So as we all know the poojeets all like to fake their credentials to get H1Bs. So this got me thinking "if dishonest behavior is being rewarded then why don't white people adopt dishonest behavior?" Getting a fake degree is a fairly easy and inexpensive process and employers rarely check. Why are we not getting fake degrees of our own? It's not like most entry-level jobs actually need a degree and the jobs aren't going to pay enough to repay student loans anyways. A fake degree is objectively a smarter choice. Go to college and get your life on track today, anon! out there and get your dream job!
>Why are we not getting fake degrees of our own?
Because when we are found out, we will he punished. They won't. it's a risky gamble.
>>380288Worst punishment you can get is losing a job you weren't going to get without the fake degree in the first place. Besides fake degrees fuck over the antiwhite universities and if enough people start getting fake degrees the kikes will have to address the issue of fake degrees.
>Why are we not getting fake degrees of our own?
You'd be surprised how much of human behavior is genetic. It's like that article about pajeets, were it says they have to build fences on their properties because the neighbors would steal a chunk off of it.
Whites can't really understand a lot of what these people do. They go in with the preconception that these people are just like them for the most part, maybe a little slow or something. But it's not even the same thought process.
>>380304>>380302Whites need to start with the understanding that HR departments, universities, and the H1B visa system are all hostile to them and anything we can do to fuck these people back is justified.
>>380306Pardon me for sounding naïve, but no. We doourselves no.service in pretending competence
>>380307You don't need to be competent for many of the entry level jobs.
>>380309Then why do they require degrees and certifications?
>>380310Because the degree is supposed to show that you are smart enough to do the job and that you have the social skills to do the job. If the job is outside of STEM you really don't have to worry about being exceptional. Degree inflation is horseshit and we shouldn't put up with it.
>>380311Degree inflation is a complicated issue. On the one hand you have a population thats rather dumb even when properly trained, so a minimum standard is appropriate for alot of jobs. On the other hand, companies want the most experience/ability for the cheapest price, and making potential employees to compete can pften give the company room to negotiate down. This problem is exacerbated by illegal immigration, but that's a side issue.
I agree that alot of entry level jobs dont/shouldnt require degrees; 90% of any job is "how bad do you want it" but as an ex foreman of a labor crew, alot of Americans dont have that want. Whether it's complacency, entitlement, a lack of motivation - even when they're struggling to buy bread - they simply don't want to work. Oh, they want to get PAID for 'working',....
I'm all for keeping jeets out, especially if theyre pulling shenanigens (which, to no one's actual surprise, they are, but I'll admit the degree of which is news), but Americans need a wake up call. Several, come to think
>>380331Do you have an actual argument, or are you so basic that you can only spout meme terms, under the auspices that you have something to say?
>>380326If the jobs requiring a degre will not pay enough to pay off the student loans required to get said degree then nobody owes those employers honest behavior. A fake degree is completely justifiable under those circumstances.
>>380355Yes, but the overpricing of degrees is neither the responsibility nor the fault of those employing companies, that falls at the feet of the education institutions and the government artificially inflating the price of education through irresponsible student loan policy. Thats not something employers have an affect on
>>380356If employers are not willing to pay for the qualifications that they are asking for then they do not deserve people with the qualifications they are asking for. Nobody owes you cheap labor and long hours. You have to pay for that.
>>380365I agree, but at the moment we have an impasse between workers who arent willing to do the work and corporations that arent willing to pay the wages, hence why we have troves of Mexicans and now Jeets piling over the border for increasingly illegitimate reasons to fill the spot.
The problem you're alluding to isnt to do with Hb1 visas, the problem is that the US economic bubble is nearing to burst
you don't need to buy a fake degree, 99% of HR whores don't even follow up on it unless you claim you went to Harvard or some shit
>>380326fuck you grandpa, I live in the most advanced society in the world I'm not working slave hours at my highly technical IT career in order to not even be able to afford to own my own property. You're not trading me money for my services, you're trading me a lifestyle to which a professional with a rare skill set is entitled. If you want to pay me like a third worlder, I'm going to treat your job like a third worlder would: I'm going to do the bare minimum because I receive the bare minimum. I don't owe you shit.
>>380381tldr as an employer you can pay me what I'm worth to do 100% of the work I'm capable of or you can pay 5 people 60% of what they're worth to do 20% each, your call.
>>380381With all (legitimate) due respect, where the fuck are (you)? If one intuits that fore as genuine (and I do) then where the fuck is it in the population?
