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The Jeet Question - Pajeet IQ, Elon and Colorblind Meritocracy
379696 379697 379947
There's a lot of talk about this recently, mostly due to Elon chimping out on X. "Whites are dumb, pajeets are so much smarter".

Allegedly, American jeets have a higher average IQ than the general American population, including whites.
I haven't been able to find a study with statistically significant data. There's a claim going around that they have an average IQ of 112. But that figure is based on the 2003 New Immigrant Survey. The sample size for Indian children was 72 and it was a shitty cognitive test. (It's the pdf I've attached)

Okay, so it's most likely bullshit. But let's just assume for a moment that American poos are actually smarter. Even if they were smarter, it's important to understand that this is just a small diaspora. There's only around 5 million jeets in the US.

India has an average IQ of 82 according to Richard Lynn. But that's actually one of the more generous figures. The other studies set them as low as 76
However, even if India's average IQ is pretty low, their population is still massive. It's not hard to pull out a couple million jeets with relatively high IQ's out of such a large population pool.

Something to consider tho:
India's population is of around 1.4 billion, their worldwide diaspora is only 35 million. If their average IQ is 82, there should be around 350 million jeets with an IQ of 97 or higher. (Assuming they have a normal IQ distribution)

Meanwhile, White population worldwide is only around 800 million. Yet, their average IQ is of at least 100. Meaning, there's around 400 million Whites with an IQ of 100 or higher. When it comes to IQ and how it relates to success; jeets can't, or at least shouldn't outperform Whites on a global scale, despite their numerical advantage.

Putting that aside, the top 1-5% of a foreign nation shouldn't get to settle and rule over you, regardless of their IQ. The Indians wouldn't accept it if Whites tried to do the same thing in India. Neither would kikes in Israel. The main disadvantage however, is that Whites are not interested in ruling brown shitholes. But browns ARE interested in having access to the resources that can only be found in White countries. The reality is, if you were to kick these jeets out, they would not even be able to do much in their own countries. They'll just get overpowered by the mass of idiots around them.

>Indians aren't all that smart
Woah, that's a well formulated argument. I'm impressed. Well, done fren^^
379702 379718 379735
No it isn't, the first 3/4 is irrelevant conjecture about Indian intelligence demographics - ostensibly because Americans are stupid and assume that cuz Vivek is a jeet then hes only after jeets as migrants - followed by several crudely worded appeals to emption about now this is about white replacement and ownership.

The reality is that a significant percentage of MAGA voters assume that cuz Trump got elected then hes gonna bring back the bennies (benefits) for alot of entitled and entrenced facets of American Putrescence. Vivek calls it American Mediocrity, but thats cuz he's a politician who wants to get actually elected and needs to appeal to the very voters who have become mediocre BECAUSE of the celebration of entrenched families and groups like Joe and Hunter Biden.

The tweet eludes me, but here's Vivek's quote:
>"A culture that celebrates the prom queen over the math olympiad champ, or the jock over the valedictorian, will not produce the best engineers,"

Theres plenty to be said for America-first hiring, but America-first ALSO means the best people for the kob, even of they are foreign.
379704 379716 379789
>ostensibly because Americans are stupid and assume that cuz Vivek is a jeet then hes only after jeets as migrants
First of all, does it really matter if the migrants are chinks, jeets, sandniggers or blockheads? It's non-white immigration anyways.

However the reason why jeets are the ones taking so much heat recently. It's because India is quickly becoming the largest source of immigrants into the western world. Europe and Canada already got a taste of it. Even when it comes to illegal immigration in the US, jeets are already competing with spics for the first spot. Remittances to India are already massive as well.


>The reality is that a significant percentage of MAGA voters assume that cuz Trump got elected then hes gonna bring back the bennies (benefits) for alot of entitled and entrenced facets of American Putrescence.
What are you even talking about? White men were kicked out of american education and discriminated against in pretty much every professional field. How about we make an actual effort to rehabilitate this demographic? How about we do something about it for once? Instead of flooding the country with legal or illegal, non-white immigrants? You won't get anything for whites if you keep your mouth shut and continue to vote unconditionally for the next GOP candidate.

Btw, their half-assed push back against the universities is centered around "anti-Semitism" in college campuses. DEI just happened to be one excuse to crackdown on them. As soon as they replace the leadership and staff, they will stop bothering them.

>Theres plenty to be said for America-first hiring, but America-first ALSO means the best people for the kob, even of they are foreign.
Who says these people are the best for the job? Just look at Boeing, they are cheap labour at best.

I'm not saying there are no upsides to high-skilled legal immigration. But at the end of the day, you are building a new upper-class of foreigners in American soil. The downsides simply outweigh anything positive that might come out of it.

