Q:How do you say "fuck you" in Hebrew?
A: Trust me!
>>372855Lmao you pathetic horsefuckers never fail to make me laugh with your ”mlpol humor” threads. Face it. most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history. get over it losers
>>372888>pastaFrom where? It looks very specific to me.
no way, soyjaks in a non-sharty altchan
>>372889It's from 4cuck. He just changed "racists" with "horsefuckers". I don't blame you, a lot of anons stopped lurking that shithole altogether.
>>372908>>372907No offense, but none of these are particularly funny.
>>372909>not funnyI find the 4th pic at
>>372907 hilarious.
Imagine to report a bug on the Zig language at GitHub because of niggers and jews. Taking into account that most developers are commies rubbing the Code of Conduct on everybody's face, the nervous breakdown that bug report caused must to of epic proportions.
also found this on /mlp/ the other day, made me laugh
I assure you there wasn't any confusion. Judy this once I would recommend you delete the specific post I'm replying to that is 372923, it didn't and doesn't help you in anyway. So please reconsider.
Speaking of confusion I took a trip down memory lane here. A few minutes of watching supercharging Hasbro it came.
Not only were they at the end of the alphabet, but also the butt of the joke.
Generation Z is morphing into the final form the Conzoomer.
Speaking of which any newfrens should definitely take a trip to the past, it's worth it.
>>372924Did a typo there sorry.
somewhat original content
>>372931What is the meaning behind pics 3 and 4?
>>372934Not him, but I assume the band-aids in pic 3 means he's still vaxxing and boosting, and the pass in pic 4 is supposed to be a vaxx pass.
>>372913tysm. I was the one who filed that bug report :-)
You can't make this shit up.
>>373017This is a troll account. Nobody uses the stupid safety pin meme anymore.
>>372940yep, generally used as an illustration on twitter. turns out mspaint classic is the best tool for this job.
Was watching S1E10 and saw an opportunity to make a caption meme
>>373170I have to say... the 1st one is not right-wing style and not funny, I doubt any anon watches comedy. The 2nd is too complicated to follow as it mixes races not even present in Europe, I mean, the brain has to expended additional CPU cycles to understand what it is the meaning of the meme and that effort nullifies any funny content.
>>373171>I am totally an super expert on the societies of image boards and political leanings and legalism. You must never have any humor it may do thing I don't want to you.Humor is funny due to high concentrations of Sidesaccelerant, arguably the most effective anti-blackpill media that humans can digest. Its the same substance that gives adult horse fuckers their politics, because the horse pussy they eat is rich in it. Look it up. Also, yes humor is really good for you and you can eat lots of it.
Pinkie Pie and her pink pony pussy has incredibly high amounts of concentrated humor. Since her laughter is also stored in the snowpity, despite what some so called experts may claim. The PPPPP could fill one standard size clown car per serving. As hores pussy is a complete complex psychoactive nutrient it only makes sense why any Anon can eat five dozen eggs. Even as decor is positively micro-gasm efficent. One pillow talk and what would have been a hard trip and hernia is a great discovery.
>>373392Damn, you're good at drawing!
>>372893There r many poner posters on 'arty /qa/ so u shouldnt be surprised
>>373439thanks, i made a new thing. you know, it's pride month so if you have any custom flag idea i can edit this for the SPECIAL MLPOL OFFER -50% your flag here!
>>373648Looks great. I love how you chose classic SGI window decoration
>>373651yep, 4dwm is stylish, i always wanted one to make my own 3d animation, but i got into 2d instead. anyways HERE GOES CONTROVERSIAL CONTENT!
>>373666Dear god, you can't do that it's too edgy too poignant.
You can't just
have a little pony looking at an old screen monitor at night a pony needs sleepies.Good job.
>>373667This filly works for me 24/7 in a training period of course.
Also felt like finishing that birb.
>>373844>metalocalypseWhat did the troons do to ruin that? I don't remember there being any propaganda or woke bs in it.
>>373848The episode Diversityklok come to mind, but even though it was a long time since watching that, I remember these to be strongly comedic parodies on the whole topic. Maybe it's a reddit cancerchamber that the meme is referring to but I wouldn't know.
>>375110That's why you don't just fencejump, you love a horse intimely like a wife.
>>375114klassic pic, cool to see it got updated lol