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Could /mlpol/ Benefit From A Blue Pony Board?
6720 6727 6740 6748 6764 7074
Could /mlpol/ Benefit From A Blue Pony Board?
Posters in this community have brought of various ways to make the site more attractive to horsefuckers and content creators. One reccomended idea has been to introduce a blue board for pony content.
Is this idea worth trying?
What could the benefits be?

Express your thoughts.
Continued from the discussion in the Roe v Wade Thread >>>/mlpol/344423 →
84 replies and 35 files omitted.
The only problem with /a/ is that nobody uses it, tbh. If there were even two regularly-posted threads it would be on par with the other boards. It still gets more traffick than /cyb/.
I was personally of the camp that some of the other April 2017 boards could come back, but since our /sp/ stands for shitposting, /spa/ is kind of off the table.
>no one uses it
Testament to how much actual demand there was, versus individual perception
>It ends on period but grammatically should end on a questionmark. It's a rehtorical question to make a point about what you are doing
Right, I dont know why I expected someone so stupid and unself aware to even begin to acknowledge that the criticism instantly resulted in accusations of me being a divide and conquer kike. So yes, I did think pretty carefuly about what I said, I gave you exactly what you fucking deserved. Is that clear enough for you? or do you have another fantasy to concoct where you're the innocent victim here?
Wow. A bit uppity today.
As an anon you may be called a kike at any time if you come with kiked ideas. You positively know this, so playing the offended party won't fly.
You may not be a normie, and yet you behave like one many times.
## Admin
6869 6871 6895 6922
I'm pretty sure all or most of my points of concern have already been stated by other posters, but I'll contribute my thoughts anyways

I am not a fan of adding a new pony-only board at all.

The entire point of /mlpol/ is that it is a merged board. Two different topics come together in synchronicity. Segregating pony and politics is a why-bother that is contrary to the entire idea.

The argument I keep hearing for the segregation is that politics is a downer and black pilled. Have you even been on /mlp/? That board makes /mlpol/ look like radical utopians by comparison. At least a few years ago, you couldn't go anywhere without hearing "oh my God everything good is gone!" It is/was insufferable and was far worse than /mlpol/, at least at the time.

The reason most /mlp/ users don't come here isn't because of politics, it's because of the Social Media Effect. Chan sites, like all social media of any kind, are naturally occurring monopolies, because people want to go where other people already are. Having a board with no politics won't help that. If anything, it means less total activity.

But with all of that said, it isn't necessarily much harm to add an experimental board. I would want it to be more than just "/mlp/ but not owned by a Jap." Maybe make it /safe/ with a ban on doom-posting, or have some kind of theme to it like forced optimism. Maybe call it AFFWF (Aff woof?) for "A Future for White Foals" or something. You can at least have fun with the idea
>now that everyone else has done my job for me, I'll just saunter in and pretend to do something
These seem like mostly fair points. I still think we could benefit to experiment a bit with boards, although my opnion on the matter isn't that strong.
6874 6875 6879 6903
So what is the progress on developing such board so far? Are we even going to get it?
/sp/ has been ready for years. Just saying.
6876 6879
From what I understand, it doesn't actually take that long to make a board. It's only a matter of approval.
6878 6922
I have not been there much, but the board is just called “Football”. What does that have to do with anything? Also, how would we make it attractive to the members of /mlpol/ and 4/mlp/?
So the procedure for creating a new board already adds the necessary components to the database?
/sp/ is a random board, named after sportschan after a series of back and fourth raids while John Elway memes were all the rage.
6896 6902
The decision lies ultimately with staff. It used to be that a specific staff member would take ownership/responibility of whatever board. /vx/ for example, is Lotus' purview, while John Elway - who is Football forevermore, appearing in the guise of a man, but inseparable from either the one True Football or the Denver Broncos, who are themselves Football but on a multitudinal level - has sole and exclusive dominion over Fottball, for he is the Alpha and Omega of Football, supplemented by the storage rooms in space assisting in the housing of all that Football.
Sorry, havent broncoposted in a while.
Returning to the topic, a specific staff member would technically need to do likewise with this new board. Having said, that precious requirement is a bit arbitrary IMO and fosters a 'thats not my board so IDGAF' mentality in some (thats just a general caveat, not aomething directed at anyone in general/particular).
Now, when I say about the decision, I mean it literally. It will likely take more than a handful of anons clamoring to make a sufficiently compelling case, and I say that having personally made dozens of compelling cases.
Not a criticism, but with a few very specific examples, staff does not operate from a very 'quick-to-action' sort of strategy.
Tl;dr. Get comfy, and prepare to politely make your case for a drawn out period of time. Dont insult staff either, they get really mad and oppose you on principal when you do that (yes, even if they have been insulting you extensively prior, and your insults are reactionary/complementary).
Technically speaking, unless the code has been ammended, any staff member could make a new board at any time. Literally, a few clicks and a few lines of text. While cumbersome in other ways, there are a goodly number of ways that Pupper's code is quite efficient.
The problem is that any staff member who MIGHT make such a thread in advance of a staff consensus woumd immediately be decided to have 'gone rogue' or any number of other character assassinations.
If you're not getting how UNwelcome it is to be on staff AND decisive, I dont know what to tell you
6881 6882
as someone who's been here since the beginning I don't see a reason to *not* have a blue board with the sole exception that someone trying to shill and such should still be flooded with pony poon to drive them off
the jew fears pone puss
Tbh, I think most people who'd post to the blue pony board wouldn't be deterred by pony porn, only annoyed.
Horse porn only deters redditors on the /pol/ side.
6883 6888
tequila cat.jpg
>Tfw no real horse porn
6884 6888
6885 6888 6922
6888 6926
Now they are talking about no horse pussy.
Da fuck is going on here.
6889 6922 6926
based horse pussy appreciators

having a blue board would be heretical. we must not sacrifice horse pussy for potential newfags
Checked and based, need more
newfags don't remember rule 10 smh
6902 6925 6939
>Have you even been on /mlp/?
Have you? the way the rest of your post reads makes it clear you haven;t
That board makes /mlpol/ look like radical utopians by comparison. At least a few years ago, you couldn't go anywhere without hearing "oh my God everything good is gone!" It is/was insufferable and was far worse than /mlpol/
Thats exactly the time period I brought it up and why I said earlier that you could get users, because the experiance back then was so fucking awful, now? it's far from great but it's still better than this. Imagine actually arguing that an endless bumping newsfeed of what
>(((media))) site
here thinks about
to be preferable than the actual state of /mlp/ right now, without mod dicking us for calling derpibooru jews anymore, great ammounts of OC, and what is looking to be 2 yearly cons.

You have your head so far up your ass that your basic premise, while imho, completely defensible, is completely undermined by everything you said after.
6898 6902
>Tl;dr. Get comfy, and prepare to politely make your case for a drawn out period of time. Dont insult staff either, they get really mad and oppose you on principal when you do that (yes, even if they have been insulting you extensively prior, and your insults are reactionary/complementary).
if they want to act like ziggers I'm not going to treat them like they're white, no matter how much it inconveniences me or my goals.
Though not my words, this beautifully summarizes my disposition as well
That's a pretty fair point. Any new board wouldn't necessarily need to be blue

This post is intended to be critical, but... uh... I can't find where it's wrong

no u

>screeching like a child who is upset he didn't get a toy in his meal at burger king is going to be effective against people who can, with literally no effort at all, just never read your posts
Solid plan guys. Real solid plan. Let's see how well that works out for you.
## Admin
6904 6906 6966
The idea has been discussed within staff. No one at all thinks it is necessary and it would probably just become another dead board... but at the same time, it doesn't look like there could be too much harm.

My favorite ideas for names are /clozapine/ - Maredecine , and /snowpitty/ - Rainbowshine

