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Flat Earth.
148618 148626 148828 149171 150423 157834 163824 172841
This thread is meant to debunk the deranged idea that our realm is a planet floating in space.
If the so called established science can't be challenged, then it's not science, but religion.
2720 replies and 1415 files omitted.
173292 173298 173332
>if were just a cosmic accident
The concept of the earth being round doesn't mean the universe couldn't have been intelligently designed.
>then i have severly less significance and relationship with the creator
Oh, I see how it is
Size = importance to you
You feel intimidated by the idea of an enormous universe because it makes you feel unimportant, instead of marvelling at the astronomical scale of God's creation, the scale of God's power, and feeling greatful that you can bear witness to such glory. Is your faith really so weak that you would give up on God just because the world is round?
You are a human. You are God's most intelligent creature: you are the sole creature that can look upon the universe and see it's beauty. For that reason, human life and what we do with it is the most important thing in the universe.
All of the other planets that scientists have observed? Lifeless desert shitholes. This is the most important place, no matter how vast God's creation is.
The majority of people in the world still believe in God despite believing that the world is round.
Pic related
>i have less reason to fear sin.
God is all-knowing. No matter how huge the universe is, you'll still be before him on judgement day, and he'll know all of your sins.
>ALL OF THIS in the flat earth conspiracy lines of perfectly well with everything else going on. the lie of evolution, the lie of nuclear weapons, the lie of nihilism, the romantization with all of secular history.
Most people who disbelieve those things don't believe the earth is flat, so flat earth can't be the basis for that belief.
>Satan works by sucking energy out of other people, God wants all to feel his love and energy. Satan wants people to be globers so he can feed on their energy.
Satan doesn't actually gain anything from it: he just wants people to be godless losers like him because misery loves company. He's a tranny faggot with daddy issues, and he spends his days trying to tempt people and trick them into surrender because that's all he can do. He's an illiterate retard who refuses to read the Bible and he's going to get incinerated in the end of days.
>It was you who invoked Occam's razor: The absurdly complex logistics of such a conspiracy are evidence to the contrary using the very same logic you used.
im not the one who appeals to complexity arguments, that would be globers that do.
>you should still address it
i did
>its a headache
not really, there are liars and then there are fools who work for liars. no headaches required
>I didn't say that. I used the same logic you invoked to refute the central point of your argument. Occam's Razor has its flaws, and I certainly wouldn't use it as proof for anything.
Im not claiming the globe position of complex reinforcing and over-arching lies. so occams razor doesnt apply to me. im pointing out occams razor on the globers side. if you have a problem with occams razor logic, then you should point out how it doesnt apply or logically fit
>"Our earth is a planet in space."
you havent yet defined or shown tangible evidence for planets or space existing. too many complex variables youre still working with
>Theyre scientists
science doesnt require complex explanations from scientists. science is a way of understanding the physical world through physical experiment. you do what works, then you verify it that it works
173294 173295 173296
the satanic model is still okay as long as youre Christian!
no its not. the same model you claim "doesnt prevent faith" is also the one atheists froth from the mouth over and worship. Sorry but im not gonna go along the imaginations of jesuits just because all the soft fake "Christians" around the world do.
>Most people who disbelieve those things don't believe the earth is flat, so flat earth can't be the basis for that belief.
and EVERYONE who is a flat earther disbelieves those things, its almost like we have a consistent solid foundation for our beliefs unlike globers
>Satan just wants you to be Godless
yes, so he can suck away your energy. thats what he has to gain by you being a glober aswell, along with all the other psyop lies
>im not the one who appeals to complexity arguments, that would be globers that do
It was literally you who brought up Occam's razor: that is an appeal to complexity.
>not really, there are liars and then there are fools who work for liars. no headaches required
Nigger, even managing a production warehouse is hard. Don't act like organizing such a conspiracy isn't a fuckton of trouble.
>so occams razor doesnt apply to me.
