What's your opnion on Haiku OS?
https://haiku-os.orgOh cool, someone else talking about Haiku. I think it's a really nice, clean OS. The main thing keeping me from running a full system on it at the moment is really just the limited browser capabilities and no vidya, and unfortunately I'm too dumb to contribute to fix the issues. I like it a lot though, hopefully a few good developments will hit and I can just use it.
Very impressive project, I had it as daily driver from R1Beta1 through R1Beta3 as dual-boot with OpenBSD for a while, before switching back to OpenBSD.
There seems to be a port of i2pd for haiku, but I have yet to compile and test it. TecnoBallZ has a cute little Marble Pie mod and it's really fun.
>>3519>limited browser capabilitiesThere is a port of firefox esr, titled "IceWeasel" under development. It's not feature-complete, however, because the modern web (especially post-2014) is gay.
>spoilerYou can play NetHack, most MUD/MOO games over telnet or ssh, emulate with mednafen, and I think OpenTTD and OpenMW have ports as well, et cetera. Only good and free (as in freedom) games and software run on haiku.