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Daily Write Thread
I made this thread for myself, however, you can still use it. This is where I'm gonna put all my random ideas for stories and write them down.

Essentially, my wish is to fill this thread with a bunch of excerpts from different story ideas I have in one place.

I may even post my planning of stories and other random ideas for how to improve my writing process.

So feel free to share you own excerpts of stories, writing advice, or general ideas for stories here if you feel like, otherwise I'll fill this hopefully with my own stuff.
"What's this about? The white fang? Roman Torchwick?" Ruby yelled towards the heavy armored knight standing on the roof of the church.

The black metal helmet tilted to the side as the knight regarded her. Her white cape fluttered in the wind. Glowing, green smoke rose chinks in the knight's armor. Resting on the knight's shoulder, a black mace, longer than the knight was tall, and a with the same green gas exiting it's centerpiece. The knight wasn't very tall tough, and there were some signs that indicated femininity.

With the ease of lifting a long flyswatter, the knight lifts the mace off her shoulders and the lets it tip over. The mace goes straight through the roof but gets stuck half-way through it.

A loud bang assaulted Ruby's party and a rumble shook the building to the point that clouds of dust visibly appeared around it.

The knight spoke then, with a light voice but with a metallic clang and reverberation to it. It seemed like she struggled to speak, like it took a heavy toll on her.

"In the world beyond, blackened ichor filled a crumbling sky, as souls withered to nothing... Somehow, I refused to fade."
"Wha? What's so funny? You're delusional to the point of hopelessness if you think you can even fight us. You're surrounded, hello?" Weiss said with her lecturing tone that made Jun nostalgic for beacon, however, this version was laced with some degree of mockery.

The rest of team RWBY stood at the ready with their weapons out, aimed at her. It was like a class reunion with team her own old team, JNPR was there as well. Along the others, where Penny, Oscar, and Qrow.

Weiss was right, in a way, she was cornered. Normally, they'd have no problem dispatching her.

Jun moved her hand into her cloak's inner pocket. The reaction was immediate. Those that had it, transformed their weapons into their gun-mode and took aim at her.

"Hey, bitch! Who told you could move. Don't. Fuckin'. Test me," Yang said, her purple eyes turned red as she sent Jun a steely glare.

Jun took a quick breath and lifted both her hands up in the air. There was a pause and when Jun felt that they were satisfied with her having her hands up, her eyes shut and small smile crept up on her features.

"You know. I think you want what I have in pocket," Jun said while giving Yang a challenging look.

Yang gazed her darkly then in a blink of an eye, she propelled herself forward via her shotgun gauntlets and was on Jun in the next blink.

Jun didn't even managed to throw up her arms to protect herself before Yang knocked her off her feet and slammed her into the ground with the help of her significantly bigger body mass.
The stone floor hurt her head as it touchdown on it. It bounce up again only to be pummeled back down again by Yang's mechanical fist. Jun's gaze drew '8's over the stalagmite covered cave ceiling. Despite her enormous aura protecting her from most damage, it still felt like the floor had cracked open the back of her head and set it on fire. Her limbs spasmed as she curled in on herself.

"Ahh," she groaned.

But the onslaught of punches had just begun. Yang buried her human fist in Jun's belly leaving a red mark on her pale skin. Yang pulled Jun up by her cloak's collar, pulled back her iron fist, and then threw a cross straight into Jun's chest. Jun tumbled in the air as she flew, skipping across the cavern's floor until she slid to a stop, several yards away.

Jun licked her underlip. It confirmed it. Yang's fist had cracked it and she could feel a small track of blood pool into her mouth but also going down her chin. Her jaw ached so much it felt heavy.
But despite the surging through her body, she a smirk sneaked its way to her features. She could feel it. Lying there on her stomach, she felt the lamp push against her chest.

She pushed the torso up and sat, kinda both on her butt and on her knees. She beamed at Yang while her head swayed.

"Heh-*cough cough*" Jun began but got interrupted as she cough up blood. She wiped the blood off her chin with her hand. "Oh, Yang."

