Cyberpunk is the idea that technology will condemn us to a future of totalitarian nightmares here you can discuss recent events and how technology has been used to facilitate greater control by the elites, or works of fiction
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How can you have /cyb/ without an official Terry Davis thread, that's sacrilegious. Terry lives on,and is currently in a "Lithuanian" right now.
>A look at TempleOS >We take a look at TempleOS, a text- and graphics-mode hybrid OS written in HolyC, a programming language also created by the creator of TempleOS, Terry A. Davis. [Embed]
You can create gradients, cycling gradients and shifting colors using multiple colors (RGB in Hex):
[colorgradient #802,#160]Gradient text[/colorgradient]
[gradient #02A,#3B0,#902]Gradient text[/gradient]
[colorcycle #8A2,#F6B]Cycling Gradient text[/colorcycle]
[cycle #B01,#0A8,#992]Cycling Gradient text[/cycle]
[colorshift #A28,#3F8]Colorshift Text[/colorshift]
[shift #F00,#0F0,#00F]Colorshift Text[/shift]
Both longform and shortform of the tags are valid. You can add up to 20 colors in gradient, cycle and shift.
You can also combine different formattings/styling:
To add custom emoji start writing : in the textbox and the name of charachter or OC you want to add. An selection box will appear and you can use arrow keys to choose and Enter key to add.
Instead of spaces use dash - in case you need to refine search.
Ex: Type :apple-bloom: to add Apple Bloom
Ex: Type :littlepip: to add Littlepip
Ex: Type :eqg-rarity: to add EqG Rarity
To roll a dice just enter the dice roll you want to roll directly in the body.
Ex: To roll one d20 type [1d20]
Ex: To roll ten d100 type [10d100]
Ex: To roll two d10 and add 44 type [2d10+44]
You can maximum roll 99 d99999 dices and add 99999
To roll multiple dice just add or subtract the dice roll you want to roll directly in the body.
Ex: To roll 1d20 + 3d2 type [d20+3d2]
Ex: To roll 1d3 + 6d5 - 1d10 type [1d3+6d5-1d10]
You can maximum roll three dices
Due to a bug in Opera browser Ctrl+G shortcut don't work in it
Toutch functionality is achieved through Toutch Punch in conjunction with some custom tweaks not in Toutch Punch
Files are scanned with ClamAV.
Even though files are scanned it is impossible to give any guarantees no file will slip through, or give false positives.
Goelocation functionality uses Cloudflare IP Geolocation country data from request header.
Metadata in files are removed using custom code and TagLib with ExifTool as fallback.
* There is no way to guarante that all metadata will be completely removed from a file.