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24807 24809 24812 24814 24827
So last week a thread emerged on 4chan’s /mlp/ board. A fedposting or bait thread about a family in Charlottesville who lost their beloved seven-year-old daughter, Maggie Joy Kaufman, to a respiratory illness.
Maggie Joy was a bright light, full of innocence and love for MLP as much as we all do. Her family finds solace in the toy Hasbro made for her, remembering the joy they brought her. But instead of honoring this memory, some subhuman have taken the vile step of creating and promoting foalcon of Maggie’s OC. This is not just dumb and inhuman; it’s a profound violation of a grieving family’s pain. An unjustified attack.

I am appalled at what this place is becoming. This is not based or fun at all; this is abhorrent. Evil. Goes against everything we fight and expose done by the lowest humanity can produce. And to those who joined in this despicable act, understand this: we know who you are. Some of the degens are being doxed as I write this, some even trapped by their own stupidity when some artist they commissioned came up with their non-porn versions and now keep their real life info like a cocked gun.

To make things worse, some anons had the twisted idea to mail the family the porn they collected, including images of suffocation porn featuring Maggie Joy. This was a deliberate attempt to hurt them, pure and simple. What started as an obvious false flag to bait Anon has now escalated to a IRL issue. Many anon drawfags fell for it, hook, line, and sinker. Handed them what they wanted on a silver plate, and now we can expect a backlash. Shit is going to hit the fan soon.

In short, See this is a warning to all. This isn’t about being a moralfag or even for morality’s sake, or for self gratification, it’s about having the common sense not to trample on the grief of a family for sick kicks, for lulz, or for whatever shit. Think twice before you act. This kind of behavior will not be forgiven, nor forgotten. We will not allow Maggie’s memory to be tarnished by such degeneracy.
To the artists and anons who stood up against this, who came up with wholesome fanart in defiance of the OP's fuckery and going through insults, you are the true bearers of friendship. Let’s unite against this depravity and ensure our fandom remains a place of love and respect.


Original thread:

All pony OCs have porn if anyone other than their creator knows about them. It's rule 34. There is no preventing it. It's just how the Internet works.
>Making porn of a 7yo girl who died of asthma or something
Fucked up.
>Sending the porn to the family
Jesus It’s downright vile.
Listen up, and listen good, the anons fucked up, there will be consequences. Sending that filthy pedo crap to a family that’s already broken?
That’s not just fucked up, it’s satanic shit. You think this fandom ain’t a reflection of society? Think again. Think you can mess with a grieving family and walk away unscathed? Think again. There’s a storm brewin and when it hits, you’re gonna feel it. There are folks working on making sure to get the fuckos who crossed the line get what’s comin and it's not gonna be pretty.
I'm willing to defend Rule#34, it's free speech, I will fight for it even to any porn made of make-a-wish kids who are now grown ups and more or less well.
But not on purpose because of an innocent child have died and some small dick nigger needed to prove a point or some shit.

Holy shit that thread.

>To make things worse, some anons had the twisted idea to mail the family the porn they collected, including images of suffocation porn featuring Maggie Joy.

Where do I hire a hitman?
24811 24817
>Let's attack the mentally fucked anons, not the fed/bait poster.
What an absolutely brilliant idea.
>Drawfags get commissions for an OC out of any kind of context to do, they do what they're paid without asking questions because who the fuck would know it's who ever's OC.
>Some fucked in the head anons who have no self restraint use it to fuck with someone.
This isn't like eight years ago (or earlier) where a minimum of etiquette is had, it's full out psyop fucktard shit going on.
I still think professional nudgers are trying to figure out a way to use those retards as their personal army, this is just another attempt.
I'm going to go one step further and say at least 50% of them are glow in the dark nudgers who realized they have to get their hands dirty to make their own incident.
-Source: God wiggleing my soul in communication, errors in interpretation and writing are my fault.
Bruh. Anons are just autists, retarded kids being told it'd be cool and edgy. But the grim part is how some anon paid drawfags for making stuff.
And the idea to make it known, like to piss off as many people as possible, very funny, a dead white child.
Turns out one of those anons is a tranny leftist with too much money and rage about Hasbro or some crap. Blah corporations should not make a favor.
Id' cause a drawfag preferred to do the right thing than drawing guro-foalcon.
The OP's intention were fucked, and obvious bait but 4chan jannies helped it, protected it despite violating several board rules including: Raiding (blackmailing, targeting Maggie's parents) and underage character porn.
I don't care about the porn. Rule34 is mandatory, but this is something else.
>bribing shitty drawfags to do it because every other drawfags made cute art.
24813 24815
> creating and promoting foalcon of Maggie’s OC
Kind of a tasteless thing to do, but the internet is full of assholes and all around strange people. If the family is being harassed and mailed porn they can call the cops and they will handle it, it’s not like that kind of thing is hard to trace.