She inhaled and exhaled a few times. Yang frowned at her but just stood there.

"This is why everyone keeps there distance from you, you know? No one wants to be on the receiving end of one of your tantrums," Jun said.

Yang's skin between her eyebrows crinkled and she displayed her top row of teeth. She swung her arm in the air, her eyes flash red for a second, and opened her mouth as to yell something but then... stopped. She cast her gaze to the floor. When she spoke, she did so with a velvet touch but somehow her voice still carried far.
High-heel boots of glass clacked against the marble floor in the giant halls of the Schnee mansion. The wearer, Weiss Schnee, walked upright and with each step place after another on a line as if she balanced across a chasm on rope. Overlapping a matrix pattern in cyan which in turn lie on the white wallpaper of the hall, there was a pattern of slithering and looping flower stalks with purple petals in the shape of bells. The row of crystal chandeliers cast many lights causing her shadow to split into three whenever she walked underneath one. She passed a family portrait and stopped. She touched it with a hand. Then she walked so fast her shoes her shoes twanged.

She turned a corner and meet a portly man. He wore a laurel wreath of orange hair with an opening for his glimmering forehead. Under his button of a nose, a mustache too flight, soft like the paw of a rabbit.

"Klein, are the charges set," she asked.

He gave her a dour look but nodded.
>me trying to describe the image attached

The mansion stood on a man-made platform on the very edge of the coastline. It about four floors high, give or take, and it had an intricate, asymmetric design for it's architecture. On a subconscious level, it kinda reminded one of a pyramid, with how the it stood on a few layers of platforms stack on top of each other like a tower of pancakes that progressively got smaller and smaller. It stood on at least two platforms but potentially more as the backside of the mansion seemed to have been elevated. Three balconies, the highest one lead down into the next via a bending a staircase of stone, this continued till you came to a pool of the most realest tealest water. One side of the mansion, was built in different shades of tan bricks and that side had sharp edges and corners while the other half of the mansion had like three towers merged into another with round walls that were in white. The roof panels were grey and a few orange chimney rose up, about five.
8000 8003

Preening in pegasus society is an act that doesn't really have a good equivalent among the other pony races, sort of. What so strange about that act is that it is interpreted differently depending on what the relationship between the two parties are. For example, in human society, a kiss with the use of the tongue is an act of more lustful nature between a pair of lovers. A mother's kiss on top of their child's head in human society just an indication of motherly affection. Now what preening is, is that, imagine a human mother kissing their own child on the lips in public and no one bats an eye. However, if two lovers were to do the same, then the same mother might just walk about to them and yell at them to consider that there are children here. She might even get a standing ovation from nearby pegasi (They clap their wings together. It's cute^^), that is what pegasi society is like with the act of preening. It's the same act but depending on the parties involved, it's completely normal or extremely lewd and even in some cases, obscene.

Example of obscene case: Fat-phobia

Pegasi dislikes fat pegasi. Other races can be as obese as they want but not their own kind. If you preen a fat pegasi's wings, that's like making out with a turd or something. So if you want to be hated in pegasi society, you know what to do.

>"Why are you weighing down are clouds, asshole!"
Can you tell me, an absolute normalfag if you also get trips for zeros? Like, should I check you now?

Otherwise, thank you for reading. ^^ And plz dont die of heatstroke.
Yes, goose-eggs are also neato
Free Fall Birth

Due to the daredevil nature of pegasi and the fact that they can fly, free-falling as an has through pegasi history just been stacking on more and more associations and myths around it. At this point, it's basically the coolest thing a pegasi can do. It's borderline a science how they measure awesomeness when it comes to free falling. Basically, it's all about being as close to hit the ground but escape as late as possible by taking flight again. Many pegasi has died over the years trying to perfect this art so despite it being in depicted in so many different genres of pegasi art-pieces, free falling too close to the ground is illegal, except for the Wonderbolts, in Cloudsdale and in other pegasi cities. Pegasi do it anyway, though.