Then why did you bring it up? Logic goes both ways.
>im pointing out occams razor on the globers side.
>"Rules for thee, but not for me".
You are like a child.
>if you have a problem with occams razor logic, then you should point out how it doesnt apply or logically fit
I just did.
>you havent yet defined or shown tangible evidence for planets or space existing.
Nothing to do with the simplicity of the statement.
>too many complex variables youre still working with
I could ask you the same sorts of questions about firmaments, how objects fall, or how tides work. It gets more complex depending on what questions you ask.
>science doesnt require complex explanations from scientists.
This is true. People ask for complexity because they want greater detail. It can get infinitely complex depending on the level of detail.
>science is a way of understanding the physical world through physical experiment
>you do what works, then you verify it that it works
>the satanic model is still okay as long as youre Christian!
Nobody said that.
>the same model you claim "doesnt prevent faith" is also the one atheists froth from the mouth over and worship
Who cares what atheists think?
Besides, there are atheist flat earthers, even in this thread.
>Sorry but im not gonna go along the imaginations of jesuits just because all the soft fake "Christians" around the world do.
That wasn't the point.
The point was that nothing about the universe being huge makes you any less important, because earth is where humanity is.
>and EVERYONE who is a flat earther disbelieves those things
No. The other flat earther in this thread said he was an atheist.
>its almost like we have a consistent solid foundation for our beliefs unlike globers
Lol. Lmao even.
>so he can suck away your energy
Quote the passage in the Bible where it says this.
The Satan you describe is the romanticized Satan of pop culture. Satan irl is a powerless loser.
I don't know, man. Heavy metal bands all worship satan, and they seem pretty on the ball.
File (hide): F8FD6CDB9E4E552355D0137E907BE9EF-447507.mp4 (437.0 KB, Resolution:640x360 Length:00:00:07, Snowpity.mp4) [play once] [loop]
>satanic model
>look up first flat earth model
>flat earth was first thought up by ancient Babylon
did you verify the meme yourself? if not then how can you claim its real? youre obviously appealing to your own authority, and CGI is the only thing it can be. not real = therefore fake, and must be CGI
You never debated in good faith, dishonesty is you brand.
173299 173300
>It was literally you who brought up Occam's razor: that is an appeal to complexity.
yes, my point was that globers cant appeal to complexity and logistics for their position. I dont hold those claims, they do
>Nigger, even managing a production warehouse is hard. Don't act like organizing such a conspiracy isn't a fuckton of trouble.
there are flat earthers that work for NASA, they just stay quite and busy. NASA is in trouble, thats why Elon Musk is there to preserve the narrative. but dont you think he caused himself enough trouble by saying "you can tell its real because it looks so fake"?
>Then why did you bring it up?
globers suffer by occams razor logic
>Nothing to do with the simplicity of the statement.
it has everything to do with it you mouthbreather. saying bullshit in a simple sentence doesnt validate the bullshit youre saying
>I could ask you the same sorts of questions about firmaments, how objects fall, or how tides work. It gets more complex depending on what questions you ask.
and the answers turned out to be more simple than your cosmic big bang and floating plants

>Nobody said that
more semantics, obviously you know what I meant. but this is typical glownigger tactic used to waste time so i would recommend you stop
>Besides, there are atheist flat earthers, even in this thread.
because when you break it all the way down, the atheists are being honest with themselves, cant tangibly verify curvature nor the 3959 mile radius. but no one said flat earth is the end of the human awakening, its just a very large and important piece. my only hope is that the atheist flat earthers will eventually come to know God, their awakening still needa work to do
>No. The other flat earther in this thread said he was an atheist.
you can still be an atheist and be flat earther, reject nihilism, nuke hoax, etc. doesnt mean much.
>Quote the passage in the Bible where it says this.
The Satan you describe is the romanticized Satan of pop culture. Satan irl is a powerless loser.
