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Here's a thread to act as sort of a hub for the Canadian political scene, otherwise known as "Please God please just let it stop, we keep thinking it can't get worse but then these doped-up foreigners sit in a big wooden room and invent ways to make it worse than we ever thought imaginable"

Elections are coming up. Quick rundown:

The Green party is only sticking around the talk bad about the Orange party.
The Orange Party is no longer giving their votes to the
Red Party.
The Red Party is once again more blue than the
Blue Party.
The Blue Party has had more members switch over to the
Purple Party.
The Purple Party keeps asking me for

I'll keep tabs on habbenings and try to explain them cohesively. Feel free to contribute. Please don't laugh at us because our PM made sex with goats legal merely because Allah wills it.
Is one to interpret that we're free to laugh as long as it isn't
>because our PM made sex with goats legal merely because Allah wills it
>The Green party is only sticking around the talk bad about the Orange party.
The Green Party has been opposing land development on established greenbelts, uranium mining, and anything that ups industrial production anywhere on the globe. NDP's Jagmeet wants to expand metropolitan areas in to these greenbelts to house more immigrants, wants to export uranium "to our allies", and has been very open about going tow war with the enemy of the month (which would inevitably get the gears of industry turning)

>The Orange Party is no longer giving their votes to the Red Party.
Simple, the Red Liberals would have lost the previous 2 elections if this "democratic" system of parties being able to trade votes like baseball cards didn't exist. Both the NDP and Liberals have lost to the CPC since 2016 but through the power of friendship have combined their votes under the Liberal banner, bringing the reds up to a majority. Jagmeet said he's not doing this anymore. While funny on the surface, it likely means the Reds will be giving THEIR votes to the orange NDPs, which would suck balls.

>The Red Party is once again more blue than the Blue Party.
The Liberals and the Conservative Party of Canada have operated on strikingly similar values since Harper's second term. The only time this changes is during election season when Trudeau and the Liberals decide to suddenly adopt more conservative values. Simple common sense stuff such as limiting the number of young uneducated Pakistani men who can apply for a tourist work visa. It has happened again with Trudeau doubling down on his proposal to suspend foreigners from buying Canadian land and reducing the third world import quota. Until the Conservatives match these policies, the liberals are more conservative than the conservatives.

>The Blue Party has had more members switch over to the Purple Party.
Because of the indistinguishably similar Liberal and CPC party policies, Conservative runners are joining the Peoples' party Of Canada, which was a splinter party formed by those who were kicked out of the Conservative party for suggesting such heinous things such as "children shouldn't be given sex-reassignment surgery" and "Maybe less than 2,000,000 immigrants a year would be better for our housing situation".

>The Purple Party keeps asking me for money.
Anyone registered with the PPC gets these emails like 3 times a month during election season

>Is one to interpret that we're free to laugh as long as it isn't
Yes. We are all dying up here but we hope that we can bring a smile to your face in doing so.
File (hide): AE3A1B8CA63F1F4D403D8C9E9D238C69-14395888.mp4 (13.7 MB, Resolution:1280x720 Length:00:01:18, SvHz7xv3lD-S0UCS.mp4) [play once] [loop]
And for today's stupid drama we have Jagmeet getting all surfer-bro on some hecklers who dared to tango with the turban. They flopped embarrassingly, but the video still serves the notion that no lefty candidate can be anywhere in public without constant scorn from passers by.
>fuck me - no fuck you bloody bitch fuck
crumpit bastard? what did he say?
And you’re bringing this up in the Canadian politics thread because…?
Canadian MSM has been lit up recently over the news that President Donald will force Canada to secure its own border, lest Canada's exports to the US will be tariffed and therefore less attractive to US buyers. The marijuana fag-suckers on the radio and CBC are trying to spin it that this will make everything in Canada more expensive for Canadians despite that not being how supply and demand works at all.

A significant amount of illegal boats enter through East coast Canadian ports to drop their shitskins off, who then head South across to the USA. It is Canada's (decided) responsibility to monitor and control who leaves Canada through this border and evidence suggests that they don't attend to any movement beyond the roadways - effectively turning a blind eye to all illegal crossing both in and out. The Republicans are well aware of just how many would-be Mexico hoppers will simply stow away on these Northbound boats, enough to consider the Canadian border nearly half of the entire hopper problem. Even "legally", Mexicans are able to get work Visas in Canada and then simply sneak South when they feel like it.