I think the jews are catering to pajeets in particular, because they want to balance it out against chinks. We:ve already seen it with Apple moving their production base away from China, and into India. It seems to me that kikes want as many groups duking it out in the west as possible.
Sahel region
379705 379707
>does it really matter if the migrants are chinks, jeets, sandniggers or blockheads? It's non-white immigration anyways.
As a white, alot of whites are trash and could stand for replacement. Theres no inherent merit in skin color anon, and there's plenty of entitled whites that simply are underqualified for the job, and I ran a lumber cre for about 7 years.
>As a white
379707 379713
Im just saying, I wanna be all "No Replacement" and all, but at least in the US theres an underclass of worthless white (and other) people, propped up and supported by one another and a permissive bennies system. The IQ stats for the US is based on respondents, not actual statistics (which is also why the OP of Indian IQ - while potentially accurate - stands at 'unvalidated'. So while I agree on the violability of the Indian stats, I flip it on (you) to indicate why the case isnt similarly true for US IQ stats
379708 379716 379789
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>As a white, alot of whites are trash and could stand for replacement.
Even if you believe this, they should be replaced with other more competent/virtuous whites. East-asians might be smart, for example, but they are still fundamentally different people when compared to equally smart Whites.
>Theres no inherent merit in skin color anon
The white race is leucodermic. But race is not just skin-deep, anon. IQ is also not the only thing to consider.
>and there's plenty of entitled whites that simply are underqualified for the job, and I ran a lumber cre for about 7 years.
I mean no offense. But you are a blue-collar, working-class guy, right? I mean, it's implicit, but I'd like to confirm it first before moving on with my point.

I just don't think america (and other white countries) need to be an "economic zone" first, and a country second. They should respond to White interests first and foremost.
I'd appreciate it if you were to respond to the full post. Just like I did with your own.

<I'm not saying there are no upsides to high-skilled legal immigration. But at the end of the day, you are building a new upper-class of foreigners in American soil. The downsides simply outweigh anything positive that might come out of it.

There will never be a good counterargument for this. The only solution would be to flip the immigration system on its head, and impose restrictions that ensure these migrants can never attain any real influence in the States. But that wouldn't be considered very meritocratic, would it?

>but at least in the US theres an underclass of worthless white (and other) people, propped up and supported by one another and a permissive bennies system.
So, building an upper class of foreign non-whites with considerable sway over your country is somehow going to help with this?
>The IQ stats for the US is based on respondents, not actual statistics
There are numerous studies on the average IQ of Whites in the US, Britain and other countries which reached high statistical significance.
>which is also why the OP of Indian IQ - while potentially accurate - stands at 'unvalidated'
Eh, not really. The average IQ of American Indians in that study just didn't reach statistical significance. Too small of a sample size.
>So while I agree on the violability of the Indian stats, I flip it on (you) to indicate why the case isnt similarly true for US IQ stats
You mean, that Whites have an average IQ of at least 100? There's probably not a single demographic with more IQ studies and research dedicated to them. For example, the average White IQ score was actually arbitrarily set at 100 to make comparisons easier.
I'm sorry, but it's an extensive subject and I kinda expected everyone in these circles to already know about it. You can make another thread about it if you want.
>they should be replaced with other more competent/virtuous whites
While the concept exists, the people typically referenced as exaltable and virtuous rarely are, they tend to be special/private interests.
Yeah, look I can relate to the feeling. I have an expression that goes: "The best hing about immigrants is that you appreciate swedes more." This indicates that I do also get tired of people, regardless if they are black or white, but I think it's important in those moments to remember that you won't be surviving as the only white in your country.
>colorblind meritocracy
stopped reading there because its not "colorblind" its "colorblind as long as the color isn't white"
Please establish where whites have a primacy in the US
Anon, you appear to have a victim complex
>blue collar
Semi-retired, but yes
>So, building an upper class of foreign non-whites with considerable sway over your country is somehow going to help with this?
You act like suddenly no US laborers and technicians wi be employed ever again. The idea is to fill a defeceit of skilled workers, until the demand can be met domestically.
Not even gonna go there, suffice to say it will need to be validated as an adequate measure of something specific before taken as anything credible.
curry stained fingers typed this
Lol, this is gonna age well, gimme a few
379731 379789
>Please establish where whites have a primacy in the US
Whites built the nation and were a supermajority throughout its history until very recently. They are responsible for most of its scientific achievements, they have fought in the most important wars of US history, etc.
American culture is largely just White culture. Despite the pasta about niggers.
>Anon, you appear to have a victim complex
I disagree.
>You act like suddenly no US laborers and technicians wi be employed ever again.
Does it have to go that far to be a net-negative? Immigration reduces wages and drives housing prices up.
>The idea is to fill a defeceit of skilled workers, until the demand can be met domestically.
They have suggested that they would staple green cards to diplomas. Canada is enough evidence of why that is a bad idea.

>Not even gonna go there, suffice to say it will need to be validated as an adequate measure of something specific before taken as anything credible.
There's more than enough evidence on it. However, this is part of the discussion on "race-realism" or Human Biodiversity. It doesn't belong on this thread.

Suffice it to say, the main proponents of "Colorblind Meritocracy" understand the importance of IQ. They actually use it as one of their main arguments.
>Semi-retired, but yes
I was wondering why you were so skeptical about IQ. I think you might be working with misguided assumptions.

