This thread is meant to debunk the deranged idea that our realm is a planet floating in space.
If the so called established science can't be challenged, then it's not science, but religion.
>>166884>Space from spaceBasically it's exposure. The ground is bright, it's daytime, the camera only captures light for a tiny bit, so the fainter stars don't get captured, it just looks odd because there's no atmosphere
Cameras generally don't get very good shots of stars I think. Nighttime photography upps the exposure to get better shots. I've noticed this when trying to take pictures of stars or northern lights here with my phone it just shows black
>Globe Debunked by Flat Earthers Armed with Lasers an 1:11m clip from original 13:12 version.
Let the globers' salt begin.
>>166892The earth isn't flat and i don't have le vaxx in my veins, keep coping.
>>166898if not flat, then how it is?
In this thread there are plenty of experiments and science demonstrating that the tall tale about living on a ball is a lie. Can you demonstrate the ball?
>>166899The earth as we know it is just a Hot pond with some islands in it, On a greater Ice Ball that contains more Hot ponds.
>>166900Gotta a pic to figure it out?
>>166902Aha. So, it is a theory.
Do you have anything backed by real science applying the scientific method?
>>166903Its as much of a theory as your precious "Flat earth" buddy.
>>166905Yea its a you made, so what?
>>166906>so what?You have no foundations to argue science. Even you bring the facts or all you have left is trolling.
>>166907Genuine question, do you have autism?
>>166909Diagnosing Autism is a Science.
>>166908Asking anyone on /mlpol/, or any brony community for that matter, if they're autistic is like asking a scuba diver if water is wet.
It 's like the newfag needs to lurk moar.
>>166914>goes to racist mlp imageboard>goes to flat earth thread>is surprised by autismAn inability to detect social cues and a general lack of social awareness are both telling signs of autism. Have you had yourself tested?
>>166915I Am Based(Not Autistic) and you are Cringe(Autistic)
>Pic relIts you
>>166916>I Am Based(Not Autistic)It's okay, anon. You're with your own people now.
>>166917>>I Am Based(Not Autistic)Yes i am Based (Not Autistic)
>>166918I am Based (Autistic) and you are Cringe(Not autistic)
>Pic relIts me
Jason Breshears (Archaix)
>"If the only proof you have is that everybody else believes something, you have no proof at all"
Earth is not a spinning globe. Case closed, Dismissed, Have a nice day.
Just try to debunk Flat Earth. See what it happens.
>>166969Nah, I had a friend who tried and he's sucking dicks for globes now.
>>166970I wonder how he tried. Watching the faith arguments of Professor Dave perhaps?
>>166971Are these two ideas mutually exclusive? It's all perspective.
Touching the moon with a laser.
>>166972>Are these two ideas mutually exclusive?According to the heliocentrism's priests, they are.
>>166984I've never heard that before. Citation needed.
>>166983What does this have to do with flat earth?
Also, this looks like a perspective trick to me. While a laser could in theory reach the moon, it would probably get chewed up and refracted by the atmosphere before then.
>>166985>Citation needed.It is exactly as stated in
>>166971The priests use indiscriminately those opposite ideas to shut down doubts on the heliocentric non-sense.
If you browse NASA' spokepersons on jewtube you'll find out.
>>166986>What does this have to do with flat earth?Everything. Read the thread and find out more about hypothetical celestial bodies.
>>166988>Read the threadI did read it.
What a nice way to say you're unable to reiterate your own argument.
>>166987That's not a citation. That's a strawman meme about an absurd opinion that arguably doesn't even exist.
>>166881What is the argument here? That it couldn't have landed on the moon because it looks silly? It's only one small
component of the larger device. It's not aerodynamic because it didn't need to be in space.
>>166882>living thereI don't think living on the moon would have ever been a realistic idea.
We could've done more, but we decided to give trillions in foreign aid to niggers in Africa instead.
>cat photoI take it this is a shitpost.
>Cameraman>who filmedDoes it even cross your mind to look up these questions before you repost these shitty memes?
>ExhaustDiffused in the vacuum of space.
>FootprintThe two photos are not shot in the same place.
>>166883>Pic 1Context matters
>"I'd go to the moon in a nanosecond. The problem is we don't have the technology to do that anymore. We used to but we destroyed that technology and it's a painful process to build it back again. But going to Mars should be one of the next series of steps that humans do."He's talking about technology that was destroyed and not updated/maintained since the moon landing because the government didn't care to preserve or continue working on it, because it was expensive to do so. We have the technology in theory; we just don't have the physical equipment.
>pic 2Your civilian cellphone network is not priority NASA equipment. It's not just a question of technology, but quality of service. They were using the best possible equipment at the time, which had fewer faults than our shitty civilian infrastructure even with today's tech.
Also, I can't even remember the last time I had a dropped call. This meme must be ancient.
>Pic 3It wouldn't be the first time the government has lost shit, or quietly sold it off to embezzle taxpayers.
>pic 4>what is folding?>what is compression?When was the last time you saw a parachute? Packaging large parachutes in small places isn't hard.
>pic 4>what is folding?It was folded. You can literally see the places where the vehicle is designed to fold from this picture.
>>166859>not strong enough to move anything elseWe already had this discussion. You must have either ignored the response of refused to acknowledge it.
It doesn't move anything else because solids aren't easy to move, but liquids move easily.
Remember the analogy to the weight of a quarter in your pocket when jumping? That's why you don't feel anything: it's too subtle.
>all these other memesFfs, these are the same redundant arguments over and over again. You keep posting more of them, even though any of us could just scroll up to see them.
We talked about Polaris. We talked about curves. We talked about horizon perspective. We talked about how earth looks from space. We talked about boats. We had every one of these topics before, but you keep regurgitating more memes about the exact same thing you've already said, instead of just replying to those same discussions. Why do you keep repeating yourself with things you've already said and posted?