Other proposed ideas are /mare/ - Post mares ,
/imastupidmoronwithanuglyfaceandbigbuttandmybuttsmellsandiliketokissmyownbuttandponutconnoisseursappreciationclubhousebutjustsoeveryoneisawareimastupidmoronwithanuglyfaceandbigbuttandmybuttsmellsandiliketokissmyownbuttbutalsoponutsareprettygoodtooijustwanteveryonetobeawarethoughthatiamastupidmoronwithanuglyfaceandbigbuttandmybuttsmellsandiliketokissmyownbutt/ , and
/[the entire text of fallout equestria]/
I vote for /[the entire text of fallout equestria]/
Surely a blue pony board should be named after a blue pony, right?
I nominate /rd/ or /dash/
I might think the same way. It may have a few days of viability within the /mlpol/ community, but unless members of other boards like 4/mlp/ are convinced to browse both boards, then I think it may just be a passing fad.
6911 6950
So let me see if I have this correct.
A blue board
Expressly and all-but exclusively ponies
No flags/IDs
Hidden board?
... ngl, I can think of ways it could work. Bump limits would need to be redressed tho one could argue thats long overdue
6912 6915
Why not just have more threads like these >>>/mlpol/312123 → on existing boards? The only difference would be in whether explicit imagery would be allowed.
Because "that's not what mulp/mlp-fags want", is the 0rrvailing argument.
I dont agree with the argument, I maintain that certain parties are just being petulent, BUT I can still make it work.
6916 6917 6918 6951 6985
If we have a new board, the site owners would probably also need to come up with more money to pay the new people who’d be staffing it. Also, it could be a passing fad that lasts just for a few days because /mlpol/ may not exactly be the type of site that is attractive to many of the people of /mlp/ right now.
6917 6919 6951
disdain - 404.png
>Why not just have more threads like these >>>/mlpol/312123 → → on existing boards?
Think it this way, there is a party claiming that more pony is needed, and yet, they rarely post ponies. Surely they'll replicate that that's not true, and yet, their autism with tons of ponies can't be seen.
Corollary: they want the effort done by other poners.
A typical case of
6920 6951 6985
Are staff paid now?
And why would new people be necessary to police a board you expect to have low activity anyway?
Adorable. Simply adorable. You're not wrong about the odds of it being a passing phase, and that seems to be the salient counter-argument, from a certain perspective at least.
This, ultimately
>If we have a new board, the site owners would probably also need to come up with more money to pay the new people who’d be staffing it.
I sense a parasitical commie.
>Corollary: they want the effort done by other poners.
A typical case of
Is there not an over-representation of that on /mlp/? And yet thats who should be appealed to for newfaggots? I pose these rhetorically.
6921 6922 6951
If it develops a reputation of having a lack of policing, then people could easily spam CP and malware on there without consequences.
Why? Isn’t being paid for one’s labor one of the virtues of capitalism?
Well, well, well.
6923 6924 6926 6927 6929 6951
Fucking an actual horse does not makes you better than a furry fucking the family dog.

You can just leave if you expect monetary transactions to take place in the pit of slime.

Honestly, mlpol, as well as any other small chans is just doomed to be slow, why? Because:
>of the Social Media Effect. Chan sites, like all social media of any kind, are naturally occurring monopolies, because people want to go where other people already are.

I don't think taking something away is going to bring any more traffic at all.
From my personal experience, having seen this board rise from atlas setting up an HTTP site and an anon calling it a honeypot, there is three problems:

1 - You need a focus to attract people and it has to be compatible with current boards
You wanna attract "traffic" but tell me, what the fuck is traffic?
You can't attract them all at the same time, no matter what you do. Some groups like ponyfags and /pol/tards naturally repel each-other for many reasons, those who can stand the pony are the true good people but those are fucking rare, hence why the main board has such a small population.
/pol/ is mostly filled with pre-teens and motherfuckers that can't even read two paragraphs before screaming DA JOOZ, of course they wont be able to see past the ponies.

And even if you give a board a focus, like /a/ why would /a/ people post here instead of the much bigger, much older alternative that is 4chin?
4chin is shit, but it is bearable shit, you must give users a reason to post here and not there, and obviously "better mods and community" is not good enough of a reason.

2 - It is a social suicide to be found posting here
I love you guys, i have had some real good arguments here, i learnt a lot on my time posting here and i even made a ton of threads on /ub/ i actually improved my life quite a lot from posting here.
But even if i did, i know no one must ever know i post on /mlpol/ because if there is one thing normies hate is <le evil natzeez> and believe me i don't wanna lose my job because i like having an actual conversation in the political sperging horseforum.

3 - The internet has changed
Face it guys, the only reason 4chin is populated is because it's this "mythical" imageboard that's known to be full of lulz.
Mlpol is nowhere on the map, most people think it was a fun april 1st joke that died April 2nd and those who don't understand mlpol's board culture like this faggot >>6876 simply get confused and don't seem to really care enough to understand why things are the way they are.

Even if the site got traffic, it will most likely be mostly normies that wont stick for long.
The world is moving and imageboards are slowly becoming an archaic thing of the past, people don't understand how they work nor they care to know, they just wanna hop-in, shit and have fun as if every imageboard ever was /b/

I have been guilty of not posting as much here, but i have not been posting anywhere on the internet for a few years now, just chatting with friends and studying/youtube.
The internet is just not that fun these days, when fun things happen they are usually temporary, and well, posting here is usually not that fun (not that other imageboards/social media are better in any way, they are also boring)
The reason i keep coming back here is because of quality, no other imageboard manages to have as many quality per post as mlpol.net, so that's a huge strongpoint for the board, yet a hard to market strongpoint.
>Come to mlpol, we have qualityposting

>T.anon who used to roleplay as khajiit
based khajiit poster
Still munching that profound post.
This, mods and jannies are utter shit in /mlp/, but that's literally about it.
6928 6934
1076517 - Friendship_is_Magic My_Little_Pony Princess_Luna.png
9089 - anus clitoris closeup mare plot raised_tail solo urine vaginal_secretions video vulva winking.webm
expand dong spell.png
>based horse pussy appreciators
>having a blue board would be heretical. we must not sacrifice horse pussy for potential newfags
Have some more glorious equine pussy.
I agree with you fully, anon, it would be a place for fags who don't like pony pussy can be without what was the fundamental basis of /mlpol/ when the April fool's merge happened,
To create a board such as that would be heretical to the original rules, as Lotus previously stated in this thread.
>Fucking an actual horse does not makes you better than a furry fucking the family dog.
The difference is that the show isn't about half human half horses and i don't like dog pussy or any other animal's vagina, neither do i dress up like my OC or waifu but if i could i would make a pony look like Luna because that would be hot.
Horses are the main animal of the show's character design, obviously some anons are going to also be interested in where the anatomically correct pastel pony vaginas actually came from.
Being a pony fucking Nazi pony fag is the ultimate power level possible in Pony PussE. I'm no nigger loving fur faggot that'll yiff in hell, i'll be fucking ponies down there instead.
>Implying mares aren't better than women or sexy
Plebeian taste, anon.
>T.anon who used to roleplay as khajiit
Can i tell you a mare fortune?
Horses are hotter than whores.
(You) have given me a few replies over in that thread, i thought you'd be into cat pussy given you called yourself khajiiit. Kek.
>Being a pony fucking Nazi pony fag is the ultimate power level possible in Pony PussE.
And it is fundamental to keep the normals away.
aryanne 1488 keks.png
luna salute.jpg
no regrets.jpg
Aryanne Lying Down (Lewd).png
lewd luna 1.jpg
Ah, a fellow horse fucking National Socialist pastel pony preacher!
>And it is fundamental to keep the normals away.
It is the integral deterrent of this place against all newfags and plebittors.
sieg heil.gif
6933 6952
So if one is to summarize this growing consensus, something like:
"Having a blue board that discourages/prohibits politics would be a move fundamentally contrary to /mlpol/ history and practice."
One could further summarize the proposal, in context:
"All /mlpol/ needs to get more from /mlp/ is to be less /mlpol/".
One of the problems with 4chan is that it appeals to disaffected teenagers who 0ften feel (whether through abuse on one end, and not being allowed to do whatever/whenever on the other) which can psychologically be transferred onto jannies/mods. This is the normal state for anons in particular, boards in general, and the site as a whole; fuck jannies, fuck niggers, etc.
Its therefore alien for 4chan posters to NOT feel some degree of resentment toward their host(s), and moreover it is alien for hosts to be particularly accommodating to the user base.
/mlp/ simply doesnt 'get' /mlpol/, but it isnt that there's been no opportunity. In fact, theres been 5 years for that to happen. Golly, who's dereliction is THAT the responsibility of?
>often feel disaffected (...) which can
6935 7004
>half human half horses
Well according to the ancient furry chart, ponies fall into the "you sick bastard" category, so i think you're safe as long as you're not into satyr.
Jokes aside, it's just weird to fuck a horse anon, i guess it's ok to fantasize about it but please don't take the chance if it ever presents itself, you'd be just sticking your dick in an animal, in no way would people see you as anything but a zoophile.
Or just do it, like, it's not like i care that much honestly, i'm being dramatic here.

>i thought you'd be into cat pussy given you called yourself khajiiit
I like cats but not sexually, i don't really have much of a non-ironical interest in eroticism.

>it's just weird to fuck a horse anon,
True, anonfillies aren't for sexual!
Only >rape
Fly! Fly away filly!
Escape all the >rape
>happy free Filly
Refreshing. Yay!
I did not expect this thread to get this much traffic when I made it... I guess that means it was worth making then.
6941 7017
>At least a few years ago, you couldn't go anywhere without hearing "oh my God everything good is gone!" It is/was insufferable and was far worse than /mlpol/
>That's exactly the time period I brought it up and why I said earlier that you could get users

There's a point to be made here, and not just for the blue board.
/mlpol/ could benefit to be more aware about changes in the horsesphere and strike the iron when it's hot, as there have been times where I feel like we've missed opportunities to generate content and bring in users. There are a lot of key opportunities when this kind of thing happens, such as booru shitstorms, /mlp/ staff drama, and the periods immediately before and after the dropping of new series/seasons where we have opportunities to dominate this fandom, or at least retain/regain users.
f xh fh.png
>/mlpol/ could benefit to be more aware about changes in the horsesphere and strike the iron when it's hot, as there have been times where I feel like we've missed opportunities to generate content and bring in users
Huh, sounds alot like something an ex staff used to go on about. I recall him doing so at length. At the time, he emphasized that an absence of leadership in staff is a woeful negligence (and nothingbhas changed, so par for the course) that needs to be addressed. As though, faggots sitting in a discord as 'online' but not actually giving a fuck about the site was a problem.
(spoiler: it is, but its the type of problem that takes it's time to manifest)
But who cares! Everything 'seems' right 'for now', so there's no harm right lads?
(directed at staff)
"In several years no one will care they'll be rich and dead. So let someone else find a cure for it" - Hello Helicopter
It's just a change of pace; all sites have some drama.
I think it's important to talk about these things.
>I think it's important to talk about these things.
You are disruptive. That's not welcome.
6946 6954
Disruptive to what exactly?
150 posts above plus many previous breads... the nerve you have.
Why not make a semi-blue board where posting porn threads is forbidden, but flooding any shit threads with horse pussy is permitted?
The more activity we steal from sites with tranny jannies, the better. And 4chan has tranny jannies.
There's no nerve. it's a simple question.
Staff is not the head of the community but an extension of the community's will tho, it makes sense to be de-centralized
All in all the site falls on the community's lap, if the community does nothing, the site will go nowhere.