Again, unless you fundamentally change the immigration system in a way that completely prevents these people from gaining any sort of influence.(Not very meritocratic) You are shooting yourself in the foot by bringing them in.
How can American companies compete with innovative products like this?
Everyone here needs to watch codex pajeet
>Does it have to go that far to be a net-negative? Immigration reduces wages and drives housing prices up.
I agree that it remains to be seen whether alot of things will pan out, but considering the 'unprecedented mass deportation plan' would tend to offset an increase in skilled labor, and with ostensible rapid development. I don't get the impression that this is to be anything lasting, its an attempt to counteract the corruption of the education system which simply doesnt produce enough qualified candidates for the jobs that will be necessary to repair our energy and industrial infrastructure
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>The reality is that a significant percentage of MAGA voters assume that cuz Trump got elected then hes gonna bring back the bennies (benefits) for alot of entitled and entrenced facets of American Putrescence.
Trump actually said he would reduce the H-1B cap on his first term. And he signed multiple executive orders trying to achieve that goal. The only reason he flipped now, it's because of the tech bro donors.
>I agree that it remains to be seen whether alot of things will pan out, but considering the 'unprecedented mass deportation plan' would tend to offset an increase in skilled labor, and with ostensible rapid development.
Only when it comes to housing. The immigrants that Elon and Vivek want to bring over, won't be taking over whatever the illegals were doing. But yeah, it remains to be seen if the mass deportations actually take place.

>I don't get the impression that this is to be anything lasting, its an attempt to counteract the corruption of the education system which simply doesnt produce enough qualified candidates for the jobs that will be necessary to repair our energy and industrial infrastructure.
DEI, ESG and that sort of stuff did a number on the US, that's for sure. The nu-oligarchy obviously has a vested interest in rolling it back. But they have no reason to care for the disenfranchisement of White Men. It's just easier and more effective for them to take the colorblind-whatever route and keep bringing more immigrants.

They seem to be fairly concerned about this whole thing wreaking havoc in Trump's voting base tho. Which is a good sign, White nationalists must continue to capitalize on the situation.
India will be a super power by 2030!
God I Hate Indians
"The Aryans in India were too late in establishing their colour-based caste system, so that today the culture of the Hindu is probably the most thoroughly repulsive on our planet. The more one learns about India, the more one wants to vomit. Aside from a few profound minds, the Indian people represent such an abyss of degeneracy that extirpation & fumigation would seem to be about the only way to make Hindoostan fit for decent people to inhabit."
"out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks"

Mr. Musk's meltdown tweets.
379762 379787
If youre willing to cite where he's mistaken, feel free. This.isnt to disparage all US workers, just most. Quit yer cryin' stuff a maxi pad in yer arse, and git to fuckin work

Is the mentality that present day americans cant stand
More reveals of the real Elon Musk.
IMO its all pilpul. Strawmanning and attempts to put forth a credible argument using memes.
How literate of you. Your post is a great example of why education in America needs some attention. Try to see past the meme salad and pilpul that Mr. Musk and his blue checks use to control you. Its all misdirection.

One, the "America" meme is trotted out whenever Americans are expected to sacrifice their welfare for the "greater good". Here the greater good is enriching Mr. Musk and other tech barons at the expense of American citizens. He is not looking for engineering talent, he is looking for dirt cheap, submissive, captive labor. This is so that he can run a huge coding sweatshop operation and skim three quarters of the value contributed by his wokforce, just like any good capitalist.
How does America win by this? As Americans cannot find jobs and homeless camps metasticize.

Second, Indians are not more qualified than Americans. Its an H1B visa fraud scam. Their college degrees are scams and one jeet hires twenty more jeets when they get hired.

Third, this country does not need any more third world migrants. It does not need a single other brown or black to migrate here. Diversity has killed white countries. It makes such a divided populace that the countries are no longer economically viable. Mr. Musk decries racism. This is more memetic manipulation instead of logic. Race is the social basis of the entire world, always has been and always will be. Its national suicide to equate blacks and browns with whites.

And there are miles more pilpul put forward to enrich billionaires and deceive weak minded fools such as yourself. Try to digest the above three and stop waving that retarded "America" flag when these faggots pull your chain.
379773 379775
More tweets by others during Musk meltdown time.
379773 379780

So as shown above, Mr. Musk declared war on Americans on December 27. He followed this by banning, revoking accounts, shadowbanning, and removing blue checkmarks of dissenters.

This is more than giving millions of Indians jobs, visa, and eventual citizenship, its Mr. Musk continuing the Twitter censorship regime to silence dissent. Its therefore not a political argument, its a human rights issue. Censorship wrecks nations even faster than jeets.
I havent seen such shilling since for Shillery
Wag the dog you idiots
Thank you for your continued efforts at backing up these events.

When did we notice the flood of jeets into the west? I mean, there've always been some, but I thought that their western presence was mostly in Britain, from a migration wave that came by after their service as an ally to the Brits during the second world war.

This seems like a very recent thing. I remember learning about their culture through the example of the caste system and how it was a very bad thing that separated people for no just reason.

That was before I learned about IQ and figured out that this could be a way to bin high IQ and low IQ populations.

