This thread is meant to debunk the deranged idea that our realm is a planet floating in space.
If the so called established science can't be challenged, then it's not science, but religion.
>>164827Hyperborean is the north pole.
>>164829thats what (((they))) want you to think but there's no land at the north pole
>>164830Does anybody went to the north pole? Is anybody even allowed to go there?
>>164830Literally all of the mythology of hyperborea is centered around the direction "north".
>>164831People cross the pole of the time. The main reason why they don't do it often is because it's dangerous and not always necessary.
Also, international law is laughably impotent, especially when it comes to restricting access to areas. They can't even stop Japs from hunting whales to extinction.
The Arctic circle is expected to become contested between the US and Russia in the near future, since recent ice melts have eased travel and unearthed precious mineral deposits.
>>164831the Arctic is a lot more accessible than Antarctica, companies will even take you on a tour there for "request a quote" levels of money and the Russians have sailed a nuclear icebreaker all the way there and back
>>164826>international communityIt's really just absurd that people imply that the "international community", many of which are sworn enemies of eachother, could have or would have coordinated a massive intercontinental conspiracy to keep the shape of the earth flat, when they've fallen flat on enforcing virtually any other kind of international law.
We've had two world wars, and a cold war thereafter where countries were fighting tooth and nail for influence. Why would so many countries pass up the opportunity to spill the beans and embarrass their enemies for political advantage?
>inb4 JewsJews can't even get half of Muslims to stop hating them on a national level. They are not all powerful when it comes to international media influence, especially not in non-western countries.
>>164834correction: the Russians have sailed at least two nuclear ice breakers to 90 degrees north
>>164835I brought something like this up earlier in the thread, some guy actively evading both sides in WWII sailed all the way around the world below the capes and OP in his infinite wisdom said he was a globalist masonic shill
see: Vito Dumas
>>164837Wait, did he imply that Hitler was working for Jews to keep the flat earth a secret...?
>>164838why do you think he didn't genocide any of them anon?
>>164841he's laying low until we all forget that he's got questions to answer, don't let him forget.
>>164842There's only like 25 active posters to this site. He can't possibly think we'd all forget.
>>164842>>164843He's not gonna respond, ask me how I know. It's not about convincing him, it's about displaying for anons how ridiculous his premise is.
>>164835Yeah, while I'm not saying that the earth is flat, I do want to point out that there's nothing absurd about conspiracies across the world.
The cold war was an illusion and if muslims were a threat they'd stop them from entering countries were they live but they don't. Jews aren't afraid of muslims.
>Why would so many countries pass up the opportunity to spill the beans and embarrass their enemies for political advantage?Because they aren't nationalist, why would they care what happens to their country?
>>164844Honestly, I wouldn't respond either. It's a waste of time speaking to people who clearly don't listen to you. The idea of wining debates to further one's ideology's position is a monkey on your back. There's no winning from there. On that note, he has been active in defending his position earlier in thread.
Regardless, winning a debate is not proof that one's position is the correct one.
>>164845>people who clearly don't listen to yoLike, you do in fact do not believe ijn this, right? I'm not trying to say you're too arrogant or anything but it's very clear that you strongly disbelieve.
>>164845>Jews aren't afraid of Muslims>Muslims aren't a threatthese aren't mutually exclusive, my friend. They let them into your country because they're not a threat to Jews specifically, but they are a threat to you when they're in your country, like any ethnic minority that refuses to assimilate into your culture.
you know.... like Jews
>>164847Yeah, true. And I know, that's what meant but it came wrong.
>>164838>Wait, did he imply that Hitler was working for Jews to keep the flat earth a secret...?WOW, the shilling is intense today.
Everybody knew that Earth is flat at that time. Uncle Adolf included. See
>>157419 and
>>164844>it's about displaying for anons how ridiculous his premise is.OP come with facts, but all you have is character assassination and debunked NASA shills. If anybody is looking ridiculous it is (you).
Flat eartherism is still fucking gay
>>164845Ngl, that's a rather cucked position to take. If one's ideas don't withstand opposition, one needs to bow out, not maintain.
>>164850Ladies and gentlemen, cognitive dissonance at it's finest.
>>164853>le smug pony response imageThis is OP, Ladies and gentlemen
I don’t believe in Flat Earthers
>>164855And yet the famous curve can't be found.
>>164857hey OP, scroll back up, you've got a LONG backlog of explanations, faggot.
>>164856It literally has been. You just dismiss anybody who doesn't reaffirm your existing beliefs as a "NASA/Freemason shill".
I'm beginning to suspect that you wouldn't even accept direct empirical evidence seeing the earth from space.
Also, answer all the earlier questions/refutations, you conniving coward.
>>164859"my eyes themselves are freemasonic, jesuit shills" - OP, seconds before blinding himself after his ride to space
>>164849That's a map.
Hitler didn't believe the earth was flat, and the proof of that was that he sent an expedition to the north pole to investigate the Hollow Earth theory.
>>164857This is simple. The craft was moving with the earth on its axis, just like anything else that moves straight upwards. It's geostationary.
On an unrelated note Baumgartner is a retard for thinking it was possible somehow to break the sound barrier by falling from great height. Terminal velocity is a thing.
>>164852>If one's ideas don't withstand opposition, one needs to bow out, not maintain.Oh, come on, Anon. That's never stopped any /pol/ack or other imageboard user before.
>>164852Are you saying there hasn't been a single debate in which the person who was wrong won?
It's a waste of time. In the end it's both for the sake of pride but also for political appeal to others. Both of these don't serve you. Pride gets in the way of intellectual development of ones ideas and influencing others is best done by playing on your homefield, as in books or something. Some sort of focused push than endlessly debating people on the internet.
>>164865look man I just like checking in here every few days and curb stomping OP's retarded beliefs, don't look any further into it. I'm here for my entertainment, if the rest of you get a chuckle out of it I win even more
>>164850You repeatedly calling people "NASA shills" without substantial evidence is the definition of character assassination and ad hominem.
>If anybody is looking ridiculous it is (you).Said the pot to the kettle.
>>164865>It's a waste of time.This, tbh. It's not exactly the most productive or interesting use of energy.
>>164866The beliefs really don't need to be curbstomped. You've already made your point to all 4-5 guys who even bother to read this thread, and OP certainly isn't changing his mind.
Couldn't you find something more substantial to argue about? That argument energy would be better invested making politics threads, or arguing about which mare is cutest.
Outstanding, the shilling is off the chart today.
>>164868if you think this is the only place I'm shitposting you're very wrong
>>164866>curb stomping OP's retarded beliefsFacts are facts. This realm is flat.
>>164871why does the land float on the ocean if gravity isn't real and density determines where things go on the planet? (both claims of your Mr. Dubay)
>>164872by the way, my friend, you CAN experimentally prove this one yourself, go outside (hard, I know)
find a rock
drop it in water
>>164870I didn't say that. I said you're just wasting your time in this particular thread. It would be better spent elsewhere.
>>164874I don't understand why people think it takes some massive time and effort to bang out 3 sentences or less dunking on a retard. I have a triple digit IQ, this isn't some massive use of my time. Most of the time I do it between work tasks or lift sets
Not sure who is trolling and baiting who.
>>163383If we're gonna go on about assertions unresponded to, I'd like for OP to respond to NASAs assertion that its a pone