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5490 5498 5626
I've been a proud member of this community for nearly four years, but I've come to realize that I know next to nothing about how the site is run, or who really runs it.
Let's have a general topic thread about this:
How many active mods are there on the /mlpol/ staff?
Who has administrative access to the /mlpol/ server? (the policy page is outdated; it mentions Fallenpinapple, and nobody has heard from him in years)
How exactly does /mlpol/ vet its staff members, and what process did the current staff go through to get there?
What powers and privileges to /mlpol/ staffers have over the workings of the site?
I too would also like a peak behind the curtain at this moment and the 4 days of silence is making me somewhat apprehensive. Please reply?
Nice dubs.
I been away for long but if i recall, mlpol has around 4 moderators and only one admin with access to the mainframe.
Moderators can do a lot, even edit the code of the site if allowed.
I don't think there's much else to add
I think /mlpol/ has a lot more than 4 mods. I think there's at least two admins by now.
I don't really know though. I kind of feel like it should be semi-public info.
Without going into details that arent mine to divulge, there were 3 admins, however one was removed from his position for 'targeting Nigel', and he has subsequently quit.
5494 5496
So that leaves Atlas, Pupper as admins, and Ninja and John Elway (aka Football) as mods?

Also would be interested to see some of the other info requested in the OP.
No, I'm the one who quit. Who's who beyond that isnt for me to say
Anon28 left his server some time last year (or was it 2019? Idk). He supposedly left the site as well.
Well, it seems as though there can't be that many active mods here, because it's well-passed the rule #2 day marker, and nopony has addressed thread.
What's going on up there?
## Admin
Pupperwoff is the site owner (with Atlas having more or less stepped back for personal reasons), and myself, John Elway, Stixfggt, Angrymob, and Equus are members of staff who are relatively active. I believe Pupperwoff and Equus have server access.

It should be noted that the very existence of this thread is in contradiction to statements made by (presumably) you to staff in Discord.
What statements are you referring to?
Also, when did Pupper become the site owner? I knew Atlas has been less-than-active for a while now, but I thought he was still the owner of the site.
>who are relatively active
So then, who else is there?
## Admin
5501 5502 5505
Something to the effect of "I'm not going to make a thread" and then you made one anyways. Those statements were to Pupperwoff, not myself.

Pupperwoff became owner sometime last year, with Atlas having announced the change to us sometime after it actually happened. he had been speaking about doing that for a while.

Also on staff are Kerning, who speaks and contributes on occasion, FallenPineapple, who speaks rarely, and The MareDoWell, who pops in a couple times a year and is not an active part of the staff. Atlas speaks on discord on occasion, but has stepped away from making decisions. Ninjas was on staff and was fairly active until three weeks ago, when he left the server and blocked us on discord without comment or statement.
That's not what happened, but okay
I made no such statement. You must be thinking of something else.
>Atlas having announced the change to us sometime after it actually happened.
When? I have been checking this site every day for the past 4 years (minus 3 weeks), and I never even once saw an announcement related to this. How could I have missed that?Isn't that kind of a big deal?
The policy page says Atlas is the owner of the site. Is that not up to date? What else has changed without us knowing?
This might warrant its own thread.
## Admin
Frankly I don't really know what happened. You were in the server on the 27th, not in there on March 1st, and I tried to message you but I got an error message that only occurs when blocked, or when the security settings on DMs are set to "friends only" and you're not a friend. I asked Lenos, he told me he didn't know, then Elway told us you sent him a message stating you quit. And that is the extent of my knowledge on the subject.

We don't wish to start unnecessary drama.
Bruh, this is a fucking pivotal transfer of power we're talking about. It was bound to be dramatic, but it's kind of really important for tranparency's sake. It's feeling even more dramatic now that this is the way we're learning about it.
If this happened "sometime last year" that should have been plenty of time by now. When were we supposed to know about this? Why wasn't the policy page updated?
I miss him.
5507 5512 5513
So my two cents as a new fag. As a string of happenstances I would be inclined to suspect hostile occult influences as a broad social attack upon the everyone that is against their global conquest.
As in we're caught in the splash zone of magic psychic warfare.
I'm still here, and I moonlight as staff by reporting posts and shit, but fuck what they got going on. Not gonna aire anyone's dirty laundry, but um,... yeah theres a dozen reasons I left
I'm lowkey freaking out about this.
>I'm still here
Glad to have you around Mr.
I agree. Even if I'm an outsider in this internal matter, I could and I feel the roadblocks for me personally.
5514 5515 5529
Pone of Love and Acceptance.png
The site is well bolstered against metaphysical attack, no need to be alarmed
Luv u 2 Fren, they cant get rid of me even with a permaban
## Admin
5517 5520 5538
Not really. Atlas delegated almost all power way back in August of 2017 (which was announced. Very publicly) and had only been less involved since, with there being many months of his making no appearance at all. Frankly this has been the de facto situation for years now, even if it wasn't official. You might recall a thread a few months ago where Atlas announced he had been locked out of discord for several months. We haven't made big announcements because /mlp/ is half "OH MY GOD THE FANDOM IS ALREADY DEAD STOP LIKING PONY RAAAAAA" and we don't really need hyperbolic reactions here. Atlas still comes around occasionally even if Pupperwoff owns the domain name and the server. All it really means is that we don't have to worry about the server going down for lack of payment.

The public policy page needs update, yes, but if we are going to update it we may as well rewrite the rules, which is a huge undertaking in itself, and it's hardly surprising it hasn't been touched much in several years.

