This thread is meant to debunk the deranged idea that our realm is a planet floating in space.
If the so called established science can't be challenged, then it's not science, but religion.
>>174146Glad to hear you're okay, quite a few people have been dropping out of touch.
>174161>a sanity>uncivil, rude, non-constructive, blah blah blah.>intellectualize their "feelings', >it is not actually my shitposting what bothers them>my persona>personaI mean to have the capability of understanding that you're acting like a real nigger,
disregarding all rules,
refusing education,
being offended that others have a problem with that,
demanding gibs me dats,
demanding showing off,
garbage graffiti trying to mark territory,
I dindu nuffin.
Truely you've shown a nigga moment.
I'm sorry, but I'm afraid your condition is terminal seek God. Only He can help you now.
hi guise, wat's goin on in this th
>splatter the site with low quality shitposting
>throw a massive tantrum when called out on it
>start claiming persecution and bullying when the entire site turns against you
>repeat cycle until driven off the site
>continue lurking in case anyone talks about you
Congratulations, you are officially the new Nigel.
>>174146You are dead fucking wrong. (They) should've banned him, amongst a dozen other shitniggers, from the ghetto-go, when the complaints started piling up.
>>174158All of you cucked out, as per usual. Which is perfect knowing that PRECISE SAME CUCKING OUT happened when the (((Gloryhole))) 1/4 kikegoy, the 4cuckoid Anun, the LITERALIST AUTHORITARIAN-COMMIE TANKIE BUTTBRUTHERZ, sockbrates, Niggel, and that insufferable half-kike, half-nigger, all UN lover from June of last year.
All of them had abso-fucking-lutely NOTHING in the means of intellectual dialogue or dialect to share, instead spouting zuckthecuckerboierg fakebawk memes, long kvetching rants from (((Mao))), (((Stalin))), and that boigoitoi (((Nietzsche))). OH GEE, I WONDER WHY PEOPLE HAVE LEARNED TO HATE THE (((MODS))) HERE WHEN THEY DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO GET RID OF ACTUAL CANCER. Instead, (YOU) cry about (((hurrmurrdurr muh mayjowritee r not awlwehz rite))).
You could have gotten rid of jewboomer real easy after the first 10 complaints. Same with all the other cunts. Instead, (You) and the other cankickers waited until the 200+ complaint, then went: !!Oh MuH sHeKelZ i DuNnO wUt tWo Do HerE, pLeEz HaLp MuH dEiCiDe!!
>>174165Nah. The (((mods))) let britcuck fuckgoy Niggel get away with everything. They have since late 2016, and won't stop either.
>>174166>(They) should've banned him, amongst a dozen other shitniggers, from the ghetto-go, when the complaints started piling up.This, tbh. His repeated rule violations and explicit refusal to change were more than enough to warrant a ban by our own rules. Letting him stick around while pushing/breaking rules for three years did significant damage to our board.
Rules need to be enforced, and there is a real cost to not enforcing them. I hope we learn from this experience.
>>174183I'll grant that banning Nigel outright would have saved us all a lot of aggravation. For my part, I prefer to avoid banning anyone except as a last resort; maybe that was the wrong call in this instance. If so, I apologize. All I can really say in my defense is that at one time I honestly did believe there was some creative potential buried underneath all of that autism, and I assumed that if enough people kept piling on him for long enough he would eventually get the message and change his behavior. At the same time, though, you have to admit that some of the Nigel drama was pretty funny.
>>174166>pLeEz HaLp MuH dEiCiDe!!No. If you want to kill God, do it yourself.
Seriously, though, you of all people are hardly in a position to complain about anyone's posts being cancer. If I were going to start arbitrarily banning people just for being obnoxious, you would be at the top of the list. You are
at least as inarticulate as Nigel, and nearly as annoying. When he was still here and the two of you would get into it, it was like listening to two toddlers screeching at each other.
"HURR ma DURR DuRrR, random FUCKING profanity and TYPING IN ALL CAPS and (((inappropriate use of jew echoes))) and tYpInG LiKE tHiS jUsT tO bE oBnOxxIoUs and endless INSULTS and SLURS and aD hOmInEmS, everyone is a CUCKGOI or a zuckercuckbergfaggotgoyslimeniggerhurmadurrdurreatthepudding, maybe it's all a (((HEGELIAN DIALECTIC))) or some other inappropriate use of a term because I DOn'T KNoW what WORDS MEAN!!1!!"
See how fucking annoying that is? Why not just learn to express yourself in coherent English like a normal person? Also: why are you saging a thread that's already past bump limit?
>>174184I was referring to the boomer, not Nigel.
>All I can really say in my defense is that at one time I honestly did believe there was some creative potential buried underneath all of that autismYeah, I could say that for Nigel, but in all my scrutiny I didn't see anything the boomer posted that was worth keeping. He shit up dozens of my threads while contributing nothing to the conversation. He mass-dunped the tier of Facebook sewage that this board was created to escape. He didn't even post ponies in any context other than his reaction image folder. Most of his posting consisted of general-bumping, meme-dumps, rage-bait, or tangential arguments that derailed good threads: having borne witness to the cancer for three years, Idk what value he had that would have warranted letting him break rules with impunity or shit up the site for so long.
>>174185Oh I see, I guess I misunderstood which part of the rant you were replying to. Yeah, boomer anon is pretty much a lost cause; to hell with him. His content is just bad, without even being bad in a way that you can make fun of. If he can interact normally with the site and become indistinguishable from any other anon he's as welcome here as anyone else, but if he starts up that facebook meme-dumping bullshit again then if I have any say in it he's gone.
Way to miss the fucking point you stupid, stupid nigger.
I thought you intended to
>no longer participate in a controlled opposition playground
And yet you came crawling back anyway, you narcissistic fuck.
>>174190What part of NO Exceptions you Mr. didn't understand? No matter your point, which is irrelevant when posting ponies is the subject. You should apologize and ask forgiveness.
>he thinks the issue is that he's posting reaction images
>not the fact that his posing and pretending to fit in when it's glaringly obvious he doesn't even care about ponies
This dense motherfucker.
>>174190>mfw boomer is back again just a month after saying he'd leaveThat's what I get for taking his word for it.
Long time no see horsefuckers, how goes it
I know you want to keep spamming horsepussy as ammunition against shills, thats fine. But Ive already been through it all. I spilled a bunch of coom at colorful TV screens. Just want to let you know some of us have grown up and our priorities have changed.
Heres some more memes, let us know when you got globe proof
>my intention is no longer participate in a controlled opposition playground. On my part, it was a good ride and I truly enjoyed it