Free fall birth is another outlawed practice. The pagan gang of pegasi have their mares give birth off clouds, as in, the mares squirts out their baby off a cloud, the umbilical core snaps off, and their dad dives down after them. They believe the blessings of the elemental magic of air will be stronger, with all that entails, for the foal if the dad saves his foal as late as possible.

Plucked Clean

Has the death penalty among pegasi. It can only be done for medical reasons and with consent of the patient, otherwise it's a crime. There is no greater humiliation for a pegasi than to have their feathers ripped away from them. One feather, completely normal, but having all of them plucked, that is pure evil in the eyes of pegasi and they see red.

Gift Feather

If a pegasi walks plucks on of their own feathers and gives it to you, right then and there, that transaltes to, "You are my soulmate, nest with me for as long as Cloudsdale still drifts in the sky."(Pegasi assume that Cloudsdale will always stand.)


Pegasi have the supernatural ability to go into hibernation whenever they want. They usually do this by finding a small, stray, loner cloud that's on a pilgrimage or just wanders the havens and connect with it before burrowing into it. During this period they go into a low-energy mode and excrement and pee and such is simply emptied during the drift. This hibernation lasts till something wakes the pegasi be it hunger or a very loud sound.

Many pegasi believe that they gained this ability as a gift that's passed down the generations. This belief is based on a story about a pegasi who competed against a the fastest flying creature in the world: The phoenix, and kept on losing. In the end, the phoenix made the pegasi drift with it's magic because it pitied the pegasus, Storm Razor, for all the pain she put herself through as she trained to beat the bird.
cloud types.jpg

Clouds in equestria are alive and belong to the family of slimes. When clouds rain, the drops, may, contain non-binary seeds that when mixed with another or several other seeds on the ground turn into a cloud slime core. This core holds a lot of water and lay dormant until heat starts to evaporate the water inside of the core, then it hatches into a wisp, the smallest type of cloud slime.

Clouds and Age

Younger clouds are smaller and more mischievous/scared while older ones are slow to barely moving and calm and collected. Clouds age with heat so if there's a lot of heat they get both a lot of energy but they also age faster. In colder climates they age slower but they also move and thin slower too. When clouds die, they rain and the cycle begins a new. hmmm... also two clouds can merged into a bigger one and if a small part of it becomes thundercloud, then they all do that and die/rain. hmmm... Probably, yes
The bullhead's terminal beeped it's warning signal that the aircraft was being shot at. Jun flipped it of with slap of her back hand on the tiny lever. Jun's hand then joined her other hand again on the control stick as she maneuvered the bullhead like seamstress might thread a needle through a velveteen fabric, well as close to that as she one could with a clumsy vehicle like a bullhead. How did she managed this though, she wasn't even a fully trained pilot. No, but she all her senses and decision making were enforced as she had submerged herself with the magic of Remnant. Letting it flow through her.

Salem pointed up with one of her chalk white fingers. A small smile adored her features as her eyelids dropped halfway to shutting.

Jun's eyebrows rose. She looked back and scanned the interior of the ship for an item among the mess of tools they were carrying with them. There she found it.

A long chain dressed in a sock of rough fabric. She looped it around the metal bar that held up the pilot seat and secured it before passing in over her shoulders, through her crotch, and around her waist and tying it till it creaked.

She switched on autopilot and ran to the back. She flipped off the protective shell for big, round red button and slammed it. A new loud noise made it's entrance as a red light began to circle the room like a shark. The bullhead's loading area's door slowly opened as two pistons, one on each of it's sides pushed it away, making it curve downward around it's axis.

The door opened to reveal the horizon with a forest far down on the bottom half and a blue sky with some clouds high above but also fighter planes pursuing them, right behind them.

The fighter planes fire off a volley of teal energy blasts smashing into the green hexagonal shield bubble that appeared right on impact with the blasts only to disappear right after.

Jun put on some goggle, letting the strap snap into the back of her head as he released it.

