibrates the air. A small pause, then Weiss slaps away the sword with her rapier before diving in for a stab.

Artia lets go of the sword in her right hand. It falls down into her waiting left hand. She snatches it and proceed to deflect the incoming stab. Then she takes a giant step forward with her left foot and slams her pommel into Weiss'es guts causing Weiss to fold around it.

That's when Weiss'es eyes flared up in a blue shimmer. She grabbed the handle of her rapier with a vice-grip the likes of which the scorpion's pale. She pulled her blade back before swinging in a wide arch towards Artia. Artia jumped back to dodge the strike. But Weiss wasn't done. She called upon her semblance, the one that had been passed down for generations, the one the could empower others, create platforms, and summon incredible fighters of pure aura.

With a wave of her hand, glowing white glyph appeared on the ground around Weiss. Arcane threads rolled off them like smoke before slithering towards her blade. They ensnared it and it's glow came and went with a pulse, like a that of a heart. Using the point of her rapier like a pen, she began to jolt down several quick but precise fantastical letters, which light-trail only lasted a brief moment in space before it drifted away.

Suddenly, a much larger glyph formed on the floor and out of it rose a giant knight with a bed-sized mace resting over its shoulder. Swirls of power surrounded the mace and the knight's armor.

Well, I didn't reach it but it's trying that's what's important.
This is the 100th post of my thread. Let's celebrate! With :blackjack: and :iwtci-rd-pussy: :milky-way: :iwtci-rari-pussy:

This is as much as I gotten done so far:

"Hmm hmm hm hm," Mayuri sing-songed as she lied on her stomach on Daru's T-shirt that was spread out like a rug on the floor. She had lifted her feet up in the air and let them swish back and forth in the air as if she was running on an imaginary track.

From where Daru sat at his computer, he made a fist-pump.

"Mayuri is frolicking on my shirt. She's getting her adorableness all over it," he said.

There was peace for a few moments more.

A small figure grow in size as it got closer in rapid speed towards the window. Suddenly, a pair of high-heel boots shattered one of the apartment's windows into pieces. The figure let go off the rope it had swung with and spun in backwards in the air while being curled up into a small ball, before landing on three limbs: One bent knee, one side-ways outstretched leg, and one on hand in thee ground while the other keep the figure's balance. The raven hair fell down onto figure's back. But despite all the action; the figure, who was a girl in her teens, regarded Mayuri with a stoic expression with her purple eyes.

"Gah!" said Daru as he brought up a fist to his mouth as if it was burger he was gonna munch on before falling off his rolling chair.

"Haa!" Mayuri gasped, rolled away, and hid behind Daru's T-shirt.

Time seemed to have stopped. The only indication that it hadn't were the constant sound of traffic you could always hear in the city.
>checks tallies
>nods in affirmation
Thank you for your work 'sven', please do carry on ^_^
Thank u <3

Applejack galloped up to the main entrance of the Ponyville hospital, spun around, and bucked the double doors open. With a bang, they flew open and she entered.

"Somepony, help me!" she shouted into the corridor of shocked and confused ponies.

AJ looked peeked over her own shoulder and looked at the bundle of her lethally injured friend, Rainbow Dash that lay unconsciously on her back.

"Somepony. *Huff* Help her."


Twilight Velvet licked her mouth as she eyed the crystal crustation crossing the beach side-ways. She and Anonymous sat on the pier, listening to the rolling and collapsing incoming waves. It sounded like the very sea was drawing heavy breath's in its sleep.

Anon raised an eyebrow at her friend's clear mouthwatering inclination towards the salt-crab. It got its name from the block of white salt that formed on its shell. Anon didn't not get the appeal. She hadn't even like potato chips back on earth and this was even saltier, yet ponies had a hard time resisting this dumb infatuation of theirs.

Velvet lifted up her grey behind and took a few tentative steps towards the crab. The crab immediately noticed, walked around in a circle in order to face her, clasped its claws in a menacingly melody of castanet-esque clicks.

However, it was hard to say if Velvet was intimidated by this display or if she gulped due to her hunger for that sweet sweet salt. Her pupils expanded to saucers anyway.

Anon brought a hand up to her forehead and sighed.

"Don't do it, Vel. It's not gonna end well," Anon said.


Tap tap tap.

There was a knock on the door. Dan grunted and got out of bed, navigated though the maze of garbage and discarded clothes before arriving at the door and opening it.

Outside stood a tall, probably six feet tall, woman with blonde wavy hair, tanned with not a single speck of fat on her while wearing a dress that showed off her hourglass-like body.

"Hi, Dan. I just moved here. I'm a supermodel," she said while one of her polished nails rested on her thick lips before striking a pose with the sound of a whip snap.

Dan just glared at her.

"I don't care who the IRS sends. I'm not paying taxes," Dan yelled.

The supermodel giggled into her hand demurely. Then she lifted Dan up like child.

"You're funny and so cute. If you kiss me, I'll make you pancakes." She pushed out her lips.

