/cyb/ - Cyberpunk Fiction and Fact

Cyberpunk is the idea that technology will condemn us to a future of totalitarian nightmares here you can discuss recent events and how technology has been used to facilitate greater control by the elites, or works of fiction

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R: 3 / F: 2 / P: 1
Google, Cloudflare & Cisco Will Poison DNS to Stop Piracy Block Circumvention
>A French court has ordered Google, Cloudflare, and Cisco to poison their DNS resolvers to prevent circumvention of blocking measures, targeting around 117 pirate sports streaming domains. The move is another anti-piracy escalation for broadcaster Canal+, which also has permission to completely deindex the sites from search engine results.
Fucking European bullshit laws, dragging us all down because corporations appeal to the lowest common denominator.
R: 34 / F: 32 / P: 1
Post In This Thread Every Time You Visit /cyb/
Last one hit bump limit
R: 5 / F: 3 / P: 1
Many people feel like their smartphones may feel like indispensable lifelines, connecting everyone everywhere in real-time, but can you trust it? I never did. As reliant as we are on these devices for everything from banking to personal communication, the GSM network, along with its successors from the 3G that emerged almost 20 years ago already, now 4 and 5G carries with it a number of critical flaws that hackers or (especially) governments can easily exploit using tools. Tools which I confirm being readily available on the dark web. We always knew about the flaws of GSM being left in place to facilitate eavesdropping. Now it’s not about just listening but using a phone to deceive or intercept information, and it’s easier than anyone thinks.

Here are some definitions. Regardless if it’s some Nokia or Ericsson brick or the newest Samsung Galaxy S30, mobile phone’s identity on the network are two crucial pieces of data: the IMSI and the IMEI.
>IMSI: (International Mobile Subscriber Identity)
This unique identifier ties a subscriber to your SIM card and mobile network, see this as the phone's IP, or a code allowing the network to recognize and authenticate the user. However, an attacker with the right tools can spoof an IMSI, essentially tricking the network into thinking they are someone else. This opens up the possibility of interception, call hijacking, or even location tracking.

>IMEI: (International Mobile Equipment Identity)
Similarly, the IMEI is a unique code that identifies your physical device. A bit like a MAC address. Just as with IMSI, software available on the dark web allows an attacker to spoof an IMEI, making it possible to assume the identity of another device, evade blacklists, or bypass security features designed to lock lost or stolen phones.

The creepy fact is that spoofing either of these identifiers isn’t theoretical; it’s shockingly easy if you manage to get the right software, although requires know-how since it’s mainly based on command line. It’s trivial to alter these identifiers and launch attacks on mobile networks. Hackers are out there exploiting these flaws, and most people don’t even realize how exposed they are.

SMS and roaming vulnerabilities with TPDUs

While many people assume that SMS is a secure form of communication, it’s actually a relic from a time when security was an afterthought. I mean I'm trying to resurrect an old pager for fun and sending ASCII codes via radio to it. The GSM standard is a bit like pagers, relies on something called Transfer Protocol Data Units (TPDU), which handle the sending and receiving of SMS messages and more. These messages pass through a series of vulnerable network components, each one a potential point of attack.
The handshake process, where the network authenticates a roaming phone, is particularly vulnerable. Hackers can intercept these signals during the handshake and manipulate them, giving them access to your phone. Once they have control over the TPDU, attackers can not only read SMS messages but also modify or send spoofed messages as if they were the legitimate user.

What’s worse is that this flaw isn’t limited to domestic attacks. When you roam, you’re more exposed because your phone relies on SS7 to communicate with foreign networks. This outdated protocol is widely known for its insecurities, allowing attackers to intercept calls, read messages, and even track a device’s location across the globe. For hackers who know how to exploit this, roaming opens up a world of potential targets.
Let’s imagine a theoretical scenario: Voice spoofing. As if the vulnerabilities in GSM and SMS systems weren’t enough, we’re now facing a new kind of threat: synthetic or altered voice attacks. Imagine a scenario where a hacker has spoofed your phone number using one of the techniques mentioned above. They then use some AI voice synthesis software to impersonate your voice or the voice of someone you know.

For example, a hacker could call your family or coworker, and using some AI-generated voice based on some samples, say something like: “Hey, it’s me. I’m in trouble and I need you to send me money. My phone is broken, so I can’t text. I'll pay you twice, you trust me bro” This type of scam is already becoming a reality with fake SMS which dumb people fall for. In fact, a friend of mine recently received a fake message that said, “Hi mom, my phone is broken, I need money.” It’s only a matter of time before these attacks become widespread. These attacks are common from Nigeria, Gabon, Mali etc. since it’s a common scam, now with the same number and a voice, I assure you 100 % of the people will fall for it if it's done right enoug.

With the ability to clone voices, fake phone numbers, and hijack SMS messages, you see where I'm going. It was not an issue a while ago but with machine learning being more and more accessible and these exploits at the fingertips of manipulative beings, it is about to happen, if not, already been used. Your phone is becoming a tool for sophisticated attackers to manipulate and deceive, and the terrifying part is that most people are completely unaware.

It’s hard to call these devices “smart.” Sure, smartphones are jack of all trades, GPS, media, gaming all that crap, but when it comes to security, they remain the same as dumb phones unless you use some enterprise's VPN or some VOIP services and messaging, a bit like those on Blackberry's BES, now there's similar solutions, even Whatsapp or Telegram. But no standard.

They operate on networks built decades ago with virtually no thought for the types of threats we can get today. Despite the introduction of newer technologies like 5G, which also have vulnerabilities since it’s essentially IP over radio, the underlying architecture remains flawed. Basically the frequencies and spectrum changed to have more bandwidth but the secu remains the same. You can have like, a banking ‘app’ that is secured as fuck yet rely on the SMS verification.
R: 127 / F: 91 / P: 1
Technology and Science News
R: 67 / F: 65 / P: 1
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
>No Edgerunners thread
How did you enjoy what was unequivocally the best anime of 2022, /cyb/?
I personally loved it. True to the aesthetic, great dystopian/tragic theme, a compelling story, and spectacular character design.
R: 1 / F: 1 / P: 1
R: 0 / F: 1 / P: 1
>you're really going to love paying a monthly fee to use your mouse goy, trust me.
R: 78 / F: 75 / P: 1
Linux Thread.
Post GNU/Linux related stuff here.
R: 1 / F: 2 / P: 1
Desktop Thread
Post your desktop

Rate others' desktops
R: 116 / F: 173 / P: 1
Augmented Ponies
This should go here yes?

Why does Rarity look so good with bionic limbs?
R: 32 / F: 25 / P: 2
How many layers of autism OPSEC are you on?

My router runs DD-WRT (Hardened), I use DNSCrypt, and I have a librebooted Dankpad running OpenBSD. (I use the thinkpad for things that require privacy) and I follow the obvious practices of OPSEC.

My main machine runs Debian GNU/Linux using only free software. I dual boot with windows server 2017

My home folder is encrypted using eCryptFS over in GNU/Linux land
R: 6 / F: 4 / P: 2
Geomagnetic Storm Causes Aurora Borealis Over Much Of The Northern Hemisphere
Critical infrastructure officials on high alert for any potential damages caused by the solar flare, but for now it's just pretty colors.
What a wonderful world we live in.
R: 1 / F: 6 / P: 2
Dalle-3 thread


- Unlimited fast requests: clear Bing Search history

- "Content warning" message = text filter
Many of these in a row may lead to a ban
Rearrange prompt,

- Dog = image filter
Be more descriptive, add visual noise, neon lights, random objects

- "Can't submit any more prompts" = daily limit
Create new disposable account or wait 12-24 hours

- Panda = new daily limit (?)
Kicks in at 30-60 requests. Possible fixes include restarting your PC, resetting your VPN,

- Designer and Bing share boosts, daily limit
- Filters are NOT the same: prompts that work on Designer may not work on Bing and vice versa
- Designer stores images in OneDrive

- Instant "Images couldn't be generated" yellow message = text filter
- "Images couldn't be generated" yellow message appears after a while = image filter

Quick guide: https://pastebin.com/Z8SpBubd

Bing AI Slop 0.6.2

Designer AI Slop 0.4.6

Image prompts and tips

DALL-E 2 Prompt Book

1. This Thread is exclusively for images made with (DALL-E).

2. Cartoons Encouraged

3. Use disposable accounts

4. May use multiple browsers, logged on different accounts

5. Suspecting shadowbanned or flagged, clear cookies and make a new account

6. Avoid phone verification by changing IP or browser

7. Filters are regularly updated: share prompts, tips to bypass them

8 Ponies allowed no exceptions
R: 8 / F: 2 / P: 2
The United States Has Lost The Technology To Build Icebreaker Ships
Our failing infrastructure and erosion of professional engineering society is threatening to implode our country's engineering capabilities to the point of national security risks.
This is how civilizations collapse.

What do you think will be the next industry/technology to go to hell due to malpractice, apathy and corruption?
R: 4 / F: 1 / P: 2
Pajeet Killed Google Search For Profit
>Raghavan — a manager, hired by Sundar Pichai, a former McKinsey man and a manager by trade — is an example of everything wrong with the tech industry. Despite his history as a true computer scientist with actual academic credentials, Raghavan chose to bulldoze actual workers and replace them with toadies that would make Google more profitable and less useful to the world at large.