In any case the articles and thread archives look legit, but at the same time this is the first I’ve heard about any of this. Also a little suspicious that the location is Charlottesville. This thread glows brighter than anything I’ve ever seen posted here, and nypa in any case. Go recruit vigilantes someplace else.
>call the cops to handle it
To be fair that's a good point, there are options they can pursue that already exist.
And I'm sure there are lawyers willing to do stuff pro bono for a great PR move or any other reason.
24816 24817 24824 24836
I made art solely to piss of moralfaggots like you. Also,
>To make things worse, some anons had the twisted idea to mail the family the porn they collected, including images of suffocation porn featuring Maggie Joy.
Is pure history revisionism. The people contacting the family were the ones against it. The people that should be shamed are the retards letting the parents know about it. Notice how around four namefags come out of the works to virtue signal against it, as well as the tool whining about it on twitter. Lol. Threads like these are made solely to weed out the poseurs.
I WILL agree that OP is a total faggot for trying to make a second thread, though.
Cops or feds wouldn't give a shit, really, or care even if it can fall under laws requiring investigation that _may_ giver results, take cyberbullying and all that.
Here a retard without a life thinks about doing this kind of shit because a kike is going like “please do fuck up, come on be a fuck up then we can show the world who you are!”
Journalos have already the script in their possession. Something typical from a sad story to ruin, I know /mlp/ for decades, they are incapable of thinking of something this evil, confirming the theory of a falseflag op from offboarders.
I believe the biggest part of the job will be finding (((who))) really wanted these and started these, certainly not a solo guy to keep the thread bumped by samefagging so hard.
NTR but >>24814 makes a point, artists have been offered $$$ to draw some fucked up shit, trolling the false-flaggers, effectively doxing them instead of delivering, being too confident about their intentions thinking the artists were on his side. That's the moment they found oput they may have fucked up.
>offering to pay artist
>get trolled to pick a sick fuck fillycon guy
>paying upfront based on the reputation
>get successfully doxed and thread goes inertia from there as the theme was no longer forced. Eventually raided as an attempt to hide the mess or get it banned.

Clearly this is the work of a complete newfag to imageboards in general, believing they can lead an op, or less plausible, a psycho who need to jerk off thinking he fucked a family and a board's rep.
What will come soon in the (((news))) will be interesting.
>The people contacting the family were the ones against it
Not exactly, some anon commissioned an artist explaining what's the plan.
As for the OP he has been open to anon about it, a retard doing it because he wanted porn
He attempted a second thread that didn't last.
I am confident the retard certainly don't know what he started.

Yep the artists are known, doing it for popularity and personal satisfaction. Most certainly don't know how their crap are being used anyways.
i like having fun nd offending moralfags, fuck your feelings, politics. morals.
but this is not for hitting feelings or angering some high status, it is the lowest one can go a motherfucker can get.
you're not a 4channer, you're not based, you deserve your face broken for destroying a dead daughter's spirit, what we aim to protect. 14 words, you niggers will get the backfire.
jesus christ what a fucking degenerate moron, creating some porn of an OC of a girl that died, just, take a bullet to the head
24828 24838
Alright, I had some downtime last night and read through the entire archived thread. tl;dr, this is a gigantic nothingburger and OP is a concern-trolling fag. In fact I'm fairly certain OP is the same anon who has been concern-trolling about "pedos" in other threads on this board. Curiously enough he does not appear to have had a presence on this site prior to the PCL drama, which I find suspicious.