Jun pulled out her sword from her scabbard and then used the other hand to grabbed onto the top of door frame. She pulled herself up and over the edge and in the same motion she stabbed the into the roof of the bullhead.

She would continue to crawl across the roof of the bullhead that was essentially a wind tunnel with how fast they were going, while they were being fired on by their pursuers. The shield would eventually give in so she had to do this fast to get back into the pilot seat in order to dodge the shots. She would continuously use the her sword as a climbing pick and re-hack it into the roof having moved a small distance forward and stapled herself to the roof by holding onto some nook or cranny of the cumbersome aircraft.

She climbed a bit before she stabbed her sword deep into the roof with a 'tchink' sound following it. She had made sure to stab the sword so it's blade sank into the roof across it rather than along it. She took some of her chain rope and looped it around the sword. Then she climbed onto her feet using on hand to hold the now tense rope-chain. Using her other hand, she

hehe right her sword is in the roof so how can she transform it into handcanon mode now?
8007 8008 8010
Not bad. It could be better.
Try to describe pictures Attached.
>pic 2
Regardless, the scene is that she stands on the roof of the aircraft and fire her handcanon. It sends a off a teal energy blasts that ascends and pierce the havens for a bit before it hits a bomb falling towards them-

Wouldn't the fighter planes back off before this bomb is drop so they are not cut in the blast radius ?

Regardless, her shot and the bomb meet and huge explosion occurs far up in sky above them. It's cool.

Pic 3

A bimbofied Luna Lovegood It's probably the french contestant I think, actually but whatever. swam about twenty yards deep in the school's lake among a forest of long, green water plant stalks. They waved in the waters. Bimbofied was the word; Luna Lovegood had taken one of Professor Snape's love potions and mixed with with some troll seed, which in turn had transformed her. Her lips had become fish lips or like two fat snails mating with each other. Her breasts feel out from her chest like waterfall but then curved back up again to form the nipple. They had an almost perfect shape, but their nipples didn't point to the sides but straight ahead so

pic 1

Spazz Mad-tye-cuzz, the skin and bones wizard, lead his new found friend, the barbarian Greg Hack up along the path to his home in the sky.

They had sieged a mountain to get to this point and now they stood at the a cliff. Off the cliff, in the very air before them, was a staircase of sort of varying sizes of landmass floated in the air. From small pebbles to boulders to what looked like if a giant had dug into the earth and pulled out some the size of a house. From these huge pieces roots, rocks, and clay-like dirt clad it's underside meanwhile vegetation from grass and moss to even trees cover the top-side. At the half-way point, there was even a pond which water seemed to be infinite since the water fell off the its platform in small waterfall.

"Be careful where you step, my friend," Spazz said and tapped a floating rock with his staff. " See this grass and moss, especially the moss? Quite slippery in the morning with all the dew."

The trip up here had been exhausting enough for Greg. He weigh almost five hundred pounds and his equipment wasn't light either so despite them taking the long way up the mountain instead of climbing it for his sake, he was still dead tired. He panted loudly and his eyes peered up at the house on the highest floating landmass. They were so close yet he wasn't certain he was in the right mindset to walk the last percarious part; walking on rocks the size of his shoes below a chasm was probably something one should do at their best.

He was not at his bess right now so the choice was obvious.

A mighty slap was heard behind Spazz and he whirled on himself. Grag had fisted his other palm.

"Let's do this," Greg said and started walking towards the cliff's edge.

"Ah, I thought we might at least take a break here. I could get us some tea time, I just grab the supplies from my house and-"
>Not bad. It could be better.
You don't have to do this, but as always any input is good. Could you elaborate on what I could improve on? Absolutely no pressure on this tho.
pic 4

The ghost-white light of the moon cut into the laboratory from a round window. The concentration of the weave was so strong small balls of it merged and floated in the air. They were made visible as they reflected the light of the moon.

The laboratory's to two alchemists, master Weissenberg and apprentice Yesy Inkem, had made preparation all day as their current concoction needed moonlight as it's reaction's catalyst.