Dan did the same in response but before their lips touched, the woman's face morphed into a hissing, monster-lizard.

Next thing, Dan knew was that he woke up and threw his alarm clock into a wall.
>pics cute but unrelated tho still pony

Fair Star leaned over journalist pone. Her toothy smile stretching her features as she dragged a hoof through the trembling mare's mane.

"Tch," Fair clicked her tongue. "Miss Forgery Forger, I most say I don't like the name you gave in your leading article: 'The Misandry Mare Manic -- How involuntary celibacy among loser mares breeds jealousy and hate.' In fact, you are right. I do hate it."

The journalist pony whined sharply through the cloth that gagged her.

Fair petted her lovingly.

"Shh. Shh. Sh. It's alright. We all make mistakes. And you're... Not forgiven exactly but it's not why I brought you here. You're here to listen to my suggestions for your next article:--" Fair made a sweeping motion with her hoof. "--Justice and retribution -- One mare's struggle against a cruel society. A mare called Nemesis.

"What you think? Pretty catch, huh?"

Behind Fair's voice distortion mask, Fair smirked.
This is me transcribing a scene from Dan vs.

"Alright, now which one of you is Chris?" asked the rather large officer as her glared at them from otherwise of his desk.

Chris, Dan's tall friend with milk-chocolate hair, beamed and said, "That's me sir."

The officer lifted a bag with ''EVIDENCE' written on it before he started to pull things out of it and put them on the desk as named them.

"Okay. So we have a wallet, keys, a comb--"

"Why do you have a comb?" asked Dan, looking annoyed, which one could never tell if he was actually mad or if this was just... Normal. "You're hair is boring."

--"A locket with a picture in it." Continued the policemen as the locket dropped out of the bag and flipped open. The picture was of Elise.

"Hey! That's not me," said Dan accusatory.

"Three bouillon cubes. Two beef, one chicken," continued the cop.

Dan's eyes darted back and forth between the cubes and Chris.

"Really?" he asked as he put his hand on his hips.

"There might be a soup related emergency."


"Do you mind?" said the officer and slammed his fist into the desk. "I got a lot on my plate. And don't need to be spending all day with a couple of knuckleheads, like you two."

The officer's pointer finger pointed first at Dan, then at Chris.

"Oh, yeah?" asked Dan, leaning forward with a low pointing finger. "What do you got that's so important?"

The officer brought up a book onto the table. It's cover read: 'TOXIC BUDDY' and then 'Coping with an angry friend'.

"I'm in the middle of a book, I'd like to finish some time this year."

"Good book," Chris said as glanced over at Dan, who looked at him back with suspicion. "Not all of it works though."

"Almost every single one will be worth a watch but I put the my favorite in front for you.

"It's copyrighted music, mosstly from Nitendo. As always, if you guys like this, leave a comment or.

"This VOD is so damn long.

"They say it's like an optical illusion. So this is how big he is and I think he's pretty gigantic.

"So thanks for watching.

"So is this smart? Can I actually stop this guy from doing his camp.

"It doesn't mattter if I get low, I'm Warwick so it's not reall a problem.

"Why am Ibeing pinged. Does she no understand how Warwick works or something? I think that Nami simply doesn't understand.

"'Does she not know she's playing with a Warwick one-trick?' I'm not a one-trick.

Shaco put down a trap and ww walked stright into them, ruining the red buff camp take.
Nami typed: "Top. Shaco." Though, WW obiously knew about Shaco since he fucked up his clear in the begining.

"Oh my God. I'm getting so low.

*Laughs and groans in pleasure from a nice top dive on Wukong.*

"I love Warwick. I'm so annyoing. He might be able to kill. No he won't. Zero, three at four minutes.

"I mean, he fight me. All he has to do is not fight. It's not like I can fight him under turret.

"I want him to feel really uncomfortable and I want him to miss exp on occasion.

"I pushed him away from that melee minion that just died.

"He has nine cs at seven minutes."

Warwick is pushing in a huge wave under turret and Wukong dies, losing yet another wave of experince points and gold.

Wukong has now zero kills, five deaths, twelve in creep score at nine minutes.

"Seventy-five to twelve is fine to me."

He is ganked by Shaco and while he kills Wukong their combined crowd control and damage leads to Warwick's death and subsequent shut down reward money being handed to Shaco.

WW gets first turret. Wukong flashes away. WW clears a canon wave and proceeds to push the next as he enters the enemies' top collection zone and his pressure zone. He takes some trades with Wukong under turret then suddenly Talon roams on him.

"Wait. Honestly, I'm gonna go Ice-born Gauntlet. Look at their team-composition. They aren't gonna do any damage to me."

WW stands in, or walks around in River as they take on Cloud Drake. It's a typical european dragon with blueish-grey, pointy fur along the it's neck.

The so called brushes of the Summoner's Rift was a more like eight feet tall strands of grass, which grew back to back to one another.