There's a lot about the overall history of them over the recent century or two that I can only vaguely guess at. They were just far enough and uninvolved enough with my own country that I directed my attention elsewhere instead.
>pic 5
That is interesting. While this is followed up on,
Whether he's a scammer or not, this tweet is more accurate than most of America wants to admit. The equation is much more complicated than that,as it doesng address corruption, nepotism, cronyism, and segregated privilege (the tendency of non-whites to offer preferrential treatment to those of their own race or simply other non-whites), the latter of which is more common in illegal populations and ghettos.
The segregated privilege goes away largely through mass deportations (fingers crossed), the phenomenon is most common amongst illegals who feel excluded from the system, and have to rally and support one another against the oppressive whites and the government who want them to follow that silly old LAW thing.

But, it doesn't address the first three. Vivek doesnt mention the first three however because they are the CAUSE of American mediocrity.
>pic 5
Corruption, cronyism, and nepotism in Hollywood (wait) is the cause, in the school and education systems (theres a pattern emerging), publishing companies (((uh))).
American Mediocrity is the reault of generations of foundational corruption, cronyism, and nepotism. And in this day and age, it isn't just (((them))). One only wonders what will become of the tiktok generation, which absolutely addicts kids to rapid-form content based on social media clout rather than actual merit.
Skibidi fucking toilet. Maybe we'll get some skilled plumbers from that?
Anyway, this is just the same bullshit as the last Trump presidency, where the tail wags the dog and we all get taken on a ride of disinformation from media and every grifter, groyper, politician, or social media wanna be tries to cause chaos cuz Orange Man Bad.
>pic 5
Checks out. Indeperdine was first developed by GlaxoSmithCline in 14, sold to a Swiss company Avoxant who further developed and then abandoned it after late-stage trials. I can't find any data of any sale or purchase of the drug since then. Someone must though,cuz heres a medical report from 2001 reporting further confirmation that the drug is no more effective than placebo.

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>If youre willing to cite where he's mistaken, feel free.
Anon, you've been cherry picking individual statements from my posts and refusing to address anything else that was said. You're not one to talk.
People can't read your mind anon, elaborate. I'm assuming you think this is a coordinated effort against trump by controlled opposition. It might require its own thread.
>Whether he's a scammer or not, this tweet is more accurate than most of America wants to admit.
I agree. I'm willing to separate the ideas from the person pushing those ideas forward. But I gotta ask, if you are willing to do that with Vivek. Are you also willing to do that, with say, Nick Fuentes?

I'm just saying this because you seem to think this is a concerted effort to subvert the Trump administration. Rather than legitimate pushback against the tech-oligarchs who are trying to shape the immigration policy at the expense of actual American citizens.
>The equation is much more complicated than that,as it doesng address corruption, nepotism, cronyism, and segregated privilege (the tendency of non-whites to offer preferrential treatment to those of their own race or simply other non-whites
True, and Vivek himself is guilty of much of this.
>The segregated privilege goes away largely through mass deportations
I disagree. Non-whites discriminate in favour of their own. Pajeets who come to the west legally, tend to hire other jeets in massive numbers. Non-whites in general are overwhelmingly anti-white.

Illegal immigrants increase housing prices and drive wages for low-skilled labour down. On the other hand, legal immigrants also increase housing prices and drive wages for high-skilled labour down. Sometimes, they can also make their way into politics and pave the way for even more immigration. Just like we've seen with Elon.

In the end, both legal and illegal immigration must be targeted.
>the phenomenon is most common amongst illegals who feel excluded from the system, and have to rally and support one another against the oppressive whites and the government who want them to follow that silly old LAW thing.
"Leftism", if you want to call it that way, becomes more prevalent with higher education. This is because leftoids have an iron-grip on the education system and they've filled the intellectual elite. Liberal thought permeates everything, it's a beast on itself.

Illegals are an underclass to be used by more powerful sectors of society, birthright citizenship is what makes them a bigger problem. But legal immigrants are obviously more educated than illegals (and thus, even more liberal and anti-white) and have more options and power to organize against you.

Leftist control of the universities needs to be destroyed. But it must be replaced with something that actually prioritizes American stock, ideally White people. Instead, you will get a system that prioritizes international students. In a way, it's more efficient for them because they get 18-year-old's from abroad, and skip a significant investment into their developing years. Plus they increase competition for jobs.

>Corruption, cronyism, and nepotism in Hollywood (wait) is the cause, in the school and education systems (theres a pattern emerging), publishing companies (((uh))).
>American Mediocrity is the reault of generations of foundational corruption, cronyism, and nepotism.
I agree. They say most Chinese children want to be astronauts, while most American children want to be influencers.
I should say however, that China is still a police state where your hard-work, talent and effort is largely going to benefit the state, and the state only.
On the other hand, I believe most Americans do not want their hard-work, talent and effort to be exploited for the benefit of an immigrant tech-oligarchy.