LMAO sorry but im not a sola scriptura protestant. no shit Satan is powerless, people CHOOSE to give in their power to him
Thank you based chad.
And no, we can't be an accident. Tired of seeing these ‘‘Look at the universe, we are tiny in proportion! Muh pale blue dot! We are a dust’’
And God's like ’‘‘Look at the galaxy you have to explore, Anon! The purpose of life itself is to expand’’.

If anything, these anti-science beings are satanists. And this is why the leftroons are playing with this psyop too. They hate the idea that humans may find God, or even another species, who knows, with the same motives. ‘‘Because we believe in a supreme being, we did this absurd thing, sitting on a rocket and leave our planet, and explore the universe and here we are!’’
>globers cant appeal to complexity and logistics for their position
We only referred to logistics to demonstrate the need for a motive. It was "why would someone do all of that work?"
>I dont hold those claims, they do
Don't bring up philosophical theorems like Occam's Razor if you don't want them to be applied to you as well.
Logic goes both ways.
>NASA is in trouble
It's only in trouble because after the Cold War ended, the government stopped funding it, because they didn't need it to develop more ICBM technology.
>thats why Elon Musk is there
He's part of the trend towards privatization of space tech.
>globers suffer by occams razor logic
Do you believe it, or do you not? If you believe it, it should apply to claims you make as well.
>saying bullshit in a simple sentence doesnt validate the bullshit youre saying
The same thing applies to your claim.
>and the answers turned out to be more simple than your cosmic big bang and floating plants
Tides working with gravity (simple law that objects attract) and space (place with lack of air; air getting thinner as you go higher until there's nothing left) being large are quite simple concepts, simpler than the explanations you gave for tides.
>more semantics, obviously you know what I meant
You misrepresented my point to make it seem easier to refute: the definition of a strawman.
>because when you break it all the way down, the atheists are being honest with themselves
So atheists supporting flat earth support your claim that the globe model is satanic, but Christians supporting round earth doesn't support that the globe model isn't satanic?
Double standards.
>you can still be an atheist and be flat earther, reject nihilism, nuke hoax, etc. doesnt mean much
Believing in flat earth doesn't mean you can't be an atheist, so there's no real motive to make people think the earth is flat when they could make them atheists by simpler means.
>but im not a sola scriptura protestant
So you're saying you made it up then? You made up a thing about Satan that isn't from Scripture or part of Christian history/theology.
If you're not protestant, what are you? A Catholic? An Eastern Orthodox? The non-protestant denominations all believe that the earth is round, so I can only assume that you're a protestant. Reading the book is generally considered to be an important part of being a protestant.
That aside, why should I take your opinion of "sucking energy" as gospel if it's not even backed by scripture?
>people CHOOSE to give in their power to him
He will never be powerful. People don't give him anything; he just convinces them to surrender their souls and be miserable like him, and he only does so because he's jealous of them and wants to drag them down to his level.
>God can't do that it's too complex!
It gets more complex.
>my only hope is that the atheist flat earthers will eventually come to know God
Coming to know God isn't about how flat you think it's about His Son.
Did He ever say you must know the world before you can know me? No, He didn't say that.
He's a nothing burger.
>B-but gaining powah!?
That's not how this works, nigger.
You confidently talk with God. You do everything with Him, the question is do you want Him to participate?
>Where's Satan?
Crying in his cuck shed. You think God is going to let a tiny being like Satan ruin His time with His creations?
>Muh flatearth!
Maybe you should spend some more time with God, I recommend actively acknowledging Him and being thankful. He's where you find wisdom and Truth.
173302 173308
I was thinking that I'd let thread cool off before I answered this. But appearently, there are some new faces here that think they will put and end to this thread by disproving it once and for all. It has been three years. No one will convince anyone here of anything. Nor is there camera man capturing all of this. We can calm down.

