This thread is meant to debunk the deranged idea that our realm is a planet floating in space.
If the so called established science can't be challenged, then it's not science, but religion.
2721 replies and 1396 files omitted.
Dear Flat Earthers
if the earth is not round why are Radio Towers and Trebuchets designed with the curvature of the earth in mind?
>>158252>they faked that too?In absence of space, that is the most plausible explanation.
>>158253Imagine unironically saying this
>>158048Little girls truly are the best
I post this for the globers. I truly doubt they will grasp the concept.
>Black Sun and Moon Phases Explanation>>158414By the way, I understand that access to the north pole is also forbidden as men with guns are guarding it.
>>158416>men with guns are guarding itYou talking about the Russians securing their oil reserves?
>How the moon happens one on the Black Sun and the Moon.
>>158414So, a model that consiats of more than basic sketches should be forthcoming right? I mean, if that actually worked, it should be a simple matter to make a predictive model right? Nevermind the
>the sun and the moon are hologramsassertion, lets see a model.
>158557>gets the compass and square backward>look guise, its totally the same! These arre the sekretz obs da maysonsThis is why most people need guidance and direction in their initiation. Its very easy to misinterpret and misappropriate meaning from occult symbols
>>158558>This is why most people need guidance and direction in their initiation. Its very easy to misinterpret and misappropriate meaning from occult symbolsYeah. It is not what it seems. It is all product of imagination. /s
>>158559No, it definitely requires a Cypher to properly decode it all. Without that cypher however, one does tend to get blown away on flights of fancy, as evidenced in this video
>>158560>CypherIf for cypher you mean Gematria, then all is already set. Freemasonry is Kabbalism for the goyim and its sorcery is almost public.
>>158561Again, if that were the case, a model would be easily concocted, with easily established values.
To both remind flaggits which thread IS the flat earth thread, AND to propose a challenge which would give credit to the theory
We know gubmints wont allow entry to antarctica without authorization, whatever that REALLY means (again, no contest, its spoopy).
Why then doesnt someone sail around the perimeter of antarctica - in whatever way you want to visualize - and plot their trajectory? It would make very clear very fast which way the boat was steering, as well as the distances travelled.
>>158740>Why then doesnt someone sail around the perimeter of antarcticaRead the thread and search it for Captain Cook.
>>149114>>149115>>149629 >>158743Yes! Cook's account is valid, but inconclusive! But I know someone somewhere has the means to livestream the shit, in current year. It will take me a couple decades to manage on my own, but if it hasn't happened by then I absolutely will. Indpendently manned and heavily vetted and doxed for transparency. Like, everyone subject to the third degree
oh shit, that was a masonic reference! It literally was, where do you think the term 'giving the 3rd degree comes from? and made public.
And by made public, I mean in a convenient file attached to video records, not citations.
And for clarity, I mean sail at least once, with overlapped cameras cycling their video times ensuring all equipment maintenance is likewise filmed, with live location, compass, etc coordinates visible
Twilight knows. Equestria is flat.
>>158804Twilight is too smart to believe in a flat equestria
>>158816Equestria is not Earth. It could easily be flat.
At the very least, the sun and moon are smaller that the world.
>>158836Oh my God! Discord used a turn of phrase and the ponies are looking at a map, It Must be Flat!
>>158840Its Not Flat, And twilight is too High IQ to believe that it is.
>>158844It's not necessarily round either though.
Equestria is a fantasy world. It could be shaped like anything. The fact that the Equestria doesn't orbit its sun leaves the door open to completely different cosmologies.
With a telescope can be brought it into a full view as shown over and over in this thread.
You are a deceiver.
>>159485>your photograph evidence of landmarks viewed over planetary curvature are BULLSHIT! cuz I SAY SO!Reiterating. Pic related displays curvature. Curvature is impossible on a flat earth.
Ergo, there cant be a flat earth.
>>159488Also, to clarify:
If one operates off the premise of this linked post, and the subsequently linked posts then OP alleges:
Ita circular reasoning(logic) to refute rhetorical/spurious posturing (see
>>159468) especially with unarguable photographic (read: not subject to interpretation) evidence or else it's 'bullshit' for reasons that you're not allowed to know cuz (you) are in on the NASA-masonic conspiracy
Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk
>>159490>Still waitingIf you believe Earth is round because a local optical effect on perspective, then you have a loooooooong way before to come to your senses.
The pile of evidence disproving the ball and cementing the plane is overwhelming.
>>159492>wont respond to literal still-frames that refute entire premise>claims others wont come to their sensesStill waiting on the refutation of Calculus, while we're at it, which wouldnt work if the earth was flat
>>159488It's spherical logic actually, you are just to dumb to understand it.
>>150294 look, Disney made a 220 mile-high elevator, with a restaurant at the top.
Let me guess, its fake?