Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread.
What are the bump limits for each board?
379 replies and 101 files omitted.
>>7787Should not take that long. But might be a month or two until I get time to add it (but I will see if I get to do it earlier).
I miss the meme spamming.
>>7867Nobody else does. Did you know that?
>>7868Kinda, I had some feedback before.
>>7868Ok, I go to study C meantime.
>>7869Most anons probably wouldn't care if you chose higher quality content instead of spamming recycled faceboomer memes. Otherwise, it shits up the site and makes it a pain in the ass to find decent kahntent. May as well hang out with the bots, feds, and discord trannies on 4cuck at that point.
Just some constructive criticism, Anon.
Can we range ban Vietnam? That's where all the CP spam is coming from.
While we are at it could we also range ban Israel?
>>7957You know what proxies and VPNs are. Right?
>>7957Pupper can give you a better and more technical answer, but my understanding is that because we hash user IPs we are unable to rangeban. If we stopped hashing IPs we would be able to cut down on the spam, but it would also mean that there would be a record of every user's posts that could be correlated to a real IP and potentially expose the user, in the event that the site was ever compromised or the Feds demanded our logs, or something like that. Basically it's a tradeoff between convenience and security.
>>7959I'm a mod on another board and we get the same spam as any other of similar size and software, and as far as I can tell there's no consistent pattern in the IPs that post short women pix. The third world countries from which this spam comes that didn't get real internet going until recently don't have large sequential ranges for their ISPs, but rather a scatter of random leftover IPs. The only thing all the IPs do have in common though is what
>>7958 suggests; our lookup system says the IPs that post the pizza are all registered in a VPN database. So even if rangebans were possible, it wouldn't do much to quell the spam.
>>7960>>7959Imo, the only way to control CP spam is to fill gaps in active moderation, either by appointing more mods or by having the existing mods divide their workloads/hours more efficiently. There is quite visibly a "graveyard shift" in the late evening and early morning where CP lingers for hours because mods are asleep; if there were at least mod active at that time every night it wouldn't stay up.
Short question.
The post
>>>/sp/21367 → might actually belong to the Garbage Can thread at
>>>/mlpol/362938 → but given that that thread is not wanted, then I didn't bump it and posted at /sp/ instead.
So, is that fine?
>>7964/sp/ is a shitpost board. It doesn't matter what gets posted there.
Gentlecolts, I was thinking about how much energy you engaged to oppose me yesterday, pretty impressive indeed. So I'll retreat for a while to give (you) some breathing room and time to temper your animosity.
>>7979Kindly don't pretend to act retarded or illiterate.
>>7980I knew it that my intentions would be misconstrued!
Well, be well and calm down, in the end, everypony has the right to shitpost, remember that.
>>7981Execution could use work. /mlpol/ is a high quality site.
The intentions to increase post count via adversarial techniques isn't sustainable.
Riveting engagement using observations, shitposts, humor and questions do work.
And this is like the friendly mono-'ethnic' horspainter enthusiast neighborhood of chat sites, high quality no redditards or shills or jdf in sight amidst a people would engage intellectually with intellectual posts.
>>7982>The intentions to increase post count via adversarial techniques isn't sustainable.Yes, it works pretty well for a while, but I see the exhaustion.
>>7979>I'll retread for a while>>7981>two hours laterWelcome back
>>7985You have to admit that was funny.
>>7979Stop making these announcements every time you leave to touch grass.
If you're gonna make this thread about your ego too, then let's rename it to /FTDDTOT/.
>>7785Working on the link disabling in JS (or rather turn links to clickable links).
Going to need some extra work to get Media embedding working in conjunction as I for some reason were transforming links to clickable when generating the pages and not using JS (I probably had some reasoning behind it when I did it). So I am changing how it is done on backend and moving the link generation to frontend.
But just wanted to give update that it should be done in not too long, I just have to do some testing and hopefully not too many areas will be affected by moving link transforming to frontend (javascript).