The real question might be what does the mlpolacks want to do?

I know i like places where i can find people that draw/write more or less as bad as i do, so we can get some friendly competition going which greatly boosts fun and improvement.
>Solid plan guys. Real solid plan. Let's see how well that works out for you.
I already have a better plan than sucking mods off all day in the hopes of rain water. I'm only here arguing this shit in the first place because someone else made this thread on my ideas behalf so I feel obligated to. see>>6807
I completely agree and my original post was more to dig in the idea that the mods here missed an opportunity and where huge faggots about it. I do think the idea of a mlpa board has branding going for it if this site stays consistant to memecross boards, but I dont seriously think /a/ content belongs here, as much as I personally like it. It's not unwelcome, but ought to be in the minority at the very least, and combining a greentext board with >nohooves sounds like the easiest way in the world to put the final nail in the coffin for mlpol with the >eqgreeeee crowd.
the only thing reducing bump limits on mlpol would do is finally kill all the existing horse that still somehow clings to life on that board.
stop blowing me.
6974 6985
the people who want the project to succeed should do it for fucking free like the good tranny jannys they are. 4chucks sucks and fucks uses this power for bad. but it can be used for good.
why does this assholes post keep getting unhidden. Is hiding stored server side based on IP or something?
if the board is expected to grow its a reasonable problem to bring up but I don't see how it would necessitate the staff actually pay people. I'm the first person who will say horsefuckers deserve money and SHOULD pay eachother, but not for something so small as occasionally removing some weeds. you should be buying soapanons soap, not paying people so you can shitpost a little easier.
The singular and only purpose of this idea is to have what already exists on /mlp/ but without the jews who run that shithole nuking people for speaking their mind in the process. It's not so some faggots can post ponies for me. I already have tons of faggots who do that, they just don't do it here.
CP at the very least is defeated by modern day learning, at least afaik.
who the hell here is a capitalist?
>, like /a/ why would /a/ people post here instead of the much bigger, much older alternative that is 4chin?
as mentioned earlier, /a/ posters who like posting OC content in the same vein as 4chan could be compelled if marketed to. Marketing in general for a userbase is not usually a product of any persons particular action but the majoritys inaction. There are groups among site communities with weak monopolies who want to break away but wont do the work themselves. PF and 4th edition D&D, for example. The number of people, the effort involved in reaching them, the reward of having them around, are all things that deserve legitimate skepticism, but you can, at the very least, see that bringing such anons here is a possibility specifically because the site administration they work under pisses them off.
>I have been guilty of not posting as much here, but i have not been posting anywhere on the internet for a few years now, just chatting with friends and studying/youtube.
this isn't something to be ashamed of. mlpols content is simply not that good. Yes it's a great speakeasy, but the vast majority of daily content is literally unaltered opinions of niche and mainstream news with the very occasional greentext implication. This is why I made the shitpost in the first place, because the content from the horse point of view on mlpol really is that shit.
Honestly even from a polack point of view it's increadibly shit.
6955 6985
the staff on this site, for letting politics be the defining factor of the board to the point that the horsefuckers packed their bags and left. no different than a scantuary state that keeps importing pajeets and niggers. suddenly whites are to be blamed for white flight? fuck you. I'm not apologizing for it. I post horse in places where I am rewarded for posting horse. This place does not even attempt to do that, and actively works against it.
>the mods here missed an opportunity and where huge faggots about it
You'd be not? surprised how often they do that, even when someone ia smacking them about the face and torso with an idea.
Oh really? Please, illustrate how many staff decisions that the board has been privy to, or consulted on? Seriously, when has staff EVER consulted the users? MLH? Anonfilly?
Horseshit. Staff in general (and individual members in particular) have been EXPRESSLY AND DELIBERATELY avoidant about consulting, notifying, or involving users. Go on, tempt me to cite examples.
stop giving that zigger yous
Lol no, thank you for playing.
See, this is one of the things Im PROUD of /mlpol/ for; by and large, users are interested in taking - AND NOT PASSING - responsibility for their own actions.
6958 6959 6963
>he says as he passed on the responsibility for turning this place into a shithole onto other mods than himself, while excusing the constant excrement of low effort news articles that pass for content on /mlpol/
>all complains, no shitposting
Then go on, post ponies, I dare you.
>the constant excrement of low effort news articles that pass for content on /mlpol/
Please, would you be so kind to post yours, or if not news, then posting something at all?
>wow would you please be so kind sirs to post your own feces if you don't like our feces on your street.
WOW! x2
Bitter tonight, huh?
>no argument.
sasuga street shitter
6981 7007
If I passed on the responsibility, why am I still here, making the case to users in public instead of in a private dicksword?
The reality is, I hate wasting effort and repeating myself, which alas participating in staff requires BOTH.
But go on, "no u" some more, Im sure it will stick next time.
>no argument
Is that a joke?
Shitpost content and stop complaining.
6967 6970 6971 7007
I had actually let this thread go out of my mind thinking it had resolved itself but apparently not.

I don't get it. Why are you people talking about the content of mlpol, isn't that my talking point. That the best way to fish in newfags is by having better content and spreading the word about it. Wasn't the premise of why you wanted a blue board to begin with that the polacks' politics is obstructing ponyfags from enjoying the board and therefore you want a blueboard to get away from it? Again, to that I say people go to where people are so it has nothing to do with politics and if it has, those types of people won't visit a site where /pol/ is a stable rather than an unwanted appendix anyway.

Regardless, the whole mods aren't listening, and taking their chances is a bit a mute coming from you considering the mods clearly intend to implement your idea, >>6903
I'd like to add that, while mlpol has shit content just like any other chan, it has a lot of great content as well. GG's review thread comes to mind.
>polacks' politics is obstructing ponyfags from enjoying the board
I missed that premise.
Well, on my part I may grant that wish for a while by stopping posting. Let us see how it goes.
I'll also take the opportunity to point out that users are blissfully(?) unaware of how much detractor/spam/cp that gets posted, nuked, and forgotten. With cause.
Just saying, its not all bad.
Like everything, nuance
The fuck you on about dude
Anonfillies can just come and go as they please and that violates no rule, every other board sort of grew organically or because someone simply asked for it's creation.

The staff usually does not need to consult the users because in the first place it is users that ask for things to change, that's the very essence of mlpol, it is user-driven and not admin-driven.
There is nothing really special about mlpol.net apart from already being established, if things over here were to ever go to shit people would just move to a new bunker, like in the past, when it was created.

I admit i have been coming and going for a while, not checking the board out as much as i should have, but i fail to see how this is a tyranny at all.
And like hell I'm going to backtrack every little site change like the thread talking about glowies not acknowledging the big nose nukes.
>/a/ posters who like posting OC content in the same vein as 4chan could be compelled if marketed to
Well, we might still run into the tiny problem that is- People hate both mlp and politics so by itself the board is kind of like a filter for people that in the first place probably didn't even matter anyway.
> mlpols content is simply not that good.
Honestly it's more intellectually engaging than most of the shit i find on the internet these days, hence why i come back here.
Glimmer analysis threads, the threads on üb and an userbase whom actually types more than 2 lines of text to reply, it's pretty comfy.
If anything mlpol might not have as much funposting as other places but eh

I've realized there seems to always be a thread up with someone complaining about the site dying, the site being slow or the staff being bad.
It would be nice if people just calm the fuck down and enjoy posting.
6976 7011
Huh? I have bouts where I visit daily and refresh often and I wind up reporting shit like that almost every night. I would be surprised if anyone isn't aware of it.
>picrel before it gets removed
sorry for mobilefagging
>I disagree but,... I cant cite anything
The Amber Heard defense, then?
Yeah, I was hoping that post wouldnt end up being cruelly ironic, but one never knows. I prefer to let the response dictate the tone.
The idea is tbat, either it WILL be deleted in a timely manner and validate my post, OR it WONT be deleted in a timely manner, in which my post becomes an ironic troll.
6978 6979 6980 7011
>The Amber Heard defense, then?
Dude, darling, honey, retard
You want me to scrap off 4+ years of mongol horse screams to spoonfed you shit?
Why don't you go look for yourself if you are so curious, even though in the thread itself you can see the mods actually engage with the community, hence disproving your argument at it's very root.