They stood at a completely cluttered 'L' shaped bench but with enough organization to the chaos that one could find the right item by just glancing up. The items on the desk were everything from all kinds of glass containers to more metallic utensil-like tools to straight up tomes.

Some of the glass containers had stickers in the shape of skulls attached to them, indicating their lethality. One contained eyeballs with blue irises perhaps even humaniod-sized. Few of the containers were just pure liquid and many had strong colors like, green, red, and purple.

A pile of white dust and a much smaller pile of shave off red devil fruit peel lie on silver plate nearby Yesy's workspace. Weisenberg had been crushing them in a mortar earlier. Other tools like the a specially made pair of pliers, a slicer to peel red devil fruit, and corkscrew lie on the their workspace.

The tomes lay in pile on their desk. Each at least three inches thick. Each had a fancy binding and in fancy color like purple or green. Yessy was browsing one a the moment. The pages had the coloration you'd expect it to get from someone drenching it in coffee. The pages had the text with font-size of half an ant and columns filled with pictures of different herbs.
>Could you elaborate on what I could improve on?
Also, you wrote, "Not bad." What did I do good?
A river, several yards wide, split the city of Venarty in two. Not even a ripple disturbed its surface. The river's mirror-like reflection duplicated everything above the river to be below it as well. That happened to the limestone bridge crossing it.

The bridge had on pillar in the middle of it and then two perfect half-circle arches on either side of it formed the shape of the bridge's underside but due to the reflection they looked more like a pair of drilled holes into a wall of limestone. Statues of men sat perched in small holes along the side of the bridge, one on either side of the water and one in the pillar, in the middle. A long, red plant grew off the solid stone railing of the bridge and cascaded down towards the waters like long hair. More of this red plants could be found floating in the river.

The sun had just risen and it only cast its light on the buildings on one side of the bridge while the other remained in shadow. A rowboat stood docked on the more sunny-side though, it still lay in shadow as the sun had not climbed that high yet. The owner had docked the rowboat next to long staircase, short steps but long in distanced.
I let myself use more 'be-verbs' this time since it's much easier for me to write that way. I wanna switch between focusing on it and not so that I don't ruin writing for myself by putting the bar for what I write beyond what I can expect from myself.


By the curves you could tell that the assassin was a woman. While not voluptuous, she had an hourglass figure if only due to her thine waist. But her face was obscured by both black face mask that covered her nose and mouth and a bit over-sized hoodie. The hoodie had some cool looking flame-but-not-really motifs emerging in red from its hem that went along with the rest of the black fabric. The hoodie transitioned into what was almost like a cape but it was more like to scarfs hung after her.

She also wore corset with a bust size that was relatively modest consider her strong curves. They athletic curves anyway, if that makes any sense. The corset was locked in place at the front, over the stomach, via two silver bars that attached to their own pair of silver locking mechanisms. The corset had an open section, by design, at the side the stomach area that was only tied together by crossing leather straps. Anyway, the bottom silver locking-bar had been removed and revealed her skin-tight stomach and her small navel.

She wore a mini-shirt that split into two parts: One front part that was a rectangle piece of also black fabric, and the back was a longer, regular skirt that dragged on behind her. In the gap between the two pieces one could see a bit of her underwear cling to her leg.

She revealed a lot of skin over her upper-thighs but lower than that she wore some long as socks that really looked more like she'd taken a black ribbon and spun it around her leg till it looked like one. Her right had a straps around the sock for an arrow quiver.

The socks had holes in them over on the top side of her feet and she wore black monotone, sleek heels, that were quiet thick.

Her hands had also weird mummified clothes to them, kinda like gloves. One of her hands grasped an arrow, one of four in the quiver, and the other held a crossbow aimed into the ground. Tied to the end of the crossbow and looped around her wrist as a rope and around it there was an ring made out amber.
This is AI
I don't follow. What do you mean?
8018 8019
A distant roared turned into a nearby shriek that abruptly stopped.

