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Can you delete my threads?
7646 7648 7650
Can you delete the threads I created to talk about myself, my feelings, my interests, my projects, and how my life is going from this site?
## Mod
How about just stop engaging in the threads? No one has forced you to make the thread or keep them going.
That would be hundred of threads, a huge part of the site's history and culture would just go up in smoke, they have to stay.
Just so you can come back here without anything weighting you down? Fuck no. You've always been like that since the "glimmerniggers" days. Always trying to paint a narrative for the mods and anyone distracted enough. I wouldn't give you that privilege, specially after you've been such a massive scourge on the board's history.
You brought literally all of it on yourself. On an almost daily basis. For five years. And as recently as a few days ago. Get fucked, Nigel. If you don't like it, you can always just stop posting.
7652 7653 7655 7656
If I stop using this board will you delete the threads? They contain personally identifiable information about myself and others.
If it contains sensitive information why did you even post it in the first place?

Pink = You Are Here
Did MI6 pay you a visit?
I am not a smart man.
7659 7660
>Nigel goes to jail for hate speech
>British media go ape shit and panic over the looming threat of autistic racists being spergs on the Internet.
I wonder what the headlines would say.
<Chomping at the Bit: Ponies and Radicalization
<Hold Your Horses: Nazi Brony Arrested!
>Hold Your Horses: Nazi Brony Arrested!
Dsp wow dood.png
><Hold Your Horses: Nazi Brony Arrested!
7670 7695
Those threads contain personally identifiable information about myself and others. I want to protect the others. New threads about the shit pony fics I wrote almost a decade ago can be written without any talk of these people.
Gee, it almost sounds like it would make sense to start putting thought into your posts, instead of just palm-mashing the keyboard every time you remember something you didn't like about a video game.
I know I shouldn't have unintentionally posted hints people can use to personally identify me and those close to me.
I want to protect those close to me.
7680 7681
Maybe you should stop posting altogether and unironically touch grass. Just let go of all the terminally online retardation, cut your losses, and get a life.
>unironically touch grass.
7682 7683 7684 7685 7686
To be honest, I want my final post on this site to be "Thank you for deleting those threads. Now that I know those I care about are safe, I can leave".
Did you delete your presence everywhere else?
Does the term "Streisand effect" mean anything to you? Also, it sounds like the dick sword trannies may have already archived your autism, anyway.
Just leave all this gay shit behind you and get a life, Niggel.
John Elway
## HorseWhisperer
You don't get to dictate terms to us. After five years of subjecting this entire community to your nonsense, you are in no position to bargain with anyone. That livejournal thread you requested deletion on has over a thousand posts in it, and goes back three years. Anons have been calling you a faggot and telling you to stop posting crap like this for even longer than that. You've never listened before, why should we believe anything will be different this time around?

I don't even get the impression you're genuinely remorseful about your behavior here, or that you even recognize that you've done anything wrong. You're not apologizing to us, you've simply had a momentary glimmer of self-awareness, and now you're begging us to delete your most embarrassing moments before they are seen by someone you know irl. On top of that, you're trying to frame it as if you're doing something noble and that you're being the bigger man by walking away. Honestly? To hell with you.

If you want to leave, then leave; no one will miss you. But your words are a permanent part of our museum of autism now. Live with it.
7687 7691
Sven here. I'll miss you, Nigel. As I said time and time again I do agree with you about a lot of things in your rants and such. Tbh, I don't really know where this need to leave or all this came from but at the same time I can't really stop you from leaving.

I don't like the underlaying point of us being in the wrong though that I sense from your latest posts. GG can have his opinion on your fanfic and people can criticise your "fuck leftists" thread because it was badly made and they weren't wrong about those things either. Of course, if your reaction to GG's criticism is to go onto say that it's pretty embarrassing to still like mlp, I'll disagree. Do you think that this is a misinterpretation of events?

I don't think that I or really most others have done anything really that wrong in the latest interactions (I'm not gonna speak across the time span of years since it's hard to really recollect correctly despite having an archive) I don't really feel guilty of pushing you away from the site. The only time I questioned it was here in the write thread >>359569 with the context that I didn't want you to leave but I wondered why if you consider this stuff beneath you now why stay.