Glad to have you too. I was worried you left completely. Hope you keep up with the audiobook.
>The site is well bolstered against metaphysical attack, no need to be alarmed
Everyponer get ready your incantations to help, just in case.
This is not okay.
If it's working fine, why to fix it?
>working fine
The point of the sight is supposed to be transparency with the community. If stuff this big goes on unannounced, it's not serving that purpose, and it is therefore not "working fine"
This is quite frankly a separeate topic from this mod thread that deserves its own discussion, so continue discussion in >>5516 → to avoid derailing this one.
>Atlas announced he had been locked out of discord for several months
Pretty sure I would have remembered that thread. Care to cite it?
Reiterating, go fuck yourself
Drama queen.
Call it what you like, I am downright pissed. This is an outrage.
I call you a good psyop player. But not for long faggot.
5525 5529
What psyop? Am I not right to be concerned when the freaking site ownership changes without my knowledge?
You are making a hurricane in a teapot.
Relax and enjoy yourself. You SJW behavior is not proper of a horsefucker.
Put yourself together, for Celestia' sake please.
5528 5529
>calm down, goy, you're overreacting
>No "true" horsefucker would spend three weeks reeeing at /qa/ over a mongolian horsewhispering forum
Nigger, I have been on this site almost every day since day one. I helped build this community, and it's more important to me than any other website. You can go and call me whatever names, but I am not about to let this slide, because I consider it a betrayal of my trust as a user.
At this point, I'm without words.
Yes, /mlpol/ is a bastion and strong hold.
However other places are not as protected*. That being said /mlpol/ and the community here is pretty damned well protected. As such the most the 'splash' is can do is by moving things and people in its thrall (aka SJW and various pathocrats).
Everything is okay Anon. The situation is as it has to be as the circumstances are for everyone.
Some things happen that occupy the mind more so than others. This haven continually becomes stronger. Thank you, and everyone for all you've done this is the Interesting Times prelude.
Good news is that poners are coming, bad news lots of asshole aliens.
## Admin
I tried to look for the thread in the archive, but could not find it. We probably deleted it. It happened recently, around January, when Atlas lost his discord login.
5534 5537
Uh huh. Its couldnt be that it never happened, by express insistence. No, it 'must have gotten deleted gosh'.
>Everything is okay Anon. The situation is as it has to be as the circumstances are for everyone.
I disagree.
Transparency is the most important policy of /mlpol/. It is the reason why we, the community, choose to do our horsefucking here instead of anywhere else. It's the promise that was made to the community upon the founding of the site; the social contract. The community designates mlpol.net as it's grazing space not because of the name, but because we trust that the staff will be transparent with us and let us know when they change shit around.
So no, everything is not okay. By the looks of it, it hasn't been okay for a while now.
Would you prefer "oopsie poopsie, we forgot accidentally may have sorta declined to post the thread, but tots planned to (cuz muh transparency matters, and horsefuckers cant be relied on to actually appreciate and respect change, no we gotta keep it a secret)"

Cuz THATS what happened
## Admin
It's this thread, https://mlpol.net/mlpol/296151 and it was indeed deleted. This happened on January 2.
>Not really. Atlas delegated almost all power way back in August of 2017 (which was announced. Very publicly
Oh no, he did not do that. He absolutely did not. He was very involved with the site up until maybe one-two years ago or so. In other words, you are full of shit. Also, where's the transparency, you double nigger? Aren't staff changes supposed to be publicly broadcast? Or is /mlpol/ staff full of ignorant newfags who never were around in 2017?
## Admin
5542 5549
>He was very involved with the site up until maybe one-two years ago or so
Well yes. He created the two admins back in August of 2017 to do most site managing, and he continued to intervene in a few things for some time after that. Around two years ago he mostly stopped intervening, and completely stopped around a year ago.

Because it was deleted.

So, the thread you claim was to provide transparency was deleted? When was it deleted?
To get this thread back on topic...

How exactly does the /mlpol/ staff make decisions? Is there some kind of vote or purality that needs to be met?
How do the /mlpol/ staff decide when and when not to disclose (((sensitive information))) to the community?
How are the standards of transparency, integrity and community input kept up? How are they enforced? How is accountability maintained?
How did the current members of the staff get where they are? What's their vetting process, and what standards do they need to meet?
It was not created to provide transparency. It was created by Atlas to try to speak to us in staff, because he lost his login to discord. We deleted it because it's a thread where Atlas stated he was the victim of a burglary, and that kind of private information doesn't need to stay up.
So what you're claiming was 'notice' was in fact Atlas trying to deal with his situation, and once notice had been deleted the site was to be aware of changes how?
5550 5551 5552
As an semi outsider, I would bring to everyponer's attention that to talk about the the inner workings of /mlpol/ is against OpSec.
Just saying.
>it was deleted
That's not much of an announcement then.
Yes, that argument has been raised. But where does one draw the line? Which is of primary importance? Better question, why cant there be a compromise in which anons get their info AND infosec is tended to?
Glow niggers can get clapped. This is supposed to be a site run by the community for the community.
This sounds like a lame excuse used to not follow staff rules.
5554 5555 5557
>But where does one draw the line?
Right here and right now.
OP has been way pushy to say the least and he is abusing /mlpol/'s good will.
OP is doing the right thing, unlike staff and people like you. Important stuff like this absolutely must not stay private.
Horse shit
As former staff, I can testify (though I havent, yet, at least not tangibly) that staff has taken liberties well beyond the professed intent of the site, per the policy that Atlas initially developed.
What do you mean abusing /mlpol/'s good will? Aren't the questions in the OP things that any site community should know? Is it not to the sites's benefit that the basic workings of the site be transparent. Isn't the reason this board exists for the sake of the community having the questions answered, and having their input taken into account?
/mlpol/ is not 4chins: /qa/ is supposed to be more than a bunch of autists screaming at a wall and posting pictures of corndogs. This board is supposed to be where policy is made.
5560 5562
In the current times OpSec has the utmost priority.
What you propose is to open a huge vulnerability in the name of to please some butthurts.
To hell with your narrow ego.
What fucking """current times""" call for staff rule #2 to be broken? What happened recently to warrant this?
We're not under constant attack by /jp/sies or GETsball faggots from /sp/ like we were a couple years ago. Nothing in the current climate warrants this level of secrecy.
And if there were some horrific, imminent threat that's so terrible it required the staff to throw its own standards of transparency out the window, I would very much like to know what that thing is.
## Admin
I'm claiming that Atlas posted about how he lost his discord login and had been gone for around two months.