I'm sry if I came off as rude btw but then again u called me stupid so, i guess we're even. On a tangent, this is why I try to use the word, "foolish" instead of "stupid" in my speech these days cause neither of you and I are stupid but we clearly disagree.

>Two: Why exactly?
I think that is the wrong approach to the question. I you found a man A with a bloodied knife and lying man next to him, B, that in murdered by by stab wounds, you would assume that A murdered B by stabbing him to death. But let's say you're a detective and you're detective but for the life of you, you can't figure out A's motive for doing this, so you simple let him go, and you declare the murder didn't happen because because A has no motive. (Taking it to the absurd to make a point. I'm not trying to insult you here.)

So, just because I don't know the motive for why this elite does this, doesn't mean one can't observe inconsistencies with a narrative that drives one to contrary position.

If you'd indulged me, assume for a minute that the earth is in fact flat. Just for a brief period. Okay, so the the earth is flat then why do you think authorities go through such length to hide it?

I'm pretty sure that despite yourself, you will come up with interesting speculations to this. That's what I have, I have speculations on the reasoning why they hide it if flat earth turns out to be true, which I believe but don't know enough to guarantee it.
>But let's say you're a detective and you're detective but for the life of you, you can't figure out A's motive for doing this, so you simple let him go, and you declare the murder didn't happen because because A has no motive. (Taking it to the absurd to make a point. I'm not trying to insult you here.)
This happens in court all of the time. You need s motive to convict someone.
Can any baller prove the curve? I mean with modern independent data not coming from zog?
Okay you know I'm asking around trying to get whatever this is about, boy you're messing with my head with this whole postmodern thing but we all got to be questioning authority you know, but maybe you know I don't know and I prefer to believe what I see.
Anyway Im still figuring things out still gotta keep in mind to doubt all the stuff you read and watch from start, why you think you were influenced by? Have you learned stuff that were also BS in school or college?
Big thing is it's not again about the shape of earth but how to react to things that are commonly accepted, I don't check if earth is flat or not it won't change my life, I keep living my life and going on, but it's about making you think.
We did with the Jakarta-Bogota flights.
>Big thing is it's not again about the shape of earth
The subject of the thread is the shape of the earth.
>how to react to things that are commonly accepted
We do that all over this site.
> I don't check if earth is flat or not
Again, subject of the thread.
>but it's about making you think.
That would be cool if the Facebook boomer were actually a fulfilling debate partner, and not just an asinine spammer who makes crappy arguments and avoids answering questions.
173309 173310
>asinine spammer who makes crappy arguments and avoids answering questions
Proof the curve.
>A conspiracy so vast, so effective, so overwhelming, so well put together, so loyal, so unified, so large of resources, so many many different people.
<and they don't do that with everything else competently with all those resources
Why keep up the farce?
Why not stamp it all out with their vast resources, manpower and technology?
If they could make up a whole planet being as it is, they could for sure frame some small group and just wack 'em or put them in a cell or disappear them.
They have enough of everything to do that, but let some random person with a camera take an easy to access picture that rips all the quadrillions of cash, manpower, time and effort totally.
And they didn't sabotage the camera and that manufacturer either?
They're so competent, united and powerful they just aren't any of that?
They just let some people who have some evidence of the lie that hides the greatest mcguffin (plot device).
People who technically could find out about it, but don't.
People who could go deep undercover to find it, but don't.
They let videos and books and posts and people try to figure it out, and the biggest conspiracy is also hyper super competent with tentacles in everything everywhere.
But nobody even has a clue why they're doing it and all speculation seems to fall short.
Even with people on the inside.
None of them ever making a mistake about showing what the mcguffin is? None of them ever cocky enough to spill?
They're putting up only token resistance despite how entrenched they are in everything?
Instead they're just fucking it up in all other areas, but not the mcguffin?

Let's say it's just the nature of the place everyone lives. They do all that and can stamp out anyone, but don't. Because it's funny?
