Just one more step towards Civilizational Sanity.
...this could have been a single announcement post in the Canadian Politics thread. Why did you choose to push off one of the other threads on the board? Each new thread sacrifices an old one.
Please stop trying to scatter traffic like this. It's damaging the site. If you need fast whole threads, then an extremely high traffic image board is going to be your best bet. Or maybe a modest speed dickswrod chatroom.
For a board of modest traffic, you should take a minute or two to think about starting a thread vs putting your post idea into an existing thread.
Eyes congregate around known subjects, and swarms of people pick up momentum. In this internet communication network, there are ways to better work with the flow of traffic that work at different scales. You wouldn't go down a shallow river in the same boat you'd sail the ocean with.
>>380134I do not post in the other thread because it is a general, and I do not support generals because generals are supposed to be banned here.
Trudeau resigning is news, and therefore warrants a thread.
>Each new thread sacrifices an old one.The old threads at the bottom of the catalog are months old and dead. If you value those threads, you should bump them.
>It's damaging the site.Shit up, nigger. This is how I've always done it since 2017. I make news threads when I see news.
>killed threads
Oh noes, the poor Homeownership in Russia thread
>>380134>Each new thread sacrifices an old one.nobody cares about some old thread nobody has posted in for over 2 years.
>>380135>This is how I've always done it since 2017.We know. It's been a continuous and ongoing issue that has hampered and destroyed most attempts to build ongoing engagement over time.
>>380208Your opinion is noted, and discarded. Agree to disagree.
If you want the old threads to stay up, you should bump them.
>>380211Yes, but hes also not wrong about irresponsible breadmaking