What distro and Desktop Environment are you currently using, is it what you always use and depend on or are you trying something new out?
Currently running Ubuntu with Xfce on a craptop with 1366×768 screen
>>745I'd like to try gentoo or arch next, but for now it's plebian
I bought a new laptop earlier this year after Windows 10 made my last one of 7 years practically unusable. I dual boot with Mint 18.1 and it feels a lot like Windows 7. I use it for school and internet as well as storage space for pics I've found around the web.
I think the main reason I like Linux, coming from Windows, is the freedom of choice, such as how it only updates what I want when I want. I've had more than several occasions in class where I'm taking a test or a quiz and Windows 10 decides that it's the perfect time to install updates.
>>745Messed up by trying Fedora only to find out I couldn't install or use any of the programs I usually run so I'm swithching back to Manjaro with MATE. I've heard good things about OpenSUSE but to be honest I'm just going to stick with what I like.
Manjaro (Arch based) with deepin, pretty slick from my personal experence. the task bar is a bitch though.
>>745Got a blank gentoo I'm setting up and a cinnamon arch. Thinking about swithing from arch to deb.
Any opinions on i3? While it is very useful I prefer some comfy shit for entertainment and if I want to I can just use Terminator or something.
Use Gentoo (& XFCE4 where applicable) on everything for everything. It's far from flawless and definitely not suitable for a first timer but there's no other established distro that is as versatile and controllable that I know of.
>>1006>Any opinions on i3?It's good but consider sway if you have modern hardware. It's a i3 clone that uses Wayland instead of X11
>>1006>Thinking about swithing from arch to debIn deb format there are tons of soft available, but appimage is getting more prevalent by the day.
Using KDE Neon here.