Every time Summer Rose blinked, everything changed but also not. She felt heavy and the sky? Was in midnight blue so she almost thought she was at the bottom of the ocean. Her body, the landscape around her, and whatever it was that filled the sky were all blurry silhouettes.

Certain realizations pumped pure ice into her heart, well as much as she could realize as her head spun and she struggled to focus. Realizations that, she had just of baking cookies for her family and extended family but now, only one girl remained. Was this girl- Ruby Rose, my daughter, she reminded herself with fiercely. -her only family, but that didn't make any sense, she even remembered that she explicitly invited her extended family as well. Was she being self-depricating because she only had one daughter in her family. But who was her father. Was she adopted? No, she knew she wasn't she remember giving birth... To a.. Baby. Hmm, was this girl the same person as that infant from that memory?

Both had silver eyes, right?




It was. That was her daughter.

Wait, what did she just realize..?

Right, her daughter is... Was... Ruby Rose.... Or Ruby Ose? Pose?



She wanted to remember that, however she feared she might forget. Actually, she knew there was no hope, was there? She would forget it.

I don't want to...

She felt... Sleepy.

I will... I can... I want... ... ... I can't.

"I'm sorry, Ruby," she managed to groan out.

Suddenly, she felt herself sinking and the world grew darker still.


Unbeknownst to Summer, her silver irises were slowly replaced by grass green color seeping in and spreading out.

Ruby, she thought one last time before she was competently engulfed by the darkness.

The world beyond didn't have time so that world was simply no more and never was as in this new world turquoise pyre burned.


"Revenant, the search for the relic can wait. Find and capture the girl that did this to Cinder, alive," said a quite beautiful voice despite it coming from the very queen of monsters: Salem.

The Revenant she was referring to sat among the rest of her top servants, excluding ancient grim, that sat at the table.

Revenant was short and had clear curves, indicating that 'it' was a her. She wore a black armor with a white cloak over he shoulders. A helmet obscured her face. A green ponytail sprouted out on the back of the helmet. Out of the holes of the eyes, turquoise flames crawled out.

She nodded.


Team RJNR entered anCould I not have a 'the' here instead of an 'an'? I ponder this because 'the' is for identifying and now it just a general one but we could say that it's a a specific one just that the reader doesn't understand the context. But then there is no reason not to have 'a' instead, I guess, since it's more general. abandon town. They walked through empty alleyways, expecting grim to jump out at them or, honestly people, despite knowing better. It was probably due to it being a town and they were so used to associating it with a public place that to have one with nobody around was strange and a bit unnerving. They entered an area with no buildings but still surrounded by buildings and just pavement.

I think I wanna try to cut out words like, 'then', 'suddenly', etc. cuz I think they serve no real purpose or that they impact is lost on overuse? I don't know. Just testing is all. Then they she it, As the they got closer to the center of the open area, even the fog that blanketed the town could not stop them from seeing a human figure standing in the center. It looked at them.

They stopped.
>A distant roared turned into a nearby shriek that abruptly stopped.
Thats what I mean
>A distant roared turned into a nearby shriek that abruptly stopped
>A distant SOUND roared, turnING SWIFTLY to a nearby shriek BEFORE stoppING ABRUPTLY.

edits in caps
download (13).jpg
Her shadow lingered behind on the walls even after she move out of the light of the streetlamps. She, like all of her kind, stalked the night and could only deal with artificial light, least she be burned to dust by the sun. Her shadow was less like shadow and more like cloud of darkness or bundle of touchy tentacles or hands, eager to feel and linger on every thing she passed.

She polished her right fang with her tongue. It ached.

Her bloodline's magic was shadow manipulation.

When she walked into an unlit back-alley, she'd no problem seeing due to her slit eyes despite bring enough darkness to turn the back-alley into a cave.

Not only did her blood art enable her to manipulate her shadow but it also enabled her move quicker in darkness; like a going down stream, she flew through the zigzagged maze of alley ways. Her tiny, cute nose picked up a trail and she immediately, pursued it.

