Can the party avoid tearing each-other's throat out? Can they successfully complete the dungeon and rid Port Barry of the giant glass octahedron that sits motionless a short way off the docks? Will GM have an aneurysm from it all?
Welcome back to the Nuts RP thread, where new faggots (players) are always welcome and previous faggots interact based increasingly loosely on D&D 3.5e core rules.
This thread begins with Thez completing a marvelous and unplanned concert now that she can cast "Dancing lights!" again, and a large crowd has formed around the square, where both Infernius and Trump appear to be intending to address the crowd, Thez having vacated the impromptu stage with several bouquets of flowers and adoring cheers from the crowd.
She has obscene skill pertaining to "Perform"
1780 replies and 198 files omitted.
>Implying the 1 will just go away if you delet it
*drags Brad away, who just barfed all over himself when attempting to speak*
>>52824Nah, its fine. I was just being a bit of a metafag
>>52822Pic unrelated, I just thought it was funny
>>52797Excuse my metafaggotry, but what were you trying to sense?
>>52801Pssst,... how exactly does Snek recharge the staff? That requires one to re-cast the stored spells.
>>52827Pretty sure its to do with this
>>52785 Oh, that was mostly shitposting. Trump made a joke about the succubus-pony draining his energy through sex, so I was humoring him.
It was never really stated whether or not ponies and aged differently (I mentioned "pony years" in the any nest, but wasn't really serious), so I just made an ironic joke to semi-settle that.
It probably won't have any actual consequences, unless…
Tracy's Mobility training should be done by now, right? She's been at it in a while, even if she's been interrupted a bit.
>>52833Assuming Tracy has the Dodge feat, yes
>>52828Considering I didn't know that? I guess he doesn't.
>>52839He can deliver touch spells at the least.
What spells were you recharging?
>>52844The designated staff was Transmutation, which includes a few castings of Polymorph (2), Baleful Polymorph (2),... and the rest of the spells still remain (Expeditious retreat 1, Alter Self 1, Blink 1, and Disintegrate 3)
>>52845Has he used anything expect for polymorph? That at least is touch range.
>>52846Nope, just polymorph. The first charge of baleful was to turn a rock into gold, and the second turned the 3 rats into gold statues. Alas, those statues, one can only wonder where they have wandered off to,....
>>52847I thought we liquidated them or did something with them?
>>52848I'm pretty sure Thez requisitioned one for display in the Tower, but naturally Darkie and co ran off with it.
"What? That thing was worth over 2000gp!"
>>52848Nah, that'd be gay. Polymorph spells of any kind normally couldn't create materials of intrinsic value.
The pirates or whoever who took them probably loaded them onto their ships only to realize that they were gold-painted lead: even as statues, they were swindlers.
>>52849.. Unless I'm mistaken...
>>52846>>52847So could Snek, as a familiar, recharge the Polymorph spells for Torc with his touch-delivering ability?
I want to go to Cardishore and stab some living bodies soon. Infernius was the first character she Sneak-Attacked in a long time...
Tracy reads a few more pages from her Tome of Clear Understanding, before getting bored and heading off to feed her birds again.
>>52854>A few moreNigger, you never specified a
first time
>>52855I could've sworn I did.
Fine, guess she doesn't, if it's an issue.
>>52852Potentially, I need to step up my game>>52853Yeah, I'll admit that the pyramid dungeon didn't pan out like I had hoped. I had intended that it present nominal-moderate difficulty, while also including a bunch of plot twists pertaining to the world. Unfortunately, I can't force the party to actually complete it without railroading. And so.
<BOOOOOOOOOOOM> with an earth-shattering, concussive sound-wave, the temple explodes.As debris from the temple falls all along the dock-side (no Tracy, you have more than enough glassteel bits, you can't have more) a whispering voice issues forth.
"This is not over."
>>52857>no Tracy, you have more than enough glassteel bits, you can't have more"REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"
>>52857I could step up mine too. Haven't really played my character's roles well.>>52859Don't worry, they'll be plenty more skeletons to come in the future.
>[DOOT]>>52857*is tempted to ask if any other cool stuff rained down from the sky* I wonder if the tower also has a self-destruct mechanism...
>>52857Tracy stares at the beautiful explosion with an awed expression on her face
>pic*looks down at undead-bane maces that were in their way to becoming Disrupting weapons*
"Well that's a waste."
*tosses onto pile of other half-made items that'll probably never get finished*
Consider yourselves fortunate. I had planned that the party would have been in the midst of that explostion, waking up in the entertron with all their equipment destroyed.
>>52870I, for one, am slightly relieved. Now we can explore and find some
victims enemies that Tracy can actually use her class abilities against.
>>52871Also, I can finally send Tracy off to Cardishore.
>>52873Oh, stop it.
Up until this point, the armies you've fought been almost entirely composed of enemies your class is specialized against. Don't get butthurt just because of a plot twist to shake things up. There will be plenty of new places with things to kill and loot to steal.
I've been wanting to go back to Cardishore for months now.
>>52874That's not why you want to go there
TBH, the main reason the temple exploded is because as a pressing "adversary/obstacle", I got a little tired of the degree of nonchalance the party affected to it. This is/was a sinister element, literally on their doorstep, which the party seemed totally content to treat as an abandoned building to be scrapped and resourced. In reality, the contents of the temple were vastly more than sufficient to wipe the party out outright, depending on how it was role-played. Heck, several rooms were just a couple dice rolls away from death and dismemberment. In spite of this, the degree of "meh, when we get to it" kinda ruined it for me.
Additionally, I am a little irritated at the degree of vast research and investigation that the party is perfectly (and evidently) capable of doing, only for me to have to correct or weigh in on very basic details and issues, simply because that same due diligence was not applied. No offense, but Tracy is a perfect example of this, being far more fixated on what pretty-shiny could be had, rather than maximizing the pretty shinies (abilites AND swag) that has already been given. Trump has yet to have a moment with Vandereim. Tracy - the master of blades - has not once even bothered to figure out the correct usage of Korak's sword. I could go on.
>>52875Yeah, I also want to retrieve Tracy's knife collection, and stab some warm-blooded creatures.
>>52876I guess you're right about all that..
I'll try to do it better from now on..
>>52867Would Mr. Snek be okay at least?
>>52874This. I wanna go get a gnome quest, do some more exploring. I'm sick of just sitting around Port Barry shitposting.
>>52876Hey, I suggested blowing a big ass hole right down the middle, I even did all the math, but nooooooooooo something about "muh loot" and other bullshit.
Sorry >>52878No, snek would have been kill