This thread is meant to debunk the deranged idea that our realm is a planet floating in space.
If the so called established science can't be challenged, then it's not science, but religion.
2720 replies and 1418 files omitted.
>>169477>implying the pilots are taking three times as long for all three of the other flights just to conceal the true distance of the fourth one>implying they could do this on a plane with minimum velocity without detouring in a way that would be impossible to concealNow you're just moving the goalpost. You lost the argument over the logic, so now you're resorting to denying the flight paths themselves.
You don't believe me, go crowdfund some flights from Jakarta to Bogota and try them yourself.
>>169477Also, the path that moves over Sydney is still twice as long as the next path, even with that ugly black line you drew. Idk what you were trying to prove with that one.
>>169474>draw the arc on the map instead of straight line over or alongside the Americas.The arc is reflective of the path the plane takes irl.
On a round earth, it's actually a straight line.
But that's still hardly relevant because even if you make the line straight as in
>>169477 you'll find that it's still much longer than the other paths.
>>169478>Now you're just moving the goalpost.On the contrary, I'm securing their fixed position with proof. Instruments are calibrated to lie to the pilots.
>>169482Then what are those planes really doing so that all of the passengers arrive at similar travel times?
If they took different paths, they wouldn't be hard to spot.
If they moved three times slower, they wouldn't be able to stay in the air.
So what are they doing? You claim that the instruments are lying to pilots, but what's your alternative proposal to what's happening?
>>169484I'm still playing the video, it didn't finish yet but here your are answering back. WOW!
Are you really after the truth? Or you just want to be right?
>>169485I've already seen this video.
It's also not relevant to my question.
>>169486>I've already seen this video.>>169484>You claim that the instruments are lying to pilotsIf you already watched it, then everything about should be clear to you. ZOG is providing tampered instruments giving false readings.
>>169485You still haven't explained how planes are able to fly in four different directions with those flight paths, and arrive in similar travel times for what would be wildly different distance on flat earth, but similar distance on round earth.
You can claim the pilots had their equipment like to them, but that doesn't explain how all those planes are getting there in the same amount of time.
>>169488I'm not contesting that instruments could lie to pilots. I'm asking you how the planes are able to arrive at their destination from three different directions in the same travel time.
You can't just fly a plane at a third of its cruising speed: it will crash.
>>169489>You still haven't explained how planes are able to fly in four different directions with those flight paths, and arrive in similar travel times for what would be wildly different distance on flat earth, but similar distance on round earth.It is right in front of your eyes. Get an orange and use a tailor measure tape, no matter from where choose to measure, the diametric opposite side will be at the same exact distance.
>>169491Yeah, that works on a sphere; it does not work on a circle. You can clearly see on the chart that the path over Sydney is longer on the flat model, because it runs closer to the "ice wall" and would thus be much longer on flat earth.
>>169492Make it easy for everyponer, get the times and the links to check what you claim is true and not a wild fantasy.
>>169494>Jakarta–Istanbul–Bogota: 12h 0m + 13h 45m = 25.75 hours>Jakarta–Hong Kong–New York–Bogota: 5h 5m + 16h 0m + 5h 42m = 26.783 hours>Jakarta–Tokyo–Houston–Bogota: 7h 35m + 12h 5m + 4h 55m = 24.583 hours>Jakarta–Sydney–Auckland–Santiago–Bogota: 6h 55m + 3h 5m + 11h 0m + 6h 14m = 27.23 hoursAll these flights vary by only a couple hours, when on flat earth the path over Sydney should take 2-3 times as long because of it's southernmost route.
>>169495Ahem. You will need a bit more than that.
>>169495Plug it into the air miles calculator if you will a flat earth, the further you go from the pole, the greater the distance around the earth will be. It's a radius/circumference thing. That's not happening here over Sydney. They're flying straight towards the antipodal point, just like a tailor's tape around an orange, that tailor's tape giving similar measurements for the other three flight paths.
>>169497>On a flat earth>It's a radius/circumference thingYou've got the spaces flipped. On flat Earth we are talking about straight lines on a flat plane.
>>169496I've been doing this for over an hour. I need to go to bed. Fiddle with the link below. It shouldn't be hard to find other links, because the Jakarta-Bogota flight is famously the longest flight on earth (being on exact other side of the world, no matter what direction you fly in). In all cases, and all paths, the flights vary by ~3 hours at most.
>>169498>straight lines on a flat planeAn ice ring has a circumference.
In either case, you could still see that the path was longer. It was STILL twice as even when you drew that straight black line through it.
I provided a link.
Pro-tip: you were onto something with the tape measure and orange analogy. Think a bit longer about the shape of an orange.
>>169498All this time, you've been arguing for a round, circular earth. Idk what shape it would be if not a circle were it still surrounded by an ice ring.
The earth you described would have its circumference be 78142.78 miles of "ice ring".
Did y'all like the partial solar eclipse the other day? Yesterday at noonish, my time? You know the collander trick, right? You grab a collander and hold it about waist-high and line it so the sunlight travels through the holes with least friction. This will project the shape of the sun on the ground, so you dont burn your retinas.
So this one was a partial solar eclipse. The sun never looked mpre than like the moon from castlevania; cool as shit, but not what you WANNA see.
It just so happens, THAT is gonna happen on April 8th 2024; right ~ 6 mos from now.
