Can the party avoid tearing each-other's throat out? Can they successfully complete the dungeon and rid Port Barry of the giant glass octahedron that sits motionless a short way off the docks? Will GM have an aneurysm from it all?
Welcome back to the Nuts RP thread, where new faggots (players) are always welcome and previous faggots interact based increasingly loosely on D&D 3.5e core rules.
This thread begins with Thez completing a marvelous and unplanned concert now that she can cast "Dancing lights!" again, and a large crowd has formed around the square, where both Infernius and Trump appear to be intending to address the crowd, Thez having vacated the impromptu stage with several bouquets of flowers and adoring cheers from the crowd.
She has obscene skill pertaining to "Perform"
1780 replies and 199 files omitted.
>>53677I havent watched past s1
>>53679Chill let him answer one question at a time.
>>53675Was ranger one?
>>53674Hmm... how about the talent of resourcefulness? He can survive off the land using what’s around him.
>>53677It has been a while since I watched the earlier seasons. If I remember it was two, but so far that one season seven episode with apple jack’s parents was my favorite.
>>53679Im bad at names. Can you help me come up with one?
>>53681I can help with a name,what color is he?
>>53682I think that may work. What do you think?
>>53681Ranger is a class. And it seems to fit your character's talents well.
>nameWell, probably something in relation to his talent would be appropriate, or his cutie mark. What's he look like.
>>53683Color... hmm. A dark blue perhaps?
>>53684Yea i think the class fits very well.
>>53686Okay good, whats his mane color
>>53685 character creation is definitely not my strong suit How about a stick for a cutie mark? It could represent the crafting he would do with them.
>>53687I can’t picture how this will look in my head. How about something like black or navy? A bit darker than the body.
>>53689I think it would look fine.
>>53689Not a problem, you're doing fine.
GM will be here later on; then we can actually start him off.
>>53692Sounds good. Can’t wait to see how this goes.
>>53693What's your character's previous occupation, if he had one? You mentioned he was resourceful and a survivalist. How does he use those skills?
>>53695.... I swear that was supposed to go in the porn-dumping thread...
>>53694He was often hired by explorers and archeologists that venture into deep forests and jungles to help them survive and get out of tough situations. He can fashion together sticks, mud, and rock, things you would find in nature, together to make well built camps. He honed this skill to make traps as well, to defend against beasts like timberwolves.
Does that work?
>>53698>survivalist>explorer>preferred enemiesSounds like a great Ranger to me.
>>53700Thank you. Anything else I need?
>>53698He sounds like a shrewd type.
What kinds of weapons is he good at making/using?
>>53703I didn’t think about that. How about he can make a makeshift dagger out of rock? He likes short blade weapons, but learned how to fumble with a spear to keep large creatures at bay.
>>53704I guess call him Stix
but that makes his nickname faggot >>53705Welcome stix. You can have any weapon you can imagine.
>>>53705>short blade weaponsI think your character and mine could get along
and my character hates everyone.>make his nickname faggot"Faggot" is the term used to describe the cruel beings that control this world, when the PCs break the fourth wall.
How about making his cutie mark a bundle of sticks (a faggot)? Would better illustrate his resourcefulness and toughness (also, it's like a fascist symbol). Love the name, btw.
>>53707I like your thinking. A bundle of sticks it is!
[bleach gurgling noises]>>53707You said it fellow faggot
Has anyone heard from GM?
>>53713I've got nothing better to do for tonight, so I have no problem waiting until later.
Tracy is well on her way to Dadybird's nest.
>>53714Yea i dont have anything to do tonight or tomorrow.
>>53715I usually have nothing to do.
I love trolling lefty pol >>53716I’m free tonight, but I got to finish up work tomorrow, so I don’t know whether I will be on or not then.
>>53717Feel free to drop in any time. Look forward to playing with you.
>inb4 GM fell asleep at his desk
>>53721Happens to the best of us.
>>53722Kek. I'd do it every other day in college last year...
It looks like GM went to bed, so I will as well.
Goodnight m8s.
>>53658I'm good at sensing trends
>>53677Season 4
>>53725Nah, I just finished a night crew schedule for the week. I'll be on days next week
Welcome to our newest player, I'll be happy to walk you through it at earliest.
I'll be happy to bake a new bread since this thread probably has the uncontestable Mlpol post record Xp