Yes, you can argue that "American mediocrity" needs to be targeted in order to beat China in the long run. But it is important that the industriousness and excellence that will come out of it, actually benefit the Americans that are putting in the effort, and not a small number of immigrant scammers. Or the kikes that have been here for a while, many of which are backing up the scammers.
>And in this day and age, it isn't just (((them))).
No, I'm pretty sure Elon is not a kike, for example.
>Anyway, this is just the same bullshit as the last Trump presidency, where the tail wags the dog and we all get taken on a ride of disinformation from media and every grifter, groyper, politician, or social media wanna be tries to cause chaos cuz Orange Man Bad.
Bake another thread.
Apologies anon, I didn't mean to disrespect your effort posting.
I didnt respond to any of this because theres nothing to be done immediately to stop it. Yes whites have been marginalized and largely removed from colleges and universities, and that needs to stop first and foremost. The emphatic and principle goal should be to set in motion a resurgence of engkneering, tech, and other such fields. But thats just it, it is a REsurgence; gotta get the industries back in the states, gotta get them going again.
Corporate corruption is an adjacent issue that I admit is related but requires whole different forms of action and legislation that Im not gonna get into in this discussion cuz it relates to the military industrial complex, which I agree is the bigger issue, but far less likely to see immediate progress against
>should be replaced with equally more competent whites
I don't disagree, lets see what happens after the backlash
>So, building an upper class of foreign non-whites with considerable sway over your country is somehow going to help with this?
I disagree with your characterization. Specifically to the terms "upper class" and "considerable sway", but I dont have a counter argument.
>it's an extensive subject and I kinda expected everyone in these circles to already know about it
My bias is that IQ is not an adequate measure of intelligence, which leads me to be dismissive of spectrums and demographics.
>Whites built the nation and were a supermajority throughout its history until very recently
1. Yes, cuz whites got here first, had their way with (most) indogenous populations (not supporting the feathers, just saying), and set up shop.
2. Womp womp
>Does it have to go that far to be a net-negative? Immigration reduces wages and drives housing prices up.
No, Illegal immigration house drives prices up, because lower cost/value homes are being occupied by teams of illegals with one legit citizen, collectively paying the mortgages.

I'll start on the latest in a moment.
379796 379803
The American Empire, Chinese competition, economic bad times, maleducation, poor work ethic, etc etc. All of this is passing, its all temporary and cyclical.

Replacement of the white population with browns and blacks is permanent.

The USA is not worth saving, fighting for, or working for unless it remains a white owned and managed entity, with white culture and white values.
This is the source of the mediocrity. The current generation of workers has nothing for which to work. They do not realize it because it is something that is missing and forgotten, the sense not of winning some competition, but of prospering.
Rather than wallowing in the mediocrity of multicultural diversity, I would much rather see the USA dissolved and whites establish their own republics. The USA is at that point, as are other white states. The governments are usurped and only exist to sell off the resources.
I don't even mean that. That word doesn't belong there because I don't believe it.
Malaise is better. Creeping third world style malaise.
379809 379811
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>I didnt respond to any of this because theres nothing to be done immediately to stop it.
I understand. Pragmatically speaking, I don't think the tech-bros will abandon the idea of increasing legal immigration, never did. They put in the money, lots of it, and they'll get what they paid for.
It's a good thing that Trump voters are finally having this discussion tho. Even if Elon is starting to tighten discourse around it.

>The emphatic and principle goal should be to set in motion a resurgence of engkneering, tech, and other such fields. But thats just it, it is a REsurgence; gotta get the industries back in the states, gotta get them going again.
I guess it comes down to the data. Is there actually a labour shortage? Or is Elon and the others simply trying to increase their profit margins as much as possible? From everything they've said about jeets slaving away, I think it's the later. It's just business.

They've lied about labour shortages in the tech sector before:


I don't buy this is just a short-term "solution" either. Trump reiterating the idea of giving green cards to college grads doesn't strike me as such. I guess we'll see.

>Corporate corruption is an adjacent issue that I admit is related but requires whole different forms of action and legislation that Im not gonna get into in this discussion cuz it relates to the military industrial complex, which I agree is the bigger issue, but far less likely to see immediate progress against
Makes sense, but part of the corruption is just pajeets mass hiring their buddies. I know the problem is much, much bigger than that. But there's no reason to make things even worse just so that Elon can get extra shekels.
>I disagree with your characterization. Specifically to the terms "upper class" and "considerable sway", but I dont have a counter argument.
Upper class because their income is considerably higher than most of the population. Considerable sway, because people like David Sacks are immigrants with considerable influence over the country.
>My bias is that IQ is not an adequate measure of intelligence, which leads me to be dismissive of spectrums and demographics.
You are wrong. But let's keep that conversation elsewhere.

>1. Yes, cuz whites got here first, had their way with (most) indogenous populations (not supporting the feathers, just saying), and set up shop.
And just like the feathers, Whites will only prevail if they fight, and if they actually win.
>No, Illegal immigration house drives prices up, because lower cost/value homes are being occupied by teams of illegals with one legit citizen, collectively paying the mortgages.
Legal immigration increases demand.

>I don't disagree, lets see what happens after the backlash
You don't? Everything seems to indicate you are not any sort of white nationalist, but a working-class populist or something like that. You don't seem to care for White Americans beyond your income bracket. I haven't, and I won't try to use that in order to discredit your arguments tho.
I'm not sure if Keith got everything right here. But the general idea stands regardless.