Yeah, tdlr: I'll genuinely miss u but u can't blame us for this.

Oh, well. What can I do? Nothing, right? If you have to leave, you have to.

Take care of yourself and remember that you have value.
Come on niggy you don't have to leave.
7688 7689 7690
The fuck are you talking about? He just wants to protect the people close to him. It has nothing to do with him, he doesn't give a fuck what jewish karens like you think about him.
For real tho. If you really wanna take the shitbull home. Do it at your own peril.
Since you don't know and have no idea what you're taking about you can't be a faithful witness.
7692 7694
Guys, he's being ironic.

I just wanted him to understand that his good sides were appriciated. However, I do agree that he was in the wrong when it came to the stuff (a lot to unpack there but I won't here) in the write thread and the leftist thread.
>The fuck are you talking about? He just wants to protect the people close to him. It has nothing to do with him, he doesn't give a fuck what jewish karens like you think about him.
That's pretty funny tho, and I feel that's accurate too.
7694 7696 7697 7698
I'm not asking to delete the threads about my shit pony fanfic. I'm asking to delete the threads that pose a risk to the safety of innocent people who don't deserve to suffer just because of me.

Anything embarrassing about me in those threads are already in other threads. My fursona is still used as my mascot on other sites. People already know I'm a former chronic masturbation addict scarred by being raped as a kid, people already know I'm a racist sexist christian libertarian with an imaginary friend, people already know I couldn't save my little sister from my pedo parents, people already know my parents sexually abused us as a kid and I didn't know a blowjob was something sexual until I stumbled upon Pokemon porn involving it as a kid because until that point I just thought of it as something my mother did to me sometimes when she felt like it, and people already know a female brony on another site years ago once asked me to write porn for her and then when I sent it to her she lied about asking for it and tried to make me look like a perverted degenerate and then vanished when that failed. People already know I like breast expansion and impregnation and monster girls, especially slime girls and snakes. People already know I wrote a really shit Naruto ripoff webcomic when I was eleven that died in a few chapters and I learned nothing from that experience when I wrote a shit pony fanfic as a teenager. New threads can mock me while I'm gone, I won't mind. I just want to protect the people I care about.

I don't think anyone is wrong to call my skill at writing pony fiction shit.
That's not what this is about. And I'm not trying to claim superiority over anyone who likes FIM.
Only an inauthentic wannabe internet tough-guy would say liking the pony show makes you a faggot.
The world is full of real faggotry.
FIM had some great episodes, and some great characters.
Some day when I have kids, there's a list of shows I'll show the kids if people still watch TV in that era and we still have running water and electricity.
FIM's on that list, next to Avatar: The Last Airbender.
But not Legend of Korra, fuck that show.
I'm not going to stop liking FIM, I won't hate the show now "on principle" to seem more mature like a kid who virtue-signals his hatred for Barney The Dinosaur now.
I'm just going to stop primarily defining myself through FIM.
I think that's why I've been so reluctant to draw horns on my redesigned fursona.
I don't want him to be a Unicorn any more because I don't want to define myself through the media I consume and identify myself first and foremost as an enjoyer of just one show.

For old time's sake I went back to a Naruto forum I used to use, and a Sonic forum. All my old posts are still there. All the arguments that felt so important in the moment, retarded in retrospect. All the fan theories that were right. Or wrong. Or better than what we got. I remember people saying "Obito can't be Tobi, that's too fucking stupid and obvious" like they really expected better from Kishimoto. All my retarded arguments over where the Sonic franchise is going, where he should go, all that shit. Sonic's still shit. Still ripping shit off without any originality. Looking at him is like looking at a high school friend who never grew out of it. His most recent game was third rate bootleg Neon Genesis Devil Breath of The Rising Colossus. People are calling it the best Sonic game since Mania because their standards were brought that low. I looked into some of the people I used to talk to, and they've all gone down different roads. Some of them changed, grew. Some are mysteries. Did they make it IRL? Some are still there arguing about SonAmy at age 30+. I'm in my 20s. There, but for the grace of God, go I.