Every time Twisted Fate threw out his three cards, one always flew away right forward and the other two went obliquely away from him.

When WW hits something and his IBG passive is active a circular field of frost appear on the ground.

WW's R is him long-leaping in the air forward in direction and if her collide with a champ, he ferociously start to swipe his claws into them.

On the ground in the lanes were packed, and dried dirt-roads with patches of grass and greens. There were also stone plates forming symbols at places almost like remnants that indicated it used to be a fancy, stone road.

The earth dragon symbol was a hexagon split into three parts. A romb-like figure that split the hexagon into two equal geometrical symbols, from the center and top but with a cut-off top corner.

Kaisa fired multiple plasma shots off from her weird alien appendages that looked and were something in between wings and artillery weapons.

Warwick a towering werewolf-esque creature that could both run on all fours and walk on his backlegs. He kinda looked like the big bad wolf from the red riding hood story.

The graoh displaying dmage and other states where in spalts.

Brambleback was a creature made of a wood and fire as on his back it hada glowing red core on the back. Once killed it would grant the kill this powerful enchantment.

Under the health bar of the Gwen and below the her mana bar where three grey dots. After an auto attack they dots would be replaced by a rombious rectangle and once all four of them, they turned from grey to purple.

Gwen had a white skirt with a long black hem. Her cyan hair was set into pigtails.

This scene is made for describing the image not the other way around.
"This is you're room," said the maid, bowed, and gestured to her side and at the open door. "Why don't you unpack and prepare yourself. I'll fetch you later when the mistress see fit."

Servien nodded and said her thanks to the maid absentmindedly as the sheer shock of the luxurious suite that was now her new room rocked her world.

Nothing in it was plain. Except for the air, which was crisp and clean. However, the ceiling, the walls, and floor were are all excessively detailed and decorated that it wasn't possible to take in it all in one go. The more she looked at room, the higher the price of the room rose.

Back home, home, she had been used to a ceiling fan spinning over white but dirt ceiling covered in fly sh** and and lamp with dead flies inside of the plastic.

This room had a golden chandelier with lamps with white fez-like shade and it hung from a circular disc that sat in ceiling, like platform, with velvet crimson fabric hanging around the chandelier.

The bed was a just straight up a double bed with a white wood bed-frame with golden parts. The frame took one a bunch of curves that were outside of the realm of description for Servien.

The floor was so polished it reflected the ceiling and on the white floor a circular depiction of floors and geometrical patterns. This circular pattern was one-to-one with the circular plateau that the chandelier hung from.

A elliptical mirror was attached to a nearby wall before it stood a desk and around it shelves were made part of the wall.

Thin windows sat on both sides of the bed's wall.

I tried my best but this room is hard for me to describe. I feel like I both lack the vocabulary and how to start my description.
"We can honestly push pretty damn well," said Pekinwoof as backed up his Zoe so her Q would hit harder.

"I tried to catch Vayne off-guard but she flash. So she's flashless."

"So we lose Elder and Baron."

"Vayne is four items, just like me."

"I don't know if we can contest that."

"'That fight was lost without Kindred ult.' Yeah. But you can't think of things that way. It's not like we didn't know we were gonna fight... We have a Kindred on out team so we can take fights like that. You know?

"So you can take a dumb fight like that. Like, if you wear a setbelt, then you can actively crash your car. Well, actually that's probably not the best example. Nevermind."

"So if you don't know who Sodapoppin is, he is actually contesting Karashmai as the best Kayn. So be ready to be impressed guys.

"We have Tarzend. Should I show Tarzend my Xerath? I'm sure he will be impressed actually. Okay, I really don't like this match-up. But whatever. Okay. I'm not versus this match-up. I don't like playing against Kayn as Xerath. Oh, God. That's super bad. He's gonna pick Hecarim. Oh, dammit. I was wrong.

"Bro it's the fuckin' Morgana. The Morgana who rage-quitting when I was playing Zoe. The one that said I wasn't doing anything. Ehh-heh-hehe, *draws breath*.

"'Guys, I'm peaking this season. I need this win.' We gotch you Tarzend. No problemo.

"I only hit one person. Are you serious? That sucks.

"Heh. Ah-ah-aaah-*sigh*. Wait, I lost. He has four more ap then he should have had. That's so depressing. That's not fair.

"'You the best Pekin.' Hell yeah. I am.

"Alright, we are completely even cs versus Kass. That's good. I think.

"No deaths. Feels good.

"'This is for the hype train not for Pekin because the bank is closed.' Huh? I guess, I could have just thrown stun. Knowing that he's standing next to a wall. Though, I don't know if I have enough burst to actually kill.

"Oawh! My fault.

"Wait, he didn't die? How? Oh, nice nice. Hehe, well. Ah-omm. I'm getting fed I guess.

"I missed. Aww, that would have gotten him though. Nice.
This is just me practicing writing with different methods. It's not worth reading.
Did you just apologize for posting?
>errant pimp-hand wavers in the background