Can the party avoid tearing each-other's throat out? Can they successfully complete the dungeon and rid Port Barry of the giant glass octahedron that sits motionless a short way off the docks? Will GM have an aneurysm from it all?
Welcome back to the Nuts RP thread, where new faggots (players) are always welcome and previous faggots interact based increasingly loosely on D&D 3.5e core rules.
This thread begins with Thez completing a marvelous and unplanned concert now that she can cast "Dancing lights!" again, and a large crowd has formed around the square, where both Infernius and Trump appear to be intending to address the crowd, Thez having vacated the impromptu stage with several bouquets of flowers and adoring cheers from the crowd.
She has obscene skill pertaining to "Perform"
1780 replies and 206 files omitted.
>>53028"Hey meme machine, me need help."
"Transmit this into his head"
** >>53034"Gah!"
>>53033>404 not foundSounds like it's already there
>>53035"You call me over, ~Flashy?"
>>53033 somehow does this while continuing his staring contest with Death
She's probally gonna win cause no eyelids >>53037smiling somewhat
*opens arms for hugs*
>>53039But she's also got no eyes, so checkmate
Why are we at the top of the overboard again?
>>53042We need to be, i want anothe player.
>>53041*hugs pony*
>>53042I even saged it. I don't know
>>53044"Have you been lonely, Flashy?"
>>53045"No... But I do need reassurance..."
*holds onto pony tightly*
>>53046*is held*
"I'm here for you, Flashy."
*pets pony*
*Pulls her across his lap*
*realizes that both are still on a couch*
"Now use your search skills to find the remote and use magic device skills to turn on Netflix"
>>53048"What's a remote, and what's netflix?"
*does what he says, regardless*
>>53049"You're adorable sometimes*
*when she comes back to him, he plays with her cute pony forelegs and hooves*
>>53051*picks up pony and cradles her*
"Do you want food?"
>>53052*nibbles fingers expectantly, like an animal at a petting zoo*
>>53053*carries pony into kitchen area*
"While it would be a bit grander to take you to my restaurant, this will work in a hurry"
Trumpaladin makes a delightful set of pasta for himself, and a Trump brand angus stake cooked to blued rare, just the way he imagines Tracy would like it
*gives steak to pony*
"Here you go"
>>53053*Also picks out a carrot*
*places carrot near pony mouth*
>>53053This is a fucking adorable visual
>>53057Ponies have the affect on people.
>>53056*pets pony, and offers another carrot*
>>53057I know >>53059*Nibbles second carrot to bits*
[Happy pony noises*
>>53060Now thoroughly entranced by how adorable this sight is, Trumpaladin starts placing large sized carrots into the pony almost with the soothing glee of tossing papers into a shredder
>>53062>>53061*Eyes gleam, while munching*
>>53063>>53062*Looks into pony eyes*
*now cuts off a piece of the steak, and feeds the steak to the pony, careful to keep his fingers far enough away so he isn't bitten*
>>53064*Opens mouth to accept piece of almost-raw meat*
*Closes mouth and chews before swallowing*
[Happy pony noises]
>>53065*does this with the entire steak, piece by piece, fascinated to see the pony eat*
*pets pony with other hand*
>>53066*Graciously accepts every chunk of meat, chewing each piece thoroughly before swallowing*
*Purrs happily as Brad pets her, appreciating the feeling of his fingers running through her mane*
>>53067*pulls pony onto his lap and pets her, running fingers through mane and fur and tail, as he starts to eat his own meal*
>>53068*Rubs tummy and smiles contently, comfortable on Brad's lap*
>>53069*rubs pony tummy as well*
*Rolls over to expose cute pony tum-tum*
>>53074"I never did ask you what foods and drinks you like. Maybe I should have asked that first"
>>53076"I can eat just about anything, but I think my favorite thing is
food pellets."
Did anyone save that greentext where Anon notices the lack of salt in all of the food in Equestria so he gets into the habit of bringing a saltshaker wherever he goes, and the ponies begin to freak out because they think he's addicted to salt?
>>53077*is shocked at this revelation*
*continues eating pasta*
"Did you have a home before coming here, in any proper sense?"
>>53079"Yeah, yeah, I know it's junk food, but I just can't get enough of them when they're around.."
>Home"..Not really... I've hung around places for quite a while, but I was always more of a migratory ungulate."
(she's a drifter)
>>53080"Did you move around out of choice or because of circumstance?"
*retrieves food pellets* >>53082"I ended up moving around quite a bit. Multiple cities, generally for different jobs. There was this one time my I almost bought a home but I figured I'd be out of there long before I could pay off the mortgage. Almost got married too. That didn't last. I was in a different state not a half-decade later. My parents had one home where I grew up. I wish I could have stayed rooted....
You like moving around?"
>>53083"I wouldn't say I liked it; it's just how I lived. I do prefer to move around a bit more though.
I only ever wanted to be a mommy.."