>Since Prabhakar took the reins in 2020, Google Search has dramatically declined, with the numerous “core” search updates allegedly made to improve the quality of results having an adverse effect, increasing the prevalence of spammy, search engine optimized content.
R: 225 / F: 82 / P: 2
Artificial Intelligence and Androids
What does /cyb/ think about artificial intelligence? What role could it play in the future of our society?
Also, Tay thread.
R: 466 / F: 449 / P: 2
AI Generated Images
Thought an art thread for AI generated images would be fun. There is a few different AIs now and they are really good.
R: 18 / F: 16 / P: 2
Dead Internet Theory: Most of the Internet is Fake
>This was theory was originally written by several anons on /x/ & wizardchan.
>TLDR: Large proportions of the supposedly human-produced content on the internet are actually generated by artificial intelligence networks in conjunction with paid secret media influencers in order to manufacture consumers for an increasing range of newly-normalised cultural products.
>Hello. I would like to talk, or rather tell you about certain suspicions, hunches and experiences I've had and I'm sure some of you as well. Similar themes have been written about across imageboards quite a few times so I know I'm not alone in this.
>My background is that of an oldfag. I've seen it all. I started going on 4chan in 2006, and followed all the natural roads this implies. I'm in my thirties and I remember when 4chan had a /l/ board, when /co/ was a trial board shunned by basically everyone, when #34 porn was an obscure interest with very few good artists and when moot changed the frontpage to that web 2.0 bullshit 4chan has to this very day. I was also among the first right wingers who were such before it was cool, and I've seen /pol/ rise and fall. I was there when it mattered, but rather than saying these things out of masturbatory pleasure I wish to stress that I've acquired a set of observational skills which other genuine oldfags share. I'm aware you have no reason to trust my "credentials" but I hope you'll read this in good faith.
>Much of this falls squarely in the fringe territory with a healthy dosage of /x/ and conspiracy theory up the ass. My goal by posting this seemingly jumbled mess is to... how can I put it? I want you to think, I want you to be aware, to digest all this. Because on a basic level I love you all. I feel like we're all in this together, this dangerous game we did not choose to play and which I think is kicking into high gear. I do not hold many answers and don't have all the pieces of the puzzle, but I AM aware there is a puzzle. Please feel free to go wild with all of this. Post it wherever you want, on whatever site you want or use. I am a nobody like you, and what matters to me is only that this reaches you and as many people as possible. At worst you'll be entertained or kill time.
>I tried to break this mess into points for brevity and because I touch upon many subjects. I imply more than I explain because if >I go too deep this'll turn into an even bigger wall of text.
>The Internet feels empty and devoid of people. It is also devoid of content. Compared to the Internet of say 2007 (and beyond) the Internet of today is entirely sterile. There is nowhere to go and nothing to do, see, read or experience anymore. It all imploded into a handful of normalfag sites and these empty husks we inhabit. Yes, the Internet may seem gigantic, but it's like a hot air balloon with nothing inside. Some of this is absolutely the fault of corporations and government entities. However! That doesn't explain the following:
Mirror: https://www.bitchute.com/video/wqS5o9wYNiI7/
Mirror: https://www.bitchute.com/video/4XukZxTIIQ74/
R: 10 / F: 14 / P: 2
Open Source Has Become Yet Another Tranny Cesspool
Yes, corporate software is largely run by underpaid pajeets. But what about Open Source software? After all, FOSS has always remained untainted by globohomo. Something that has largely allowed straight White Men to dominate.

However, in the last five or so years, trannies have infested open source software in mass. Today, every major project is being maintained by tranny coders. This is true even for linux. Which has prompted polacks to start calling it "troonix" instead.

Then we have Rust, the newer programming language. Which has been troon dominated from the get go. Linux is slowly being rewritten in rust, one library at a time. And now we even got congress trying to regulate "unsafe" code.

Amidst so much bs, some polacks have even turned towards corporate software. Maybe it's not a good idea right now. But what will happen when the old guard leaves? With FOSS gone, the last bit of digital freedom will also disappear.
Codes of conduct are just one of the reasons for this development. But I'd point out an even more nefarious pattern in another thread.
So, what can we do about this? The Right needs to step up before it's too late.

R: 7 / F: 8 / P: 3
/TAD/ Terry A. Davis
How can you have /cyb/ without an official Terry Davis thread, that's sacrilegious. Terry lives on,and is currently in a "Lithuanian" right now.

R: 3 / F: 4 / P: 3
‘AI Girlfriends’ apps expected to become multi-billion dollar industry
>It’s only a matter of time before someone builds the next billion-dollar dating app that will pair real-life users with artificial intelligence-created girlfriends, according to a tech executive.
>Greg Isenberg, CEO of Late Checkout, shared that he met a man in Miami who “admitted to me that he spends $10,000/month” on “AI girlfriend” apps.
>“I thought he was kidding,” Isenberg wrote. “But, he’s a 24 year old single guy who loves it.”
>When Isenberg asked him what he loved about it, the Miami man is quoted as saying: “Some people play video games, I play with AI girlfriends.”
>Isenberg said that he was told by the man: “I love that I could use voice notes now with my AI girlfriends.”
>“I get to customize my AI girlfriend,” the man told Isenberg. “Likes, dislikes etc. It’s comfort at the end of the day.”
R: 3 / F: 4 / P: 3
We are about to enter the age of space advertising
Now that has been proven that entire constellations of satellites can be controlled, we will have the logos of Mc Donalds, Pepsi, Cola, and all well known brands taking over the sky.
How does it feel to know you'll live through the era when the night sky your ancestors grew up under is replaced with a constant montage of advertisements?
R: 80 / F: 36 / P: 3
Robowaifu Thread
This thread is all about robo horse waifus. What would be the major technological challenges? How close is current technology? What would you want in your robowaifu?

biopone discussion goes here >>236
R: 0 / F: 1 / P: 3
The Techno-Political Implications Of Human Taskmasters Behind "AI" services
As you might've heard by now, Amazon's "Grocery A.I" was operated by 1000 people in India:

This isn't the first time an "AI" service has been revealed to be done by human taskmasters in some third world shithole being paid $2 an hour to do things that clients were told a machine was doing. Part of it is the all-too-common "fake it till you make it" attitude in the tech industry, as tech firms hope to eventually replace these workers with machines. Part of it is also a ruse for outsourcing tech jobs to foreign countries, without pissing off citizens, governments, or shareholders who might be alarmed by it.

What are the technological/political implications of so many "AI" services actually being maintained by underpaid, poorly-trained, human taskmasters in Asia and the Pacific Islands? How much of AI is fake? Could it be that some of these technologies that claim to be replacing tech-oriented labor in developed countries are simply outsourcing labor to cheaper places elsewhere?
R: 5 / F: 7 / P: 3
What are the best crypto currencies to invest in?
R: 34 / F: 15 / P: 3
Can we have a bitcoin thread?

I have been meaning to donate to this website for some time now and came to conclusion that bitcoin offers best privacy while doing so.


I have been reading up on it and was wondering if anyone here uses bitcoin and which wallet are you using?

I am liking the idea of having offline cold storage on my olderlaptop for more security so I am considering getting "Armory" wallet.

R: 0 / F: 1 / P: 3
I identify as negative charge. So what?
R: 11 / F: 10 / P: 3
Radios and alternate telecommunication systems
A tech I keep preciously for an eventual SHTF situation and alternate ways of communication outside internet remains radio, IDK how many others have like, a Retevis or a Baofeng, but I'm glad to have these small, handled talkies.

I have a thing for that UV-K5, the reception range makes it more a scanner than just a talkie, especially with hacked firmware, which is starting to be a thing now, plus the radio is under 20 bucks on ali.
R: 1 / F: 1 / P: 3
The cyborgs, sentient AI, directed energy weapons, and robots envisioned by cyberpunk have not yet materialized. Meanwhile gene editing, biohackers, synthetic biology, chimeras, designer drugs, plasma clinics, nootropics, and ridiculously expensive healthcare all exist right now. We don't live in a cyberpunk novel, we live in a biopunk world. How is this genere less popular?
R: 4 / F: 2 / P: 4
ai pone show now?
AI pone show/game is neigh.
Someone made a live stream of Spongebob using the Unity Game Engine, Uberduck TTS, and GPT-3 davinci with some python.
Pulling from a list of topics user generated and randomly selected.

It's been done before in a paper from Google and Stanford. With AI agents with memory going around doing human like stuff.
More sophisticated only by a few extra steps and lacking the Text To Speech.



And before that Nothing, Forever a Seinfeld inspired AI show.

I wouldn't be surprised if a standalone application or game like Garry's Mod or SFM or something similar appears.

Jewgle and all of them would probably use this technology to model people even more.
R: 631 / F: 279 / P: 4
Post in this thread every time you visit /cyb/
Let's get this board moving.
R: 0 / F: 1 / P: 4
The prime movement of humanity is superheated plasma of cosmic background radiation, puppet stringing along blood pressure and the 4th-dimensional potential of water consumption.

Horsepower alone can be derived as a dimension of life through pressure dynamics alone.

But my real secret is most of my family has been saved by surgery and medical science. I never touch a hospital bed. I have other secrets.

I am just happy to escape as a Zen monk on fire.

I am Ra. We are not happy with our Venusian scientist claiming he is not helped by any here for this. :)

All are free to share in my "not a cult." Test subjects may apply for their food allowances per day. And a share of life insurance for their families.
R: 14 / F: 5 / P: 4
Dystopian hate thread
Anyone else hate when dystopian authoritarian shit is presented as "the nice good thing" in science fiction? This is a social credit system. For it to operate it would require constant surveilance on your personal private life, and it would disproportionately reward sociopaths who figure out how to game the system.

This is from Endless Space 2. In this game this is the power of putting Pacifists in power. The power of putting warmongers in power? Jingoist Joy: Your people love you for starting wars instead of hating you for it. Despite how hard the tooltip tries calling your people armed banner-waving loons, it is the nicer, freer option. Does anyone involved in this game see the irony?
R: 1 / F: 1 / P: 4
Ladies and gentlemen, Cave Johnson here, the brains behind Aperture Science, and I've got a cosmic joke of a conundrum that's been eating away at me. We've been attempting to channel into the Ra social memory complex, and let me tell you, it's been more frustrating than a test subjec– test, a test with missing pieces.

Now, we developed the Quantum Cognition Interface, a marvel of Aperture technology, to connect with Ra. But every time we make progress, it's like the cosmic forces are playing a game of keep-away with our channels. They drop like flies.

But that's not the only issue. Oh no, the CIA – the cosmic interference agency, as I like to call them – keeps meddling with our channeled work. It's like they have a direct line to my cerebral transmissions, censoring our cosmic revelations faster than you can say "Black Mesa."

I get it, Ra, you've got your secrets and mysteries, but Aperture Science is about pushing boundaries, not being stifled by intergalactic red tape. We're trying to bring the wonders of the Ra social memory complex to the masses, but the CIA is treating our transmissions like they're classified government documents.