I thought how often my posts on this site are met with "I don't like you and I want you to STFU+go away" instead of anything related to the topic or whatever I said in someone else's topic, and I asked myself... Why do I subject myself to this? Nothing productive can come of this. We know the left's evil, political discussion ends there unless they did some new evil shit to talk about for a week. Pony discussion isn't fun either, when it happens. If I'm not really here for pony or politics, does that mean I'm just here for myself? For a place to ramble endlessly about my day? Jesus Christ, how pathetic of me! Is that my only reason for being here? I need to get my shit together and turn my life around. Feel free to call me the biggest faggot of them all. If I'm going to turn my life around, I need to change my habits. And posting here about my day, my opinions, or my projects... That's a bad habit I want to quit. I need to focus on improving myself. No more recovery journals.

I know when it comes to internet tradition your "final post" on a forum is "supposed to" say something like "Fuck all of you, you mean less to me than a fly's fart and I'm leaving for greener pastures where I will be given the respect I'm owed!" but... No.

Thanks for putting up with an autistic faggot like me.

Also sorry about getting angry over the writing advice.
In the moment it felt like you guys were just gaslighting+guilt-tripping+insulting me for fun and didn't have anything helpful to say about what I wanted to write.
It felt like you were all just saying obvious generic platitudes because when push comes to shove writing discussion and writing advice isn't the real purpose of Glim's thread about Glim's writing on the writing of others.
But looking back, I was wrong to view it that way.
Glim's trying his best, you're trying your best, and I was being an idiot.
I was basically asking you to make writing decisions for me and it was unreasonable for me to ask that of you.
I wasn't hearing "Focus on the basics and read more" because nobody in that thread knew anything I didn't already know.
I needed to hear "Focus on the basics and read more" because that's legitimately good advice that would have made me less shit at the basics.
>Guys, he's being ironic.
>I just wanted him to understand that his good sides were appriciated.
I know. But I also think you are excessively forgiving sometimes.
I know you are not talking to me. And you've supposedly already made your mind. But here's my two cents regardless.
Nigga I've actually gotten along with your autism for the most part. I've been a regular of your "livejournal" thread, and have asked for your opinion about a couple things.
But I think it would actually be better for both sides if you just leave. I for one, don't feel like falling for the niggie cycle once more. And I don't think holding on to this site is helping you either.
I wish you the best regardless. This is just a horsewhispering forum at the end of the day. Don't even remember it as a prominent part of your life. Perhaps don't even remember it at all.
## Admin
7696 7703
We are willing to redact and remove any personally identifiable information. However, there’s a broad consensus within staff that to remove entire threads containing hundreds of even thousands of posts made by many people just to remove what may be a few sentences of information never confirmed to exist in the first place, is far too broad and not justified. If you could, please identify specifically which posts contain such information and what it is with reports.
John Elway
## HorseWhisperer
If you truly are leaving us for good, thank you for giving us this absolutely stellar example of classic Nigelposting as a parting gift. I mean it. The endless blogging, the bad formatting, the rambling incoherence, the unsolicited opinions about Sonic the Hedgehog...it's all here. Classic; absolutely classic. I've taken the liberty of immortalizing your final words in this image macro. If this really is goodbye, then please save it and remember us fondly.

Anyway, staff talked it over, and here is what we've decided as far as your current problem is concerned. We're not going to delete four massive threads just because you asked us to, particularly in light of your overall conduct here. I'll explain the reasoning behind this decision:

In general, this place is a free speech zone, meaning that as long as you aren't posting obvious spam or deviating too far from the topic of the board you're posting to, mods will usually not delete posts. All of the threads you indicated you would like deleted are on /ub/, and while the thread quality overall is poor, they are self-help threads and are thus on topic for that board. As such, there is no compelling reason why they should be removed.

If you would like something you posted to be deleted, and for whatever reason you are no longer able to delete it yourself, mods are willing to accommodate user deletion requests within reason. For instance, if you were drunk and made a post containing some personal information you wouldn't have posted when sober, we'd delete it if you asked. If some third party doxxed you and posted personal information about you to the site, we'd delete it if you asked.