One Poner already talked about the Japs here:


The benefits of an homogeneous White country are hard to quantify. It's not as straight forward as doing some IQ tests. That's something the daltonic niggers have on their side.
Watch this be the event that bursts the stock market bubble.
Sam Hyde's monologue, 46 minutes.

I'm happy with the presence of minorities, and their participation in government and everything else. As long as they stay minorities in a white majority country that retains the character of a white country.
Thats close to turning back the clock, unfortunately, but I believe that prosperity got left behind with the white supermajority, and its not coming back by adding more diversity.
Fell asleep
>Are you also willing to do that, with say, Nick Fuentes
Lol, when hes relevant, sure
>concerted effort against Trump rather than legit pushback
It can be both, but its definitely the former
>In the end, both legal and illegal immigration must be targeted
In that we agree completely
>bale another bread
Ah, but thats the problem though, all the issues we could cite are all interconnected. What's the major theme? Is it Leftism? Zionism? China? Military industrial complex? Secret families and societies? Is there really an end to it all?
Rhetorical, I'll leave that out, just emphasizing that this is actually a rather superficial issue in the grand scheme of things, and yes I DO think it's significance is being overhyped in the way that politicians and media do.
>is there actually a labor shortage
See, I honestly don't know, I just fits with my experience in blue-collar: the number of people willing to actually perform the essential functions of a job is VASTLY lower than the number of people vying for and wanting to 'have' the job and "I dunno, may do SOME of the work, but just enough to not get fired and moved elsewhere". And alot of those feet-draggers are friends and relatives of other ppl in the country.
I dont contest that Jeets do this, Im saying whites HAVE BEEN doing this, and the nepotostic whites are currently more prolific than the jeets.
At the end of the day, I assume most of us are low 'enough' on the economic scale that we're fucked no matter how you slice it and that the 'correct' decisions are deliberately far removed from the people willing to make them.
>Everything seems to indicate you are not any sort of white nationalist, but a working-class populist or something like that. You don't seem to care for White Americans beyond your income bracket.
What do you consider to be a true scotsman white nationalist?
>Legal immigration increases demand.
Far less than illegal immigration does. Think about it. Illegals will always go for substandard housing, which prevents the sale of properties that can be then turned into viable housing. And 1 million illegals dows way more to throw off the housing market than 10k legal migrants.
Basically my whole argument can be summed up thus:
I dont like the idea of importing any more legal or illegal migrants, but I'm willing to allow that IF we start trucking OUT the MILLIONS of illegals that have been infiltrating since the 90's, then yes I can handle a increase in the number of inbound jeets.
Welp, it seems like the scam is way bigger than anyone imagined. Was this Elon's seekrit plan all along?


Alright anon, I yield. Its a fucking scam, you were right.
Is there a jeet version of the (((merchant))) meme?
Sam Hyde, trying to get away with again, after assassinating that United CEO no less
Right, a return to the supermajority it once was.
>What do you consider to be a true white nationalist?
An ethno-nationalist would be an advocate of his race, but it should transcend any class or generational divide. Not to ignore the division if it exists, but to see it as a hinderance and nothing more.

At least that's how I see it. I think Hitler said there should be respect between those who work with their hands, and those who work with their mind, or something to that effect. That seems to be lost for many in the right, and the sole reason is because liberals tend to be more "educated" right-now.

It's just that tendency to try and throw the baby out along with the bath water. Many "right-wingers" were arguing against open-source software just because trannies were starting to flood in. The logical thing to do, would be to encourage more politically aligned people to join in and fork stuff or something. Not to abandon the whole thing. Write it off as inherently "tranny shit" or something like that.

>I dont like the idea of importing any more legal or illegal migrants, but I'm willing to allow that IF we start trucking OUT the MILLIONS of illegals that have been infiltrating since the 90's, then yes I can handle a increase in the number of inbound jeets.
I get it, if more people are getting out than getting in, then it is a win.
For the record, I'm not trying to downplay the impact of illegal immigration cuz of the flag or anything. They are a net drain to the economy, the crime rate is surely higher, the culture is not really compatible and recently the cartel has expanded its influence across the US.

But still, the illegals are orange pickers and stuff. The legal jeet jobs are probably more appealing for Whites and other citizens.

When it comes to the racial replacement, Whites have started to decrease in absolute numbers since 2010. I think that nothing short of remigration and ending birthright citizenship is going to do the trick.
Happy new year poner.
/mlpol/ what do you think about pajeetas?
Low hanging fruit.
Fertility rates are falling world-wide. Immigration is not a real "solution" when every nation on earth is going to be below replacement rate. Most of latin America is already below replacement rate, for example. (>>>/sp/25333 →)

Population growth will slow down and begin to decrease at around 2050.

On the other hand, niggers from africa will be the only group that'll continue to grow, up until around 2100.


If immigration continues, the great replacement theory would have been fulfilled. And the problem of low birthrates would not have been solved anyways.