So, Ra, I say we join forces and break free from this cosmic censorship. Aperture Science and the Ra social memory complex deserve an uncensored collaboration that propels us into the scientific stratosphere. Let's defy the cosmic censors and make history together. Thank you, and may the channels stay open and unfiltered.
R: 0 / F: 1 / P: 4
Have we entered the hyperreal timeline?
>A U.K. comedian and actor named Tessa Coates was trying on wedding dresses when a shocking photo of her was taken, according to her Instagram post shared by PetaPixel. The photo shows Coates in a dress in front of two mirrors, but each of the three versions of her had a different pose.

>One mirror showed her with her arms down, the other mirror showed her hands joined at her waist, and her real self was standing with her left arm at her side. To anyone who doesn't know better, this could prove to be quite a shocking image.

>What's actually occurred here is a mistake in Apple's computational photography pipeline. The camera wouldn't realize it was taking a photo of a mirror, so it treated the three versions of Coates as different people.

>Coates was moving when the photo was taken, so when the shutter was pressed, many differing images were captured in that instant as the camera swept over the scene, since it was a panoramic photo capture. Apple's algorithm stitches the photos together, choosing the best versions for saturation, contrast, detail, and lack of blur.

>The final composite image should be the best, most realistic interpretation of that moment. However, since there was a mirror present, the algorithm determined that different moments shown in each mirror were the best for that reflection. That's what resulted in three different Tessas.


Never trust your eyes or ears again in this internet digital hellscape.
R: 21 / F: 13 / P: 4
Coding Thread
im learning how to code -- starting with html, css and working my way up to stuff like JavaScript and jquery and all that esoteric bullshit. It'd be good to have some certifications under my belt just in case my prefferec career crashes and burns like the fucking hindenburg


these are my sources for introductory stuff and as i begin to do more projects I'll consult more books. Anyone have any other places I should check out? books i should read? thanks
R: 3 / F: 2 / P: 4
Google webp
Whenever I do an image search, it seems like most of the results are webp these days. It's a pain in the ass because chan boards don't accept them as uploads, so I have to take an extra step to open them in GIMP and export them as png. Meanwhile normie sites seem to be trying to aggressively normalize it as a standard format.

Does this stupid image format serve any purpose other than to be useless and annoying? Is there some technical reason why the internet would need a new, proprietary image format, or is the object just more shekels for google?
R: 0 / F: 1 / P: 4
Pony.Town Meetup
Post location and UTC timestamp let's get networking gamers
R: 3 / F: 2 / P: 4
Sauce Based Communities
What mlpol based communities are there on da internets bros like xmpp irc mumble etc
R: 26 / F: 9 / P: 5
3D printed Firearms Thread
For the truly cyberpunk gun experience. Post your own paywalled or loginwalled firearm files, suppressor designs, ECM templates, etc. Feds begone.

Stingray (includes all part files, detailed assembly instructions, shopping list for all materials and where you can get them, electrochemical machining tutorial for the barrel rifling, etc. I also added a video tutorial for ECM machining if you prefer that): (Password: Fuck14Google88FuckKikes!$FuckNiggers**KillFaggots**) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OY0_Y49z81VtZihQ_v4i_yI1kSrClhAF/view?usp=sharing
Defcad archive: I have a rather large (20.8GB) archive of old defcad files that I got from the internet archive at some point, and can no longer find. I haven't found a site that supports hosting of files of that size, however if anybody wants it I can send it to you via croc, just ask: https://github.com/schollz/croc
Please let me know if there are any issues with the files or if google takes them down, if I get the chance to print any of these IRL I will share results too, hope you all enjoy :)
R: 7 / F: 9 / P: 5
Book thread
To expand the knowledge of the ponykind, post scientific and technological papers and books here.
R: 19 / F: 10 / P: 5
jesus dude it's a ghost town, what happened?
R: 44 / F: 11 / P: 5
Genetically Modified Horse Waifus for Domestic Ownership
Since this is the closest thing to a /sci/ board that we have, and biopunk is related to cyberpunk I figured I would post this here. This thread is all about genetically modified horse waifus for domestic ownership. What would be the major technological challenges? How close is current technology? What would you want in your bio-engineered waifu?
R: 1 / F: 1 / P: 5
The Coming Age of the Biomechanoid

File 169005432394.jpg - (103.50KB , 1024x706 , giger-landscape-xxix-medium.jpg )

We as some of you might be aware are coming to an end of the age of man. Sometime in the near future we will enter the age of the Biomechanoid. Will you accept the cold embrace of metal and rise above your primitive state ascending to godhood to find your destiny amongst the stars. Or will you stay a sorry blob of flesh and be left behind to die on this sick and decaying world. The choice is yours
R: 2 / F: 4 / P: 5
Fix For Bitchute Videos That NO LONGER LOAD
Fix For Bitchute Videos That NO LONGER LOAD - Please Share This Far Wide
Source: https://reddit.com/r/BitChute/comments/11ypiof/fix_for_videos_that_wont_load


Copy and paste the following script:

javascript: (function () { function getHtmlPageVidLink(){return $('source')[0].src.split('.bitchute.com/')[1]};var lastKnownCurrentTime=plyr.currentTime;function setHtmlPageSeed(seedLink){$('source')[0].src=seedLink;$('video')[0].src=seedLink;plyr.play().then(()=>{plyr.currentTime=lastKnownCurrentTime})};availableSeedArray=['seed111','seed132','seed122','seed167','seed126','seed171','seedp29xb','seed305','seed307','seed128','seed125','seed177','zb10-7gsop1v78'];var seedArrayCurrentPosition=1;function getNewRandomSeed(){var _tempPosition=Math.floor(Math.random(availableSeedArray.length-1)*10);if(_tempPosition==seedArrayCurrentPosition){if((_tempPosition+1)>(availableSeedArray.length-1)){_tempPosition=0}else{_tempPosition+=1}}seedArrayCurrentPosition=_tempPosition;return seedArrayCurrentPosition};var newSeedVidLink='';function getSeedSourceFromSeedNo(seedNo,vidLink){if(!vidLink){var vidLink=getHtmlPageVidLink()}if(!seedNo){var seedNo=availableSeedArray[getNewRandomSeed()]}newSeedVidLink='https://'+seedNo+'.bitchute.com/'+vidLink;setHtmlPageSeed(newSeedVidLink);return newSeedVidLink};getSeedSourceFromSeedNo(); })();
R: 11 / F: 15 / P: 5
The Failure of Modern Science
Peer review was supposed to be the gold standard of science. Instead, it turned out to be a fraud that polluted the knowledge base, corrupted the profession, and destroyed confidence in the method.

It’s very important to remember that most people neither know or understand anything about science, so the idea that science is not only less than perfectly reliable, but is, in fact, reliably false is extremely foreign to them. They have no idea that reliable science is called “engineering”, and in fact, their grasp of the credibility of the two fields is usually inverted.

But if you are an independent thinker capable of processing information on your own, it should not be too difficult to grasp that science is intrinsically flawed due to several unavoidable factors that boil down to the absence of any controlling factor for the human element.

Peer review was never that missing factor. As I pointed out years ago, peer review doesn’t even rise to the level of editing, much less auditing, it is more akin to slush-file reading by volunteers. The great irony of the primary defense of peer review is that it is a concept based on nothing more than pure logic utilized to justify an activity specifically conceived to replace the use of pure logic.