In better news, the oil pipelines are happening. For all his faults, Trudeau at least understands the value of them. From an economic and environmental standpoint, underground delivery of crude oil to the US is infinitely better than trucking and training it one barrel at a time. Remember that it was Biden who shut down oil pipelines from Alaska and the NWT. Not out of environmentalism or some other made up reason - but "just because" it was something Donald was enthusiastic about. Canada got screwed over because the pipes would also deliver oil within the country. Delivery is the biggest part of the gas bill and a lot of the comes from before the oil is processed.

Harper coordinated it with Obama
Obama ordered the work be done by Alaskans and other US workers
Trudeau smoothed it over with indigenous land czars
Trump announced his plans for construction
Biden uuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh duuurrrr oil bad, pipe bad, rocky road double chocolate

So at last, no matter who's sitting in Canada's plywood throne, there are good times for gas prices ahead.
20241210 Town Fined For Not Celebrating Pride Month - uKdNTs-PqN0.webm
20241210 Town Fined For Not Celebrating Pride Month - uKdNTs-PqN0.jpg
-Video is of Count Dankula weighing in on a Town Fined For Not Celebrating Pride Month

...I'm having a hard time tracking this bullshit, to be honest. It's all so tiresome. Clownworld is tiresome.

The way I heard about it in a much less meme-worthy video more had the tone of "look at this guy in a position somewhere usually known to be the most enthusiastic people pushing the woke package of ideology opposing it". He's getting some kind of fine for it, but he's refusing to pay it last I heard. There's an energy in the air, I think.

>Town of Emo, Canada:

That quote up there was from a YouTube comment. The meme magic... it's a bit much. I can hardly believe it, myself. These absurdities are overwhelming.
In today's news, nearly all semi-automatic rifles have been banned


The footnotes spell out loud and clear that these guns were banned "because some shootings happened with them once, not even in Canada either"
>Canada has experienced mass shootings in rural and urban areas such as in Nova Scotia, Quebec City, Montréal, and Toronto. Whether at home or abroad, the deadliest mass shootings are commonly perpetrated with assault-style firearms.

But people may buy MORE guns as a reaction!
>There is also a risk that affected firearms owners may elect to replace their firearms with models unaffected by the ban, causing a market displacement...

...And so the list will grow!
>..This risk may be mitigated by adding additional makes and models to the list of prohibited firearms in future.

Owners of these firearms - of which most are completely unregistered - have a 10 months to either export them, deactivate them (no moving parts), hand them in, or sell them back to the government (The government has yet to roll out their buyback program from their previous bans)
>While an individual may dispose of a firearm by deactivating it, legally exporting it or delivering it to a police officer, compensation will not be available until the ASFCP is implemented

Every gun store and registered range is already projected to go out of business.
>Americans scream tyranny is wonderfu
No American says this.
>Americans are unable to explain why Cubans try to escape
Because Cuba is just as shit as any other failed Communist experiment that lost access to the Big Red Wallet.
20240924 Danielle Smith: Firearms Owners Will Be Protected under Bill of Rights - No4fSZ2m9H8.webm
20240924 Danielle Smith: Firearms Owners Will Be Protected under Bill of Rights - No4fSZ2m9H8.jpg
Danielle Smith: Firearms Owners Will Be Protected under Bill of Rights
Canada's National Firearms Association

Well... it looks like it's not all bad.

Danielle Smith here was voted in to be the Premiere of the Province of Alberta with the help of a grassroots organization called Take Back Alberta. There's also another separate organization called Take Back Ontario that's up and organizing people for more political action.

Alberta has a lot of oil sands in it, so it's one of the wealthiest provinces.
Okay, so our Finance Minister just resigned a little while ago. Then the next person in line also resigned.

Our budget is super-fucked. Worse than usual, I mean.

Trudeau might end up resigning his position. Things are still kind of in the air on this. I sure fuckin' hope he does.
>Trudeau may resign
Please lynch his ass
Something's happening live. He might be on his way to resigning. I haven't found a good livestream yet.

In other news: WEF man in charge of Orange Super Far Left party who is refusing to join in on the vote of no-confidence to force a new election so he can get his pension seems to be in a bit of trouble.

WATCH NOW: Jagmeet Singh BREAKS DOWN In TEARS He Faces JAIL After 'Older White Men’ RACIST Comment
Canadian Tribune

^ I haven't watched that one yet, it's in my pile of tabs. This is Orange Party man.

I'm almost able to imagine that there might be some short-term hope.

Let's get a CyTube room going, if anyone's interested. I've got the livestream on, but it's from some "Times Of India" YouTube channel. I'll work on trying to find an alternate livestream.