It wasn't an announcement
>in current year
Nothing is lost by offering pseudonyms. Nothing is lost by exchanging pseudonyms. Nothing that wasnt already at threat from (((whoever))) has been made so by revealing that the site has been operating in conflict to its professed intent and the desires of the site owner who, by the way, surprise, has changed. As a user, this is unacceptable. As former staff, this is unconscionable. But go on, attempt to whitewash it under whatever guise.
5565 5568
>Nothing in the current climate warrants this level of secrecy.
>it required the staff to throw its own standards of transparency out the window
I have nothing to do with /mlpol/ staff, but the fact that you are looking for a pseudo "legal" ground to step on, says volumes about your future intentions and steps.
Troublemaker spotted.
I didn't say anything legal.
Also, what intentions?
5568 5570
/mlpol/ rules.
>what intentions?
Looking for troubles and stirring the nest.
What gain do you have from allowing staff to get away with blatantly breaking the policy?
Are you gonna be honest, or are you gonna keep moving the goalposts?
> You might recall a thread a few months ago where Atlas announced he had been locked out of discord for several months. We haven't made big announcements because /mlp/ is half "OH MY GOD THE FANDOM IS
>I'm claiming that Atlas posted about how he lost his discord login

Which one pertained to giving the site part and parcel?
The /mlpol/ rules are why the site is worth using. They are important.
>stirring the nest
Sometimes nests need to be stirred. This community is plenty resilient after everything it's been through.
5572 5573
>What gain do you have from allowing staff to get away with blatantly breaking the policy?
Okay, glad you state clearly the purpose of this thread.
It is an attempt to corner some staff for some past behavior you don't agree.
>purpose of this thread
You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. He's not even the OP, I am.
I made the thread. I asked some very basic and obvious questions about moderation. In the thread, I discovered something I deemed to be unacceptable, and now I'm pissed off.
>moving goalposts
Again, what do you have to gain from this? Shouldn't you be busy shilling on 4/pol/?
Different anon, anon, though I'll namefag for clarity
5579 5580
absolute disgust.png
>now he moved on stealing (ex-)staff member names
Either that, or just a victim of particularly bad timing
U want me to start dropping staff names irl, or will you accede that I am who I claim?
>self-addmitted newfag thinks he knows what qualifies as OpSec
Get dabbed-on, faggot.
5584 5586
Or I will just call you a faggot who's OK with staff breaking the policy.
img-2733315-1-171598 - animated brain_full_of_fuck catgroove twilight_spakle.gif

Didn't just just say it's okay for staff to break rule #2 for (((OpSec)))?
Staff breaking policy is one of many unresolved grievances I have. Having said, I am not OP and that's not what this thread is about.
Do try to stick to topic k?
That's what certain fags in this thread believe. These very same fags seem to be holding nothing sacred too and are not above impersonating staff, if they find it necessary.
Transparency is important.
And this discussion is really better off in >>5516 →
So, how exactly does the /mlpol/ staff make its decisions. As far as i've gathered, there are active mods and less active mods, a couple admins and an owner.
What's the decision-making process?
## Admin
5628 5632 5634
OP, if you are wondering why we aren't taking you more seriously, I will explain it to you.

You come off as extremely entitled, like you and you alone are the appointed savior of the site, and should have been Atlas's handpicked successor.

I am well aware that you have been trying to get on staff for more than a year now, having messaged every individual associated with staff except myself and my friend - you choosing to avoid me, I have to assume, because of some three year old grudge.

You told pupperwoff you "didn't want to [make a thread]" on why we haven't approved you to join staff, and then you made a thread about it anyways, as if our refusal to let you join staff were some kind of grievous injustice committed against the whole community that the community needs to be riled into revolt against. You've made three threads now.

Yes, I know you have put a lot of time into the site. Yes, I know you have been here since day 1. Yes, I know you have been here almost continuously since the beginning. But so have I. So has Pupper. In fact, Pupperwoff has written 32,400 lines of code not counting 15,565 lines of comments. And I'm certain that other posters in this thread besides you and I have also been here since the beginning, and put much time in it. Yet you act like you believe you are a specially appointed savior of the website to save the community from the evil, evil staff.

From where I am sitting, it looks like you are trying to find any justification to try to start a revolt against staff because you were not, yourself, made an admin. It's like you are upset that Atlas did not leave the site to you.

Obviously none of the above means that you haven't raised good points, as even motivated reasoning can sometimes lead to good conclusions. And of course you won't agree with any of the above. But please forgive us if it's hard to take your indignation seriously.
>implying this is about me
Nice ad homenim, faggot.
>you told pupperwoff you "didn't want to [make a thread]"
I indeed did say something similar to that on discord, but it was concerned with another topic entirely that I considered to be sensitive. This thread is unrelated to that. This thread is about public knowledge.
>it looks like you are trying to find any justification to try to start a revolt against staff
That's bullshit. I think the community deserves to know about these things. The questions I asked in the OP are quite frankly very basic questions that I thought should be public knowledge, but wasn't able to find out about through any other means. Tell me, where else am I, as a user, supposed to find this information?
Transparency is the reason why I've used this site for all these years, so when I hear about big things going on behind closed door, I get a little bit pissed.
Well, at this point...
>motivated reasoning
Solid argument you've got there. Real mature of you.
In all this, I just want my questions answered. Tat's what /qa/ is for. I don't think anybody should have to be on the staff just to know who owns the site or how its decisions are made, considering that the site policy is the reason why we trust this place with our freaking data. I've been patient. I've been formal. I've waited plenty long just to find out what the hell has been going on with this site that I care about so dearly, so please do forgive me if asking basic questions on the designated site issues board is even slightly more disruptive than trying to scrounge for bits of information by trying to ping dead accounts found in a dead server and praying for a potential reply.
I barely even knew what had happened to Atlas until now. The best hint I got was some weird posts on the (dead) public server that implied he'd lost his password. Oh do forgive me for being concerned what was going on with the site, and taking measures that you deem drastic just to find out how it's run, because it might damage the imagage of le sekrit OpSec cabal. It's not like I've got 4 years of doxxable info on this place.
The last two questions in the OP haven't even been answered yet.
Truth be told, there really is no formal method of communication with the mods for mods for mlpol.net except for /qa/. Any question about the site needs to be asked here, in public, if it's to ever be addressed.
Pinging the discord accounts in the "official" (dead) server doesn't work, and it doesn't do anything for Anons who don't use discord.
The emails stopped working years ago. I don't know if they ever worked.
>You've made three threads now.
You of all people should be able to see that at least one of those threads was started by a different person, come on.
## Admin
5642 5643 5786 5792
>trying to ping dead accounts
Or you could have, you know, messaged me, since you knew I was on staff, rather than testing Anon28, AngryMob, and whoever else.

>I barely even knew what had happened to Atlas until now
What happened to Atlas isn't your business. He told us in staff quite a few details because he considers us friends, but I don't think those details need to be posted in a location where they can be forever read by anyone who types the right words into Google.

>he last two questions in the OP haven't even been answered yet.
I was answering the questions going down the list, and then someone didn't like the answers and flipped out, trying to start site wide drama. Forgive me if the final two haven't been answered yet.