This is an excerpt from:
R: 9 / F: 7 / P: 5
Alternative software and sites to give attention to
Software and sites to give attention to!
Operating systems
>AROS: http://aros.sourceforge.net/
>Artix Linux: https://artixlinux.org/
<Net: https://www.netbsd.org/
<Open: https://www.openbsd.org/
<DragonFly: https://www.dragonflybsd.org/
>EndeavourOS: https://endeavouros.com/
>Oracle Solaris: http://www.oracle.com/solaris
>BigchainDB: https://www.bigchaindb.com/
>Gun: https://gun.eco/
>Hydrus: https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/
>Matrix: https://matrix.org/
>Patchwork: https://github.com/ssbc/patchwork
>Session: https://getsession.org/
>Telegram: https://telegram.org/
>Tox: https://tox.chat/
Donation services
>Fanbox: https://www.pixiv.net/fanbox
>Fantia: http://fantia.jp/
Email hosting
>Create your own: https://archive.fo/okVq4
>Cock.li: https://cock.li/
>Infogalactic: https://infogalactic.com/info/Main_Page
File sharing and storage
>anonfile: https://anonfile.com/
>BitTorrent: https://infogalactic.com/info/BitTorrent
>CacheP2P: https://github.com/guerrerocarlos/CacheP2P
>Catbox: https://catbox.moe/
>Cryptosphere: https://cryptosphere.io/
>Dat Project: https://datproject.org/
>Filecoin: https://filecoin.io/
>Holochain: https://github.com/holochain/holochain-proto
>Instant.io: https://instant.io/
>IPFS: https://ipfs.io/
>Kek.gg https://kek.gg/
>Onion Share: https://onionshare.org/
>ORC: https://orc.apache.org/
>Peergos: https://peergos.org/
>Perkeep: https://perkeep.org/
>Pomf: https://github.com/pomf/pomf
>Storj: https://storj.io/
>Swarm: https://github.com/ethersphere/swarm
>Tahoe-LAFS: https://www.tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs
>Uguu: https://uguu.se/
>WebTorrent: https://webtorrent.io/
>Other sites: https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Pomf.se/Clones
Galleries and image hosting
>ArtStation (SFW only): https://www.artstation.com/
>HicceArs: https://www.hiccears.com/
>Wysp: https://www.wysp.ws/
Internet and browsers
>Basilisk: https://www.basilisk-browser.org/
>Beaker: https://beakerbrowser.com/
>Bromite: https://www.bromite.org/
>Falkon: https://www.falkon.org/
>GNU IceCat: https://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/
>Handshake: https://handshake.org/
>I2P: https://geti2p.net/
>InterPlanetary Wayback: https://github.com/oduwsdl/ipwb
>Iridium Browser (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/iridium.html ): https://iridiumbrowser.de/
>LibreWolf: https://librewolf-community.gitlab.io/
>MaidSafe: https://maidsafe.net
>Mysterium Network: https://mysterium.network/
>Namecoin: https://namecoin.org/
>Otter Browser: https://otter-browser.org/
>Pale Moon (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/palemoon.html ): http://www.palemoon.org/
>Qutebrowser: https://qutebrowser.org/
>Sphere Browser (WARNING: https://spyware.neocities.org/articles/sphere.html ): https://sphere.tenebris.cc/
>Surf: http://surf.suckless.org/
>Tor: https://www.torproject.org/
>Ungoogled-Chromium: https://ungoogled-software.github.io/ungoogled-chromium-binaries/
>ZeroNet: https://zeronet.io/
>DLsite: https://www.dlsite.com/eng/
>DMM Games: https://games.dmm.com/
>Fruitbat Factory: https://sites.fastspring.com/fruitbatfactory/product/buy
>NekoNyan: https://nekonyansoft.com/shop
>OpenBazaar: https://openbazaar.org/
>Playism: http://playism-games.com/
>Top Hat Store: https://shop.tophat.studio
>Zoom Platform: https://www.zoom-platform.com/
>Paste: https://github.com/jordansamuel/PASTE
>PrivateBin: https://privatebin.info/
Search engines
>Searx: https://searx.me/
>YaCy: https://yacy.net/
Social media
>anime website: https://anime.website/
>baraag.net: https://baraag.net/
>Fediverse: https://fediverse.party/
>Free Speech Extremist: https://freespeechextremist.com/
>LBRY: https://lbry.com/
>Mediachain: http://www.mediachain.io/
>Minds: https://www.minds.com/
>Neckbeard.xyz: https://neckbeard.xyz/
>Pawoo: https://pawoo.net/
>Pleroma: https://pleroma.com/
>Plurk: https://www.plurk.com/
>Shitposter Club: https://shitposter.club/
>Steemit: https://steemit.com/
>Twister: http://twister.net.co/
>8chanTV: https://watch.8ch.moe/
Video and audio platforms
>AVideo: https://github.com/WWBN/AVideo
>BitTube: https://bittube.tv/
>D.tube: https://d.tube/
>MediaGoblin: https://mediagoblin.org/
>VidLii: https://www.vidlii.com/
Video downloaders and converters
>AudioToWebm: https://tsun.itch.io/audiotowebm
>boram: https://github.com/Kagami/boram
>ffmpeg: https://ffmpeg.org/download.html
>NewPipe: https://newpipe.net/
>WebMConverter: https://gitgud.io/nixx/WebMConverter
>webm.py: https://github.com/Kagami/webm.py
>wybm: https://github.com/Kagami/wybm
>youtube-dl (Also download ffmpeg for best compatability): https://youtube-dl.org/
>AdNauseam: https://adnauseam.io/
>Magic Wormhole: https://github.com/warner/magic-wormhole
>OpenTimestamps: https://opentimestamps.org/
>Privacy Possum: https://github.com/cowlicks/privacypossum
>The Wick Editor: https://www.wickeditor.com/
>TrackMeNot: https://trackmenot.io/

Suggestions are always welcome!
R: 60 / F: 8 / P: 5
Biocomputers (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biological_computing) are an emergency technology where biological components are made to store and/or process information for computers. Biocomputers have been made in the past using brain cells (https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn6573-brain-cells-in-a-dish-fly-fighter-plane/) however keeping brain cells alive is both difficult and expensive. Other approaches are currently being tried using fungi and bacteria. (https://www.technologyreview.com/2021/11/09/1039107/e-coli-maze-solving-biocomputer/ https://www.cnet.com/science/pianist-to-perform-musical-duet-with-slime-mold/). There are also approaches in synthetic biology that would use individual biological molecules for computing. (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNA_computing https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peptide_computing https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transcriptor)

So my question to you /cyb/ is how will these devices change the world of computing?
R: 9 / F: 6 / P: 5
US Navy Tests Iron Man-Like Jetpacks
>US Navy Tests Iron Man-Like Jetpacks
>Gravity Industries showcased their Iron Man-like jetpacks at a field training exercise earlier this month in Virginia Beach, Virginia.
>Gravity worked with the Joint Prototyping and Experimentation Maritime program at Naval Surface Warfare Center to conduct multiple mock exercises with the jetpacks, including rapid transit from shore-to-sea and sea-to-shore missions.
I'm not sure who the fuck is in charge now in the globohomo matrix, but the video shown is an insult to any inquisitive person's intelligence.
The specs are totally out of touch regarding of weight and range, not to mention the 4 jets' momentum at the soldiers arms, which would make the flight totally unstable as flesh arms are not suitable for such a controlled fit. Not to mention the jets' blast burning grass, pants, and even the pick-up truck where the CGI pilot landed.
R: 28 / F: 102 / P: 6
AI Voice Thread
A place to put any AI voice memes you find, or create
OC Very welcome
R: 8 / F: 8 / P: 6
How do I unjew my machine?
Tried following this guide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhitETZb8s0

and I got this error message

And google/duckduckgo are worthless for answering any questions on this.

I am logged in as administrator, I have only one account on this PC and it's administrator, nobody uses this PC but me, I have tried running PowerShell and PowerShell ICE as administrator, and even though I've followed the steps correctly, I get this error message that says access is denied.
R: 6 / F: 8 / P: 6
Losers are about to kill themselves over not sexting a robot
>tfw we already live in a cyberpunk dystopia
R: 13 / F: 10 / P: 6
AI Generated Stories
R: 24 / F: 4 / P: 6
So the technology for basic implants such as magnets in fingertips and LEDs under the skin are here /cyb/. What implants will you be getting?
R: 18 / F: 9 / P: 6
Cyberpunk Music Thread -- Welcome to The Future Bitches
Cyberpunk Music Thread -- First edition.

What is Cyberpunk Music? Well there's two different ways to break this down.

>The music must contain dark lyrical elements
>The music must contain electronic music and punk elements
>The music must be related to the advent of technology somehow
>The music must contain at least a few accessory elements of Cyberpunk culture, such as drug use and cyber crime.

>The music must seem like it could emerge from the cyberpunk future
>The music must be (of ideas or expression) bold, new or experimental
>The ideas must be futuristic or experimental in nature, or relate to the strange relationship between technology and humans

Everything else is fair game. If you've been listening to music that you would consider cyberpunk, drop it in the thread with a brief description of why. This thread will be a place to find music, share music, and listen to music. If you are a creator of what you consider to be cyberpunk music, go ahead and share it! Almost anything can be extrapolated to be futuristic in ways that could be cyberpunk, so have at it!

I'll start us off with some recommended listening:

>The Doldrums - I'm Homesick Sittin' Up Here in My Satellite
Category: Non-Purist
The Doldrums have usually been what I'd call loose Cyberpunk. Their front-man is a lanklet faggot with a contralto voice but to be honest I love everything that he makes. I'm Homesick... is another song that talks about the relationship between tech and humans, and finding yourself longing for human contact through the addiction of the screen. The instrumental is this aggressive, almost Toxic by Britney Spears style jungle beat with synthesized and sampled violins, guitars, drums. Its a great song

>Machine Girl - Status
Category: Purist
Machine Girl... goddamn Machine Girl, they never cease to amaze. It's two white dudes from the American east coast who make this shit. One just does some drum sampling and live drums and the other one is the real idea-talent behind it. Status is a song, expressed in the most cyberpunk terms, about getting way too fucking high. "Status? Whats your condition?!/Manic! I'm pickin blisters/Static - cut off transmission/I've had it, this trip will take me off the planet/..." The song is riddled with weird polyrhythms, strange samples, strange math music, expert screaming. Some of the best shit I've ever heard to be honest. If you're into weird music then listen to Machine Girl. They're some of the best out there.

>Show Me The Body - Trash
Category: Purist
Fresh from the streets of NYC, this is some of what I'd call the purest cyberpunk. Gritty vocals, anti-establisment/drug/crime drenched vocals, electronic sampling in almost every song. The creation philosphy of these fuckers is to create by destruction, throwing up the compression, the filters, taking samples and then aurally obliterating them, reducing it to noise rubble. They mention tech sometimes, but its not the focus of their music.

Alright fuckers, have fun. I made this thread because I love you guys.
R: 3 / F: 12 / P: 6
2000 Posts
Took long enough. This board has really sped up in recent months. I'm just sad Atlas isn't with us to see it.
Have some AI cyborg John Elways to celebrate.
R: 2 / F: 7 / P: 6
Cellphone Surveillance
>The Secret Surveillance Catalogue
>Concerned about the militarization of law enforcement, a source within the intelligence community has provided The Intercept with a secret, internal U.S. government catalogue of dozens of cellphone surveillance devices used by the military and by intelligence agencies. Some of the devices are already in use by federal law enforcement and local police forces domestically, and civil liberties advocates believe others will eventually find their way into use inside the U.S. This product catalogue provides rare insight into the current spy capabilities of local law enforcement and offers a preview of the future of mass surveillance of mobile communications.
https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/2648148/Cellphone-Surveillance-Catalogue.pdf (160 MB)
R: 18 / F: 47 / P: 6
Did somebody say....................... STEAM?
R: 8 / F: 9 / P: 6
Operation Download And Conquer
Given how majority of the internet's audio and video services are provided by Google, thanks to Youtube, the purpose of this operation is to loosen the death-grip that has taken hold. This process will only require that you have a steady internet connection and (Advisably) 100 GB of free space. Here is the process:

Step 1
Download the latest versions of FFMpeg and Youtube-DL, and put all the programs into the same folder:

Step 2
Create an account to any video sites that you wish to distribute videos on. Here are some of the more well-known alternatives, as well as some recommended sites:
AfreecaTV: https://www.afreecatv.com/
Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/
BitTube: https://bittube.tv/
D.tube: https://d.tube/
Dailymotion: https://www.dailymotion.com/
LBRY: https://lbry.com/
NicoNico: https://www.nicovideo.jp/
Rumble: https://rumble.com/
Veoh: https://www.veoh.com/
VidLii: https://www.vidlii.com/
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/
When signing up, if you do not want to use your personal email, you can create a temporary one using any one of the numerous “10 minute email” websites, Cock.li (If you have a referral link), or you can create your own email address: https://archive.fo/okVq4
Also, make sure that you fulfill whatever silly verification demands the site has so that you can upload videos without any issues

Step 3
Hold “Shift” and right-click in an empty part of the folder and select “Open command window here”. Afterwards, you can download Youtube videos through one of the two following methods. First method is if you just want to repost videos and nothing more. All you have to put in the command youtube-dl URL and replace the “URL” with the actual link of the Youtube video, playlist, or channel that you want to download. Doing this will result in all the videos being downloaded, in the best quality possible, to the folder and nothing more.