She went from lightning speed to complete stop in the snap between fingers. The air she carried, loudly blew in her ear as it passed her, making her cloak, the trash in the corridor between buildings, and the unkempt grey beard of the homeless man flutter in the wind.

She glared down at him, who with newly awoken, wide eyes searched in the darkness for her. She clicked her tongue.

This man smelled like shit. No, she realized and glanced bitterly at a trashcan, the smell emanated from the bin.

She heard a hiss and a cry of pain.

A cat, who seemed to have laid in the lap of the homeless man, looked straight at her in the dark while arching its back, fattening its tail, and clutching the man's leg with its claws. Then, it took off.

She had been here before. While this man moved his sleeping spot around, he kept coming back here to this network of alley ways that she always used to, well anywhere that she cared about. It was a logistics issue. Her safe-house, or home, and the few places she frequented had this labyrinthine between them.

"Are you there, vampire?" the man asked as he searched with his hand in the air for anyone.

She had never answered him before. In fact, the first time she woke him up, he'd looked beyond scared. The second time, she remembered his teeth clattered. After that he didn't show up again for a like a few months. Then he returned. This time, he had, with a painful grimace, tilted his head to the side to reveal his neck. After she had just left him, there like the other times; he had gotten more and more bold.

She sighed and scratched her neck with her sharp nails.

"Yes, human," she said.

She kinda regretted the words as she said them. Not because she really disagreed, or did she? But more so because they weren't her words but just what she felt was expected of her to say as a fledgling in vampire society.

Like, she said that but part of her had to do a double-take, wasn't she human before realizing that, no, she wasn't anymore.

The man had been stunned for a while, almost as if he had not expected an answer and certainly, not one that confirmed his suspicions.

Then he chuckled.

"Eheh heh heh, ah' heard ya' bats could herd shadows like a shepherd can wit' 'em sheep. Cuz' this here be blacker than a nigg-er!"

A dour smile crept onto her lips.

She knew a past version of herself, her human-self, would have told them man to not use the n-word and now, the very idea made her drown in guilt. She was a murderer. One of her first feedings had gone wrong and she had ended up draining the man dry.

This feeling or thing kept reoccurring. Now, that she was a vampire, so many things she now viewed from a different light. Polite human society got really mad over bad words while she move around in their metaphorical sewers, encountering the very worst they had to offer. Maybe it wasn't right to compare but it was hard for her to care about bad words after all the darkness she had already witnessed.

Despite this emotional numbness she felt, she still felt for the victims in every bad encounter however, she feared that this was just a passing thing. She knew of vampires felt nothing for the suffering of others, especially her sire, who cared nothing for anyone but herself.

In a way, this homeless man and her were the same, despite her not really wanting to have anything in common with a man that wallowed in his own filth. They were outsiders now. Unable to truly become a part of society again.

The contours of shadows and the man's limited night vision returned again, indicating that the vampire had left the man.
I'm not certain what you're saying but I will assume that your implying that my writing is AI-generated. Well, I guess I can't convince you otherwise but I think I do things that AI probably doesn't and also I feel like I have a distinct writing style that people can recognize.

<A distant roared turned into a nearby shriek that abruptly stopped.
My grammar can be meh at times is my excuse for this.

Thanks for the advice. I'll try to proofread more, I think. ^^
Same anon for both. I wonder if you are writing in english entirely or if there may be sections youre writing in another language and then attempting to translate
> I wonder if you are writing in English entirely or if there may be sections youre writing in another language and then attempting to translate.
You're right in that English is indeed my second language. I'm the sven guy. And it's former alternative that is correct. I write this entirely in English from scratch to finished "product". All the awkwardness is just me not really knowing how to handle the language as well as someone who has it as their first-language.

Thanks again for the feedback. I really I'm gonna try to proofread my texts, at least once before posting.

I know it's annoying to read something and suddenly the sentence just breaks down. Kinda immersion breaking.