>>8019Super, thanks Pupper.
using No JS by only using the backend sounds like a feature for older browsers... As in positively ancient or esoteric ones.
So, are y'all gonna ban/404-prompt me - again - if I start arguing that horsefuckers are de-facto furries?
Like last time?
>>8268Hi Ninjas.
That would be low-key bait, but I don't think it's against the rules.
>>8268Maybe phrase the OP as a question, so that it opens the floor to debate.
And if you think it's too shitposty from /mlpol/, /sp/ should be fair game. They let the resident boomer post his general threads there.
>>8270It WAS /sp/,....
>tips fedora
>>8268>So, are y'all gonna ban/404-prompt me - againHeh, no wonder this site is dead. If the dissenters are gagged and banished... /s
BTW, this is not an endorsement of furries or their degeneracy.
>>8272In fairness, it (the ban/404) was evidently temporary. Additionally, as assholes are concerned I AM exceptional, both historically (wrt site) and generally. While not excusable, the decision was understandable.
Why spamming /sp/ is allowed with threads that are clearly posted to cause disruption? Is board sabotage funny perhaps?
Another question. Is the responsible already banned? I don't see the management taking action at all, the threads are still up, like they were posted by it.
>>8277I’m assuming you’re talking about the guy posting all the Hi Anon threads.
If he were doing the same thing on the main board the threads would be deleted. /sp/ is generally a looser board more conducive to funposting. Also, the only active threads there at present are a random meme dump thread, a random link dump thread, and a mildly entertaining troll thread about whether or not horsefuckers are furries. No huge loss if any of that junk gets bumped out of the catalog.
> Is the responsible already banned?No.
>>8278>I’m assuming you’re talking about the guy posting all the Hi Anon threads.Yes.
>Is the responsible already banned?>No.The responsible by posting simultaneous multiple threads obviously looks to mess the catalog up. That is not fun posting, but it has a clear malicious intent. He did it before at /mlpol/ and after killing that board is doing it now at /sp/ where most of the action is happening.
>>8279> The responsible by posting simultaneous multiple threads obviously looks to mess the catalog up.Again, there’s not much going on there that he can mess up. /sp/ is basically this site’s /b/, it’s designed to be anarchic and all threads should be viewed as temporary.
> He did it before at /mlpol/ and after killing that board is doing it now at /sp/ where most of the action is happeningIt happened once before on /mlpol/ to my recollection. As I explained, on that board the quality control is tighter, so the threads he posted were either deleted or moved. It did not “kill the board” or even have much of an effect; the issue was dealt with and that was that.
> That is not fun posting, but it has a clear malicious intent.I can’t speak as to the user’s intent, but I can confirm he is a regular site user and not an invader causing trouble. Again, since this behavior took place on /sp/, it’s not really breaking any rules or causing serious trouble, so I see no reason for staff action here.
>>8277>Why spamming /sp/ is allowed"Spam" threads like HI ANON have been native /sp/ content since its conception. It's only in recent years that it's become full of e-celeb threads, generals and other dubiously policy-legal threads.
>>8279>obviously looks to mess the catalog upNow the catalog has ponies on it. Instead of completely-dead non-pony threads. An improvement, imo.
>killing that boardAs if, lmao.
>where most of the action is happeningOnly like two or three posters even post to the random generals that take up /sp/'s front page. It is not most of the site's content.
>>8280>Again, there’s not much going on there that he can mess up. /sp/ is basically this site’s /b/,Lotus still banned me for trolling.
>>8283I'm not behind the hi anon threads btw. I simply trolled around in the furry thread and that got me banned.
>>8279>looks to mess the catalog upOn what basis do you say this? How is the catalog worse than it was before?
>>8283>banned for trollingIf he's anything like fasces...
>>8282>"Spam" threads like HI ANON have been native /sp/ content since its conception.<He doesnt know Hi Anon threads were censured>It is not most of the site's contentBy post count? Not counting Lotus' pony dating sim, that is
>>8286Worse is a matter of perspective. You dont want mine.
>>8287<He also doesnt knowNot the thread for it.