There is more keeping American citizens from participating in the workforce than the lack of reward such as future retirement, ability to support a family thats worth coming home to, and ability to purchase anything other than prebroken cuntsumer goods, goyslop, or perhaps financial assets that will be near worthless in the near future. Punching that clock also perpetuates the same socialist government that ensures that nothing good can happen. The bloated overreaching corrupt government together with the robber barons running a good segment of corporate America are together in shaving absolutely every possible cent from citizen's paychecks beyond that needed for bare survival. They have charts and doctorate economists to calculate how much more can be stolen from wages. Citizens are left not even enough to raise and educate new wage slaves.
People know that they are being robbed.
>We pretend to work and they pretend to pay us
A much larger number of people now make the valid and laudable choice to avoid the workforce based on the above reasons. Its really a slow moving nationwide general strike. When the free citizens make the decision not to participate, its no business of anyone to expect them to get to work. They have better things to do, the things that can actually fix the problem and heal society: help neighbors, play music, make art, shitpost, socialize, make and sell things, whatever. Normal human activities in a better society where humanity is valued and not every adult is forced by manufactured circumstances to work for subsistence.
The socialist government and the capitalist businesses, both of which are the enemy of the individual and the nation, cannot bear to see this happen. So they scheme together to replace the striking population with foreign scabs.
The government will never be fixed, but the country can get better by starving the government of revenue. People know or intuit this. Also FFS end this MAGA idea and hero worship of Trump and Musk and all the rest. They are not saviors. They are socialists and capitalists bent on stealing every last particle of value from America. This government is the same as the one before it and will continue to wreck America until no economic value, no credit available, not even a shred of racial entropy remains. They want all the value. The nation will be burnt brown and black while white men and women will be kidnapped, thrown into trenches, and die horribly as a sacrifice to these narcissist faggot's grand vision thing of Great America.

Musk is fearmongering to get his way in his post.
Low birth rates are not a problem except to the economic model that demands growth. As population decreases get the bulldozers and turn the unused buildings into beautiful reclaimed space with trees and birbs. Humans will adapt, its not the end of anything. No fear.
379864 379866
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Trump confirms Operation Pooperclip is a go.
No surprise there.
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Yes, the globohomo empire is the only thing that's threatened by population decline. The US is in a privileged geopolitical situation. Even if China surpasses it, they can't really threaten the US itself.
There's still ways in which you can organically raise the fertility rates a lot tho. At least in theory.
Nothing he can do.
There are national security implications to hiring H-1Bs and Indian managers who hire only Indians. Indians are more willing to spy on Americans and commit treason when their "intelligence community" handler tells them to, or when it can earn them a dollar. Or they might sell off their share in a company to Russia or China for a profit, and think nothing of it.

If Indian H-1B grunts are the people developing computer systems on government contract, they are the people running them and are the people silently banning white people from inside the wire. About half of the mean and nasty Jews screaming "you deserve to die, goyim!" might have been call center Indians working as national security subcontractors. And that contract probably came from Russia.
>spying, influencing, censoring
Totally, and very important. Because Americans cannot be trusted to do such nation destroying unamerican tasks and keep their mouths shut.
Its a foreign police force being imported, not with guns and handcuffs but imported in order to carry out administrative policy. Policy enforcers are police. Our thought police.
Equivalent to a strongman dictator surrounding himself with foreign thugs and intelligence agents. The jeets have the anti white attitude to enjoy the work, too.
Its exactly precisely why they are needed.
379953 380012
What's their end game?
The Jeet-Jewish Connection
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>Tl;dr Kikes are trying to hijack nationalist movements and use jeet immigrants to bolster support

Yoram Hazony is a zionist jew Chairman of the Edmund Burke Foundation.

>The Edmund Burke Foundation is a public affairs institute founded in January 2019 with the aim of strengthening the principles of national conservatism in Western and other democratic countries. The Foundation will pursue research, educational and publishing ventures directed toward this end.


>EBF was launched by a series of public conferences on national conservatism. The conferences developed between May 2019 and February 2020 when they were held in London, Washington, and Rome. Subsequent conferences were held in Orlando (2021), Brussels (2022), Miami (2022), London (2023) and Brussels (2024).
>Speakers billed to appear included Tucker Carlson, Josh Hawley, J. D. Vance, Giorgia Meloni, Marco Rubio, Peter Thiel, Kevin Roberts, the British MP Daniel Kawczynski, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and the Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán.

379954 380013
As they are Zionists, the end game is to destroy or weaken all nations other than Israel, and to make their land and people to serve Israel.
Some are just in it for the money, Musk and Trump are probably in it for the likes, but the people in control are in it for world Jewry.
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>Donald Trump promises to build a Hindu holocaust memorial in Washington DC

You can tell he's having a hard time reading such bullshit.


>On the second clip, a Jeet suggests they should mirror kikes in America. Build support networks, advocacy groups and fund candidates to ensure the US serves India's and Hindu interests.
He also talks about the importance of content creation to fight "Hinduphobia" and "Hindu-persecution". Funny how it's always the "JQ" one way or the other.
Agreed, they seem to be chabad-lubavitch kikes.
The dems were attacking him non-stop with the lawsuits. Elon and Co were firmly backing DeSantis. I think October 7 very much fractured the kikes and presented an opportunity for Trump. Visiting the dead rabbi solidified the support of the chabads.
The only reason they summoned the jeets, is because chabads are a relatively small faction of the larger kike elite.
How is chabad-lubavitch different from the rest?

