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>>373667This filly works for me 24/7 in a training period of course.
Also felt like finishing that birb.
>>373844>metalocalypseWhat did the troons do to ruin that? I don't remember there being any propaganda or woke bs in it.
>>373848The episode Diversityklok come to mind, but even though it was a long time since watching that, I remember these to be strongly comedic parodies on the whole topic. Maybe it's a reddit cancerchamber that the meme is referring to but I wouldn't know.
>>375110That's why you don't just fencejump, you love a horse intimely like a wife.
>>375114klassic pic, cool to see it got updated lol
>>373018Who says this was a recent screenshot? There really were incidents of people trying to assault those open carrying to steal their weapon and then report that they've done a "good thing" to the police.
These people really are dangerously stupid and invasively hostile. The basic realities of life and the value of borders not being understood is one of the core aspects of who they often are as people.
>>379611>It does exist thoThe "plane of flesh" thing? If so, it's probably something that should be avoided.
>>380613How to put this?
>to be avoidedIn the same sense that a nuclear reactor is dangerous to one who doesn't know what they're doing, yes.
Ahh fuck it, might as well, it's late/early.
Yes, it is a plane of flesh, but thats like seeing a bunch of trees for the forest.
It is the plane of unbridled biological form, of body, of ohysical essence and manifestation. It is awesome, but by the time you've seen it you,... well you're supposed to be unmoved by such things. Its not a '101-course' plane, nut its not THAT big of a deal if you did your previous coursework. And if not, wtf are you even doing in this building??
Took me a minute.
If you want a quick rundown, examine the following image
>>380625So, the Flesh Plain would be somewhere in either the neck, the face, or the "hat"?
The "unbridled-ness" you mentioned makes me think of the idea of "intersections" in n-dimensional space.
>>380654You misunderstand the image, the shoulders is where the world begins
>>380655If the shoulders are where the world begins, and it's not a 101-course plane, then it would be in the later stages, wouldn't it? Are the neck and up meant to represent further on in the planeswalking journey?
>>380712>if the shoulders are where the world begins By the image, the moon appears first at the throat; wanna get into that?
Shoosh. Just look. And then come upon and look.
>>381013lol I was behind her in the registration line at Vanhoover.
>>381033Why did you not brutally rape her and then decapitate her?
>>381034Shutup Sandy (your name is Sandy now BTW), you know we >rape ponies here
>>381013If there's a horse that deserves to be punched, it's one of the ones that was trampling the people at Canada's Trucker protests the other year.
>>381043Wasn't his fault. He would have been put down if he hadn't. No trampled party blames the horse.
>>381051Not to be contentious, but how does one blame the hors when one is ded?