A full and total solar eclipse, with the mass darkening of the sky and the full ring of fire visible aloft.
And for me, its gonna peak at... 1:37
13:37, if using....
Anyway, you wanna know why this is significant?
Because if you understand all the references Ive made, you would know that none of this is possible on a flat earth.
I don't tell me it is because the NASA hacks used more pressure to fit more gas because both tanks contain liquid oxygen and liquid is for practical purposes incompressible.
>>169746Those suits only had 6 hours of oxygen, iirc. Idk where the 22 hours thing comes from. I could be mistaken though; where did you find this information?
If you look closer, the suit and it's backup pack have significantly more volume than the driver's tanks. Oxygen/Nitrogen balance probably plays a role, as nitrogen saturation is a factor to keep divers from dying from the bends, but I would have to look it up first. Diving is also a much more oxygen-intensive task than walking in microgravity.
The Apollo 11 suits are also airtight, unlike the diver's gear which loses air with every breath in the form of bubbles. Humans don't absorb 100% of the oxygen they inhale, so as I gather the space suit has a longer life by refiltering exhaled air and sealing CO2 away.
>he doesnt want to comment on the eclipse
>>169754What does that have to do with it?
>>169758I tried reverse-image searching. It didn't work. Where did you get the pic?
When I looked it up, I saw that it is in fact only 6 hours of oxygen.
>>169759>I tried reverse-image searching. It didn't workOf course it won't work. You dump your dumb phone and get a real computer to search for oxygen tanks.
>>169760I was asking about where you got the meme. I have the oxygen tank info right in front of me on my computer. All sources I see say six hours.
>>169762Racists on the internet gave it to me.
>>169763Well, it looks like they were mistaken though.
Of course 22 hours doesn't make sense, because that's not what it was. They did not walk on the moon for anywhere close to 22 hours. It was made for 6 hours.
Talking about soooorces.
Most globers listen to this dumb nigger Tyson and agree he is smart. LOL
>>169766This is public domain information, ffs.
The 22 hours thing was an ass pull. I cannot find anyone who's ever claimed the suit has 22 hours of oxygen, and considering the fact that you won't say where you got it, you can't either.
>>169768>Most globers listen to this dumb nigger Tyson and agree he is smartBarely anyone thinks that. Even other astrophysicists think he's an egotistical hack. Faggot celebrity-scientist.
>>169770That PDF is about the technology used for life support in a close system and it does not apply to the meme which is specifically about gas volume/hour endurance.
It is very simple, so many cubic feet of oxygen can keep alive a human so many hours. It is like a fuel calculus, so much fuel, so many miles.
The PDF is about the life support system, which includes how much oxygen the tank can provide.
It is able to go for 6 hours instead of two for multiple reasons including but not limited to the fact that it doesn't need to account for nitrogen saturated bends, it's visibly larger than a single diving tank or pair of tanks, and the fact that it doesn't waste oxygen by expelling it in bubbles every time a breath is taken like the diver does.
>>169782Dude, that might work. and with a lot of limits, in a submarine where size and weight are allowed, not on the back of a man.
>>169785The designer expressed regret for not being able to make it last that long without increasing the volume of the suit, but luckily, equipment weighs a lot less on the moon.
Besides, these men were the fittest America had to offer. U.S. soldiers periodically carry heavier loads on their backs.
I believe the meme he shared is confusing aggregate time with the walk time. Google brings up that:
"The moonwalks conducted by American astronauts lasted for 20 hours and 14 minutes. During the Apollo 17 mission, astronauts Armstrong and Aldrin spent 21 hours and 36 minutes on the lunar surface. In total, American astronauts have spent 3 days, 8 hours, 22 minutes and 26 seconds walking on the moon."
This matches the meme time, which quite purposely confused the time when each individual walk before returning to pick up a new supply was:
"walked around for about two and a half hours"
In other words, their big ass backpack allowed for double the time of an average dive tank. You can tell in the image that those tanks don't match the size of the backpack, nor match the weight because you need to remain mobile under water while on the moon, you can just walk and jump.
You have been lied to. Next time, don't believe random fucking strangers on the internet giving you shit tier memes.
>>169794I didn't say anything about them being racists. I said they lied to you because they are strangers giving you shit memes. Nice try at deflection.
>>169795>I said they lied to you because they are strangers giving you shit memes.Did you ever consider that memes can be homemade?
>>169797Exactly my point. Seeing as they made them at home and they gave you the wrong number on your meme for you to believe, then you were lied to.
Unless you are speaking to it being homemade as in you made it yourself, in which case you took the wrong fucking number, dumbass.
>>169797That's no excuse for being shit-tier and inaccurate. Even at face value the meme made no sense, and the maker either did zero actual research or made it inaccurate on purpose.
And then you went and reposted it without checking, and claimed it proved your point, leaving the rest of us to check for you and call out that it's nonsense. Nice move.
>>169799>Even at face value the meme made no senseIt makes totally sense, even with all the mentally gymnastics cannot be beaten, IMO.
>>169800It makes no sense because nobody has ever claimed that the life support system works for 22 hours, except for the brainlet who made this meme.
>>169800So, are you admitting to lying purposely for propaganda?
>>169802>So, are you admitting to lying purposely for propaganda?WOW that's a bold lie. By refusing to acknowledge the tank sizes
>>169780 you are a dishonest chump.