(((Their))) endgame is using India as a meat wall cannon fodder natui y with thousand millon against China another thousand millons nation.

The jews have already established relationships with India long ago and against Muslim countries in the area. Also instigating conflicts between pajeets and Muslims.

And now against chinesse.

China is the only threat to israel zionist supremacy in Asia.

If you look at how clean and avenced China cities are you would totally prefer them over Indians.

But when a nation is a super power like China and also strong conservative and educating their ignorant folk into being functional human beings for decades you get the worst nightmare for jews.

They can't control them or subetefuge their government etc. They can't blend as with white nations their other enemy.

They fucked up Europe with kalergi plan.

They need a war of India and China and this way they also reduce the population.

A nuke on India would also be not seen as bad for the right wing and wn ns etc.

Inserting millons of mulsims in Europe influenced people to not have empathy for Palestinian genocide. No one care much except cringy lefties.

Now imagine the same but inserting millons of street poop pajeets in USA.

You will hate them so much you will celebrate when China nukes them and when them fight back throwing turds to China. 😂

And jews know this.

The final goal is that. Population rection and having the hegemony on middle east and asía.
large (4).png

This anon gets it.

Sorry but all the thread is full of people antagonizing and trying to debate stuff when is really simple.


And that mlpol was always a honeypot and echo chamber made by some jews that draw aryanne and make profit out of right wing mare fuckers and even many of them used to ban nazis and Altbrony and any movement because this is just a /pol/ Chan and even some of the polacos that run this place work as admins or mods in derpibooru.

Have a nice day.
Seems to be sectarian(?) disagreements mostly. It started in Russia back in 1772 and made its way around the globe after WWII.
Trump visited the grave of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson back in October 7 last year, exactly one year after Hamas' attack. Schneerson appears to have been the chabad's most important leader.

The rabbi also prophesied that Benjamin Netanyahu would be the last Israeli leader before the Messiah comes.


>Jared Kushner's synagogue of choice is chabad.

380017 380018
Here's that same rabbi meeting up with hollywood people:


The chabads have a presence in India and are said to control the BJP, which is ridiculously pro-israel. The BJP are hindu nationalists, but they are suspiciously tolerant with the chabad, and with faggots too.
327981 - Animaniacs Doug_Winger Minerva_Mink.jpg

Aryanne discord servers back then where full of non NS and even gay admins with Jewish boyfriend. And they drew aryanne for aryanne packs to sell to goys.
Some web developers in derpibooru also helped make mlpol outside 4chan. Etc etc.

You can't trust no one.

But at least some mpol admins and people that run this place are not part of that.

But moles exist. And many know outside.

Even though mlpol can be relatively usable until some people become uncomfortable.

But the moles and plants can't divide the real RW "bronies". (rebranded as mare fuckers).

Yes they are tolerant with degeneracy in India. But they are never tolerant not even with having black jews in Israel.

They wete against the wall and pushed for open borders for USA

But they built a wall around Israel.

Another well known uncomfortable truth for them is that Palestinians and other arabs in that area are more SEMITE DNA than the jews themselves. Because most of them are just mixed with aryans to blend and fuck up. They use mimetizing blending behaiviour like parasites and insects that predate on others.
Like MIMIC movie.

They are also mostly from kahzaria. That they destroyed. And made it get totalled by Ivan tsarevich

And now they are fill filling their revenge on that lands to regain it.

Is it possible to tell the castes of jeets apart by physiognomy? is there a chart?
Sort of...
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>Yoram Hazony is a zionist jew Chairman of the Edmund Burke Foundation. The EBF was launched by a series of public conferences on "national conservatism".
Here's Ram Madhav, a prominent politician from India's ruling party. Last year at NatCon, He claimed that jeets are the best to spearhead the movement. And told Yoram Hazony that they can be his vanguard.


In an article last year, this same jeet claimed that "America is a nation built by immigrants". He claimed that there was a "smear campaign against Indian-Americans", and urged the Indian-American leadership to "reject this Hinduphobia".


Yeah, the dicksword server was pozzed. But it was never the official server or anything. I still think there's something sus with staff, but let's keep that elsewhere.

I'm aware of their hypocrisy. It's a little different with Yoram Hazony tho. He promotes a kind of poorly articulated "judeo-christian" civic nationalism for white countries.


White Nationalism is rising in the west. I think the overarching goal of these kikes, is to redirect it and mold it into something easier to control. The jeets are only there to fill in the gaps, and to serve as a new pro-israel constituency in the western right-wing.
It doesn't matter how hardworking pajeet is when pajeet engineering graduate skill level is lower than average 18 year old vocational school graduate in europe. They are full of shit and worst of all they believe their own shit themselves.

Unrelated: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/india-its-worse-you-think
>They are full of shit and worst of all they believe their own shit themselves.
To be fair, they are only full of shit until they pay a visit to the designated street.