>>380627As a fully vested furfag who is very keen to talk the line between ponies and furries (there is a very narrow line, yes) yes please!
>>380627>pic 4Theres a wamen in that filly! REEEEEEEEEEE
>>380627What the fuck ,go fuck a horse like any normal person you veiled furfag
those Japanese suits are pretty sexy, not as hot as a horse but close
Nippon kemono kigurumi is astronomically better than western fursuit faggotry
>>380633The term is Kemonomimi. Idk, its japanese. But it non-specifically refers to the eyes. The hard-plastic shell over the eyes, they cause a dynamic lens-flare effect. Not great for ventilation (these suits are the worst), but if you have an ice vest or something else, theyre amazing to look at.
Kemonomimi isn't specific to the eyes, theres a bunch more that goes into it, but yes; japanese fursuit makers do it ~~better~~ different than western fursuit makers. They're alot better about the body padding and proportions.
... I'ma have a Thez suit made when my money is full :3
>>380635from what I heard that style of fursuit eyes was short lived but the japs still use it because of how good it looks. downside is after a while the humidity wrecks havoc on the paint and they tend to fog up bad
>>380642Yeah,... its popular among furries who have stupid money and this is like their 7th fursuit. That Luna probably cost around $6k
dat bikini pic tho :3They're not common in the west coast but not unheard of, and they're still huge in Asia in general
I sure as hell won't ever,... no that's a lie, nevermindBut again, you have to have a frozen racing vest, or an AC unit in the head or something detailed to be able to suit in those. Some of these furries basically have plushy ironman suits @_@
I need to build me one, they have the free pattern on deviantart
>>380646Just remember anon, you CAN legitimately be a person in a pony suit and NOT be a goddamn furry. I have the legal code in possession
>did based Sandaryan just gift me with the furry fursuiting/cosplay thread I've always wanted?https://youtube.com/shorts/rvB8QIk2B1Y?si=f4MLROMsSzqIUyDAHere's an example of a 6-8k suit, if done by commission (prolly closer to 800 if you can, and diy but lord the hours).
The mask IS see through, but the lips respond to voice (so if you talk, the mouth makes shapes based on vowels) and the eye types are selectable, so one can go from smiley to angry in literally a blink. Usually gestures like that are controlled by hand motions - certain gesures pull on wires or toggle switches, producing the changes, but its autistic furries with stupid levels of skills and money, and it's only getting worse (furries are about to explode, and not in the lewd sense).
I'll make one with white fur, blue eyes and blonde hair
>>380651Anonfilly just got yeeted from my list thanks to you
REEEEEEEEEEEEEE >>380658LOL I'll get started on her right away
>>380627>or ageWait, no, stop, haram
Age is always relevant, and if you think otherwise, I literally hope to meet you in "that" suit ^_^
>what does he mean by "That suit"
Ngl,... one of my fursuits is gonna be made for physical combat. It wont LOOK like it is ... it will LOOK like its for lewd (its for lewding also, yes) but its actually for beating faces!
LOL weighted hooves with steel horse shoes and the padding is Kevlar
>>380677I was thinking of a krylon(?) reinforced, layered suit, to a level of zombie efficacy
>be in zombie apocalypse
>suddenly and as if from nowhere, some faggot in a fursuit just starts mowing zombies with ease
>>380681We may be saved, but we may also be doomed
I would die happy if I got to see a warrior Princess Luna ponysuit decked out in armor mowing down zombies
Damn... New Fetish Unlocked.
Hitler would understand, right?
how the hell do you lewd in a suit like that? Any more overbuilding and it'd be Mjolnir Power armor. (Yes I can read and therefore know that technically it IS semi-powered armor)
>asking for a friend ;*)
>>380769>how do you lewdHold on there, are you sure you want an answer to that question?
>>380627The furry responsible for this Luna goes by the name Kolshica and can be found on most boorus, tumbler, etc. Appears to be an unironic female so kudos OP, you've narrowly avoided the gay for one more day.
>>380777>Appears to be an unironic femalePhew... We all dodged a bullet there. Triple 7's can't lie.
>>380771No I think I know now. That said you wouldn't happen to have some "visual aid" to share. It's popular with ladies so the chances of meeting a woman willing to start a family with me increase exponentially the longer I'd practice this fetish so fuckit. White Power.
>>380836Are you asking for pictures of hot furries, or perhaps just furry fap-bait? The only hot furries I know of specifically are ZeeKayArt, Starberry Dream, and CoconutKitty, none of which have lewds.
And I dont recommend looking up furry porn, stick to ponies
>>380840Yes and Yes I guess. I did search for some pony suit content but all I found was disgusting furies, it was disheartening and disturbing. Thanks for sharing some names I'll look them up, cute is a lewd all it's own.
>>380842Well, assuming what makes it's way to Ponerpics is insufficient as far as furry shit theres always e621, furaffinity, etc. Furry porn tends to be a bit on the grotesque side so I'll reiterate the caveat of sparing yourself the trouble