>“why Posey being OP is in fact a bad thing”
I didn't really ask that.
The only reason I need for that was that it upsets you.
What I asked were what issues I caused, and how I could fix them.
>When you mentioned liking instances of combat that have occurred this far, you mentioned two. The fight against Luminous, and the fight against the Hydra.
I called out these two because they were my favorites, not because they were the only ones I liked. I liked all of these encounters.
The assassination of Luminous was the first fight that directly contributed to the cause of Posey's faction, and it actually felt like Posey had a sense of direction as an emissary of the league. It was also the first time that Posey had killed a Paladin, after the truce with August.
Posey mentioned that she always wanted to fight a hydra. Meeting one when she was underleveled came as a surprise, but also a challenge that she wasn't going to back down from because it was part of her equestrian dream, even though she couldn't actually make a zombie out of it.
It was also one of the few actual d&d monsters Posey has fought.
I had fun with that too. It was a power fantasy moment, making them run away in fear, and being a monster that could be stabbed in the heart and ask for more was part of that fantasy.
>You did not mention the fight against the dire wolves
That was fun, but it only lasted like one round.
It was actually more of a roleplay challenge to me, as Posey accidentally revealed her immortal nature to Luminous as a consequence for her DR and healing factor in that fight.
>fight inside of the cavern
I fumbled that encounter... I didn't understand the situation and ended up ignoring key parts of it, even though they should have been interesting to Posey.
>part of the combat against August
I've mentioned that before, haven't I? That was the setup for a recurring antagonist.
>the fight against the diamond dogs
This wasn't my proudest encounter because I felt like I made Posey break character there, entering a home* uninvited, in broad daylight, over a river... But I did enjoy making them flee in fear; it felt very villainous.
However, sicking the ghasts on them as revenge for getting in Posey's way was really fun, even though Posey did not participate in that fight.
>against the panther
The panther fight was Posey embarrassingly losing grapple checks for three rounds against a cat before finally scaring it off. I do appreciate a good random encounter, but it wasn't exactly special.
>the last fight against the griffins
We just had it. We all experienced it. I didn't think it needed to be mrntioned
It was fun, and it involved teamwork. Posey tanked 20 points of damage and disarmed the enemy. Silver took care of the dog after being informed by Posey's check that silver worked on it. Kira grappled rec so Posey could snatch the tiara.
>Because in those two fights. Posey’s health was reduced to a single hp (or something close to that, anyways) and that is an essential component of any ideal combat encounter to you.
Not really. I like fights that are memorable and give me a chance to use my abilities. I also like encounters that advance the story.
Posey's main method of attack is Fear. Most of her spells are fear based. I like making weaklings flee in fear.
And I know I didn't mention the less-intense fights, but in my defense they were a year ago.
>I don't think it is
It is though. That sums up the majority of my encounter experience in 3.5e. That's what the DMG recommends.
>I don’t care
Are you sure, because you sound like you care.
I just offered to cut 16 of Posey's HP. Do you persony want that? I wonder do it if you don't actually care.