Despite anyone being able to find out.
Despite telling people.
They don't do anything?
It's just all of them fucking about with some people who figured it all out, because that's how multiple gorillions of money and resources and manpower is best used.
>But they could lie about other stuff.
They could according to the whole web of intrigue here just wipe out all flat believers. Or any number of things they could actually do, all they do is constantly and consistently say muh globe.
And nothing else?
That's it?
For no reason?
They just waste all that manpower, money, resources, competency, political power and connections for no reason?
>There's probably a reason.
That they don't do any of the more effective things.
As in this whole flat scheme is a deliberate key component for them to have in some way?
Because why else are you left to roam in the wild?
Draw the Jarkarta-Bogota flight paths on a flat earth map, and show how they could possibly be the same distance on a circle instead of a sphere.
You can't? Then that is the proof.
I have to check that. That said and back to the missing curvature, where is the curve?
Draw the lines, and you'll see that the curve is the only plausible solution.
173314 173315
Do you have a pic?
Several. Scroll up.
Here's just one example
I'm sick of them squirming away. I've spoonfed them so there's no excuse about how hard it is to look back.
173318 173319
>Don't bring up philosophical theorems like Occam's Razor if you don't want them to be applied to you as well.
it never applied to me though, try again. "they cant fake everything" is not a rebuttal. you made the presumption that logistics is sound evidence, you need to back it up.
>So atheists supporting flat earth support your claim that the globe model is satanic, but Christians supporting round earth doesn't support that the globe model isn't satanic?
Its sad that I have to even explain this. Who cares about who calls themselves "Christian"? nothing special in that argument. most Christians believe in all sorts of deceptions. There just seems to be a extreme correlation between scienceTM approved cosmology and having a higher percentage of atheism in a society. dont think its a coincidence. of course, I grant that many flat earthers and Christians both believe in insane things. who cares
>So atheists supporting flat earth support your claim that the globe model is satanic, but Christians supporting round earth doesn't support that the globe model isn't satanic?
no. imagine being this light switch brained. never did I say atheists claim that. but they believe flat earth for other reason, such as observational evidence. both religion and evidence are good reasons to believe flat earth, for some not all
He will never be powerful. People don't give him anything; he just convinces them to surrender their souls and be miserable like him, and he only does so because he's jealous of them and wants to drag them down to his level.
everytime you commit a sin you do a deal with the devil, can you tell us when the last time you sinned was? also youre rhetoric makes zero sense, people dont give their souls to satan, but they "surrender" their souls? what does that even mean lul
Ill ask this another time. everytime you sin you do a deal with the devil. can you tell us when was the last time you sinned?
>Muh Satan always has ur sole.
Did you not read that nothing can ever take away from God's grasp?
>When sinned last?
I'm not Jesus despite He who lives in me, it's likely I'll keep on fucking up.
Do you understand why His victory is so total and complete?
Do you not know you live in a totally new way of living that's not being under the Law?
>but muh Satan?
What about him? Satan's a bitch ass pansy.
>deal with Satan
Haha, no that's not how that works. Could a person actually attempt making a deal, kinda. But why would you? When you actually understand who God said you are why would you try taking a bad deal with that cunt?
Sin is transgressing God's immutable law. Transgressing means you violated the Law criminal scum.
Notice Satan is just trying to convince you to break rules because he doesn't like you.
You could even say he's a nudger.
God knowing Satan is going to nudge and tempt and fuck around, had the find out.
That is something even greater than the rule of God's Law. The Laws which Satan was using to nudge retards into breaking.
>But muh deal with debil!
No dice, it's about which spirit is inside of you. It's either God or something else or nothing. Something else can easily enter an empty undefended house.
>But muh sin?
Did you talk with Jesus or The Holy Ghost or Our Father?
Or are you kind of just saying shit? If you are I'll have you know I'm well versed in this topic you're trying to claim superiority on and more importantly The Comforter who shows God's Mind. So then it wouldn't be me who succeeds it's Him.