Serious question; I wont claim the furry thread isnt deaigned to rustle jimmies, but the YT spam is lgbt-tier obfuscation. I assume cuz "its /sp/" that its 'acceptable', and if so fine. Is there a line on /sp/, and if so, where is that line? (illegal contrnt, obvs not acceptable)
>>8288><He doesnt know Hi Anon threads were censuredNo?
I was there the whole time. When were the censored?
>By post count?By users.
Post count alone doesn't make it the majority of most of it is one guy.
>You dont want mineTry me.
>>8288The question of what is or isn't allowed on /sp/ sounds like it could be it's own thread.
>>8288>I wont claim the furry thread isnt deaigned to rustle jimmiesFlooding /sp/, possibly to slide a thread you don't like is one thing. Banning an user because he trolled you is another. I remember you got a lot of shit for abusing your authority as a mod.
Thats it from me ITT, head to the pony pub if u wanna hear. Not trying to derail, and not trying to make it about me.
Srsly just trying to avoid getting banned - again - for trolling about ponies being furries which they are btw
Why is the maximum threads per hour so low, but the bump limits so high?
>>8296Spam protection measure. A bot can't be set up to post thousands of threads that we would have to combat as it keeps posting.
>>8297I remember those days.
Hasn't been relevant in a long time though.
>>8298It apparently is if you are hitting the limit and people are complaining. Just spread out your posts a bit and it won't be hit.
>>8288>Where is the line drawn?Honestly, it's all pretty fuzzy as to where the line is drawn.
In general, on /mlpol/ the standard is intent. Is a post, or series of posts, intended to disrupt? Autism is generally allowed, although when it gets to the point that it completely derails threads and is intolerable, it isn't.
On /sp/, we're more lenient in general. It's more of a question of what is tolerable. The "hi anon" threads, the "bronies are furry" crap, and the youtube links are all questionable.
It isn't a settled question.
>>8296Well anon if you look through your ghost threads you've been spamming you'll see there's practically no posts in them.
>>8302This. Deadass, no cap, fr fr
>>8292I responded to this post, but it was deleted and I was warned.
>>8292Oh, you mean trying to get Nigel - my legit FRIEND - to stop shitting up the board with his sperging? Yes, I used mod powers to try and get him to post acceptably
>>8300I have to wonder is there a rule that prohibits trolling in /sp/
>>8308There is no such rule, iirc.
>>8304At least you got warned. Lotus kicked me out without any notice. I guess he must be getting desperate.
>>8310>LotusAnd what about the nigger spamming Hi Anon threads?
>>8309And yet, if you happen to rub that guy the wrong way, he'll swing the hammer ban in no time. No matter if its /sp/ we're talking about.
>>8311If it doesn't offend him personally, he won't move a finger.
Okay Ninjas, you've finally gotten what you wanted.
I know I live rent free in your head, and to you I'm the author of all bad things that happen to you, or something, but for the record: Fasces wanted to ban you from nearly the beginning, Elway wanted to ban you since last night, I was the last "yes" vote with Pupper not saying anything on the matter. Elway made the ban.
>>8308>Samefags 3 different posts, posts multiple unequivocal bait posts against site users generally, and has a consistently hostile attitude throughout
>>8314>but why are you so mean?!Is that the best you've got? In fucking /sp/?
>>8304And what was this even about, dude?
What even got you so paranoid? Lotus?
>>8315>Nothing I do is wrong so long as its /sp/I don't care to argue with you. Boom Boom has been banned for less in /sp/.
>>8316We've been over this drama many times over the past 5 years, and we're not doing it anymore, which is what I said to Ninjas.
I'm not relitigating ancient shit.
If there's any confusion; Ninjas was banned for using the report system to make threats to staff, and for posting his furry troll thread in /mlpol/.
The Hi Anon thread have served their purpose. Enough of them have been posted, and we may start trimming a few of them should Elway deem it so
>>8317Nope, that was spam mostly. And he was warned. Speaking of which, time to keep the same energy with our current spammer. Don't you think?