I'm not going to reply to you anymore now, have a pony.
Also, nice pone. Haven't seen LMR in a long time, but waifu'd her eons ago. Based, anon. Based.
Well, unless you're me and a good percent of your posts are more or less subtle trolling of staff, it helps to provide a bit of gravitas to your points. In doing so, one neuters those want to gaslight/re-frame/posture in a manner that more or less authentically invalidates your position. I wasnt suggesting you're wrong, but an example (of for illustration) could help the audience.
6981 6983
Whoops, sent too quick
>lel mods are here talking, ur dumb
Yes, staff can be forced to address certain topics when they become unavoidably obvious. That is not the same as being proactive and stitching in time to avoid 9, as the saying goes.

The issue I posited is that staff doesnt address ANY site decisions with the userbase, basically ever.
I cited MLH and Anonfilly as examples because when they showed up, there was contention amongst staff.
I can provide MORE contentious examples, if preferred.
## Admin
>I cited MLH and Anonfilly as examples because when they showed up, there was contention amongst staff.
No. There wasn't. Stop making shit up.

>I hate wasting effort and repeating myself
You've been wasting your effort and repeating yourself for over a year now You have all of the self-awareness, self-importance, and ability to stay on topic as Nigel, and all of the annoyance and efficacy of a barking chihuahua.

I and other members of staff generally ignore you because you are not worth our time responding to and because other users are intelligent enough to see who you are, what you are doing, and why you are doing it. But you shit up every single thread on any /qa/ topic with your tirades, you often shit up threads on other boards, and sometimes, like now, you are blatantly lying. You are on notice to stop.
6985 6996
>stop making things up
Apparently, I made up the discussion about whether or not MLH was permissible? That specific discussion which precipitated my posting to the MLH thread that staff was okay with it? And anonfilly, as an alleged pseudo-pedo thread? There was no contention/dis ussion there? Never change, Lotus. I accede those were not VERY contentious, but thats also why I cited them.
>Youve been wasting your effort
Tellingly, you assume my intentions. I'd be quite surprised if you could actually discern my intent.
>no efficacy
Really? I got you lot to do a bunch of things you refused while on staff. I suppose thats inefficacy?
>you're not worth time and reaponse
That explains your response.
>you shit up every /qa/ thread
If you could go one thread without artificial posturing, revisionist history, and gaslighting, I MIGHT relent.
>blatant lying
Surely you have evidence to support this assertion?
The reality is, while I AM a deviously manipulative bastard, lying is something I DONT do, simply because it complicates exhanges. I dont wanna have to remember what I specifically said one time, its maddening. I shoot from the hip, and anything I say I can and will speak to. I dont hideuntil the heat is too high to ignore.
I wasn't looking forward to replying to this again, but dude, seriously i don't understand where you wanna go with your post.

>Well, unless you're me and(...)
I honestly don't care how it looks or how much weight it might bring to my points, to type these posts replying to you is already a seemingly fruitless endeavor, to dig for evidence for what would probably be more than four hours just to prove a point is insane, specially because as i said the staff is communicating, which bring us to:

>Staff can be forced to address certain topics when they become unavoidably obvious.
>That is not the same as being proactive and stitching in time to avoid 9, as the saying goes.
>The issue I posited is that staff doesnt address ANY site decisions with the userbase, basically ever.
So you want the staff to be proactive( (of a person, policy, or action) creating or controlling a situation by causing something to happen rather than responding to it after it has happened.)
Yet at the same time you want the staff to ask the userbase before taking action.
So in other words, you want the staff to create a thread every time something seems to be going to happen and ask "guys, plz is it ok if we ban this thread if it ever appears here?"

Is that the root of the problem for you, or what is it? I really don't understand which trouble you see with the current management and i would like to listen to you, in a clear way.
You've cited the problems you see already, the staff not being proactive, not communicating not being there, anything else? please cite it.
And i want you to tell me what is your proposal what is it that you expect of the staff, provide me an example of what a "good staff" would look like.

And keep in mind, the staff works for free, you can't ask people that have actual lives and responsibilities to drop all that shit to police the Equus smegma index.
If you want to fix anything, or even illustrate your point at all, please do illustrate it clearly and in detail as i have asked, instead of just pointing to problems that you seem to see and complain about it.
John Elway
## HorseWhisperer
6988 7011
I still don't understand what case you're trying to make. What exactly do you want staff to do? The board is for politics and ponies; if more people post politics then we're going to have more political threads, if more people post horse threads then we have more horse threads. If you don't like the ratio of /pol/ to /mlp/, then post more /mlp/ threads. What do you want staff to do for you exactly? Do you want us to ban political threads? Add some kind of Twitter-style shadow algorithm that moves pony threads to the top of the page regardless of which threads are actually getting bumped? Frankly I don't care for a lot of the low-effort posts that are just news articles or boomer memes either, but the community sets the content, all we do is provide the space and delete spam.

>I post horse in places where I am rewarded for posting horse.
This is just stupid. Do you want someone to playfully massage your balls every time you post a pony? Here, watch this:

>>>/mlpol/344983 →

This is literally how easy it is to post a thread about ponies. If you want more of them, post more of them. Otherwise I'm not really sure what to tell you.

>I'd be quite surprised if you could actually discern my intent.
I'd be quite surprised if anyone could. Your actions have been making progressively less sense for some time now.

Nobody here receives or expects any compensation. Being staff here is literally the most thankless job anyone could possibly have.

Anyway, whatever; if people want a new board we can make one, if not we don't have to. Here's a poll so we can just decide this the easy way:
6989 7019
> I really don't understand which trouble you see with the current management and i would like to listen to you, in a clear way.
<Fook me, this lad seems like 'es listenin'!
Very well

>So you want the staff to be proactive
>Yet at the same time you want the staff to ask the userbase before taking action
Depends on the context
>you want the staff to create a thread every time something seems to be going to happen and ask "guys, plz is it ok if we ban this thread if it ever appears here?"
Lol no. For one, a single thread would likely suffice. Much like Pupper's 'site changes/updates thread', a thread expressly for staff to interact both to and from users and get their input. Imagine asking permission! I'm talking about "Hey we noticed this" or "We're thinking about implementing a that" or any number of ways to involve users in the process. Maybe if so involved, a vastly better solution/arrangement/project could be developed, to the immediate benefit AND satisfaction of users. Worst case, no new ideas come in.

"Anyone has any ideas, I wanna hear 'em. I cant be expected to do ALL the thinking around here, can I?" - Ender Wiggin

>inb4 leddit spacing
As for the rest, I'll leave all kidding/shitposting aside. Additionally, I'll be phrasing this as though its a plan to be implemented, so pardon any pretense.

The first step is updating the site code, specifically to allow for staff members who can't make drastic changes to the site. I appreciate the reticence in bringing on new/unvetted staff, given that the current code gives everyone admin privileges.

The second step is bringing on more staff. Ideally, a few solid autists would serve, or a bunch of minimal/moderate ones. In either case, the former policy of 24-hour monitoring needs to be reinstated. I don't mean constant lurking, checking the overboard every 15-30 minutes would suffice. This isn't (just) about CP/spam deletion, it's also about availability and receptivity to users. I would have it that anyone can post to the site/aforementioned thread and get an immediate response.
>keep in mind, the staff works for free, you can't ask people that have actual lives and responsibilities to drop all that shit to police the Equus smegma index.
To the contrary, I spent several years maintaining the above-mentioned patrol, and maintained an efficacy that often rivalled the remainder of staff combined; and, I did it while running my own business AND subcontracting (60 hour weeks). I don't expect that much autism from any one person however (it would be nice though), so I would involve several autists to split the burden with existing staff. The main issue would then be vetting, and this TOO should be done on site, in the aforementioned thread.

I can't speak to the current staff or their functionality (with exception), but when I left there were a few individuals who neither monitored nor interacted with the site ever. I trust I needn't emphasize what I - as a business owner - would do with an employee that wasnt doing a/their job.
>but they do it for free!
Indeed, its a literal service/charity position, and as Elway put it:
>Being staff here is literally the most thankless job anyone could possibly have.
The next step - and while I am often very critical of the aforementioned, please understand that I am being quite honest and non-critical when I say the following - is to relieve Pupper of the pressure of leadership, and appoint someone in his stead.
The reason for this is - and I appreciate if my position is NOT appreciated - is that Pupper is not a leader; no disrespect intended. He ISN'T a bad guy by any stretch, but being an ACTIVE leader puts alot of stress on him, and he simply isn't conditioned for it. He's a brilliant coder, and should be allowed to do what he's good at without worrying about being the final say on anything/everything. As for leadership, I would nominate Elway; I have a laundry list of why Lotus should (ahem) remain as Admin, not that he HASN'T done his due diligence on/for the site (and ponerpics), but Elway is the MOST suitable candidate IMO and I feel his candor in and out of the Glimglam threads speaks to this. This assumes of course that he wants the responsibility, which I'm not confident of.

That's where I would start, and what the next steps are would depend on the outcome/progress of the previous steps.
Shitposting re-engaged
>I'd be quite surprised if anyone could. Your actions have been making progressively less sense for some time now
Quite the compliment, thank you. In strategy, predictability is a negative stat.
That is a much better presentation for a much more reasonable and civil argument compared to the autistic screeching that came before this post. Why didn't we just do this from the start?

