This thread is meant to debunk the deranged idea that our realm is a planet floating in space.
If the so called established science can't be challenged, then it's not science, but religion.
2720 replies and 1400 files omitted.
>>156640>Also, you dont strike me as credible; your bias is toward conviction, whereas my bias is toward skeptical analysis.My bias is toward MATH. It doesn't add up. Simple trigonometry says there is no curve, and this is the reason why no NASA priest will ever debate a flat earther, again, it is because math doesn't lie.
See post
>>149142 and end this pointless debate and hollow rhetoric.
Either you grasp math or you don't. If not, then keep silence and learn, faggot.
Also see post
>>149168 for a refresher on the supposedly curvature, which doesn't exist when you look for it.
I don't know about American education, but most middle school students in most countries can understand trigonometry and use a simple calculator to reach this obvious conclusion.
>>156645Thank you for those lovely diagrams. Now be a good little boy and run the numbers, analyze them, and then conduct experiments to validate the hypothesis; Ill be happy to show you where the errors are.
>>156647>Ill be happy to show you where the errors are.This is great and I'm glad to have you here, please go ahead, begin from the top of this bread and inspect the experiments shown.
Lighten this thread with your expertise. should be readily apparent that Im not trying to refute flat earth as a whole, thats an exercise in futility for the reasons neatly summarized in this video.
Im challenging you (not for the first time) to validate your own claims, and the certainty you assert.
My hypothesis is that when we get down to the details, I can tear your hypotheses/conclusions to pieces.
>>156648Ill reiterate. The burden of proof is on you. So, show your proof. Or, show where you have taken the results of others and applied them.cohesively, Ill settle for that.
>>156649>according to the Flat-Earth societyIt has been established in this thread more than twice that such a "society" is a freemason controlled opposition tasked with to ridiculize flat earth. Obama, Clinton and many more golems used to mention the Flat-Earth Society to scare away the normies from the truth.
And since you mention it, it is clear that you are not arguing in good faith because or you didn't properly read this bread, or if you did, you are throwing libels without care.
>>156651You misunderstand, yet again.
Im not presenting that video because I beli3ve the findings, Im presenting them as counter-point.
You seem to think you can simply post videos and that anyone who doesnt get it os in some way predosposed to opposing the idea, as opposed to seeing that there is two sides to an argument, and for every video or article that you claim 'proves' flat earth, ai can produce 3 tbat destory those videos.
Which is why Im challenging you to provide your own findings, self-derived or built off someone else's findings, that I can analyze.
>>156653The only conclusion I began from is, if there was any validity to the flat earth hypothesis, there would be cross-industrial cohesiveness to the findings.
Versus you, who is the one literally and figuratively using circular reasoning.
Ill give you an example from personal experience.
I used to live 20 miles north of Sacramento, CA. In the roght weather conditions, you can see Sac from there, 20 miles away. This should not be possible if using a spherical globe model.
But its not as cut and dried as >8 miles onjects = flat earth. Upon furtner investigation, you find that the Sac valley has a gradual geological slope, with areas of Sac AT sea level.
The appearance debunking is due to various factors being neglected in the experiment. Now, Im not suggesting that the errors in flat earth videos and articles are making errors as glaring as thoae, but that doesnt mean there werent errors. And untill the experiments have been exhaustively conducted with various individuals producing comparable results, all you have is unverified claims and personal conviction.
In my example, I would literally be looking at a city too far away to perceive, and if I so concluded without asking someone ELSE if these findings are valid, I would be concluding/arguing equally (though obviously more egregious) unvalidated claims and personal conviction.
You're entitled to your theories as theories, but you are not entitled to promote unvalidation and conviction as fact, not without redress. I dont want to argue people or positions or any of that, I want to.see the exhaustove data points and results. A theory is not made true by conviction, it is observed to be true in the face of incontravertable evidence.
>I did a weird experiment that didnt produce the results the 'globe head' model says it should therefore flat earth. No, I cant share all my data, but heres a couple measurements
is anything but incontravertable
The only explanation I could work out of how the earth could be flat would be if the entire 'planet' was perched on the nose of an alien(or whatever) spacecraft, but oh wait would mean space exists.
I maintain the perception that the shard earth is plausible, but that theres no actionable body of evidence the flat earth is.
>satellites are balloons
You do know they still use weather balloons right? Like, theyre way cheaper for data collection than satellites. Seeing a balloon (maybe) and a guy saying 'what is that', and then make the extraordinary leap to say that all satellites are balloons is technically not deserving to be justified with a response, but I will cuz I like you.
So, Ill take a note from the Rittenhouse defense when I say:
Hocus pocus, out of focus.
>>156657>Seeing a balloon (maybe) and a guy saying 'what is that', and then make the extraordinary leap to say that all satellites are balloons is technically not deserving to be justified with a response, but I will cuz I like you.We are told that there are thousands of satellites and assorted space junk orbiting this supposedly planet, it is natural to expect that some of them regularly will pass in front of the moon and be seen, but this is not the case at all. This is a very peculiar detail. Just saying.
>>156660Zero doubt. It has been alleged that if one isnt oriented directly at the planet from space and look to the sides, there's a veritable fid of outside-the-atmpsphere depris, in something of a layer.