I'm not even sure what to say to "powers and privileges" besides pointing out who has server access. The new code doesn't really let us change much at all with an Admin account. There's not really much to say.

As for how staff is vetted, that is also hard to answer because of how few new staff have been added. The most recent hire was AngryMob last August (I think). He was recommended by Anon28 as his personal replacement. I knew that AngryMob had managed the /mlpol/ discord server for years. There was an "interview" with everyone on staff allowed to ask him questions, and his appointment to staff was unanimously consented to.

Well yeah. /qa/, the official server (yes, it still exists, and it's only 'dead' if you don't use it for its intended purpose). You can also DM members of staff on Discord.

My bad...
I haven't barely to Anon28 in two years since he left his /mlpol/ server to AngryMob. He ghosted nearly every /mlpol/ adjacent server since then.
>There was an "interview" with everyone on staff allowed to ask him questions, and his appointment to staff was unanimously consented to.
Huh, I guess that's the way it works then.
>You can also DM members of staff on Discord.
This is insufficient because it doesn't do anything for board users who do not use discord.
5789 5796 5805
Discord's pretty gay but what alternative is there? An email service?
The site should be a sufficient alternative
Simple enough to say, but all this was potentiate largely by staff ghosting OP for several years, under false pretenses of 'scheduling'. His salient argument is that staff has as little regard for users who don't suck their dicks as they do for inconvenient rules that are moot anyway because there is no one holding staff accountable for refusing to abide.
>There's not really much to say.
I think there's a lot to talk about.
What does the /mlpol/ staff even do? Deleting cheese pizza as it comes up is a given, but everything else from thereon out is really vague.
What internal policies/standards does the staff have for itself pertaining to how it handles the site? Are there rules for what constitutes as ethical use of staffing position? Any rules for what kinds of posts should be deleted? What kind of posters should be banned Aand when? When it's appropriate to edit someone's post to make it look like they're saying something else? Are rules 3-13 exhaustive when it comes to users free reign of content they can and cannot post? It appears as though staff rules #1-4 are open to interpretation, so I can only assume the same goes for user rules.
are there cases of mods here doing anything like that though? not doing much is a sign of a good system
There are indeed cases.
Matrix, if anyone is savvy enough to host a node.
5798 5800 5802 5808 5809
also, glad to see this site is just as much a shitshow as when I left lmao, keep up the good work lads
If the site were a lot bigger and more difficult to run I would be worried, but as a small semi-private community it seems to be doing well for itself. The "drama" is nothing compared to what trannies cause in communities they manage.
I mean it with all the sincerity I can muster, I've always loved this particular shit show most of all
Glad to see you as well, Sapphire
What calmed it is now. OP dried everypony's energy.
Oh, it's much worse now. All the people who actually remember the shit Lotus has pulled have mostly left, so he's free to pull all the sanctimonious revisionist history shit he likes
Matrix could be doable. I like that idea.
There were emails at some point, but it looks like they don't work.
Atlas was the one managing them, iirc.
I run a private one for myself and a few friends on our internal mesh, and I'm part of the poa.st one that popped up when all of the animetards got banned from twitter
It could be worth a shot. I think the board could benefit quite a bit from alternatives to discord when communicating with moderation, considering before this thread it wasn't even clear what the discord profiles of the staff even were to most users.
In the early days of this community, there was a lot of resistance to using discord at all. It proved to be a timesink that split the community and slowed down board traffic, and the offsite drama from the old /mlpol/ server (the now-defunct one that came before Anon28's server) caused problems when malignant non-/mlpol/ detractors like a certain sexually confused goat intentionally stirred on and off site drama in an attempt to divide the community and to spread rumors to scare away artists and contentfags, and caused so much unseen bullshit it pertetuated a culture of paranoia and secrecy that still echoes today.
Everyone benefits from transparency, not just in staff operations but all community concerns, and having better alternative mediums of communication would fix that for topics that that aren't necessarily best discussed on /qa/.
Although, imo, I personally think most meta/community-related topics are prime to be disccused right here and think it'd be to everyones benefit if this board had more active discussion about the site, but it seems as though there's also something alarmist about /qa/ that means other people don't share that opnion.
I haven't heard from you in a long time, if that's really you; I think not since your going away thread. You were admin back in the say, right? One of the oldest staff, iirc, considering I know you pre-date Elwaymod.
>just as much a shitshow as when I left
I think you left more than three years ago. What was going on with the staff back then?
John Elway
## Moderator
5811 5814 5816
d0c (1).png
Since it's clear that staff transparency is a point of concern for some people, I've decided to avail myself for questioning.

I've been on staff here since pretty much the beginning. I was hired (I think) within the first three weeks of April 2017, though I don't remember the exact date. Sapphire Star ( >>5797 ) nice to see you faggot, I was wondering what had happened to you did my interview and can confirm this. I don't remember literally every single detail, but I've been privy to just about everything that's gone on here since that time and am willing to open myself up for an AMA.

So, if anyone has any questions, fire away. Full disclosure; anything that isn't going to dox someone or compromise the site is fair game. I will answer honestly to the best of my memory and knowledge.
I actually just finished making a thread concerning misleading/unlear statements on the policy page before I saw this. The thread is here >>5810 →
Who is your favourite poner?
fuck it, its been too long. Believe me or not, I really don't care.
Rock horse is best horse, and my friend threw a brick at Atlas once.

regarding where I've been, after mlpol I took a hiatus from the internet, eventually quit discord, started a matrix server for a few friends, fucked around RW anime twitter for a while, and followed everyone from there onto pleroma/fediverse recently.
5819 5825
Huh I guess the staffing really has changed quite a bit since the site was founded.
That actually raises its own questions though:
If the staffing has changed overtime, on what basis do the past and current staff vet new ones into the system? How do the staff ensure that the climatev remains transparent and consistent with the values of the /mlpol/ community?
From what I've gathered, I think there's an element of seniority involved, but I don't really know if that's the case...

Also, based Milo shoop.
John Elway
## Moderator
5818 5822
Since we've already got multiple threads on what essentially amounts to the same topic, I'd prefer to keep questions concentrated in this thread. You clearly wrote quite a bit of text there, so if you'd like to copypaste it here I won't mind and will address whatever I can in it.