Now, i see no problems with your post and you made some sensible points i can agree are acceptable ideas that might contribute to the good of the site in general.
I hope what follows now is an actual good and productive talk between all parties involved.
6991 6993 6996
Because I spent years - years - being ignored, sidelined, relegated, et al., and left to do "as I was told" even when it went against any good sense or feasible progress, with these very same arguments (theyve refined a bit, but minimally), and my attitude reflects the reception that was given. I will never claim to NOT be an asshole, nor do I contest that my temperament is not suitable for the staff I envision. But thats why I left and became Batman
>me, me, me
I see.
Oh, theres plenty more to be said, but since you asked me, and since the first step in progress is admitting one's mistakes, its appropriate that I do so.
Hold your breath and see how many follow suit.
6994 6995
I just got here, i was drawing a filly kiss for you, fag
Present company included
Got a higher res version of the kissu filly?
## Admin
6998 6999
I don't care to strategize, because this isn't a war and I don't care.

We know why. It's because you want the ability to do with the site and its users whatever you want with no accountability or restraint.

When other staff members didn't do whatever it was exactly you wanted some years ago you quit the staff discord while still using your moderator account to perform actions on the site, so you could perform moderator actions while not having to discuss those actions with persons you "didn't respect" on the staff discord server. So you thought you could do away with all supervision by strong-arming Atlas into making you an Admin on the site. Atlas has a sanguine personality, and while warm and fun is and was a people-pleaser and weak willed, so he accepted and made you an admin. I didn't just accept the situation and demanded a veto-power on banning decisions during the negotiations for hashing out the new power structure. I believe that it is because of that that you generally assume that I'm always conspiring against you (or something. I don't really care). Pupperwoff and Equus did not like you making an edit on a user's post. You can't handle anyone telling you "no" or "don't do this" so you continuously argued against him and developed a grudge against him and started regularly insulting him any time he typed anything in the staff server.

One day after an argument Pupperwoff stripped you of “admin” title, and you were such an asshole that not a single person cared to object. Not one single actual power was stripped from you, mind you, just a few words typed by Pupper. I remember talking to you in DM after that trying to negotiate settlement between you and Pupper so we could return to some kind of normalcy in staff. You insisted that the only role you would accept is one that would give you the power to do most anything you want, without any actual oversite by Pupper or anyone. Obviously that wasn't acceptable, because staff need to uphold a standard of behavior and you wouldn't accept any but your own. Pupper wanted you to give more description when drawing attention to questionable posts, I wanted you to behave professionally when posting with mod caps, and everyone, especially Elway, wanted you to stop being belligerent to everyone on staff. But you couldn’t handle even that much change to your behavior. It was all too much giving into others, and not enough getting your way.

And then one day I noticed you were not in any discord server related to the community, and we assumed you quit without telling us, presumably so Pupper couldn't fire you for abusing your power in deleting a certain post. I assumed that was the end of that and you had quit the community. What actually happened is that you realized that you had alienated everyone on staff and decided instead that you could take your case to the users and rile them up to do your bidding, and bully the remainder of staff into doing things. We all assumed you’d get bored after you realized that the users are not your personal army and will not act as such. Instead, we’ve been here over a year. I have, on several occasions, collected screenshots and started writing several-page long rebuttals to your regular tired. But every time, I have realized that I don’t care enough to put in that much effort into arguing with you.

I personally very strongly believe that you have a diagnosable mental illness that is causing you to behave like this, most likely a permutation of schizophrenia. I have known you for years, and decently well. You were not like this back in 2018. I believe your mental health took a very sharp decline two years ago. I think that is why you do what you do in the way you do it. It’s saddening.
Drew it on a small canvas, sorry
This is what passes as 'not worthy of response'?
>It's because you want the ability to do with the site and its users whatever you want with no accountability or restraint
Nope. Next!
>you quit the staff discord while still using your moderator account to perform actions on the site
I made a full detail of what I was doing to Atlas, who was still site owner at the time. Next!
>strong-arming Atlas into making you an Admin on the site.
Atlas wanted out, I made it happen. There was no strong-arming, and aside from (you), everyone agreed. Next!
>Atlas has a sanguine personality, and while warm and fun is and was a people-pleaser and weak willed, so he accepted and made you an admin
I hear Atlas is back around. Funny, I would think he would be capable of making such an assertion, assuming there's validity. Next!
>I believe that it is because of that that you generally assume that I'm always conspiring against you
You and I both know that's not true. I dont assume you're 'always' conspiring against me, and I'll credit you have had no need to conspire against me for quite some time. But come now Lotus, be honest, if for once. Next!
>Pupperwoff and Equus did not like you making an edit on a user's post
And yet, they gave you a pass, even though you did far worse. Funny. Next!
>you can't handle anyone telling you "no" or "don't do this" so you continuously argued against him and developed a grudge against him and started regularly insulting him any time he typed anything in the staff server
Par for the course, wrong again.
What I WON'T do is agree with someone when they demand I do so especially when their 'grounds' are >muh feelings, and demands of compliance BECAUSE of feelings are a fast track to be told to get fucked.
And yes, I shitpost when individuals want to demand their way and refuse to discuss the matter. Especially when certain admins are abusing users outside THEIR scope and are being given a pass for loose reasons. Funny that you mention Atlas' sanguininity, since your entire position is based off of it. Next!
>One day after an argument Pupperwoff stripped you of “admin” title
>One day
You mean when Atlas reached out to staff, having gotten robbed, and wanted to reconnect? You mean the time YOU AND I spoke verbally to Atlas, confirmed his identity through personal information, and yet Pupper wanted nothing to do with him? You mean the time that I pulled ALL of staff into a discord room to forcibly vet him, since there was such inconceivable resistance to admitting it was Atlas? Cuz Pupper couldnt trust someone else's (me) due diligence, and you were strangely silent about 'yeah, its really Atlas'? Next!
>you were such an asshole that not a single person cared to object
Haters gonna hate, but you're not wrong. I concede THAT point.
>Not one single actual power was stripped from you, mind you, just a few words typed by Pupper
Except for responsibility, not surprising thats what you overlooked. An admin is an executive position, with likewise responsibilities. You might know that if (you) had any authority as a leader. Next!
>You insisted that the only role you would accept is one that would give you the power to do most anything you want
False framing, but I'll grant you a pass on this one. The issue is/was, Pupper was intended to focus on programming/coding, leaving Administration to you, Elway, and me.
Instead, Pupper decided to demand his way on every decision. This was not the arrangement that was brokered, nor what I agreed to, and yes; if that is what Pupper intended - to dictate every time he had feelings/thoughts AND demand everyone AGREE with him - I wanted no part of it. Next!
>because staff need to uphold a standard of behavior and you wouldn't accept any but your own
Inactivity and lying to users (neglecting to amend the policy, et al) doesnt strike me as a suitable 'standard of behavior', so yes I refused.
>Pupper wanted you to give more description when drawing attention to questionable posts,
You're getting ahead of yourself. Pupper and I FIRST got off on the wrong foot when you were abusing users (more than once) and I confronted you on it (more than once). Atlas was unreachable, and Pupper bought your self-serving explanation without any discussion. It wasnt until there was - legitimate - bad blood that he attempted to take me to task about questionable posts and my behavior toward Nigel, and yes, by that point I wasnt hearing about how 'what I did was bad' but somehow 'what you did is of no concern'.
>I wanted you to behave professionally when posting with mod caps
Its a shame the users can't appreciate the hilarity of that statement, nor can I summarize it concisely. Still, thanks for the lols, never change Lotus.
>and everyone, especially Elway, wanted you to stop being belligerent to everyone on staff
After over a year of monitoring the site, bringing up posts/threads and no one ever knowing what I was talking about, because monitoring the site was evidently not anyone's priority, yes. When people arent doing their job, the correct course is discipline.
>And then one day I noticed you were not in any discord server related to the community
Did I need permission to take a step back and reassess? Are you that much of a control freak that I need to ask permission?
>presumably so Pupper couldn't fire you for abusing your power in deleting a certain post
How many posts did (you) delete, exactly? Wasnt deleting Nigel's off-topic posts YOUR suggestion? Oh, yeah, it was. Huh.
>I assumed that was the end of that and you had quit the community
I trust you know the adage about when you assume?
7000 7011
>What actually happened is that you realized that you had alienated everyone on staff and decided instead that you could take your case to the users and rile them up to do your bidding, and bully the remainder of staff into doing things
Bully, yes. Personal army, no.
>I have, on several occasions, collected screenshots and started writing several-page long rebuttals to your regular tired. But every time, I have realized that I don’t care enough to put in that much effort into arguing with you
Oh dear, Im gonna have to journal about how upsetting your disproval is.
And lastly.
>I personally very strongly believe that you have a diagnosable mental illness that is causing you to behave like this, most likely a permutation of schizophrenia. I have known you for years, and decently well. You were not like this back in 2018. I believe your mental health took a very sharp decline two years ago. I think that is why you do what you do in the way you do it. It’s saddening.
Oh you do, do you? Care to present your credentials,... doctor? How many times have you met with the 'patient', and what diagnostic criteria did you employ?
Or is it that you have a vested interest, and a (ahem) more than personal inclination to asseet your theories to malign your opponent. I credit, in certain context it makes sense; but this is not such a venue, and you dont have the luxury you... usually enjoy.
So, you're entitled to your beliefs, it has no bearing on me.
## Admin
7001 7002
Do go on.jpg
Now that you're done, discussion on that topic is closed forever
You wish ^_~
>tfw 'last 50 posts' isn't enough
Oh boy...
7005 7018
I wish I was in Equestria.png
File (hide): DBAB844FFDAD08C2C722127147DF4871-11245934.mp4 (10.7 MB, Resolution:318x238 Length:00:03:26, wet mare.mp4) [play once] [loop]
wet mare.mp4
>Well according to the ancient furry chart, ponies fall into the "you sick bastard" category, so i think you're safe as long as you're not into satyr.
I'm familiar with it, such as this >pic related image. Personally, Centaurs are more my kind of thing.
>Jokes aside, it's just weird to fuck a horse anon, i guess it's ok to fantasize about it but please don't take the chance if it ever presents itself, you'd be just sticking your dick in an animal, in no way would people see you as anything but a zoophile.
>Implying i haven't already contemplated the idea countless times or lost my wizard virginity to a pretty pony mare
Kek, you couldn't have made a more grand assumption of my equine-mancy powers Mr Anonymous.
>Or just do it, like, it's not like i care that much honestly, i'm being dramatic here.
In all seriousness, i have produced some videos of me fucking ponies over on 8chan's(.moe) /zoo/ if that disgusts you even more. It won't be hard to find them since i use a similar posting style as always.
>I like cats but not sexually, i don't really have much of a non-ironical interest in eroticism.
Then you are spared from this excessive desire for lust which i posses, felines are not as pleasing as the equines in my eyes but i have felt a she cat's pussy before when she was in season, yet my sexual cravings did not feel inclined to arousal from the deed i had done.
Video 3 is originally from my post that was almost 3 years ago now and still remains in the archivesdespite a few others getting deleted for "no actual horsefucking." https://mlpol.net/mlpol/archive/223714#230559
>Vid 3
OP is doing it all by himself.
Polacks retreated, I am waiting for the ponies.
>If I passed on the responsibility, why am I still here, making the case to users in public instead of in a private dicksword?
because you left that team of sad sucks but instead of doing anything about it you are still here seething openly. go build your own lunar lander. I came here for /pol/ related reasons and can't resist digging at the mods every now and then for being faggots, but I also don't pretend I'm somehow better than them or that they owe me something.
if you want to be all high and mighty at me, you should have kept being a mod even if these assholes annoyed you, but instead you trippled down and made yourself suck 3 times the cocks they do.
Like I said many times, It wasn't my idea to make this thread, even if I think you are wrong. I know the mods were not on board.
you are correct that there is value in coming here, I would just argue there is very little value for horsefuckers.
>its more intellectually stimulating than most of the shit you find on the internet these days
the majority of the content on /mlpol/ is shit someone found on a news or blog and reposted here.
>you dodnt do what I think you should do, and dont think what I think you should think, so ur gay
Stunningly well thought out
>you did what I did but only you're a faggot for it.
7012 7014
Oh I see. so people are skating around the AI learning bot by hotlinking and embedding.
I agree that the mods don't engage the community much but I also am different in thinking that I don't see why they really have to. Anons here don't pay to use the site, they do, and if they want to be king faggot, nobody should have a right to tell them not to be.
>Really? I got you lot to do a bunch of things you refused while on staff. I suppose thats inefficacy?
Everything comes from somewhere, you didn't get someone to do something by being a complaining faggot, you got someone to do something by making them perceive you as a complaining faggot, lowering your social credit. If you want to call drawing on that credit "efficient" you've got to be fucking joking.
>I still don't understand what case you're trying to make. What exactly do you want staff to do? The board is for whites and blacks; if more people birth blacks then we're going to have more blacks, if more people birth whites then we have more whites. If you don't like the ratio of black to white, then make more whites.
Since you don't seem to understanding the basic premise at all I'll once again, not that I haven't 3 times in this thread already, make the comparison to white flight.
>What do you want staff to do for you exactly? Do you want us to ban political threads? Add some kind of Twitter-style shadow algorithm that moves pony threads to the top of the page regardless of which threads are actually getting bumped? >Frankly I don't care for a lot of the low-effort posts that are just news articles or boomer memes either, but the community sets the content, all we do is provide the space and delete spam.
I already made it clear what I think should be done two years ago. a new board that's for horse only, I can only imagine that other fucking lunatic has you so tilted you didn't read any of this thread and maybe even tuned out any discussion from the staff, but in any case how you got absolutely no information from the original post when it's blatantly clear what is being suggested is beyond confusing as fuck.
Again, the only thing I ever suggested was that you guys make a pony board so that people fed up with the mlp on 4chan could come here. That opportunity is largely passed and if you made one now I wouldn't be mad but I think the people who immediately liked my idea and made this thread probably are a bit naive in how likely we are to see a result when /mlp/ is now having regular and exciting cons twice a year. Frankly I'm abjectly confused. I don't understand how anyone can think that this is a fun experiance for horsefuckery. It's a great place to speak my mind and post horse reaction images when shitposting about politics. but the horse content is near non existant and the reason it is is because the idea that combining the demographics of both boards would favor both equally was wrong to begin with.