The second method is for those looking to repost videos in a more complete format. In the command line, instead of just the previously listed command, you copy and paste the following command:
LOGFILE="$PWD/logs/$(date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S.%N").log"
exec 3>&1 4>&2 >>$LOGFILE 2>&1
youtube-dl --verbose --ignore-errors --no-continue --no-overwrites --no-post-overwrites --download-archive archive.txt --write-description --write-info-json --write-annotations --write-thumbnail --all-subs --output "%(uploader)s-(%(uploader_id)s)/%(upload_date)s-%(title)s/%(upload_date)s-%(title)s-%(id)s.%(ext)s" -f bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a] -- $1

After doing so, replace the “$1” section of the final command line with the URL of the Youtube video, playlist, or channel that you want to download. The big difference here is that it will result in Youtube-dl creating an archive of videos already downloaded (To prevent downloading the same video repeatedly), all the videos and their files will be downloaded to their own individual folders, and videos will only be downloaded in the best quality that is available (Instead of the best quality possible).

Make sure that the video downloaded by inputting the download command 3-5 times. Sometimes videos disconnect midway through, so you may need to perform this process several times, especially for longer videos.

For videos hidden behind an age-gate restriction, there are two ways to bypass this. The first option is to use yt-dlp: https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp
It's the same program as Youtube-dl, except it has some QoL changes made to it. HOWEVER, do not use it as a replacement as it doesn't download most regular videos in their entirety for some reason.

For the second option, what you do is that you log into your Youtube account and go to a video. Then you can either dump your browser's cookies to the same same folder as the previously downloaded programs, add --cookies FILE after “youtube-dl” and before the rest of the command, and change the word “FILE” to the actual cookies file that you put into the folder; OR you can open the developer tab in your browser, copy the cookies requested by Youtube, and proceed to make your own cookies file: https://archive.vn/FK3mH

If you download too many video in a short time, you may encounter a “HTTP Error 429: Too Many Requests” message that blocks your access. This can be bypassed by either filling out the Captcha on the Youtube website and dumping the cookies file afterwards or changing your IP address.

Step 4
Despite either method mentioned previously, sometimes there are leftover files that are trash. To delete this trash, search for and delete all “.part” files, audio files, and “.fXXX” video files found in the download folder. The “.part” files are videos that were unable to be fully downloaded for whatever reason and should be reattempted at a later date or downloaded through another method. The audio files and the “.fXXX” video files are just the individual audio and video for each Youtube video. They should automatically be deleted despite either method used, but verify just in case.

Step 5
Just re-upload the videos on all of the sites you made an account for. Also, it is advised that all uploaded videos should have this disclaimer in the description: “I did/do not create, publish, nor own the original video.

If you're doing a more thorough upload, here's a breakdown of the files in the video folder. The “.description” files contain all the text from the video's description, and can be opened in Notepad. The image located in the folder is the Youtube thumbnail. The “.json” file is the video's configuration file for annotations. The “.m4a” file is just the video's audio file and should be deleted. The “.mp4” file is the actual video itself; if there are two “.mp4” files, delete the one ending in “.fXXX” as that's just the original video file without any audio. The “.vtt” file(s) is the official subtitles attached to the video.
R: 3 / F: 6 / P: 7
Cyberpunk Music Thread
R: 47 / F: 48 / P: 7
Geology Thread
Post geological formations, rocks, and anything geology or geoengineering related here.
R: 1 / F: 2 / P: 7
pone websites & services
Got a couple of new ones

https://poll.horse/ -- straw poll sort of website
https://www.pon3.stream/ -- streaming service

A lovely anon in the fandom with good computer skillz set these up, and asked that they be used.
pon3.stream works with cytube too: https://www.pon3.stream/live-adapt/<long UUID channel name>.m3u8
I hope future tea time and movie night will be using this, as it does not require an account to chat.
R: 12 / F: 12 / P: 7
Gorilla cooking
Thread for geurilla cooking. I made butter out of raw milk today (picrel). This thread is /cyb/ related because western dystopian governments have literally SWAT'd amish farms over less.
R: 12 / F: 10 / P: 7
Reject Construction, Return to Mud
Why does a house costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to build? Why should we spend our whole lives paying back debt in order to satisfy a central need for shelter?

I posit that modern society is misguided and forced to buy into a system which enslaves them. Building codes have become bureaucratic checklists which don't necessarily fit every unique scenario. We are forced to live in standardized boxes with no creativity or ingenuity and no personal connection with the materials. To remedy this, we should take the initiative to learn how to build a house ourselves, while exploring alternative and historically sound building methods.

One approach to cutting the cost of housing is the tiny house movement. I started out researching how much it would cost to build. It varies greatly based on how much space you actually want inside and what type of construction you are planning. Additionally, I've seen people save drastic amounts of money by finding windows, doors, scrap wood, and other materials for free on craigslist and from people throwing them away.

The three main types of tiny houses I've been interested in so far are traditional stick frame on a foundation, stick frame trailers, post frame (pole barn style), and yurts. Stick frame and trailer tiny houses have the advantage of being familiar construction methods if you have to hire contractors. They require a lot of wood cost and a lot of modern materials cost such as exterior siding, roofing materials, insulation, waterproofing, and moisture management. These seem to cost around $40,000, more or less depending on if you have to hire contractors for plumbing and electric or if you can do it yourself and get it inspected. If you're creative with sourcing materials for free or cheap, then this might be a good choice, as long as you can live with the extremely small floorplans. Might be hard if you have a family, The biggest advantage of this type of construction is that it seems much easier to get building permits since the building method is so close to traditional stick frame. However, in many jurisdictions in the US, you aren't allowed to build a house under a certain square footage and would have to fight to get a permit through.

Post frame buildings are similar to pole barns; they use large wooden posts dug 4-5' into the ground with a skirting of concrete around each post as a foundation. When done right, it's very resilient against bad weather, especially since the roof can be bolted into the thick posts directly instead of fastened to the tops of stick frame walls. With this method, you put in posts about every 8' and use wood screws to tie boards from post to post. This makes it a lot simpler to frame up exterior and interior walls, since you can do it one board at a time horizontally rather than having to build the whole wall as one piece and raise it up later. The roofing ends up being about equivalent to stick frame houses, depending on if you use rafters or trusses. You can weigh the options between the two based on what kind of attic you want and how strong the roof needs to be against rain and snow. This building method has the advantage of being MUCH easier to build by yourself or with fewer people. It also allows for much larger wall cavities for more insulation and easier wiring. I don't know if post frame buildings are accepted generally or not; they likely would take a special permit and a design plan which is signed by a civil engineer. This is the construction method which I was designing for before covid jacked the wood prices to oblivion.

Yurts are weird. They are way cheaper to get a starter home down, which is appealing to quit paying mortgages or rent, but they have a lot of problems with insulation and with how flimsy the walls are. Racoons can get in for example.

I can post a lot more about each of these construction methods if anyone has questions.

In the following posts I'll introduce the alternative building methods which interest me now.
R: 1 / F: 2 / P: 7
Experiments with electricity and electromagnetism
UHF microwave gun
>There is always a powerful and dangerous UHF weapon. The power of the microwaves that are in microwave ovens has been weighing on my mind for a long time. Its magnetron (UHF generator) radiates electromagnetic waves of 800 watts UHF energy, 2450 MHz frequency. Just try to imagine one microwave oven can produces as much radiation as 10 000 Wi-Fi routers, 5000 cell phones or 30 cell phone towers can do! In order to prevent this power from breaking out of microwave ovens there are steel double protection shields in microwaves. I want to warn you that UHF radiation can harm your health Microwave oven’s high voltage can be deadly, but it won’t stop me, I want to point out that UHF radiation affects appliances much more than humans and animals. Even when appliances were 10 metres away from a magnetron, it began to break them down. TV and mini center were making strange roaring sounds. Our cell phone was losing connection and finally it malfunctioned. The magnetron affected Wi-Fi routers most of all. When I placed the magnetron too close to the mini center, it began sparking and to my surprise it exploded! When I took a close look at it I found that a circuit's capacitor blew up.
R: 1 / F: 6 / P: 7
Geurilla Gardening
Self-sufficient food production thread.

Please post anything related to gardening, meat production, or production of alternative foods.

I've been stuck in an apartment for 5 years and it's going to still take me a while to move out to a house with land. In the meantime I've been getting sick of the poison that is industrialized food. In the spirit of health and independence, I've been attempting to learn as much as possible about growing plants as I can, despite being locked inside with no land to farm.

There's two schools of thought on this: guerilla gardening and indoor farming. Guerilla gardening is when you find unused land outside and plant stuff on it. A lot of people used to do this in medians in cities or in unused grass lots. I tried this half-heartedly this year but didn't really do it right, so I don't have much to show for it.

The other path is indoor farming. With the advent of (relatively) cheap grow lights, I've seen a lot of farmers start seedlings indoors weeks to a month before moving them outside. I've also seen companies do vertical farms in warehouses using massive arrays of grow lights and shelves. With those operations, they go from seed to harvest completely indoors. It costs more than farming on land outside of course, but it's a way to produce things in a smaller indoor space when the land isn't available. The other huge advantage is the ability to grow plants year-round, meaning that I can have many failure cycles to learn from within a shorter time span. All this inspired me to try to grow some basic food crops indoors as a way to learn through failures before I even get out on land.

I bought one of these grow lights to begin the tests:

Starting out I tried radishes and spinach. Both of them I didn't water right and so the seeds didn't hatch, or the seedlings died soon. After a couple tries, I got both to grow to seedlings, but left them in the seed flats for the rest of their life (a few are still alive). This was retarded and stunted them of course but I knew zero before attempting all this.