Well, this thread was really meant to be about how the staff operates itself, but got derailed when the owenership changed was revealed. The other thread is concerned with the policy page, unrelated to the happening thread about ownership changing without notice. I guess they're related in a way though.
The policy thread is also a list of questions I've been meaning to make threads about for a very long time, but was too lazy to actually ask until revelations about the page effectively lying to the community called everything I believed aout the site into question; it's also there because I think if the policy page is to be changed, the board should decide how it changes.
if the questions raised are "why did everyone fucking leave" its very likely one part the fandom dying, one part moving on to other things in life, one part internal drama, and one part stress, though I guess with the site much more under the radar the last bit doesn't apply so much
I haven't really been paying attention to the site, if I'm being honest. I read through the thread and honestly I'm not surprised that this thread happened, nor am I much surprised to hear the events leading up to it happened.
5830 5843 5846
The questions were:
(with regard to rule #2)
>What exactly is the staff's standard of transparency in regards to what the board deserves to know?
>What kinds of information are considered to be open to the community?
>How is the standard of transparency maintained and enforced, and what is the decision making process for revealing something or leaving it secret?
>What members of staff are responsible/accountable for making sure that the operations and issues concerning /mlpol/'s structure and community are disclosed to the public?
>On what basis is the community able to confidently trust that the staff is being honest and transparent with them, and how are users able to confirm this other than taking the policy page at face value?
>Does the /mlpol/ staff consider it necessary to inform the community about big changes in staffing, policy, ownership of the board or operations before they occur, or only after the matter?
>In the event that it occurs, do the staff have any policies concerning "sensitive" information deemed too risky to expose? (perhaps things such as personal information and doxxable data)
(with regard to the enforcement of all staff rules)
>How exactly does the /mlpol/ staff discipline itself?
>Are there degrees by which staff consider and account for alleged misconduct?
>Who is/are the final arbiter(s) for considering if/when actions by the staff violate the letter or spirit of the rules?
>How can the users of the board confidently trust that staff are accountable for inappropriate behavior?
(with regard to rule #3)
>Aside from merely using the board, how are the staff able to ensure that their decisions represent the will of the community?
>How, and through what mediums, does the staff make sure that community considerations are taken into account and fascilitate user input?
>On what matters is community consideration deemed to be necessary in decision making?
>How often does the staff seek out direct user input on matters of any kind?

Thread here >>5810 →

I deleted that last post because I thought I had misinterpretted the sarcasm.
>quit discord
lowkey based
I'll save my hardcore masturbation over federated social media and just say that there are alternatives to the social platforms you barely tolerate, and if you have someone skilled to manage your instance, you'll even find you like them
John Elway
## Moderator
5826 5828 5834 5837
>on what basis do the past and current staff vet new ones into the system?
Frankly it's a little disorganized these days. To be even more frank it's always been disorganized; it's just gotten to be more so lately. We've lost most of the original mods we had way back when, but we've had the same basic core group for several years now and we haven't really felt the need to do much hiring as we're all pretty much used to each other and know each other. If anything, we probably have more staff than we really need. We did take on a new guy recently, AngryMob. Usually the vetting process involves a voice interview on Discord, but the problem is that everyone has to be available at the same time, which has gotten harder and harder to coordinate. AngryMob was actually interviewed when I was not present. As far as what we vet people on, again there isn't a set battery of questions, we mostly just talk to them, ask them about their history with the site, political views, favorite pony, and so forth, and if they feel like a good fit we usually try them out.

>How do the staff ensure that the climatev remains transparent and consistent with the values of the /mlpol/ community?
Some of the concerns that have been brought up about transparency are reasonable, and I can understand people's concerns. A lot of drama goes on behind the scenes with staff that has often led to people being fired, ragequitting, regular quitting, being promoted and/or demoted, and most of the time we don't announce anything about it because it doesn't really have any practical effect on site operations and frankly most of it isn't that interesting. Probably 95% of the shit that staff fight about is interpersonal drama that has nothing to do with the site.

The site being transferred from Atlas to Pupper for example was, in retrospect, probably something we ought to have made an announcement or something about, but it really was a fairly mundane event. We can certainly try to be more transparent about things like that in the future, if people are concerned, but it basically was just a handoff from one person to another within the same team, not some huge transfer of ownership like moot selling 4chan to hiro. It was basically just transferring the server from Atlas, who founded the site, to Pupper, who wrote the bulk of its code and already had admin credentials and was therefore the sensible choice.

>From what I've gathered, I think there's an element of seniority involved, but I don't really know if that's the case...
Staff roles were fairly rigid in the early days, we had the Titan role which was held by Atlas, an Admin role I think, a Head Moderator role that was held by Sapphire Star and then Lotus I think, then a Moderator role and a Janitor/Scruffy role. At this point, though, the roles still exist but are basically meaningless. Everyone on staff has the same powers as far as the site code is concerned, with the only significant exception being Pupper, because he has access to the actual server. There have been some minor shuffles and squabbles over who technically has what title, but in practical terms we're all more or less equal and there's not much of an internal chain of command. I actually have completely lost track over what my "role" is at this point and to be perfectly honest I don't give a shit; my role in the Discord server has been "Shitposter General" since time immemorial so that's how I think of myself. Mostly I just mod the board and weigh in if I have an opinion on something that is being discussed.

The policy page has not been updated in years, and you're right; it probably should be changed and it probably should be a community decision. That can certainly all be discussed.
>Staff roles were fairly rigid in the early days, we had the Titan role which was held by Atlas, an Admin role I think, a Head Moderator role that was held by Sapphire Star and then Lotus I think, then a Moderator role and a Janitor/Scruffy role.

Atlas took on the Titan role pretty early on but it wasn't anything special other than the name, he was still admin with the perms that went with it, with the obvious (off-site) addition of him having the root password.
I held Head Moderator and then admin, head moderator went away after that promo (I don't think there was anything different other than head mod was purple and admin was red)
I think pineapple had a lead dev role when he was doing all the site coding
>alternatives to the social platforms you barely tolerate
Truth is, I not really into social media altogether, or not any of the popular normie patforms. Chansites were the closest thing to social media I eer used for a while.
I made a discord for /mlpol/-related puposes, and only really kept using it in an attempt to try to maintain communication with the site staff, and later as a means to find and encourage contentfags across the fandom and some minor hobby-related stuff. I'm very much open to alternative platforms, but most of all I prefer chanlike boards where I can stay anonymous and shitpost freely.
>At this point, though, the roles still exist but are basically meaningless.
That is one thing I was able to gather from my clawing at discord. Apparently the staff uses a discord server for the bulk of its communications, and some have said things about there being "too many roles".

