Its a shit thread, thats what /sp/ is for
But while shitposting stumbled across the following idea. Batponies are basically reskinned pegusi. But while its an OC thing seemingly, what about the batponies that have unicorn horns?
Wouldnt that make them something more akin to an alicorn?
>>25395And shit threads are for shit posters who have shit to say
>literally replies to a designated shit thread with a uno reversal as the OP animation
So since its a shit thread let me just toss out this idea.
If you find yourself struggling to identify with people (in general, not specifically) watch reaction vompilations of your favorite music.
Go on.
Its hard to not start to identify with diverse people when you see them having the same visceral reactions that you do, to the music you love. Seriously, they look at the camera and gesture and you're like "Right??".
Just a suggestion
I only dl'd this for a shitpost, so its fine enough
Okay, I gave anon a full day and they havent posted it for commissions!
1. Same language only! Never accept or offer a commission to someone whk doesnt natively speak your own language. Why?
A. They will think they know what you want, and will seem to in their replies
B. The times, estimates, and scheduled work will not be consistent. They will say "finish" time instead of "start" time
2. Never pay in full up-front, nor commission an artist with followers or supporters, or if their rates seem substandard. They have your/money, they can lose/forget/ignore your commission.
2A. You pay for quality
3. Good commissioners are always busy. Bad commissioners are rately busy. If they're posting regular ads, maybe check elsewhere
4. Yes, you're paying for THEIR talent. Emphasis on YOURE and PAYING. Niceness is great and all, and greasing the wheels,... but I asked for....
5. Tips come after, if at all. They wont care, they wont work faster, they MAY think you're a chump for doing so.