Do I think mlpol needs to change? no. I never said we needed to modify any of the rules of that board. Do I think it's obvious who's content is being pushed off the board? yes. Acting like mlpol is a pony board is naive at best. It's /pol/ without GR 15.
>This is just stupid
The rest of your retarded post is significantly lowering my desire to engage with you at all. maybe I was speaking too soon when I said that other anon was tripple your faggotry, maybe hes just double, or one and a half. Literally all of the first half of this post is nothing but your inability to listen to ANYONE in this thread, let alone me. Even people who make their cases politely or have patience rather than a salty fucker who's been down this path with you faggots and already knew your answer from the start. I'm not reading the rest of it.
Its hilarious you nominated the guy who seems to be the least suited to listening to anyone at all.
>but this is not such a venue
this is the only part of this ocean of feces I will reply to.
This is not your venue to seeth over the mods. this is someone else's thread. not even mine, and the only reason I'm in it is because they personally requested I defend the idea in their stead.
>Its hilarious you nominated the guy who seems to be the least suited to listening to anyone at all
I'll counter that his candor in and out of threads/the board speaks to his credibility, especially considering the alternatives. Moreover, he's the face of Football, hes the most visible staff member given movie night et al. Hes not the PERFECT choice, but that wasn't the point of suggesting him. Is there a more suitable alternative?
I have no preference if we're talking about outcomes because there wont be any but if I was forced to pick one I'd go with lotus, who can and has at least pretended to listen to what someone else is saying before saying no anyway, unlike Elway or you. Pupper and atlas are mods I have had little to no contact with. Either way I think it's pretty clear when a admin barges in to seethe without even reading the op it looks about as good as a sour grapes faggot who left the team but wont stop loitering around and complaining about how hes not on the team anymore in someone else's thread.
Can’t those bots also analyze images?
So your position is, upon leaving staff, I should have exhiled myself from the site?
I agree, Elway doesnt have a perfect record, and I'll admit that I can't validate my position on Lotus without publishing materials that would be grounds for censure.
I'll suffice to say that of the two, Elway strikes a far better compromise between libertarian vs. authoritarian, though I appreciate how dismissible that statement is.
>didnt read the OP
lol false. I guess in your mind, someone saying 'no' to a series of yes or no questions (which IMO the answer to those questions, collectively, IS no) equates to being ignorant of the proposal?
the point is that they probably only target actual cp to avoid false positives, and therefore these embedded links get around that.
7019 7020 7023 7093
Anyway, I dunno if it's the right call but I think at this point I have to reply to this and hopefully make my last post on this topic. Based on the overwhelming shitposting here, and the abject indifference of not just one but two mods, each more indifferent and hostile than the last.

They do not fucking care, man. Nevermind the fact that I went to them when it was time to strike and they still said no, they don't even agree that metal can be hot, and if it could, they cant fathom a reason for striking. You would be better off making your own numlp than wasting your time trying to suck off these idiots. Honestly if you are who I think you are though you're already doing a lot as it is and I think it's working and am fully behind it, even if the venue for it sucks. Trying to get these people to care about the horse community is a waste of time. They don't strike when the irons hot because they don't fucking care. They don't even know the state of /mlp/ over 2 years, let alone what's going on there recently. It's extremely telling that they keep trying to frame this as though we are struggling to get people to post pony. Now that G% drama is ogre I have a captive audience on /mlp/ due to cons. soap anon is selling soap. and I'm sure you or anyone could have a fucking blast over there running your own panels and drinking in the OC. we don't have to stop using this website but trying to get them to understand the horse community is a huge waste of fucking time. I'm not anything more than 7 charisma internet retard but I gave the idea my best shot of explanation and defense. It's absolutely crystal clear that the latest people involved didn't even read your opening post. I'd rather work on my projects than spend hours screaming at mods who don't even spend a second glancing at your polite OP before they fly off the handle.
I don't find it disgusting, when i was like 15-16 and my mind was full of pony i would totally fuck a horse, given the chance.
Up until my 19's i think i was still like that, but i sort of just grew out of it and after many interactions with disgusting furries and zoosadists, the idea of sticking it into a horse or any other animal is repelling.