So, if the staff are basically all equal in their capacities, how do they really make decisions? Is it like a simple majority thing where they vote in planned sessions? From what I've understood, the staff have some challenges in making decisions because it's difficult to get most of the staff online at once to even talk about things, let alone make decisions.
John Elway
## Moderator
5831 5836
>What exactly is the staff's standard of transparency in regards to what the board deserves to know?
I wish I had an official-sounding clear cut answer I could give you, but we really don't have a standard "X is public info, Y is private info" internal policy we could pull out and show you. This is pretty much a homebrew operation run by lazy anons who suck at organizing things. We changed servers once as I recall, and I am fairly certain it was announced. Anything major that could affect posting, like moving the server to another country, transferring ownership to an unknown/third party, selling ads, things like that, we would definitely be upfront about.

>What kinds of information are considered to be open to the community?
Again, basically if anything huge happened we would tell you. Internal bickering, which accounts for the vast majority of role changes and such, we usually don't publicize.

>How is the standard of transparency maintained and enforced, and what is the decision making process for revealing something or leaving it secret?
Honestly? We handle it the same way we handle just about everything that needs to be decided. We argue about it, sometimes call each other names, and if we're at all lucky an actual decision gets made. It's usually sort of an informal consensus.

>What members of staff are responsible/accountable for making sure that the operations and issues concerning /mlpol/'s structure and community are disclosed to the public?
There is no designated person for this. Issues that would fall under this category rarely come up.

>On what basis is the community able to confidently trust that the staff is being honest and transparent with them, and how are users able to confirm this other than taking the policy page at face value?
In addition to taking the policy page at face value, you can also take our word at face value. This is the internet, we are all anonymous, and you have no more real reason to trust us than you would trust anyone else online. However, I will show you something. Are you watching? Here:
## Titan
5832 5836
Disregard everything, I suck cocks.
## Titan
5833 5836
Every person currently on staff can use any name and any capcode they want. I can impersonate Atlas if I want. I could go through the catalog and delete every single thread if I want. I think I can even add and remove boards if I want; I don't remember if Pupper removed that power or not. I could do all sorts of silly mischief on this site, and there would be literally no consequences beyond losing my unpaid volunteer position on a message board so conceptually ridiculous that most people I know wouldn't even believe me if I told them that it exists and that I'm a mod on it. I don't do any of this mischief because I have no reason to; I am here because I care about the retarded love child of /mlp/ and /pol/ and I want to see it succeed. The other anons on staff are the same. You can trust us because we have literally nothing to gain by lying to you.

>Does the /mlpol/ staff consider it necessary to inform the community about big changes in staffing, policy, ownership of the board or operations before they occur, or only after the matter?
Staffing changes we usually don't announce. Sometimes individuals like to make an announcement when they become staff or when they leave, but it's entirely up to the individual. We could probably make an official roster of who is on staff at any given time if that would make people more comfortable.

Official policy hasn't really changed since the inception of the board. Any major changes would likely involve a thread on the board and an actual discussion. There have been some discussions about convening a formal thread to rewrite the rules but nothing has ever come out of it. If you guys like, we could probably do something like that; I think we're still using the rules that were written in 2017 for the original 4/mlpol/.

Ownership of the board has only been transferred once from Atlas to Pupper as far as I can recall; again, we mostly keep internal staff rearrangements internal, but if it's a huge concern we can probably make that some of that information more public.

>In the event that it occurs, do the staff have any policies concerning "sensitive" information deemed too risky to expose? (perhaps things such as personal information and doxxable data)
I think we've had some instances where people posted dox or potentially self-incriminating things in the past. When we see it, we usually delete the post and give the user a NiceNotice or a Warning that explains why the post was deleted. Like most moderation decisions, it's usually just whoever notices it takes care of it; if there's any question as to whether or not the post ought to be deleted, they can bring it up in the staff discord or use their judgement.

I'll get to the rest of these in a sec.

I remember Pineapple as Lead Dev, the role went to Pupper eventually. Pineapple is still on staff, he just doesn't play much of an active role and rarely checks in.
John Elway
## Moderator
Whoops. Now I'm me again.
>A lot of drama goes on behind the scenes with staff that has often led to people being fired, ragequitting, regular quitting, being promoted and/or demoted, and most of the time
See, this is actually kind of important to me. For at least 3 or even 4 years I've been developing horrible vague suspicions about internal drama with the staff that none of the site users had access to. It always worried me and made me antsy.
>we don't announce anything about it because it doesn't really have any practical effect on site operations and frankly most of it isn't that interesting. Probably 95% of the shit that staff fight about is interpersonal drama that has nothing to do with the site.
See, I kind of disagree there. The actual mechanics of the site may be independent from the daily canter of the community, but who runs the site is still important to the community itself. I feel like users deserve to know who's hands they're in, what said hands are doing, and who the next person is if hands change. If things happen that are significant enough to result in changes in staff or firings, that really sounds like something that users should be able to know about.
>In addition to taking the policy page at face value, you can also take our word at face value.
Yeah, and I did that for 4 years, but then there was this whole thing about the page accurrately representing the ownership of the board, so that's become less than reassurring...
>our word
Well it's not like anyone until 2 days ago said anything so there wasn't any word to take.
>you have no more real reason to trust us than you would trust anyone else online
Yeah, that illustrates it really well.
I think the foundation of the trust that the community puts in the site is really backed by nothing except transparency itself, which is why it's so important.
>it's always been disorganized
>Usually the vetting process involves a voice interview on Discord, but the problem is that everyone has to be available at the same time, which has gotten harder and harder to coordinate.
Yeah, that is indeedpretty disorganized...
its slightly better than it was, where we all got into a non-voice chat and just bullied people for 30 minutes and if they weren't faggots about it they were in
5841 5843
Use your pony senses anon. They are more accurate than a written contract.
My pony senses are tingling.
5845 5846
I have a question for OP
How many times has Lotus 'someone on staff' fundamentally edited your posts, deleted them outright, derailed/raided one or more of your threads, or banned you for posts/content that has nothing to do with any rules for the site?
Elway, same question, pertaining to OP.
John Elway
## Moderator
5844 5855
>So, if the staff are basically all equal in their capacities, how do they really make decisions? Is it like a simple majority thing where they vote in planned sessions? From what I've understood, the staff have some challenges in making decisions because it's difficult to get most of the staff online at once to even talk about things, let alone make decisions.
This is actually something that has become more of a problem lately. How things get decided tends to vary from situation to situation; again, it's mostly sort of an informal consensus process.