I'm not entirely sure why this is the only livestream I can readily find, but I'll watch it for the time being.

The Liberals keep talking about an "Online Harms Act" and Bill C63 to "protect children".

The bold faced self-important using of emotional trigger words to gain censorship power over the masses and threaten life imprisonment makes for very tense watching.

The Leftists sure do love saying that we need to spend more government money to save people money. I'm not sure government workers have a great understanding of how money works, and the role the government has in screwing up that process.

Ooh, we're getting some documents tabled.
...The woman finance minister was actually "trying" to keep the deficit to 40b. But she was told to make the budget with the 60b deficit. So she resigned less than an hour before when it was supposed to be submitted.

Multiple ministers in Trudeau's cabinet have resigned.

I dunno what the fuck is going on, but there might be some potential in this whirlwind.

The livestream had bots in it talking about specific complaints and economic statements about things like an increase in the average price of a new car with specific numbers. The video seemed legit as far as I can tell, but there are a few questionable elements around it.

Have a good night, everyone, and get your rest!
I gotta say, I'm actually not sure why my country is being flooded by so many indians (dot).

As best I can figure, it was a mix of mass importing people in general to serve as new debt batteries to keep the economy barely chugging along for a little while longer, combined with the universities wanting to mass import them because international students pay much more than regular students. There's the Orange Party man who's some variety of indian, but I have a blind spot of not paying that much attention to parties I definitely know I don't want to support.

I'm not sure whether they have to front the whole student tuition amount at once with cash, or whether it's a loan, with the expectation that they'll work at least somewhat part-time (maybe even under the table), while living in hyper-dense conditions much like their home country to reduce effective rent costs.

Again, I get the idea of debt batteries for the economy, but I thought the plan was to flood us with moslems to just trigger a new caliphate / ottoman empire as soon as they reached the correct amount of population to just take over through overwhelming demographics as they continually extract tribute from us through being the legal "common nobility" class that cannot be criticized and also getting many government benefits.

The Indian population so far seems to be an overwhelming economic displacement event for most people in basic unskilled populations and even the tech industry, as the recent Elon event reminds people. See Pic 4 of this post >>379695 → The rate of phone scams and very pushy service providers has increased. But I'm not hearing a ton about rapes or knife attacks. For all I know that kind of story might be hidden from local news. The Sikhs are supposed to carry a knife in their turbans for religious reasons, if I recall correctly, but they don't seem to have a huge issue with random violent attacks on people.


We used to have a great news system. Especially for keeping tabs on geopolitical events. It was even noted in the Snowden files when he first leaked them. I don't think we had as bad of a drop-off in quality as what happened to the BBC in Britain, but I think we lost the spark there.

Maybe the plan with the indians is another layer of displacement. Then, after the founding population is dealt with with those covid camps we built but didn't use, unlike Australia, that used them, the ruling powers will pit the indians against the moslems so that they still have a public conflict to distract the people from how badly they're getting screwed. And both of these populations are not of the cultural lineage that is linked to things like the Magna Carta, so they'll likely comply easily.

Or maybe I'm wrong, and the golems will turn against their masters. Who knows.


I hope we can have an election soon. It would re-shuffle the parties' seats.

We elect Parties, not people. If The Turd was abducted by space aliens tomorrow, the Liberal party would just rotate someone else in to the position. The election would, if the polls are to be believed, result in a strong majority for the conservatives. That would give the conservative party leader a chance to make some changes.

Parties can throw their support behind another party and form a minority government. That means that if Party A has 40% of the seats, Party B has 35%, and Party C has 25%, then Party B and Party C can decide to co-operate to get their way, and they'll have more authority to throw around. This majority described in the poll of the Pic would be big enough to prevent this, as the members sitting in the seats can vote independently of their party for policies suggested by other parties. Many of the Liberals are abandoning Trudeau and openly supporting the Conservatives as the consequences of the fiscal and cultural insanity starts to become even harder to deny.

The general cycle of politics is that the Liberals make sweeping social and governmental changes with massive spending. This screws the economy up, so the Conservatives get elected to try to fix the mess. Then, when things have recovered, not completely, but enough so that the people aren't overwhelmingly dissatisfied, they elect the Liberals again, or at least have some sort of more leftist government.