However, staff are not responsible for the content that users choose to post to the site. Free speech is a right paired with a responsibility. So long as you are not posting something off-topic or illegal we are not going to actively censor you, but we are not going to protect you from your own stupidity either. In this particular case, you chose to use this site to exhaustively detail events in your personal life, in spite of a complete lack of interest from the general community, as well as multiple users asking you to shut the fuck up and stop posting. It was entirely your decision to do this, and you've been doing it for years now. As such, the responsibility for any negative consequences that befall you or your loved ones as a result of what you've posted to this site falls squarely on your shoulders.

In light of all of the shitposts you've been making to your blogthreads about virility and manhood lately, I feel obliged to point out that accepting responsibility for one's own actions, however misguided or stupid, is part and parcel of manhood. Men accept responsibility for their own mistakes and deal with the consequences; soycucks and untermensch whine and bitch about how it isn't their fault. Your actions, not your speeches, are ultimately what will define you as a person.

That said, as Lotus here >>7695 pointed out before I had a chance to finish typing, if you can identify and report the specific posts that contain specific identifying information about actual people, we will delete those posts if they do, in fact, contain anything that could identify someone. Since your posts tend to be long and mostly illegible, we would also appreciate it if you would include a succinct explanation as to which part of the post concerns you. Keyword here is succinct, although I know from experience that asking you to be succinct about anything is rather a tall order. However, please try.

We are willing to accommodate you within reason, but bear in mind that this situation is your problem, and you created it yourself. We are not going to delete entire threads simply because you regret creating them, and we are not going to sift through page after page of your autism to see which posts contain the info you're worried about. My personal recommendation would be that you just leave it alone, since the threads in question will eventually fall off the catalog anyway. However, if you still wish to have these posts deleted, you will need to identify and report them yourself.
## Admin
7698 7700 7703
In case you are serious,

I can’t really say I’ve interacted with you very many times. I’ve only replied to you anonymously occasionally, and mostly in the glim glam threads. I haven’t read most of what you’ve posted. When you post long posts that are rarely broken up into paragraphs, I skip past them, and find it hard to read them. The fact that it’s so easy to skip your posts is why I’ve had so little sympathy for your detractors. But I admire your consistent engagement over the past five years.

I have consistently defended you over the past five years against attacks within staff and the larger userbase. I have done so when it was an extremely unpopular position. I have gotten into many arguments with staff and with users over over you. I would like to believe taking this position hasn’t cost us users or been the cause of staff members quitting, but it probably has. Now I see you talking about leaving, especially talking about changing your “fursona” and making mlp a less a part of your identity, and I feel like I made a mistake. After defying so many cries to ban you and standing by our stance on free posting, you seem so ungrateful.

All you had to do to avoid the hate was to take seriously the critiques of the good meaning persons who would often reply to you. Go on fewer tangents about old video games, use the first person pronoun less, and press the enter key more. Do that, and much would improve. Instead you say you want to step back from mlp? That won’t change anything for you for the better. You yourself say you had problems before coming here, and you’ll continue to have them long after.
Like >>7697 I usually skip past your posts, But reading this one has left me having more empathy for you than i thought i could, If you are actually leaving, Good Luck i wish you the best nige, its not gonna be the same around here without you.

most of the times i did interact with you in a way that could be seen as "Negative" from your point of view, i was just trolling and i didn't mean you any ill will by it
7701 7702 7707
>I have consistently defended you over the past five years against attacks within staff and the larger userbase. I have done so when it was an extremely unpopular position.
And you only did so to spite your sociopathic ex-boyfriend. You pretty much disappeared as soon as he left. You let niggel take so much shit in your absence that he's actually considering to leave. Probably thinking about joining the faggot ranch.
Ram Ranch.mp3
Checked and Ram Ranched.
## Mod
>you let niggel take so much shit in your absence that he's actually considering to leave.
Wait. Where is the problem in this again? You lost me.
>thinking about joining the faggot ranch.
And that was not going to happen by him posting about Pokemon and Naruto here... how exactly? You are puzzling to say the least.
7704 7705 7706 7707
How do I know I can trust the staff of this site to remove specific posts with personally identifiable information that could harm innocent people instead of trying to use the posts against myself and others once I point them out, considering how the thread has gone so far? How do I know those innocent people won't be attacked just to piss me off? Everything anyone could ever use against me specifically is in this thread, but those threads are still up because people who hate me know I want them deleted and don't care why.