This isnt a tirade about how "corporations should be able to subject people to slavish conditions", thats absurd. Corporations are enabled to fleece their workers because theres always a new asshole who will do it for cheaper. And let me tell you, the discounts in insurance, workman's comp, SSI withholding, nd all the other fees and consoderations, an illegal or "ahem legitimate forieg er" costs the average employer anout 1/3 the amount a legitimate citizen costs them.
NOTHING can be done without a mass deportation
>some asshole who will do it for cheaper
Let me rephrase
Theres always some asshole who will FILL THE POSITION for cheaper.
And honestly, alot of corporations are okay with substandard workers BECAUSE they are undemanding pf increased wages and compensation
>>380389>>380391this is what made me a fascist more than anything else, the fact that lolberts only have "well this is the natural order of capitalism goy" to explain away the fact that most Whites are being forced to live like third worlders in the country we built
>>380399Thats not even close to what I said, what are you talking about?
>>380400>there's always some asshole who will fill the position for cheaperliterally all you have to do is refuse low quality workers, but the Civil Rights Act and Dodge Bros v Ford torpedoed that as an option.
>>380401And when you run out of low quality workers?
>>380402>literally all you have to do is refuse low quality workerswhy would you ever "run out" of something you're discarding?
>>380401>Dodge Bros v FordThis case is underrated in how damaging it was to American industry.
They called Ford a "fascist" just because he wanted to pay his own workers more, and they used the profits from the settlement to create a competing company.
>>380403You seem to be laboring under the delusion of an endless sipply of applicants, an endless supply of disposable income to waste weeding through those applicants, and alot of basic knowledge of what a reasonable employer has to.go through
>>380406you seem to be laboring under the delusion that I give a shit. I got mine, I just have enough empathy to care about those that can't at the moment
>>380407Sorry chum, but if you dont care about the person legitimately trying to supply jobs,...
>>380408nobody's "legitimately trying to supply jobs" anymore, they're just testing the limits of the 13th amendment.
>>380409Tell me you dont know what you're talking about without telling me you know what you're talking about.
For the audience, let me break this down. The average corporation pays anywhere from $30-60 in fees, insurance, workmans comp, etc. In some cases thats on top of actual wages (assuming $15/hour, cuz CA and WA have their jeads up their asses).
How many werks do you tjink it takes to find out that a worker lied about their qualifications/desire to work?
Ill give you a hint. It depends on the sophistication and willingness to commit to doing just enough to not get fired outright
>>380410Let me rephrase this for you: I do not give a shit. Again, in case you missed it the first time. I. DO. NOT. CARE.
I already do this with my current company, I leech a solid 6 figure income, and the only difference is I actually have the credentials I was hired on. If they wanted to pay me 40% more I'd be <company>'s top guy, but they don't so I shitpost on chans on company hardware and ignore Teams
>>380412money for my bank account
>>380413Product? Service?
In "certain communities", it will cost a person around $10k annually in gas and disposable utilities to run a lawnmowing business that services approximately 48 residential customers and commercial clients. That's an average of 260 8 hour days as a single operator. Wanna know what all those customers gets you, including the bidded contracts? About 50k, down to 40 after expenses.
And thats without downtime ^_~
Now, one COULD hire an asshole to do some of the work. Most people won't work for $12/hour under the table, and with a 40k current net, you cant afford to be above board with things.
So, while tickled that youre making money, some of us actually work for their money
>>380414>product? service?I'm a senior system administrator for a multibillion dollar enterprise firm on paper
>some of us actually work for their moneydamn dude that sucks, you should try scamming Israeli companies out of 6 figure paychecks by pretending to be competent in something anyone can do
>>380416"better than this" is going to be the epitaph they write on the white man's grave. You can either get over it or you can keep breaking your back for people who don't give a shit about you.
>>380417A good name is worth more than silver and gold
>>380418a good name isn't worth shit in corporate America. If you own your own business I'm happy for you, but just know you could also be collecting a fat paycheck to do nothing while you do that. I run IT and music equipment repairs and do mechanic work on the side while my company is powerless to fire me for it
>>380419I dont, it was sold for 3 years of projected income. Cuz thats also what you do. But the community knows they can on me in a pinch.
>>380420and let me guess, you've transitioned to some sort of passive income
>>380421No, I'm contemplating a larger investment, to generate a larger stable income, while offering stable jobs to those in the community. As one does.
>>380422I wish you luck. Pay your employees fairly and hire Whites, please.
I have transitioned to passive income, except instead of investing money to play the stock market or rent seek, I've invested my credentials and nepotism into not having to do more than 2h of work per week.
My only regret is not realizing you don't actually need credentials to do this
>>380423>employeesPlease, I learned my lesson. Partners
>>380424look man I don't care if you fuck them or not just pay them fairly
>>380425All considered, they will make better than me, because I assume more responsibility