Pierre Poilievre isn't a firebrand kind of orator, but he speaks in grounded terms that clearly describe the situation and it's urgency. I don't fully trust him, but if he works hard on the things he's saying, then we'll have a very productive four years with a lot of progress towards recovery.
>>380040 →

Trudeau is TruDONE and also still a massive faggot
Is it just me, or does it take alot longer to say something in French Canadian than it does in English?
I still think Justin Trudeau will still find a way to stay in power beyond March. He doesn't want to lose power. His ego won't allow it. Be wary.
Just wait, hes gonna try and claim martyrdom
And the Feminists and the dumb whores would eat it up and call him a Feminist martyr.
It does. In French class, we compared the English version of things to the French version. Even the French version of songs have to crowbar in a bunch of extra syllables.
380576 380577
20250120 How living in Canada Became Impossible - 2HiKVsXjdXo.png
twilight stress levels.jpg
How Living In Canada Became Impossible
History of Everything Podcast

This guy does some history videos, gameplay of Hearts of Iron IV (including Equestria at War), and other content besides.
This seems to be good so far.
27:20 Oh, I forgot about the wrestling match.
This might finally be explained clearly enough for the uncaring to understand things.
I would've added the video, but it's 48 minutes long and 140 megabytes.
This dude? EaW? Ain't no way,....
20250123 22 Minutes - Pierre Poilievre meets his hero... John A. Macdonald! | This Hour Has 22 Minutes - WS_jwZDzO2c.webm
20250123 22 Minutes - Pierre Poilievre meets his hero... John A. Macdonald! | This Hour Has 22 Minutes - WS_jwZDzO2c.png
Whelp, there's some new bullshit layers of Canadian News that are both major and disturbing, but here's one of the more fun things I found instead.

This is a clip from a political skit comedy show in Canada. It's about a quip from Pierre from the blue party saying he wants to make Canada more like it was envisioned by John A Macdonald.

Stereotypes of old-timey racisms ensue.

Pierre Poilievre meets his hero... John A. Macdonald! | This Hour Has 22 Minutes
22 Minutes
https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=WS_jwZDzO2c
11 minutes long
The tariff's shitshow is getting more interesting by the day.
According to /pol/, counter tariffs are coming.
381044 381049

Justin Trudeau
I just had a good call with President Trump. Canada is implementing our $1.3 billion border plan — reinforcing the border with new choppers, technology and personnel, enhanced coordination with our American partners, and increased resources to stop the flow of fentanyl. Nearly 10,000 frontline personnel are and will be working on protecting the border.

In addition, Canada is making new commitments to appoint a Fentanyl Czar, we will list cartels as terrorists, ensure 24/7 eyes on the border, launch a Canada- U.S. Joint Strike Force to combat organized crime, fentanyl and money laundering. I have also signed a new intelligence directive on organized crime and fentanyl and we will be backing it with $200 million.

Proposed tariffs will be paused for at least 30 days while we work together.
4:36 PM · Feb 3, 2025

>There's actually some sort of border plan that involves (new!) choppers, people and Can-US co-ordination.
>Appointing someone specifically to deal with the Fentanyl
>List cartels as terrorists
>Also combating money laundering
>Tariffs are paused for 30 days.

This actually seems moderately non-retarded. I absolutely suspect that there's some sort of country-destroying evil plan that The Turd is serving by doing this that I'm not seeing yet, but... At least it's not a day of nothing but terrible news.

I'm worrying that Pierre (blue party man) isn't going to be enough. He and all the other entrenched members of the political class seem to be using this tariff issue to try to strengthen their power base and give them a reason to remain in charge, now that they have a "crisis" that they can visibly show up to fight. All the various other crises are just tools for them to personally enrich themselves and their masters while destroying my civilization, so I'm immediately suspicious of anything they think is a good idea. Pierre was talking a good game while avoiding the lion's share of major issues like mass immigration and crime, but at least he's talking about them unlike the other parties.

I really, really hope that Jagmeet and Justin suffers some sort of significant penalty for the harms they have inflicted on my country.
>Fentanyl Czar
All hail saint sneed
Bernier's rundown on the situation, from the mailing list

It’s important to understand that the 25% tariffs announced by President Trump today are NOT imposed on Canada — they will be paid by American consumers and businesses who buy goods imported from Canada. Tariffs are a tax, and Americans who will have to pay more or go without our products will be the first to suffer.

Of course, Canadian exporters of these goods will as a consequence lose clients, contracts and sales, and will be forced to cut down on production and lay off workers. Or they will lower their prices to keep market shares and will see their profits diminish.

Because 75% of our exports go south of the border, our economy will for sure be very negatively impacted by this.

The stupidest thing our government can do however to deal with this crisis is to impose the same kind of tariffs “dollar for dollar” against US imports.