For anyone who hasn't read or doesn't have the patience to read all 575 posts in the original thread, I can save you some time and hopefully clear up many of the misconceptions present in OP's distorted version of events.

Here is what actually happened:

OP (4chan OP, not this thread's OP) made a thread with the following text:
>Hasbro made a poniefied version of a deaded kid. I have high (degenerate) expectation from the community... do not disappoint.
The link to the news article about Maggie Joy was also included. The basic gist is that this girl died of an asthma attack, Hasbro created a pony OC of her for the parents because she was a fan of the show, and some anon on 4chan created a thread requesting porn of the OC. If it matters, the OC appears to be a full-grown mare, not a foal.

In a thread totaling 575 posts, a grand total of six (6) explicit images were produced featuring the character. One was an asset-swapped webm of an old animation featuring Twilight Sparkle. Of the five remaining still-frame original drawings, two were different versions of the same image (Applejack fucking the character with a strap-on while choking her, and a variant with futa AJ doing the same thing), so basically there were four original drawings and an asset-swapped animation. The remaining three drawings consisted of:
>a low-quality MS-paint-style drawing, that had misshapen proportions and a vagina that looked like it was falling off of the horse's body
>a solo image of the character masturbating, that looks AI-generated
>the obligatory edgelord-tier grimdark drawing, showing the character being fucked and choked by a human
And that's it. The rest of the images in the thread were wholesome art of the character obtained from other sources, as well as the standard assortment of memes and reaction images. Participants in the thread appeared to be a mix of gooners, ironic and unironic edgelords, ironic and unironic moralfags raging about the gooners and the edgelords, and passive observers just passing through to have a few keks at the drama. All in all, a pretty typical 4chan thread.

Was all of this in poor taste? Yes, very. Several people in that thread should feel at least a little bad about themselves, and hopefully do. However, again, this was just typical 4chan stuff; only a complete newfag would be shocked by any of it.

I would also like to call attention to a couple of exaggerations and outright falsehoods in OP's post:

>To make things worse, some anons had the twisted idea to mail the family the porn they collected, including images of suffocation porn featuring Maggie Joy
I agree with OP that this would be a very fucked-up thing to do. However, there is zero evidence that anyone actually did it, and zero evidence that anyone seriously intended to. A couple of posts were made that jokingly suggested it, and that was all. Again: this was all in very poor taste, but no serious lines were crossed.

>And to those who joined in this despicable act, understand this: we know who you are. Some of the degens are being doxed as I write this, some even trapped by their own stupidity when some artist they commissioned came up with their non-porn versions and now keep their real life info like a cocked gun.
I honestly don't even know what he's on about here. Based on the evidence in the thread no real commissions were made and no money changed hands. The drawings appear to have been done on the fly by drawfags and posted directly to the thread. One anon did post this:
>I'll paypal $10 first person to draw high quality full color porn of her (the pony not the actual girl)
However, there were no takers. The post only received three replies, one of which was an artist remarking that $10 for a high-quality full-color drawing is an insulting offer.

As to the people being doxed, as I said I have no idea what OP is even on about. The only mention of commissions apart from paypal anon was in the posts I screencapped in pic 5, in which an unidentified person posted some dubious-looking throwaway email addresses asking people to contact him. If anyone was actually dumb enough to send personal info to either of these addresses, I guess they deserve whatever happens to them.

>What started as an obvious false flag to bait Anon has now escalated to a IRL issue
Zero evidence on either count. There's no proof this was anything more than some gooner making a distasteful request, and it certainly hasn't escalated to an IRL issue. The thread is 2 weeks old, ffs; it barely even counts as internet drama at this point.