Should we also ban the YouTube link spammer? Booms was banned for less. Oh, that's right, he's Elway I think. Better forget about that.
>>8319>Speaking of which, time to keep the same energy with our current spammer. Don't you think?Hell yeah. Hi Anon nigger must be dealt with.
>>8321Who decides what's too spicy for /sp/ anyways. As long as it is perfectly legal. It can't be how butthurt any given mod is.
Rent. Free.
>>8322>Who decides what's too spicyIt is not about spicy at all. It is about delivered sabotage.
>>8321Come and get me, fag
>>8324Some day you'll pay.
>>8325~Ooh, that sounds spooky
>>8323Whatever the case, everyone should be judged the same way.
>More Hi Anon threads
Alright, time to cull the herd. The Aryanne thread is cute, so I'm deleting the griffin instead
>hi anon threads verboten
>generals and e-celeb threads get to stay
We live in a society.
>>8330You are being deceitful.
>>8330>hi anon threads verbotenThat's a lie. There are enough of those threads, and more of them are clogging the board. The poster knows that and doublesdown instead of stop for common sense's sake.
Welcum to your grave staff of Thoma. You will not be missed.
>rent free
Fifth time you use the same cope. In any case, the month-long ban says I got real pissed.
>>8330Part of the art of shitposting involves knowing when it's time to stop.
>>8333>clogging the boardClogging the board from what? Dead threads that have been on the catalog for 4+ years?
>>8335got you* real pissed
>>8336>implying the ride ever ends
>>8339>implying the ride ever endsIt is actually (you) who wants to end the ride for everypony else with those threads.
>>8340What about posting threads ends the ride?
>>8339Like, I get it, but 49 threads out of a 100-thread catalog is enough.
>>8341Those Hi Anon threads are not for fun, but to suppress and send to archive other threads.
>>8343All of the threads that slid hadn't been posted to for literal years.
>>8344Perhaps, and yet they enriched the catalog with assorted themes. Hi Anon threads don't do that.
>>8339Just throwing this out there, if you want to screw with boom-boom without disrupting the rest of the site, you can always just dump the Hi Anon posts directly into his containment threads until they hit bump limit.
>>8346>you can always just dump the Hi Anon posts directly into his containment threads until they hit bump limit.
>>8342Flip flopping as per the course lol.
>>8347They are just jealous of your numerous contributions.
>>8349I know. They are 120% reactive and 0% proactive.
They cannot stomach anypony rising above.
I find it humorous that the two spam posters are fighting over the right to spam in only the way each sees fit.
>>8345>they enriched the catalog with assorted themesSo dead threads are to be kept around just for show?
I didn't see you bumping any of the dead threads when the hi Anon threads were being posted.
>>8347oh come off it, we all know why the Hi Anon threads piss you off so much.
>>8351>two spam postersSlander is not welcome. My posting is not spam.
>>8355>general dumps where virtually no conversation is had is not spam
>>8355You both are literally identifying each other as spam. It isn't coincidence my friend. You are different forms of the same problem. You both need to post what you want and damn anyone that says to compromise the style. You are literally the same.
>>8357>You are literally the same.
>>8356>general dumps where virtually no conversationAnd why is that. So you would blame the poster instead of the readers?
>>8359>blaming the readersYou are free to reply to each of those HI ANON threads if you wish
>>8360>comparing news to identical 0 effort threadsReally?
>>8361>""""news""">implyingThere is a reason why hardly anyone ever replies to the links in those generals.
>>8359>>8360In both of your cases, both of your posting styles are suitable in moderation, which is the main contention. Why this is a problem for you both, I have no idea.
News threads are nice when you don't desire to make generals on the site where the only discussion goes into three or four threads where one poster dominates, actively squashing debate because OP knows best.
Hi Anon is cute, but for fuck sake, you can't have a million of them and get replies on any significant portion of them. Tone it down.