However, I'll balance this out by saying that the overwhelming majority of things that get discussed have very little to do with actual site operations, and there are few mission-critical issues that even need to be decided in the first place. The site really doesn't require that much actual moderation these days; it's mostly just deleting botspam.

>See, this is actually kind of important to me. For at least 3 or even 4 years I've been developing horrible vague suspicions about internal drama with the staff that none of the site users had access to. It always worried me and made me antsy.
It really is a lot less interesting than you think it is. The Discord staff chat is probably 95% shitposting, with the remaining 5% fluctuating between actual mod discussion and the occasional argument over something relatively dumb. Most of the time things are pretty chill; then once and awhile something will happen that gets everyone pissed off at each other, then it's chill again.

If you have any questions about any specific event I will do my best to provide whatever details I can.

>See, I kind of disagree there. The actual mechanics of the site may be independent from the daily canter of the community, but who runs the site is still important to the community itself. I feel like users deserve to know who's hands they're in, what said hands are doing, and who the next person is if hands change. If things happen that are significant enough to result in changes in staff or firings, that really sounds like something that users should be able to know about.
Fair point, and again we can probably post some kind of staff roster and update it every time someone joins or leaves, if you really want to know who is on staff and who more or less does what. Making big bold site announcements every time someone gets hired or fired seems a bit overdramatic, but we can probably maintain a public list if you guys want.

>(with regard to the enforcement of all staff rules)
>How exactly does the /mlpol/ staff discipline itself?
When Atlas was in charge he would just summarily fire people if there was sufficient cause, and then summarily hire them back if they asked nicely enough. The most egregious disciplinary event that occurred during the site's history was a single mod who went rogue and deleted a bunch of threads; that event was quite public and I think is pretty well documented. That sort of thing, obviously, is clear grounds for immediate dismissal, but again it's not much of a problem these days as we have a consistent group of people who have been with the site for some time now. If anyone else was planning to do anything destructive they would have done so by now.

At present, Pupper has control of the site at a technical level and controls access to moderator privileges, so if it were really necessary to remove someone's credentials it would be done by him.

>Are there degrees by which staff consider and account for alleged misconduct?
It's all handled pretty much organically and it depends on the situation and the misconduct.

>Who is/are the final arbiter(s) for considering if/when actions by the staff violate the letter or spirit of the rules?
Initially, Atlas. Since he's been gone it's been less clear; again, it usually just depends on the situation. There have been some efforts to establish a more formalized power structure but nothing super-dependable has come up. At one point we had a loose structure consisting of Pupper in some kind of final boss role, with myself and two other staff holding arbitrary Admin titles that could vote on major decisions. It proved a bit too complicated to be tenable.

Again, if someone does something that is a clear violation of rules or an abuse of power Pupper would likely just remove their mod powers and that would be that. If there's some question of whether or not the situation warrants that level of action there would likely be some group discussion of it.

>How can the users of the board confidently trust that staff are accountable for inappropriate behavior?
See my earlier post regarding trust.

>Use your pony senses anon. They are more accurate than a written contract.
This is actually pretty much my philosophy on how the site should be run most of the time.
>This is actually pretty much my philosophy on how the site should be run most of the time.
As long as the mind is balanced, they won't let you down.
OP here: I really did not want to bring that up, because it is is not what the thread is supposed to be about, and I don't consider /qa/ to be a place to discuss personal complaints but systemic ones; but since he had the gall to claim that the four basic questions in the OP constitute as a """personal vendetta""" or trying to cause a """rebellion""" just to discredit any attempt at transparency, I will just go ahead and say that it's more times than I can really count. Sometimes hundreds of times in a single day if I had the gall to try to post something else similar that he didnt like.
John Elway
## Moderator
>(with regard to rule #3)
>Aside from merely using the board, how are the staff able to ensure that their decisions represent the will of the community?
Telekinesis. Apart from that, we'd just ask, or anyone could just bring it up. What I'm doing now is basically in the interest of that; if the community feels there is some kind of disconnect or lack of trust between us and you, you're always welcome to voice those concerns to us. We don't want to be your adversary. Most of us are also on Discord as well, and are members of all the main mlpol servers under recognizable names. If for whatever reason you would rather use that method of communication than the board, the MLPOL.net Official Server would probably be the best way to get our attention, either that or PM. I generally accept anyone from the community who PMs me or sends me a friend request. I also run movie night, and there is a chat room there. There are ample opportunities for anyone in the community to get hold of just about any staff member they have a crush on and whisper any sweet nothings they like.

>How, and through what mediums, does the staff make sure that community considerations are taken into account and fascilitate user input?
See above.

>On what matters is community consideration deemed to be necessary in decision making?
Up to you, really. We rarely make any huge changes, and if we wanted to do something huge we'd likely make a thread about it first. If we did something without asking and you considered it to be huge enough that we should have asked, you can bring it up with us and we will respond. That is literally what is taking place right now.

>How often does the staff seek out direct user input on matters of any kind?
If there's something we feel concerns the community as a whole we ask, however there really hasn't been much of that lately. The most recent board-changing event that's taken place has been the switch from the old code based on vichan to the custom code written by Pupper, and he has kept everyone pretty up to date on everything going on there.

Some decisions that arguably affected the community, such as the addition of new boards, were made impulsively or without input. For instance, /sp/ was created for fun by Pupper and myself one night, and /a/ literally just exists because Atlas popped into chat one day and said "hey @everyone let's make an anime board." /ub/, as I recall, was made through a lengthy deliberative process that involved voting or something; I remember a thread about it. The process was actually fairly tedious as I recall. /cyb/ was also another of Atlas' pet projects, /vx/ I believe was suggested by Lotus, /1ntr/ just sort of appeared one day; I have literally no idea where they came from but they're chill ass niggers so who cares. Users are free to suggest any site feature/modification they would like to see, or voice any concerns they might have, through the channels listed above or by posting on the site.

>pertaining to OP
If Lotus or 'someone on staff' fundamentally edited any of OP's posts, deleted them outright, derailed/raided one of more of his threads, or banned him for posts/content that had nothing to do with any rules for the site, I'm not personally aware of it. Thus, my direct answer to your question, I suppose, would be 0 times. This sounds like a rather specific complaint.