Welp, have your fun anon, everyone has their tastes and I'm just some muscular dude that has cute bunny stickers on his wallet so who am i to judge.
7021 7022
want, need, desire.png
God i'm not even gonna read your posts anymore, shut the fuck up half of your posts don't even make a fucking sense anymore, your arguments are all over the place and it is obvious you don't have a clear focus on what you want.
Just leave, this post >>6986 >>6987

Is the best post you made, you exposed your point in a sensible and civil manner without looking like an absolute derranged madman.
You should have left it at that, because it seems as soon as that post ended you resumed your tale of posting pure nonsense.

You're like this picture, at first glance it seems to make sense, but when you look closely you realize it makes no fucking sense.
7024 7026
>They won't strike when the iron's hot
OK, you've caught my attention there.
I remember back in 2019 when the leaks happened and there was this big fuzz about diverstria and stoned golly.
I tried to get poners from this site onboard. I mean, it was this shitstorm that gave Aryanne a permanent foothold on /mlp/
Buuut...mods here deleted everything, cuz spam...
Tried to appeal alongside the other anons, telling them how important this was and how there wouldn't be another chance.
I had to wait until the episode actually aired to keep pushing.
Which wasn't exactly easy anyways,
With the choking apathy of the userbase here.
I eventually managed to get them to care, but I won't forget how this was almost ruined by apathy and inaction, both from the userbase and particularly from staff.
So, you got my support if you need anything with your stuff and if I happen to have spare time on me to help.
One gets what one gives anon, since the sincere request post was the only post that hasnt smelled of contempt.
I would like to add a Zero step to my breakdown though, and this can be done NOW.

Consult someone with PR knowledge and experience.
7025 7026
He's right tho, you niggers are utterly disconnected from reality when it comes to /mlp/. It takes an ungodly, byzantine effort to get to care in the slightest.
You've been like this for years now, and the events that transpired ever since the ending leaked, proves that we were right.
## Admin
What more do you want from us, aside from “make a new board immediately without any more discussion”? You have opened the question for public debate. I have listened to the arguments you’ve made, I have given my personal opinion, and you have responded to my statement of my opinion with a rebuttal of your own. The issue has been brought up and discussed by staff within the staff communication channel, and the general opinion has been published here. Many users have also made comments.

The issue is currently up to a poll posted in >>6985, and staff are waiting to see the results if that as well as community discussion to determine if we will make a new board, and if a new board is made, what that board will be named and what the rules will be. Literally what more could you possibly ask for? If this were an actual political issue like a region wanting independence, the government putting the issue to a referendum would be considered a tremendous victory for the movants. See the quebecois independence-movement in Canada, the Scottish independent movement, and the “Leave” campaign in Britain for examples of IRL movements that obtained referendums, and contrast the Spanish crackdown on the “illegal” Catalonian independence vote for an example of a central government denying a vote.

Literally what else do you want? Staff has posed the question of “what should this new board be named” and other users have engaged in that question. Users have asked the question of whether any new board should be a blue board. Maybe you have engaged in those discussions and maybe you haven’t, but the point is that there is discussion to be had amongst the users on the topic.

But instead of jumping for joy that the issue is up for popular vote and user discussion, and persuading users that they should post and vote in favor of the new idea, you bitch about staff and complain that we don’t use 4chan, the website we created this website to get away from. Bitch, Please. We are not going to suck your dick.
## Admin
>buut...mods here deleted everything, cuz spam...
No. The leaks were not deleted because of “spam.” The reason they were deleted was because an error in the way the text was spoilered. The post contained major spoilers for season 9, and such spoilers need to be, well, spoilered. However, green text was showing through the black such that just glancing at the OP post caused those spoilers to be visible. I deleted the post with a warning as to the reason why. All that had to happen was to correct the post, such as by removing the arrows. For some reason the OP chose not to post again.

>Tried to appeal alongside the other anons, telling them how important this was and how there wouldn't be another chance.
I don’t recall anyone whatsoever making any appeal or anything about the leaks. All that needed to be done was to repost the same text with out the green text, but it was not resubmitted.
I'm not talking about /mlp/, i can't give two fucks about this whole discussion about the traffic on the site, it is pointless to discuss it and i don't plan to repeat my previous post addressing why that is.

I'm just policing shitty arguments and faulty logic because it pleases me to read a good argument with some good back and forth between two parties.
And honestly most of the shit that's been posted here simply makes 0 sense.
Honestly i don't understand your guy's constant obsession with /mlp/, it's almost like you're putting it in some autistic pedestral of what a chan should be.
mlp is a depressing place filled with autists, like all of 4chan.
Non-4chan internet is filled with underage and normies, so that's also not very nice.

I'm gonna drop a fat black pill down your throat: Mlpol will never have considerable traffic because the concept itself is autistic and idiotic.
Mention /pol/ to anyone and the only thing you will get is "Oh, the edgy neonazi board?"
Mention /mlp/ to someone and they will either say something about pedos or think you're a weirdo.

Wow, what a surprise, when you mix vomit and shit together you get something even more disgusting.
Yeah sure, it worked for a while, under very special circumstances, but once that ended the site was left with a small userbase posting content of more or less quality and little to no outside traffic.

And it's not surprising at all.
Most small chans you will find out there, with a few exceptions like crystal cafe and lolcow farms, will have little to no traffic because they are unknown or simply small and kind of dead.
Add to that the fact that, as i said earlier, mlpol is disgusting for the average person and boom, you got a very slow site.

Face it, /mlp/ hates this place, they know it exists and they don't give three shits about it, it's impressive the site has lasted this long and the fact that it gets as many posts per day as it gets.
The site will stay this way until it either dies or something incredible happens and suddenly mlpol becomes popular, which is highly unlikely.

God damn for a site of grown ass adults you're a fucking bunch of whinny bitches and immature bastards.
The userbase won't do shit? Yeah no shit sherlock, if the userbase did anything but complain things would be a lot different, ya think you're the only one that has tried to do something to help the site, just for the users to show an incredible amount of not giving a fuck?
A blue FIM board could attract users who want to exclusively post there.
7030 7033
Why did this thread get so off-topic?
7032 7071
>it's almost like you're putting it in some autistic pedestral of what a chan should be.
It's hardly the epitome of what a chansite should be. But...wanna know the funny part? It's still way better than this hellhole. And before you blind us with your wisdom once more, I know this site is probably always going to be a small site. The point is, this site was miles better just three years ago. Not only traffic has decreased, the quality has gone to shit as well.

All we have here are boomer memes, news articles, an autistic britbong, a bunch of insufferable faggots who can't simply filter the retard, and an internet tough guy who feels the need to larp in a horse-whispering forum.
The average Aryanne poster in /mlp/ is better than the average poster here. And let's not even mention the /his/ fags spreading outside chansites, wow_mao fags could probably curb-stomp the whole site. Basically anyone who's been in that shitstorm for long enough.
You can thank the niggas, lotus & nigel love triangule for that.
Nigel had nothing to do with it
That the quality is shit, i can't claim, because i came back recently and i still enjoy a few of the threads, so to not insult them, i can't claim everything on this site is trash.
That many, many of the threads are completely irrelevant to me and my tastes is true though, but they exist for a reason so out of respect for their owners and patrons, i can't claim they are trash.

Now that /mlp/ is objectively better is arguable, for the quantity of PPM (posts per minute), /mlp/ will naturally have both more trash and also more good stuff compared to something slow like /mlpol/.
So in a way /mlp/ does have more threads, and more engaging threads too, but they also have a ton of trash in their bag.

But well, the activity and quality of the board is determined by its userbase, and what i have learnt, personally, is that if you don't have fun carrying a whole thread in your back with little to no input from outsiders (Like the glimglam thread), you will get burnt out and just abandon ship because it's simply not fun, not rewarding and not worth it. (Like the Mein Kampf reading thread)
So, i can agree with you.
But then, what would you do to improve this situation?
Cos a couple of psychos went off rails with old butthurt.
The excuse is a safe space for ponyfags, the real motive is to cause mayhem to punish /mlpol/ staff.
Narcissism and gaslighting 101 if you look carefully into it.
File (hide): 56EFF3F943371FF504431F61DB558A39-30953356.webm (29.5 MB, Resolution:1488x700 Length:00:04:04, filly fuck.webm) [play once] [loop]
filly fuck.webm
centaur creampie.jpeg
Kyrie on the bed.jpg
celestia came.jpg
based lunafag.jpg
>webm related
Have this last one for now anon, it's my personal favorite.
>I don't find it disgusting, when i was like 15-16 and my mind was full of pony i would totally fuck a horse, given the chance.
If you have had similar ideas to mine in the past then you can somewhat comprehend my manner of thinking and acting, it is an emotional obsession that i have with pony mares which i first developed through lustful curiosity then thus it further snowballed over years into a degeneration of sex addiction.
>Up until my 19's i think i was still like that, but i sort of just grew out of it and after many interactions with disgusting furries and zoosadists, the idea of sticking it into a horse or any other animal is repelling.
Furfags and sadistic zoophiliacs have always come off as unappealing to me, some seem very psychopathic or severely autistic so they are not quite the pleasant kind to converse with.

