362 replies and 253 files omitted.
>Argentinian president Milei and Elon Musk.
Every. Single. Time.
...always lurking in the background...
My name is nate higgers and I hate niggers.
Coming soon... to a parking garage near YOU.
>>24569That’s actually pretty clever, I might have to start going around parking lots and doing that to high-end cars with lefty bumper stickers.
>>24633Hi Nate, my name is Kaitlyn Hikes and I've had some identity theft issues, I was told that this board was the source. I think we might be victims of the same hacker.
>>24635Data specialist and Mexican-Korean, I'm pretty sure it's being sold by box offices so get one of the take down notice business to reclaim your data. It happened to me by the same companies six times of those a gorgonzola manufacturer. Gorgonzola!
It'll only take them months and some cash, but the lack of spam calls is worth the low price.
>>24635Sorry to Hear about that miss Hikes. this hacker should be brought to justice. we can work together to ensure he's dealt with.
-yours kindly Nathanial Higgers
>>21145I've watched this several times and I still don't understand why these pajeets died. No trains, no electricity. They just went for a swim and kinda forgot how? Zany antics man.
How is this even supposed to be? Olympics games opening, with beheadings celebrating the french revolution and a tranny show mocking The Last Supper with a supposedly naked gay smurf and a guy with a ball dangling out WHAT IS THIS SHIT VLAD LAUNCH THE SARMAT
>>24880Can't they even leave sports alone? I didn't think I could be disgusted anymore. Who knew?
Also, I thought I was sick and pervert like lmfao
except im not laughing, what even is this?
>>24881Leave sports alone? With two trannys competing for gold in boxing?
>>24881>what even is this?Advertising? These Olympic games have definitely gotten more public attention than 2020's.
>>24948>>24949Huh. Well, one guesses thats news, for today.
Sounds like Milo surrogated a baby.
As said in '16, Milo+Southern (its perfect: shez canadian legally a man, hes a "reformed faggot")
>>24950>Milo+SouthernIf I remember well, both are confessed jews.
Milo lost his relevance and therefore the jew bankrolling him. Now it looks like he wants to re-introduce himself on the stage by piggybacking on Fuentes.
Southern got married years ago with a non-white glowie, if I remember well a sandnigger and spawned a mix-raced female. The marital affair didn't go well and she reappeared on the internet early this year playing the victim card by claiming to be homeless and broke. Until now, nopony or normie has given a single fuck for her, and she deserves the upmost repudiation indeed.
>>24951>if I remember wellYou don't, but when has that ever stopped (you) from assuming a posture of intellectual superiority?
You might remember that South African White Farmer genocide that Southern single-handedly brought international attention to. It's a good thing there's a wide gap between your opinion of her reputation and her ACTUAL reputation.
I mean c'mon,... you're not posting here cuz your time/opinion could be monetized
Right next to the fosl-con, no less
Until overboard changes
>Pope Francis shilling for the kikes
It reminds me of Fuentes and E. Michael Jones shilling christianism, specifically catholicism non-stop.
The enemy of Christ (and his children) have always been in power here on Earth ever since Adam listened to his ditzy GF instead of getting a Pony Waifu like the pros.
>>24954>You might remember that South African White Farmer genocide that Southern single-handedly brought international attention to.Sure, it was a good work to awake the normies, however I was considering (((who))) was bankrolling her. As you should already know, kikes fund both sides to control the narrative (gatekeepers).
>>24971Oh? Is THAT what you meant by?
>nopony or normie has given a single fuck for her, and she deserves the upmost repudiation indeed.(and that assumes your other characterizations are either accurate or valid, X)
Humpty Dumpty from the classic fairy tale was in fact the king's wife. She was pregnant and suffered a miscarriage.
>>24987It isn't simping to be honest about the past.
>>>/mlpol/376935 →>Thus Spoke ZarathustraIt's unbelievable how much they shat the bed by the end of Honkai Impact. There was something truly special about it. Otto Apocalypse is such a well written character. It's no surprise everything went to shit once they offed him.
Sweden's IQ has fallen to 97. Over 1/4 of its population is of foreign background. This is kinda depressing because Nords have historically been the highest scoring whites. The other countries are doing even worse.
The Asian century is all but certain at this point.
>>25023The most annoying thing about all this, is that I feel like whites would only need unity among each other and most problems around us wouldn't be insurmountable. Like, it's okay if Asians rule the world, as long as we just have our own independence, or identity (The right word is eluding me right now).
Also, Sven here. I'm sorry about that national IQ-score thing bro; the test was kinda complicated...
>>25024>Also, Sven here.Henlo.
>I'm sorry about that national IQ-score thing bro; the test was kinda complicated...I mean, it's Sweden's average. I'm damn sure ethnic Swedes are significantly higher than that. Ethnic Russians averaged 105, which is right there with East Asians. I'm just concerned about the demographics, but everyone knows about it at this point.
Also, diaspora doesn't really count. Even pajeets can muster high IQ's out of such a massive population.
>The most annoying thing about all thisIs that the east only caught up because schlomo is leucodermic but his eyes ain't slanted.
Notorious left wing debate streamer has been exposed as being a cocksucking faggot lmaooooo
>>25202Could prolly have done without that, but theres no denying it now
>>25202He's openly bisexual. But ur gay lmao
>>25202>>25204I can’t keep up with this eCeleb bullshit anymore, but this has been all over 4chan. Who is this guy and why is him sucking a dick such big news?
>>25207He's a zionist shill that argues for incest and his wife cucked him, Its said nick fuentes is the cock that he is sucking in the video.
>>25207>>25208They (the faggot and his wife) were in an "open" relationship. They divorced because of an alleged affair with Lauren Southern. Lauren is also under scrutiny because of Russian moneys btw.
>>25202>>25204You downloaded gay porn and felt the need to show everyone the gay porn you enjoyed. A site that allows gay porn to be posted, even if it's to 'pwn the gays', is still just a gay porn site. He wants people to see him sucking cock.. That's why he starred in this video and let it be posted. You're playing along to some queer's exhibitionism fetish. Plus he's a literal who that probably doesn't get any attention outside of whatever lolcow forum you pulled that video from. You might actually be him.
>>25206Promoting LGBTQ ideas such as "there's differences between bisexual and faggot" and "You can't make fun of him for being a fag because he's PROUD and OPEN about being a fag", using troongrammar, and posting Chinese gachashit meme woman you found on safebooru... You are a brown soccer fan.
>>25210You can't exactly "expose" someone as being "a cocksucking faggot". When said faggot brags about sucking off multiple other fags on his own stream.
Why is the leaftard so butthurt at some chinkoid drawings?
>>25210Its time to take your medication sir.
https://ponerpics.org/images/7127614If this is the future of realistic-style ponies, I'm
along with my dick here for it
Frenly reminder to all the S1-2 purists,... Pear Butter was season 7
https://youtu.be/KW7oq8h9-9g?si=VtGxl0WJTSwc0w6F>pic 2
Would absolutely happen
[1d2 = 2] flipping a coin
https://youtube.com/shorts/AJKlvVfEj8s?si=S9p2azzcC7XLQsQwOh, the lobby isn't empty, we want everyone to know who about to run a train
Rapist talk in Reddit.
Yup, they are that bold.