I can say that in general, editing posts is not supposed to be done except in extreme situations where it is called for, for instance if a user posted potentially damaging personal info about themselves. Like all mod functions, the edit post function is available to moderators but subject to responsible use. Arbitrary post deletions or banning a user without cause would be an abuse of mod privileges, assuming there was reasonable evidence that the decision had been made arbitrarily. Derailing a thread or raiding it might be shitty behavior, but whether or not it would constitute an abuse of staff powers would probably depend on how and why it was done, and whether staff powers were actually used in some unfair way. I will freely admit to having used shitposty methods to derail silly threads and will defend this as a valid moderation technique; but again, like all staff powers, it's subject to responsible use.
5849 5850
If someone wanted to discuss targetted abuse of staff powers that weren't necessarily related to the rest of the site, where would they go to complain?
John Elway
## Moderator
If someone feels they are being directly singled out or targeted by a particular staff member and don't feel comfortable posting about it on the board, the easiest method would be to contact a neutral staff member via Discord and bring up the complaint with them. I suppose I can volunteer myself as a goto for this sort of thing: `Figuratively John Elway#2903` They should be prepared to offer some kind of tangible proof of whatever the allegation is, if they want it taken seriously. They can create a throwaway Discord account if they don't like using Discord. Maybe we can set up a protonmail or something as a complaint box as well. I can't promise results, but we can certainly look into allegations of staff misconduct. I'm starting to feel like a high school counselor or HR manager or something.
5851 5853 5854
>If someone wanted to discuss targetted abuse of staff powers
Knock it off.
You're typing like you are an endlessly abused victim, that the psycho staff is out to get you.
Rip off the mask from your face and confess, you want a crack where to slip your bitterness and to cause harm, and that is wicked. In psychological term you are gaslighting your victims to get concessions which will be used to wide your range of demands.
Anon, do not put words in my mouth. I also do not want to discuss it here, because it's not about me, or (You). I'd prefer to talk about it in private.
Or public. Whichevers most convienient. I don't really give a fuck anymore so long as I can finally get answers.
>abused victim
On this board, over the years, I witnessed a lot of staff behavior that I dismissed at the time because I assumed they only ever happened to me. Now I have begun to worry that they weren't just directed at me, but other users as well in a site-wide, systemic fashion. If that really is the case, I do not think it is appropriate to remain silent about them.
>wide your range of demands
What are you even talking about? What "demands" have been posted to this thread that sound like they could be anything personal, let alone harmful? Is transparency that frightening to you?
>Fair point, and again we can probably post some kind of staff roster and update it every time someone joins or leaves, if you really want to know who is on staff and who more or less does what. Making big bold site announcements every time someone gets hired or fired seems a bit overdramatic, but we can probably maintain a public list if you guys want.
This sounds like a doable compromise. It would mean that the information is available to the community, even if it's discreet.
Look I believe, but not 100% sure, it happened to me that the mod was in a bad mood. However, because I'm not a faggot to screech for silliness, I let it go.
Take in count I am not kissing the mods' asses, I just understand that there's a hierarchy in place needed to make the place to run smoothly = Mods are Gods. Period.
So, the method to go along is simple, if the mods says of tip you about something, just follow the advise and that's it.
>Is transparency that frightening to you?
No transparency, but rigid goalpost that can be used by faggots to gain a beachhead. Fuzzy rules allow the management a relaxed handling of faggotry. At the same time also it loosen up the users by allowing fun.
>However, because I'm not a faggot to screech for silliness, I let it go.
See, I thought this exact same thing, but only because I thought nobody else was the target of it. Now I am beside myself that all of that was directed towards other site users. I can only imagine how many of our previous artists and contentfags go frustrated and left forever because they were treated like shit, how much board traffic may have suffered because one person was in a bad mood, and it makes me sick.
Ahem, I said "silliness" and NOT 100% sure, therefore don't dare to use it like support for screeching. Leave that for faggots.
I'm not talking about "silliness"...
5865 5866 5867 5868
I notice the discussion suddenly stopped and all boards are dead. Is because everypony moved to Discord?
>all boards are dead
Wym? Theres been a good number of news/fun posts all morning
I think it's because Elway did a really good job of honestly answering all those questions one by one so some anons are satisfied.
Also Anons have jobs/school too, and the boards aren't any more dead than usual.
The spirit is willing but the body is weak.
OP here. Most of my questions for the topic of the OP (moderation and staffing) have been answered for the time being, and much has been clarified which has helped to put me at relative peace. I think the discussion of the other topics raised in this thread would be better off in their own respective threads, such as the happening of the site ownership changing without announcement, the site's difficulties related to transparency, or the how the policy page needs to be changed. Right now I'm just absorbing the rammifications of what I just heard and considering what I think if them, what else there is to say, and what the next step is.
I think it's been well established by now that discord is not the best way to discuss site-related matters, or really any way at all. That's it's own topic though, which could probably be continued here considering it relates to how to contact the staff as well as transparency and user input.
>and much has been clarified which has helped to put me at relative peace
So, I understand you are going to give a chance to Friendship.
Friendship was the objective from the beginning, lol
For good measure
>No staff member shall use the information he obtains in his position on staff for personal gain, lulz, or to harass/humiliate a user or other staff members
>The information of the users is sacred and shall not be used outside of needs by administration, we don't even have access to IP addresses from the users, we keep no logs, not even error logs, outside of what the website provides us directly.
>Using information for any purpose, including selling to others, data mining for malicious purposes, or for any reason are grounds for immediate removal from staff position, permanent banning from the site, and if the offense is serious enough, main staff will cooperate with law enforcement
Hoof down every line written.
If only any of it were true. Shall I detail the laundry list of failure to abide by that policy?
5888 5892
>failure to abide
/mlpol/ is running fine.
Only you cares, I wonder why.
Mlpol has been operating outside its professed intent for a very long time. The highlighted section is but a part of it.
Do you have any proof, anon?
OH yeah. And had staff adequately addressed the issue prior, this all could have been avoided. But no, as is par for the course, decisive individuals decided to pretend it didn't happen and assume it would go away. It wont go away.
Not sure what actually this is about, because the stated reasons don't have enough merit for such a overblown push for "clear rules"
Anyway, can we be friends again?
To: Any Anon
Subject: RETWD
Gaze upon this sequence, backwards, inversely and fowards.
Sincerely, Anon