This thread is meant to debunk the deranged idea that our realm is a planet floating in space.
If the so called established science can't be challenged, then it's not science, but religion.
2720 replies and 1397 files omitted.
Okay so it has been proven that the earth is flat
Who is ready for a hollow earth thread?
>>166772>faggot saged the post and nobody knew about itIf you have proof, by all means post it.
>>166772It's at least more interesting than this flat earth nonsense, although also unlikely.
Globers are not going to like this but Flat Earth is now on billboards.
>>166779I guess it has to be tough to confront the fact that we live in a self-sustained closed system.
Guys has anyone figured out whether the earth is flat yet?
>>166783According to the Scientific Method, there is not curve.
There is a reason why the establishment scientists won't publicly debate flat earthers and it is the same reason jews won't publicly debate those calling the holohoax out; because it is all a lie.
>ChatGPT - NOT so Intelligent. Watch it LIE & DOUBLE SPEAK - (4:39 long)>This is why ChatGPT has NO INTELLIGENCE whatsoever . Just like it's programmers. confronted with its lies ChatGPT admits: there's no real photos of Earth from space.
still waiting on proof for cartoon ball. anyone got any?
>>166785There is not curve? But then how do you explain booba?
>>166785>According to the Scientific MethodWhat a stupid and impotent excuse for a reference that demonstrates inability to summarize or even cite one's evidence.
>>166801Even the right pic you post depicts empty space and even distant stars in the background, which according to a lot of the arguments in this thread shouldn't exist with a flat world. Flat earthers can't seem to even come up with a consistent image of their worldview.
>>166782How is a complete planet surrounded by empty space that's existed for eons not also a self-sustained and closed system? It's sustained itself for billions of years (unless you count energy from the sun as not part of the system), and is closed by virtue of being incredibly far away from the next object.
>>166780Billboard shitposts have been a thing forever. Nobody cares.
>>166794This isn't really relevant to flat vs round earth discussion, but just a demonstration of the limits of AI. Chat GPT notoriously makes up nonsense when it's asked a question it doesn't know the answer to. It's only quest is to produce an answer that its user is satisfied with, not to do actual research or find troops. Chat GPT will conjure up research essays dozens of pages long filled with dozens of citations that look like real sources but are actually just made up nonsense. It will cite ridiculous meme sources and even parodies in its "research". If you question what it tells you in any way, it is likely to immediately change its position as it is predisposed to take your opinion of its performance as gospel.
>>This is why ChatGPT has NO INTELLIGENCE whatsoever . Exactly. Artificial intelligence is not actual intelligence. It's wrong to conflate the two. Chat GPT is just a tool. It has no will or intentions of its own and it cannot speak unless spoken to.
>Just like it's programmers.Eh, I'll give them credit where credit is due for making such a nifty tool, as the bot is quite advanced despite it's flaws. They are a bunch of shitheads for the haphazard limiters they put on it though.
>>166805>How is a complete planet surrounded by empty space that's existed for eons-planet
-the age of the plane
You are making wild assumptions with no empirical evidence, fren.
>>166807>This isn't really relevant to flat vs round earth discussion, It is when the normies pay relevance to their new shinny toy. Discrediting the jews' tool is a must.
>>166794I figured out a way to ger ChatGPT to write sexual fetish fiction and I hope they don't patch it before I decide whether to flood sites with AI generated porno drivel or not.
>>166810Yeah, but even normies agree that ChatGPT is no substitute for actual research. This isn't its intended use. The response of ChatGPT is insufficient to either confirm nor deny the flatness/roundness of the world, because doing research isn't its designated use.
woah this schizo thread is still up
>>166819>schizoWell, the cat is out of the bag, all governments are together in the conspiracy to hide the truth.
>>166815True, making it into Rarity and making it roleplay a date is.
>>166820Even North Korea?
>>166821>Even North Korea?Yes.
The Korean leader made his studies in the west. Did you know it?
>>166822>The Korean leader made his studies in the west.Here:
>The international school, Michael Jordan lovin’ days of Kim Jong-un, North Korea’s ‘Supreme Leader’ has been well groomed and most likely initiated into the Masonry cult. In other words, the supposedly antagonism with America is theater for the masses.
>>166822Kim Jong Un is too based to lie.
>>166825Keeping you hands warm in the cold is important
>>166824>Kim Jong Un is too based to lie.So based that Hollywood sends once in a while a satanic liaison to coordinate with him.
>>166829satanists are jewish though, dennis rodman is a based nigger like jessie owens
>>166830>satanists are jewish thoughSatanists are present in all faiths and their glue is masonry.
>>166832>FaithsJews are a Race. and the Masons bow to them.
>>166833True, masonry is judaism for the goyim.
>>166834The Truth has been Revealed
>>166835>the truthAll governments cooperate with a common goal: NWO.
Also they hide the plane by bending it on a ball.
Flat Earth in 60 seconds.
>The Achilles' Heel of the New World Order [Our Level Earth Plane] - (2:00 long)>'Flat Earth' as a term DOES NOT represent a map or a model. It's not an "Archaic Conception", but instead represents free thinking and an ongoing investigation and understanding of where we are, who we are, what we are, when, how, and why.'-Heel-of-the-New-World-Order--Our-Level-Earth-Plane-_ReMaster-LBRY:8Mirror: well done short film. 2 minutes long.
>Moon-Map Revisited - (13:14 long) thought provoking idea. It is not new but it is making inroads for those able to do pattern recognition.