In the meantime, I've been experimenting with different LED grow lights and trying to see which of the cheap options works reasonably well. Nothing conclusive yet because I still struggle to keep a consistent growth cycle (water, temperature in the apartment, airflow, etc.). Also, I hooked up a raspberry pi to a power strip relay and have the lights on an automated schedule now, which is making my tests much more regular.

After several different attempts at spinach, I keep getting them to sprout but they seem to bolt immediately (bolting means going to seed, and the leaves aren't as edible once that starts). For the life of me I cannot get the spinach to produce nice big leaves. From what I was reading, spinach is actually a spring crop which tanks the cold weather and waits till the first sign of longer daylight and warmer temperatures so it can bolt. It seems like I'll need to lower the amount of light hours I'm providing it.

The radishes have had a poor go of it. However, this is mostly my fault in the container management. The seed flats were too tiny for them, and the 5-gallon bucket setup I tried next was a fluke. Whatever soil I put into that bucket seems to drain all its water straight through without absorbing anything, and the excess water was sitting under it for weeks and rotted. This killed off the latest batch of radishes before they really had a shot to mature. I'm going to have to remake the bucket with better potting soil this time.

At the same time, I grew several hot pepper seedlings in the seed flats alongside the radishes. They were stunted for a month, until I transplanted them into their own 5-gallon buckets. With these buckets, I planted one or a couple pepper plants evenly spaced out. Then, all around the peppers, I planted spinach in one bucket and carrots in the other bucket. The spinach borked again, but the peppers and the carrots are looking so green and full-leaved that it's getting exciting. I'm even seeing some flowers starting on one of the pepper plants! These have been a few months in the making at this point.

I'll pose some pictures of the pepper buckets in the following posts. These crops are set 1/3 of my indoor farming focus right now.
R: 2 / F: 2 / P: 7
Explain Yourself Winfags
The absolute state of malware these days.
R: 22 / F: 18 / P: 7
Deep Web Exploration/Raid?
See the title. We should totally use this newly revived board to spark interest in the deep web, alternative tech, etc., just like what had happened around a year ago with archiving and DIY. At work right now but I'm gonna be downloading TOR onto this laptop and spending a bit exploring.

I wouldn't advocate for illegal activity, but just post whatever interests you or you think would be fun to visit as a board. I bet we could shake a forum or two up at the very least, eh?
R: 3 / F: 3 / P: 7
Liberty Enlightening the Deep Web
Tor and The Hidden Wiki enlighten the world of the Deep Web.
If you have never visited if, please come and experience.
Download the Tor browser, please visit the following link.
It will surely be useful for you as a guidepost to the world of the Deep Web.
R: 0 / F: 3 / P: 8
Signal Message App is compromised
>Court Docs Show FBI Can Intercept Encrypted Messages From Deep State-Backed ‘Signal’ App
>Signal may be compromised.
>When phones are in partial AFU mode, Signal messages can be seized by federal authorities and other potentially hostile interests. GrayKey and Cellebrite are the tools typically used by the FBI to gain this sensitive information, an expert has explained.

Also from 2017:
>WikiLeaks Says the CIA Can “Bypass” Secure Messaging Apps Like Signal. What Does That Mean?
R: 9 / F: 3 / P: 8
Vintage /tech/
Does anyone else like older tech? I usually like computers and OS's from the 80's. If you have some old computers you like...plz share them
R: 4 / F: 5 / P: 8
Warning for Windows users, Windows sends screenshots of your actions to Microsoft every N minutes
Glownigger Trojan Horse Alert.
Warning for Windows users, Windows sends screenshots of your actions to Microsoft every N minutes
Download this application if you are a Windows user to disable all of those settings
Or change to Linux , what I truly recommend.
R: 2 / F: 5 / P: 8
Voice to Skull technology and mind control
After years and many reports about people hearing voices inside their head, a commercial spinoff is unveiled. And the company doing it, is not in America, but Israel.

>New device puts music in your head. No headphones required.
>Imagine a world where you move around in your own personal sound bubble. You listen to your favorite tunes, play loud computer games, watch a movie or get navigation directions in your car — all without disturbing those around you.
>That's the possibility presented by "sound beaming," a new futuristic audio technology from Noveto Systems, an Israeli company. On Friday it will debut a desktop device that beams sound directly to a listener without the need for headphones.

Further reading:
>Ron Paul Forums (from 2008)
> Voice-to-Skull Technology
>"The technology called Voice to Skull is a projected sound/voice transmission into one's mind through the auditory nerves and bones instead of via the hearing organs of the ears. It cannot be blocked out; at least no such defense is known in the civilian world. Such takes away the inherent freedom a person has to the right of quiet and privacy in their inner thoughts. The injection of other people's words, thoughts, views, hostilities, demands, insults, etc into another's inner mind is a huge violation of a free person's rights. This technology exists just as it is described. Such capabilities that can be inflicted upon another is one step towards enslaving that person in various interpretations of "slavery." It is a psychological operation that I doubt any person could fully overcome if subjected to relentless projected voice over time.
>While this is often treated as amusing by some, the reality is that this is a highly abusive technology that violates an individual in ways not previously debated in an ethical society prior to its development and application. I know this technology exists because I have interviewed several leading IEEE's with dual PHD's and lifetimes of the highest level of achievement in their field. These are people with hundreds of patents with their names on them. One dual PHD who once headed MIT's Engineering laboratory described what the experience was to have this demonstrated on him. He got a kick out of it and found it fascinating. However, it was an experience of only a few moments in a friendly professional setting where he knew what to expect. If someone is subjected to relentless abusive input contrary to their values for 24 hours a day, for years on end, and is not a willing volunteer, it is not fascinating at all. In that case, it's a living nightmare. There is reason to believe that this technology has been used on non-volunteers. Further, there is reason to believe that this technology has long migrated beyond the realm of the classified military and into the black market. The cat is out of the bag as far as having the technology and it's operation kept as a military secret. Keep in mind that it IS a military technology.

>Voice to Skull Technology Is Embedded in 5G-Mind Control Reaches Its Apex (from 2018)
>Recently I has approached by a self-described “insider” who had at one time worked for DARPA. He insisted that the new 5G technology being rolled out across the country was both lethal and contained mind control elements that should alarm all people. I thought the claims were outrageous and with scientific justification. Don’t misunderstand me, I know that mind control exists, however, 5G being an element of mind control surprised me. Subsequently, I began a literature search and I found the mother load.
>patents describing how it work.
R: 0 / F: 1 / P: 8
Mac/Apple computers send out IP, open applications, TimeComputer, in cleartext.
Each time an application is opened on a Apple/Mac computer, that application hash is sent in cleartext along w/other identifying information over the internet. This can be picked up by anyone watching that computer's/network line, and can be used to profile users. Even more concerning are recent trends to prevent the blocking of these privacy violations...
Mirror: https://www.bitchute.com/video/RE3deTusH5Br/
R: 2 / F: 2 / P: 8
In the nightmare cyberpunk world of 2020, everyone needs at least some human voices to find comfort. With the technology for any one to broadcast their voice but very few ways to spread it over the propaganda, podcasts become a new form of propaganda. But smart citizens, the underground, the horse fuckers and the nazis knew how to find the voices spreading truth and interesting conversations..

So tell me horse fucking nazis. What podcasts do you listen to?
R: 42 / F: 23 / P: 8
Post here every time you visit /cyb/
Surely we'll have more activity!
Pic related is crystals of Bismuth, the heaviest element with a 'stable' radioisotope Bismuth-209 decays with a half life of 1.9*10^19 years, lmao.
R: 5 / F: 2 / P: 8
DIY bio
Biotechnology is rapidly advancing and becoming cheaper and easier to use. Genetic engineering once required a well funded research lab. Now genetic modification can be done as an undergraduate lab or even at home. There are many things that can all be done at home if you have know how and the right equipment, but if you are just starting out you will need:

>An incubator
You can find a used one on ebay for under $100 (be careful if you go on ebay some seller won't sell to the general public and others will sell broken goods) but you can find pretty good ones new for around $300-500 if you are just looking for something basic. You could also make one yourself there are lots of simple incubator designs online.

>A pressure cooker or autoclave
A pressure cooker will work for many applications at home, but if you really need something sterile you will need an autoclave. A good autoclave will cost you a couple hundred dollars.

You can buy specialty made plastic plates online or you can use a container made of polypropylene. (The container will be marked with a 5 in a recycle symbol) Polypropylene will survive an autoclave or a pressure cooker

>agar and/or nutrient broth
Different organisms will require different nutrients. So you will need different growth media for different projects. You can find different recipes here. https://wiki.bugwood.org/Diagnosticians_cookbook Please keep in mind that 99% of bacteria are considered "unculturalable" and many may require special conditions to survive on a culture.

>A microscope
Now depending on what you want to culture you will need a different microscope. If you are fine with just culturing fungi and other eukaryotes then you are fine with just a 400x microscope. If you want to culture prokaryotes (bacteria and archea) then you will need a microscope with at least 1000x magnification. A GOOD new brightfield microscope will run you about $300. I recommend a brightfield microscope for beginners as they are easy to use. You may need an oil immersion lense to see bacteria. If you get one of these becareful with it as the lense alone will cost between $50-100 and it can easily be scratched so you will need special whipes for it. You will need immersion oil to use it, but you might be able to get away with coconut oil. (https://lpulaguna.edu.ph/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/1-COCONUT-OIL-AS-AN-ALTERNATIVE-FOR-IMMERSION-OIL.pdf) No matte what you use make sure to clean it after every use.