>>8358>>8359The problem is that your excessive autism prevents you from evaluating reader interest. You post content that nobody is engaging with because they're not interested, and instead of tailoring your content to make it better, you double down and insist that everyone else is somehow at fault for not being interested.
If you ever run out of Facebook memes, you could always get a UK proxy and start ranting about Naruto.
>>8362>""""news"""Yup, they were and are literal news.
>>8365>If you ever run out of Facebook memesMore slander. My memes are /pol/ tier faggot.
>>8366The reason why nobody replies to those posts is because the conversation is not worth having.
A bunch of one-off posts in a single thread whom nobody replies to is by volume the same as a bunch of individual threads with no replies.
At least the HI ANON threads have ponies in them.
>>8367nu-/pol/ tier maybe.
>>8367Lmao, no they aren't.
>>8368>The reason why nobody replies to those posts is because the conversation is not worth having.Fine. I moved to /sp/. Now leave me alone.
>>8367>>8370>responding twice to make it look like more than one person agrees with youkek, another classic. I also like the way you keep replying to your own posts in your "news" thread to simulate engagement.
>>8372>I moved to /sp/.And I posted HI ANON threads on /sp/.
>>8373>kek, another classic.It is in your mind I'm afraid.
>>8375Nah, I saw it too. It's pretty transparent.
>>8376>It's pretty transparent.For you might be because you see a reflection of your wickery. For me nothing funny has been made.
Again, I have no idea why the two of you are opposing each other so fiercely. You are two sides of the same coin and you should try to actually team up and learn from each other to make good posts on the site.
>>8379>you should try to actually team up and learn from each other
>>8380Why is that a bad idea?
>>8381I'm the victim here. I don't suffer from Stockholm Syndrome and I won't cooperate with my oppressor.
>>8383I and my threads are under attack. And it is not the other way around.
>>8377>a reflection of your wickery
>>8382>I'm the victim hereBlow it out your ass.
>>8384So? You just post more in your thread and it bumps to the top. You have the copy/paste speed to do it too, I have seen your work.
>>8384All of your threads are at the top of the catalog.
>>8384Your threads are under attack because they suck, and you are under attack because you keep acting like a little bitch. Welcome to the internet, retard.
>>8390>Your threads are under attack because they suckYour opinion.
>>8392Yeah. Him saying you suck is an opinion, just like you saying you don't. If you actually worked alongside the site instead of against it, you would be a lot happier and get opinions saying you aren't that bad.
>>8393>If you actually worked alongside the site instead of against it, you would be a lot happier and get opinions saying you aren't that bad.Unacceptable.
>>8392Mine and just about everyone else's. Notice how nobody is defending you? Notice how almost nobody replies to your threads except you? Seriously, you should just get yourself a UK flag and start posting angry rants about games you don't like, it's the only way to make yourself appear less ridiculous.
>>8395My posting won't adapt to cater some faggots. It is what it is.
I only use top-quality, high-resolution image macros in my HI ANON threads, an assortment of both niche And popular mares, and make sure not to use redundant images too often. I do not appreciate being compared to the slew of sewage that I'd the resident boomer's Facebook feed.
>>8397>people will never understand the subtle nuances in the crude finger-paintings I make with my own poop>I will keep making my poop-paintings to show the phillistines what true art really is
>>8404I'm done for tonight.
What the fuck.
>>8357>You both are literally identifying each other as spam. It isn't coincidence my friend. You are different forms of the same problem. You both need to post what you want and damn anyone that says to compromise the style. You are literally the same.What Anon said.
>>8372>>8374... I don't get it.
I don't understand.
This... whole website is one website.
Fuck it.
>>8379Here's your good idea (You)
>>8408Sarcasm doesn't translate well through typing.
Wait, is TOR banned now? I've seen onion posters here.
>>8317>Boom Boom has been banned for less in /sp/.What was he banned for?
These were deleted?
>>8416>>8317This screencap really does seem to imply that the post was made to /sp/: you can tell by the post number.
Idk if "go rogue" really counts as a threat either. Anons here say worse all of the time; in Minecraft, of course.
>>8421I forgot the image.