>In short, See this is a warning to all. This isn’t about being a moralfag or even for morality’s sake, or for self gratification, it’s about having the common sense not to trample on the grief of a family for sick kicks, for lulz, or for whatever shit. Think twice before you act. This kind of behavior will not be forgiven, nor forgotten.
Somehow, the concern-trolling moralfag manages to be an even bigger edgelord than the actual edgelords.


> A fedposting or bait thread
I don't think this or the original 4chan thread counts as fedposting. However, I do think that the OP of this thread is probably an offboarder here to concern-troll and stir up drama for some unknown purpose. Again, I find it suspicious that this anon didn't start showing up here until after the PCL drama. Until proven otherwise I'm just going to assume it's DataByte or one of his friends.

In any case, OP sucks literal billions of dicks. Like I said, this turned out to be 575 posts of complete nothingburger, and a giant waste of my time.
24829 24830 24831 24833
>this turned out to be 575 posts of complete nothingburger
Not true! You got to see a lot of cute drawings of a mare you wouldn't've seen otherwise!

Now, on the question of OP's affiliation with the PCL:
You make the claim that this OP is the same one as the OP of the paedophilia thread. I'd like to point something out in favour of this:
>In the original PCL/DataByte thread, a user with the trip Silver!Spoon/CYj made a post concerning how maps and pedos should go in the "woodchipper".
>The initial posts on said thread about talking with Flutter pony and other foalcon fans were posted by an anon who, later on in the thread, also used this word.
>The actual paedophilia thread contains the word "woodchipper"
>In the 4chan thread, a user with the trip Silver !Spoon/CYj (huh? where have we seen that before?) comes and posts an image giving strong reactions across the anons of the thread (the image seems fine, but it could've been edited? We know that such a thing can somewhat happen in desuarchive)
>Later on in the thread, Silver starts saying things that sound very similar to what OP of this thread is saying...

Now, here the crazy part:
This "Silver" individual has a discord accounr.
The discord account is called darkdoomer.
Darkdoomer was in a foalcon server (even the posts calling for action in the DataByte/PCL thread mention this!)
Darkdoomer is in DataByte's list.

I don't know what this means, but this may make the thread OP - PCL connection very possible. Initially, I assumed that OP was just some stupid anon, because you don't need to be in the PCL to come to a stupid conclusion. But now, perhaps this is truly not the case?

Then again, recall this: OP of the paedophilia thread openly denounces DataByte. Could it be that this is genuine? Maybe this is a way to get revenge from being "evicted"?

I was linked the 4chan thread not too long ago by an acquaintance. I though, "eh, 4chan does what 4chan does..." and just went on with my day, but I didn't think it would be so relevant to what is unfolding now!

To end the post, here's a little quote from a self-proclaimed "whistleblower", possibly darkdoomer himself, in one of his posts in the PCL/DataByte thread urging to take action against Pathos, Flutterpony, and the rest:
>That's also interesting to note that Pathos banned certain members from the Discord chat due to I believe, having suspicions that they may have been potential spies aiming to expose individuals within the community. (Darkdoomer's eviction was surprising but his behavior was too quiet to be honest. Or seeing random users like Thebluee only a few days before the whole list surfaced which also makes it suspicious.)
Oh, and I decided to check through the PCL chatlogs for darkdoomer. He was, in fact, not in the server (at least not by that name). However, let's remember that The List was dropped in their discussion out of nowhere, and nearly everyone (except, for example, DaringShepard) acted in surprise or confusion.

As such, I have a proposition, and a rather conspiratorial at that:
There could've (and still may be) been a second discord server (or perhaps on some other platform? E.g. a Messenger group) in which The List was prepared. This hypothetical server would include DataByte and DaringShephard (obviously), but also other people as well, such as (possibly) darkdoomer/Silver Spoon.

As no one knows of the server (if it even exists), it could very well still be up. Perhaps, it has now been repurposed as a place to coordinate these bait posts?

None of this has any concrete proof, but it would not surprise me if this hypothesis is at least partially correct.
>Not true! You got to see a lot of cute drawings of a mare you wouldn't've seen otherwise!
Good point, actually. I did end up saving a lot of the art that was posted in that thread.