The US economy is ten times bigger than ours, much less reliant on trade than ours, and much less dependent on our market than we are on theirs.

Not only would retaliatory tariffs have much less impact on American exporters, they would immediately impoverish Canadian consumers forced to pay more for imported goods, as well as destabilize Canadian businesses that need inputs from the US in their production processes. It would more than double the harm of the US tariffs to our economy.

Trade wars are bad for everyone, but they are much worse for a small country with fewer options. We simply cannot win a trade war with the US. It’s very unlikely that Trump will back down. All we will do is provoke a massive economic crisis in Canada, until we are forced to capitulate.

Another self-destructive thing to do would be to set up giant “pandemic-level” bailout plans to support everyone affected by this trade war. This will simply bankrupt our governments even more than they already are and make us even weaker.

So what should we do?

1. Double down on efforts to control our border, crack down on fentanyl dealers, deport all illegals, and impose a complete moratorium on immigration, to answer Trump’s immediate concerns about Canada.

2. Tell the US administration that we are ready to renegotiate North American free trade and put dairy supply management and other contentious issues on the table.

3. Wait and see to what extent Trump is willing to keep tariffs in place despite the harm it does to the US economy. Despite his pretenses that Americans don’t need our stuff, the reality is that on the contrary they have few other options for crucial resources like oil, lumber, uranium and other minerals, etc. He will stop acting like a bully when he sees that he can get more results by sitting down and negotiating.

4. To reduce our dependence on the US market, immediately implement an ambitious plan to tear down interprovincial trade barriers and help our impacted exporting industries find alternative markets in other countries.

5. Immediately implement a series of bold reforms to make our economy more productive, including: reduce corporate and personal taxes, abolish the capital gains tax, abolish all corporate subsidies, get rid of excessive regulation, remove impediments to the exploitation and export of natural resources, drastically cut government spending, mandate the Bank of Canada to stop printing money and start accumulating a gold reserve to prepare for the global monetary reset (which is likely part of Trump’s plan).

In short, instead of adopting a suicidal strategy to confront Trump, we must do what we should have done a long time ago to strengthen our economy and our bargaining position. The transition will be rough, but not as much as complete bankruptcy and disintegration.

>Pierre was talking a good game while avoiding the lion's share of major issues like mass immigration and crime
His words on the crime seems worryingly incomplete, but includes enough expression of the depth of the problem to warrant a national mandate to fix what is clearly an untenable situation. A lot of the economic discussion is good, too, but something about it feels a bit shallow.

I'd have to learn more about his positions in detail to make a real critique of him.

>Purple Man Speaks
Good to hear from him. Regarding the point about intra-country trade, that's a surprisingly big problem. One of the bigger nerfs to Canada's overall prosperity, I'd bet. Both Maxine Bernier and Pierre Poilievre talked about this as being a thing to change. This wasn't on any foreign politician's list of priorities, but is a major economic problem that both of these people have probably been trying to change for a long time.
Trudeau’s Decision Faces COURT Challenge

>A major legal battle is unfolding in Canada, challenging the legality of Justin Trudeau’s prorogation of Parliament. With a federal court hearing set for February 13-14 in Ottawa, this case could have significant implications for the Liberal government’s future—and potentially lead to an early election.
>If the court rules that Trudeau’s prorogation was unlawful, Parliament could be recalled, setting the stage for a non-confidence vote that could bring the current government down. Jagmeet Singh has publicly reiterated his position on non-confidence, and if he follows through, Canadians could be heading to the polls sooner than expected.
>On the firearms front, despite years of Liberal efforts, gun owners have not lost their legally owned firearms. The Conservatives have committed to reversing Trudeau’s gun bans, and with recent legal challenges against the use of Orders in Council (OICs) to prohibit firearms, there’s growing optimism within the pro-gun community.
>With the CCFR’s 10th anniversary approaching, this year could mark a turning point for Canadian gun owners and advocates of individual freedoms. Stay informed, stay engaged, and let’s see where this fight leads.

Some of the tricks Trudeau has been using to slow down the ability of the government to respond to the will of Canadian citizens are being questioned, and the questions are making their way up the chain through the system. February 13-14 will hopefully have some good news.

Or maybe I'm just glued to the political circus and need to unplug. I'm not sure. This feels important, at least.
I'm horrified by the claim of annexing Canada.
Does any of these low IQ bottom feeders know that inside that territory half of the population are pajeets, chinks and niggers, and the other half are mostly White communists and jews?