Notice how the post number is 22799: that thread was made to /sp/, not /mlpol/.
There's a lot of annoying messages here, and I'm not fond of the topic, but idk what the rule violation is. It's normal to make a new thread once an old one hits bump limit, although he seems to have been mistaken for why the thread slid.
When was this change made? I saw a TOR poster just last month.
Will whoever's deleting the posts answer my question about TOR?
How long is TOR going to be banned?
I didn't ask you, tbh.
Oi, jannies.
If you have time to delete posts, you have time to answer my questions.
>>8418Sadly TOR posting had to temporary be blocked due to some persistent banevading via TOR. Hopefully we can turn it on again soon.
>>8432We block entire browsers to stop one shitposter? Isn't that a bit excessive? We have native posters who use TOR. How long is this going to last?
>>8434>>8432Evidently, blocking TOR doesn't even actually stop the poster you're trying to stop, so there's no point in blocking it.
>>8418TOR was disabled this morning as it was being used for ban evasion, and simultaneously a presumably unrelated samefagging incident with VPNs was occurring.
>>8420Ban evader posts are deleted.
>>8423>>8421Okay? It looked like /mlpol/ when I saw it. It was deleted, presumably by a different moderator, before he was banned. I do not know how many threads like that he made and if it’s the only one.
>go rogue He made multiple threats in reports, and “go rogue” was not one of them. I am not going to go through the reports and publicly disclose them.
In any event, Ninjas more than earned his ban.
>>8433It is similar to when we had to stop persistent CP being posted via Tor. Tor has it's positive and negative sides. One of the dowsides with Tor is that many uses that network in nefarious intents which affects all Tor users.
>>8438A CP scourge makes it seem like the appropriate response, but blocking it to stop a shitposter ban evader feels like scorched earth, tbh. Just my opinion though.
See, all this is evidence that blocking TOR has not fixed the problem here.
>>8437>I am not going to go through the reports and publicly disclose them.You could just describe them if you want. What kind of threats were they?
>>8437>simultaneously a presumably unrelated samefagging incident with VPNs was occurringThat's odd. What threads were they in?
What was the samefagging incident related to?
If TOR is blocked, what other alt networks are allowed?
It has come to my attention that several of the above questions are tangential and disruptive to the conversation. I will later make separate threads, grouped by topic, to continue discussion on these matters elsewhere.
>>8443Wtf, what did the furry do? It seems pretty serious.
I'm seeing some complaints about JT links.
Can I post a jewtube link in /mlpol/ without Fasces banning me?
>>8453Threats, allegedly. Idk what they were though.
Hello everypony. I'm back after being banished.
May I start again my activities without (((somepony))) kvetching?
>>8726Can you just not be around here anymore? You always come here, post like shit, then cry out as you strike everyone that criticizes you. Everyone would be happier, including yourself. If you are compelled to be here, you have to follow the rules. If this is beyond your capacity, you will run into the exact same outcome.
Everyone has tried to negotiate with you, repeatedly. It went nowhere by your own fault alone. You have refused to talk on board, on Teatime, with mods, with users, with everyone. You aren't on thin ice anymore. You are in the water. Are you going to tread carefully or plunge?
>>8727>You aren't on thin ice anymore. You are in the water. Are you going to tread carefully or plunge?>threatsUnacceptable.
>>8728Cool. I don't give a shit about what you find acceptable. The choice remains.
God fucking damnit, the boomer is back. One fucking day after his ban expired.
I was about to drink to his departure.
>>8728>Unacceptable.You don't have to accept it: you're free to leave.
>>8726>May I start again my activitiesYou mean your endless stream of shitfiller that nopony asked for?
*looks left and right*
It looks like he's actually gone this time.
A toast!
>>8733>It looks like he's actually gone this time.Not so fast commie.
I would like to remind everypony that even if a hostile psycho jannie is cockblocking the basic shitposting, this is MY board and always will be.
>basic shitposting
Oh yeah, it's basic alright.
>>8754Based and Boomer-pilled