>Welp, have your fun anon, everyone has their tastes and I'm just some muscular dude that has cute bunny stickers on his wallet so who am i to judge.
I appreciate your tolerance and understanding fren.
Bundesarchiv_Bild_101I-004-3633-30A _Russland _Cholm _gefallene_Rotarmisten.jpg
Well, some faggot said he didn't understand.
You still got a point tho, I'll stop now.
7039 7042
File (hide): 4EC680B8141DE2C735D2B227E6FD873E-1543951.webm (1.5 MB, Resolution:1280x720 Length:00:00:31, ziggers n griffons choices.webm) [play once] [loop]
ziggers n griffons choices.webm
Well niggers, this is not random, every time OP and associates begun to fling shit, the post count went to the toilet. This time is not exception and looking how it goes, perhaps (you) have the distinguished honor of to have killed the board.
Badmouthing shitposters because muh quality has consequences and your venom is not harmless. Congratulations. /s
7040 7047 7050
The whole paranoia on quality just makes people afraid to post funthreads.
People should just post whatever, the quality comes from the users, not the posts.
Too late, this time these resentful niggers went off the script when jumped from their usual rant about the staff to attack pol/acks.
You telling me people are so frail,it takes a single nigger telling them to an hero for them not to post anymore?

If that's the case then good riddance.
>OP and associates begun to fling shit
Hey, I'm not flinging any shit here. I just moved the conversation put of my Roe v. Wade thread. The shitflinging started after that.
Also, I haven't had the time to closely monitor this thread the past couple days.
Like, seriously, I tried my best to word everything as diplomatically and considerately as possible, but it can't be helped if people want to mix past grievances or paranoid suspicions into a completely separate conversation. I don't think we should just avoid having the conversations at all either just because people get angry about things though. I want everyone to express themselves.
Right, but the fear of being labeled as off-topic may stop some from posting at all.
What arguments are there for not making a blue pony board, anyway?
Are the /pol/ users afraid of losing activity in political threads?
It would take additional time and resources and it would possibly be a passing fad that lasts mere days.
>paranoia on quality just makes people afraid to post funthreads
I've actually felt this for a long time now, but never really spoke up about it because I thought I might have been the only person affected by the atmosphere. It looks like I'm not the only one who feels that way.
I've heard of people talk about quality over quantity for a while, but on boards that are supposed to be for entertainment, having too tense of an attitude can mean you get neither.
>It would take additional time
I don't think so, actually. The template for making a board already exists.
I don't think so either. We have plenty of site data, and barely use most of what is already paid for.
>it would possibly be a passing fad that lasts mere days
That is actually a legitimate concern. I think people would prefer the idea if there were some guarantee that the board would actually be used, or that there were someone committed to stocking it with content.
John Elway
## HorseWhisperer
7094 7106
Reminder that there is still an official poll open. In spite of the fact that this thread has received ~250 replies of spirited debate, thus far only 6 people have troubled themselves to actually cast a vote on it. Currently it's split 4/2 against creating a new board. If you feel strongly about this one way or another, feel free to cast a vote. Poll is open for another 3 weeks, give or take.

7065 7066
Wherever there is no censorship, the right ideas take over. Wherever the left controls the means of control, leftist lies take over those who remain after everyone willing to reject them gets banned or intimidated into silence.
Giving people a censorship-free blue board for pony discussion could bring in new blood that will gradually learn the truth, one look at the Overboard at a time.
Ngl, this is one of the best arguments to date
>Giving people a censorship-free blue board for pony discussion could bring in new blood
It is already censorship-free. So free that you faggots destroyed an already established tight community for the sake of your selfish fantasy. Your crimes won't go without an answer.
What are you talking about?
7069 7072
Just a couple of fair questions. Given that (you) and frens didn't give a flying hay for pol/aks, and worse yet, (you) and frens went so far as denigrate political content and therefore a pol/ak fly ensued so bad that currently the political content is nowhere to be seen.
Do (you) have any plan to repair the damage (you) have done? Also, do (you) have any expectation that your pony breads will go unmolested, as retaliation may ensue?
Dude, I've been a /pol/ack since 2010. Wtf makes you think I don't like political content.
And not to brag, but on some months almost half of the political/news threads here are made by me.
>so bad that currently the political content is nowhere to be seen
This has been a problem I've been shouting about for years, but nobody listens.
Say what now?
Same poster as >>7067 (OP) btw
7076 7078
>>>/mlpol/345244 →
>I thought I was an insufferable faggot
<"So, you finally noticed it." (obscure vidya reference meant to be ignored)
Don't get me wrong here >>7029 tho.
What I meant with this:
>an autistic britbong, a bunch of insufferable faggots who can't simply filter the retard
Is that you shouldn't let some autistic nigger ruin the fun. With some anons literally trying to move out of the board. Over ONE shitposter
>Do (you) have any plan to repair the damage (you) have done?
Frankly, this.
/mlpol/ is unrecognizable now, in a negative way.
op massive faggot.png

>Implying shitposts on /qa/ could destroy /mlpol/
Do you not remember when we used to get raided by /jp/ a dozen times a day for almost a year? That didn't destroy us.
7077 7078
>>7071 The short answer is that I agree with you. I think I got tunnel vision back then because I felt I was in the right and therefore I had to prove it.
I really tire of all the drama that has been. I wanna focus on the positive sides of mlpol and do something creative and productive; I wanna focus on the things we (anons on mlpol) have in common more (I mean we're severely autistic;P). Not new feelings for me perhaps but still.
Btw, I should have informed you and Ninjas a while ago, really sorry about that, but my computer broke and with it, the password for my burner email disappeared. So if you sent me any, that's why I haven't answered them.
It's alright fam, I don't think it was innapropiate of a response either. And I do appreciate your contributions to the board, glad to have you back.
>>>/mlpol/345270 →
Am not I wuv U taco anon, but I remember those breads.

Sorry for taking this long for such a low effort reply, there isn't much I can do about it.
7079 7081
I don't mean to interrupt, but what exactly does this have to do with the blue board idea? I think I might be confused...
7080 7083
>blue board idea
It's ded.
Well, that's what the thread is for. If you're not interested, just let the thread slide.
>what exactly does this have to do with the blue board idea?
It was on-topic before, we were doing a lit' wrap up, that's all. Sorry, poner.
Np, just trying to keep some peace. /qa/ threads are chaotic enough already.
Not very dead considering the poll has the creation of the new board in the lead.
pony jockey 2.png
Same faggot here, saging, only dropping by to say that the comments I made on the nohooves reee crowd are all out of date and no longer apply at all, another chance out the window. Say hello to NHNB. wasn't my idea, but the people who care about horse communities outside TT will probably be interested in it, they are advertising on 4chucks sucks and cucks.
I already said I dont want you faggots to do anything you don't want to do, theres no point in an idea like this without support of the staff. What I want is for you to take your dick out of your ass and actually read things people are saying instead of just seeth in your own mod drama.
>Poll is tied
>1 week left
>replies to Lotus
>thinks it will be considered
Nigger, how new are you?
7107 7108
Voting closed 8 hours ago, and the results are tied.
What do?
7108 7109 7110 7112
>What do?
Burn OP.
John Elway
## HorseWhisperer
Honestly I'm not sure. As is usually the case around here, the consensus seems to be that we have no consensus, so the vote didn't really resolve anything. Since only 16 people bothered to vote and the proposal didn't have enough support to break the 50% threshold, I'm inclined to take this as a resounding "meh" and just leave things the way they are. I guess if anyone wants to make any impassioned arguments to the contrary they are welcome to do so.

This seems like as good a suggestion as any.
>Seething for no reason
Chill out big guy, Show me on the doll where OP Touched you.
Well, I had no strong opinion on it either way, so I guess this is as good of a result as any.
Theres the sort of level-headed response that has driven content and innovation for the site
Theres an overrepresentation in and around staff of people who view any change (read: progress) as threatening.
It totally doesnt have anything to do with inherent narcissism though, so stop asking.
That didn't sound like something a staff member would normally say, but idk.
Clearly you don't know (no offense) cuz theres several dead giveaways in that post
7117 7122
>theres several dead giveaways in that post
The calling to burn OP was mine, I'm not staff but just a single poner looking for OP's pound of flesh.
OP needs to be tested.
7118 7119
>It was mine
So it was
>I'm not
Taken at face value
>OP needs to be tested
You specifically said burn.
OP got the gall of piss many poners offf. I'm an injured party and I want retribution for all the havoc OP and freens did. Wanna change? No way faggots. Take your Blue faggotry to Derpibooru.
skinning the faggot.png
>You specifically said burn.
Dude, I made this thread because the conversation was shitting up my Roe v. Wade thread. Idk why you're so buttfrustrated about it.
The polls are in, and it's already decided that the blue board is a non-starter, so posters can go back to business.
You're exaggerating.
>I'm an injured party
Cope and seethe, snowflake.