I can't make a thread without getting attacked and I can't post in someone else's thread without getting attacked. How many british users have stopped using the site after being called Nigel? How often do I make posts saying "He's not Nigel, I am" in threads because I want them to stay on topic and I want the haters to shut up and stop derailing threads by making them all about their feelings on me, and I know the haters will only shut up in that thread if they misidentify someone else as Nigel and then feel too embarassed to start gaslighting everyone about nigel in that thread?

No matter how I respond, if I respond at all, and no matter how long the breaks I take from this site are, the haters are somehow always my fault because the haters said so, but they assure us everything would be better if I did as I was told. They want me to post less, but if I say I want to post less or take a break from the site or stop using it entirely, I'm still the bad guy because I'm always the bad guy, the haters said so. It's bad that I make a lot of threads, but if I make threads less frequently that's still bad and all my threads have to be full of whining about Nigel, I'm making a mess of the site by posting too much and making my posts too long but if I want my threads and posts gone that's bad too.

On the main board of this site I made a thread about a homosexual tranny leftist degenerate boomer with retarded opinions on MLPFIM, and a seething hatred for males and masculinity and white men, and a religious belief in FIM's reality, and he's in a three-way relationship, and one of his butt buddies was crippled for life by the clot shot, and there he is making an ass of himself and venting his hatred for life itself on the internet by posting about how we all need to stop having children and die out so Equestria can become real fucking somehow...

And my haters made the thread all about me again even though a living example of most things wrong with the left is right there. Talking about Sonichu has no political value unless it's to speculate that he'd turn out better if not for his limp-wristed boomer cuckservative(libtard-lite) parents and jewish influence in education and jewish sabotage of white media causing the skyrocketing success of japanese media in western markets. But the FIM equivalent of Sonichu is right there, 60yrs old and counting, and my haters can't see that because they're so hyperfocused on me and contriving excuses to attack me. Leftists are evil, we all know that, but the second I make a thread about one crying out for an end to childbirth, I hear "lmao why do you care? Is he like your gay lover or something?".

I've tried saying sorry and pretending there's any truth to what they say in the past, it doesn't work because apologizing just emboldens them. Conflating haters who exclusively hurl trite cliches in the name of virtue-signalling with people who've ever actually tried to give valuable advice that can help me do the things I want to do does a disservice to the latter. Mocking me for being bad at things won't tell me the secret to mastering them. I respect people who've tried to help me even though I'm still bad at a lot of things. It must be frustrating. I hate that I'm still bad at things too. But haters hate me, and their excuses why are post-hoc.

I was only going to take a short break. But I knew saying I'm leaving would result in guilt trips.

I know the pony fiction I wrote about 5-11ish years ago when I was a teenager is shit. I know my recent attempts at pony fiction were shit. Does anyone else feel like guilt-tripping me over still being bad at writing pony fiction and how long I've spent trying to get better at it? Political conversation on this site is just us reacting to whatever war crime the left does to us this week and agreeing with each other that things would be better if we were all speaking German right now. And pony discussion on this site just starts fights, so everyone makes sure to rarely bring up pony and try to talk about pony fan media instead. It dawned on me that my main reason for using the site isn't political discussion or pony discussion but seeking validation from strangers on an internet forum, and it's probably not good for me to do that. That's why I must take a break. I'm taking a break from watching vtubers too.

I got distracted when talking about this earlier and forgot the point I was making. Probably seemed like I was making a different point. I'm not good at public speaking. But I remembered the point I meant to make in the last post.

When I looked at those old internet forums for kid's media the people who made it big aren't the people still seeking validation on forums. Seeking external validation... That's an unhealthy behavioural pattern I should stop. That was what made me want to take a break from posting on all forums. I want to take a break from all sites and focus on improving myself and focus on actually finishing the projects I've started, and my half-finished pony fic is among them.