>>In the 4chan thread, a user with the trip Silver !Spoon/CYj (huh? where have we seen that before?) comes and posts an image giving strong reactions across the anons of the thread (the image seems fine, but it could've been edited? We know that such a thing can somewhat happen in desuarchive)
That's where I've seen that Silver Spoon trip before. When I was going through the 4chan archived thread, that tripcode jumped out at me because I knew I recognized it but couldn't place from where. I guess I just assumed it was a common tripfag I'd seen around /mlp/. Now it makes sense.

>None of this has any concrete proof, but it would not surprise me if this hypothesis is at least partially correct.
There are definitely too many connections for it to all be coincidence. The same users and the same subject matter popping up at the same time, all following the PCL event.

Behold Anon, I am the luminati !

yes I'm just known as my old 1337 gamertag «darkdoomer» not Dark-Doomer, neither DarKdO0M3r, darkdoomer everywhere else, or also patachu which was supposed to be a joke OC that i used it as a handle too. but I prefer this filly so far.
Yes I had some concerns about things that were posted about pedophilia earlier, but that topic. which led to some critical research and even expanded to serious discussions brought me the hope that I was wrong. There's no real pedos on this group, really.

Now on the idea about the PCL being behind some of the posts in the original thread ? I don't think in his situation Databyte or his troony goons would have the aptitude to start something like this, even as dumb as they are. But if one did, it could clearly be their worst mistake, sweet Celestia imagine that falseflagging.

I can just confirm the OP isn't a PCL, is a sick fuck in need of lulz. But this is what i know so far.

also for the crazy part, yes, i have a discord and I'm ashamed enough of using it. (y u do this)
Yes, the drawfags did a good job, again, showing more the spirit of /mlp/ versus the degens.
Let's hope this remains a nothingburger, that the degens will have enough of their new filly porn, fapping in their own shit. And the few who had the idea of mailing the parents the porn as a surprise package will consider their anonymity being compromised.
They may be retards but would not take the risk of causing IRL drama and see their info becoming public backfiring at them.

So, essentially it ends here. Let's bury this shit under a cubic ton of concrete and never talk about that ever again.
24838 24840
Oi, listen up you muppet, If you think harassing a family who've just lost their little girl is a laugh you've got to be a mong. Picture it was your own family, your sister, your daughter. How'd you feel, yeah? >Moralfag It ain't about being a saint. It's about empathy. Try to put yourself in their shoes, feel their pain. If someone did that to your family, you'd be grabbing a gun ahjd track em. So why on earth do you think it's alright to do it to someone else? This is MLPOL not /mlp/, We're supposed to be better than this. Show some bloody respect and decency for crying out loud. This isn’t just about morals again, it’s about being a decent human being, You faggots keep on this path, and there’ll be hell to pay.

You did good! Don't ever doubt about it!

Yep. But I'd like to know who really started this edgy faggy crap. Let this thread be the place to let more info surfacing shall we?

The family wasn't actually being harassed, dumbass. The entire thread was just some gooners whacking off and a couple of drawfags contributing art.
I don't know yet, let's hope not. The anon who commissioned me that was in dire need of filly porn revealed after a discussion his motives to mail them the porn images made so far, waiting for mine and a few more, probably from other artists.
So I explained to him about the risks and that I'm not playing his shit game, after posting a few unfinished fillers, then revealed what I was actually working on. (see image)
So what I said earlier, and confirmed in the OP, as soon the guy fucks up, and fulfill his narcissistic perversion, his identity will be disclosed to the competent authorities with evidence.

With or without that guy I would have made that pic anyways, and yes, it was keeping faith in humanity to see so many fanart of her vs edgy shit, so the OP got assblasted.
For the rest I have no idea, just taunt the guy like «we are watching you». He's probably got my info back but I don't care, I can certify so far he is fully vaccinated and really likes rainbows from his Facebook profile.
According to the experience in the Databyte thread however, no name or images will be posted on this board.

One thing I can confirm is that guy was not the OP. Different ones.

Calm down Joe, he's just drawing porn of a filly OC and that may not even be the author, just a degen.