Which makes it increasingly dubious to attempt to credibly assert that satellites are balloons.
*credibly assert FROM ONE INCONCLUSIVE, OUT-OF-FOCUS VIDEO OF 'SOMETHING', that satellites are balloons.
>>156661>*credibly assert FROM ONE INCONCLUSIVE, OUT-OF-FOCUS VIDEO OF 'SOMETHING', that satellites are balloons.Since there is not proof of the existence of space beyond CGI and freemason tall tales, but there is hard photographic evidence indeed of artifacts resembling satellites illustrations hanging from balloons, I'm inclined to trust my eyes and not the usual liars.
By the way, notice that Flat-Earthers base their conclusions on direct observations plus experiments, on the other hoof, round-earthers base theirs in just CGI plus faith on "licensed scientists" on a payroll.
>>156668>literally posts corroboration of balloons>round-earthers base their positions on cgi n shitAn unsurprisingly ignorant assessment. I think Ive done my due diligence in illustrating that you wont present your own findings for review, but are content to promote an ideology that you cant answer the most basic questions of, and are therefore an idealogue for.
(read: a shill)
>inb4 n n no, you are!Its not shilling to ask for evidence. Consistent, corroborated evidence, not a one and done. Its not shilling to observe that a claimant who refuses to do so and delegates to other unassociated youtube videos the responsibility to prove his point.
This is YOUR point, after all. You're the one shilling flat earth, and anyone who disagrees is subject to a crazy mind virus by the masons that prevents even the most credible of researchers as 'doing it for the $'.
No, you dont get to produce flimsy evidence and then claim that youve done your part. The standard of evidence is way higher than whay you present, and all you have done is attempt to question various elements based off random people's videos which I again assert are easy refuted. Oh, and meanwhile, those random one off videos are easily refuted by more people conducting the same experiment, but with better controls than those you present.
>pic 2Hocus pocus, more out of focus.
>>156673>literally posts corroboration of balloonsYeah, because the are actually balloons. Any doubt?
>>156673>Its not shilling to ask for evidence.Read this damn thread, then come back to apologize.
>>156676>read through all the ridiculous horsehsit I posted and then apologizeNo. And if you're unwilling to skip all the bullshit and just post or reference or even link to the posts of allegedly actionable data, why would I waste my time sloughing through? Youve already made it readily apparent where your position is, and your conviction to it. Youve further claimed that the data is 'in there somewhere', but cant be arsed to present it, even though they're
your posts and points. Its hilariously and cruelly ironic that you make all sorts of laims like 'circular reasoning' in response to these requests, and your defensiveness and deflection basically tells anyone obaerving what I have suspected but wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt about; you're an NPC.
But if you ever decide to cut the bullshit and focus on just presenting the data, Ill be here
>Awfully Irish Podcast. EXCERPT - Flat Earth
Stupidity has no bounds. When an imbecile throw pieces of information to sound smart without understand what she/he is talking about.
>>157196I can't argue against that.
Hi. I have been tempted by this theory for a long time, but there is one empirical fact that does not seem to be explainable from the point of view of a flat Earth, and I can't allow myself to consider its plausibility it until this is resolved. I know this is a long thread and I haven't read most of it, but I searched for "midnight" and didn't find anything, so here goes my question.
Why is there a "midnight Sun" in the South Pole? The only justification I have found for this is that anyone who says there is such a phenomenon in the Southern hemisphere is lying. But if the flat Earth model is to be considered, it needs to address the facts, not hide from them.
I really like the idea of flat Earth and everything it entails. It makes the world look more interesting, I'm not going to lie. It's why I want to believe in it.
>>157611>Why is there a "midnight Sun" in the South Pole? The only justification I have found for this is that anyone who says there is such a phenomenon in the Southern hemisphere is lyingThere is a video provided by NASA showing the sun supposedly in the night with a clock on the upper corner of the screen to try to demonstrate that phenomena. The glaring problem for NASA is that that video is obviously edited, as the same clouds repeat themselves over and over again when compared them against the clock on screen. So the midnight sun is busted from the start.
I'm not sure if some of the long videos posted in this thread shows that, but if I find it again I will post it with the appropriate title.
>>157613>There is a video provided by NASA==And, what about the 30 days of night that Canadians, Alaskans, and Russians all experience?
>>157744>they used image compression in a sped up video = flat earthDo you even understand the irony of the song in the soundtrack?
>>157615>==And, what about the 30 days of night that Canadians, Alaskans, and Russians all experience?I don't know about the north, I didn't research it yet, But perhaps the screenshot is related.
>>157747Okay. Ill acknowledge the video editing.
How do you jump from 'dodgy editing' to 'flat earth'?
>>157748Sorry but if you cannot connect the most obvious dots, I'm not sure to be able to do it for you.
>>157749>being this excited over shitty 'proofs' to act amugI dont think you understand the standard of evidence. Probably why you're a flat earthrr.
>>157808If that video passes as evidence for you, then you're more retarded than I thought
>>157809It is exactly the same evidence presented by NASA and freemasons but tested against real experimentation.
NASA failed, your baseless shilling also failed. Watcha gonna do now?