Are you sure?
>"they cant fake everything" is not a rebuttal.
Nobody said they couldn't. We only said they had no motive to do something so difficult.
>it never applied to me though
If it applies to anyone, it applies to you too.
>Who cares about who calls themselves "Christian"?
Then what makes you an authority on who is a good Christian? You've been making up heretical non-canon nonsense about "sucking energy"; you're none to judge others for their faith just because the idea of the universe being vast makes you feel small.
>There just seems to be a extreme correlation between scienceTM approved cosmology and having a higher percentage of atheism in a society. dont think its a coincidence.
Correlation =/= causation
Basic statistics.
>people dont give their souls to satan
I didn't say that.
>they "surrender" their souls?
To turn away from God and face damnation with Satan is surrender. Satan's whole gig is trying to trick you into making the wrong choice, so you can burn with him.
>can you tell us when the last time you sinned was?
Yes, I can.
173321 173322
>completely avoids the question
youre the one claiming Satan has no power. hes a fallen angel after all, and has thousands of years of knowlege and wisdom
>Then what makes you an authority on who is a good Christian? You've been making up heretical non-canon nonsense about "sucking energy"; you're none to judge others for their faith just because the idea of the universe being vast makes you feel small.
this is a flat earth thread not a Christian thread. but you first define what you mean by "good christian". also you dont know what heretical means
>Correlation =/= causation
reddit moment. there are both correlation and causation. you are illiterate and dont know what those mean
>Thousands of year to attempt to be God.
>Whiffs it.
>God wins, but Satan try's to scramble together a response.
>Fucks up and fails.
Wooow, a being who is more like a very loud multitone calculator that could calculate far more than the physical brain could do acts like a frustrated glownigger and accomplishes nothing in the end besides being a dressed up tool.
>You got to worry.
No. Love isn't based in fear. Satan is just some faggot being a dick.
God, His Spirit and His Son has the keys to everything and more, they called us to be family with them. The Creator of everything including Satan and me and you has an interest in us. If you ask you'll recieve.
He won't let you go when you reach back.
That's why I don't care about Satan or his cohorts or minions or whatever.
He's got this.
If you want to participate with Him it's highly recommended. Just spending anything with God is always worth it.
You haven't been recieving because you haven't been asking.
It's so important that you have The Holy Ghost inside you so what He has in store for you is right there.
>Knowledge Wisdom
Why would I listen to Satan when I can listen to Him who is far greater.
Anything Satan would attempt to give of his will would be tainted at best.
>Smorter than you
Point is I'm insignificant, but God has the scale balanced. What you choose is yours. You can, because of God's grace.
That's also why I don't fret about Satan or any of those fucks.
You ask for the scales to be tipped to God's side even when fuck ups happen, and it already is so.
Besides why ask Satan when I can ask God?
God knows, and He has better things in store.
>Correlation Causation
Prove it. Point being you need more data to fo so.
>you dont know what heretical mean
>belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious (especially Christian) doctrine.
"Sucking energy" isn't part of Christianity. You made it up, and you're trying to pass it off as gospel when it's just your fanfic headcanon, which is heresy by definition.
>claiming Satan has no power
He has no power over Christians. He is a tranny loser who's afraid of Jesus.
>thousands of years of knowlege and wisdom
He was at the peak of his wisdom when he served god, and has not gotten smarter since he fell from grace. He is incapable of learning, and refuses to even read the book. All of his demons kill themselves if you tell them the name of Christ, and he'd kill himself too if he weren't too scared to ever go near a Christian.
>define what you mean by "good christian"
Not my place to judge. Ask God.
>reddit moment
I have never used reddit even once, lol.
>there are both correlation and causation
There is not even correlation. People have believed in the world being round for centuries. The decline in religiosity is a very recent phenomena in the past few decades.
