Can the party avoid tearing each-other's throat out? Can they successfully complete the dungeon and rid Port Barry of the giant glass octahedron that sits motionless a short way off the docks? Will GM have an aneurysm from it all?
Welcome back to the Nuts RP thread, where new faggots (players) are always welcome and previous faggots interact based increasingly loosely on D&D 3.5e core rules.
This thread begins with Thez completing a marvelous and unplanned concert now that she can cast "Dancing lights!" again, and a large crowd has formed around the square, where both Infernius and Trump appear to be intending to address the crowd, Thez having vacated the impromptu stage with several bouquets of flowers and adoring cheers from the crowd.
She has obscene skill pertaining to "Perform"
1780 replies and 185 files omitted.
[1d20+27 = 44]>>51941>All this attention, and I am not sure what to do with itI would like to reiterate
>>51910In conversing with the citizenry, and listening to them, hopefully Trump gets some idea of their concerns, fears, wants, and hopes. You know, besides the fact that they were invaded en mass by scary undead a couple days ago. Or the airship that bombarded the city. Or the scary temple in the harbor. Or the fact that the government of the city has now been entirely decapitated with both Korak and Sechs dead. Or maybe all those things are enough to be concerned about.
Rolling sense motive
>>51939>>51942Ah come on!
>>51944Well, there is a vacuum of power with Sechs gone. The citizens were quite fond of him, and while they don't blame the party for what happened, the loss is still felt.
Was there formerly a city council? It seems to me that an organized and constutional government can survive with the executive side of the government decapitated, so long as a legislature or court exists and can handle a lot of the tasks. It may be wise to form one if one does not exist, probably selected from business leaders and representatives of the various portions of the community, and eventually either elected by the city as a while, or by reserving seats for representatives from specific guilds or communities and letting the members of those groups elect the representative. Local knowledge would be very helpful for this...
>>51946Thats a good point, and would be precisely when/why presiding/significant individuals of various trades and guilds would come into play.
I want to go to Durpistan and make my cult soon.
>>51948I thought Tracy is taking a nap
>>51945>>51946Shit. How to solve this problem without acknowledging the elephant in the room, and without creating problems and closing opportunites for later? I'll spend some time thinking this one out.
But Trumpaladin definitely collects information from guild/industry leaders and representatives, as well as information about any portions of the Port Barry community that seem distinct, since that information is probably pretty relevant
>>51948[sad paladin noises]
>>51949Now she is sleeping, but she is still dreaming.
>>51950[ambitious Blackguard snoring]
>>51951Infernius's waifu sort of converted religions for him...
>>51953Trumpaladin has a religion
>>51952That's because Thez is somewhat indifferent to the particular traditions, forms, and functions in question. For her its all about Infernius.
>>51956She'd be a shit Blackguard/Assassin if she worshipped football.
>>51957>It's all about love*sigh*
>>51958Football is astonishingly flexible
>>51958Tracy is a blackguard. Part of her role is to spread the impure arts.
Maybe I'll make it a school.
>>51960Football isn't ebil though.
Blackguards are supposed to spread ebil.
>>51961I don't think blackguards need to spread the impure arts. Also aren't you making her every other class as well? Like rogue. that's a very secular class
It's hard enough just to avoid a sectarian conflict with Infernius
*opens umbrella to brace for shitstorm*
Oh well
>>51963I want to be an exemplary blackguard: a champion of ebil. I'd be a dumb blackguard if I weren't working for the cause of ebil. I didn't take the class to not own the role.
Rogues are secular, but they're also typically shifty characters, so it has good synergy.
May as well rise to the occasion then
>>51966Alright, but no metafaggotry.
Suffer not the heretic to live
>talks smack about not harming eachother's followers
>>51971Do you unironically want to make this shit open season on squishy NPCs?
>>51975Nigger, this has been your goal for, what now, two weeks? I've been doing this shit since October. I ain't giving ground
>>51964Dont worry,no shit storm on you.
Reeeeee the rabbit won't work
Yeah, it disco'd me and now I can't get back in
>>51976>giving groundYou don't have to.
Tracy will keep above-ground operations out of Port Barry. Period
>>51982Its looking that way. One sec
>>51984*hugs natsie minotaur*
"Just keep them all safe from the evil blue pony. I can't keep vigil constantly, and neither can my generals. But your Ghestapo. They can"
You know, now is an excellent time to implement that National ID program I've suggested several times
Hmmmm. It looks like I've been shoah'd
It could be a rabbit issue, as it isn't allowing login through facebook or google accounts (503)
>>51989Did they give any reason?
>>51990>>51990Uh... should one of us host something? I'm going through withdrawals