The site's policy page used to say that if Atlas left the site, Pupper would assume ownership of the board.
Now that Atlas has retired and Pupper is the site's owner, who would be the site's owner if Pupper left or was otherwise incapacitated?
>>6471Atlas set the precedent to name his successor if his absence were to occur, however that doesnt necessarily mean that needs to be the policy going forward. I support the idea of a named successor, but lets not assume thats how it
has to be.
>>6472Okay, but what's the protocal going to be?
>>6474Currently the protocol is profit(?). Not sure there needs to be an established protocol, though I think it's a good idea.
>>6478Thank you for clarifying, without technically needing to.
>>6474That being resolved, and since Im on about resolving things, I hope you appreciate how obtuse this thread is and how any given answer would be technically subject to change over time (I dont expect it, I only observe the possibility).
>>6477Why is that suspicious? It's a question worth asking.
>>6478I figured it would be one of those names. Although I take it that there probably isn't any concrete plan. I guess we'll cross that bridge when it comes, if it ever comes.
>>6479I felt like it was better to bring it up now than to be surprised/confused later. It's basically
>>6480When in chan history has a board declared its intentions that far in advance? No, its obtuse to ask.
>>6481Yeah, but we aren't really like other chans, are we? I would say that actually sets us apart from 4chan and the other chans, in a good way. 4chan jannies are cryptic, don't respond to questions/feedback, and make unannounced decisions seemingly at random. We all got a good taste of that back in the /qa/ wars.
I actually asked the same exact question a while back in another thread, but it was never answered. I figured I'd bring it up again.
Anyways, looks like the question is mostly answered. I just hope it will be clarified if it ever comes up, but that probably won't be for a while.
>>6481I agree. Chaos and meme magic cannot be predicted.
>>6482Fair. Take heart then, that enough oldfags will remain