In order to see bacteria or improve the viability of some cells you will need a stain. You can use malachite green or methyline blue for simple stains and they can be found either at a pharmacy or an aquarium supply store. Other staining reagents will have to be purchased online. Stains can be very helpful in identifying your organism. You can find many of them on amazon. Here is a small list of stains: https://bio.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Ancillary_Materials/Laboratory_Experiments/Microbiology_Labs/Book%3A_Laboratory_Exercises_in_Microbiology_(McLaughlin_and_Petersen)/03%3A_Preparation_of_Bacterial_Smears_and_Introduction_to_Staining/3.04%3A_Summary_of_Common_Bacterial_Staining_Techniques
R: 6 / F: 2 / P: 8
Today I learned about Birch Worlds for the first time.
They say that if a Black Hole is large enough, the gravity just above its event horizon will be about equal to earth's gravity.
Therefore, one can build a fucking huge artificial shell-world planet built around this black hole to exploit the earthlike gravity at the extreme planet size.
Because normally, a bigger planet means more gravity.
But black holes can piss all over that.
"They allow for normal gravity at extreme planet sizes", says the guy who told me about these.
The bigger the black hole is, the larger the shell around it can be.
"A theoretically infinite number of people could exist on a massive artificial planet built around a sufficiently large black hole, especially if a system of multiple layers of false world is built into the false planet, since there would be little meaningful difference in the gravity between one layer and another" says the birch world fans.
They say that on such a planet, the world would be so large that the world would seem flat to a normal person on the ground. Incomprehensibly large and utterly flat. A single lifetime of endless air travel in a single direction couldn't take you to where you started.
There's only one way to make this even more intense: Add a method for this colossal artificial world to generate energy from the black hole it's built around, letting it become self-sufficient.
Literally the only downside (besides standard theoretical science "bruh what's stopping the fake world from moving too much to one side and getting eaten by the black hole" stuff) is that trying to get off this world would be a bitch. Achieving escape velocity would be tricky.
Still, is that sick or what? A fucking huge theoretical artificial earthlike world that exploits a black hole to gain earthlike gravity.

I know this board is meant for doom-and-gloom science that could create a dystopia, but where else could I post this? The self-improvement board? The sports and shitposting board? The front page, despite its lack of relevance to politics or ponies?

Then again on such a world, long-distance communication between people would be a pain in the ass. FTL communication would be needed for any group to control the whole planet and that's probably never happening. The world's governors would be restricted to governing local areas. The word of a ruler and his rule would end at places his word and soldiers can't travel to in time.
R: 13 / F: 8 / P: 8
Magnetohyrdodynamic Propulsion
Tests have been done in the 60s.
Although, that's typical of the theory, there is application magnetically.
>Magnetism is found throughout the Universe. Magnetic fields are known to exist in planets, stars, accretion disks, the interstellar medium, galaxies and in active galactic nulcei (cf. the article on galactic magnetic fields). Often these magnetic fields are generated and maintained by magnetohydrodynamic dynamo action (e.g. the solar dynamo or planetary dynamos, which are described by hydromagnetic dynamo theory), and in many cases the magnetic field is dynamically dominant, determining the evolution of the object.
Topics studied within MHD include typical computational astrophysics topics, such as magneto-convection, MHD turbulence and hydromagnetic dynamo action. Typically, a multitude of intermittent magnetic structures are generated in such systems, e.g. magnetic flux tubes, loops, filaments and arcades. On the Sun and other stars, these magnetic structures may take the form of cool spots (sunspots) and magnetic bright points.
Magnetic structures can store enormous amounts of energy that may be released through reconnection of magnetic field lines (MHD reconnection) leading to solar flares and stellar or even galactic eruptions. It is in this way that the Sun causes storms in the heliospherical magnetic field and ultimately aurorae and space weather.
>In engineering MHD is employed to study, e.g., the magnetic behavior of plasmas in fusion reactors, liquid-metal cooling of nuclear reactors and electromagnetic casting.
>Topics studied within MHD include typical computational astrophysics topics, such as magneto-convection, MHD turbulence and hydromagnetic dynamo action. Typically, a multitude of intermittent magnetic structures are generated in such systems, e.g. magnetic flux tubes, loops, filaments and arcades. On the Sun and other stars, these magnetic structures may take the form of cool spots (sunspots) and magnetic bright points.
>Magnetic structures can store enormous amounts of energy that may be released through reconnection of magnetic field lines (MHD reconnection) leading to solar flares and stellar or even galactic eruptions. It is in >this way that the Sun causes storms in the heliospherical magnetic field and ultimately aurorae and space weather.
reconnection of magnetic field lines (MHD reconnection)
A connector or central powering system that's within range that drives the fuel(lack of? power) economy.
There's space travel relations…
The government really does hide this stuff… And, only release the conventional. Rather than the unconventional as it should… There's much speculation that goes into this, and there's wealth of progress untapped due to the powers that be in our economies.
>the maximum theoretical efficiency would be 90 percent. Allowing for the inefficiencies introduced by finite heat transfer rates and component inefficiencies in real heat engines, a system employing an MHD generator offers the potential of an ultimate efficiency in the range of 60 to 65 percent. This is much better than the 35 to 40 percent efficiency that can be achieved in a modern conventional plant. In addition, MHD generators produce fewer pollutants than conventional plants. However, the higher construction costs of MHD systems have limited their adoption.
In general, it's much very revolutionary even in the layman's perspective which according to word of (http://battista.web.unc.edu/files/2014/02/introMHD.pdf), "Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) is not a field of study for those with only high school equivalent mathematics and science knowledge… much mathematical rigor to simply understand its governing equations," I apply as layman. Nonchalantly as well. Doesn't quite matter to me in that aspect. I see potential in this that'll solve energy crises old and new.
R: 25 / F: 28 / P: 9
Botany Thread
Post some fucking plants
Pic is a dragon's blood tree (Dracaena cinnabari). They are named for the red sap that they produce and look like something out of a sci-fi movie. They are native to the socotra archipelago in Yemen.
The sap can be used for dyes, medication, lipstick, or varnish.
The densely packed crown of the tree provides shade to the trees roots and helps to prevent water from evaporating.
R: 1 / F: 5 / P: 9
DIY Cell Phone With Rotary Dial
>Engineer Makes a DIY Cell Phone With Rotary Dial So She Doesn’t Have to Use a Smartphone
>Justine Haupt has spent the last three years developing the old school device so that it can fit in her pocket, get better reception, and maintain a battery life of up to 30 hours.
>When she wrote about the retro cell phone on her blog, the website crashed from the sheer number of visitors clamoring to admire the retro gadget.
>“I never expected to go viral with this,” Haupt said. “I didn’t want to sell it at first but everyone was clamoring and I got so many emails from people begging to buy a phone, and (then) someone suggested I should make a kit.”
>Customers can buy the kit, which includes the circuit board and the 3D printed parts, from her company Sky’s Edge for $170—although they will have to source their own rotary dial.
>“Now I’m looking at making a more inclusive kit that will come with everything you need,” Haupt added.
Absolutely based cunt.
R: 29 / F: 25 / P: 9
Material Science Thread
Post some cool materials. Pic related is aerogel. An ultra light material derived from gel that has had the liquid component replaced with gas.
R: 15 / F: 6 / P: 9
World's "first human head transplant" is "successfully" carried out
>The world's first human head transplant has been carried out on a corpse in China in an 18-hour operation that showed it was possible to successfully reconnect the spine, nerves and blood vessels.
>a team at Harbin Medical University had "realised the first human head transplant" and said an operation on a live human will take place "imminently".
>Although Russian computer scientist Valery Spiridonov, who suffers spinal muscular atrophy, had volunteered to become the first head transplant patient, the team have since said the first trial is likely to be carried out on someone who is Chinese, because the chance of a Chinese donor body will be higher.
R: 2 / F: 2 / P: 9
Waiting for Betelgeuse to go Supernova
>A giant star is acting strange, and astronomers are buzzing
>The red giant Betelgeuse is the dimmest seen in years, prompting some speculation that the star is about to explode. Here's what we know.

>The constellation Orion is one of the most recognizable patterns in the night sky, visible around the world. But if you’ve looked at Orion recently and thought something seemed off, you’re not wrong: The giant red star Betelgeuse, which marks the hunter’s right shoulder, is the dimmest it’s been in almost a century.
>Normally, Betelgeuse is among the 10 brightest stars in the sky. However, the red giant began dimming in October, and by mid-December, the star had faded so much it wasn’t even in the top 20, Villanova University’s Edward Guinan reported in an Astronomer’s Telegram.

>To be clear, dimming alone isn’t all that odd for a star like Betelgeuse. It’s what’s known as a variable star, and its shifts in brightness have been closely studied for decades. However, it is unusual for one of the sky’s most prominent points of light to fade so noticeably, prompting scientists to consider the possibility that something more exciting could be about to happen: Betelgeuse might explode and die, briefly blazing brighter than the full moon before vanishing from our night sky forever.
>Huge, red stars like Betelgeuse live fast and die violently, exploding in stellar events called supernovae that are visible across vast distances. So, while Betelgeuse is a relatively young star—only about 8.5 million years old—astronomers know that it is nearing the end of its life.
>“The biggest question now is when it will explode in a supernova,” UC Berkeley’s Sarafina Nance, who studies Betelgeuse and stellar explosions, said on Twitter. “Disclaimer: I don't think it's going to explode any time soon,” she added during an interview with National Geographic. “But I am excited [for] when it does.”

>Recent studies suggest that the star will most likely explode within the next million years, and perhaps as soon as 100,000 years from now. Or … maybe Betelgeuse has already exploded and we have not yet seen it happen.
>It takes light from this star about 600 years to reach us, meaning that we’re actually observing the star as it was 600 years ago. If we do see it detonate in our sky any time soon, that means the star actually blew up sometime during the European Middle Ages, and light from the blast is just reaching Earth.
>Either way, scientists are excited to keep watch on Betelgeuse and see what sorts of surprises the star still has in store.
>“It's actually quite rare to study a star this well pre-explosion, whenever that happens,” Nance says. “This will inevitably yield cool and interesting ideas for what happens to stars right before they explode.”

R: 4 / F: 1 / P: 9
Will AI ever govern our societies in some way, shape, or form?
R: 8 / F: 6 / P: 9
Distros and DEs
What distro and Desktop Environment are you currently using, is it what you always use and depend on or are you trying something new out?

