jesus dude it's a ghost town, what happened?
/cyb/ was never really that active, but there are plenty of lurkers.
If you want content, start posting threads.
>>1368that's a shame, I was hoping it would be like the old /cyb/ threads on /g/ back in the day, but there's not much here
>>1369Well, it's pretty much a blank slate at this point. What did you like about the old /cyb/? If you make a thread, I'd gladly participate.
>>1371Although, I will admit that "just post threads" is a rather dry response to somebody who thinks board activity is lacking. Anon doesn't post threads for the same reasons that you and I don't.
So perhaps shifting the burden is an incorrect response. To be more productive, let's first discuss what kinds of threads anons want to see. I thibnk eeryone might post a bit more if they knew what their fellows want to talk about.
>>1372>let's first discuss what kinds of threads anons want to seeAnd why should cater to newfags?
>>1372a fair point!
well first lets discuss what /cyb/ was all about
cyberpunk as a genre is the expression of the idea that technology will not 'save' us but will instead be our undoing, by enabling those in power to maintain absolute control while simultaneously trapping us in Skinner boxes that we remain in for our entire lives
Cyb threads were all about warning and subversion
1: what new things int he world are dystopian and cause harm to our freedom?
2: what new things can we do about item 1?
>>1373>And why should cater to newfags?Why the heck not? It's not like we've been using /cyb/ for anything productive lately. Any fresh content could be good content.
What kinds of threads do YOU want to see here, Anon?
>>1375I certainly don't want to cause discord
>>1373I understand I am new here I did not mean to intrude and step on your toes
>>1374>1: what new things int he world are dystopian and cause harm to our freedom?I would say things such as facial recognition software, automated labor elliminating jobs, robots becoming increasingly present in the military, corporations selling personal information that their clients "willingly" give away to the highest bidder, the imminent reality of human genetic engineering, the lack of privacy in an increasingly digital society, and corporations suppressing free speech by creating monopolies on online forums and attacking the payment proccessors of sites that allow people to circumvent that.
>>1376>I did not mean to intrude and step on your toesYou're fine. It's been a slow day anyway, and I'm bored. Just remember to check the catalog and try to lurk a bit.
>>1375>>1377Is there thread watcher for this like 4chanx has
>>1418why do feminists hate rape jokes at the expense of women so much?
because they hate being reminded they are fragile spiteful creatures meant to be bred and controlled.
>>1451Leftists always project. Always. They can't help it. Pic related.
>>1451I used to think that sentences like that were exaggerations, but were basically right. I'm no longer convinced it's that big of an exaggeration. The only thing I think I could imagine adding to that to make it more true is some half-garbled attempt to explain the layers of truth and delusion that women wrap around themselves via their inherent psychoses.
>>2422Leftists exaggerate because they're evil. They're disappointed in their friends for not boycotting the new Harry Potter game just because Rowling offended the trans terrorist "lobby"? They'll claim you're killing people or the reason trannies kill themselves. It's just a tactic to shock you. They'll sling blame and shame like they're wildly swinging a baseball bat around, hoping to beat you to death, hoping one of these swings lets them get what they want.
We're the smart ones who understand reality and how to work within it. They're the idiotic cultists who would rather build a wall around what they can control and deny anything exists beyond it. They don't want to admit nigger tolerance is a disaster, women can't handle the responsibility of political power, and commie "treat the seed with acid and train the seed to grow whatever food you want" style "science" results in mass starvation. They don't want to admit they're weak and stupid and inferior and worthless, because if we were naturally allowed to be better than them in ways they cannot deny, they would feel small. And they'd rather kill us and themselves for the sake of their feelings than try to find any way to discover joy within a humble life, because they feel entitled to power even if they aren't capable of using it wisely.
>>2425Anon. The first part of that image outright says that this is a joke not to be taken seriously.