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4chan doing event
while Globohomo trying to appropriate entire month for own propaganda
let's take entire summer for tomboys
#DoIt4Her [Embed]
Tomboys are the future
feminity is toxic
You've tried raising the forces of /x/ some said fuck it why not. Then you did this.
On one hand all of your threads are dead except for the first one just saying 'woo magic time!' Where OP was so busy he sucked everybodies dick he couldn't say jackshit.
On the other hand the /x/ fur fags of lyrans said dude bro happening on the same dates. Saying the end of all human energies.
The threads were so silent not a bot posted a maximum of 8 posts.
Except when saying 'woo let's go do magic!' Then the whole water works came out.
I'm sure you see the issue. Then OP invites the globohomo to defeat the global homo.
Will it work? Who knows, maybe not for reasons OP or (((they))) could have foreseen.
Will this very specific thing be done? Magically it's probably be something different. Because when quite a few people are saying shit is going to happen of unknown alignment it's time to prepare as best one can for best practices and to capitalize on the situations that may or may not arise.
Can I get a quick rundown on what we're supposed to do?