I don't feel ashamed to say I like some FIM episodes or that I want a future for white people where we're not abused and gaslit and raped and taxed by our inferiors. But I think I'm obsessing over FIM too much in a way that isn't healthy for my mental health. I don't want to define myself by a shit fanfic I wrote in my childhood. So I'm going to write another pony fic eventually but for now I feel burned out on pony.
Oh, look. It's all our fault again. What a shocker.
>How do I know I can trust the staff of this site to remove specific posts with personally identifiable information that could harm innocent people instead of trying to use the posts against myself and others once I point them out, considering how the thread has gone so far?
They've literally banned posters for being too mean before. I seriously doubt they'll ever pull a fast one on you. Not after you pulled at their heartstrings like that.
>How do I know those innocent people won't be attacked just to piss me off?
Get Over Yourself
John Elway
## HorseWhisperer
>haters haters haters
>waaaaah everyone is so mean
>me me me me me me me me me me
Jesus Christ dude. It's a complete waste of time interacting with you. So you know what? Get fucked. Get fucked twice. As of now you have officially burned your last bridge here. Not only are we not going to delete your stupid threads, I went ahead and pinned them. Now they're here forever. I'm also locking this thread. If your imaginary girlfriend gets doxed, you have only yourself to blame. Sucks to be you.
## Admin
Do you remember “Glimmergate” in August 2017? I remember. I remember, because I had to deal with that drama while I was supposed to be on vacation for a week at a beachside penthouse. Nigel was convinced all of his detractors were a conspiracy of starlight glimmer supporters, and was posting about this supposed conspiracy in several threads. Meanwhile, several users like the German flag poster, fashfag, and vril were arguing with Nigel in these threads. These users were crying for Nigel to banned. In staff, Anon28 and NaziPonyFag were calling for Nigel to banned. I was strongly opposed, because Nigel wasn’t breaking any official rules, and his detractors were as much to blame for the drama as he was. So I implemented a new rule against thread derailment to be implemented against any offending party, and that stoped the drama. For a while. It flared back up again in October of that year, and periodically again after that, with the last big incident being the “horse cock legend” drama. If it weren’t for me, other members of staff would have had him banned years ago.

He’s been hammered by haters? That’s not a moderation issue. People are free to post. People are free to not like the posts of others. And people are free to express that dislike of other people’s posts. And people are free to make obnoxious posts that inspire other people to express their dislike of said posts. So long as the posts are not obvious reaction baiting, they don’t detail threads with flame wars, there is no “doxxing,” and there are no threats of illegal action, it’s not a issue for moderation. This has been the rule we’ve consistently applied. If Nigel’s writing style is so recognizable that people instantly recognize him even without the flag, that’s on him. That’s not on us.

If Nigel doesn’t want hate on every post, he can be less egocentric in his posts.

Let’s be honest here. This isn’t about “protecting loved ones.” This is about you realizing you’ve posted some embarrassing things in the past, and you want them removed. But just admitting that that’s what you want is embarrassing. You want to save face. And you realize that moderators won’t remove “embarrassing” posts, they’ll only remove things like personally identifying information. And is it your own? No, you post your own personally identifying information freely. You have to look like you’re being selfless. So you lie and say this is about protecting your “loved ones.” And you repeat the phrase so many times you sound like a mid 2000s infomercial for mesothelioma lawsuits.

Then we called your bluff and asked you to identify specifically where this alleged information is. The reality is, it never existed. Now sure, I haven’t read all or even most of what you’ve posted. But of what I have read, you talk about yourself, vague enemies, people you don’t like, yourself, horse cock legend, and yourself some more - I can’t say I’ve ever seen you talk about a “loved one.” And I very seriously doubt you’ve ever posted their identifying information anywhere on this website. So when we call your bluff and ask you to report it, the only thing you can do is to say “well, uh, I’m not going to report it because… I don’t trust you now.” Uh huh. Nigel, if anyone was going to use your personal identifying information, or anyone’s personal identifying information, to attack you, it would have happened in the past five and a half years. Especially since there were more people motivated to do so way back when.

I appreciate the change in paragraph spacing. I really do. But the biggest change you could make would be to talk about yourself personally less. That would make the biggest difference to reduce the hate.