>you are illiterate and dont know what those mean
You can't even form a proper sentence, capitalize your words, punctuate your sentences, or properly place an apostrophe in contractions, and yet you call others illiterate.
You are a hypocrite.
>Why would I listen to Satan
didnt say you should
>Prove it. Point being you need more data to fo so.
i dont have to prove anything, both correlation and causation exists. youve said nothing here.
There is no correlation, neither is there causation.
Decline in religiosity occurred centuries after most people believed that the world was round.
you believe satan doesnt feed off the energy of others, and nothing in your definition is relevant to what I said. like I said, you dont understand what heresy is, and by claiming satan doesn feed of the energy of sould, is non-canon and heretical. you got it backwards
>Not my place to judge. Ask God.
then why did you bring up "good Christian" if you cant define what you meant?
yes there is, correlation and causation both exist. youre denying the existence of statistical measurements
>yes there is, correlation
How is it a correlation if one even happens centuries after the other? If they do not occur in the same millenia, they are not correlated.
>then why did you bring up "good Christian"
It was you who was accusing others of being Satanic false-Christians.
>you believe satan doesnt feed off the energy of others,
I believe he's a faggot tranny who will never have any power, and only tries to tempt people because that's what total losers do.
>by claiming satan doesn feed of the energy of sould, is non-canon and heretical. you got it backwards
What Christian canon, scripture, tradition or history makes references to Satan "feeding off of energy"? How is that Christian dogma?
>It was you who was accusing others of being Satanic false-Christians
I said they are fake Christians, lukewarm and soft. I never said the term "satanic christian"
>What Christian canon, scripture, tradition or history makes references to Satan "feeding off of energy"? How is that Christian dogma?
you tell me the reason you think satan wants to take souls in the first place. more semantics
>you tell me the reason you think satan wants to take souls in the first place.
Because he's jealous and spiteful, so he wants other losers to suffer with him.
Misery loves company.
>fake Christians
Who are you to judge who is a real Christian?
>more semantics
On that note, maybe learn some proper grammar.
Why do you assume we believe in your fiction BS, or that we are right wing nuts to begin with? I couldn't vote for Trump as soon he showed his zionist interest, and never regretted it.
Flat earth is about research, not politics or religion, myself I'm leaning left because I question authority.

Lmao I''ve shown this post to a friend, had a good laugh, may bring it to a convention!

I know you are a scientist but you just prove you're just a religious nutcase. Research, research research! I pay you with my taxes!
>Who are you to judge who is a real Christian?
by what they say and preach. which authority are you goimg to appeal to? you think calling yourself "Christian" is good enough grounds for good morals? how did you arrive at that conclusion?
>good enough grounds for good morals?
The shape of the earth is not a moral question.
It’s not really a religious question either, you’re pretty much just taking Christianity and grafting your own schizo fanfiction onto it.
I know. It was the flat earther who claimed it was a religious thing.
The boomer said that round earth is a conspiracy to turn people into nihilistic atheists, just because the idea of the universe being big makes him feel small. He went further as to say that they do it so that Satan can "suck up nihilistic energy".
Other Christian anons were saying that he is wrong, because the idea of a round earth or large universe never prevented them from being Christians, as well as to debate the non-canon idea of Satan "sucking energy" from people, which isn't a canon part of Christian dogma or tradition.
>Why do you assume we believe
Because 3/4 times people claim that the earth is flat, it's just religious screeching.
But since you claim otherwise, what would you say is the motive for why the powers that be would go through so much trouble to create a round earth conspiracy? What do they have to gain? Why would they do this? What is their reason to spend trillions of dollars and centuries of time and effort to do this?
> I know. It was the flat earther who claimed it was a religious thing
My bad fam, thought you were the other guy. With no IDs it’s hard to tell who’s who.
>With no IDs it’s hard to tell who’s who.
By design. The boomer made the thread without IDs to mask how hard he's been samefagging.
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