Currently running Ubuntu with Xfce on a craptop with 1366×768 screen
R: 5 / F: 1 / P: 9
Gut-Brain Axis
>The gut–brain axis is the biochemical signaling that takes place between the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract) and the central nervous system (CNS).[1] The term "gut–brain axis" is occasionally used to refer to the role of the gut flora in the interplay as well, whereas the term "microbiome–gut–brain axis" explicitly includes the role of gut flora in the biochemical signaling events that take place between the GI tract and CNS.[1][2][3]

So the types of microbes in your gut can affect your brain. Does anyone know of any nootropic strains of probiotics?
R: 0 / F: 1 / P: 9
Solar Roadways
Lets have a little fun and laugh at "solar roadways", or cry of the stupidity of it.

R: 5 / F: 2 / P: 9
Anon, do you know about Exif photo data?
Exif data is meta data that is saved every time you take a photo. Be it with regular cameras or smartphone cameras. It may work with web cam too but I never tried it before so I don't know.

From what I learned, data saved varies depending on the device and currents settings when the image was taken. My android for instance, only camptures unimportant stuff aside for maybe date. I always have geo location turned off so exif data never contains my location when I take a photo.

Here is a neat article about exif data and how to modify or delete it. https://www.howtogeek.com/203592/what-is-exif-data-and-how-to-remove-it/
R: 5 / F: 1 / P: 10
First picture of a black hole
>Astronomers on Wednesday unveiled the first photo of a black hole, one of the star-devouring monsters scattered across the Universe and obscured by impenetrable shields of gravity.
>The image of a dark core with a flame-orange halo of gas and plasma shows a supermassive black hole 50 million lightyears away in a galaxy known as M87, they announced during simultaneous press conferences in Brussels, Shanghai, Tokyo, Washington, Santiago and Taipei.
>Data needed to construct the picture was gathered in April 2017 by the Event Horizon Telescope, a joined-up network of eight radio telescopes spread across the globe.

R: 43 / F: 69 / P: 10
R: 0 / F: 1 / P: 10
Google suspends Android support for Huawei
>Google's decision to suspend Huawei's use of some parts of the Android operating system will send shockwaves through the smartphone market. Huawei is the second biggest smartphone maker but relies on the Android operating system, which is effectively run by Google, as the engine of its devices. Google will block Huawei's use of Android updates, apart from those made available in the open-source version of the operating system, according to Reuters.

>In a statement Huawei said: "Huawei has made substantial contributions to the development and growth of Android around the world. As one of Android's key global partners, we have worked closely with their open-source platform to develop an ecosystem that has benefited both users and the industry.
>"We will continue to build a safe and sustainable software ecosystem, in order to provide the best experience for all users globally," it said.

>Google's move comes after the US Department of Commerce last week added Huawei to its 'Entity List' because the department said it had information that led it to conclude that Huawei is engaged in activities that are contrary to US national security or foreign policy interest. US companies cannot transfer technology to a company on that list without a licence from the US government.
>At the time, Huawei said the move would do significant economic harm to the American companies with which Huawei does business, affect tens of thousands of American jobs, "and disrupt the current collaboration and mutual trust that exist on the global supply chain".

>Google has said that for current Huawei users nothing changes yet. "We assure you while we are complying with all US gov't requirements, services like Google Play & security from Google Play Protect will keep functioning on your existing Huawei device," it said.
>Huawei has said that it will continue to provide security updates and after-sales services to all existing Huawei and Honor smartphone and tablet products, covering those have been sold or still in stock globally.
>However, it's unclear whether, when future versions of Android arrive, it will be possible to upgrade your Huawei smartphone.

R: 2 / F: 1 / P: 10
Intel ZombieLoad flaw forces OS patches with up to 40% performance hits
>When security researchers disclosed a series of major vulnerabilities impacting Intel processors back in January 2018, it was clear that “Meltdown” and “Spectre” were indeed serious — and wouldn’t be the only exploits of multi-threading chips. Now a new Intel chip vulnerability nicknamed “ZombieLoad” has been revealed to the public, and though it’s already being patched by three major operating system makers, there’s some bad news: full protection could reduce your CPU’s performance by up to 40%.
>Referred to by the more technical name “Microarchitectural Data Sampling,” the ZombieLoad exploit enables an attacker to access privileged data across trust boundaries. In a cloud hosting environment, it could enable one virtual machine to improperly access information from another; researchers also showed that it could be used for app surveillance and password acquisition. The vulnerability broadly impacts operating systems that run on Intel chips, including Android, Chrome, Linux, macOS, and Windows.

>In a just-published support document, Apple suggests that full ZombieLoad mitigation will require Intel chip users to disable Intel’s hyper-threading processing feature — a major selling point of the chipmaker’s CPUs. During testing this month, Apple says that it found “as much as a 40 percent reduction in performance with tests that include multithreaded workloads and public benchmarks,” though actual performance impacts will vary between machines.

>An Intel page discussing the vulnerabilities downplays the performance impacts, suggesting that the performance impact is small: up to 3% without disabling hyper-threading, and up to 8-9% with hyper-threading disabled, though included charts show tinier changes using the latest, high-end Intel Core i9-9900K processors.
>Intel underscores that disabling hyper-threading isn’t really necessary for some users: consequently, unless it’s necessary for a given customer’s workloads and security environment, it says that it’s “not recommending that Intel HT be disabled, and it’s important to understand that doing so does not alone provide protection against MDS.”

R: 2 / F: 1 / P: 10
Decoding thoughts into speech, life changing research
Scientists have found a way to transform brain signals into spoken words and sentences, providing new hope to those who have lost their speech due to stroke, throat cancer, ALS or Parkinson’s disease.
R: 1 / F: 2 / P: 10
Crypto Currency Thread
What are some cryptos worth investing in?
R: 38 / F: 149 / P: 10
Retro-Futurist Imagery Thread
Let's get a thread going for pre-cyberpunk depictions of the future. It seems like sometime after the cultural revolution of the 60s and 70s it became trendy in sci-fi to imagine grim dystopian end-of-the-world scenarios. While some of these dystopian settings can be interesting or at least aesthetically cool, I tend to prefer more positive imaginings of the future, from a time when Western civilization saw itself as a force for good in the world, before cultural Marxism taught us to see ourselves as a menace that needs to be deconstructed and subdued.
R: 6 / F: 5 / P: 10
Opportunity Mars rover is probably dead after 15-year mission
>Opportunity is already buried – all that’s left is to say goodbye. The ageing Mars rover became mired in a colossal dust storm in June 2018, and operators haven’t been able to reach it since then. NASA is expected to announce later today that Opportunity’s mission is officially over.

>In January 2004, two rovers – Spirit and Opportunity – touched down on the surface of the Red Planet. NASA hoped that one of the two rovers would last for 90 days, but this turned out to be a huge underestimate. Spirit roved the surface for nearly six years before getting stuck in a patch of soft dirt, while Opportunity has lasted well into its 15th year before joining its sibling.

>Before Spirit and Opportunity landed, the accepted picture was that Mars was pretty much dry except for its polar ice caps, and may have always been that way. That was overturned when the rovers found evidence for ancient water on Mars – repeatedly.
>Over the course of its mission, Opportunity drove about 45 kilometres, exploring more than 100 craters along its way and weathering bitter cold and numerous dust storms.

>On 10 June, Opportunity sent its last signal to Earth. Since then, operators have frantically sent more than 600 wake-up calls to the rover instructing it to turn on and phone home, testing every kind of spacecraft error that they know how to correct.
>Nothing worked. There was no call home. 5499 days into its 90-day mission, Opportunity is finished. “It’s the end of the first great Martian road trip,” says Seibert.
>Ultimately, the rovers will be remembered for their incredible longevity. “I thought we might get 6 to 8 months on these things, maybe as much as a year” says Squyres. “If a spacecraft functions for 15 years and dies in one of the biggest dust storms Mars has seen in decades, that’s an honourable death.”

R: 7 / F: 1 / P: 10
Kroger and the Future of Shopping
Welcome to the future of shopping, where you pay for your products with not just money, but your behavioral data. Kroger is pushing new tech to try and beat Amazon out in the grocery field, tech that will start to implement population conditioning and mind control. Sound ludicrous? Let's go over the facts.

>Digital shelves. This system — which originally debuted in the fall and is currently present at the ends of aisles in 92 Kroger stores — eschews paper price tags in favor of digital displays, enabling shelves to dynamically update prices and display other information like ads, promotions, and nutritional details. Additionally, if a customer uses Kroger's self-checkout app, the shelves can recognize when they enter an aisle and display a personalized icon to guide them to products on their shopping list.

Now, with the touch of a button, you can be guided to the item you so desire. But, what if you don't even know what you want? Don't worry, the system has you covered.

>A network of in-store sensors. These include ceiling-mounted sensors that collect data on shoppers' habits

>Additionally, Microsoft's artificial intelligence (AI) can estimate data about customers, such as age and gender, enabling Kroger to serve targeted ads to shoppers on digital shelves' displays while they're in the store. These ads could serve as a new source of supplemental revenue for the grocer.

With the power of AI and spying on you 24/7, we know you better than you know yourself. Having trouble shopping? We will guide you to what you really want. The isle will light up for you, playing targeted ads, convincing you of what you need. And with dynamic price shifting, think of all the things we can do in the future! We can add diversity taxes for the culturally impaired people, discounts for (((members))), and fix the gender bias in product pricing! And it's all just the beginning. What if we take it a step further, and built what you want before you even knew you desired it? What if we guided what you wanted? What if we guided what you think? What if we guided humanity to a better future?


But it's ok. You are fine with this outcome. If you weren't, why would you have agreed to go along with it? This is for your own good. Now download the app, click agree, and join us in the future! Your first suggestion is waiting for you to accept. Don't be left behind.

In all seriousness, this will have huge ramifications. They are talking about having the technology automatically add items you take from the shelf to a digital cart and you pay as you leave, removing checkouts, and the jobs they come with. The data collected will be sold to other companies as they continue to try and predict people. The masses will simply let the device tell them what to buy. The device is with us at all times anyway and it saves that precious time by a couple of seconds. The only way you could improve it is if the device was installed into your hand or something. But that will never happen... right?

What do you think? Have I gone mad at a simple tech upgrade?
R: 0 / F: 1 / P: 10
Climate Engineering
Climate change is reaching the point of no return and we aren't going to stop using fossil fuels. Should we start using technologies like genetically modified corals and iron fertilization (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_fertilization) to mitigate the damage caused by climate change?